LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Protecting Our Heart”


“As we find the inner stillness and remain mentally and emotionally calm, there is an incredible amount of spiritual support and potential activation into the higher intelligence of the heart-brain complex that we can rebuild and attune to within ourselves. It is our strong heart and capacity to love that protects our ability to embody the Krystal Consciousness,  while we are exposed to the war game over the earth.”  ~Lisa Renee


The heart-brain complex is an intelligence structure that can best be defined as the original, organic design and function of the collective human soul/oversoul matrix and its cellular memory interface with the planetary grid heart consciousness network. As a part of the mechanics of the energy structure of the many fields of consciousness, (the morphogenetic field layers that control time and space), the heart–brain complex is a consciousness structure and architecture that has been largely dormant within the planetary body fields. This consciousness intelligence has remained dormant primarily from the genetic manipulation of the negative alien agenda and their inorganic enslavement architecture used on the planet. The heart-brain complex is a part of the planetary nervous system (grid network) and the nerve cell(s) of the planetary body that directly message into and through the individual human body via the heart complex. We must have emotional depth and empathy to receive and understand the planetary heart signal. Many people on this earth cannot feel or sense it, because their heart is closed or blackened. It is important to recognize, that on our planet, essentially we are in a struggle to retain and protect our heart to remain strong enough to connect with our inner spirit and directly link our heart communication with the infinite God source. Everything that we endure on this planet has been designed by the Controllers to break our heart in order to maim, damage and kill our loving feelings of empathy, kindness and compassion for others. To make us feel disconnected and apathetic about ourselves. To be emotionally shut down and uncaring towards the crimes against humanity that contribute to the chaotic and dark state of the planet. Extremely dark forces want humanity to lose all sensory feeling abilities, and to shut down the loving kindness that comes from an awakened heart . Thus, it takes spiritual maturity, courage and bravery to be able to accept the nature of this reality, to see it as it is really, and to keep our heart open, loving and kind – no matter what. To endure the intensity of the recent shifting timelines, we will need to never lose sight of the power that resides inside our loving heart, and to never allow the external forces to harm or diminish the quality of love that we can broadcast from our heart. Can you make the true commitment to unconditionally love with all of your heart without expecting something in return?

To open our heart and be unconditionally loving takes strength of character, and this is the fastest way to gain the power of virtues. Virtues are the qualities of goodness that define the very purpose of our human lives, they are the content of our character and the truest expression of our heart based spiritual-energetic nature. Virtues are the qualities of goodness which also inhabit in the world of forces, they are consciousness that quantifies through the higher spiritual forces that awaken the soul and spirit within the heart complex. When one builds strength in virtues, one builds strength in the power of the forces of unconditional love and kindness, which translate into the direct connection that links with God Forces. We reap the quality of our cultivated virtue in that which brings incredible gifts of spiritual powers, directly from the spirits of God. These living forces are the Spirits of Christ, which become connected with the embodiment in ones inner spirit. These gifts are the “Bestowal of Grace” that is received through the sincerity of one’s virtuous thoughts or virtuous actions to be of service to the whole, to be of service to God. It is made clear to define that the Bestowal of Grace is not dispensed through any premeditated intermediary, such as with a Guru or Priest, but is received as a dispensation of grace from the personal cultivation of virtues that are made strong through the practice of unconditionally loving. To strengthen our spiritual foundation at its root in our personal Tree of Life, we must place our relationship with God as our primary focus, finding the courage every day to cultivate strong virtues through practicing loving kindness and compassion. This practice may sound easy, but in the state of the world today, it is not.

A virtue is a characteristic of a person that supports the development of individual goodness, having ethical standards for honoring life, for the purpose of personal spiritual development, higher consciousness and collective humanitarian well being. This is a person who chooses to promote principles of love and kindness while giving their best every day, with whatever they have in the moment. If one focuses on building strong virtues through being unconditionally loving,  these accumulated behaviors translate into higher frequencies that lead to personal freedom and direct God connection. If one is allowing strong vices to take control over them, such as addiction, this leads to personal bondage and servitude to dark forces. This is our personal choice, to have spiritual freedom or spiritual bondage, through the choices we make every day to either cultivate virtues or vices. When we are spiritually strong, we are a fortress of heart based devotion and dedication to serve the highest expression of our goodness, as a spiritual and multidimensional being. Heart based devotion progressively builds solid ethics and strong virtues, which are the collective attributes that directly attract the consciousness of the Spirits of Christos, which are the rays of love that emanate from the heart of God. Once we embody the Spirits of Christ, these rays emanate from our own heart, and our heart grows increasingly larger, capable to hold extremely high frequencies of love, light and power that are directed from the infinite source to benefit the planet and humanity.

The original astral heart complex of earth is the fourth dimensional, green spectrum of light, and the brain (logos) of the planet is the ultraviolet spectrum of light. In order to rebuild the heart-brain complex pathways, these ley lines, dimensional bodies and their related structures have to be shifted to make way for the new heart-brain structure and to run its spark current. That is what is transpiring now, a demolition of black source blockages, the grid structures that hold distortion, damage and waste product debris (miasma). These are being broken down to consciousness units that are re-assimilated or transmuted out from these impacted areas systematically, that have black heart circulatory systems that have been feeding satanic hierarchies. There are higher dimensional conflicts around the perception of how Guardian grid projects are impacting the earth at this time. Each perception is based upon a vantage point of existence in the time and space field, yet this is a necessary part of the re-assimilation of the many levels of consciousness units to experience the synthesis of polarities back into the Unity field.

Recently, Guardian Teams went to San Francisco Bay area to research and correct artificial intelligence signaling that is creating DNA mutational damage in humans and in the earth, from running these specific currents of AI that power up black heart networks, and satanic architecture used to house massive hierarchies of demonic forces. These “black houses” are used as phantom portals to allow satanic forces to easily walk around on the earth, and take over the area without human awareness. There are conflicts in other dimensions around the placement in time and space where the break down and removal of the black house interface is impacting other networks, and forcing entities to be moved out from that space in time. Satanic forces are extremely arrogant, which is their blind spot, entities are trapped in lower dimensional or material reality perception where the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, nor for what purpose. From every dimensional level of perception, there is a vantage point that is unique and many times, limited to that specific time and space location. Satanic forces have a very limited perception while they are desperate to exact complete control over other people’s energy sources.

Therefore there are many kinds of Celestial beings, both dark and light, at many higher dimensions (and partial ascensions) that are also undergoing a process of God realization and transformation of existence, throughout the Universal Ascension Cycle.

The planetary heart- brain complex is ignited from within the core of the earth, as well as the replica of that complex existing in the center of our human skull and brain. The heart brain link up in the individual is between the center of the brain at the pineal gland, igniting its spiritual spark and linking directly into the higher heart center of the permanent seed atom. The heart brain complex is ignited by the Collective Monadic Body Spark, which is fueled by the proper phasing that exchanges directly into the heart of God (Universal Core) and returns the spark to ignite and expand itself as a running current throughout the complex meridians, axiational lines of the heart brain complex. This is a Universal Cosmic Orbit, the macrocosm version of the “microcosmic orbit” that runs within our own central vertical channel.

The heart-brain complex is coming online within the smaller ascending human population now, as well is the result of, the larger Guardian planetary grid demolition of satanic architecture and ongoing grid repair projects.

To ignite and run the circuits of this heart-brain complex, many levels of the architecture and grids of the planetary network must be either, repaired, rehabilitated or demolished to be rebuilt into the new foundational structure. Since last year, there have been sequential events leading to this process of demolition, implosion in order to rehabilitate and reconnect necessary axiational lines, spinning grid points and various vortexes. A portion of this issue was that there were holographic insert implants in the planetary body that were projecting pineal implants and cages that surrounded the pineal itself. This was to “freeze” or calcify the pineal functions and to actual deteriorate the pineal gland functions, since this gland is key in the ascension process to activate the deeper awakened heart, as well as ignite the higher mental processes of the spiritual intelligence.

Some of us will be more sensitive to the flying energetic debris than others; it depends on our unique role and genetic package. Like being a construction worker on a work site, we need to be wearing a hard helmet and protective gear and goggles, as there is debris, trash, waste, pollution, fallout and confused people all scattering about in the middle of the worksite. (Wear your 12D Shield!) This is a time to remain calm in the middle of the darkness and chaos, it is better to conserve and direct our energies with purpose, protecting and fortifying our bodies, and aligning to the highest frequencies of loving kindness within our heart. Finding the stillness, while in the center of the tornado is what we are called to do in this cycle, along with having a proper evolutionary context for the war over consciousness that we are all exposed. As we find the inner stillness and remain mentally and emotionally calm, there is an incredible amount of spiritual support and potential activation into the higher intelligence of the heart-brain complex that we can rebuild and attune to within ourselves. It is our strong heart and capacity to love that protects our ability to embody the Krystal Consciousness,  while we are exposed to the war game over the earth.

The heart-brain awakening will directly impact the skull, cheeks, eyebrows, neck, jaw, including the crown, third eye, pineal, and pituitary glands, which may be presently shifting in one’s awareness. We have many physical and energetic body changes happening now that change bodily metabolism and homeostasis. Many changes are being felt in the energy centers in the center of our head, skull and brain, as the Monadic flame ignites these centers for the awakening the heart- brain complex, which is a monadic body function. This allows the head and crown centers to communicate and transmit intelligent energy with the source field, in more effective ways.

~via Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – July 19, 2016

LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Hyperborean Albion Timeline”


The Albion is the androgynous human template created from the twelve spheres of the Tree of Life which, during the fall of humankind, became buried in the lower dimensional fields of the earth, waiting to be awakened. This elemental structure of the primordial human template is located in the earth body, and is made from the Original Cosmic Blueprint. This original blueprint records the divine plan for humanities ascension to the diamond sun body, and holds the celestial records of humankind’s evolution throughout the Solar System. The Awakening Albion occurs in progressive stages, and the recent constellation transmissions are intelligently designed to stimulate the higher mind activation throughout the Albion body in the earth. This gently accelerates the shift in the mental body of the earth to reflect the higher mind consciousness which is reflected in the sequential stages of Awakening Albion.Recent transmissions that have activated in the planetary body open to communicate with the Silver Gate, the intersection gateway located in-between the Taurus and Gemini constellations. The states of evolution are related to the Universal Laws of Alchemy, which are transmitted from the Galactic Zodiac constellations. These transmissions move through the Sun to earth, as we move through the annual ecliptic. The stages in the Galactic Zodiac represent moving human consciousness evolution through the process of Spiritual Ascension, the process of humanity undergoing the spiritualization of the matter world. As we expand consciousness, we are connected to the Albion body, which acts as the consciousness representative of the entire human species, healing and integrating the 12 Tribes. As we awaken to our spiritual nature and oneness, we are contributing to the collective Awakening of Albion.

The Krystic Avatars come to the earth through the Sirius B portal, and these Ancient Builder Races were the original engineers of many of the planetary grid networks, stone megaliths, dolmens, and many other geomantic structures found on the earth. Many of these geomantic structures exist in the parallel earth or in the higher realms of the future earth, such as 7D Gaia. We are in the process of descending many of these higher timelines, and the future architecture and instruction sets into the earth plane during this time. This is to activate previously dormant or inactive geomantic structures to be able to run and exchange living life current. and run the blue plasma fields. These are called chalice formations in the planetary grid. Chalice formations bring support to the earth and the local inhabitants, who can be replenished with this quality of blue plasma and vital life force.

The Templar

The planetary grid network is a living consciousness matrix that is encoded with the blueprint or original instruction set for the divine plan of humanities spiritual evolution. Much of our mission as Starseeds is to extract the alien machinery and fallen entities which obstruct, siphon or damage the energies in the planetary grid system. Deeply hidden in the organic matrix of our planet is the mirror image of the cosmic projection of our Galaxy of Stars, which is the multidimensional hologram of the Cosmos. When we are describing planetary grid work, we are describing the consciousness body (holographic geography) which is representing the map of the Galaxy on earth. When we consciously understand this interplay, we can help support consciousness evolution by dedicating ourselves as conduits to express the divine plan for planet earth. We currently refer to this level of participation or conduit, as a planetary gridworker. Over the ages the spiritual science of gridworking has also been referred to as the “Templar”. Templar defines a person who comprehends planetary architecture, and the math behind the geometries of earth consciousness that is built in the geomantic structures. Templars can sense how the spiritual-energy current moves in the earth and how to create or work with the geomantic structures to help increase or direct that energy for the greater good of the whole planet.

Hyperborean Albion

The Hyperboreans are the Root Races from 7th dimensional Earth known as Gaia. Hyperboreans are important, because this was the timeline of the original trauma of the “fall” that happened to the human race. This is where the split in time occurred and this is when the Moon was brought to the planet, as its companion satellite to manage the gravitational field. As a result, many of us on the earth will feel the pain of the separation created during the timeline of the fall from divinity, that marked the begininng of the dark age for humanity. The Hyperborean period on Gaia was humanities Golden Age. This level of monadic identity was fully connected and fully embodied in Christ Consciousness. When the electric wars happened to the Hyperboreans, they were split apart from their higher spiritual counterparts in Polaris. On the 7D Gaian body, which is the monadic body of the planet Earth, the Hyperboreans existed as a part of the history of seedings in the human root race cycles.  Currently that consciousness memory from the Hyperborean timelnes has an access point made in the earth timelines, in the northern part of our planet in the United Kingdom. When these timelines open and bleed through into this reality, they interfere with the reversal networks that are running in that ley line system.

With the latest transmission of Galactic Law, the planet is intersecting with the Hyperboreans timelines in the 7th dimension, which are the original histories of humanities fall from the Edenic state. The current Aeonic Pairs (hierogamic unions) are being taken out of the dimensional door of Transtime continuum (TTC) to experience the infinite space of God Worlds, in order to bring back that specific future timeline memory to this density of earth. The Albion body contains the collective memory record of the human experience in the 7D timelines on Gaia. The divine plan is to find and locate the pieces of the Albion body, which awaken the World Soul through the Galactic Zodiac and star transmissions. Ultimately, this integrates all the broken mirrors of consciousness back into the Albion body which then unites with the Cathar Body of Mother. This is the Alchemical Wedding of the masculine and feminine principle, which is the marriage of spirit and matter on the earth in this ascending timeline.

As we expand our consciousness, our spiritual mission is to facilitate the preparations for this sacred union of the Albion and Cathar bodies, as we bring our witness to the ceremony that takes place during the Alchemical Wedding. The Alchemical Wedding is also called Hieros Gamos or hierogamy.

The Albion body has consciousness centers that make up entire sections of his body which represent principles recorded in the earth to expand solar consciousness and beyond. When the Albion body is asleep, it exists in states of unconsciousness and generates darkness, understood as the dead light of the Luciferian consciousness. To Awaken Albion is also to rehabilitate the unconsciousness of the Luciferian forces (Fallen Angelics) on earth, to the self-realized higher consciousness of the Krystic Self in the Diamond Sun DNA that recognizes it is one with all things.

Albion Code and Cathar Code

The Albion is in the planetary body as a sphere and it is the exact replica of an original 12 strand DNA human, the first expression of a human being that is recorded within the planetary body. The Albion is comprised of the architecture of the Universal Law of Structure that manifests as the divine human body in the Universal Tree of Life. The Albion is within the core manifestation template of the human body, and the actual shape of that body is referred to as the Albion. The Albion is masculine in its principle, although it is genderless, it is a manifestation of the Law of Structure governed by the Cosmic Logos. The Albion exists as a cell in the body of the Solar Logos. Each of us exist as a cell in the planetary body. The planetary body is made in the image of the Albion, as it is connected to the 12 Strand DNA silicate matrix body. Each of the twelve spheres in the Tree of Life represents a part of the consciousness of the auric egg that makes up the Lightbody. The auric egg contains color waves within the spheres and these are known as the Cathar, which is the feminine principle. The Albion and the Cathar, represent the Holy Father and Holy Mother Principle united, as the Hieros Gamos, or the risen Christos-Sophia made manifest through the corrected or resurrected Albion.

The Cathar is the mother principle of the sound, tone, music, and colors that fill in the Albion spherical architecture. The Cathar is the Holy Mother’s body which is the color tonal wave spectrum, and the living life code of the breathing Holy Spirit. The Cathar is Mother’s creation code, as the Albion is Father’s creation code, and both have to interact and interconnect in sacred marriage to birth the Christos-Sophia. As they unite in hierogamic union, Mother’s sound tones and Holy Spirit can bring color waves into the base template of the Albion architecture. This sacred union generates new balanced creations throughout the matter worlds, as matter becomes spiritualized through the animating force of the Holy Spirit.








~via – Time Shift Blog – June 5, 2016