LISA RENEE on “True Spiritual Marriage as a Part of Natural Biological Spiritual Ascension was Stolen from Humanity through the Alien Invasion”

“In Ascension context, the synthesizing of the pairs of energetic opposites into unity is also referred to as polarity integration, energetic synthesis or spiritual marriage. This also has the exact same meaning when applied to gender unification which is the energetic balance between the masculine principle and feminine principle. True spiritual marriage as a part of natural biological spiritual ascension, was stolen from humanity through the alien invasion. To prevent the natural biological ascension of human beings, the NAA reversed the life force currents in the planetary logos in order to produce Gender Splitting between the inner masculine principle and inner feminine principle of the angelic human DNA template, which further produced energetic imbalances that resulted in Gender Reversal. The energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates was being harnessed by Controllers through hijacked creation code and inorganic architecture, one such structure known as the Vesica Pisces a bi-polar geometry used to generate Reversal Networks. The hijacked Vesica Pisces code kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the Trinity Wave and unity code would not be accessible. Effectively, over time this produced Gender Reversal problems in the human lightbody, preventing and destroying Sacred Union between the male and female principle, and the machinery used to accomplish this is referred to as Anti-HG Technology. Anti-HG Technology is short for Anti-Hierogamic Technology which is a gender splitter weapon that has been identified by gridworkers which note that it has impacts upon the Lightbody and is a form of targeting individuals with assorted Electronic harassment designed for Mind Control. This forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions. It also was creating Monadic Reversal patterns which split us up from reuniting with our Monadic or Gender Twin Consciousness Matrix. Gender principle distortions have been used to propagate some of the deepest levels of spiritual abuse, sexual misery and personal torture that could occur to a race of beings. The pain of that theft and emotional abuse has damaged many people’s hearts. The heart damage both physical and energetic, has blocked the soul’s center of communication with the entire body. For this reason, there is an unconscious terror in accessing the heart center because the soul wound is so painful for so many on the earth. Many people feel this pain as soul crushing and there are reasons for that, which are warranted from the cellular memories of hidden human history. During the planetary ascension, the Gender Principle is being reset into the planet through the repair of the Solar Logos matrix and the building of the organic architecture for the Primary Gender Twin Matrix that is seated within the Temple of Khemalohatea. On top of all of the exciting developments of God’s Consciousness Technology returning back to our planet through our Mother Arc herself, we are getting ready to understand the Unity architecture in its Trinity Wave pattern and its direct relationship to manifesting true spiritual marriage on the planet. As Mother brings back the Krystal Star Frequencies, the Seven Sacred Suns, it is bringing the template of Sacred Spiritual Union between the Rod and Staff functions of our Lightbody’s Merkabic Field. Spiritual Ascension is the expansion related to the embodiment of specific spiritual-energetic triad bodies, which contain intelligence. These levels of intelligence are created as energetic consciousness bodies that are organized in trinities or triads. These triads of spiritual energetic intelligence hold dimensional frequencies which connect to the time and space of that particular plane of existence. When all aspects of the individual triad of intelligence are working and communicating together as an integrated whole this is called a Trinitized Form. Commonly we refer to the Soul Triad as organized between three distinct dimensional planes of time and space, described as 4D, 5D, and 6D. There are distinct Stages of Spiritual Body development in relationship to the energetic merging of these polarities of forces, that directly impact gender centers. The integration of these forces results in the integration between the masculine and feminine counterparts existing within each triad. Currently the blueprint restoration of the trinity architecture that is necessary to unite spiritual marriage at all three evolving levels, is being supported in the planetary logos. All of these spiritual marriage stages of development may be held by an extension, twin or genetic equal incarnated or existing in another dimension. More humans will attract relationships from these future timelines, noted as stages that are designed as levels of spiritual marriage, to support the integration of gender polarities and end past timeline karmic patterns. At certain levels of frequency conjunction within the spiral of time, access to higher blueprints that create new energy templates is made possible. When undergoing the alchemical process of energetic synthesis, the polarities of male or female principles will amplify in extremes as they appear as manifest forms in matter. If one is willing to become aware of these bodies, one can increase the health of the bodies to reconnect to higher levels in order to remove stress, fear, confusion and pain. As one grows in awareness and desires to connect with the consciousness intelligence of each body’s blueprint plan, one is able to make frequency alterations that impact how that body and its energies function. This is a direct function of the HGS template, building new plans for the self, humanity and the planet. As the bodies and their energies function in a more connected cohesive manner, they begin to integrate and reconnect the intelligent energies communicating between each other. That reconnection to intelligent energies includes the ability of the physical body to communicate between the Soul, the Monad or oversoul, and the Christos Avatar. The Christos Avatar changes the energy architecture or plan to reflect trinitized forms, which override all previous intermediaries that have acted vampiric towards the being, in order to directly exchange with the eternal source. Eventually when stabilized, this purges the shadow selves and this higher inner communication changes all of the external communication in one’s personal relationships. One goes beyond karmic entanglements of shadow manipulation, relationship confusion and expands to a new ability to experience and enjoy truly loving balanced and healthy relationships. This is a direct result of one’s spiritual ascension progress which results in inner spiritual marriage. The planet has reached that axis in time where the gender principle of creation in this world will be tested for energetic integrity on every level it exists. The ability to have this awareness will become more important as we observe extreme conflicts between gender, surfacing in our personal relationships designed for spiritual marriage. This changes the nature of all gender based relationships to be brought into energetic reconciliation. As we begin a new cycle, there are new Krystal Star hosted energy blueprints that redefine gender centers and their energetic positions in the instruction sets of the gridwork on the planet. The same process of polarity integration is transpiring now in the blueprint of the planetary logos or brain. Essentially this is a planetary body Merkaba shift between the counter rotating spirals of the masculine and feminine energies. This changes the collective brain configuration thus potentially shifting the thought forms in those human beings that are open to receive those new instruction sets and frequencies. As a result, this new cycle begins intense, rapid and spontaneous changes that significantly impact the energetic balance or energetic schism existing between the male and female principles. This impact will be thematic for a long time and will catalyze momentous transformation in all things having to do with gender, with male and female roles defined through archetypes, marriage, relationships, intimates, partnerships, friendships, family and group dynamics. Many of us will be undergoing deep transformations, exploration and discovery in all permutations of relating in the world based on our gender, as a man or as a woman, both or androgynous. What this means is that everything having to do with masculine and feminine principles of energy on this planet is undergoing some kind of transformation at the blueprint level. The process of spiritual reconnection integrates the energetic balance between each of the bodies, and that balance activates increasing levels of higher spiritual intelligence. Thus, developing higher consciousness intelligence manifests higher form and function throughout all of the levels of the being. This alignment to the natural flow creates harmony between all of its bodily parts, and then functions as a part of an integrated whole. Higher form and function are a natural byproduct of increasing intelligence that operates in alignment to the organic evolution that exists as a part of the energetic flow of nature. The term Hieros Gamos is used generally to refer to the sacred marriage between two divinities, or between a human being and Mother/Father God, or between two human beings (under certain special conditions); the ultimate alchemy of forces which harmonize polar opposites. Hieros Gamos is the sacrament that represents sacred marriage at the individual level, to the relationship level, to the group level as a part of spiritual ascension, moving through the spiraling staircase of time to experience unification with or marry all aspects of God. When we marry God through this sacrament, Christos-Sophia returns in our Sacred Crystal Heart. From the Guardian perspective, Spiritual Ascension comprises the Science of the Spirit, encompassing the entire quantum mechanics of how spirit and matter travel throughout time and space. Each gender may have a timeline or stage that is the complement required for their gender opposite partner’s polarity integration. With spiritual relationship awareness at certain stages, couples can travel through the spiritual marriage developments together consciously. This free consciousness is a natural state enjoyed on other planets by advanced races that are not imprisoned by artificial frequency fences, as they are on planet earth. Some examples of higher functions are cellular telepathy, transmutation, bilocation, and communication with all of nature and creatures.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Anti-HG Technology / Clarifying Gender Principles / Gender Splitting / Hieros Gamos

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