TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “How to Tune into the Present Moment”

how to tune into the present moment

Consciousness is defined as the state or quality of awareness. To be aware we have to be awake. Not just physically awake but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

We are all conscious beings, but achieving a state of higher consciousness is about developing the awareness of the hidden, unseen world. It is about digging deeper beneath the surface in order to uncover the essence or truth.

Consciousness can be similar to enlightenment. The truly conscious person is awakened to their fullest potential and therefore “lit up” with the energy of who they really are.

Raising your consciousness is not something that is only for the privileged few. We all have the ability to raise our levels of consciousness through being more aware of who we are, where we are and what we are doing.

Many spiritual teachers call this being “present”. It is only when you are fully aware of the present moment that you can truly raise your consciousness.

But what does this even mean?

What does it mean to be present?

How does being present help me?

Becoming Physically Present

Take a moment right now to observe 7 things around you. Look at your surroundings and identify 7 things that stand out to you.

Just by doing this easy exercise, it is has brought your attention into the present. When you are in the present, it helps you to become completely aware. For just a minute when you were identifying the objects in the room, there was no worry, there was no fear. There was just you, the observer, trying to tune into what you were seeing.

This works on a deeper level as well. When you can be present and tune in to how you are feeling, you also start become more aware and more conscious.

Becoming Emotionally Present

Take a moment right now to identify 3 things that you are currently feeling. Go with the first emotions that pop into your mind.

In that brief moment, when you were doing that exercise you started to tune into your emotional awareness. In this moment you were able to clearly tune into your emotional state of being and feel your energy. In this moment there was nothing else, it was just you, the observer.

We can go even deeper with this exercise onto a more spiritual level, but this is where it takes true commitment and practice.

In fact, all of this does, which is why even the most “enlightened” of people will always have days when they lose touch with who they are and their awareness.

Becoming Spiritually Present

To heighten your spiritual awareness, it requires you to learn how to separate who you are with the observer in your mind. To do this, give yourself 2 praises. This could be something like- “I really love how you handled that project at work today”. 

Whatever praises you come up with, say them to yourself in your head. As you are saying them, feel the response that you get when you hear them. That “person” that energy hearing the response is who you are. You are not the voice, you are the listener. You are the energy hearing those words.

Mind blown? I hope so.

Being in the present moment is really about holding on to your awareness and keeping in the flow of life. It is not about getting caught up in the past or in the future.

This doesn’t mean that you ignore the things that happened in the past, or you neglect your future. It just means that your active awareness is with the energy of the present.

When you are actively present you have taken care of your past and your future simultaneously. When you are in the present, you are one with yourself and the world.

Being present is a gift (pun intended) and the more you can practice tuning in to the moment that is around you, the more peace you will feel with your every day life, and the higher your consciousness will go.

“Wherever you are, be there. If you can be fully present now, you’ll know what it means to live”- Steve Goodier





~via ForeverConscious.com




In my last blog, I invited you to stay tuned so I could share my treasure chest of jewels with you. One of the gems I’d like to share with you today is breathing. I always like to walk my talk and did just that this weekend in Lake Tahoe. When I find myself a little out of sorts or at least, off center, I make time to connect with the great Mother Earth.

Treasure Chest

Our breath and the air we breathe is a powerful bridge that connects heaven and earth. It is this divine life giving source that raises our vibrational frequency placing us in the flow of our own well-being. When I need to reconnect, I find a sweet spot in mother nature where I take a few deep breaths and do just that – reconnect. As an alternative, when I cannot get out but need to center myself, I use guided imagery and visualize a quiet place. I close my eyes, relax and focus on my breathing… and reconnect.

On a recent visit to Lake Tahoe, I was gifted with majestic trees, birds singing, clean air, snowcapped mountains (in mid-June, that is) and rushing water. Leaning against the trees, listening to water rushing down the mountain into the lake, I breathed deeply and with every exhale released my cares, confusion and challenges to the Universe. I would like to share this gift (minus the snow), with you this guide imagery I envisioned. Enjoy. Breathe in and release your cares.

Guided Imagery

“BREATHE… in through your nose and out through your mouth. And as you do, picture yourself in one of your favorite spots in nature. Perhaps it’s the beach with the gentle breeze touching your skin, or a path in the woods filled with the fresh scents, deep roots, and clean air. Or maybe you’re high up in the mountains with the swift sound of water rushing by. Inhale deeply and feel it flow throughout your body.

Notice your breath as if it were an old friend and notice how you choose to breathe. Is it shallow, like the passing breeze amongst the trees offering you breathing room only? Or, is it deep, full body awareness- filling your lungs, diaphragm and belly with the life giving force that it is? Like the surging energy of the waterfall, feel the abundance and breathe deeply – moving that energy all the way into your totally relaxed body. You begin to notice a more expanded awareness as you shift your consciousness to higher levels and you begin to connect your body, mind and spirit with that of the Universe. You become ONE with all that is.When you become one with your breath, pay attention to how your body just lets go. Peace. Serenity. Now, let that feeling of peace and relaxation wash over you, as you become more centered, focused, and divinely attuned and in touch with Mother Earth. Relax. Imagine a beautiful, healing, golden yellow light resting over the top of your head. It is a warm, gentle golden light that bathes you with its divine healing energy slowly moving into your body, relaxing you more and more.

Divine Golden Light Energy

With each breath you breathe, allow this golden healing energy to flow to you and through you. And as you do, you begin to release any old outmoded thoughts, feelings, beliefs or patterns that no longer serve you. Instead, BREATHE. Invite new feelings of compassion, self-love, self-worth and self-acceptance to flow to you and through you – right down into the cellular core level of your being.

This is your time to re-connect, re-charge, re-center, and re-discover your true divine self. When faced with challenges, fears, or restrictions, remember – slow down, pause and breathe deeply.


It is the divine gift of breath that allows you to create your heart’s desire. What is it you desire? Like the air you breathe and the wind on your skin, your mind becomes open and receptive to the concept of change. This is good for the time has come. Feel the winds of change blowing and the rushing waters flowing through your body, your mind and your spirit. Your breath is working for you right now. And, it feels good to tap into these higher sources of wisdom.

Whenever you’re ready, slowly bring your awareness and your breath back to this present moment, now. Feeling centered and back in charge, remember you carry this gem with you and can retrieve it when needed.”

This week, I invite you to Stop, Breathe, Reflect, and Choose. Have fun as you invite breath in to inspire you in new ways. Who knows, what you’ll discover as your heart’s desire. In my next blog, I’ll share more gems from my treasure chest so stay tuned.

In the meantime, feel free to share this post with others and let me know one of your special gems you’d like to share.

Blessings filled with love and light,








LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Relationships Under Construction”


“When we recognize the fear program when it is operating in the masses to deliberately separate the male and female from experiencing feelings of empathy with each other, we can refuse its control over our own male and female energies, and choose unconditional love, which connects us with our inherent personal sovereignty as eternal spiritual beings.” 

~Lisa Renee

Relationships are for Spiritual Development

In our Ascension context, the synthesizing of the pairs of opposing forces into higher states of energetic balance is required in order to achieve spiritual completion, as our consciousness travels throughout the dimensions, and this process is also referred to as polarity integration, energetic synthesis or spiritual marriage. This has the exact same meaning when applied to the unification of the inner gender energies and balancing of the gender archetypes inside ourselves, which is the energetic balance that is created in our aura and in the outer dimensional fields, when we are able to heal the masculine principle and feminine principle interaction. To biologically and spiritually evolve, we bring increasing levels of energetic balance between the masculine and feminine energies that exist within ourselves, and this shifts how we perceive those same levels of consciousness energies that we interact with that are inside of other people. All of these forces exist within the inner and outer, the personal and the collective selves, the micro and the macro, which are brought into higher resolution for increasing the potential unification between those energies.

Thus, every relationship we have has an ongoing interplay between all of these male and female forces on the planet, and is ultimately designed for our spiritual development and higher consciousness growth. Especially now at the time of Ascension, humanity is extremely impacted by the changes that have occurred to the male-female energetic interplay on the planet, as these forces connect directly to our levels of personal emotional growth as human beings.

Most people are unaware that many relationships on the planet today are directly attracted by the spiritual self in order to meet soul and spirit family, which gives us the opportunity to heal and resolve past ancestral patterns, complete previous cycles of unresolved issues, clear miasmatic blockages, and help to integrate inner and outer forces of polarity. All relationships are directly designed for personal growth and spiritual expansion beyond certain emotional themes, being of service to others, and learning life lessons. When we are spiritually capable to energetically balance our inner and outer male and female energies, we reach a level of personal completion and our intimate relationship is elevated in its divine design to hierogamic union. Hierogamic relationships are those that have evolved into spiritual marriages where both parties are unified in their male and female energies in order to become directed for higher collaborations of service to the Universal plan, and thus, they are focused on increasing mutual projects of planetary service in order to help harmonize the earth grid or support the reclamation of the krystal consciousness.

At this time, certain relationships will collapse or destruct from any of the power imbalances that are created when there is undue pressures of ego needs placed upon the relationship, such as the projection of personal desires and expectations that are placed upon another. We must learn to clear ourselves of behaving or acting in obsolete patterns that are created from destructive bonding or wounding in relationships. Without this evolutionary context towards the purpose of relationships, one can be left confused and potentially manipulated by unresolved personal pain and trauma. Unresolved and unhealed inner pain is manipulated by dark forces in our unconscious mind, that keep fear as the primary wound that is used to keep the people involved disempowered, by playing out common destructive relationship programs. In these new energies building new timelines, many destructive relationships based on deception or power imbalances, that obstruct further spiritual expansion, in one or both parties, will bifurcate and split apart. Relationships will undergo intense forms of transformation now, testing our emotional integrity and spiritual maturity.  As emotionally difficult as it may feel, embrace these changes as they occur, as they are spaces of divine intervention to protect our heart and soul to stay on the progressive path in the future timelines, in so that we are lead to unite with our true spiritual purpose and heroic probability. When power imbalances are present in relationships, they must be restored back into energetic balance at some point, showing us what must be corrected in our life style and behaviors, and this action is ultimately sourced in our path to spiritual freedom.

Significant Impact to all Relationships

The same process of polarity integration is transpiring now in the masculine-feminine blueprint of the collective consciousness of humanity. This changes the collective brain configuration in the earth, thus potentially shifts the thought forms in those human beings that are open to receive the new instruction sets and higher plasma frequencies. As a result, this new cycle begins intense, rapid and spontaneous changes that significantly impact the energetic balance (or the energetic schism) that exists between the male and female principles, as they are portrayed in the collective consciousness, such as in the societal expectations and cultural roles. This impact will be thematic for a long time, as this catalyzes momentous transformation in all things having to do with gender, the male and female roles as defined through archetypes, marriage, sexuality, relationships, intimates, partnerships, friendships, family and in group dynamics. Many of us will be undergoing deep and powerful transformations, more exploration and discovery in all of the permutations of relating in the world as it is based upon our gender, as a man or as a woman, experiencing both or androgynous. This gives us potentially new consciousness experiences to feel much more deeply into what it may mean to us to be in the male and female energies, simultaneously, in whatever body we may be incarnated in. We have much more energetic freedom to explore the newly transmitting consciousness, which allows the free flowing interplay of the male-female energies to be heightened inside our own life experiences.

True spiritual marriage is the deep alchemical process of spiritual ascension, and therefore is a part of understanding the necessity of polarity integration between the gender principles in everything we interact with and co-create. Without polarity integration, there cannot be biological spiritual evolution or its byproduct, true spiritual marriage, which is the energetic unification that occurs between the gender principles, creating an androgynous balance of neutral force. Neutrality is the point of our inner spiritual power which allows us to connect directly with the zero point, or the source field.

Wound of Soul Abuse in Relationships

Consciousness is the energetic intelligence which can be both undifferentiated units of qualities of energy or arranged in specific blueprints that direct or influence all matter forms. What is contained in the spiritual blueprint, will govern the form (govern the body and thought-forms) and direct the intelligence and those energies associated with that blueprint. This extends to all gender principles of which are influential in all ways that human beings believe is the nature of reality, and the nature of relating in all kinds of different male-female relationships. Those relationships have been defined by the negative alien influence through its overlay of mind controlled thought-forms, belief systems, and their identity archetypes, which control how those forces are directed and by whom.

The anti-life energies have been purposely distorted through patriarchal domination mind control, which has severely damaged the natural balance that exists between the male and female principle in the Universal creation. This imbalance between the male and female has emotionally devastated and spiritually stunted all human beings to some extent on the planet. Some of the most traumatizing events are those painful memories from distortions that exist between men and women being forced to abuse each other in many different ways, over and over again. The gender principle distortions have been used to propagate some of the deepest levels of spiritual abuse, sexual misery and personal torture that could occur to a race of beings. We all have inherited the spiritual task of identifying the relationship abuse and taking productive steps, no matter how small, to heal ourselves from the emotional and spiritual pain that is the result of the separation between the male and female, that has caused incredible confusion in the human race.

Many people feel this pain as soul crushing, thus, heart breaking, as the deepest primordial wounds of our race is inherently created from this point of inner separation, which is recorded in the cellular memories of the hidden human history that is buried in alien invasion and spiritual oppression. True spiritual marriage as a part of natural biological spiritual ascension, was stolen from humanity through the gradual alien invasion, and the pain of that theft of true identity and the emotional abuse suffered, has damaged many people’s hearts. The heart damage exists both physical and energetic, has blocked the soul’s center of communication with the entire body, which manifests as self-rejection. Humanity has been programmed to reject our true nature, through the constant denial of accepting the male and female energies in creation as equal in value that are meant to be unified. For this reason, for many people,  there is a unconscious terror in accessing the heart center and unconscious fears of becoming deeply intimate and connected with another person, because the soul wound of separation is so painful for so many on the earth.

With this deeper clarity and context,  it would make perfect sense that in order to change the body’s reaction to the opposing energies and to heal the hearts capacity for loving intimacy, one must first change behaviors to heal the personal energetic blueprint and/or spiritual plan to unify with the inner masculine and feminine. When we become aware of painful gender distortions, we can gain the courageous power through our applied consciousness to intend to heal our inner gender principles, which change our energetic blueprint. This example is well understood in the field of general construction; to add another bedroom, put recessed lighting in a kitchen, to re-wire the electrical outlets, one would hire a construction crew to draw up the plans and then remodel the existing home structure to reflect those plans. If the plans are drawn up shoddy, if the workers are careless about the quality of their work, and the supervisor is without knowledge to build to the specification in the plans, the final result of the new construction can be disastrous. Thus, careful contemplation on communicating and expressing ourselves in harmony with our own inner male and female energies, is what supports our ability to increase the positive interplay between those forces, which improve our relationships. We must learn how to understand the male and the female dynamics in this world, honoring both equally, having empathy for each persons experiences, knowing how they feel in their circumstances, in order for us to build a strong spriitual foundation for expressing inner and outer spiritual marriage.

Humanity has experienced a disastrous result to their home planet by following the mind control blueprint put in place to control and separate gender by the alien controllers. Many people stopped having feelings of empathy and compassion for other people, and lost their ability to feel how it is to walk in another persons shoes. This planet is our home. In the previous cycle it was guided by alien sociopaths using an tyrannical blueprint that is designed to harm and enslave the human race through promoting separative behaviors that are designed to inflict soul damage and heart abuse in order to lose empathic connections. In order to change this separative structure put in place between men and women, we have to recognize how the alien blueprint for mind control of the genders actually works in the collective to break down empathy,  and then see clearly how the controllers capitalize on the collective fear of humanity to keep these destructive thought forms in place.

When we recognize the fear program when it is operating in the masses to deliberately separate the male and female from experiencing feelings of empathy with each other, we can refuse its control over our own male and female energies, and choose unconditional love, which connects us with our inherent personal sovereignty as eternal spiritual beings. This gives us the personal power to replace the alien mind control that is used to promote and enforce male and female separation, while raising our awareness to practice empathy with all people, and intending to balance and equalize all of our male and female interactions. When we can see the destructive programs that are designed to separate us, we can choose something different for our interactions with others in any kind of situation. Thus, we can choose healthier, balanced, life affirming, and more empathic and humanitarian ways to interact within our relationships, our families, children, communities and eventually the entire planet.








http://www.EnergeticSynthesis.com – Time Shift Blog – July 14, 2016


INSPIRATION FOR THE DAY ~ “Native American Code Of Ethics”

Native American Code Of Ethics


The Native American culture is highly spiritual and places a great emphasis on the respect for Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon as well as all living and non-living objects.

1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.

2. Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance.

3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, Native American Code of Ethics | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databaseand yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

4. Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and honor.

5. Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours.

6. Respect all things that are placed upon this earth – whether it be people or plant.

7. Honor other people’s thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them. Allow each person the right to personal expression.

8. Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into the universe will multiply when it returns to you.

9. All persons make mistakes. And all mistakes can be forgiven.

10. Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind, body and spirit. Practice optimism.

11. Nature is not for us, it is a part of us. They are part of your worldly family.

12. Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and life’s lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow.

13. Avoid hurting the hearts of others. The poison of your pain will return to you.

14. Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe.

Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self, all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.15. Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self, all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.

16. Make conscious decisions as to who you will be and how you will react. Be responsible for your own actions.

17. Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Do not touch the personal property of others, especially sacred and religious objects. This is forbidden.

18. Be true to yourself first. You cannot nurture and help others if you cannot nurture and help yourself first.

19. Respect others religious beliefs. Do not force your belief on others.

20. Share your good fortune with others. Participate in charity.

Please spread the love!

THE SPIRIT SCIENCE: “Spiritual Loneliness: What To Do When No One Understands You”



If you are spiritually – minded person, it is not a rare thing to feel a little disconnected from other people at times. Experiencing loneliness is a byproduct of spiritual awakening. Living in a modern world where materialism, consumerism and negativity are considered as supreme, you might feel a little displaced, so you need to connect to your inner guidance system. If you are going through an awakening process, or if you already have, then you will certainly know what it feels like to be rejected by the herd.

Here are some helpful ways to cope with spiritual loneliness:

Reality itself is just a play in consciousness. It’s all a dream.

You can say that you are dreaming now, not in a sense of sleeping but in a sense that when you die you will wake up in another dimension. You will realize that all this journey through life was meant for you to evolve as a soul. Looking from this perspective on your life can help you to deal with loneliness because it allows us to remember that our life is a manifestation of our consciousness and projection of our creativity.

Don’t take things too seriously! Learn from the dream, listen to the dream, and explore the dream. But don’t let the contents of the dream hold you up.

Operate from love rather than fear

Don’t you ever let negative thoughts that brings you down and make you feel lonely and unloved dominate your consciousness. Often, if we use fear as a motivator we push the things that we want away from us. Being afraid of loneliness, we attract more of it into our lives. No one is attracted to an energy field of fear and self – pity.

Letting love dominate your life, will overcome fear and the universe will step into greatness.

Go with the flow

Often society can be hard on us. We feel like we need to hold ourselves up to expectation that society puts forward on us. But the truth is a bit different. You don’t need to impress anybody. You don’t need to rush to win this death race. You don’t need big group of friends that you will meet only on weekends, and you don’t need to force a perfect relationship. What you need is to relax, let go of the things and create a happy life for yourself.

Follow your intuition and do the things that come naturally to you. Life is about the journey. Work with the universe, follow your heart, and be open to possibilities.

Seek others out

Although you haven’t found them, there are many spiritually – minded people out there. Take action in your lifestyle and meet the universe halfway so that it can create synchronicities for you. Keep the doors open. Take a yoga or a meditation class. Join a spiritual community online. Hangout at places you haven’t before.

If you are a person with different views, beliefs and ideas, it is normal to feel alone or excluded in our society. It is useless to feel bad about yourself. Actually, you should feel proud for being unique, for having the courage to be yourself in a world where individuality is suppressed. And you are not alone at this; millions of others feel the same way too.

When you feel “spiritually lonely” try to change your perspective, be proud of who you are, love others and yourself and believe that the universe will provide you with the support system you need if you are willing to take a step outside your comfort zone to make those connections happen.


SPIRITUAL UNITE: “4 Crown Chakra Opening Symptoms”

4 Crown Chakra Opening Symptoms


Are you having headaches and unusual sleep patterns? Felt like your mind won’t stop chatting and the need for constant thinking, then you may have the crown chakra opening symptoms. Listed below are some of the common crown chakra opening symptoms.


The healing process leads to changes of various behavioral patterns of a being. Seclusion is a great symptom of the process and some obvious changes can be noted. One tends to have a different perspective of life and things,far different from the crowd notion.

A change of friends circle happens i.e loss of some friends or even creation of new friendships and relationships. There might be certain changes of the personal lifestyle such as new interests and even new hobbies. All this happen due to a self learning process that one goes through in an attempt of self awareness. As the saying goes; ‘the more you learn,the less you speak’,one might tend to have less talk or even engage in small talk with a certain urge to have meaningful conversations with people.


During the healing process there is a constant struggle between the negative thoughts/vibrations/memories with the human brain. The human mind is observed to be in resistance to change and therefore there is a struggle to maintain the status quo,a deep desire to hold on to the negative thoughts,the negative ideas and even the negative memories. As a result the body reacts and certain symptoms such as headaches are observed.

In addition,one might feel itchy at the top of the head as well as have some irritating sensation on the neck. One’s constant thoughts might also lead to fatigue of the brain and how does the brain respond when overwhelmed? massive headaches. But all these eventually stop once one has mastered the art of the healing process and finally gotten the spiritual connection.


One undergoing the process might face some food behavioral changes. The thought process which happens in the brain directly connects to the biological part of the body and one reason which can be pointed out is that the mind needs nourishment.

The process might therefore force one to lose his/her appetite and in addition result to certain craving of certain foods. It may also apparently lead to some memories/thoughts of certain foods or even some food events which might have been functions, ceremonies etc.


The connection and healing process can really interfere with the normal sleeping cycle. In some cases one tends have different sleeping hours from the normal ones, for example one might tend to start sleeping at three in the middle of the night. In most cases the number of sleep hours reduce from the actual 7-8 hours of average human beings. One might also end up waking up earlier than the average human being.

The reduced sleeping hours might be as a result of thoughts as one tends to have self thoughts, discussions and internalization of ideas therefore one may not want to sleep that much. In addition one might produce a lot of sweat during sleep and is preferably cold sweat. However in some cases one might tend to sleep so much as a result of fatigue due to the constant thought process and as is known, sleep brings about some level of relaxation to the mind and body as well.

Which of these crown chakra opening symptoms have you noticed or going through? Please let us know in the comments, we love hearing from you.

Please spread the love!

QUANTUM WORLD: “Has Your Spiritual Awakening Cost You Some Family And Friends?”

Look back on the documented history of humans. You’ll find that the events or evolutionary processes that are backed by scientific data, witness testimonial, videos or faith are just merely someone else’s interpretation.

For many reasons, the truth may be distorted or hidden. But mostly, it is for power or control.

Do you feel comfortable talking to your friends about the universe?

Do they know what chakras are?

Or what a stargate is?

Do they know what ascension is?

The earth’s evolution or spiritual enlightenment? Most people tend to stay “in the box” when you talk about the creation myth and they stay in a belief system that supports the story of creation according to religion. If you raise questions about our true origins, it tends to separate people and relationships between those who think outside the box versus those who think inside the box.

When these topics are discussed within relationships, they often create disagreements. It’s hard for anyone to admit they’ve been deceived for so long and even more difficult to admit they were possibly wrong in their assumptions.

So who’s right? If you look into the origin of mankind you’ll find an excess of creation myths from all different cultures that have varying dates of existence.

Our educational systems keep us locked inside the box without questioning anything about what we’ve been taught. And this is a prime example of this. Those who remain inside the box are afraid of what others might think if they venture outside the box, so they remain comfortable and subservient while conforming to what society dictates rather than relying on their own intuitions, perception and judgment.

People could live their entire lives pretending to be what society expects them to be and not even know it! What have we truly been taught? From an ego perspective, our thoughts are basically cultivated by what we’ve learned from our family, friends, educational systems, government, political and religious beliefs.







 ~via qwaym.com

SPIRITUAL UNITE: “Signs Of Twin Flame Telepathic Connection”

Whether we want to, we always share our energy and frequency with other beings. So what is the twin flame telepathic connection? It is when we share the same soul frequency, allowing us to make telepathic connection with our twin flame, which allows us to intuitively understand what the other is feeling, thinking or desiring. Communicating with our twin flame is often the sense of wonder, as they are reading our mind, even know our most intimate thoughts.

This is only the starting point of the twin flame telepathic connection. Listed below are the seven most commons signs of telepathy between twin flames.

Ability to know what the other is thinking or feeling.

Without even realizing you pick up occasional feelings and thoughts your twin flame partner maybe having. Even when you are not together you still know what the other may be doing or thinking.

Feelings and thoughts are shared.

Twin flames also express the same ideas and feelings with each other, both your minds are merging together as one. You are about to express something but your twin flame beats you to it. At times this may frustrate you.

Mental telepathic communication is stimulating.

You have the ability to talk to each other without the need to speak out loud. As telepathy is much faster, allowing your ideas to be known to each other, even from distance. When you are able to sense each others energy from distance, this may allow you to form a deep connection with your twin.

See each others soul.

You both have uncanny knack of delving into each others soul. Although this happens with soulmates, but when you do grow close to your twin, this becomes a normal thing within the relationship.

Sharing dreams together.

Twin flames are able to share the same dream, even form a connection within the dream. Tip: Keep a dream journal and write them down.

Having the same interests.

Since you are from the same soul, both of you will share similar interests. You may both enjoy spiritual topics together or even have similar life ambitions together.

You both have the same flaws.

Another twin flame telepathic connection sign is you may have worked on improving your faults as you progress through the spiritual journey. Now you notice the same fault in your twin flame who has yet to remove them. You can help and guide each other.twin flame telepathic connection 2

If you are together with your twin flame physically, you will see these signs very quickly. They may express this to you that they were just thinking about you. You are both here to treasure this incredible connection, because at times you may sense the pull when you are not around them, it could be years or just few hours.

The love between twin flame is not logical, it won’t be anything you could explain to other people, These feelings have to experienced.

Concluding the twin flame telepathic connection

It’s very important for twin flame lovers to process on the conscious flow of cosmic love from our hearts, it is this energy flow from the heart chakra that binds our twin flame connection. When we allow this wonderful telepathic energy to circulate through our lives and expressing the unconditional love for each other, then we are truly able to connect to ourselves and to Source itself.






~via SpiritualUnite.com 


Why Now?

If you are still wondering why many spiritual leaders emphasize living in the present, consider the following lesson.

Imagine the following scenario. You are driving in your car and you pull up to a red traffic light, in the turn lane to go left. There are two cars in front of you and a short line of cars behind you. Now stop to think. Remembering back during your lifetime, can you change what happened five years ago? How about three years ago? Maybe that’s too far back. Can you change anything that happened to you just six months ago? How about five minutes ago? Too far back? What about that car that recently drove up behind you. Can you go back and change what happened just one minute ago? How about one second ago, when you reached over and scratched your other hand. Can you change that?

Let’s go the other way. Can you predict with absolute certainty what will happen to you or anyone else in the world five years from now? What about one month from now? But that’s too much to ask. How about one second from now. Can you predict with absolute certainty what will happen one second from now? You might have an educated guess. You figure the light will turn green, the first car will start its turn, and you and the rest of the people in your lane will follow. There! You did it! You predicted with absolute certainty what will happen one second from now.

Or did you? What if the light doesn’t turn green? What if the traffic light malfunctions and your lane misses its turn? A thousand or more things can happen between now and one second from now. Maybe the first driver isn’t paying attention and is unable to go in time before the light changes again. Maybe the power grid fails. Maybe a crazed driver speeds into the intersection and causes a big accident. You really cannot predict with absolute certainty what is going to happen even half a second from now.

If you can’t change the past, and you can’t predict the future, it makes sense that there’s only one place where you can exist with absolute certainty. Now. The only space in time that you can exist is now, in this very instant. That is why you must always focus on the now. Don’t lament the past; don’t worry about the future. You cannot change the past and you cannot predict the future. But you can live in the now. It is the only place where you exist. The past is gone. You don’t exist in the past, anymore. You don’t exist in the future, because it isn’t here yet. Now is the only place you can ever be. So the answer to our question, “Why Now?” is: Because now is the only place you can be.






~via QuantumStones.com

LINDSEY LEWIS: “What It Means To Trust The Universe — And Why You Should”


You know those moments when you tell yourself, “I just gotta trust the universe.” Whether it’s because things in your life feel chaotic or just plain overwhelming, sometimes you just know you need to surrender and learn to trust that things will work out.

Trust really is a practice, an art — especially in those moments when it feels like you’re working hard and things just aren’t happening. In the wellness world, we put so much emphasis on the importance of letting go, relinquishing the need to control and learning to trust that things will simply be taken care of. A job will appear, along with a dream partner and loads of money.

Sound familiar? Well, trusting the universe requires patience. But are you trying to cultivate patience, and still finding that you’re not realizing any results? If so, here are five essential things you need to know when you are trying to trust the universe:

1. Recognize the universe is in you.

Our strongest, most powerful connection to all the stars, the cosmos and everything else around us that can guide us, is actually within us. So often, when we get caught up in thinking that we need to “trust the universe,” we somehow think some external force is going to swoop into our lives and save us from all the challenges we are experiencing.

In other words: we automatically position ourselves as dependent, weak and disempowered in relation to some elevated idea of “the universe.” This mode of trusting the universe is based in fantasy: we act like Rapunzel, stuck in a tower with all that long hair, waiting for the prince to come and save her. But in reality, Rapunzel could have just tied the ends of her hair to the window frame and climbed down herself.

2. We have to let go of what is preventing us from stepping up.

When we’re caught up in the “I just gotta trust the universe” frame of mind, we can focus too much on the practice of “letting go” in the abstract. But actually, trusting the universe isn’t just about hoping to be saved. It’s about being practical, about approaching our fears head on and learning what specific limiting beliefs we have that we need to let go of. Too often we hang onto ways we can continue to hide, ways we can avoid stepping up.

I hung on for dear life to beliefs about my inability to earn good money. That is, until the day I explored all of those beliefs as fears rather than truths. From there, I realized that one of the main reasons I was hanging onto this false idea was because I was especially afraid of what I might need to take responsibility for if I owned my infinite capacity to make money and have the life I wanted. I’d have to take responsibility for my finances, for my future, for every time I claimed, “I can’t afford that.” No more excuses.

Luckily, when the desire for change is larger than the desire to stay in our comfort zone, big things can happen. And they did for me. I still have my moments where I dip-dive into doubt about the future. But I now know that I’ve got what it takes to handle that doubt, and I’ve got the skills to keep creating the future I envision.

3. The universe will serve you, not (necessarily) please you.

Sometimes I fantasize about magically receiving a check for a million dollars. It seems like a wonderful fantasy until I ask myself if that would actually serve me … Would receiving that amount of money, without working for it it, really enable me to step into my power with an innate and infallible confidence in my own abilities? Probably not.

Sure, it would really please me to get a bunch of free money. It would really please me to think that I never had to worry about money ever again.

But it wouldn’t serve me. What serves me is to know that I can do things on my own. It serves me to know that I am determined to succeed, facing every fear and limiting belief in my life with the universe at my back. I can get out of this darn tower myself, thank you very much.

4. Sometimes, NOT getting what you want is a gift.

Not getting what we want can be the greatest gift. This is especially true if what we thought we wanted was the easy way out. I know this first-hand, as I had a long-standing love affair with wanting the easy way out, with hoping someone or something else would take care of everything for me. And often, to be honest, they did.

But this dynamic was unproductive. Even without stepping up to the plate, I still found myself stressed, anxious and uncertain. Depending on other people to take care of it for me left me dependent and weak, with no trust in my own innate abilities, talents and strengths.

Then one day I decided it was time to really step up, to do what it took to create the life I was dreaming of. And the universe promptly handed me a challenging new neighbor, a boss with temper tantrums and regular contact with a woman whose default mode was to criticize. I wanted to know that everything was OK, that everything would be taken care of, that I was taken care of. And so life said: Great! I’ve been waiting for you to say that! Now you get to learn how to take care of yourself by facing these challenging people.

And from that point forward, I learned to trust that everything will always be OK.

5. Everything comes back to the fierce power of love.

To sum it all up: The best way to trust the universe is to learn to trust yourself. Rather than just indiscriminately repeating the mantra “let go,” get curious about what specifically is preventing you from stepping up. And then let go of that specific thought, belief, assumption or whatever it is. Know that the universe is loving you by serving you, even if that doesn’t please you. Sometimes, not getting what we want is even better.

Love. It all comes back to love — in the fiercest way possible.







~via MindBodyGreen.com