STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Straight Talk on Soul Mate Connections and Twin Flame Unions”

Soul Mate Connections

After observing thousands of comments amid a half dozen Facebook groups revolving around twin flames, what I observed were a lot of individuals trying to force soul mate connections and twin flame unions. People feeling angry, hurt, depressed, sad, and rejected every time their so-called ‘twinny’ didn’t return their calls or forgot to tell them where they were going… etc. You get the picture…

I am blessed with many soul mates of both sexes and even those in-between, so I get what that’s all about VERY clearly. If you want a few basics first, you can check out a short piece on Signs of Soul Mate Connections. Twin flame reunions are rare and challenging according to a handful of people I know who appear to have the ‘real deal’ on their hands, so I’ll offer you their input in that department.

So, let’s step aside from the fluffy norm that you read in so many of these soul mate vs. twin flame articles and take a more realistic perspective.

Soul Mate ConnectionsSoul Mate Connections: Two Kindred Spirits

We are all of same stream of conscious energy… along with everything else in the universe according to science. Viewing things in this manner, your house or desk or your car could be a soul mate at the highest level of existence – technically – but let’s go with the theory of soul mates with them being people you meet in your journey that aid you and guide you back to source. Soul mate relationship can be trying at times, but for the most part, they seem to go fairly smoothly if romance is not on the table.

Soul mates can be defined in many ways. If you look at soul = spirit – that’s simple enough. But when it comes to a mate, that can be a spouse, lover, best friend, a relative, a coworker, or anyone you feel a deep, intrinsic bond with. It’s not necessarily a RELATIONSHIP, folks so know the difference. These bonds may last forever, a few months, a few days, or occur in a fleeting glimpse where a connection is forged. Soul mates incarnate and bond on the earthly plane to help each other learn lessons about themselves, the universe, and to find a balance that allows them to move onto higher realms of growth. Soul mates are thought to also help prepare to for your ultimate incarnation and reunion with your twin flame over your lifetimes.

Twin Flame Unions: The Ultimate Soul Mate

The theory among ancient philosophers is that souls split in half upon creation, each delving into a different aspect of duality or spirituality. This means that twin flame unions do not typically occur on the earthly plane, because in theory one twin is in this dimension while the other twin is assisting their partner’s journey from higher realms. Twin flames are the ideal Yin Yang balance, with each bringing forth a divinely masculine or feminine spirit to form the whole: the ultimate soul mate connection.

Twin flame signs are very similar to those of soul mates, but they are more intensely felt and exhibited by those in the union. They feel a sense of utter completion with each other, feel empty and weak when parted, and have an unconditional love that resonates at such a high vibrational frequency that others feel and sense their connection. These unions are for life – when cared for.

Here’s the rub… twin flames mirror each other, as we all do. However, the intense energy and intentions behind the relationship can make facing ‘yourself’ in your other half challenging. Understanding Soul Mate Connections in Troubled Times delves deeper into those issues. It takes a completely committed pair who is comfortable and confident in their own journey, and knows that they are on the right path to make it work.

Soul Mate Connections

The Key to Finding Soul Mate Connections or Attracting your Twin Flame

It is essential that both parties be in alignment with their true soul/spirit path in order to meet a twin flame. While soul mates are strong, meaningful connections that help us find our path, even being in perfect alignment doesn’t mean that one will meet their twin flame on the physical realm. THIS IS RARE, not a once in a lifetime guarantee. In fact – not to be a spoilsport – but it’s highly unlikely due to the nature of their higher purpose from higher realms so it may take many spiritual and physical ‘lifetimes’ to incarnate with your twin flame union.

Don’t force things in either situation. Just keep Living in the Present Moment, and by all means don’t go out looking for it! If you suspect you have a soul mate connection or a twin flame union, just sit back and let your connected energies flow in harmony into the universe and let things unfold, manifest, and blossom into what they are intended to be.




©Universal Copyright 2014 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

SPIRITUAL UNITE: “Signs Of Twin Flame Telepathic Connection”

Whether we want to, we always share our energy and frequency with other beings. So what is the twin flame telepathic connection? It is when we share the same soul frequency, allowing us to make telepathic connection with our twin flame, which allows us to intuitively understand what the other is feeling, thinking or desiring. Communicating with our twin flame is often the sense of wonder, as they are reading our mind, even know our most intimate thoughts.

This is only the starting point of the twin flame telepathic connection. Listed below are the seven most commons signs of telepathy between twin flames.

Ability to know what the other is thinking or feeling.

Without even realizing you pick up occasional feelings and thoughts your twin flame partner maybe having. Even when you are not together you still know what the other may be doing or thinking.

Feelings and thoughts are shared.

Twin flames also express the same ideas and feelings with each other, both your minds are merging together as one. You are about to express something but your twin flame beats you to it. At times this may frustrate you.

Mental telepathic communication is stimulating.

You have the ability to talk to each other without the need to speak out loud. As telepathy is much faster, allowing your ideas to be known to each other, even from distance. When you are able to sense each others energy from distance, this may allow you to form a deep connection with your twin.

See each others soul.

You both have uncanny knack of delving into each others soul. Although this happens with soulmates, but when you do grow close to your twin, this becomes a normal thing within the relationship.

Sharing dreams together.

Twin flames are able to share the same dream, even form a connection within the dream. Tip: Keep a dream journal and write them down.

Having the same interests.

Since you are from the same soul, both of you will share similar interests. You may both enjoy spiritual topics together or even have similar life ambitions together.

You both have the same flaws.

Another twin flame telepathic connection sign is you may have worked on improving your faults as you progress through the spiritual journey. Now you notice the same fault in your twin flame who has yet to remove them. You can help and guide each other.twin flame telepathic connection 2

If you are together with your twin flame physically, you will see these signs very quickly. They may express this to you that they were just thinking about you. You are both here to treasure this incredible connection, because at times you may sense the pull when you are not around them, it could be years or just few hours.

The love between twin flame is not logical, it won’t be anything you could explain to other people, These feelings have to experienced.

Concluding the twin flame telepathic connection

It’s very important for twin flame lovers to process on the conscious flow of cosmic love from our hearts, it is this energy flow from the heart chakra that binds our twin flame connection. When we allow this wonderful telepathic energy to circulate through our lives and expressing the unconditional love for each other, then we are truly able to connect to ourselves and to Source itself.







STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Surviving Twin Flame Relationships – 4 Tips for Mindfulness”

Twin Flame Relationships

There’s nothing more surreal, ethereal, or divine than two harmonious lovers walking the journey together. Two cosmic flames reuniting physically on the earthly plane in search of Source, the Higher Self…to rediscover what is there all along but has been obscured by the human experience and its trials.

Twin Flames and Soul Mates can meld seamlessly for the first few weeks and months or even years, but as the flames grow higher and burn stronger, you and your mirror image will begin feeling the heat in areas beyond the boudoir.  Yes, some fiery confrontations can occur in twin flame relationships, especially once the ‘bubble love’ phase transitions into a deeper realization of your cosmic connection.

Why? Because as exhilarating as it is, discovering your twin can be an intimidating experience. Theoretically, you’re in relations with the other half of your soul essence, so resisting the urge to have expectations and fears that can lead to disagreements can be ‘simply irresistible.’  Before calling it quits or calling the fire department on these occasions, here are a few ways contain the heat of these cosmic connections.

Twin Flame Relationships

Balance Intimacy with Spirituality

Anyone can fall in love. That’s the easy part. But, it’s going to take work – really challenging work on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels – to make your partnership succeed and for you to STAY in love. Now, if you’re truly with your Twin Flame, you shouldn’t be having any issues with intimacy. In fact, you may be enjoying that connection so much that spiritual connection time together is being neglected. Of course, intimacy IS spiritual in twin flame relationships. It’s the spirituality involved in spending time together soul gazing, meditating, communing in nature, doing yoga, developing your Kundalini presence or exploring the amplified healing abilities TFs are purported to have. These types of practices are what allow you to have balanced, positive energy so you can nurture not only your soul but to also tend to your partners when needed, In short, don’t neglect the SOUL work.

Twin Flame RelationshipsBe Open as Both a Student and Teacher

These special partnerships are of cosmic design, and they are intended to help us assist one another in becoming everything we are meant to be both as individuals and as a union before the process of ascension. Your partner mirrors your own issues back at you, and naturally, we can be resistant to these lessons because they are typically painful for us to see – especially once we consider ourselves to be ‘above’ those places we once were. There is no direct path to our final destination, and our human selves may refuse to see and acknowledge that dark side… to bare ourselves down to the core where both the darkness and light coincide so we can learn those tough lessons – sometimes over and over again. Don’t be afraid to be naked in your relations with your partner… let your beloved also be your teacher and guide. In return, allow them to be your student by letting them know who you really are and be honest in communicating your lessons.

Hold Back with Hypersensitivity

When times are trying it’s tempting for Twin Flames to Run in Troubled Times, but true twin flames must realize that they are a mirror image of one another, reflecting their own personal issues back at their partner, so naturally there is sensitivity to seeing those weaknesses. You’ll be hypersensitive to each other’s energies, both high and low, positive and negative – especially when those ‘lessons’ and ‘mirror’ issues crop up. This is the time to truly evaluate the role of the Ego, of YOUR Ego, and let it go. Choosing to communicate in a productive, kind, and loving way when disagreements arise rather than taking offense opens the door for healing. However, times when you realize your reaction was less impressive or productive, try to see your reaction as an opportunity to look within yourself and address any old baggage you’re harboring that fuels any undesirable responses.

Twin Flame Relationships

Live, Laugh, Love

As you ease into the comfort zone with your twin flame relationship, you will propel beyond being in love to just BEing LOVE. You’ll enjoy life more as you laugh and love together, allowing your relations with one another and the actions you bring into the world will to be like a mesmerizing song, an eloquent dance, a meditation or prayer, honoring and appreciating each moment with grace and humility. Be that LOVE, and all of your relationships will thrive even in the toughest of times.









©Universal Copyright 2016 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.


STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Understanding Soul Mate Connections and Twin Flames in Troubled Times”

Soul Mate Connections

It seems that many folks have a somewhat unrealistic impression of what a soul mate or twin flame connection will or should be… with visions or expectations of an all encompassing ideal partner that grabs their hand, gives them a twirl or two, and then they walk away into a sunset on a picturesque evening. People expect this bubble love that is never ending, and feel as though they can share every thought with their partner and all is so serene…


Well, let me say this is absolutely NOT how this rolls, my friends. In fact, when you actually encounter potentially romantic soul mate connections – and particularly in the case of an authentic twin flame connection – things can get rather down and dirty…and quickly. However, it is so important to remember that these connections need not be romantic at all but rather an intense friendship that aids you on your Path to Enlightenment. They may be either transient or permanent fixtures in your life on the earthly plane – part of your voyage together is allowing what it is to manifest.

Nothing is more challenging than meeting your mirror, and when I say mirror, I mean you will see not only the BEST in that person, but also their worst. And accepting those aspects of yourself while accepting them in your connection is not any walk in the park…and in fact, once this occurs, your partner is likely to run like a bat out of hell from you! As SoulEntity speaks of in “Follow the Stranger“, the ‘Negative Sentience’ is always trying to break into the minds of true soul mates.

Soul Mate Connections Why Soul Mates Run…and 1 Simple Way to Reconnect (or Not)

Meeting a twin flame or intense soul mate is like the Clash of the Titans. What else can two parts of a whole do when perfect strangers have a chance encounter and they somehow see EVERYTHING? There are two things that can happen here: you can acknowledge what you see and go with the connection, or you can keep what you see to yourself. Either way, you are still going to butt heads, so chose your path on this journey wisely.

DOUBTS & FEARS: Strong energetic connections can be rather scary, and running is an instinctual response that can lead the pair into doubting if their union is ‘real’. While feeling so drawn in to someone, you also feel fear. Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of making a mistake that will drive them away. Essentially, all of these fears are projected onto your partner and this is why they will RUN…you may be the runner or the one in fear or both – likely both of you will be doing both if it’s a true twin flame connection.

LABELS: As with most intense connections, the tendency to want to slap a label on someone as your BFF or your girlfriend, etc. can be very tempting. However, rather than that ultimately serving as an ‘acknowledgment’ this can set you up for future disappointment if the associated expectations of that label aren’t met.

EXPECTATIONS: Everyone is born into a world filled with expectations. Heck, parents make ‘big plans’ for their unborn – setting out expectations of them before they even exit the womb! These expectations will bombard you throughout life if you allow them to, and this is a part of the programming of society. One of the greatest downfalls in relationships of any kind is the expectation of another to reciprocate your feelings or live up to your expectations in any fashion.

JUDGEMENTS: One of the most important parts of living in the NOW is freeing yourself from judgments in all aspects of your life; hence, no matter where your troubles lie with your soul mate, you’d do yourself a favor by taking a bit of time and space rather than being judgmental of them. Remember, they are likely reflecting any energy that YOU are projecting onto THEM, and simple compassion can send out more harmonic vibrations that can ultimately heal issues, fears, and wounds that tempt judgment.

soul mate connections

About that Miraculous Solution for Reconnecting

Well, it’s not miraculous and you may or may not reconnect in the way you want (but that’s still holding onto expectations!). However, you can resolve and avoid many unnecessary conflicts with your soul mate connections or twin flame by avoiding all of the above! Letting go of the labels, doubts, judgments, and expectations allow you to become comfortable with the changes and he challenges as you will live more in the present, raising your vibrations, and increasing your manifestation abilities to gain what is intended from the connection.

“To form a connection with another human being is effortless but to maintain the connection takes some focus. To neglect the connection for prolonged lengths of time means that it will require more effort to maintain its stability. All it takes is a conscious mutual exchange of energy so that both people stay vibrating at a high frequency and the connection will remain strong.”Joshua Tepania, Writer/Poet

©Universal Copyright 2014 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.