LISA RENEE: Avatar of Ascension ~ Hieros Gamos ~ Inner Balance to Sacred Marriage ~ “HGS Introduction” (Part 1/10)



Empowered Self Mastery

Finding Your Energetic Core and Remembering Your Spiritual Purpose

Hieros Gamos is the Sacred Marriage of a Human Being with Divinity (the Inner Spirit) and the Unification between all life expressions and its levels of opposite. The AoA Hieros Gamos System (HGS) is a “Guardian” Multidimensional and Living Template Technology being offered for the first time to those desiring to expand their own personal empowerment and/or guided to become HGS Mentors, by means of which is to develop the inner spiritual foundation based upon Energetic Self-Mastery principles, and to claim personal sovereignty and responsibility over one’s personal energies.

The Guardian spiritual healing template, the AoA Hieros Gamos System and its network, is the response to support personal human freedom and energetic empowerment through embodying the “Return to Balance” via the Hieros Gamos Alchemy based upon the Law of One principles. It is suggested to become familiar with the Law of One practices as supplied with this manual to align your core self to represent the core values of Unity consciousness. The HGS system will be rendered ineffective by those attempting its use its technology as perceived through lower mental body intelligences, such as 1D 2D unconscious mind and 3D personal mental will. For those new to the process of identifying and clearing negative ego, it is greatly suggested negative ego clearing be ardently applied to self discipline one’s mental body judgements, before any attempt is made to utilize this system. The HGS responds to consciousness intelligence principles aligned to the Law of One, and to Unity intelligence, and to the spiritually uninitiated, this system will prove to appear flat, one dimensional words that are misunderstood and useless from that point of perception.

It is suggested as a new user to begin the 12 D shield process, to apply the ES Core Triad Practices in daily life to discipline the mental body. A basic skill set of the Three Step practice and following the mental body discipline daily guidelines are the first required step of the HGS Calibration process. The ES Core practices ultimately are designed to connect one to their inner spiritual core.

The inner spiritual core is The Witness or Observer and has no judgment. It allows observation of external events without needing to control the outcome. The inner spirit is connected by staying in the now moment. Practice this intentionally as a daily exercise.

We have answered the call for the time to bring forth the Sacred Marriage Template to the Planet, and the Hieros Gamos template to be given to the planetary body and humanity through the Chalice of her Cosmic Heart. Those that answer this call are the transmission points of serving this intelligence to be freely given to humanity throughout the world.

The AoA Hieros Gamos System (HGS) is being offered also for the activation of Higher Sensory Perception (HSP) which leads to the awareness of communicating directly with one’s inner energetic core and finding one’s divine mission and purpose in life. As one finds clarity within the personal knowing of their energetic core and its purpose in life, inner balance returns, allowing a state of wellbeing that includes inner peace and harmony. Through the intentional application and developmental use of the AoA Hieros Gamos System (HGS), one may develop a foundation based upon Energetic Self-Mastery principles, and claim personal sovereignty and responsibility over one’s personal energies. In result, one may become fully cognizant in efficiently and harmlessly directing focus and attention to maximize life force potentials.

Use of the HGS system consistently and with dedication of being of harmless service to others will develop the user’s Higher Sensory Perception (HSP) in the ability to feel, sense and direct consciousness energies for positive growth, spiritual evolution and holistic healing purposes. You will be trained to develop the Neutral Observer Point within, and, through applied energetic awareness, to increase self-mastery, to mentally focus, and to direct those thoughts energetically to make upgrades, clearings and physical corrections.  At any level of beginner, intermediate or advanced, the System is designed to increase and support furthering consciousness perception, and to continually develop those abilities in order to be free one from suppression, oppression, possession and mind control limitations.

This now begins the Required Reading for the Hieros Gamos System, also referred to as the HGS, and the Terms of Agreement of its application and Statement of Responsibility for its use. [To be continued in the next post from this Hieros Gamos (HGS) series. ~Ascension Avatar]


