LISA RENEE: Shifting Timelines ~ “Gemini Solar Alchemy”

Dear Ascending Family,

We pray that everyone on the front lines in the ascending spiritual communities are doing as well as possible in the current terrain, protecting your sacred crystal heart and holding as much unconditional love inside your body as you can muster. As we experience the outer events rapidly unfolding, even when we have been made aware of the scope of these anti-human agendas, seeing them play out so aggressively in the physical world while seeing loved ones and many other humans being harmed from these dreadful lies, can send shock waves throughout our system.

As we move into the Summer Solstice, the Sun is receiving a tremendous variation of solar streams in the form of highly refined Golden Sun light-spirit plasma transmissions from the Cosmic Founder Source Domains for activating the Solar Breath within the Solarized Golden Heart and Lungs. These solar streams are catalyzed by the hierogamic merge of Solar Michael and Solar Mary’s Golden Sun DNA template into a Golden Templar Ankh Body in the gender twin matrix of the Temple of Khemalohatea. These are male and female solarized gender corrections of Sek-Khem, and are filled with golden cube solar codes that are transmitting activations for solarizing the heart-lung wings for transfiguring lunar breath patterns into solar-spirit breath channels in angelic humans.

As ascension prototypers for building the Krystal Cathedral architecture for the Solar Female Melchizedeks to embody their Tiamati principle, this has allowed the authentic Triple Solar Reisha’s spiritual hierarchies comprised of Holy Mother and her Solar Daughters sophianic aspects to finally begin to manifest into this matter realm. Thus, the physical to emotional aspects have been especially heightened with reviewing and clearing all related Mother and Daughter archetypal relationship roles and their Dark Mother histories perpetuating the lunar daughter demonic force dysfunctions and their related emotional traumas. These solar female patterns of lunar transfiguration into the solar sacrum and solarized breath to release pent up grief in the lungs and unwind related physical traumas are surfacing during the spiritual initiations that began during the Taurus alchemy cycle.  

As we enter Gemini Solar Alchemy, the Cosmic Father’s eternal light is shone upon the false gender twins used for gender splitting and inserting the alien hybridization Enki DNA Overlays and False Parent coding with Enki as Father God and Enlil as Mother God, that was purposely being imprinted into the spleen and human blood. This was for the purpose of spiritually disconnecting angelic humans from their true God creator, inserting the False Father Alien Gods in their place, and perpetuating the Fallen Kali-Reema time cycle distortions running AI timelines that were being operated from Avebury Henge and Gobekli Tepe.  Gemini constellation rules the air elementals which have been distorted from these anti-Christ reversals with lunar breath, evil winds and assorted composites of corrupted shadow elementals. Thus, Holy Father’s Solar Melchizedek Dragon is active with Christ Michael’s Golden Templar shield during the Summer Solstice activations to correct the air elementals from lunar corruptions, supporting the spleen’s ability to clean the blood during Gemini’s cycle, and continuing with mass soul retrievals during the ongoing Taurus and Gemini architectural restorations.

During the move into Gemini Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of Gemini to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.

  • Stage 3 Gemini, June 20 to July 20
  • Alchemical Theme: Fixation, Synthesis
  • Element: Air, Mutable
  • Elemental Form: Octahedron, 8 faces, 6 points, 12 edges, and 1440 degree
  • Alchemical Metal: Quicksilver
  • Primary Planetary Correlation: Mercury
  • Embodied Correlations: Incarnate Identity, Ego Mind, Chakra 3 Manipura, RA center. In the individual lightbody that has been activated, the entire solar plexus area reconfigures the mental body layers into a golden teardrop as an inner Solar Gate energy vortice, which is called the RA Center.
  • Gemini rules: shoulders, arms, hands, upper ribs, lungs, trachea, bronchi, capillaries, breath, oxygenation of blood.

Fixation in alchemy refers to a process by which a previously volatile substance is transformed into a form, often a solid form that is not affected by fire or heat. It separates the substance or object and rearranges it back into the same or a different shape at a subatomic level. This is the process which transforms the subatomic levels of the body’s energetic-etheric blueprint. As subatomic particles rearrange, it stimulates ionization of atoms which produces electrical energy and a series of chemical reactions in the body. It is a continual progress of polarity synthesis of unstable forces which are then transformed into a more stable form that is the foundation for embodying the higher spiritual self. Fixation is one of the processes required for transformation of a base substance, or one level of completion of the alchemical magnum opus through the subatomic structure. This is the process of polarity integration between the newly reassembled parts of adding or subtracting the required elements and patterns that are being synthesized into the body consciousness. Fixation is required for the transformation of the elemental substances for the ultimate completion of the alchemical magnum opus.

Law of Polarity

  • Astrological Correspondence: Gemini – Mercury – Air
  • Chakra and Sphere 3, Conscious Mind of Ego-Personality

The natural Law of Polarity, also referred to as the Pair of Opposites, is intertwined with the Law of Gender but is not to be confused as the same thing. Essentially, it means that things that may appear as opposites are actually varying degrees of positive and negative poles or one of the two sides of the same thing. There are two sides of polarity that exist within everything. Everything is dual; everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites, and the opposites are identical in nature but exist in different degrees. When we can see both sides of these polarities operating in the world, we can elevate above the opposing energies and the issues they may generate, by observing them from the neutral state. We can transform our thoughts and transform the situation by simply raising our vibration from out of the polarized state, through holding neutral or Compassionate Witnessing. All manifested things have two sides, two aspects, or two poles. So, taking in this information every person, place or thing will have an energetic polarity in particle matter and its double in anti-particle matter, and that combination is balanced or weighted in one form of energetic polarity or its opposite. Ultimately our spiritual goal is to unify and link up the particle matter and anti-particle matter of our consciousness body via the process of polarity integration. Polarity Integration is identifying and locating that consciousness content we have which may be unable to link and bond together, and then intending to unify them through the observer-witness in the neutral point or through the love vibration. This practice is the art of mental alchemy which includes the process of transmutation of the lower vibrations of fear. This is also represented within our physical gender bodies, which express as a polarity in matter form, when incarnated in a male or female body. While our physical body may appear to exist in one polarity form in matter, our internal and external energies exist in both male and female principles simultaneously.

In honor of the shift into Gemini Solar Alchemywhich governs the Law of Polarity and the conscious mind that we perceive as a self or ego-personality, our offering is to revisit the previous newsletter themes of Abuses of Power through the ongoing study of how a pathological society is created by pathological minds.

To decode the pathological mind, the next question to ask ourselves is who actually generated it through the intentional promotion of a pathological society. At what point did the death culture, consumptive modeling, never-ending wars and the incoherent spreading of mass chaos and destruction become the socially accepted, tolerated and normalized way of life for humanity? When did we choose to forsake the light of creation within us for the empty shadows of darkness, brutality and despair? Further, how could this have happened?

Abuses of Power

In these tumultuous and challenging times of great transition for humanity, we are being forced to repeatedly observe how the values and organizing principles of current human culture have been shaped to distort natural laws and subvert human heart-based values.  The main pillars of society have been built to enslave the masses and extract resources for those at the top and their corrupt minions, willing to turn on their fellow human beings.  If we look at the main problems created in the world, they have been built upon inverted values, enforced by the controller archetype of the False King of Tyranny. 

The mass media projection of the idealized successful masculine archetype is one that climbs the corporate or social ladder to be given absolute power in his domain, as long as he plays ball with the upper ruling class.  To maintain his status and wealth, he is used to continually commit gross Abuses of Power that are intentionally directed against his fellow human beings, to propagate slavery to consumerism and to continually profit off of their misery. Without understanding the NAA oversight in the mind control game behind the creation of these crumbling structures, we misperceive the problems in the world as based on human incompetence and greed.  These structures are by design.

Yet, without this understanding many still run to the False King of Tyranny like a father figure hoping that he will extend his almighty power in order to grant them immunity from the evils in the world. Like a traumatized child that has been repeatedly abused by their own parents, many people are still clinging to the appearances of power, unable to see that it is he that is perpetrating the many Abuses of Power.  Many of these power abuses are being highlighted all around us, which we may repeatedly see as being carried out by the controller archetype that lives in the negative ego of fear based human beings.  As the controller’s desperation and anxiety increases from losing power in the earthly domain, he is even more aggressive to stay on top, more willing to kill and maim in the process. The exploitations of those weakened in the consciousness shift are being committed as physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, mental, and social abuses that create intense damage and destruction, not only to the victims but also commit long term harm to their communities and industries in a variety of ways. 

In order to clearly see that Abuses of Power have been the essential ingredient in the corrupted structure that shapes the society in which we live, we must first recognize that the abuse of power is at an epidemic level of mass proportions. Only when we can see power abuses in hindsight and in action, can we begin to comprehend the true purposes that are underlying them. One of the biggest tasks humanity faces is dismantling the mind control programming that was written by the NAA to worship absolute power as an authority, such as worshipping the rich and famous or social media celebrities as Gods. Somehow, we have been socially conditioned to believe that famous people we all recognize are actually experts at anything. They have been paid copious amounts to appear as an authority in order to represent the marketing of their brands. Why is it that most people do not pay attention or notice the obvious self-serving motivations and conflicts of interest, promoted throughout consumerism and popular opinion? People worship outward appearances of power for all the wrong reasons and seek to emulate its image, as represented in consumer advertising from the morally and spiritually bankrupt.

Misappropriated power is being systematically abused at a terrible human cost, in which ethical conduct and moral character is not even an important factor to consider in conscious decision making which greatly impacts our lives. How did that person achieve his wealth, riches and fame? If he raped, pillaged or ritualized others for it, should we care? Humanities obsession with riches, fame and celebrity on the world stage keeps handing narcissists and psychopaths access to others resources, which further hands them absolute power and an untouchable status. Humanity is guilty of creating the pedestal for the Power Elite, turning a blind eye as they have continually held disdain for the masses and abused their power.  This is the time where we must stop and redefine our own relationship to power and further re-contextualize and redesign the meaning of power in our personal life, and within world society.

This is where the decisional framework must be considered for each person, in order to make well informed decisions about where they place personal consent for Abuses of Power through their own behaviors. The domineering bullies at the top have always manipulated the knowledge that appearances and marketing illusions are all that matters in controlling the narratives and that having the substance to back it up is not required. Some people do not value a spiritual platform that is aligned with all of humanity, where unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and peace are the set goals for achieving inner coherence, while practicing higher standards of ethical behavior.

Instead, they may believe that these are the qualities and attributes of weak and ignorant people, and the only way to success is ruthless self-interest in a dog-eat-dog world. Each person must decide if they are willing to be aligned to their purposes of spiritual growth and to grow into feeling empathy for living things, as this is intrinsic to becoming an authentic and balanced human being during the Ascension Cycle. By accepting the challenge that we all face in life on earth, as we are emerging from the dark aeon of nonhuman entity invasion, this phase supports us to increase personal competencies and gain self-knowledge, to grow into our highest spiritual strength and the true form of benevolent power. If we refuse to recognize life challenges as lessons and opportunities for spiritual growth and cannot gain valuable wisdom from the direct gnosis of higher truths, we are missing the most important message of our time on the earth during the Ascension Cycle.

Institutional Structures Serve Master-Slave Mentality

The controller guided institutional structures that model Abuses of Power by worshipping profit-based incentives and materialist consumerism over the wellbeing of humans are broken and corrupt, they are designed to serve those with the master-slave mentality. We must first realize that the long-term intent of these massive institutions is for mass conformity into the slave mentality, while gradually introducing soft-kill methods of a pre-planned and controlled genocide.  The promotion of poverty, war, disease and human misery are all serving the master mentality that is backed by the alien handlers.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the corrupt systems which govern and control human culture have been socially engineered by the NAA and Power Elite for the purpose of consciousness enslavement in order to achieve these objectives. We have all been groomed to accept the controller pillars of the 3D narrative, and to accept Abuses of Power as a standard human behavior carried out by the self-proclaimed masters. Abuses of Power embedded in the system are not merely a random action or an honest mistake made by putting greedy and corrupt people in positions of power over others. Although this is a strong factor because most of the people in the higher rungs of power have been placed there due to their low ethics or have infiltrated through some larger agenda. It is the intentional design, in the way the societal structures have been meticulously built through secretive means to take control over and shape humanity into the slave mentality, to capture people’s thoughts and to influence them in the direction the Controllers want them to go.

Power Abuses were an essential feature, intentionally designed for the institutions and organizations that were created centuries ago in order to legitimatize and monetize human suffering and world slavery, for the tranquil benefit of the few. This means we must decide how much we are willing to know of these unpleasant truths that have been built into the firmament of the pillars running our society. To what degree can we recognize that we have been intentionally programmed to be totally dependent upon them in order to submit to absolute authority, no matter how inhumane or cruel. Classified documents and non-disclosure agreements under penalty of total annihilation of one’s life and livelihood, keep many a potential whistleblower’s mouth shut. This deeper knowledge will inherently change our world view and belief systems as we shed the slave mentality and begin to critically think for ourselves, in order to become a productive cause for improving the lives of all people, worldwide.

Origins of Power Abuses

For centuries the NAA have developed and exploited multidimensional occult practices through reversal creation code for the purpose of mind control and social engineering, in order to harvest negative emotional energy or energetic loosh from the inhabitants of planet earth. Much of these occult practices can be classified as satanic ritual abuse and black magic and are under the direct aid of the NAA to all that use these methods for gaining power and control over others. The exploitation of planet earth as a harvestable energy source for hidden extradimensional nonhuman entities has created the conditions of worldwide consciousness enslavement, which led to the gross Abuses of Power made against the human species, without their consent and explicit awareness. Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on the earth and by controlling the world’s energy supply, there is absolute control given to those who have harnessed it for their agendas of world slavery. If the methods of harnessing the energy and the real agendas are kept secret, those people easily become the Controllers of some industry or domain and are able to use that power to keep enforcing the slave mentality in the masses. 

The much sought after spiritual energy on planet earth is contained in the multidimensional layers of the consciousness fields that comprise the entire earth’s energy body or lightbody. Every inhabitant of planet earth has an energetic interface in which their spiritual bodies connect into these same multidimensional layers, that make up the systems of electromagnetic fields in the earth. The human body functions like a nerve cell of the planet, connected with all the other nerve cells that exist together within the planetary body.  A nerve cell is an electrically excitable cell that receives, processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals into neural networks. Similar to bundles of nerve cells in an individual body, all human bodies are connected to each other and form massive neural networks that runs an immense amount of electromagnetic energy and intelligent information into the earth body. This consciousness energy is intelligent information recorded in the planetary brain and its complex neurological system, which is the planetary grid network referred to as ley lines and axiatonal lines.

When hidden technology is used for harvesting energy and intelligent instruction sets from planet earth’s grid network, the collective consciousness energy that is being produced from the individual soul-spiritual layers is also being drained from the human body, along with the energy quanta that exists within the planetary body itself. All the kingdoms of nature are living things that also produce an enormous collective energy supply in the planet, the understanding of which is also controlled and suppressed from becoming common knowledge. Electromagnetic energy is absorbed or emitted in distinct packets that contain intelligent consciousness information or is distributed through energy quanta in the earth. The loss of the available consciousness energy on the planet manifests as a system of entropy for all inhabitants, skimming creative life force off the top to be taken elsewhere.; This is what makes a system break down, fall apart, instigate chaos, breed diseases and function far less efficiently, which is another strategic method for setting the conditions of world slavery. Additionally, entropic systems are continually propagated by the NAA to steal the natural energy produced by the individual to be distributed into the larger harvesting structures. These structures direct the energy for the explicit use of other controlling entities, both human and nonhuman, working the long-term enslavement agendas. Similar to a pyramidal hierarchy where all energy resources generated are funneled from the bottom tiers up into the top tiers for their personal benefit, energy is extracted without those on the bottom comprehending how much of their personal energy or valuable currency is being taken by those at the top.

Genetics are Currency

The harvesting of genetic material and consciousness energy is the most valuable type of currency and is used as a medium of exchange by more advanced cultures than what we have currently inherited through the dark age of the NAA invasion. One should be aware that on many other planets monetary systems such as ours do not exist. For the invading species to continue to access the planetary consciousness energy supply without further resistance, humanity has been groomed to ignore genetics and consciousness access as a valuable currency and to focus instead only on an imaginary money supply that is completely controlled and manipulated. Humans are taught to worship the money supply as their primary identification with material success, power and personal fulfillment, as this mind control program to seek power through money has been explicitly designed by the Controllers as a hidden enslavement tool.

Off planet, accessing consciousness energy and sentient intelligence is the highly valued currency, prized by many extradimensional species as a medium of exchange and for generating intelligence for their virtual reality systems. Thus, by having free access to massive amounts of genetic material and consciousness energy produced by someone or something else, this gives an incredible amount of power to those controlling entities who are reaping the benefits of harvesting that energy from others.

This model is surfacing in the mainstream through the advertising of the popular personal genomic companies that use genotyping for their DNA tests, which are now offered to consumers that want to know about their ancestry. Most people do not realize the potential billions of dollars these companies make on the DNA catalogues, which people taking these tests are giving them easy access to. They partner with major biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies to effectively monetize human DNA under the research and development label, which is actually used primarily for nefarious purposes. Digital currency companies that offer a consumer the ability to sequence their own DNA through genetic testing, are then be able to monetize it by selling the information to a collection of data buyers via cryptocurrency, and these are beginning right now. If we can sell our own sequenced DNA for a profit to an enthusiastic buyer for cryptocurrency, we should stop to reflect on the real purpose behind this agenda.

Why would they want the intimate details of our consciousness history that is recorded in our sequenced DNA, exchange it for cryptocurrency and then hand it over to an anonymous corporation in order to control it? Sequencing of human genomes is an unfathomable area of massive profits, translatable into any marketable currency. It is also used for gaining control over consciousness energy and exposes yet another layer to the black hole entities agenda, that want direct access to fully sequenced genomes in the mass population. Remember that the type of DNA sequence that a human being has is responsible for the level of consciousness they have, as well as the level of access they have to move through Stargates and portal systems on the earth. DNA holds the consciousness record in a natural bio-spiritual internet and holds the dimensional keys in the timelines that unlock dimensional doorways throughout the time matrix.

Victors of War Re-wrote World History

When the planet earth was slowly invaded through a series of historical timeline trigger events, the victors of the last war were not human beings. Thus, the NAA was able to freely access the energy quanta of earth and her inhabitants without resistance, because awareness of this fact was methodically erased from historical references and the information suppressed from earth humans. Effectively, this produced anti-human control and mass consciousness enslavement on the earth. The incarnating earth human was no longer able to naturally access the intelligent consciousness of his own spiritual body, without employing sophisticated esoteric practices that necessitated long term efforts for rebuilding the consciousness. The techniques for building the lightbody were taught in the Mystery Schools of various lineages and this information was a tightly held secret, only given to the sequestered monks, elite or the ruling classes.

The timeline event in which history was rewritten occurred during the Sumerian Egyptian invasion, which scrambled the original human DNA creating what science now calls junk DNA, which is unplugged or inactive DNA. This is when we lost access to our real historical records, including the Law of One. It is at this point in the timeline of the final invasion that the victors of war re-wrote world history, which is what we are told happened today through the standard educational curriculum. Around 5,500 years ago, they began methodically forming genetic and social engineering programs that shaped world views appropriate to the current collective consciousness level. They spread the death culture and slave mentality through divide and conquer tactics in an organized and systematic infiltration of the human culture. Through the continual insertion of the predator mind into human culture, the agenda was to create great reward for inverted systems. Systems which are organized to place higher social value on predator behaviors, such as the violent characteristics of total domination in world power, using brute force, survival of the fittest, war and victimization for propagating self-enforced slavery.

This set the stage for socially conditioning Abuses of Power as the normalized way of life, effectively producing victims and victimizer archetypes in the minds of the people, in order to spread the reptilian virus of enemy patterning throughout the globe. Since the invasion, humanity has been groomed and continually conditioned to behave in accordance with the low standards of morality and ethics that the death culture has set as the dominant social structure, in order to create the conditions for Abuses of Power to be rampant and yet, go largely unnoticed by the masses.

The Master and Slave Narrative is Mind Control

To remove human resistance to their long-term takeover agenda, the secretive infiltration of the core societal and organizational structures began thousands of years ago, silently and methodically introducing inverted systems to take over the structures governing the top hierarchy in monarchy, military, political, religious, medical, financial and legal systems. This would be ideal, to shape the value systems that generate the Pavlovian style of behavior modification in material-based reality that they seek to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self-enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation to control the minds of the earth inhabitants, they would use minimal off planet resources and remain invisible as the ruling class. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement, as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights, their access to knowledge and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants, who are unaware they are being invaded by an unseen enemy and that a silent war is being carried out against them.

The NAA and Controllers use the hidden mind control game to play the master-slave narrative against another species, earth humans, which is designed to invoke submission to brute power as the authority and to accept power abuses as a normal part of everyday life, in order to ensure a means for personal survival.; They indoctrinated the Power Elite into the master-slave narrative in order to act as their representative prison wardens on the surface, aligning them with the alien invasion slavery agenda rather than siding with humanity. To better understand the recipe for the master-slave narrative and how it spreads fear and survival consciousness, let’s look at Slavery in America and the mindset of slave owners during that timeline, which motivated it. Think of the mindset of the slave owners as the NAA, and the conditions that are created for mental slavery, emotional slavery, spiritual slavery and physical slavery that are imposed on all of humanity across the globe, regardless of their tribe, sex or skin color. We may only think of slavery as a physical event, in which a ball and chain or four walls have imprisoned the physical body. However, slavery extends to the mind, emotions and spirit. To understand the effects of world slavery and how it has impacted all of us individually and collectively, we have to begin to think of slavery at all the levels it is being perpetrated; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Depending on the cultural narrative, demographics and prosperity of the nation, this will inform us of how the master-slave narrative is used to generate learned helplessness and dependency on the corrupt inverted systems, in order to self-enforce enslavement in that population. And the extent to which the common people will mimic the same slavery mind set to self-enforce the same types of oppression upon their brother or sister when they don’t conform to the consensus narrative. The enslaved mind that has been conditioned to feel secure while conforming to the master-slave narrative, will enforce those same conditions of slavery on others from their own deep subconscious fears.

The Germanic groups introduced the first captured Africans to America in the early 17th century, which evolved into a nightmare of abuse and cruelty that would ultimately divide the people into destructive and painful conflicts, which largely remain unhealed in the human psyche today. Today slavery in all its forms is a global epidemic and the result of the dark age of consciousness enslavement. The Dutch and Germanic groups kidnapped families, ripped them from their homeland, shipped them to another continent, advertised and sold them as purchased property as free labor sources for farms and plantation owners in the new colonies. New slave owners enjoying the massive profits and wealthy status from free labor, and started to methodically plan ways that the slaves would become completely dependent upon them, to generate a slave mentality of perfect submission to abusive behaviors. They stripped away their dignity through dehumanization tactics, and by developing restrictions that prevented that person’s natural development and growth as an independent human being. Slaves were not given human rights, were not allowed to be educated, to read and write, and their behaviors, movement and access were extremely restricted by the consequence of vicious punishment or death. Many slave owners raped slave women at will and with their partner or children looking on, and this did not matter, as she was only property. The slave owners of the South became a controlling power in the world in cotton production, all because of the big profits made on the misery of slave labor. As more people became slave owners, they profited greatly and justified their reasons for doing so. Thus, they created convenient belief systems that suited their own negative ego and personal views, such as believing the God in their bible actually endorses slavery.

Because their actions included gross power abuses that were inherently feeding anti-life and anti-human ideologies and they gradually lost their inherent human qualities, they lost the capacity to feel empathy and compassion for others enduring miserable conditions. By believing another living human being was a piece of property and a defective creature designed for such purpose, they started to justify cruelty and brutality as acceptable treatment and conditions that suited their corrupt and selfish belief systems. When groups of people start to classify other groups of people as subhuman, this is the direct recipe for generating violent acts that lead to human genocide. Human genocide, the killing of our own species by our own hands, is a favorite agenda for the NAA. All of this quick wealth and money making on slave labor and the worldwide economic impact it had, began a socio-political movement into the positive pro-slavery ideology among many people in the South that were reaping its many rewards. The propaganda was that slavery was not evil but a positive and moral good to help what was believed to be a defective group of people attain civility in a Christian civilization, and this belief was postulated among those profiting from slavery the most.

This same formula for producing slavery is still in place, although the timeline has changed and the power has shifted into the hands of the more technologically advanced psychopath. The mindset to profit on the misery of others and achieve world domination via control of wealth and resources through worldwide slavery, is exactly how the human and nonhuman Controller thinks.

Slave Owner, Controller or NAA Mindset

Although the origin of the quoted document below remains unknown, many of the concepts expose mass manipulation techniques right out of the NAA playbook that are used for producing slavery in the masses. The following examples are quotes taken directly from the ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’ document, as a strong case study for understanding the Slave Owner, Controller or NAA mindset that is used to divide and conquer humanity.

People are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by their own choice and consent. People that will not use their intelligence are no better than animals. Thus, when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you. Low class elements of society must be trained and housebroken in order to be brought under total control. 

The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest to generate the schism of ignorance so that the inferior class is unable to comprehend the power structure and knowledge of the superior class. The lower-class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents and the establishment of government-operated day-care centers for the occupationally orphaned children. Keep the public entertainment below a sixth-grade level. Use difficult to detect weapons such as advanced technology, economic manipulation, destruction of the family, and an intentionally inferior educational system. 

Experience has proven that the simplest method of securing a silent weapon and gaining control of the public is to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of the basic system principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand. Continue to promote private silent wars against the ignorant masses to shift the energy resources and economic control into the hands of the worthy few. This form of slavery is essential to maintain some measure of social order, peace, and tranquility for the ruling upper class.

Social engineering requires the correlation of great amounts of constantly changing economic information and personal data, so computerized data-processing systems to gather profiles are necessary to predict when and how society will arrive for capitulation. Eventually every individual element of the structure should come under computer control through a knowledge of personal preferences, such knowledge guaranteed by computer association of consumer preferences with identified consumers via association with the use of a credit card and later a permanent tattooed body number. 

The general public refuses to improve its own mentality and its faith in its fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and a blight upon the face of the earth. Therefore, the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses. Diversion keeps the people compliant and prevents them from seeing what is really going on.”

Consider this information to more deeply understand the mentality of the opposition. Thus, the Controllers intend that the master-slave mentality is to be propagated and controlled through the continual social engineering of mass broadcasts of fear based thoughtforms, as who and what you fear is ultimately what owns you. This is another profound reason why we must clear our fears and choose love instead, which leads us back into the eternal source.

Align with Humanity

In consideration to pay more attention to the nature of power abuses that happen all around us, if we are willing to go to the overview picture, we have a much larger frame of reference from which to personally confirm what we have experienced or discovered through our own observations. A consciousness war with silent weapons against humanity is underway without their knowledge and is being carried out on the ground through society’s institutions. Humanity has been exposed and subjected to these nefarious agendas of targeted social engineering and mind control in order to gradually progress this diabolical plan, which ultimately was to gain complete control over humanity at the time of planetary ascension.

To refuse to be manipulated and used for spreading anti human control through the conditioned slave mentality that is inherent within the war over consciousness, we must educate ourselves to better know the control system and see the set up for abuses of power in the architecture. Studying the selfish and ruthless nature of Psychopathic Predators and profiteers of human misery, help us to understand how the NAA and Controllers think. We recognize the reasons behind their motivation for global domination and gaining total control over human DNA, as the ultimate access to consciousness as the genetic currency.

Once we can clearly see the corruption in the structure of the system, we can consciously choose not to willingly participate with it by not giving it our consent. Be fully present and aware of any document you are asked to sign online or otherwise with rambling legal-ese or disclaimers designed to take your right to privacy away. Although you may be forced to interact with it for whatever reason, still intend to state your lack of consent to all legal manipulation used in words or in harmful intent that is hiding any subterfuge, at any time you are interacting online or signing any document. Remember that all free services that are for personal data collection are part of an NAA strategy for social and genetic engineering of the human race at a global scale. When signing up for free social media technology like Facebook, it is basically you handing them all of your personal information that can be collected and used against you and others at some time in the future. The Controllers manipulate and falsify data to serve their own agendas on a regular basis, and this information is fed into the mainstream media to further manipulate the public. Some of the richest people on earth are purveyors of online data collection from the masses, so think deeply on why these people are some of the world’s wealthiest.

Essentially, don’t give your power away to those appearing to falsely be in power and control, and do not follow or submit to anyone or anything that claims to have authority over you.

Leadership vs Tyranny

In any type of organization or group consciousness it can be extremely challenging to navigate the uncleared individual and group negative ego behaviors and determine what behaviors define as Leadership vs Tyranny. Negative ego behaviors are usually entwined with low ethical conduct which damages building trust between people in order to communicate transparently and honestly with each other. Communication breakdowns break trust and destroy relationships.

Many have been intentionally confused to think the qualities of leadership and authoritative influence is defined by selfish egotists with alpha type behaviors that focus upon generating an external locus of control-based power. We all want to stay clear of feeding the tyrant as a leader or authority. When we have clarity to identify control-oriented authority based on the negative ego profiles shared below, we are more equipped to discern proper authority patterns when involved in any kind of leadership scenario. Wherever there is an organization or group, there will be some kind of stewardship or leadership responsibility that will assume the authority required to serve that organization.

In the highest expression, we want to learn how to self-lead in a healthy and balanced way through the development of strong moral character and trustworthy traits, modeled through the community that we may observe or participate with. This way by learning self-mastery or self-leadership skills, we are building confidence in free thinking and free expression while embodying the ethical conduct necessary to build strength in inner directed personal power. Otherwise, we are mind controlled puppets playing out repeated archetypes of drama and like a hamster on a wheel, running in circles of karmic looping. We hope this is helpful now as we develop the skill of discerning trustworthiness in ourselves and others, as well as the prevention of feeding, rewarding and giving authoritative power to narcissistic and psychopathic personalities. Tyrannical behaviors are no substitute for leadership and should never be confused with actual leadership.

Polarity Archetypal Thoughtforms for Slave Mentality

Many times, what we fear in others is the hidden unconscious behavior and impulses that we have not cleared from within our deepest selves. Until we are willing to look at hidden fears or subconscious beliefs, we can easily project or transfer our beliefs onto other people, especially with our unconscious impulses or pain body.

In support to better recognize mind control implants or negative beliefs clouding the subconscious layers of the mind, below is a list of the most common polarity archetypal thoughtforms used for creating slave mentality in the masses. As you extract fear-based control and negative polarity thoughtforms from ruling the mind, replace these thoughts with self-love, self-acceptance and self-worth. Intend to Identify, Locate, Remove and Repair these archetypal thought forms in your Unconscious, Instinctual and Conscious Mind:

  • Victim/Victimizer
  • Predator/Prey
  • Master/Slave
  • Rich Tyrant/Poor Serf
  • Royalty/Peasant
  • Famous is Important/Not Famous is Insignificant
  • Beautiful/Ugly
  • Accept Abuse and Sociopathy
  • Accept Paltry Condition, Deprivation
  • Apathy, Lack of Interest
  • Being Seen and Not Heard
  • Carry Out Orders, Obey
  • Do Not Question Authority
  • Enforce the Law
  • Fear of Punishment, Pain
  • Females are Breeders, Objects
  • Kill the Infidel or Nonconformist
  • Powerlessness, Helplessness
  • Submit to External Power
  • Unworthiness, Low Rank
  • Women and Children subservient to Male Pleasure
  • War and Killing is necessary

Electronic forms of mind control are unseen by most and yet they can be embedded virtually anywhere in our environment, radiating these belief systems into our deepest psyche. Most commonly it is directed into the subconscious mind when watching movies or interacting with any kind of media that has negative messages that portray humanity in deviant and depraved images. Be aware of these archetypes of control and where you may have weakness that plays out these thoughtforms in your sense of identity, from the narratives playing out in your mind. It is necessary to clear out these negative labels of association and to reframe your sense of identity with something that is heart based and meaningful to you. Essentially, we must drop our storyline and create a new one that includes unconditionally loving ourselves. We suggest connecting with the eternal god self, that which transcends all polarity and all narratives into pure loving kindness and compassionate witnessing.

Affirm: I AM the Eternal Self and I Know who I AM!

Basic Universal Lessons

The anti-life society has been founded upon having no value or purpose for human existence, except to monetize and abuse it for instant self-gratification. Those behind the agenda have no remorse for the power abuses that result in the profound suffering of humanity. Although we live in challenging times, we must choose what kind of person we want to be and understand that developing personal integrity that aligns to a positive value system is essential to becoming a stable, clear and trustworthy person. We don’t have to unconsciously act out the slave mentality that the Controllers have socially engineered and implanted in us, if we are willing to wake up to see what’s really happening in our world. Ascension essentially encompasses a Universal perspective towards the compassionate practice of World Humanism, which includes the entire spectrum of life, all the inhabitants of the world no matter what race, religion, belief or creed, to be equally deserving of benevolence, empathy and compassion. We can work towards embodying these higher goals that guide our behavior throughout our personal sphere of influence, which then spreads out to others.

There are basic moral principles that represent the wisdom of human experience that are so widely held that they can be thought of as Universal principles that can be applied to everyone, everywhere right now. When we include these principles as moral guidelines that instruct our behaviors in life, they protect us as well as others around us. In this way, we are being of service to align with humanity first, so that we are not being manipulated to place blame conveniently on others, knowing we all have been subjected to forms of consciousness enslavement. We’ve all been lied to many times over. Remembering this, we can have more compassion for our brothers and sisters in pain when they are acting out unconsciously and being used as dark portals.

Intend to Do Good in the World, Avoid Evil and Harm.

To develop the power of virtues within the human spirit, there is a constant commitment to do good works in the world through one’s behaviors and actions. All other moral principles flow from this basic concept that most of us know in our heart if we are willing to listen, to what is good and what is evil and constitutes great harm.

The Golden Rule, Do unto others.

The Golden Rule is the most essential basis for the modern concept of human rights, in which each individual has a right to just treatment, and a reciprocal responsibility to ensure justice for others. The Golden Rule is an ethical code or moral truth that essentially states, one should treat others as one would like to be treated by others. It is commonly referred to as “Do unto others”. This concept describes a two-way relationship between one’s self and others, that involves both sides equally and in a mutual benefit or win-win fashion.

The End does not justify the Means.

Essentially, this means that one cannot commit a series of knowingly fraudulent and dishonest acts, even if it was purportedly done for an honorable cause. One may not commit harm or evil thinking that in the end, goodness may result from these harmful actions. This means that we must look towards fundamental principles in structures that are designed for promoting good works and align to the actions that are essential to creating those conditions. One cannot justify violating the fundamental principles of the original intention, because you believe that the outcome will result in some imagined positive goal.

When we compromise our personal integrity, we allow a back door vulnerability for dark force manipulation that many times descends even more darkness and chaos into the situation where we had made the compromise.

Follow Natural Law.

By observing nature and making decisions that respect the nature of things throughout creation, we learn to follow what nature intends. When we live in harmony with the natural laws, we live in harmony with ourselves. If we violate the natural laws, we suffer greatly. At its most basic level the Science of Right Living is essentially understood as this; when we live in harmony with ourselves and others, we are living in harmony with the Universal Laws and this drastically increases the quality of life for everyone. As an example, the Law of One practices are a Science of Right Living given to human beings. To receive more love, we must become more loving.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

(Source: Leadership vs Tyranny List has been adapted from

~via – Shifting Timelines Newsletter – June 21, 2024

LISA RENEE: Time Shift Blog ~ “FFR during Sleep State”

“Beloved Community, sometimes we discuss themes that are not always pleasant to come to terms with in the current terrain of Spiritual Warfare. However, it is important that you always remember that gained knowledge is personal power. And your gained knowledge leads to greater awareness, and greater awareness gains Situational Awareness, and accurate assessments that help you to make better decisions for yourself and your loved ones, as well as to deflect harmful or negative energy energies. So stay awake with eyes open to pay attention to your surroundings, using the tool of observe, discern, accept and stay in neutral in order to avoid catastrophizing, and going into any of the slippery slopes of fear based thinking. You each have all that you need living inside of you. However, to understand how to effectively solve a problem, we must first identify the source of that problem. And if we make assessments based on wrong assumptions, faulty thinking or faulty information, we may have used some logical sense, but it is still wrong if we do not understand the current terrain of which humanity is living through at this time of Spiritual Warfare, and the divide and conquer psychological warfare which is designed for Mental Bondage into consciousness slavery. When we allow ourselves to become subjugated, or manipulated by others, who seek to control us for their own selfish motivations, ‘No’ is a complete sentence and answering ‘No’ to others, requests of you is your personal right and prerogative. We can see clearly that people that did not have an accurate assessment of the Spiritual Warfare in play in our world when this stage began four years ago. Many have since dropped their body way too early otherwise called ‘Died Suddenly’, or suffered greatly with the onset of grave illnesses, from making uninformed choices. As horrifyingly difficult as this can be to observe, we cannot let others make decisions for us. We must direct our lives by taking responsibility for the choices we make, which should be based on sound reasoning, and Self Autonomy, and not making decisions through coercion, bullying, victimization, threats, and Cancel Culture imposed by those around us. The point is to guide you into Critical Thinking, using common sense, and recognizing principles of Coherence and so that the Gaslighting and Alice in Wonderland Tactics of the Theatre of the Absurd, do not cause undue pressure on your mind. And that you have the tools to think for yourself. You must think for yourself, and put information that you receive to the boundary test within your own heart and mind by synthesizing the data in which to bring your intuition and critical thinking into balance. Although it may seem that ignorance is bliss, in truth, it is highly dangerous at this stage of military grade Propaganda, and MK Ultra mind control methods being ramped up through Brain Wave Harnessing and eliciting customized AI programs that are now being targeted during our sleep state. Now over the past week, deeper awareness of the AI Signals and technology used for Capturing Brain Waves while Sleeping has been made known to us and it is the reason we are having this discussion today. The suggestion is to be aware of the agenda of brain wave capture during sleep state, and to pay attention if this is happening to you, so that you can use your spiritual power and tools to neutralize and nullify its impacts on disturbing your thinking, disturbing your emotional body, and those that you live with, thus are sleeping with in the same house or residence. As the hidden war heats up, Silent Weapons are being generated to carry on to the masses’ brain waves through Frequency Following Responses during sleep state, which has surfaced for greater awareness in order to be made aware that this tactic is currently being used in wide swathes of the population. And through our direct knowledge of this agenda, it leads to greater awareness and then we are empowered to mitigate and neutralize these impacts by observing and setting space with intention during our nightly shielding procedure to include statements to nullify brain wave harnessing attempts during sleep state. And today we will also be offering a few short commands to utilize to set your space before going to sleep in order to help you neutralize these attempts if you are experiencing this particular phenomena or to just fortify and amplify your personal shielding during your sleep state.”

~Lisa Renee

Abbreviation- FFRFrequency Following Response

(ESF Transcript):

Beloved Community, sometimes we discuss themes that are not always pleasant to come to terms with in the current terrain of Spiritual Warfare. However, it is important that you always remember that gained knowledge is personal power. And your gained knowledge leads to greater awareness, and greater awareness gains Situational Awareness, and accurate assessments that help you to make better decisions for yourself and your loved ones, as well as to deflect harmful or negative energy energies.

So stay awake with eyes open to pay attention to your surroundings, using the tool of observe, discern, accept and stay in neutral in order to avoid catastrophizing, and going into any of the slippery slopes of fear based thinking. You each have all that you need living inside of you. However, to understand how to effectively solve a problem, we must first identify the source of that problem. And if we make assessments based on wrong assumptions, faulty thinking or faulty information, we may have used some logical sense, but it is still wrong if we do not understand the current terrain of which humanity is living through at this time of Spiritual Warfare, and the divide and conquer psychological warfare which is designed for Mental Bondage into consciousness slavery. When we allow ourselves to become subjugated, or manipulated by others, who seek to control us for their own selfish motivations, “No” is a complete sentence and answering “No” to others, requests of you is your personal right and prerogative.

We can see clearly that people that did not have an accurate assessment of the Spiritual Warfare in play in our world when this stage began four years ago. Many have since dropped their body way too early otherwise called ‘Suddenly Died’, or suffered greatly with the onset of grave illnesses, from making uninformed choices. As horrifyingly difficult as this can be to observe, we cannot let others make decisions for us. We must direct our lives by taking responsibility for the choices we make, which should be based on sound reasoning, and Self Autonomy, and not making decisions through coercion, bullying, victimization, threats, and Cancel Culture imposed by those around us.

The point is to guide you into Critical Thinking, using common sense, and recognizing principles of Coherence and so that the Gaslighting and Alice in Wonderland Tactics of the Theatre of the Absurd, do not cause undue pressure on your mind. And that you have the tools to think for yourself. You must think for yourself, and put information that you receive to the boundary test within your own heart and mind by synthesizing the data in which to bring your intuition and critical thinking into balance. Although it may seem that ignorance is bliss, in truth, it is highly dangerous at this stage of military grade Propaganda, and MK Ultra mind control methods being ramped up through Brain Wave Harnessing and eliciting customized AI programs that are now being targeted during our sleep state.

Now over the past week, deeper awareness of the AI Signals and technology used for Capturing Brain Waves while Sleeping has been made known to us and it is the reason we are having this discussion today. The suggestion is to be aware of the agenda of brain wave capture during sleep state, and to pay attention if this is happening to you, so that you can use your spiritual power and tools to neutralize and nullify its impacts on disturbing your thinking, disturbing your emotional body, and those that you live with, thus are sleeping with in the same house or residence.

As the hidden war heats up, Silent Weapons are being generated to carry on to the masses’ brain waves through Frequency Following Responses during sleep state, which has surfaced for greater awareness in order to be made aware that this tactic is currently being used in wide swathes of the population. And through our direct knowledge of this agenda, it leads to greater awareness and then we are empowered to mitigate and neutralize these impacts by observing and setting space with intention during our nightly shielding procedure to include statements to nullify brain wave harnessing attempts during sleep state.

And today we will also be offering a few short commands to utilize to set your space before going to sleep in order to help you neutralize these attempts if you are experiencing this particular phenomena or to just fortify and amplify your personal shielding during your sleep state.

Frequency Following Response

Now, what a Frequency Following Response means is that if a targeted person or a subject hears a sound that is produced at a frequency, which emulates one that is associated with the human brain, the brain will try to mimic the same frequency pattern by adjusting its brain wave output to synchronize with that input of frequency that the brain is being exposed to.

Now to comprehend the problem of hidden technological mind control on the Earth plane, this Frequency Following Response is an important concept to grasp. And my personal opinion is that if you understand how this works, you are now empowered to switch gears in your brain so that your Brain will not synchronize to any input frequency that comes in while you are unconscious or asleep so that you can neutralize these effects of which the Controllers are attempting to exploit at this particular stage.

Now, what is becoming obvious since the rollout of the global Plandemic psychological operation, is that the smaller population of Targeted Individuals that were being experimented upon through the Secret Space Program – largely without their Consent or knowledge – over the past 25 or 30 years, that this was the dress rehearsal for bringing in the same mind control tactics into the entire human population, except that it would be controlled by cybernetic AI systems and related methods. So this agenda to capture brainwaves during the sleep state has reached another level, at least in the US, where the negative alien groups are attempting to scale their Black Sun MK Ultra mind control methods upon large amounts of the human population while they are sleeping.

Now, I want to de-mystify these methods so that you can pay attention to them, and be aware to the mind control phenomena that many of us can see as active Psychological Operations being made against the public. Now, three of the most obvious case studies for the use of Frequency Following Response methods are:

  • First, the installation of the organized religion of C**VID into the masses that severely divided the population, along with the institution of stringent medical solutions that were offered through bribes of taking assorted genetic experimental bio-weapons being administered worldwide with massive profits for the Global Health Mafia, and as the result, serving the soft-kill agendas of the Power Elite and Negative Alien Agenda.
  • Number two, the sudden explosion of non-binary labels in children, ‘they-them’ for connotating spiritual possession, and the emotional addiction gateway to groom them into alternative sexuality pronouns and assorted false identities for being easily subjugated by predators and pedophiles. Often these aggressive grooming methods are escalating young children and teenagers into alternative identities designed for Transgenderism before their brain has been fully developed into adulthood, setting them up for a life of Sexual Misery, poor health and early death as life long medical consumers, as well as incapable of producing offspring in the future, becoming sterile. See Eugenics and EBE.
  • And lastly, the strange phenomena of observing the rapid onset of vitriolic hatred being targeted towards collective groups in the context of Class Struggle Ideology, in which the mob frenzy hatred and Victim-Victimizer groupthink tends to defy logical reasoning as the Cancel Culture can appear to be rewarding extremely negative, nonsensical and unhinged behaviors throughout the public square. See Culture Wars and Marxist-Leninist Subversion Playbook.

So we may ask ourselves, how was this sudden radical culture change in the west accomplished in a percentage of the masses and was it connected to covertly used Frequency Following Response methods? Frequency Following Response means that if a subject hears a sound produced at a frequency which emulates one associated with the human Brain, the brain will try to mimic the same frequency pattern by adjusting its brainwave output.

To impact and manipulate human consciousness, all that is required is to create a complex signal through a Frequency Following Response when the brain locks on to an external signal coming from the environment, and the neurons began to mirror that signal. The signal can be a carrier wave in a spectrum, a frequency that is designed to create emotional feelings of anxiety, distress, or trigger deep emotional pain. As a result, the brain chemistry alters and changes, generally plummeting the person’s consciousness, into a range of lower negative emotions with confused and fragmented perceptions. Large populations can be sent broadcast frequencies that are designed to incite agitation, aggression, anxiety, and even suicidal ideations in specific demographic areas. Then the controllers may put out, mainstream media news feeds to incite more fear or place blame on certain groups and promote sensationalistic or victimized language in order to single out certain marginalized groups for intentional targeting. This is Divide and Conquer psychological warfare, in so that humans will perceive other humans as their enemy, thereby inciting mob rule through assorted violence, hostility, and even cultivating conditions for criminal behaviors, like rape. The mob will call for the killing of others or putting innocent people in jail, in order to make an example of them and to feel relief from their pent up emotional anxiety.

It is possible to modulate signals on any electromagnetic carrier for transmitting a message into the human brain in which to alter its chemistry. And when the brain chemistry is altered, and when the brain waves have been switched or altered, this is when the brain is suggestible to insert thought forms, or instigate other behaviors for shaping or influencing or grooming that individual to carry out some harmful thoughts or criminal actions against others, in which, in mob rule, they believe they are justified as the ends justify the means.

Now with all of these examples, you will find Frequency Following Response method as a type of mind control technology, as a strong case study for noting how successful this full spectrum military grade assault against the weakened minds of children, young adults, senior adults, and how this was used in order to subjugate them through threats of infectious diseases, such as the claim of a Pandemic. Now, the more out of balance we are inside of ourselves, the more out of balance we are with nature, and natural laws, and thus the more diseased we humans become. And sadly, we have plenty of case studies in the outer world reflecting this principle back to us right now, in order to neutralize silent weapons being generated to carry on to the individual’s brain waves through Frequency Following Responses during the sleep state, we first need to comprehend how our brain works and how the Controllers are exploiting us.

Now the physiological function of our brain works by complex sets of electrical patterns and these are neuro-chemical processes made through a variety of impulse signals. Now some of these impulses may signal our brain from environmental and external forces of frequency. Now once you can identify that as something external to yourself, then this is what neutralizes and shifts the gears in your brain to refuse to sync up with the Frequency Following Response brain wave patterns that are artificially being sent out to the masses.

So again, some impulses may signal our brain from the environment, and external forces of frequency that are targeting our brain with artificial signals, and trying to match our own internally generated thought frequency. It is extremely important to know that the state of one’s brain frequency is what changes and shifts one’s state of thinking and their overall state of Consciousness.

When an individual meditates and knows how to calm their mind, they change their brain frequency waves, and they can alter these frequencies and their impacts throughout the entire body. The human brain is composed of glial cells, or and neurons, and blood vessels. The cerebral cortex is nearly symmetrical, with a left masculine principle and a right feminine principle- hemispheres that are a direct mirror image of each other. The left and right cerebral hemispheres are interconnected by the Corpus Callosum, which is a very large nerve bundle that operates the crown chakra. Now the hidden job of the Crown Chakra, your seventh dimensional energy center, is to activate the corpus callosum, to join the left masculine principle- and the right feminine principle- hemispheres of the brain, into one unified neurological and synaptic signaling function. Once the brain is unified in quality of vibrational thought pattern, with the female creative feeling, uniting with the male reasoning into thought balance, the energy of the entire body’s right male side, and left female side, start to unify within the brain. Now this is a supreme protector for deflecting and neutralizing these particular brain wave harnessing technologies with the frequency following response. But sometimes when we’re weakened and we’re exhausted, and we’re tired, we can be overcome with an emotional feeling of something being triggered, which is again unnatural to our organic thought process or emotional process.

So, an activation of higher intelligence, through this process of unifying the male and female principle of the brain, inner connects all layers of the complex matrices of the human body through the unified consciousness of male and female principle. Now, when the male and female are unified within, we are able to connect to consciousness and communicate with levels of intelligence unknown to science. Neurons are the core components of the nervous system. Science says there are approximately 100 billion neurons connected by more than 100 trillion synapses that exist in a human brain. Neurons are basically electrical on and off switches, which work in a similar way to the small transistors found in computer chips. Information is passed between neurons via the chemical synapses, which release Neurotransmitters, which act on another neuron. Most neurons are connected via Synapses to several thousand other neurons, making the brain’s circuitry capable of connecting to a host of neural networks.

Now for our purposes, we want to get in control of the electrical on and off switch of our brain, and to refuse any outside interference or artificial frequencies to influence or impact our brainwaves. These particular signals between neurons occur via synapses, or specialized connections with other cells. Neurons can connect to each other to form neural networks. And the key to neural function in the central nervous system is the synaptic signaling process, which is partly electrical and partly chemical. When the synaptic signaling is interrupted through toxic electrical frequencies, now, such as the technological mind control of low electromagnetic field pulsing or harmful radiation, or synaptic signaling, is interrupted through an introduction or exposure to toxic chemicals, heavy metals, such as aluminum, mercury, in Vaccinations, or strontium, and bromium, in chemtrails, that interferes with the synapse. And the synapse will not signal. When the synapse stops functioning because it has been poisoned or interfered with in this way with a toxic chemical or heavy metal, the neuron will eventually die. When neurons die, humans get motor neuron brain diseases like dementia, Alzheimer’s and ALS. 

Neurons generate brain signals between synapses, which connect into other brain cells. And this synaptic signaling process sends out electrical and chemical signals, which form into brain waves, or patterns of brainwaves. And the brain waves are the source of our thoughts. Brain waves are the way we think, how we think, and why we are thinking that. Brain Waves are at the root of all of our thoughts, all of our emotions, and all of our behaviors and is the communication between the neurons within our brains that create the brainwaves and the brainwave pattern. Brainwaves are produced by synchronized electrical pulses from masses of neurons communicating with each other. Brainwaves are special and unique to our spiritual consciousness. That means every single brain, and every single brainwave pattern is uniquely individual. There is no one with the same brain waves that you have. Your brain is configured to your Soul and spiritual Blueprint. Thus, no one can emanate brainwave patterns in the exact same way that you do. Even if your consciousness was cloned, the difference can always be detected. Although captured mainstream science will not admit this publicly. It is important to know that humans display primarily five different types of electrical patterns or brain waves across the cortex.

The brain waves can be observed with a tool that’s called an EEG, that allows the recording of an individual’s brainwave patterns. Now each brainwave has a purpose, and it helps serve us in optimal mental functioning. The human brain’s ability to become flexible and or transition through various brain wave frequency states plays a large role in how successful we are at managing our personal stress, focusing upon tasks, redirecting our mind into stillness and getting a good night’s sleep. If one of the five types of the brain waves is either being over produced or under produced in our brain, it can cause problems. Now for a moment, let’s think on the problems that humans have that is sourced from their brain health. We can feel inordinately depressed. We can exhibit assortments of all kinds of thinking disorders or personality disorders or mood disorders, bipolar or mania or chaotic, disordered thinking, an host of autistic spectrum disorders- all of this is related to dysregulated brain waves. Because the Brain Signals composed from electrical and chemical reactions are not healthy, or they are not firing correctly. Now, this is largely because of unhealthy input and unhealthy exposures. The individual may have a genetic predisposition, but overall, many problems are caused from being imbalanced and unhealthy between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers, the more integrated and balanced we are throughout our multi-dimensional layers. The healthier we become, the healthier we are, and the faster we heal our brain wave signals, which helps our entire body to become healthy and spiritually whole.

Brain Waves

Now, we’re going to do a brief drill down on the five most basic Brain Waves in order for you to have a language when you are doing clearing of brain signal or brainwaves, that you can also utilize this as a part of your clearing commands and clearing intent. Now, Alpha Waves are neural oscillations in the frequency range between 7.5 and 12.5 Hertz. This frequency range bridges the gap between our conscious thinking and our subconscious mind. Now this is going to be an area where the frequency following responses are largely used because the controller is attempting to mimic the frequency of our subconscious mind. When we have too much alpha wave, again, we may have an inability to focus, we may be too relaxed, or we are daydreaming too much. If we have too little alpha waves, we may have high stress, insomnia, OCD, panic or phobia-types of expressions as well as high anxiety. When our alpha waves are balanced, we are relaxed. So, people will self-medicate a too little alpha wave state by drinking alcohol or taking relaxants and antidepressants.

Now Beta Waves are between 12 and a half and 30 Hertz. These are known as high frequency, low amplitude brainwaves that are commonly observed when the usual person is awake and alert and involved in conscious thought and logical thinking. Too much beta, we can again have adrenaline pumping, high anxiety, and an inability to relax while we’re feeling stressed out. Too little beta, and we will have very poor cognition, poor memory. We have a tendency to fall into depression. And we will also have ADHD, again, attention deficit. Now, people that want to increase their beta waves sometimes will self-medicate with energy drinks or stimulants, like coffee.

Now, Delta Waves are a high amplitude brainwave, between point five and four Hertz. Delta waves are usually associated with a deep stage of sleep. However, many people that meditate can also bring their brainwaves into the delta state. This is said to be the slowest recorded brainwaves in human beings. It is found most often in infants as well as young children. Apparently as we age, we tend to produce Use less delta waves, even during deep sleep. So, delta is associated with some of the deepest levels of relaxation and restorative healing sleep. Too much of delta can give us learning problems an inability to focus or think as well as is seen in what is known as brain injuries. Too little delta can give us an inability to rejuvenate our body and inability to revitalize our brain, because we’re not getting a deep natural restorative sleep.

Now, coming into Gamma Waves, this is between 25 and 100 hertz, although it is said 40 hertz is typical. Gamma waves are involved in higher processing tasks as well as cognitive functioning. gamma waves are important for retaining information and information processing. So, we need gamma for learning bringing our high focus into learning difficult material or having memory for recalling long term information. So, it is thought that the 40 hertz gamma wave is important for the binding of our senses in regards to perception, and… as it is involved in learning new material. It is found that individuals who are mentally challenged and have learning disabilities tend to have lower gamma activity than the average individual. Now, too much gamma wave brings, again, anxiety. Too little is depression and learning disabilities. To increase our gamma waves we bring in Meditation.

Again, Theta Waves refers to the frequency components in the four to seven hertz range regardless of their source. Cortical theta is said to be observed frequently in young children. In older children and adults, it tends to appear during meditative, drowsy, hypnotic, or sleeping states, but not during the deepest stages of sleep. This particular frequency range of theta is involved in daydreaming, and imagination. Theta waves are connected to us experiencing deep and raw emotion. Theta waves have benefits of helping us to improve our higher sensory perception, our intuition, creativity, and it makes us feel more natural. As long as theta isn’t produced in our waking hours, it’s very helpful even though we have noticed over the years with the change of our bio rhythms and sleep state, that theta waves are making an appearance in our waking state, which as well, can make us feel more tired when we are awake. Generally, it is said too much theta as well, will bring hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness, as well as depression. And too little theta, will cut off the emotional body awarenessincrease anxiety, impulses and stress.

So, as we think on this concept, from the controller’s vantage point, at the root source of all of our thoughts, the way we think, that which comprises our belief systems, our attitudes, our behaviors and our actions. The root source of this is the nature of our brainwaves. With this awareness, it becomes obvious why the negative alien agenda and controllers and their various armies want to capture, control and harness our brainwaves, and that they use many different means to try to get us to comply with their mind control methods by implanting thoughts throughout our day-to-day exposures. However, they are doing this while we are sleeping. And when they do it while we’re sleeping, it is the most effective because the individual is not conscious, and clearly, they are asleep, usually unaware that they are being implanted or interfered with, with mind control thoughts. And thus, the controller or the Black Magician, or the military grade handler, has zero resistance to inserting their mind control or manipulating the brainwave patterns when they are interfering directly with an individual’s brain waves. Now, this happens to all high-profile people that they want to exert control over such as politicians, government or heads of state, celebrities, news anchors, etc. And of course, they have expanded this technology to the general public now with customized brainwaves that are being designed to influence and control people’s thoughts when sleeping.

So, although some degree of this was already happening, it is more customized now to the individual brainwaves as the result of the build out of the Internet of Things, and the Digital Twins and the mass amount of personal data that has been harvested off of humanity through, not just social media sites, but everything else, such as collecting blood types and genetic cataloging. So, please know that it is the Secret Space Program bases that are covertly controlling the DoD military and the National Atmospheric Administration, that are implementing a lot of the brain wave harnessing tech. So, our goal, dear family, is to not Consent or comply with this blatant crime against humanity by knowing sleep state capture of the brainwaves exists, and refuse to allow silent sound weapons to harness our brain waves by setting that intention before asleep, commanding your personal space with the intent to only process organic brainwaves that are natural and aligned with you and your true core self, spiritual self.

Now, the agenda is to interfere with the process of how your brain maintains short term and long term memory recall through sleep state by purposely interfering with our sleep, and generating disruption in our thinking via manipulation of brainwaves whereby they attempt to trigger emotional reactions in order to generate interference, so that the informational experiences that are recorded in your brain through important events, they want to interfere with those memories, so that you will forget about important things, such as those things that are in opposition to their anti-human agendas.

So, earlier this year, it was observed that they were experimenting more with animals. And you may remember, it was discussed a few months ago, to be aware that some wild animals and pets were suddenly acting aggressively predatorial. And this was a first stage of rollout of this next generation brainwave harnessing tech, mind wipe and forgetting previous memory recall that is connected between owners and their pets, as well as larger animals in the wild that were suddenly attacking humans when they were not known to do so before. Thus, they attempt to insert brainwave interference during sleep state with repeated themes that are deeply emotional for you in some way, like repetitive themes of an emotional trauma from your past surfacing in order to get you to accept this sleep suggestion in order to change your mind about something or forget about something that happened previously. Such as interfering with what you previously believed, by erasing the long-term memory that was stored in a particular area of the brain. And this is the function of the Hippocampus and the Limbic System. They have discovered that by using brainwave interference directly during an individual’s sleep state, that they could more effectively manipulate the memory storage ability of the brain. And thus, this is the FFR during Sleep State agenda being observed more recently. They did this to me last week because I knew they were doing it and it was unsuccessful. But this is the point in which I’m sharing this information with you. If you are aware of what they are trying to do to erase your memories, they are unsuccessful in removing the memory content as it’s been recorded in the area of your brain that’s called the Hippocampus, and within the Limbic System which is responsible for your emotional reactions.

This particular method of frequency following response mind control is also how they may try to break up relationships, generate False Reality Delusions or turn your casual friends into enemies overnight, or working towards divide and conquer in communities or groups. Now, the people that are unaware and that actually succumb to this implantation of thoughts, they generally are weak-willed, strongly ego based and spiritually disconnected. But still, if this happens, it can be shocking when this kind of rupture happens so quickly to end relationships or social connections. And it can be with family members or anyone else that you may have trusted. And if that particular emotional connection was not deep, genuine and authentic, this person may show their true colors, and it may be exaggerated and amplified, especially if they have been targeted in this way.

Now, sometimes with those of us that are of the Christos family, we’re Starseeds, we’re from the Paliadorian family, this mind control does not work as well on us. So, they know this. Instead, they go to harass our family members or someone around us, such as someone in the inner circle in which to wreak their havoc. Now, some issues of the mind control, they want you to forget that the vaccine they sold the masses is a bio-weapon and forget their major crimes made against humanity. They want you to go to sleep, forget about it and not seek justice or accountability. And to forget information that you may have gathered or known on some unapproved topic, they want you to forget all about the effort that you’ve placed in knowledge gathering in which to interfere with the recall of long-term memory of information that you have stored in your brain and within your spiritual blueprint. And when you try to remember it, they want you to not to be able to access that information anymore.

Again, with this knowledge you are going to flip the inner genetic switch. Now that you know that this is the agenda, you have the personal power to take control over the brain switch and the brain waves and use the sovereign brain command of which to neutralize and nullify these particular effects. But this is a phenomena that we may see increasing around people that are near to us. Or we may have many case studies to observe with this particular type of mind control or Consciousness Wiping that is being broadcast at this particular time. And certainly, they want us to forget about our Soul and spiritual mission and forget about our spiritual abilities and change what we value in life. By making us think that life is not worth living and being spiritual or connected to Christ or God is futile and stupid.

Now, the brain wave harnessing tech is a frequency following response that is highly attracted to Heavy Metals, especially aluminum and graphene. So this is something to understand again about the bioweapon; we know it has a lot of graphene among many other toxic types of exposures. But when we think of brainwave harnessing, the people that are the most susceptible to this, as conductors to this silent weaponry are going to be people that have high heavy metal toxicity, high chem-trail, or heavy metal, food or GMO food exposures. Again, Heavy Metals in our bloodstream, mouth, teeth and body make us more conductive to these silent weapons as well as prone to receive these assorted brain waves programmed with distorted thoughts. Thus, we as well, may want to take steps to detox ourselves as gently as possible, and there are many options like EDTA, cilantro, iodine, glutathione and zeolite.

Now many of us are undergoing various levels of detox and purging anyway, as a result to consciously participating with our personal Ascension, this purge of negative energies and assorted toxins is going to happen naturally. But this is also, an major detox of this particular toxicity, and heavy metals, and various things that have been exploited in our body to make us more conductive to this targeted mind control. Many of us are purging, clearing these particular levels of our body, now, and this can lend to intense ascension flu or digestive discomforts connected to the liver and Gallbladder Meridian, our lungs and breath channels are undergoing a reset right now with Astral Reconstruction as a result of several things that are changing with the solar plane, solar gates, and the Astral Plane itself; and then that has an impact on our own astral core connection. So there is an astral reconstruction level that’s happening right now as portals of our Sun are attempted to be opened for reclaiming parts of the Cosmic Mother‘s Eiyana bodies. And so there are several things that are happening with current planetary shifts that lead to the ascension flu and levels of detox and purging.

So for a moment, let’s drill down some of the brain’s memory functions and areas of the brain that can be manipulated by targeted brainwaves. Okay, so what I’m intending is that if you become aware that you have just been in the artificial waves of some kind of mind control targeting, whether it’s through sleep state, or you’re in your day-to-day and you all of a sudden feel a heaviness overtake your body, and an overwhelming thought, or an overwhelming emotion just encompass your body, that you know how to use some of these commands immediately. Key themes and wording of which to shift gears of your brain back into the control of your own Self-Sovereignty so that you can clear this phenomenon spontaneously, when and if you are exposed to this or your children or loved ones are exposed to this, that you have a quick tool of which to employ immediately. So you can say something as simple as “Clear my Hippocampus, clear the alpha wave distortion, “any kind of language that may feel in that moment as a part of your higher intuition.

So let’s drill down on some of the brains memory function. So the brain memory storage happens, and the hippocampus, which is the area of where your brain has memory files, and archives, for all of your memories. Again, the Hippocampus, we want to pay a close attention to preserving and helping our hippocampus to be healthy and functioning, because this is our memory archives for both long term and short-term memory.

Now we also have the Prefrontal Cortex, which helps us with Critical Thinking and reasoning, and helps us to store brainwave patterns for reaching conclusions after we have discovered a lot of information. So let’s say we had an awakening and all of a sudden we’re learning about this new topic of something, and we’ve discovered all this information about something. That is your prefrontal cortex, which is storing the pattern to help you learn this new information that you’re going down the rabbit hole to understand.

Wernicke Area and Broca Area

Now the Wernicke’s Area is the part of the brain’s function to comprehend speech, sounds and language. So it is the Wernicke’s area of the brain that is generally programmed with recurring voice recognition, negative talk. So when we talk about Voice of God technology, or other hearing voices, generally this is being programmed through the MK Ultra Satanic Ritual Abuse, right? They’re targeting the Wernicke’s area of the brain. So when there’s negative self-talk, if you hear a voice all of a sudden, you know some kind of loud voice, Wernicke’s area is the part of the brain to clear inorganic artificial sounds, or programs or brain waves of inorganic artificial speech, sounds and language. And many times we may have a negative self-talk or negative thought forms that are programmed with booby traps. Now a Booby Trap is a part of the satanic ritual abuse programming, and is a military tactic to self-destruct the person psychologically through the use of extreme fears or intimidation. If they locate or begin to remove the implant, they may be overcome with a sense of fear: “Don’t touch that. Don’t remove that.” That’s a booby trap. So again, if this is something that happens, you may want to be clear to identify what that is and clear the Booby Trap program, breathe through it, call upon God and Christ, know what it is as its happening, in order to continue to remove any kind of inorganic programming, implantation, binding attachments within this section of your brain.

Now the Broca Area of the brain is the area that causes verbal speech. So the Wernicke area and the Broca area work together. Now in advanced possessions, the Broca area is the area where the demon actually uses that human’s brain in verbal speech. So the human target will have implants, programming language, inorganic artificial language into the Broca area of that person’s brain by pushing thoughts that have been perceived by the Wernicke’s; and then the speech center of the Broca area of the brain is where the speech or the verbalization, which has been stimulated by the implant will blurt out something right? That’s that impulsive speech, angry speech. Think about, you know, someone who has attachments or is possessed, and says something. and blurts it out, okay? It’s the Broca Area of the brain that is causing verbal speech, where an entity that is outside of that person can use that person’s brain to actually get them to say something that they are not in consent with saying, or they are not willing to say, but their brain has been taken over in the Broca area, and therefore the demonic force, the cybernetic technology, the voice of God implant, the Remote Neural Monitoring, whatever it is, will cause that person to blurt out something or act destructively. So this is how they do it through the Wernicke area and through the Broca area of the brain. Now, again, this is in the realms of the Black Sun‘s MK Ultra land. This is how they create mind controlled automatons that do and say exactly what they want them to.

Now, moving on to the Amygdala. This is where emotional impulses and stored emotional memories are. So when we’re feeling particularly emotional, or very raw emotionally, the amygdala part of the brain is the area that might be effective for clearing. Let’s say, the historical narrative that you become aware of is the Eieyani Massacre and destruction of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek, and it feels emotionally painful and difficult. You can help release those impulses and memories out of the amygdala section of the brain by just saying out loud, “Clear the amygdala of stored negative emotions or pain. Thank you God.”

Cerebellum: this is the area of autonomic physical memory, where we have repeated actions like driving, or something we do kind of automated, because we’ve done it so many times. Now, obviously, most of our suggestion is to not be on autopilot and to always be mindful. But we do have muscles sensory memory from doing repeated actions over and over again, and that autonomic physical memory is recorded in our Cerebellum. So this is another area as well, because we’re talking about retrieving our memories, and repelling, and neutralizing any influences or impacts of incoming broadcasts of frequency following response method mind control that is impacting us during sleep state when we are unconscious, and asleep. If there is memories being rearranged, or memories lost, these are areas to clear within the brain in order to come back into symmetry and balance with your organic core self.

Now, the last part of the brain I want to talk about is the Thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal and obviously, this is a part of that connection. We know very much, many of the things that are connected to the spiritual function of pituitary and pineal, but the thalamus and Hypothalamus are very much connected, as well, to those functions that are related to our spiritual connection, and how our spiritual connection, our higher self-connects with our Limbic System.

So our Limbic System in our brain is extremely important for connecting our emotional experiences with our spiritual experiences. Our functioning limbic system is what helps us to interpret our feelings and our emotions that are connected to higher sensory perception, as well as storing memories when we are having spiritual experiences. Now most of us that have had spiritual experiences and our experiencers, you know how this goes. We don’t get information that’s written in a linear format. Our spiritual experiences when we’re meditating, or we’re connected to the Christos Guardian host or one of our guides, it comes from an interpretation of emotional feeling, like it feels like “X”, whatever that feeling is, or it sounds like… Sometimes it doesn’t make sense in a linear perception, because when we are deconstructing our meditation experiences, or attempting to decipher our spiritual experiences in the earlier stages, many times it doesn’t make sense to our linear mind. We have to learn that Spirit speaks in a different language and it connects into our emotional senses and sensory abilities. So how we interpret our spiritual experience is through our feeling responses, and that is one of the functions of the limbic system structure.

Obviously, this part of our brain is very important in helping us to decipher our spiritual experiences, and to increase and strengthen our spiritual connection. This is why when we are disciplining our negative emotions, or we are in control of our emotional state, it allows us to have a higher level of Spiritual Maturity. More control over our emotional body is directly related to our spiritual connection. So, you can see the Controllers’ agenda, why they they have created people that are emotionally traumatized, and not competent emotionally. They don’t know how to manage their emotions. They are easily led by their emotions. They’re very impulsive through their instinctual emotions, and that has been cultivated in the masses because that blocks our spiritual connection. Again, this is food for thought and understanding the importance of your limbic system structure in your spiritual connection and ability to interpret your spiritual experiences through your feeling responses.

Now, this area of our brain is wired directly with our Soul matrix, and is our higher emotional sensory body that when spiritually activated, connects into our Heart Brain Complex, and that creates natural feelings of Empathy. Okay, this is another understanding; when spiritually activated connects to our heart brain, okay, what does that mean? It means we synthesize the logic of what we have learned with higher reasoning of the brain with our feeling responses as a part of a superpower, because our heart brain complex is what gives us a superpower of intuitive ability of higher sensory perception that is merged and unified with the logical reasoning of our Critical Thinking.

Now, humans need a healthy brain with a functioning limbic system, and a healthy Bio-Neurology that is not being assaulted by artificial mind control frequencies and neurological toxins in order for them to experience their spiritual connection, and therefore, feel Compassionate empathy and achieve a higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. As most of us already know, starseeded people tend to be natural empaths, because they have unique neural profiles in which their limbic system actually functions at much higher levels to communicate with their heart center. This makes it very clear that the Controllers want to destroy healthy emotional functions and higher sensory experiences that are connected to our spiritual experiences that are provided by healthy human brains, by targeting our Bio-Neurology with an assortment of energetic and physical neurotoxins, as well as now, the frequency following method of brain wave targeting.

Recent events revealed to us yet again, another aggressive attempt to destroy healthy function in the human brain and human nervous system with a full spectrum assault that is targeting the brainwaves, but certainly is also targeting the limbic system through the blaring fear Propaganda that we cannot escape at this particular stage, unless of course, we turn off all social media, all news and everything and just don’t listen to it, of course, which is something we all should do. But when targeting the limbic system and Amygdala with artificial frequencies in fear, distortions in the emotional state are made which change the individual’s perception and the meaning that they assign to that emotional state. So when circuits are damaged in the limbic system with excessive terror, excessive fear, the amygdala emotional center becomes overwhelmed with the negative emotion, plummeting that person into feelings of dark Depression and despair.

When the limbic system has been unconsciously entrained into fear and negative emotions, people have difficulty with their perceptions, and with memory recall of things, right? So they can’t recall memories, and they’re confused in their perceptions. So they cannot use critical thinking to make a good decision as they are unable to perceive the consequences of their actions. Okay, so this is extremely important to understand. When we feel confused about the unhealthy and the various extremely negative decisions that some people make around us, we can see that when people are plummeted into excessive terror and fear, and they are unconsciously being entrained into fear and negative emotions, not only in their waking state, but in their sleeping state; that many people that are being exposed to that are going to have difficulty with their perceptions and their recall memory, because it blocks their critical thinking to be able to see the consequences of their actions. So meaning that they cannot see that, because the fear is blocking it within their Limbic System.

Now the areas of the amygdala and Hippocampus in the limbic system provide the foundation for emotional states that connect us to higher sensory perception, where we connect to positive spiritual and mystical experiences during our meditative states. This means practicing Meditation, cultivating stillness of the mind. We can develop mental skills and strengthen our brain to overpower artificial input towards negative emotions, replacing them with positive states by training ourselves, to hold inner stillness and a clear, calm mind.

Going into deeper meditation to generate inner stillness works to clear emotional negativity and dissolve neuronal entrainment to negativity in our Amygdala, through the mere focus of going inside of ourselves, and holding Neutrality and meditative stillness. In the nothingness of the inner void we are the eternal light within the complete absence of any unpleasant emotion or thought, just existing in the now moment as pure presence, stillness, peace and calm. When we decide to be the master of our own thoughts and emotions, we then become the master of our own brains, and these artificial frequencies and fears will cease to disturb us. This can be achieved through simple daily meditation, in which inner stillness, focusing upon your breath is emphasized, which is suggested to maintain inner peace during these incredibly chaotic times.

Now beloved family, in light of this topic, for this month’s offering, there are four shorter invocation requests for use before sleep state, for you to experiment with, and again feel if it is in alignment with you. It is intended to bring your awareness to this phenomenon we are discussing today, as well as your conscious participation with intentional clearings of these assorted technological weapons by stating your non-consent, and commanding the natural laws in God’s authority.

These four shorter invocation requests before sleep state are broken down as the first one is a Sleep State Prayer. Then there is a command for sovereignty of brain and nervous system; an invocation to clear AI and toxic substances from food, water, air and supplements; and an invocation for deflecting all 5G and higher, as well as harmful as electromagnetic frequency. May these tools be easy to use, as well as helpful for generating a restful sleep state. May you find peaceful center in the middle of the raging storm, and by commanding the sovereignty of your brain and nervous system.

Thank you so much for your loving support, your Compassion and care. We are in this together and we pray that you feel as supported as possible in the community container. We send our loving prayers of deep appreciation, and we pray for your well being and spiritual fulfillment, as God would have it be.

I command true spiritual law in all interactions, all karmic super impositions, as well as frequency following response methods of brain wave harnessing are hereby made null and void, stated in the authority of Cosmic Sovereign Law, in the power of God and Christ.

Beloved ones, during these holy days of remembrance of our cosmic origins, we ask for spiritual healing. We asked for spiritual reintegration into the eternal Solar Light of God. We asked to remember and reclaim our organic consciousness of all unique aspects and body parts that may have been stolen, abused, misdirected, cloned, or copied by non-human or human forces in return to rightful owner. May we recover all of our authentic selves of angelic human consciousness, the other selves and stations of identity that may have shattered into the collective consciousness and interdimensional planes, to be fully reconnected and remembered into their true Cosmic Christos-SophiaGod Sovereign Free, eternal Holy Presence.

Beloved family, thank you so much for listening and joining with us and spiral time. Thank you, God. Thank you, God. Thank you, God. And so it is.

(End Transcript.)

Brain waves are special and unique to our spiritual consciousness, that means every single brain wave is uniquely individual, and there is no one with the same brain waves that you have.

Your brain is configured to your soul and spiritual blueprint.

Thus no one can emanate brain wave patterns in the same way as you do, even if your consciousness was cloned in some way – the difference can always be detected – although captured mainstream science will not admit this publicly.

Additionally, there are four shorter invocation requests for use before sleep state, in which to bring awareness and participation with intentional clearing of these assorted technological weapons by stating our nonconsent and commanding the natural laws in Gods authority.

Brain Wave Sovereignty Invocations

May these tools be easy to use to deflect harmful electromagnetic targeting, as well as helpful for generating a restful sleep state, may you find peaceful center in the middle of the raging storm. Thank you for your spiritual fortitude and endurance, we are in this together!

Much Love and GSF,

Lisa and Tomás

Loving gratitude to Claris, Annie and Jackie for the transcription.

~via – Time Shift Blog – June 19, 2024

LISA RENEE: “The Guardians Have Described 4 Different Scenarios for the Ascension Plan in Group Waves”

The Guardians have described four different scenarios for the Ascension Plan in group waves: 1): Ascension One-Ness: This would be described as similar to spontaneous Kundalini or a Samadhi moment, within the glimpse of nature a communion with all life forms takes place in simultaneous conscious realization that the being is One with all things in instantaneous time. The realization, the feeling, the consciousness and experience of At-One-Ment are all simultaneous and instant. The catalyst of the being is from holding a light accretion level that supports the critical mass in the personal auric field, that spontaneously activates the DNA required to hold this level of consciousness. 2): Ascension Twin Flame: Soul agreements through Twin Flame or Divine Union are to be united and the unit of consciousness, light packets being held in mutual soul agreement between two beings to catalyze the awakening process. This is the power of transformation and transmutation, as experienced within the True force of Love as an energy signature. This spiritual template may also be for Divine Union Couples to embody the proverbial Rod and Staff, and combine soul missions to accomplish greater world service with their mutual strengths to serve. This creates a trinity of Ascension Creational Energy as the embodied Ascended male and Ascended female, combine their energies to birth a new world paradigm through service. Some of these Divine Union agreements will include one of the souls to actually Walk In to establish this soul agreement. There is more progress on what is referred to as Twin Flame Rifts and the schism that delayed these Twin Flame agreements from happening in prior cycles. We will be guided in this area with more information in the coming months. 3): Ascension Star Family Contact: Many more Souls with Star Family genetics and ET lineage connections, will be first impulsed and then contacted for communication and collaboration. Many of those in this group have soul agreements in place for this method of spiritual advancement. Light packets of data, Star Language and its coding have direct frequency implications, along with DNA Activation sequencing. This is the path of the download and many beings receiving huge downloads of various data, ascension or evolution information, are being directly impulsed and contacted by their Star family Lineage. The Star Family in many cases will employ Etheric Surgery, upgrading the consciousness manifestation template and its programs so the being is more comfortable and able to have direct cognition and functioning to learn the Language of Light, or Star Language. Many beings are being recruited and have agreement to be in a Galactic Emissary roles for the human species. 4): Ascension Walk In: This will have some different variations from a traditional walk in scenario. Most Walk Ins are considered to be that of a 3D incarnated soul that has stepped out of its bodies at a certain point of time, usually in a Near Death Experience. And a new aspect of soul essence has stepped into the bodies and taken responsibility for the original soul’s Karma, ancestral and its other issues upon walking into the body. Generally there is a Monadic soul braid connection when this occurs, to allow the soul its same connection to its Monad or Oversoul. The new Ascension Walk In can be a variation of merging multidimensional consciousness with its higher identity, and the higher identity takes over, or a sharing of soul essences in the same body to get certain objectives completed in this incarnational round. This scenario I have the least grasp of comprehending, except suffice to say some unusual configurations and surprises are in store for us in this regard! It is possible to say as an example, that the very last being you may think is so asleep to its ego and that it would never demonstrate enlightenment in this lifetime, may show up God-realized in a split second!”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “One Must Inhabit an Ascending Planet in Order to to Spiritually Evolve Into a Christ and Experience Cosmic Christ Consciousness”

“There are Ascended Christs embodied in male and female forms that have united their inner polarities through spiritual ascension to the Zero Point — eternal Love consciousness that is embodied in a form is unity intelligence, a Tri-wave consciousness that is simultaneously recognized as the Inner Light of Christos. To understand the Tri-wave Consciousness, think of the three sources of the original primal sounds of universal creation—The Threefold Flame. The first unit, as an energy matrix unit is a tri-wave, that which contains potentials for all polarities or no polarity. No polarity means this is the neutral charge, or Zero Point, the Godhead is that central point of all union, which this planet is moving into direct alignment with. The Three Flames are all One, and yet they are distinct tones on their own. This is the paradox of Trinity Source of the God Head. The Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the Holy Son (Christos-Sophia) are all One as the Godhead, however, the Mother is not the Father, nor the Son. There is an energy matrix comprised of frequency that is a tri-wave tone, and this tone is inter-dimensional and also a part of the core substance of our Universal Time Matrix. When we come into understanding bipolar radiation; we understand the original trinity and completion of the source projecting out its consciousness units into a bi-wave polarity, which is the pair of opposites that manifest matter creations, through the masculine and feminine principles. The electromagnetic principles reflect the gender pairs, and this helps us understand the core manifestation structure from which all matter manifestation is built. In working with that bi-polar wave, it is the radiation unit that forms the electromagnetic scalar standing wave. We could say the bi polar wave is the sub tone of the tri-tone wave. Through that bi polar light wave projection, is the electromagnetism that creates the particle and anti-particle template of our universal structure. The particle unit represents the contraction phase of that tri-wave energy unit, thinking of a big circle which contains all potentials, and using the example of in-breath and its out-breath of source. The particle unit is represented as the in breath of the energy that is contracted and received by that omni-polar or tri-tone state, the complete energy matrix. This is the base magnetic tone of that tri-tone energy unit. The anti-particle unit represents the outbreath or expansion phase of anti-matter or anti particle energy and is considered the base electrical. Together, we know these units function as the female and masculine principles of energy. This is to help us to understand that this is much more than gender as we think of it, and that gender principles have relevance in the core mechanics of creation, that is based on electromagnetic energy. Gender Principles, through the pair of opposites, create the continuing cycle of this tri-wave energy unit, projecting itself into a bi-wave spectrum of light. The energy thrust expands into an anti-particle vibration point, as an electrical force that, contracts into a particle vibration point, creating the magnetic pole. This is the third vibration or tone of the tri-wave that draws the entire composite energy back into the source. When the energy is drawn back into the source, the feedback loop of reciprocal source light is generated and expanded. Our goal during these end cycle times is to create the Tri-wave Consciousness that draws the composite energy back into the zero point as a feedback loop, back into the source of all creation. This trinity field creates an eternal and perpetual supply of life force that regenerates the consciousness bodies. This eternal supply of life force is the Cosmic Christos light and the trinity principle that is the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. What we have come to learn through the Guardian principle of Hieros Gamos is that the Christos Collective Consciousness is the child and offspring of the Holy Mother and Holy Father, and cannot be birthed into the physical world without both male and female principles and polarities equally unified to Zero Point. These principles of polarity, in both male and female, become unified between the internal and external manifestation, internally with the inner spirit and externally with the physical body. Christ Consciousness is a collective consciousness force field of the Trinity Source of the Godhead, and any kind of entity can choose to embody the Inner Christos by becoming a human being, and evolve over time to become an embodied Christ. One must inhabit an ascending planet in order to have the opportunity to spiritually evolve into a Christ and experience Cosmic Christ Consciousness — which is the status of a Cosmic Citizen that travels God-Sovereign-Free throughout the Universes.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Edenic Blueprint”

Peacock Guardian of Edenic Gardens

“Throughout the descent of humanity during the Dark Aeon, human beings had the inherent awareness of our inner divinity as being reflected from within the beauty held in the external landscapes. The eternal living spirit of the God creator was known to be directly imbued in the elements that formed into the planetary geographical features, and the sacred portals and holy areas of the lands were experienced as profoundly healing for the human spirit, and thus acknowledged with great respect and held in loving reverence for all of nature and life. Ancient wisdom teachings from the Emerald Founder Records were carried over from the Celtic Church, in which those Hyperborean lines of Christos Ascended Masters came to the Earth to teach and guide the angelic human tribes, in order to help them rebuild their civilizations after the Ice Age floods and Atlantian cataclysm that caused global catastrophe. They taught about the eternal light of solar fire, virtue-ethics and the mathematical and crystalline nature of reality that interconnected the spiritual world with the material world; that luxurious beauty which built the God Creator’s many mansions as Krystal Cathedrals embedded with interdimensional crystal lattices of flowing chalices as eternal water fountains and flowering gardens of spiritual light. Sacred geometries of dancing frequency songs patterned in circular wheels and rose flower petaled windows with gorgeous stained-glass mosaics, creating the kaleidoscopic effects of stunning light murals painted from palettes of opalescent color as holy refined spiritual energies. They taught about the mathematical formulas in the divine architecture that supports the archetypal forces of krystal attributes that manifest into Golden Palaces and Paradisian Cities of Light that were to be found in the many star constellations above, which held hidden celestial worlds transmitting this knowledge from the Seven Higher Heavens. Further, this ancient knowledge taught of the existence of the divine paradise that is Eden, the Edenic Blueprint, prior to the rise of the three Abrahamic organized religions orchestrated by the Negative Alien groups as a cover story to hide humanity’s star origins and to falsify historical timelines. The divine architecture of the Edenic world was to be found in God’s creator codes hidden in plain sight throughout the natural kingdom, the divine Mother and Father had created the landscapes and holographic features of the planet to represent the sacred beauty and grace that is God’s grace in heaven. A beautiful paradise of lush flora and fauna, an abundance of hanging fruits and rivers of milk and honey that would flow throughout eternity as the place of final rest from this world or to build your Eden in the next.”

~Lisa Renee

Throughout the descent of humanity during the Dark Aeon, human beings had the inherent awareness of our inner divinity as being reflected from within the beauty held in the external landscapes. The eternal living spirit of the God creator was known to be directly imbued in the elements that formed into the planetary geographical features, and the sacred portals and holy areas of the lands were experienced as profoundly healing for the human spirit, and thus acknowledged with great respect and held in loving reverence for all of nature and life.

Ancient wisdom teachings from the Emerald Founder Records were carried over from the Celtic Church, in which those Hyperborean lines of Christos Ascended Masters came to the Earth to teach and guide the angelic human tribes, in order to help them rebuild their civilizations after the Ice Age floods and Atlantian cataclysm that caused global catastrophe. They taught about the eternal light of solar fire, virtue-ethics and the mathematical and crystalline nature of reality that interconnected the spiritual world with the material world; that luxurious beauty which built the God Creator’s many mansions as Krystal Cathedrals embedded with interdimensional crystal lattices of flowing chalices as eternal water fountains and flowering gardens of spiritual light. Sacred geometries of dancing frequency songs patterned in circular wheels and rose flower petaled windows with gorgeous stained-glass mosaics, creating the kaleidoscopic effects of stunning light murals painted from palettes of opalescent color as holy refined spiritual energies. They taught about the mathematical formulas in the divine architecture that supports the archetypal forces of krystal attributes that manifest into Golden Palaces and Paradisian Cities of Light that were to be found in the many star constellations above, which held hidden celestial worlds transmitting this knowledge from the Seven Higher Heavens.

Further, this ancient knowledge taught of the existence of the divine paradise that is Eden, the Edenic Blueprint, prior to the rise of the three Abrahamic organized religions orchestrated by the Negative Alien groups as a cover story to hide humanity’s star origins and to falsify historical timelines. The divine architecture of the Edenic world was to be found in God’s creator codes hidden in plain sight throughout the natural kingdom, the divine Mother and Father had created the landscapes and holographic features of the planet to represent the sacred beauty and grace that is God’s grace in heaven. As ancient humanity’s genetic connection with the sacred sites in the natural world was severed from mind-controlled trauma and our advanced culture of art and beauty was methodically decimated, this was coordinated with the rise of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which retained parts of these original ancient teachings. As the notion of Edenic paradise became controlled through religion, it was twisted by those in power as the just reward of the blind obedience required for the religious devotee’s afterlife, where those faithful to the false alien gods and their prophets were promised a place in that elusive divine paradise at death, sometimes as they were being most tragically executed. Paradise in the Abrahamic religions was still being described as the reward for serving your God rather than through working on your moral character for reaching perfect love and perfect peace, with the knowledge that these manifested virtues arranged into a personal spiritual garden found inside our crystal heart. A beautiful paradise of lush flora and fauna, an abundance of hanging fruits and rivers of milk and honey that would flow throughout eternity as the place of final rest from this world or to build your Eden in the next.

The Blue Ray Melchizedek Christos Essene Templars, our ancestors prior to the Atlantian Cataclysm, had been entrusted to retain the ancient builder records of the Emerald Founders. They knew that the planet’s natural landscapes were filled with holographic features and ley lines representing connection points to the constellations of stars, manifesting into sacred temples of light, even linking into portals of other dimensions of time. They built magnificent architectural masterpieces of divinely inspired structures with advanced technologies of light and sound from ancient mapping systems, with the intelligent comprehension and crystallized intention of linking the spirit world with the matter world throughout the design and construction process, utilizing sacred architecture or Edenic blueprints.

Alhambra Palace

One of these architectural masterpieces that was intelligently designed to connect with the Edenic Blueprints of Hieros Gamos can be sensed through the physical remnants of the Alhambra Palace, yet the splendor and glory of its original divine paradisian state can only be found in the etheric imprints of its holographic overlay created in the intersecting Dragon Nodes connected to the planetary grid network. Through the study and measurement of the sacred geometric interplay based upon comprehending the geographical energy configurations running in the Planetary Grid Network, the true Christos Essene Templars began the intelligent design of the buildings intended for a divine purpose and function to uplift and enlighten humanity, as they responsibly co-created with the Universal intelligence of Natural Laws. They brought the factors from the spiritual world that are necessary to amplify the sacred light and sound held within the planetary architecture on the ley line site, to amplify the configuration of that specific energetic quality of the cosmos through assorted celestial bodies which influence planetary healing and consciousness expansion. The Christos Essenes and Cathars knew the planetary body had been infiltrated and invaded during the Atlantian Flood, so that our ancient star mapping systems in the ley lines were offline or damaged. It was for this reason that educating the population of the natural laws and building Krystic structures intended to commune with the divine spiritual links of God in the heavens, was an absolute priority in the Christos Mission. [1]

Arc Zone

This sacred Aquamarine trinity represents the Godheads divine plan for sending the Dragon luminaries to fulfill the full anchoring of the Arc of the Covenant time portal passages and the Emerald Order Edenic Blueprints to run Krystic current that opens into the Arc Zone from the earth. The new access made into the Arc Zoneannounces the return of the Holy Motherprinciple in the wisdom of her Aquamarine Rayaspects that were originally embodied in the Universal Blue Flame Melchizedeks and that were subsequently fallen into the lower density’s that were running the NAA’s Patriarchal Domination Coding.

The Holy Mother through the Mother Arc Hubs, created within the Arc of the Covenant gateway, intends to reclaim the genetic bonds to heal her offspring incarnated within the lower creation worlds. [2]

Our Mother principle gently guides us to know the truth that in order to deeply heal, one must be able to deeply feel, and to empathize with the feelings of others. The Mother aspect of the Godhead, and the Sophianic female principleare what gently nudge us to feel safe enough to look inside and feel our Sacred Crystal Heart again. As we merge with our Mother’s Cosmic heart, she holds us stable in a field of omni love, so that we can fully discover the hidden contents of our own crystal heart. Our Mother God parent returns to us in order to show us how to create the beautifully harmonically arranged music that is recorded deep within our Soul and Spirit. These musical tones can only be felt with our heart, and this blossoming of love from within our sacred crystal heart is what allows us to merge with the God Worlds, to know the Edenic Blueprint. From within this field of omni-love, we live in harmony with the Universal Natural Laws and live in harmony with ourselves and our creations. Therefore, we are given the spiritual power to co-create our own peaceful place, to live in an Edenic state – as we are one with the Godhead. [3]

Rondane Mountains

The Rondane Mountains in Norway hold the ancient Edenic Codes from 7D Hyperborea and alignment into the 11D stargates from the Solar Logos Buddhic Body, which includes a geomantic structure that retains the crystalline perfection of the Sacred Tree of Life, or Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil is the divine structure of the original Sacred Tree from the Golden Age of Hyperborea that holds the twinning aspect of the male and female united as the Christos-Sophia in sacred Rod and Staff. This sacred crystal holographic Tree of Life is entwined in the landmass of Norway and connects its sprawling branches into many hierarchies of angelic devas in the natural kingdoms of Earth. This Sacred Tree architecture is connected to the Edenic Coding which is designed as a crystalline support structure to restore energetic balance in the lands, nourish planetary waters and protect the spirits that live in the many different realms of the natural kingdoms on the planet. [4]

Guinevere’s Arayanas Plasmas

The Triple Solar Goddess emanation of Merida-Guinevere-Brigid are preparing for the seating of King Arthur’s divine counterpart Queen Guinevere onto the earth, in which the building of her Krystal Cathedral networks to anchor the Eireayanas or Arayanas flowering sophianic plasma fields, are designed to restore the Cosmic Amoraea Shield in the Emerald Crystal Heart networks which hold the Edenic Blueprints, transmitting through the Cosmic Spirit Suns of Eireayanas which are being reunited with the Ascended Master’s Yanas Aton God Body. See Solar Dragon Queen Merida.


  1. Alhambra Palace
  2. Arc Zone
  3. Arc Zone
  4. Rise of Arthur

See Also:

Mother Arc Gates


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “We are the Courageous and Brave Shining Ones We’ve Been Waiting for All Along”

Photo by Ascension Avatar

“During the move into Taurus Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can work with and meditate upon the natural elements of Taurus to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials. Much of what is being experienced in the outerscape is being greatly amplified through the hidden fears, buried traumas and unhealed and unaddressed emotional wounds from our past. We cannot run away from the increasing encroachment of darkness in our lives and we cannot hide from our hidden and buried fears any longer, denying this is happening. This month we study the perceptions of fear inside of ourselves, so that we can see the macrocosm agenda of the controllers using the frequency of fear to greatly increase the shadows of darkness in our world and create mind control slaves that are easily subjugated into tyranny and oppression. We are living through the escalating terrain of aggressive spiritual warfare being waged through customized AI programs that are designed to counter the growing light of solar consciousness on the planet. These technological weapons are currently being introduced to the masses by the NAA groups for exerting more effective crowd control and behavioral modification. These include the transmissions of blatant electronic harassment, microwave weaponry for nano-bot assembly and for building the internet of human bodies as the partnered strategy for further activating the bioweapons, along with transmissions of assorted mind control scripts for sleep deprivation and consciousness suppression. These energy weapons are real and not imaginary, they are covertly targeting humanity to vanquish the inner light of the awakening soul-spirit, in order to weaken, oppress and conquer the masses at this juncture where humanity is dangling on the precipice of changing world history as the result of the upcoming collective awakening event. For those of us that have been on the front lines of this aggressive spiritual warfare for years now, we have hit more sophisticated levels of the next generation of AI customized targeting with archontic engineered entities and covert technology weapons that are designed to energetically siphon, suppress, delude, redirect, harass, intimidate and threaten us from achieving our spiritual mission. This has become extremely obvious as the Anti-Christ Controllers point all cannons towards the groundcrew, during this stage as we hit into the major confrontations that are coming between the Cosmic Father and those antichrist forces that oppose him. Those of us that embody and carry the highest frequencies of the Paliadorian Solar Christos-Sophia and Founder Solar Dragon Rishi Krystic creators, as well as those being activated into their solar consciousness as dormant Starseeds and Indigos, are being targeted by newly implemented AI technological systems of electronic harassment in order to route them into the consciousness pens set up by the border guards of the 3D matrix. Thus, in retaliation, more aggressive methods have been put into place in order to suppress and dampen the inner Christ consciousness liquid plasma light being carried by the spiritual warriors defending the eternal light of God, in which to finally reveal the disclosure events to the remaining human population. We are the courageous and brave shining ones we’ve been waiting for all along — for we are the Cosmic Christed Avatar of Ascension supporting the divine plan of human liberation through the benevolent eyes of God.”

~Lisa Renee

During the move into Taurus Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can work with and meditate upon the natural elements of Taurus to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.

Much of what is being experienced in the outerscape is being greatly amplified through the hidden fears, buried traumas and unhealed and unaddressed emotional wounds from our past. We cannot run away from the increasing encroachment of darkness in our lives and we cannot hide from our hidden and buried fears any longer, denying this is happening. This month we study the perceptions of fear inside of ourselves, so that we can see the macrocosm agenda of the controllers using the frequency of fear to greatly increase the shadows of darkness in our world and create mind control slaves that are easily subjugated into tyranny and oppression.

We are living through the escalating terrain of aggressive spiritual warfare being waged through customized AI programs that are designed to counter the growing light of solar consciousness on the planet. These technological weapons are currently being introduced to the masses by the NAA groups for exerting more effective crowd control and behavioral modification. These include the transmissions of blatant electronic harassment, microwave weaponry for nano-bot assembly and for building the internet of human bodies as the partnered strategy for further activating the bioweapons, along with transmissions of assorted mind control scripts for sleep deprivation and consciousness suppression. These energy weapons are real and not imaginary, they are covertly targeting humanity to vanquish the inner light of the awakening soul-spirit, in order to weaken, oppress and conquer the masses at this juncture where humanity is dangling on the precipice of changing world history as the result of the upcoming collective awakening event.

As the infighting of the various controller groups continue in their interdimensional battle blending with the surface earth final conflict to gain control over the planet, they are desperate. Thus, they barely bother to hide or cover their tracks of committing assorted crimes against humanity, with evidence mounting of major electromagnetic pulsing attacks being clearly measured and observed by several interested parties on the internet that are willing to use critical thinking. Thus, we are precariously walking the razor thin edge of the massive mountain of lies and accumulative pile of cover ups that finally reveal the prison planet reality of humanity’s hidden history of consciousness enslavement, under the invading anti-human entities of the NAA, which will open the floodgates of human liberation and spiritual freedom during the ascension cycle.

Thus, for those of us that comprehend the stark reality of spiritual warfare, this is the phase to be extremely careful with your body, work spiritual clearing tools daily, be acutely aware of clone warfare and spiritual imposters, and to do your very best to maintain your inner liquid light frequency, by speaking the sobering truth of the reality and telling no lies to yourself in which to regain personal comfort. This phase of the spiritual battle requires that we stay wide awake and pull ourselves up by the bootstraps to renew our commitment to seek the hard truth found inside all things, to speak the truth as it is and to defend the Truth Frequency in every aspect of our lives, which will keep us perfectly aligned with the protective spiritual armor of God and Christos.

Currently, we are deep into the impacts of the Electrical peak cycle with a series of plasma ejections from the sun within a short time, which catalyzes powerful geomagnetic disturbances which mainstream media says could compare to the intensity of the 1859 Carrington event, which disrupted global communications and set telegraph stations on fire. Apparently, this amount of coronal mass ejections is highly unusual and was referred to as an Extreme G4 Solar Storm Train, with Eight Geomagnetic Storms impacting the planet exactly during the pinnacle of the Electrical Peak, as we transitioned into Taurus Solar Alchemy.

For the NAA Controllers, the awakening Christos Starseeds combined with the solar symbiosis cycle building out the flowering sophianic plasmas of the Tantriahura solar based architecture in the Albion has been a major thorn in their side, as massive solar plasmas from sequential coronal mass ejections flood into the planetary grid system and are recoding dark matter and waking up the inner Christos light inside the sleeping consciousness of the masses.

Congelation is the term used in early modern alchemy for the process known as crystallization, the process by which solids take form and are organized into a structure known as a crystal. Taurus alchemy is the process of congelation which is how something congeals or thickens into a new pattern or blueprint, for our terminology Taurus is the congelation of the diamond sun crystal blueprint. This increase in viscosity is to reassemble parts into different energetic patterns or new configurations, thus wholly transforming it. This is achieved through a reduction in applied heat or through the result of the bodily chemical reactions that are caused by the changes in temperature or stress. This change in temperature is the natural result of the vacillation of active kundalini liquid fire ignited in the tailbone, moving up the inner vertical channel and spreading throughout the bodily systems. Sometimes the increase in viscosity is great enough to crystallize or solidify the new element or create a new substance for heightened consciousness. In spiritual alchemy, congelation is one of the vital processes for material bodily transformation to occur, such as during the ascension process. This is a process of spiritual integration of the reassembled parts or the required patterns being generated by the activated kundalini or inner spiritual energies that generate new configurations to be created within the lightbody layers of the individual’s body consciousness.

For those of us that have been on the front lines of this aggressive spiritual warfare for years now, we have hit more sophisticated levels of the next generation of AI customized targeting with archontic engineered entities and covert technology weapons that are designed to energetically siphon, suppress, delude, redirect, harass, intimidate and threaten us from achieving our spiritual mission. This has become extremely obvious as the Anti-Christ Controllers point all cannons towards the groundcrew, during this stage as we hit into the major confrontations that are coming between the Cosmic Father and those antichrist forces that oppose him.

Those of us that embody and carry the highest frequencies of the Paliadorian Solar Christos-Sophia and Founder Solar Dragon Rishi Krystic creators, as well as those being activated into their solar consciousness as dormant Starseeds and Indigos, are being targeted by newly implemented AI technological systems of electronic harassment in order to route them into the consciousness pens set up by the border guards of the 3D matrix.

Thus, in retaliation, more aggressive methods have been put into place in order to suppress and dampen the inner Christ consciousness liquid plasma light being carried by the spiritual warriors defending the eternal light of God, in which to finally reveal the disclosure events to the remaining human population.

It is wise to stay as low on the radar as possible, keep your meditative gaze and holy prayers upon all that is God, intending to speak with God and the Inner Christos that lives inside you every day for meaningful guidance forward, and to not give in to the unrelenting fear broadcasts and intimidating electronic harassment siphoning life force. Instead use this month’s information intelligently to dig deeper within to connect with your eternal spiritual light and find the resilience, patience and endurance to maintain your spiritual center when exposed to the outer chaos and insanity of spiritual warfare made against humanity. We are the courageous and brave shining ones we’ve been waiting for all along — for we are the Cosmic Christed Avatar of Ascension supporting the divine plan of human liberation through the benevolent eyes of God.

~via Taurus Solar Alchemy

LISA RENEE on “Warfare as a Result of the Major World Governments Making Contact with Negative Aliens”

“During World War II, there was a major revolution in the Militarization and approach to warfare as a result of the major world governments making contact with Negative Aliens, who introduced them to an array of advanced technologies in exchange for access to human genetics, breeding programs and earth resources. During this phase of setting up covert military programs to experiment with these alien based advanced technologies, it became common knowledge in the secret intelligence factions that human brain waves and behavior could be influenced or controlled through exposures to light and sound or electromagnetic frequencies. These exposures were covertly tested out on human beings for many purposes, through the development of various electromagnetic frequency Implants. Since the Majestic 12 and Zeta Grey Alien Trade Agreements were made about 85 years ago, earth inhabitants have been aggressively experimented upon with hidden technologies used to Implant Thoughts as one of the many prongs of social engineering programs. Military Grey Alien Technology has been artificially written into the various reversal field grid networks, as well as have manifested independent harm from their technologies of military weapons, genetic experiments, timeline programs, Artificial Intelligence, Holographic Inserts and astral mirages, human abductions, tagging/tracking and Astral Plane manipulation. One particular distortion we’d like to bring to your attention is the Zeta Seal, because these implants have been more active in the general 3D population during this time of transition to the next harmonic universe, which is bringing much higher frequencies to be exposed to the masses. Electrical impulses are generated from the lightbody via the Nadial Structure, which is a spiritual body part. It is made up of a webbing of energetic receivers and energetic transmitters that are intrinsic to the interconnected messaging functions in the human Soul-Spirit consciousness layers. The Zeta Seal is located in the Astral Plane layers of the heart complex to block activation of the 4th DNA strand which blocks access to the higher intelligence of the Mentor Fields, the first layer of the Higher Self self mind in the 5th dimension. It is designed to interfere with the Nadial Structure which instructs the human nervous system and communicates with the circuitry of the human heart. Recently, events have opened up timelines related to Zeta Seals and 4D implants that block the heart organ for its capability to access its multidimensional layers in the heart complex and the etheric nadis — which is the blueprint for the CNS and brain receiver. Zeta Seals are also related to the military industrial complex timelines, these seals are on the first layer of the heart chakra which puts a barrier between the heart and the mental body transmission — it is a type of Splitter Tech that scrambles the communication between the heart transmission and the brain receiver. When this is implanted, the person cannot feel much as ‘energy’ in the environment, and it appears to be reinforced or strengthened when entering military service. This Grey technology is sprayed/injected in many military related areas, ceremonies or any kind of military exposure. There is a lot of this splitter tech and the Zeta Seal still operating in the 3D public. The most aggressive and violent of the Zeta groups are those that come from the star system Rigel, and thus are called Rigelians or Zeta-Drakonian Rigelians. This particular group was involved in military testing projects known as the Montauk Project, in which they set up the participants to fail, whereby ripping open holes into the space time field in the earth body in which the Zeta gained more access levels into the earth grid. This allowed for easier access to continue human abduction experiments for genetic engineering and testing, in order to create and evolve an assortment of human Clones and human hybrids that are engineered to carry out workloads or for fulfilling certain purposes. Infiltration of pregnant human mothers occurred through the abduction scenarios in which the unborn child would be injected with Zeta-Drakonian genetics and monitored after birth and into adulthood. By infusing genetic material into the child, the child grows into an adult in which can be controlled through the manipulation of DNA Signals whereby hijacking the Bio-Neurological System. Guardian teams assist in these matters by cleansing out the genetic material of these patterns in order to free these individuals from Zeta Hive Mind Control.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Zeta Alien Surveillance, Abduction and Breeding / Zeta Seal

LISA RENEE on “True Spiritual Marriage as a Part of Natural Biological Spiritual Ascension was Stolen from Humanity through the Alien Invasion”

“In Ascension context, the synthesizing of the pairs of energetic opposites into unity is also referred to as polarity integration, energetic synthesis or spiritual marriage. This also has the exact same meaning when applied to gender unification which is the energetic balance between the masculine principle and feminine principle. True spiritual marriage as a part of natural biological spiritual ascension, was stolen from humanity through the alien invasion. To prevent the natural biological ascension of human beings, the NAA reversed the life force currents in the planetary logos in order to produce Gender Splitting between the inner masculine principle and inner feminine principle of the angelic human DNA template, which further produced energetic imbalances that resulted in Gender Reversal. The energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates was being harnessed by Controllers through hijacked creation code and inorganic architecture, one such structure known as the Vesica Pisces a bi-polar geometry used to generate Reversal Networks. The hijacked Vesica Pisces code kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the Trinity Wave and unity code would not be accessible. Effectively, over time this produced Gender Reversal problems in the human lightbody, preventing and destroying Sacred Union between the male and female principle, and the machinery used to accomplish this is referred to as Anti-HG Technology. Anti-HG Technology is short for Anti-Hierogamic Technology which is a gender splitter weapon that has been identified by gridworkers which note that it has impacts upon the Lightbody and is a form of targeting individuals with assorted Electronic harassment designed for Mind Control. This forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions. It also was creating Monadic Reversal patterns which split us up from reuniting with our Monadic or Gender Twin Consciousness Matrix. Gender principle distortions have been used to propagate some of the deepest levels of spiritual abuse, sexual misery and personal torture that could occur to a race of beings. The pain of that theft and emotional abuse has damaged many people’s hearts. The heart damage both physical and energetic, has blocked the soul’s center of communication with the entire body. For this reason, there is an unconscious terror in accessing the heart center because the soul wound is so painful for so many on the earth. Many people feel this pain as soul crushing and there are reasons for that, which are warranted from the cellular memories of hidden human history. During the planetary ascension, the Gender Principle is being reset into the planet through the repair of the Solar Logos matrix and the building of the organic architecture for the Primary Gender Twin Matrix that is seated within the Temple of Khemalohatea. On top of all of the exciting developments of God’s Consciousness Technology returning back to our planet through our Mother Arc herself, we are getting ready to understand the Unity architecture in its Trinity Wave pattern and its direct relationship to manifesting true spiritual marriage on the planet. As Mother brings back the Krystal Star Frequencies, the Seven Sacred Suns, it is bringing the template of Sacred Spiritual Union between the Rod and Staff functions of our Lightbody’s Merkabic Field. Spiritual Ascension is the expansion related to the embodiment of specific spiritual-energetic triad bodies, which contain intelligence. These levels of intelligence are created as energetic consciousness bodies that are organized in trinities or triads. These triads of spiritual energetic intelligence hold dimensional frequencies which connect to the time and space of that particular plane of existence. When all aspects of the individual triad of intelligence are working and communicating together as an integrated whole this is called a Trinitized Form. Commonly we refer to the Soul Triad as organized between three distinct dimensional planes of time and space, described as 4D, 5D, and 6D. There are distinct Stages of Spiritual Body development in relationship to the energetic merging of these polarities of forces, that directly impact gender centers. The integration of these forces results in the integration between the masculine and feminine counterparts existing within each triad. Currently the blueprint restoration of the trinity architecture that is necessary to unite spiritual marriage at all three evolving levels, is being supported in the planetary logos. All of these spiritual marriage stages of development may be held by an extension, twin or genetic equal incarnated or existing in another dimension. More humans will attract relationships from these future timelines, noted as stages that are designed as levels of spiritual marriage, to support the integration of gender polarities and end past timeline karmic patterns. At certain levels of frequency conjunction within the spiral of time, access to higher blueprints that create new energy templates is made possible. When undergoing the alchemical process of energetic synthesis, the polarities of male or female principles will amplify in extremes as they appear as manifest forms in matter. If one is willing to become aware of these bodies, one can increase the health of the bodies to reconnect to higher levels in order to remove stress, fear, confusion and pain. As one grows in awareness and desires to connect with the consciousness intelligence of each body’s blueprint plan, one is able to make frequency alterations that impact how that body and its energies function. This is a direct function of the HGS template, building new plans for the self, humanity and the planet. As the bodies and their energies function in a more connected cohesive manner, they begin to integrate and reconnect the intelligent energies communicating between each other. That reconnection to intelligent energies includes the ability of the physical body to communicate between the Soul, the Monad or oversoul, and the Christos Avatar. The Christos Avatar changes the energy architecture or plan to reflect trinitized forms, which override all previous intermediaries that have acted vampiric towards the being, in order to directly exchange with the eternal source. Eventually when stabilized, this purges the shadow selves and this higher inner communication changes all of the external communication in one’s personal relationships. One goes beyond karmic entanglements of shadow manipulation, relationship confusion and expands to a new ability to experience and enjoy truly loving balanced and healthy relationships. This is a direct result of one’s spiritual ascension progress which results in inner spiritual marriage. The planet has reached that axis in time where the gender principle of creation in this world will be tested for energetic integrity on every level it exists. The ability to have this awareness will become more important as we observe extreme conflicts between gender, surfacing in our personal relationships designed for spiritual marriage. This changes the nature of all gender based relationships to be brought into energetic reconciliation. As we begin a new cycle, there are new Krystal Star hosted energy blueprints that redefine gender centers and their energetic positions in the instruction sets of the gridwork on the planet. The same process of polarity integration is transpiring now in the blueprint of the planetary logos or brain. Essentially this is a planetary body Merkaba shift between the counter rotating spirals of the masculine and feminine energies. This changes the collective brain configuration thus potentially shifting the thought forms in those human beings that are open to receive those new instruction sets and frequencies. As a result, this new cycle begins intense, rapid and spontaneous changes that significantly impact the energetic balance or energetic schism existing between the male and female principles. This impact will be thematic for a long time and will catalyze momentous transformation in all things having to do with gender, with male and female roles defined through archetypes, marriage, relationships, intimates, partnerships, friendships, family and group dynamics. Many of us will be undergoing deep transformations, exploration and discovery in all permutations of relating in the world based on our gender, as a man or as a woman, both or androgynous. What this means is that everything having to do with masculine and feminine principles of energy on this planet is undergoing some kind of transformation at the blueprint level. The process of spiritual reconnection integrates the energetic balance between each of the bodies, and that balance activates increasing levels of higher spiritual intelligence. Thus, developing higher consciousness intelligence manifests higher form and function throughout all of the levels of the being. This alignment to the natural flow creates harmony between all of its bodily parts, and then functions as a part of an integrated whole. Higher form and function are a natural byproduct of increasing intelligence that operates in alignment to the organic evolution that exists as a part of the energetic flow of nature. The term Hieros Gamos is used generally to refer to the sacred marriage between two divinities, or between a human being and Mother/Father God, or between two human beings (under certain special conditions); the ultimate alchemy of forces which harmonize polar opposites. Hieros Gamos is the sacrament that represents sacred marriage at the individual level, to the relationship level, to the group level as a part of spiritual ascension, moving through the spiraling staircase of time to experience unification with or marry all aspects of God. When we marry God through this sacrament, Christos-Sophia returns in our Sacred Crystal Heart. From the Guardian perspective, Spiritual Ascension comprises the Science of the Spirit, encompassing the entire quantum mechanics of how spirit and matter travel throughout time and space. Each gender may have a timeline or stage that is the complement required for their gender opposite partner’s polarity integration. With spiritual relationship awareness at certain stages, couples can travel through the spiritual marriage developments together consciously. This free consciousness is a natural state enjoyed on other planets by advanced races that are not imprisoned by artificial frequency fences, as they are on planet earth. Some examples of higher functions are cellular telepathy, transmutation, bilocation, and communication with all of nature and creatures.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Anti-HG Technology / Clarifying Gender Principles / Gender Splitting / Hieros Gamos

LISA RENEE: Shifting Timelines ~ “Taurus Solar Alchemy”

“We are living through the escalating terrain of aggressive spiritual warfare being waged through customized AI programs that are designed to counter the growing light of solar consciousness on the planet. These technological weapons are currently being introduced to the masses by the NAA groups for exerting more effective crowd control and behavioral modification. These include the transmissions of blatant electronic harassment, microwave weaponry for nano-bot assembly and for building the internet of human bodies as the partnered strategy for further activating the bioweapons, along with transmissions of assorted mind control scripts for sleep deprivation and consciousness suppression. These energy weapons are real and not imaginary, they are covertly targeting humanity to vanquish the inner light of the awakening soul-spirit, in order to weaken, oppress and conquer the masses at this juncture where humanity is dangling on the precipice of changing world history as the result of the upcoming collective awakening event. As the infighting of the various controller groups continue in their interdimensional battle blending with the surface earth final conflict to gain control over the planet, they are desperate. Thus, they barely bother to hide or cover their tracks of committing assorted crimes against humanity, with evidence mounting of major electromagnetic pulsing attacks being clearly measured and observed by several interested parties on the internet that are willing to use critical thinking. Thus, we are precariously walking the razor thin edge of the massive mountain of lies and accumulative pile of cover ups that finally reveal the prison planet reality of humanity’s hidden history of consciousness enslavement, under the invading anti-human entities of the NAA, which will open the floodgates of human liberation and spiritual freedom during the ascension cycle. For the NAA Controllers, the awakening Christos Starseeds combined with the solar symbiosis cycle building out the flowering sophianic plasmas of the Tantriahura solar based architecture in the Albion has been a major thorn in their side, as massive solar plasmas from sequential coronal mass ejections flood into the planetary grid system and are recoding dark matter and waking up the inner Christos light inside the sleeping consciousness of the masses. Thus, in retaliation, more aggressive methods have been put into place in order to suppress and dampen the inner Christ consciousness liquid plasma light being carried by the spiritual warriors defending the eternal light of God, in which to finally reveal the disclosure events to the remaining human population. Those of us that embody and carry the highest frequencies of the Paliadorian Solar Christos-Sophia and Founder Solar Dragon Rishi Krystic creators, as well as those being activated into their solar consciousness as dormant Starseeds and Indigos, are being targeted by newly implemented AI technological systems of electronic harassment in order to route them into the consciousness pens set up by the border guards of the 3D matrix. For those of us that have been on the front lines of this aggressive spiritual warfare for years now, we have hit more sophisticated levels of the next generation of AI customized targeting with archontic engineered entities and covert technology weapons that are designed to energetically siphon, suppress, delude, redirect, harass, intimidate and threaten us from achieving our spiritual mission. This has become extremely obvious as the Anti-Christ Controllers point all cannons towards the groundcrew, during this stage as we hit into the major confrontations that are coming between the Cosmic Father and those antichrist forces that oppose him. It is wise to stay as low on the radar as possible, keep your meditative gaze and holy prayers upon all that is God, intending to speak with God and the Inner Christos that lives inside you every day for meaningful guidance forward, and to not give in to the unrelenting fear broadcasts and intimidating electronic harassment siphoning life force. Instead use this month’s information intelligently to dig deeper within to connect with your eternal spiritual light and find the resilience, patience and endurance to maintain your spiritual center when exposed to the outer chaos and insanity of spiritual warfare made against humanity. We are the courageous and brave shining ones we’ve been waiting for all along, for we are the Cosmic Christed Avatar of Ascension supporting the divine plan of human liberation through the benevolent eyes of God. Currently, we are deep into the impacts of the Electrical peak cycle with a series of plasma ejections from the sun within a short time, which catalyzes powerful geomagnetic disturbances which mainstream media says could compare to the intensity of the 1859 Carrington event, which disrupted global communications and set telegraph stations on fire. Apparently, this amount of coronal mass ejections is highly unusual and was referred to as an Extreme G4 Solar Storm Train, with Eight Geomagnetic Storms impacting the planet exactly during the pinnacle of the Electrical Peak, as we transitioned into Taurus Solar Alchemy. During the move into Taurus Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can work with and meditate upon the natural elements of Taurus to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials. Thus, for those of us that comprehend the stark reality of spiritual warfare, this is the phase to be extremely careful with your body, work spiritual clearing tools daily, be acutely aware of clone warfare and spiritual imposters, and to do your very best to maintain your inner liquid light frequency, by speaking the sobering truth of the reality and telling no lies to yourself in which to regain personal comfort. This phase of the spiritual battle requires that we stay wide awake and pull ourselves up by the bootstraps to renew our commitment to seek the hard truth found inside all things, to speak the truth as it is and to defend the Truth Frequency in every aspect of our lives, which will keep us perfectly aligned with the protective spiritual armor of God and Christos.”

~Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

We are living through the escalating terrain of aggressive spiritual warfare being waged through customized AI programs that are designed to counter the growing light of solar consciousness on the planet. These technological weapons are currently being introduced to the masses by the NAA groups for exerting more effective crowd control and behavioral modification. Such as through the transmissions of blatant electronic harassment, microwave weaponry for nano-bot assembly and for building the internet of human bodies as the partnered strategy for further activating the bioweapons, along with transmissions of assorted mind control scripts for sleep deprivation and consciousness suppression. These energy weapons are real and not imaginary, they are covertly targeting humanity to vanquish the inner light of the awakening soul-spirit, in order to weaken, oppress and conquer the masses while humanity is dangling on the precipice of changing world history as the result of the upcoming collective awakening event.

As the infighting of the various controller groups continue in their interdimensional battle blending with the surface earth final conflict to gain control over the planet, they are desperate. Thus, they barely bother to hide or cover their tracks of committing assorted crimes against humanity, with evidence mounting of major electromagnetic pulsing attacks being clearly measured and observable by several interested parties on the internet that are willing to use critical thinking. Thus, we are precariously walking the razor thin edge of the massive mountain of lies and accumulative pile of cover ups that finally reveal the prison planet reality of humanity’s hidden history of consciousness enslavement, under the invading anti-human entities of the NAA, which will open the floodgates of human liberation and spiritual freedom during the ascension cycle.

For the NAA Controllers, the awakening Christos Starseeds combined with the solar symbiosis cycle building out the flowering sophianic plasmas of the Tantriahura solar based architecture in the Albion has been a major thorn in their side, as massive solar plasmas from sequential coronal mass ejections flood into the planetary grid system and are recoding dark matter and waking up the inner Christos light inside the sleeping consciousness of the masses.

Thus, in retaliation, more aggressive methods have been put into place in order to suppress and dampen the inner Christ consciousness liquid plasma light being carried by the spiritual warriors defending the eternal light of God, in which to finally reveal the disclosure events to the remaining human population. Those of us that embody and carry the highest frequencies of the Paliadorian Solar Christos-Sophia and Founder Solar Dragon Rishi Krystic creators, as well as those being activated into their solar consciousness as dormant Starseeds and Indigos, are being targeted by newly implemented AI technological systems of electronic harassment in order to route them into the consciousness pens set up by the border guards of the 3D matrix.

This the phase for those of us that comprehend the stark reality of spiritual warfare, to be extremely careful with your body, work spiritual clearing tools daily, be acutely aware of clone warfare and spiritual imposters, and do your very best to maintain your inner liquid light frequency, by speaking the sobering truth of the reality and telling no lies to yourself in which to regain personal comfort. This phase of the spiritual battle requires that we stay wide awake and pull ourselves up by the bootstraps to renew our commitment to seek the hard truth found inside all things, to speak the truth as it is and to defend the Truth Frequency in every aspect of our lives, which will keep us perfectly aligned with the protective spiritual armor of God and Christos.

For those of us that have been on the front lines of this aggressive spiritual warfare for years now, we have hit more sophisticated levels of the next generation of AI customized targeting with archontic engineered entities and covert technology weapons that are designed to energetically siphon, suppress, delude, redirect, harass, intimidate and threaten us from achieving our spiritual mission. This has become extremely obvious as the Anti-Christ Controllers point all cannons towards the groundcrew, although this stage is temporary as we hit into the major confrontations that are coming between the Cosmic Father and those antichrist forces that oppose him.

It is wise to stay as low on the radar as possible, keep your meditative gaze and holy prayers upon all that is God, intending to speak with God and the Inner Christos that lives inside you every day for meaningful guidance forward, and to not give in to the unrelenting fear broadcasts and intimidating electronic harassment siphoning life force. Instead use this month’s information intelligently to dig deeper within to connect with your eternal spiritual light and find the resilience, patience and endurance to maintain your spiritual center when exposed to the outer chaos and insanity of spiritual warfare made against humanity. We are the courageous and brave shining ones we’ve been waiting for all along, for we are the Cosmic Christed Avatar of Ascension supporting the divine plan of human liberation through the benevolent eyes of God.

Currently, we are deep into the impacts of the Electrical peak cycle with a series of plasma ejections from the sun in a short time, which catalyzes powerful geomagnetic disturbances which mainstream media says could compare to the intensity of the 1859 Carrington event, which disrupted global communications and set telegraph stations on fire. Apparently, this amount of coronal mass ejections is highly unusual and was referred to as an Extreme G4 Solar Storm Train, with Eight Geomagnetic Storms impacting the planet exactly during the pinnacle of the Electrical Peak, as we transitioned into Taurus Solar Alchemy.

During the move into Taurus Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can reflect and meditate upon the natural elements of Taurus to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.

  • Stage 2 Taurus, May 14 to June 19 (approx.)
  • Alchemical Theme: Congelation, Transformation
  • Element: Earth, Fixed, Negative
  • Elemental Form: Hexahedron, 6 faces, 8 points, 12 edges and 2160 degrees
  • Alchemical Metal: Copper (Women have about 20% higher copper serum in their blood than men.)
  • Relates to: Dimensional Phonon Resonance; Isotopic Cooling
  • Primary Planetary Correlation: Venus
  • Primary Embodied Correlations: Incarnate Identity Matrix, Chakra 2 Svadhisthana, pertains to upside down trinity light cells within the Higher Heart whose phasing creates tachyons and the Eternal Lotus Seed which begins the krystal life spiral return to the God source backflow current, and the KA center.
  • Taurus rules: neck, throat, palate, larynx, tonsils, lower jaw, ears, occipital region, cerebellum, atlas, axis, external carotid arteries, jugular veins, pharynx, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae.

Congelation is the term used in early modern alchemy for the process known as crystallization, the process by which solids take form and are organized into a structure known as a crystal. Taurus alchemy is the process of congelation which is how something congeals or thickens into a new pattern or blueprint, for our terminology Taurus is the congelation of the diamond sun crystal blueprint. This increase in viscosity is to reassemble parts into different energetic patterns or new configurations, thus wholly transforming it. This is achieved through a reduction in applied heat or through the result of the bodily chemical reactions that are caused by the changes in temperature or stress. This change in temperature is the natural result of the vacillation of active kundalini liquid fire ignited in the tailbone, moving up the inner vertical channel and spreading throughout the bodily systems. Sometimes, the increase in viscosity is great enough to crystallize or solidify the new element or create a new substance for heightened consciousness. In spiritual alchemy, congelation is one of the vital processes for material bodily transformation to occur, such as during the ascension process. This is a process of spiritual integration of the reassembled parts or the required patterns being generated by the activated kundalini or inner spiritual energies that has generated new configurations to be created within the lightbody layers of the individual’s body consciousness.

Law of Correspondence

  • Astrological Correspondence: Taurus – Venus – Earth
  • Chakra and Sphere 2, Instinctual Mind of Ego-Personality
  • Royal Star – Aldebaran

The Universal Law of Correspondence shows us that which is expressed from the inner world, is matched vibrationally in what expresses in the outer world, and vice versa. On the spiritual path, our ultimate goal is to express more energetic balance and symmetry between the layers of correspondence that we become aware of as multidimensional spiritual beings. The principle expresses the idea that there is always a correspondence which can be observed in the patterns between the Natural Laws of consciousness that exist simultaneously in the multiple dimensional planes of being and life. As above, so below; as below, so above. What is manifested in the material world, reflects the quality of the thought behind the pattern from the unmanifested layers or blueprint instruction sets. This principle also states that there is a correspondence between the multiple planes of reality which may form into integrated and harmonious interactions delineated as: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes, which operate at the individual (microcosmic) and collective (macrocosmic) levels.

If we want to understand more about the causal reality and events that are happening around us, we look at the macrocosm picture connected to the microcosm picture, and then the microcosm picture connected to the macrocosm picture and we observe the interconnections and patterns that are present there. To understand the nature of problems and life’s spiritual lessons, we look beyond the linear thinking of the issue. Instead, we look at what exists in the energetic layers that has created it, to see the patterns and the shadows that may be behind what has been generated from that situation and to perceive the possible motivations that are behind it.

If we want to see the accumulated thoughtforms that have created an organization, if we want to reverse engineer something that has been manifested, we look for the correspondences and patterns involved. We look at how that thing was created by observing the macro to micro patterns, the influence of the system of energy that was co-created, and the motivations behind those that created it. The Law of Correspondence informs us of the original intent and quality of thoughtforms that generate a pattern and were used to co-create a manifestation, in which we can observe causality through the mirror of reality. In this way, this law is very similar to the basic comprehension of the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Correspondence is greatly magnified by the importance of its position in our Universal Time Matrix. This Law manifests as the Guardian of the Eastern direction in the Pillar architecture that forms one side of the Four Cardinal Directions (N-S-E-W), that are measured in the Cosmic Time Cycle. The new celestial direction in the cosmic time cycle form into the King-Queen mandala of the Crown of the Magi, which belong to the Aeonic Pair, and is a type of Cosmic Celestial Time Calendar that opens up into Infinity, or the God Worlds. This is why Aldebaran is referred to as the Guardian of the East, and is one of the set cardinal directions of the Four Royal Stars. Hence, Aldebaran and the hidden histories of the Michael Wars have made impacts upon the Law of Correspondence, which have been formed into many of the anti-life reversals used to hijack the Law of Attraction for Service to Self or other harmful purposes.

In honor of the shift into Taurus Solar Alchemy which governs the Law of Correspondence and addressing the fear-based content recorded in our instinctual mind, our offering is to revisit the previous newsletter themes for Overcoming Fear and through the ongoing study to better understand the Physiology of Fear.

Overcoming Fear

To Overcome Fear, we must comprehend the real reasons we feel afraid and realize that our fears are pointing to the places within us that need attention.  Many humans have taken on the fear-based predator mind belief systems or alien mind control for the purpose of consciousness enslavement and subjugation to anti-human agendas.  All people that indulge in unrestrained and uncorrected negative emotional states of fear will attract demonic or dark spirits, which generate energetic blockages and cords in our lightbody that are manipulated into negative thoughts and emotions.  At this critical juncture, each person is choosing if they want to exist in love or fear which results in either freedom or spiritual bondage. To support this process of right thinking, we look directly at Fear to show us the spiritual lessons we have yet to master inside of ourselves and where darkness is blocking us from finding harmony in our direct relationship with God.

As we travel through the pinnacle of the shifting timelines and trigger events, many people are breaking through amnesiac barriers to access the dark contents of the subconscious mind and pain body where collective fear programming has been stored. People are conditioned to hide from their fears, to avoid the darkness and where they feel pain, and to bury these bones deep beneath the walls of conscious perception to forget about them. These unaddressed places of hidden shadows of darkness, unhealed pain and fear are pushing through the internal barriers, into full view of the conscious mind in order to perceive areas of self-deception and fear-based lies. This can manifest as tremendous torrents of mental and emotional pressure that greatly increases the perception of the fear and pain that is run in the instinctual mind’s unhealed shadows, amplifying anxiety and personal suffering in our lives. When we are clouded by the lens of fear and confusion we are easily overwhelmed and worn down, we can feel mentally paralyzed as a result of the ongoing bombardment of fears, running the fear frequency that suppresses our consciousness throughout the central nervous system.

During the Dark Night of the Soul, many people do not have clarity on the actual causal source of where their deep fears and pain impulses are actually coming from. Much of what is being experienced in the outerscape is being greatly amplified through the hidden fears, buried traumas and unhealed and unaddressed emotional wounds from our past. We cannot run away from the increasing encroachment of darkness in our lives and we cannot hide from our hidden and buried fears any longer denying this is happening. This month we study the perceptions of fear inside of ourselves, so that we can see the macrocosm agenda of the controllers using the frequency of fear to greatly increase the shadows of darkness into our world and create mind control slaves that are easily subjugated into tyranny and oppression.

To reclaim our sanity and spiritual freedom, we must make the effort to Overcome Fear.

The frequency of fear represents physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bondage. It destroys the capacity for expanding light into our consciousness, while it produces slavery in the mind. Unrestrained fear is a destroyer; it destroys love, it destroys trust, it destroys life, it destroys relationships and it destroys people. For this purpose, spreading fear-based mind control and dark spirits to hijack the subconscious thoughts and conscious belief systems of the masses is the primary consciousness manipulation tool of the Negative Alien Agenda and the Controllers. All earth inhabitants have been conditioned to run fear-based thoughts as the default setting in the subconscious mind, in order to attract and grow even more darkness, as mental bondage to fear produces consciousness slavery.

It takes personal will and commitment to understand how fear works in the hidden compartments of our subconscious and instinctual mind to repel the shadows of darkness, in order to find the spiritual strength to fully transform it into light. All of us have the internal spiritual power to transform darkness into light. Being courageous enough to face our deepest and darkest fears and to be willing to put forth the effort to overcome them, is the path we all must take to secure our consciousness freedom during the Ascension Cycle. Overcoming Fears and understanding where the fears are coming from is an important spiritual lesson in higher consciousness development. We must address fears from the place of neutral observation in order to demystify them and then see where they are actually coming from. When we have the courage to address our hidden fears, we are facing the hidden places of darkness and shadows that have existed in the subconscious parts of ourselves.

To Overcome Fear, we must comprehend the real reasons we feel afraid and realize that our fears are pointing to the places within us that need the directed attention of our conscious inner light. Places that need unconditional love, clarity and spiritual understanding, in order for us to continue to evolve and grow. Fear stunts our forward progress and emotional growth; it blocks our interaction with our inner spirit by closing down our heart center and it generates disharmony in our relationship with God.

Right Thinking in Facing Fear

At this critical juncture, each person chooses if they want to exist in spiritual bondage or freedom. This decision begins with gaining control over the mental body fears, in order to remove blockages through the willingness to face darkness by seeing the truth which is the first step in Overcoming Fear. This is the decision to commit to the process of organizing our lifestyle to prioritize our evolution towards developing a deeper connection with God by intending to seek truth, in our prayerful request to help us overcome the fear, uncertainty and doubt that generates darkness which blocks mental, emotional and spiritual freedom. This comes with the necessity of reprogramming our mind into making the right effort and right thinking, in which through intention and spiritual practice, we ask to remove all that fear content which obstructs the right relationship with our inner spirit from fully bonding. Right thinking gives us the personal power to remove the state of our personal suffering through neutral witnessing; observe, discern and accept what is not in your power to control. All judgments, fears and interpretations have to be suspended in that moment to release the grip of the fear and when they do occur, they are registered for observation and then let go and released by surrendering to what is in that moment.

We need to dissect the frequency of fear in all the ways it impacts our subconscious attitudes and behaviors, by paying attention to how we think and interpret our world through the inner dialogue we have with ourselves. Fear programs must be extracted from out of our body and cleared from taking full control over the direction of our consciousness, by paying attention to what we must learn from the lessons that come from the fear and being willing to seek the truth in the matter. Fear shows us the spiritual lessons we have yet to master inside of ourselves, as it demonstrates where darkness is blocking us, in finding harmony in our direct relationship with God and greater acceptance for those things which we have no power to control.

How much effort will you place on learning how to face fears and stop them from controlling your mind and controlling your life, in order to be mentally, emotional and spiritually free?

When our minds can only think about surviving perceived threats, we are easily controlled and manipulated through blind spots that are created from our own fear, uncertainty and doubt. This defines the consciousness state of mental bondage and suffering. Through perpetual states of feeling fear and anxiety, our critical thinking, executive function and emotional self-regulation skills that help us to resolve problems in our life are essentially eliminated. We are unable to face challenges and solve problems effectively when fear constantly lives in our mind. Overcoming Fear is the main lesson, we have to regain control over our mind and be able to accurately assess ourselves in our surroundings to see clearly the conditions that we are being exposed.  Overcoming Fear also contains vital keys in becoming the director of our own lives, as well as leading us to achieve mental, emotional and spiritual freedom, or a life without suffering, even when the world is in utter chaos.

When we Overcome Fear, we can break free from impulsive reactions that are triggered from domination-based tactics used in the everyday world and from manipulators that use aggression and intimidation in order to take control over our mental perceptions and emotional reactions in which to gain a desired result that benefits them. From this awareness, we can see these controlling interactions as spiritual lessons for mastering our personal growth in which we gain incredible spiritual strength from resisting those demands made by others that are constantly attempting to exert control over us. Simply refusing to comply, saying no or by consciously choosing something else that is in alignment to our personal value system.  We live in a mind-controlled world that uses fear, uncertainty and doubt to manipulate us to do things we generally would not do unless under great pressure, along with sophisticated gaslighting and military grade propaganda to socially engineer the population to sleep walk into full spectrum consciousness slavery. What steps can you take now to begin to free yourself from the patterns of mental bondage and personal suffering, forming strong mental skills for recontextualizing fear and improving your ability to emotionally self-regulate?  What spiritual lessons does fear reveal to you now?

Frequency of Fear and Unethical People

The frequency of fear is what makes people feel threatened and unsafe in the world, as well as feel disconnected and separated from other people, which generates disunity in the world. Disunity breeds self-deception, false perceptions and many negative ego character flaws that generate relationally unsafe people that are generally the profile of unethical people. People with a lack of empathy or ethical conduct, those that lack the development of trustworthiness have a tendency to deeply criticize, blame or judge others. When fear rules us, darkness and lies rule us. It also rules our relationships, which extinguishes the possibility for sharing deep human heart connections and forming empathic and loving bonds. Please take note of how fear is rooted in darkness and lies and can destroy ethical conduct, respect and empathy for others very easily. Fear generates lies and both destroy the hope for unified cooperation to exist between people which breaks down compassionate communication, that could be directed towards problem solving greater issues that impact all of humanity. One controller type person that uses fear to manipulate others for power can easily destroy the accumulated unity, positivity and trust earned in an entire organization or community, in one fell swoop. Thus, fear and spreading lies is the main manipulation tool of the controller archetype that is designed to generate perceptions of being threatened and feeling unsafe in the company of others and in any kind of social setting. It also produces relationally unsafe people, who are generally unethical, disrespectful people that lack empathy and caring for others wellbeing.

In order to heal our mental and emotional body to overcome deep fears, we must know how to establish safety within ourselves and recognize what makes us feel unsafe. Taking good care of our body, having a consistent meditation or spiritual practice to become more inner directed, avoiding exposure to self-harming behaviors, and learning how to manage fear or trauma reactions is essential to being safe within yourself. The first step is to identify what makes us feel safe and stable and to do those things every day. We must make an effort to identify what choices we do have, and make changes in our environment that can increase our sense of safety and comfort while in our physical space. Assess the physical and emotional safety of your environment, and realize it may be necessary to remove people or situations from your life who are entrenched in destructive and harmful behaviors, in order to make the necessary changes to your lifestyle that are emotionally and spiritually healthy.  When we are more competent in emotional self-regulation our inner safety is enhanced, so that personal trust can be formed, as we discover that we really do have the resources inside of us for feeling comforted and safe.

Imposters Manipulate Fear Perception

An important part of improving our feeling of safety is improving our emotional competency to recognize that negative emotions in ourselves and others, greatly cloud our discernment and interpretation of events. If people only see reality through the lens of fear, most of the time their interpretation is based on false evidence appearing real or plainly expressed, bold faced lies and deceptions. Fear is the primary manipulation tool of Imposters. When we have the capability to emotionally self-regulate, appropriate communication is not avoided through unhealed fears triggering some unwanted emotion because we are interested in seeking the truth in the matter. We all can learn to free ourselves from fear-based thoughts and emotions like anger, bitterness, resentment, retaliation, and other destructive emotions that cause hurt and pain. Yet everywhere we go in this world, we will get the opportunity to see those dark forces whether expressing as attachments through humans or nonhumans, continually manipulate those same fears in others, in order to gain control over them.

All imposters and dark forces, human or nonhuman that have the primary interest in exerting power and control, or taking the superior position to rule over others, will attempt to manipulate our darkest and deepest fears, most of which are hidden from our conscious mind. This is how the 3D system works on planet earth, as long as it remains in the hands of the Controllers that desire to keep humanity in servitude through mental bondage to fear. Many humans have subconsciously taken on the fear-based predator mind belief systems that were given to them from the alien mind control handlers, believing in the lies and deceptions that have been enforced for the purpose of mass consciousness enslavement. As long as we allow fear to exert control over us, these dark forces that are visible and nonvisible, will use fear tactics at every opportunity to manipulate our mental perceptions into fear so that we remain in bondage and enslaved.  This is why it is imperative that we do the self-inquiry process, to drill down and source our personal fears and anxieties, and to observe our surface thoughts and behaviors, because we tend to hide what we fear the most. How we see our hidden fears is through our sudden impulses, the things we blurt out or the inner dialogue that we catch running in our mind. What remains hidden and suppressed can manipulate us through blind spots and dark ignorance, without our knowing that we are being controlled by dark forces in the external. Dark forces manipulate all the content of our hidden fears, and we all are exposed to some level of this dark manipulation in the world, which over the past few years has become especially evident with the orchestrated and planned events behind the global  plandemic.

Bondage Loops of Fear

When we break down the main causes of experiencing fear in our life, we must assess which side of the negative polarity we are in, and where we have the most vulnerability to be exploited. Fear is used to create victims and victimizers that exchange places with each other to form bondage loops within the same polarity. People live in fear feeling they are victims, when their perpetrators also live in fear as the victimizers. It is an interchangeable bondage loop that cannot be broken until you can see what side of the polarity that you play into. To break the cycle of fear-based bondage loops, we have to stop playing out that pattern of the negative polarity based in fear and we must reach out for the unconditional love of God.

Many people that are living with unhealed subconscious fears vacillate between feeling threatened by fears and then lashing out at others, to regain the sensation of having personal control over their environment. Are we living with subconscious fears and perceptions of outer threats, so that we manipulate and control the environment and others in order to feel more secure? Do we experience sensations of fear and mental paralysis often in our day-to-day thoughts and emotions? When do we react and use fear to get what we want from other people or situations? What are the causal events and the real reasons that we feel triggered in fear or feel threatened?

The first step is recognizing where fear has bondage loops in the exchanges we make that have exerted some kind of control over us. By taking an honest inventory of what places inside of us are feeling fear, we can then study the reasons why we feel this fear and how we react to it. To overcome fear we must study ourselves, witness our mental thoughts and emotional reactions to other people, places and things. The negative polarity in the frequency of fear matches the vibration that attaches to black energy and dark spirits. All people that indulge in unrestrained and uncorrected negative emotional states of fear will attract demonic or dark spirits, and these negative spirits generate energetic blockages and cords in our lightbody. This can greatly amplify sensations of chaos and anxiety internally within the body, because there are hitchhikers hanging on.

The Spirits of Mental Bondage

All of us must learn how to overcome our fears, which dissolves the darkness that exists within the layers of our mind so that we can become free of mental bondage whereby we cease to be easily manipulated by fear. When we are no longer controlled by fear-based belief systems and reactions, we can stop allowing fear bondage loops and repel the dark spirits they attract, to make an internal dwelling inside our bodies, minds, and emotions for housing our inner Christos spirit. When we have cleaned out these internal dark dwellings, the spaces where there was darkness and shadows are now filled with light. In this state there is a tangible experience of mental and emotional freedom, there are no more automatic impulses that internalize the frequency of fear or darkness which are heavily charged with negative emotions.

You know that you are not that fear and cease to identify with it.

The most common fear bondage loops take root in the pain body from places where fear generated walls of separation from unhealed pain. Behind these walls are the most common core fears and dark spirit attachments that produce great suffering in the mind and emotions of human beings.

The Spirit of Unworthiness is a lack of self-love and self-acceptance that is the result of an internal battle with one’s own personal image. When we feel unworthy, we are hiding beliefs that we are not good enough, fears of inadequacy and failure, powerlessness, which are the result of false mental images of perfection or holding to standards that are not realistic. We may harbor hidden feelings of unworthiness because we feel separate and that we do not belong, and that we did not rise to achieve goals that were thrust upon us by other people.

The Spirit of Self-Entitlement is to compensate for unworthiness and feeling powerlessness, the other side of unworthiness is self-entitlement. It is the belief that you deserve special privileges or to be given something without personal effort or having to earn it. Imposing unrealistic demands onto others and feeling sorry for yourself when you don’t get what you want.

Healing Focus: Practicing Self-Love and Self-Acceptance. Calling upon the Spirit of Unconditional Love and Humility.

The Spirit of Guilt is the feeling of responsibility or remorse for doing something that is believed to be bad, such as a perceived offense, crime, wrongdoing, whether it is real or imagined.

The Spirit of Shame is the painful feeling that we are a bad person arising from the consciousness of something that happened and that we believe is disgraceful, wrong, or evil, that could have been carried out by oneself or another person. Guilt and shame usually interchange together with the fear based beliefs that somehow we are bad, or we did something that made us a bad person. We may believe God is punishing us.

The Spirit of Self-Righteousness defends hidden fears of guilt and shame, generally justifying actions or believing that what you did was morally right and justifiable even when it generated harm. Self-righteous people are intolerant of others, and take a morally superior attitude to defend their ego position in regard to their belief systems. They may feel so guilty about something they did, that they preach to others about the evils of their own offenses, without disclosing it, making them a hypocrite.

Healing Focus: Practicing Self-Forgiveness, Self-Compassion and holding the Observer Point. We must find ways to let go of the painful past and know that right now in this moment, we can draw on our inner power by being fully present.  Call upon the Spirits of Christ.

The Spirit of Lack of Trust is not believing or trusting in ourselves, that we lack something that we need and lack confidence in our own abilities to make it through life’s challenges.

The Spirit of Self-Doubt is from the chronic lack of confidence that holds us back from leading our life and sensing opportunities where we can be more authentic people. Lack of trust and self-doubt are both poison to the mind and related to emotional issues that hide problems with self-esteem and self-respect.

The Spirit of Arrogance is the other side that makes up for hidden self-doubt and lack of self-esteem. The quality of being a know it all, or believing that you know more than everyone else, and that you are capable of something that you really are not.  Arrogance is incredibly selfish and it tends to generate tremendous amounts of destruction and harm in the world without having a conscience that feels remorse.

Healing Focus: Building Safety, Trustworthiness and Empathy within the Self. Call upon the Spirit of Purity and the Spirit of Humility.

The Spirit of Betrayal is a deeply painful fear hidden in the collective consciousness, it is the pain felt when being deceived, and then betrayed by those you trusted and loved the most. It is a violation of trust and bond. Spiritual betrayal is one of the most toxic and emotionally damaging fears based on being betrayed by that which had represented God, spirit or holiness in the belief systems of that person.

The Spirit of Abandonment is the fear of being deserted and left alone to fend for yourself, suffering with a great loss and the pain of grieving. It can be the consequence of betrayal, as many people continue to play out sides of betrayal and abandonment with each other in the sexual misery programming. Abandonment stems from our deepest subconscious fears that we have been totally abandoned by our real parent, our God parent, who left us here alone to face the darkness.

The Spirit of Fear in Intimacy is the defense mechanism that avoids emotional closeness and vulnerability with other people as a result of the fear of emotional demands that may be required and hidden fears that once invested, the relationship may cycle into patterns of betrayal and abandonment.

Healing Focus: Building a strong core with Self-care, Compassionate Communication for requesting emotional needs and resolving intimate relationship conflicts, while setting healthy boundaries. Call upon the Spirits of Christ and the Spirit of Unconditional Love and Kindness.

The Spirit of Anger is a strong emotional reaction that may occur when people feel violated, victimized or their personal boundaries have been crossed, or they suffered losses. Anger commonly leads to toxic feelings of resentment and bitterness.

The Spirit of Rage is an intense and growing anger in which people lose control over their impulses and act out destructively. Many times, in expressing anger and rage people have short term or partial entity possessions that continue to feed the destructive impulses that lead to violence. Rage is the most dangerous risk for full satanic possession.

The Spirit of Contempt is the result of anger that forms the belief that something or someone is beneath consideration and having disdain and disgust for them. Not letting go of past anger and resentments, can breed contempt and bitterness towards others, believing they are subhuman or of lower status.

Healing Focus: Pay attention to reactions and instead make the choice to respond with higher emotion. Dedicate to find ways to create calmness and stillness daily to relieve angry emotions, focus on Impulse Control. Call upon the Spirits of Christ and the Spirit of Kindness, Patience, and Forbearance.

The Spirit of Fear is the feeling of being afraid of some kind of threat or danger, real or imagined. Many people are numb from feelings of fear through freeze reactions, which is activated in the nervous system when fight-flight responses are exhausted. The fear response in our sympathetic nervous system initiates a physiological reaction in response to a perceived harmful event, attack or threat to survival.

The Spirit of Denial is used to escape the reality of the unpleasant fears or dangers, by stating they do not exist through the refusal to address them. Sometimes people may admit to the fear or danger but deny the responsibility to deal with the situation by blaming someone or something else. Transferring responsibility of your own emotional reactions to others is referred to as projection.

Healing Focus: Be willing to admit fears and be honest with yourself. When you see the fear as lessons for personal growth without judgment, you can choose to heal the fear. Denial of fears or denying unpleasant situations will only make them worse. Commit to practice loving kindness meditations directed to yourself and others. Reconcile your relationship with God. Call upon the Spirits of Christ and the Spirits of Discipline, Kindness, Patience, and Truth.

The Spirit of Entrapment is to feel a sense of being caught in a trap, being tricked and deceived into something that has grave consequences. Feeling abandoned by God.

The Spirit of Enslavement is a system in which principles of property are applied to people, where individuals own, buy and sell other humans as a form of property. As we learn about the Negative Alien Agenda, it is clear that hidden in our collective subconscious and psyche, all of humanity is aware at some level we are not free beings on the earth, and that we live in a global system of slavery. Facing how we were enslaved and what really has happened in human history, and reclaiming our truth is the only path to liberate ourselves.

The Spirit of Deception is a vital part of perpetrating psychological warfare in denial and dishonesty to entrap and enslave. It is the act of propagating beliefs in things that are not true, or not the whole truth as in half-truths or omission. Deception can involve disguise, propaganda and sleight of hand, as well as distraction, camouflage, or concealment. There is also self-deception, as in actions that are duplicitous.

Healing Focus: Developing Courage to face the current terrain on planet earth as a system of world slavery and world suffering. Educate yourself on human trafficking, sex slavery and disaster economies built upon human suffering. We are in a spiritual war and we must find ways to reconcile our relationship with God and connect with our inner spirit.  We find true freedom when we remove fear and disunity with God, and then can experience God ever-presently with us. Call upon the Spirits of Christ and the Spirit of Truth and Freedom to vanquish any areas where there may be dark deception in your life.

Fear Builds Demonic Houses

The Imposters attempt to increase the bondage loops of the spirits of fear in the minds of people who are building demonic houses, within their consciousness from their own mind and fear based thoughtforms. When the body, mind and heart are corrupted by repeated fear-based thoughts and self-deceptions, the internal structure to house these dark energies, these are qualities of demonic spirits, will reside inside the mind and consciousness body. These lower quality spirits are inversions of light or anti-life forces that manifest tremendous pain and suffering, and are also called Satanic or Luciferian gestalt forces. In severe cases of repeated destructive spiritual behavior this can digress into thought form possessions around a certain theme, such as addiction, which becomes a demonic house that houses demonic spirits inside the personal consciousness body.

The controllers know that in order to maintain a system of consciousness slavery, they must devise a control-based society in which people will mostly obey the power structures without the ability to question authority or ensure accountability for the legal ramifications for criminal actions. When people believe in the fear-based programming set up as the belief systems running in the 3D world, they easily act as the border guards of the matrix. They are willing to self-enforce unethical actions or tyrannical laws on others, no matter how corrupt or tyrannical the society. The most important tool for any Controller entity that desires to have total power over others in order to steal global resources and energetic loosh is to manipulate fear in the minds of people.

Whether that narrative of fear is real or imagined is of no consequence, as the mass perception of fear is the only thing that matters for the controller. Through the promotion of the mass perception of fear, ambitious power mongers and despots can conquer nations, conquer territories and conquer an entire planet without firing a single shot. We must see the fear-based programming operating in the global scape and understand how it is being used in the macrocosm for dumbing down the human race to easily comply with tyrannical powers designed for engineering mass human slavery. In which the first step is to finally free ourselves of the personal fears that make us easy to manipulate by dark forces that hijack our negative emotions to siphon our consciousness in order to build demonic houses that block the inner Christos light of our highest spiritual expression.

Executive Function and Emotional Self-Regulation

While most of humanity is unaware of the darkness that exists in fear-based perceptions that govern the decisions they make, it robs them of the executive function required in having the cognitive control that is needed to help them function more effectively in every area of their lives. If a person does not have self-discipline or control over their own mental processes and impulses, it impairs their ability to be an independent thinker, which allows for autonomy over the direction of their own life.  This means their life is not their own, they are unable to emotionally self-regulate and assess the environment. They are weakened in their ability to monitor their thoughts and behaviors, that assist in the attainment of their personal goals. When a person refuses to be responsible for their thoughts and behaviors, they are run by their external perceptions and fears, and are generally being easily manipulated by other people or dominating forces.

Essentially, consistent fear-based thoughts impair executive function and cognitive control, which weakens brain function and mental processes over time, and is similar to brain impairment from an injury. When fear-based thinking is not corrected, it can lead to many mental disorders such as learning disabilities and attention deficit, as well as amplifications of psychic attack and dark interference. Learning disabilities impair people from adapting their behaviors in order to gain different results in their life situation. It is the inability to evaluate and organize information that allows a person to accurately assess their surroundings and respond to it effectively. The frequency of fear is a toxic stress that has damaging effects on behavior, as well as the nervous system and brain chemistry, weakening the frontal lobe and impairing a range of mental processes. It is important to understand that fear-based thinking is highly toxic, and that wrong thinking and negative attitudes skew perceptions into common symptoms of classic learning disabilities. Fear damages the brain’s ability to receive and process information, it impairs perception and intuition. On the ascending roadmap to self-ownership, we must grasp the spiritual lessons of fear that we must overcome.

In overcoming fear, we can improve our brain function and mental processes that enable positive behaviors that help us to make healthy and balanced choices for ourselves and our families. When we can clear fear and instead focus attention, meditate and hold observer point, it strengthens our mental flexibility so that we can filter out distractions, retain information, prioritize tasks and control impulses. All people have the potential to develop these mental skills and improve their brain function, by being provided with support in growth promoting environments. This is how any person can regain strong executive function skills and emotional self-regulation, which increases coherent mental and emotional body integration. 

Ego Annihilation and Fear of Death

The predator mind or negative ego is a mental fear program that runs on the frequency of fear, it stimulates the experience in the body that the personality is under some kind of threat, which surfaces emotional fears of personal annihilation or death. These many fears rise up from the subconscious and pain body, which generate automatic impulses and reactions when they are denied space to be neutrally witnessed in the conscious mind. When fears are denied or suppressed, they create mental barriers and emotional aberrance or places in our mental and emotional body that collect dead energy, which further generates more accumulated pain in the body. As a result of denial in facing deep fears, a false identity is assumed to defend its position, placed in the front of the conscious mind as a coping mechanism to continually deflect the fears on the surface. Ultimately every fear that we experience is hardwired into the negative ego program, which is designed to stimulate subconscious terror about perceived threats against our existence. If we better understand that negative ego fear programming is the design used to produce and manufacture slavery, then we are able to see that our personal fears are actually the mechanism used on planet earth to keep us trapped in bondage.

If we allow fears to take us over, we are allowing ourselves to be trapped and enslaved by them. Essentially the fear program that is the negative ego, was manufactured by the Negative Aliens to capture souls and make them slaves through the continual feedback loop of broadcasting fear and death. The Negative Ego layers has autonomic trigger buttons in the pain body to release sensations of psychological-emotional terror throughout our nervous system, so that we feel so shocked and numbed out by the fears, that we refuse to face them. When we are identified with our mind as the source of individuality, we are disconnected from our spiritual source and authentic higher self, and as a consequence we will continually experience looping thoughts that trigger emotional fears and anxiety.

When we face our fears by making the pattern conscious in our awareness, we are able to neutrally witness them. In that moment you are disidentifying with that pattern of fear as “you”. In the neutral witness process, we bring the unconscious aspects of our darkest fears to the surface of our mind in order to shed light upon them, which many times will dissolve the negative pattern and the emotional charge associated with the fears. Ultimately, when we disidentify with our fears and we disidentify with the thoughts in our mind, we can express our thoughts and feelings with clarity and coherence, but there is no difference in what you have said impacting your sense of self. When we can express ourselves without believing the mind is what defines who we are, we can express ourselves fully, whether it’s labeled right or wrong, or whether others have judged what you have said. None of this has bearing upon your sense of self and your deeper connection. 

In fully resolving our fears, we will need to make peace in our beliefs and feelings around death. The conflicts we have with death are deeply connected to our unresolved spiritual conflicts and our relationship with God.

We all encounter transition phases in life that are similar to enduring the death process. These are defined through the cycles that deeply transform us, marking our stages of spiritual development that show up as milestone events along our life path. All of us will undergo the transition phase of death and it is important that we prepare ourselves for that inevitable next stage of our consciousness journey.

Addressing Fears of Death

There are many different ways to perceive the death passage, through the lens of many different belief systems. What is important is that you explore your own personal beliefs and experiential knowledge about the death process, and come to the place within yourself that you have made peace with death and dying, which is also the primary conflict to heal in order to overcome fears. One of the most paralyzing fears that humans have inherited from the process of NAA consciousness wiping is that we are terrified of the unknown and what happens after death. This is the result of having our real spiritual identity and history taken away, and not remembering who we are as multidimensional beings.

People that have suffered severe trauma or abuse have much more intense crisis of faith that fuel fears related to unresolved spiritual conflicts around the death process. If in the last year you have felt an intense rising of inner fears and anxiety that has become unmanageable and miserable, a helpful exercise will be to spend time resolving the source of fears as related to addressing personal fears related to death. When we prepare ourselves for the death process, we understand the death of the ego mind, and this is an important part of our commitment to developing our consciousness on the spiritual journey. Most people do not think of what they will experience or feel when they reflect on what they have done with their life on earth, when they have transitioned to the next dimension. When communicating with earth-based humans that have passed their body, the most prevalent experience I found was regret. Regret that they did not do more with their life. Regret they did not unconditionally love everyone. Regret that fear stopped them from achieving important events that would have changed their timeline and improved the lives of future generations. Life goes on after we drop the physical body, and it is as real as you can feel yourself right now. It is even more real than our lifetimes spent on earth.

Physiology of Fear

When we understand how fear is created in the body, it is helpful in releasing the grip of anxiety and fear patterns. Now, let’s discover how the body’s physiology is affected by fear and trauma and how that is exploited by dark forces.

Tree Brains text

Hardware: Three Brains and Nervous System

Our biology has three distinctly different processors of energy and information, two conscious and one functioning below radar. We are aware of our thoughts and emotions, but we are less aware of what the survival brain is doing below our conscious radar, and how this is affecting the way we feel.

The survival brain is the one that takes your hand off the stove, before the other two brains realize that you have burned your hand. It is incredibly fast at responding to what is happening in our environment in order to keep the body safe. Each human body comes with a pre-loaded software program that says we are keeping this body alive. So, what is going on in the lower brain the subconscious areas below the conscious mind radar?

Software: Survival programs

The lower brain or subconscious mind basically runs in three modes: relaxed, fight-flight, and freeze. Again, to keep it very simple we are using a traffic stoplight as a model. (From Stephen Porges, Polyvagal Theory).

When we are in green, we are relaxed and our heart and respiration are slow, we can digest our food, we can nap, we enjoy being with loved ones and we can relate to them. The moment the lower brain feels there is danger; it moves the biology into yellow. The vagus nerve shuts down all the organs below the diaphragm, and speeds up the ones above the diaphragm. We get an immediate increase of available energy, or superhuman strength in order to escape danger. This is an amazing thing that the human body can do in a split second. Our bodies were designed to do this for very brief periods of time. We don’t want to get stuck in the danger zone of yellow, where we cannot digest our food, we cannot sleep, and we cannot enjoy or relate to our loved ones. There are usually two reasons we get stuck in fight-flight. We are living in an unsafe situation and the accurate assessment is that we are in danger or feeling threatened. Or we may have an unresolved trauma from the past, which the lower brain feels is happening now, in the present moment.

TrafficLight danger

Being in the Red zone is rarer. This is where the lower brain perceives that the body is not going to survive the experience and shuts it down. The body becomes immobilized to play dead, and is anesthetized to minimize suffering. The consciousness or soul can actually leave the body, be separate or disassociated from it. Again, this is an amazing biological accomplishment as this happens in a split second. We see this with high impact trauma, with early and chronic abuse such as satanic ritual abuse (SRA), and in war and torture. The eyes are vacant the voice is monotone and the body is lifelessly still, meaning there is no fidgeting, gesturing or normal movement in the body.


Since our human family is now living in the yellow zone so much of the time, let’s look more closely at the spectrum of yellow, and the difference between the fight and flight side, or the victim-victimizer signals in the body. We are looking at increasing levels of activation, which means increased levels of available energy. Using a scale of 1-10, we can have low-level activation, which is a feeling of unease on the flight side and irritability on the fight side. In the mid-range, we have anxiety on the flight side and anger on the fight side. At the high end we have panic and rage, which are getting closer to the threshold where the body switches into freeze or red.

Creating Conditions

The issue with the survival brain is that we cannot fake it out. If we want to relax, we actually have to create the conditions for the physiology to move into green in order to relax. If we live with a predator, if we work under a predator, if we do not have our basics needs met, we are going to be in yellow. So part of being able to clear fear means making lifestyle choices that help the brain and nervous system register that we are safe.

Implicit Memory

Current estimates are that the lower brain is taking in about 40,000 data bits per moment. This is what we refer to as the hard drive, or our unconscious mind. It is recording everything, far too much material to push into our conscious awareness. We get an estimated 25-35 of these data bits registering on a conscious level. This is called implicit memory, rather than explicit or conscious memory. The hard drive records past threats in a special category, so that if a similar cluster of data bits arise that were present when something traumatizing happened, we get the jump on it and move into the yellow zone more quickly.

Shaping of Collective

In understanding implicit memory or the content which is recorded but not conscious, it is easy to see how this could be manipulated by those who would like to keep people in fear, and keep our physiology in the yellow zone. In the yellow zone we are less able to respond to the present moment, our bandwidth of awareness gets narrower, as we look for the external threat or reason for our tension and discomfort.  We no longer see beauty, feel comfort, or experience balance in our life.  It is as if looking for danger gets to go to the front of the line, skipping in front of all other perceptions coming in. It isn’t difficult to see how our news and entertainment is purposely designed to keep us at a constant 6 or 7 in the levels of activation.  They are getting more adept at reaching for our adrenal glands and giving them a squeeze. The culture of keeping people in the yellow zone has been in the making for a long while.

Freeze Relax chart

Traumatic memory

A woman who was sexually assaulted in a cedar room, may develop an aversion to the smell of cedar without making the connection. Whenever she smells cedar the survival brain will shift her into yellow, as a precaution. She may start to feel anxiety without knowing why, which changes how she moves through the rest of her day. Until this trauma is cleared from the hard drive, these triggers interfere with her ability to respond to the now moment. Trauma is not in the event; it is in the nervous system. The traumatic memory will keep showing up in the present, until it is cleared.


In a similar way, the NAA may try to activate or use the implicit-memory-packets we have of past personal traumas.  They may also embed false memories in our hard drive, so that we have traumatic responses to things that should not trigger us at all. They also play on collective trauma that is in the planetary field memory.  They may try to trigger a mass reaction, by activating a collective implicit-memory packet of the Lemurian Holocaust or Atlantian cataclysm. This works because we have no conscious memory of those events, so how could we possibly identify the source? The cellular memory of an exploding planet can be elicited at the end of the cycle, without the masses knowing where their anxiety of cataclysm is coming from. In the ego personality matrix of the first three dimensions (1D-2D-3D), this is the game being played in the nervous system.  Broadcasting fear, promoting Service to Self and keeping the survival brain running the show. Until we are able to clear fear, which often means clearing trauma, we are susceptible to triggers from these implicit-memory packets.

Soul and Monad

As we move into the soul matrix, (4D-5D-6D) fears have less influence, and even less in the monadic matrix, (7D-8D-9D). Now that the Transtime Continuum is opening our access into other timelines and dimensions that were not previously available to us, people who are starting to embody the monad may find themselves feeling deeply triggered. They may be dealing with new implicit-memory packets from other aspects of their identity, starting to be recollected and returned.  Recently in the ES community there has been a group processing Lyran memories. If this happens, understand it for what it is. We are actually just hitting larger chunks of the traumatic memories from Timeline Trigger Events further out in the timelines.

During Stress, Back to the Basics

This information is shared from the perspective that if we can identify when our nervous system is tweaked and our physiology has shifted into fight-flight, we can take the necessary steps to shift out of it. Being better informed gives us more choice in how we respond. When we find ourselves stressed out it is important to slow down and create the conditions for the lower brain to assess that we are actually safe again.  This releases the physiology from hyper stimulation and allows the body to get back to green and relax. Starseeds nervous systems are highly sensitive and run a lot of frequency and may benefit from some extra supplementation. When the nervous system is feeling fried, creating some peace and quiet in order to recharge is so helpful.  If the body is stuck in yellow, it burns up the body’s resources more quickly.  So, we are best served by taking some time out to deactivate our nervous system rather than pushing through and over-riding the signals of stress. If you notice you are triggered or activated slow down and ask yourself what just happened? What was the trigger? If you can’t connect it to something conscious consider that it is connected to implicit-memory, possibly even from another timeline. Treat it the same, work to clear the associated fears, to help clear the pain and trauma from the subconscious hard drive.

Overcoming Fear Journaling

Overcoming our deep fears can be a hurdle as they tend to gain power when they are hidden inside our mind. We are not used to going deeper and having a conversation around them or addressing them, saying them out loud, writing them down and meditating upon them. When we can identify fear-based thoughts, triggers and beliefs from out of our mind and put them on paper, then we have taken the first step in demystifying them, distancing from them and diminishing the emotional charge they have upon our body. Remember that darkness and fear hide in the shadows of our mind in order to stay in control. When we bring these fears into the light of day, much of the weight and burden they carry behind the scenes dissolves. There can be a miraculous alchemy that occurs when we shift perceptions of fear into the compassionate witness of unconditional love. Observing the mental idea of the fear as it is attached to a dark intelligent energy, and realizing that shadow fragment needs to be exposed to unconditional love and light. Don’t be afraid to face the dark spirit that resides inside the fear, as when you see what really created the fear, it is the moment you realize what was really hiding behind the curtain, like in the Wizard of Oz. All of these fears were running the grand illusion. Write down the list of fears how they manipulate and limit you and intend to shift them into the love vibration in order to create safety for yourself.

Now you may want to allow some space for meditation, to go deeper and ask where these fears have come from, where they have originated. Pay attention to what you may notice coming up that is not true. Many times, our fears are based in deceptions from misinterpretations and what others have told us that is actually not true. When you sense other times that you felt afraid and they are connected to the basis of current fears, send love to yourself in that timeline where you were feeling scared. Spend some time meditating on what lessons you can learn from that fear, and how you can transform this experience into light and wisdom, something positive for all involved. Acknowledge that everyone has fear and fear has purpose in our spiritual journey. It holds the most important spiritual lessons for our ultimate growth and liberation, if we are willing to let it go. Appreciate all that you have undergone in your life to get this far and acknowledge the unique parts that have made you the person that you are today, because you had the courage to face your fears.

The story of facing our fears and overcoming them is deeply inspirational and supportive for everyone, especially during these surreal times. Many enjoy and gain the benefits from the storyline on learning what others have done to gain the courage to overcome great challenges and fears in their lives.  Maybe you are one of those people who will share your inspiring story on how you faced darkness and lies head on with great moral courage, and were able to overcome fears of persecution while seeking the truth on the ascending path!

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving Heart,

Lisa Renee

~via Energetic – Shifting Timelines Newsletter – May 18, 2024

LISA RENEE on “One Will Not Know God without Loving and Knowing both the Mother and Father Principle as United Equals”

“Over the last 5,000 years our planet has been operating on a ‘closed’ bi-wave system. A closed system means ‘finite energy supply’. With finite energy supply, consuming others energies and parasitic relationships multiplied into massive proportions on our planet. This energetic imbalance was purposely programmed by the NAA Controllers to distort the organic relationship between the electron and proton spin rates. The life force energy was being harnessed by controllers through hijacked creational code and inorganic architecture, through the Vesica Pisces bi-polar geometry. This hijacked Vesica Pisces architecture kept the binary code consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion, locked down in our planet so that the trinity (Unity Field) code would not be accessible. It forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions. Energy behavior does not lie, and it can be measured. Energetic behavior will show from where the actual energy is being generated, revealing whether it’s a closed source parasitic system of Metatronic Reversal architecture or an Open Source self-sustaining architecture of the Krystal Star. An Open Source system is able to receive new energy from within and outside of itself. This means that open source systems will be able to continue to run internal and external energy, in order to maintain energetic balance and homeostasis throughout its systems. An open source system will be able to replenish lost energy and tend towards maintaining states of Negentropy, which keeps its overall functioning over time, balanced and stable. This is necessary for achieving Metatronic Repair. With an open source system, time is on its side. Eventually, time will reveal the truth of the source of energy it is circulating through its ability to maintain balance and stability of its overall functioning, without using parasitic means to accomplish its purpose. During the Ascension Cycle, with the Return of Arthurian Christos Consciousness awakening the Albion, the planetary body is undergoing stages of Metatronic Repair to replace entropic systems and Alien Machinery with Christos Open Source architecture that interconnects directly and exchanges with with Zero Point or Godhead. This begins the process of which planetary Guardian grid-workers are able to access the geometries required to create diamond networks of trinitized forms throughout the globe. This is required to change the bi-wave energy system to the tri-wave energy system, which in effect is moving from a Closed Source energy system to an Open Source network. The time of the Vesica Pisces geometric harness is ending and we are learning how to create trinitized forms via the Trinity Wave which allow the feedback loop of source field energies. When the life force energy is drawn back into the source field through the trinitized geometries, the feedback loop of reciprocal source light is generated and expanded. Our goal during these new beginnings of time is to create the tri-tone (neutral field) that draws the composite energy back into the zero point as a feedback loop, back into the source of all creation. These patterns on the grid are called Chalice Configurations which are in effect the life giving nourishment of the Divine Mother principle (Mother Arc Frequencies). This trinity field creates an eternal and perpetual supply of life force that regenerates the bodies. This eternal supply of life force is the Cosmic Christos light and the trinity principle, which when is used in matter the pattern is called a trinitized form. Since our God source code is a Trinity Wave accessed through the merging of polarity, such as the merging of masculine and feminine energies, our species has been suppressed from connecting through the Sacred Union relationship. The Sacred Union personification is about perfected inner energetic balance between gender principles. This is also referred to as the embodiment of Hieros Gamos or the Risen Christos. This is the foundational design for the Avatar of Ascension; the Guardian Group hosted Mentor Band of living intelligent energy called the ‘Hieros Gamos System’ (HGS). When the life force energy is drawn back into the source field, through the trinitized geometries, the feedback loop of reciprocal source light is generated and expanded. Our goal during the new paradigm is to create the tri-tone (neutral) field. This draws the composite energy back into the zero point, through a feedback loop of energy, back into the source of all creation. The trinity field creates an eternal and perpetual supply of life force that regenerates the bodies by restoring the energy loss, and eventually expanding consciousness. The Krystal Spiral perpetually retains a living, breathing connection through the preservation of what came before, as it expands through multiplication. Out of the one comes the many. This statement is to contemplate the profound meaning of the upcoming Aquarian influence during the 12th alchemical stage of Multiplication. Multiplication is the alchemical process, which greatly increases the concentrated refinement, energetic effectiveness and sphere of influence, of the embodied biological Christos-Sophia eternal light source. Our God source code is a trinity wave accessed through the merging of polarity. This alchemy occurs with the healing and merging of the inner masculine and feminine energies within our spiritual bodies. The human race has been suppressed from connecting to God source and Christ, through the spiritual knowledge that manifests as this Sacred Union relationship. The Krystal Spiral increases the energy available to steadily increase this possibility of spiritual freedom and Hierogamic Union between equals, to manifest on the earth. The Sacred Union personification is about perfected inner energetic balance between gender principles as both an inner and outer principle of balanced wholeness. Most religions control the masses to forget the great mystery that God exists as both male and female energetic principles, and that the patriarchal God has an equal that is his wife. As above so below. Sacred Union or Hieros Gamos is our divine birthright and this organic Negentropic Architecture is being returned to our planet and to humanity. The planetary body and Planetary Logos are now free to follow the Krystal Spiral architecture in order to heal and help evolve the earth inhabitants and species. One will not know God without loving and knowing both the Mother and Father Principle, as united equals.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Metatronic Repair