LISA RENEE: “Forgiveness Prayer”

“Holy Mother and Father God, Holy Christ Sophia, and my ascension teams, please grant and assist me in unconditional forgiveness and forgetfulness for myself and all others who have hurt or harmed me, intentionally or unintentionally. Please connect to and fortify my/your 12D Shield.

Beloveds, I am requesting assistance to clear, source and collapse self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors. I request gate keeping for my prayers so I may heal. I commit to my healing. By the power invested in me by the name of Christ, I am claiming my freedom, sovereignty and liberation now and always.

For throughout the time space continuum, Beloved God.

I forgive myself for feeling like a victim. I forgive myself for being a victimizer.

If there are specific memories I need to remember, please bring them forward so I may heal them.

If there is an uncompleted work in me, lead me into a remembrance of the things, activities and covenants that I still need to renounce and bring balance. Protect my mind and emotions and hold my hand as we enter through this gateway together. I know that I am not alone in this work anymore, and I completely trust my direct relationship with you.

I forgive myself for letting my negative ego rule my responses to the way I live and the way I respond to others. I forgive friends, family and leaders of industry and government for letting their negative ego rule their way of living. I forgive myself for letting my life be controlled by various mind control programs of the NAA. I forgive others for letting their lives be controlled by various NAA mind control programs. I forgive myself for manifesting painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, fear, and anger. I forgive others for manifesting painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, fear, and anger. I forgive myself for holding on to self-sabotaging programs and actions. I forgive everyone who holds onto self-sabotaging programs and actions. I forgive myself for listening to my head instead of my heart. I forgive others for listening to their head instead of their heart.

I choose to forgive my oppressors and tormenters completely and totally. Beloved God, help me to continue to choose unconditional forgiveness and forgetfulness and to bless those that have hurt me, as they need love and are hurting themselves. Bless them to be saved from the oppression of enslavement and to realize that you have granted our freedom.

My body, mind, spirit, and soul belongs to God Source and is a vehicle of Christ Intelligence. Listening to my inner God Spirit is All there Is. I do this for one, as I do this for all.

Thank you, God. Thank you, God, Thank you God.

And so it is, With Deep love and gratitude.”

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Deep Multidimensional Healing”


Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – February 17, 2016

There are higher spiritual intelligence bodies that are being returned to the planet and humanity during this entry into the galactic influences of the Aquarian phase, which is similar to a restoration cycle of Universal Laws. Restoration aligns to the seasonal return of the spring Equinox, and is related to the alchemical process of resurrection, where that auric layer which had been hidden in false light or wrapped in false identity, falls away and dissolves when the true light source shines upon it. That which we allow to fall away, we let go and surrender, will create the new space within us to bring more light and therefore, more energetic balance to our spiritual bodies. If we allow ourselves to obey the flow of movement in subtle forces, we can be renewed in the restoration cycle and become more transparent, more open hearted, feeling a cycle of new beginnings.  During restoration cycles, we may see things operating in our life that are not authentic to who we really are, things that were absorbed into our consciousness through people’s expectations placed upon us. These are the false things that are inorganic to our inner energetic signature, our true spiritual self. When we claim with all of our heart to be aligned with our highest expression and to build a direct connection with God, all that is inorganic and unnatural to us will start to fall away. This process is unique to every person, who will be left on their own to decide what was false, what was real, and this is determined through energetic discernment. Our feelings and sensory perceptions will lead us to make decisions based upon how we feel about what we are experiencing. In other words we are doing a lot of emotional processing at this time, we energetically and emotionally process our experiences throughout our time on earth, and how we arrived to this moment in now. We will be able to see even more of what had been hidden in the shadows and this will give us the opportunity to push past any fears and get ready for the changes ahead.

This is a cycle where miraculous healings are possible through being fully present and witnessing past histories, as these memories are recorded in the cells of our body. These memories can be emotionally conflicting and painful, so as we observe them with loving and compassionate neutrality, we have the power to strip them away in layers or to fully remove them from our body. Clearing deeply embedded emotional conflicts may take some time, as they may have multiple layers of interconnection that trigger us in many different areas of our lives and relationships. If we remember that we can transform these painful experiences into self-knowledge and deep wisdom about life, we can polish our pearls of truth and begin to enjoy the wisdom gained from our experiences, which help us to understand the trials and tribulations of our life’s journey. When we have not been taught how to think and direct the power of our mind properly, we misunderstand life experiences, and through this misunderstanding , we can create even more pain directed to ourselves, without realizing that we are also sabotaging our happiness. Our biggest problem lies in comparison and judgment, when we look to other people and appearances and make comparisons, that inflict judgments upon our progress in life. This is an extremely bad habit that we must apply some effort to cure ourselves of, as every person on this earth has a unique spiritual mission, blueprint and purpose. That spiritual purpose can never be determined by the external events or circumstances that is governed by other people. Many people refuse to take the time for inner reflection and meditation to truly know themselves, and instead project another person’s image upon themselves to adopt that other person’s energies or spiritual mission. When we do not know ourselves and really what makes us feel fulfilled, peaceful and happy, we will always feel unfulfilled or that something is wrong with us for not finding success. Our success is not measured by anything that is found in the material world, the only true success we have is finding peace and fulfillment with our lives, no matter what is happening in the external world.

Through confusion and misunderstanding we tend to go to thoughts that we are not worthy, or lovable, and this directly erodes and harms our self-esteem.  When we feed an emotional pain trigger in our body, which happens from accumulated events we process as negative or painful during our life, we add more miasma to the same energetic blockage that was recorded at the original causal event of that pain. This is why so often we will find ourselves processing emotions from childhood, having to resolve our feelings with our mother and father and how they treated us as children. What we take away from our parents, and what we believe is the Mother and Father role, will be projected into all of our relationships with other people, most importantly, the romantic and intimate attachments we form bonds with. When we resolve those painful events, we can heal our relationships and form healthier intimate relations. Then we will be taken to other lifetime events, where we brought that seed of that original pain into this lifetime. We must prepare our mind to be able to look at whatever is hidden inside the pain memories of our body, because the pain is multidimensional, vibrational and interconnected to events in timelines we may have never heard of before. The 3D mind will tend to ignore or discount the truth of that pain memory, because it cannot process multidimensionality. Truth is stranger than fiction, and we have to be able to really allow ourselves to see how that pain was created inside us, without judging it. As we increase our strength in observer consciousness, we will have a greater threshold to see the truth, no matter how odd, or how strange it may seem to the accepted standards of 3D earth reality. This takes some spiritual and mental strength, because no person wants to be criticized, ostracized or victimized from what they may uncover in their search for truth.

As healers during the ascension cycle, this is a very sacred job, to hold the clear space for others to be able to heal multidimensionally, and thus to find their inner God connection, requires the spirits of purity. Healers must have pure hearts and intentions, and cast no judgment upon the events of pain or trauma, lest the circles of healing light be superimposed with negative ego layers that interfere with the healing process. Deep multidimensional healing requires states of fearlessness, letting go of the control of the mental body while in total surrender to the highest alignment of the Godhead. The Godhead is projected upon negatively with unresolved conflicts we may have from our parents, so until our parental roles are emotionally reconciled without fear, surrender to God is blocked by the lack of trust we have had in our parents, or God, who we cannot understand would allow us to be subjected to this kind of pain and suffering. This anti-God belief system has been placed in our earth by the NAA [Negative Alien Agenda] to control people’s unconscious mind, and until we discover the truth of this matter, many human beings unconsciously blame god for all the pain in the world. This is from not realizing that humanity is in many ways feeding into the beliefs that give consent to create this pain and suffering in the world, while refusing to take any responsibility to stop it from happening. Spiritual freedom is achieved through the understanding of personal responsibility and accountability to one’s own behaviors, thoughts, and actions, without putting blame upon others. We cannot feed any side of the victim or victimizer belief system without spreading more of the same on either side of this master and slave archetype.

Multidimensional healing and related clearing happens at nonlinear, nonverbal, and non-mental body levels. To be in a clear space for effective healing, one  must be present in now moment awareness, completely relaxed and feeling safe in the exchange, to find the inner access into personal consciousness power that comes directly from within our Inner Spirit. From the purely observer level, without judgment of what you may be witnessing, our consciousness power will neutralize, thereby clear the miasma distortion from our Lightbody, therefore changing the future record by changing your consciousness vibration. What you may clear today, and not see the result of fully yet, will change your future. Therefore we must develop patience, forgiveness and diligence in our spiritual healing, all of which are qualities of virtue that give us spiritual powers in the longer term. As we clear pain and energy blocks from the past, we heal our future and this timeline of possibility becomes increasingly more positive for us, aligning us to a more perfected version of what we can achieve that is unique to our energetic signature and spiritual blueprint.  This is how false or negative timelines are overridden from manifesting in the future, and many Starseeds and Indigos are learning and practicing this experience in their lives now. Staying in the present moment, commanding our space as God-Sovereign-Free and not taking things as a personal insult or offense,  is a skill needed while gaining mastery in holding the witness consciousness.

In these tumultuous times, our priority and discipline must be to serve our Inner Christ Light over our lower ego nature, and to not let the outer world corrupt our heart,  that is our sovereign path and divine right to embody God’s confirmation of our inner light. To be in direct communion with the Spirits of Christ and confirmed by God is the measurement of the frequency alignment of a pure and light heart carried within a loving and kind human being.  No man made or earthly based organization can control or measure that direct relationship with the inner spirit. Communion with God Spirit has nothing to do with I.Q. level, canon based religious law or paying money for our afterlife position or to promise the title of salvation. To be confirmed and protected by God Spirit, one must model and aspire to become more Christ-like, as this is the image of God spirit physically manifested. The choice is always ours without any judgment, however the consequence is the energetic imbalance and suffering created by ignoring the Natural Laws, which are represented in the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.

Where a person directs their consciousness power is their responsibility at the level they interact with the Universal Law, as that person becomes more aware of the Law, they will receive stronger consequences when they violate the Law.

As you become more conscious and aware,  as you embody higher spiritual intelligences, the responsibility is ever greater, as the results of the Laws are considerably amplified within each higher octave of energetic intelligence that one travels through in the Universal Tree of Life. The Law in Action on planet earth is now undergoing many changes, this manifests consequences to those people who continually violate the laws, unknowingly or knowingly, that directly create deviant behaviors that are designed by the Imposter Spirits to harm consciousness. What has been hidden and buried deep in shadow, is being revealed at the surface through the changes in the Law. The protection supported by God’s Natural Laws, The Law of One is palpable, as you learn to free your mind from fear, you will begin to experience this feeling of spiritual protection as inner peace,  regardless of what is happening in any external source. Focus upon your pure and light heart as it is the precious jewel of which will protect you in all ways.