LISA RENEE: “Forgiveness Prayer”

“Holy Mother and Father God, Holy Christ Sophia, and my ascension teams, please grant and assist me in unconditional forgiveness and forgetfulness for myself and all others who have hurt or harmed me, intentionally or unintentionally. Please connect to and fortify my/your 12D Shield.

Beloveds, I am requesting assistance to clear, source and collapse self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors. I request gate keeping for my prayers so I may heal. I commit to my healing. By the power invested in me by the name of Christ, I am claiming my freedom, sovereignty and liberation now and always.

For throughout the time space continuum, Beloved God.

I forgive myself for feeling like a victim. I forgive myself for being a victimizer.

If there are specific memories I need to remember, please bring them forward so I may heal them.

If there is an uncompleted work in me, lead me into a remembrance of the things, activities and covenants that I still need to renounce and bring balance. Protect my mind and emotions and hold my hand as we enter through this gateway together. I know that I am not alone in this work anymore, and I completely trust my direct relationship with you.

I forgive myself for letting my negative ego rule my responses to the way I live and the way I respond to others. I forgive friends, family and leaders of industry and government for letting their negative ego rule their way of living. I forgive myself for letting my life be controlled by various mind control programs of the NAA. I forgive others for letting their lives be controlled by various NAA mind control programs. I forgive myself for manifesting painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, fear, and anger. I forgive others for manifesting painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, fear, and anger. I forgive myself for holding on to self-sabotaging programs and actions. I forgive everyone who holds onto self-sabotaging programs and actions. I forgive myself for listening to my head instead of my heart. I forgive others for listening to their head instead of their heart.

I choose to forgive my oppressors and tormenters completely and totally. Beloved God, help me to continue to choose unconditional forgiveness and forgetfulness and to bless those that have hurt me, as they need love and are hurting themselves. Bless them to be saved from the oppression of enslavement and to realize that you have granted our freedom.

My body, mind, spirit, and soul belongs to God Source and is a vehicle of Christ Intelligence. Listening to my inner God Spirit is All there Is. I do this for one, as I do this for all.

Thank you, God. Thank you, God, Thank you God.

And so it is, With Deep love and gratitude.”

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “We All Have to Do Our Own Inner Work”

“Over the last decade, with the steady amplification of polarities, the rising intensity of external energies and forces, the challenges that we may have to face that test our character, test our mettle, seem to have been greatly magnified. We have often spoken about the planetary Dark Night of the Soul, and by observing the outer world, its clear that it’s in full swing. Over the past year, I have prayed countless times for guidance on what is the best process for helping people that are enduring extreme challenges, and painful transitions, when they have not been educated with strong coping skills or given proper support towards knowing the absolute necessity of cultivating Resilience. We live in a culture of mind control to shape weak characters, and habits that weaken our mind, body and energy field, so that we are easily overwhelmed by dominating forces and challenges. Life on earth is not easy, it is a tough school of knocks in which we can learn a tremendous amount, especially now. To survive these challenges, we have to look at life on earth as lessons and learning, looking at painful or negative events as an opportunity to see something that we did not see before, or to change how we perceive the world around us. As we learn from our life experiences and we can observe more clearly, we gain more emotional intelligence and the ability to explore our true purpose. Why did you come to earth now? All of us have things to accomplish on earth during the ascension cycle, and these experiences are deeply personal, intimate and unique to who we are. No other person can define the spiritual purpose for another, this is our responsibility to find out. To gain an accurate assessment of the reality we find ourselves, we will need to know ourselves very deeply. We may need to take off the rose colored glasses of denial in order to to see the accurate truth inside things, or we may need to find the light that does exist in the darkness while it sleeps, finding faith, love and acceptance in the spirit of humanity. People may have gathered many delusions in their belief system about what it means to be happy and to feel pleasure, which is instant gratification that is portrayed by the mainstream media and consumptive modeling to make us believe in such fantasies and crafted advertisements as if they are real stories. Instant gratification teaches us little, we cannot learn about ourselves and the world we live in, if we believe instant gratification and selfish desires are the meaning of life. This is a luciferian and satanic narrative to keep us weakened and trapped in material delusions. Learning how to deal with difficulty, being willing to really see the truth of the matter, is much more productive than clinging to an illusion. To feel content and connected, it is required that you learn how to be strong and self reliant, that you pick yourself up after a fall, and that you know how to refocus your mind away from emotional sadness when you don’t succeed or get your needs met. One of the most important skills we need today, is to live in peace with unmet desires and needs. Attachments make us suffer greatly, and as such we should have preferences and not attachment to the outcome. This does not mean you give up, it means you never give up and look at life as lessons to build character and strength, you keep moving forward the best way you know how to in the moment. How can you find the inspiration to persist instead of getting depressed or angry when things go awry, and to accept that they often will? Much of the time, life on planet earth is about conflict resolution and learning how to synthesize energies in the world of extremes, to neutralize polarity and return to peace. How do people deal with difficult events that completely transform and change their lives? The death of a loved one, loss of a job, serious illness, criminal attacks and other traumatic events. These are all examples of very challenging life experiences. Many people react to such difficult circumstances with a flood of strong emotions and a sense of uncertainty and fear, bringing on mental paralysis or anxiety. Navigating life’s challenges requires life skills. To develop life skills, you have to live through your life, gaining experience, gaining wisdom from hard earned lessons. This process involves resilience, it is an ongoing process that requires time and effort and engages people in taking a number of steps. Developing resilience is a personal journey towards maturity whereby each person will have to choose different approaches in order to build personal resilience. Resilience is an important energy building tool, being resilient also helps to keep healthy boundaries that build a stronger energy field, or aura. Our goal is to build strength in our inner world via inner reflection and meditation, which is building the energetic strength of our energy field, while learning how to observe and remain neutral to what happens in the outer world. We must remember that we are in a war over control over the mind, and limitations and pain we feel are also created in the mind, which means we have the power to remove and clear them from impacting us. Destructive behavior patterns of the past may transform into more positive behavior as one begins to solve the mysterious puzzle of human interactions and gain a quiet and confident understanding of them. Anxiety may yield to more peaceful, tranquil, and contented feelings as ones deeper emotional understanding increases. One starts to gain improved self-confidence and feel empowered, and less confused and frustrated with circumstances. Overall, one can transform from confused to confident; from clueless to comprehending and enlightened, from fragmented to coherent, from shallow to deep, and from oppressed to liberated, as one learns how to become the authentic self. We change the locus of power, giving power to our inner spirit and inner world, while removing external influences form having power over us. This takes some time to master. The energies in the outer world can be tough, harsh, painful and surreal. That is a fact, and it is what it is. The truth is that this does not have to disturb your inner peace, connection and purpose. May we share more about the quality of resilience, knowing we are in this together, and we all have to do our own inner work.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Resilience / Coherence

LISA RENEE: “When We Embody Love, We Experience God”

“The highest expression of Love when manifested into our material world is the same experience as attaining consciousness freedom, and this is our highest purpose during the spiritual Ascension cycle that is happening on the planet. Love is the organizing, harmonizing and synchronizing force that exists throughout creation, and through its expression, Love is in perfect balance and harmony with what is, as it is. Love exists in alignment with truth, higher knowledge and the benevolent forces of light, in harmony with the natural laws, in harmony with the Universe. To achieve and attain full consciousness freedom through the path of Love, which organically emits Truth in the Light, as this is one and the same path that leads us directly into building a relationship with our inherent divinity, and builds our direct relationship with God. In this comprehension, God is Love. When we declare ourselves as God beings, such as with the GSF decree, I AM God, I AM Sovereign, and I AM Free, we are ultimately stating that we are beings of Love. When the forces of Love are fully present within a person, their heart center opens and flowers, propelling them naturally into the Ascension Stages, while developing their Consciousness through the process of learning or Gnosis, which is evolving them towards ultimately achieving spiritual freedom. True Compassionate Love naturally brings Unity. The true love relationship is a relationship with our own inner being as practiced in the Law of One. When we embody Love, we experience God.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Gratitude Practice for Feeling Happier”

Start a Daily Gratitude Practice to Feel Happier!

Here are some suggested tips at starting your daily gratitude practice and guidelines for feeling happier in your everyday life, no matter what challenges you face.

1. Commit to expressing Gratitude.

This is a spiritual practice that gains momentum and accumulates energy over time and with practice. The ego will find every reason under the sun why you can’t possibly commit to do this practice every day. Practicing gratitude is like taking the trash out from your kitchen and replacing that by bringing the beautiful flowers from your garden back inside. This practice shifts the energy and vibration of your mind, body and emotional state. Gratitude doesn’t seem to come as effortlessly as grumbling and complaining, which is common for an undisciplined ego mind. Waiting for the resistance to pass is futile and unproductive in setting up new and healthy habits for a positive lifestyle. Just do it.

Even when you are exhausted and can hardly summon up the energy to shift into a feeling and sensation of gratitude, when you have to force yourself to begin, this practice of gratitude still has great magnetizing power.

2. Just Do it.

Sit down with pen and paper or at your computer and start, “I am grateful for___________.” Maybe you will have to stop there for a minute and wait because you just can’t think of anything in that moment. Take a breath in, relax and allow the silence to surround you. Surrender to the moment. Something inside you will begin to shift. The feeling and the words to express them will eventually come. This force that you are tapping into is much bigger than you and it is bigger than your problem, no matter how big you believe that problem is. That tidal wave of fear that is overwhelming you is not all there is. There is something so much larger and more powerful inside you than that. Your feeling of gratitude is a bridge shining light across those dark and troubled waters to lead you to a comfortable resting place on the other side.

3. Find ways to Say it or Write it down.

In all types of relationships with others even when we are very busy, we can sometimes tell each other what we are grateful for during our conversations. Telling people how much we appreciate them, care for them, through any means of expression, whether writing emails or having phone conversations, shifts our energies and how we receive back their energies. This will create mutual reciprocal energy exchanges.

4. Wrap yourself in Gratitude. Feel it.

Some days you will write or say words without actually feeling a shred of gratitude. That is fine, just allow yourself to witness that state. Just do it anyway. In the moments you do feel the sensation and you can summon up the feeling of gratitude in your heart, let it emanate and saturate through every cell in your body. Embody the feeling of gratitude in a color that infuses your cells. Place your hands on your heart or place them in prayer. Move into the feeling of gratitude. Aspire to a fullness in your heart, no matter what is going on around you.

5. Choose a Time of Day for your Practice.

You may want to do this when you first wake in the morning or late at night before you go to sleep. As you create a regular schedule, it is easier to commit to the daily practice of feeling and listing items you are grateful for.

6. Practice Present-Moment Gratitude.

As you move through your day, pause now and then when you remember something or someone in your life that you appreciate. Hold the feeling and think how grateful you feel for having that experience in your life. As you are doing something in the day, cooking breakfast, sleeping in a bed, having time with a cherished pet, as you are in that activity, pause to think and feel “I am grateful”. Moving through your day with awareness and grace in this way will mean that when you do sit down to write your gratitude list those things will come to mind.

7. Share your Appreciation and Gratitude with Others.

Partner with someone to share being grateful. Whether a friend, your child or life partner, you will keep each other going and that sense of shared commitment to that person that will give you the push you need to write your gratitude list on those days when it just seems too hard. Reading what the other person has written helps you to access your own gratitude more easily, and it is fun to watch your gratitude lists and emails grow longer and longer and longer! You can see your progress in what you feel grateful for.

8. Don’t Stop Once you See or Feel Results!

When we first begin to see results from practicing daily gratitude lists, many people think that is the time to stop practicing gratitude for a while. The practice of gratitude has an energetic yield that will add to the positive note of your day and seep through everything you do. Practicing gratitude is a lifestyle that once you feel the gratitude for simple things in your life, stays as an attitude that you interpret events through in your life. Practicing gratitude reinforces positive thoughts and behaviors that support more positive manifestations to happen in your life.

9. Allow yourself to be Human.

Some days you may feel grumpy and grumble, if you must. You may miss a day from stating your gratitude here and there. Write “I am grateful I am writing my gratitude list” a few times if you can think of nothing else. Do not punish yourself, and beware of the little voice that says “You’ve missed a day. You’ve failed miserably at being grateful!” Dust yourself off and the next day get back up in the saddle! Do not give up!

Practicing gratitude changes your vibration and supports your mental and emotional well-being into feeling happier. So this brings us to a very important question. What really makes most people happy? How can we all find and feel more happiness in our day to day life, in the midst of all of this collective pain and confusion?

Given all the various challenges we face today, as a part of the human race, it is clear we have no real control over the external, the larger environment or the outcome. This means we must change all of our priorities to value the internal and intrinsic parts of ourselves as the most critical parts to preserve and feel happiness. This means a lot of what we can control is how we think and what we move towards. Most of our happiness relies on our personal attitudes. No matter who we are and what level of spiritual development we have, all humans can relate to these pillars in order to remember how we each can find happiness, while seeing or experiencing personal or global turmoil.

The Four Pillars for being Happy:

  • EXPANSION: Personal growth towards spiritual authenticity and having a variation of life experiences to create that expansion
  • CONNECTION: Having meaningful Human relationships and cultivating deep Connections in our life
  • GRATITUDE: Practicing appreciation and gratitude for what you have, every day
  • SERVICE: Being of Service and making Contributions to the larger whole, making a difference

Happiness and gratitude is an attitude, that we all can create more of every day. There are many things that we are facing in the world today, and in our own lives that are challenging and painful. This fact does not have to change one’s ability to feel happy every day of your life, even while seeing the larger picture. As we become more expanded in our personal growth, we begin to experience the feelings of connection with all of life. We then can choose to be grateful that we can make a difference through our intentional service to the whole.

Love, Lisa

~via Krystal Aegis

LISA RENEE: “Multidimensional Orientation”

“Multidimensional Orientation is recognizing where one is primarily orientated (situated) in our bodies which helps us to communicate between those bodies and become more integrated between all of the multi-dimensional selves. When all of the layers of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence are interconnected in our self, it allows for greater inner harmony and inner balance. Otherwise, when a person is confused, one is not congruent with oneself and will continually experience life patterns of repeated karmic imbalances and pain. Living in the repeated cycles of karmic (energetic) imbalances make one feel very unhappy and chaotic inside. Intense chaos inside oneself is a type of internal violence which if not corrected will manifest itself eventually as external violence. This is why the goal of achieving inner peace and inner balance is so critical at this time on planet earth. Learning how to communicate with the internal feeling and sensory language of our spirit will require some attention and discipline. As we learn to communicate with spiritual language, that language is commonly called Higher Sensory Perception or HSP. This is very key to understand that one will not manifest things in the material world that will block or create obstacles in one’s spiritual growth and expansion. This is why so many people are being dismantled from their old system of beliefs and behavior at this time, to find the courage from their inner spirit that moves them into the new paradigm of self-awareness and the new era of Consciousness. This is why one must move out the obstacles and Mind Control that get in the way and prevent one from connecting and communicating directly with one’s inner spirit. So getting into alignment with one’s inner core, heart and spirit is critical for accurate outward manifestations, otherwise you are creating recurring energetic loads known as karma, which is the Law of Cause and Effect. Most people are confused about their thought impulses and where they are sourcing from. Is this thought coming from my ego, a Ego/Personality program that I inherited, or is this thought coming as direction from my higher self? With technological Mind Control being used on the masses, this has an experience of ‘thought pushing’ or Superimposition of thoughtforms, when we become self-aware and then can discern the collective energies in the environment. One of the challenges with manifestation at this time is that one will not manifest personal wishes stemming from ego based desires, as they did previously. The laws governing energy are changing and we must be pushed to connect to our higher intelligence of our spirit. Until one has clarity about the inner contents of one’s heart, one’s core and spiritual purpose, one feels confused and unclear. This connection to the inner spiritual core brings the Self Awareness which one then experiences the clarity and connection to feel and know who they really are. When we commit to Service to Others our path is revealed to our heart and we are served in the highest expression of who we really are.”

~Lisa Renee

Multidimensional Orientation is recognizing where one is primarily orientated (situated) in our bodies which helps us to communicate between those bodies and become more integrated between all of the multi-dimensional selves. Our inner child when it has been traumatized, will generally orientate itself to feel safer in one of the bodies, while it closes other bodies down. This is known as the inner child generated Ego Defense Mechanisms of the Ego/Personality and is a survival and coping mechanism humans use to deal with unresolved pain and suffering.

When all of the layers of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence are interconnected in our self, it allows for greater inner harmony and inner balance.

This brings improved Self Awareness to personally develop the inner clarity required for increasing accurate and clear Higher Sensory Perception (HSP) and expanding our Consciousnesss piritual bodies. Our goal is to integrate all aspects of our Multidimensional Orientation to unify with each other, communicate with each other, as all aspects of our Lightbody need to be communicating to support Consciousness expansion and spiritual Ascension development. To succeed in opening all communication between the bodies, we will need to help the body aspects to feel completely safe and secure, supported. This is a part of the process of developing the right relationship to the self, to “know thyself”.

Which bodies do you primarily energetically station within (Identify with as a self) and which bodies are you neglecting? Where can you achieve better balance between all of your bodies for improved communication and integration of the selves? Ask to communicate with each of these bodies directly and to link all communication centers between these levels of intelligence. Maybe using a journal to open a dialogue between each of these bodies ( this is communicating with the inner child of the body) to access each other, asking each of the bodies to be open and communicative with all multidimensional aspects, while one assuredly places their Intent, Consent and Authority of their bodies to be protected in Christ. [1]


Keynotes: Sensual and highly responsive to touch, taste and external stimulation. Enjoying the tasting of foods and other culinary sensations, food and drink (consumption) , the smell of aromas and fragrances, physical affection or touch, like massage or body work, sexuality and physical fitness, such as sports, hiking and being in nature. When extreme external stimulus is required it is usually an adrenaline response for the person to feel “alive” again and find the creative energies within. When out of balance, the person will seek adrenaline experiences to thrill themselves as means to find spiritual connection that is missing internally. Planetary enslavement has exacerbated this physical Addiction to external stimuli as a severe imbalance or Attachments in most people.

Mental/ Social

Keynotes: Highly responsive to synergy of sharing and/or discovering mental and intellectual concepts, learning, discussions and dialogues. May enjoy communication and the need to be heard. May enjoy receiving and giving feedback. May be a loner and isolated from the lack of emotional and spiritual development (when difficult relating to others harmoniously) or desire communal and group setting for continual discussion with like minds. May be over reliant on logic and linear proof to verify reality experiences that form mental and social belief systems. This body when it is dominating the Multidimensional Orientation will shut own the other bodies as if its the “boss”. This is the Negative Egowhich is why one has to tell the Ego/Personality it is not being given authority over your Consciousness bodies, one must shift their authority to the spiritual self, or Christos self.


Keynotes: Responsive to the waves and sensations of the emotional bodies, in its lower form, otherwise known as the Pain Body which stimulates the 2D instinctual body. This instinctual body is a lower vibration of the emotional sensory experience. The Instinctual Mind body is not a real emotional body, its drawn from desires and Addictions created from emotional body and Soul body damage. The instinctual body operates in Astral Plane delusions and fantasies. The instinctual body will influence or block Higher Sensory Perception when excessive fear is operating in the person. The higher emotional body is the heart chakra and higher vibrational sensory experiences. The real emotional body connects to a force of pure love and this “love” can be felt and experienced as a force that pervades the senses and not something that is “activated” through an object of desire. Highly responsive to sounds, tones and music.


Keynotes: Responsive to the quality of energies, environmental forces, and the world of energetic frequencies, innate awareness of energy both in the self and the environment. Many of us orientated here have an inherent comprehension fo the Law of Vibration. When sensitive to energies one will be more sensitive and empathic to others, because the feeling of another is apparent when energetic awareness is a part of the sensory perception experience. Attunement to energies allows better Self Awareness through the responsiveness of how one’s personal energies impact others and the environment. When we are self aware we are aware of our sphere of influence, what our energies, thoughts and emotions have as a consequence on others. When sensitive to energies and intelligent fields one organically wants to be harmless to life, harmless to others and seeks benevolence and peace. This is the understanding of the Golden Rule, to treat others how you would like to be treated, as it is recognized and revealed that we are all connected. See World Humanism.

Becoming Conscious

Most people are confused about their thought impulses and where they are sourcing from. Is this thought coming from my ego, a Ego/Personality program that I inherited, or is this thought coming as direction from my higher self? With technological Mind Control being used on the masses, this has an experience of “thought pushing” or Superimposition of thoughtforms, when we become self-aware and then can discern the collective energies in the environment. One of the challenges with manifestation at this time is that one will not manifest personal wishes stemming from ego based desires, as they did previously. The laws governing energy are changing and we must be pushed to connect to our higher intelligence of our spirit. Until one has clarity about the inner contents of one’s heart, one’s core and spiritual purpose, one feels confused and unclear. This connection to the inner spiritual core brings the Self Awareness which one then experiences the clarity and connection to feel and know who they really are. When we commit to Service to Others our path is revealed to our heart and we are served in the highest expression of who we really are.

Confusion Blocks HSP

Otherwise, when a person is confused, one is not congruent with oneself and will continually experience life patterns of repeated karmic imbalances and pain. Living in the repeated cycles of karmic (energetic) imbalances make one feel very unhappy and chaotic inside. Intense chaos inside oneself is a type of internal violence which if not corrected will manifest itself eventually as external violence. This is why the goal of achieving inner peace and inner balance is so critical at this time on planet earth. Learning how to communicate with the internal feeling and sensory language of our spirit will require some attention and discipline. As we learn to communicate with spiritual language, that language is commonly called Higher Sensory Perception or HSP. This is very key to understand that one will not manifest things in the material world that will block or create obstacles in one’s spiritual growth and expansion. This is why so many people are being dismantled from their old system of beliefs and behavior at this time, to find the courage from their inner spirit that moves them into the new paradigm of self-awareness and the new era of Consciousness. This is why one must move out the obstacles and Mind Control that get in the way and prevent one from connecting and communicating directly with one’s inner spirit. So getting into alignment with one’s inner core, heart and spirit is critical for accurate outward manifestations, otherwise you are creating recurring energetic loads known as karma, which is the Law of Cause and Effect.

We are all responsible for the direction of our Consciousness. We are all responsible for where we place our attention, our focus and emotions in our everyday life. This is our job. 

As we become more conscious and aware, we choose to focus ourselves with responsibility and this becomes a part of the mastery of learning inner sustainability. (See Relationship Mastery Guidelines.) Inner sustainability is the state of inner sustenance, not needing anything outside yourself to be something that it is not (otherwise known as the Ego Defense Mechanism of Projection). As you transition in personal evolution to become more centered, more balanced, one moves into greater levels of embodiment with their inner spiritual core. One will start to feel and notice that your external life will start to rearrange itself. All changes in the external world begin within and inside ourselves. In the beginning stages it may feel scary as things in your life start to fall way and move away.

This is where courage is required to understand your life is being dismantled from its falsity and being aligned to greater levels of truth and congruency with your inner spiritual core. One’s life will begin to rearrange when connected to one’s spirit that will start to accommodate one’s joy, peace and abundance in ways that the mind has no way to fathom.

Inquire on Attention

The goal at this time because the frequencies are accelerating so dramatically, is to have context with an evolutionary model that supports personal empowerment. The physics that govern the energetic spaces are changing on our planet and within our bodies. This is why many of us feel so frustrated because the way we used to do things is not working anymore. If you are frustrated with circumstances, then one must look inside and ask if you are taking responsibility to learn the new language of energy, the new language of spirit. If you are living and breathing on this planet now, you are a part of something massive changing in our world, that is completely changing our reality. 

What is your priority in your life? Where do you place your attention and focus?

Without a clear foundation set for developing the inner core essence as our first priority, we can be bombarded with energetic slime and become a doormat, sacrificial lamb or parasite food. This causes our energetic body to be clouded with astral debris and therefore exist within a confused state of inner perception. Being unclear and directed from ego judgment in any kind of perception, whether towards yourself or others, is energetically draining and completely unsustainable in the new energy platform. For these reasons we must learn to become aware of our thoughts and emotions, as well as our behaviors and the impact they have on ourselves and others. 

Taking Inventory

Developing Self Awareness does not happen just through reading books or mental concepts. It is through specific activities and feeling experiences that we are able to increase our power of observation. It is the power of observation or witnessing, that gives us the personal power to change our core beliefs (when we are made aware of them) that may be destructive or create blockages to connect with our inner spirit. 

How do your thoughts and words impact how you feel? 

How do your instinctual desires unconsciously drive your behaviors? 

How do hidden core beliefs affect your day to day happiness?

Do an inventory of personal thoughts and identify them as Inferior or Superior, or as love thoughts or fear thoughts. Make a choice right now which thoughts you want to own and those you want to discard. As a goal use the bottom spiritual self-centering model to keep your mind balanced and stay in centered loving and neutral thoughts. How long can you stay there in the center? Make it a goal to improve your ability to stay within the essence and energy of the keywords that maintain your spiritual center. Bring yourself back to center with breath, and applying Neutral Association or Observer Point to circumstances when you fall out of inner balance. [2]

  • Superior Thinking: Intolerance, Impatience, Arrogance, Manipulation, Attack, Anger, Judgmental thinking
  • Inferior Thinking: Worry, Low Self Love or Esteem, Jealousy, Guilt, Hurt, Fear, Attachment, Martrydom

(source: LR Calgary Workshop 2010)

Building Self Esteem

Self Esteem is the value of a person’s worth and there are a lot of factors that come into play, especially in helping a person fell more confident about himself, which is also a primary factor in establishing a person’s outlook towards personal inspiration and feeling as a success. On the spiritual Ascension pathway, recognizing the importance of character building as a necessary part of having self love and self acceptance is critical to progress through self deception blocks. When we have low self esteem our psychological defense mechanisms will act to block our progress moving forward and evolving in life. One who understands they are a loved and worthy spiritual vessel for the spirit of God Source, will begin to learn that self love is at the core of self acceptance which is the quality one must build to truly feel and experience God’s love for all of us. Once we feel love for ourselves we build inner confidence which further builds our trust with life.

Ego Defense Mechanism

Unfortunately, we often are confused by what we perceive incorrectly through our own need to be okay through self-justification. We formulate these distortions as Ego Defense Mechanisms because we have not learned how to free the mind through the use of Negative Ego tools for self-exploration and deeper self-inquiry. As we learn to free our mind and love ourselves unconditionally, we know that we are okay without needing to self-justify. When we are free of our own need for self-justification, (by increasing our inner self-approval and self-love, no matter where we find ourselves) then we do not needto justify others or justify ourselves. We are then freed to be capable of unconditionally loving others no matter what they may be choosing to do in that moment. It is what it is in this moment. One has no control over others nor what others may think about them. [3]


See Also:

  1. Energetic Self Mastery
  2. Self awareness to Consciousness
  3. I am OK

Self Awareness

Fundamental Human Needs

Where Can I Start?

Four Body System Model

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Protecting Our Heart”


“As we find the inner stillness and remain mentally and emotionally calm, there is an incredible amount of spiritual support and potential activation into the higher intelligence of the heart-brain complex that we can rebuild and attune to within ourselves. It is our strong heart and capacity to love that protects our ability to embody the Krystal Consciousness,  while we are exposed to the war game over the earth.”  ~Lisa Renee


The heart-brain complex is an intelligence structure that can best be defined as the original, organic design and function of the collective human soul/oversoul matrix and its cellular memory interface with the planetary grid heart consciousness network. As a part of the mechanics of the energy structure of the many fields of consciousness, (the morphogenetic field layers that control time and space), the heart–brain complex is a consciousness structure and architecture that has been largely dormant within the planetary body fields. This consciousness intelligence has remained dormant primarily from the genetic manipulation of the negative alien agenda and their inorganic enslavement architecture used on the planet. The heart-brain complex is a part of the planetary nervous system (grid network) and the nerve cell(s) of the planetary body that directly message into and through the individual human body via the heart complex. We must have emotional depth and empathy to receive and understand the planetary heart signal. Many people on this earth cannot feel or sense it, because their heart is closed or blackened. It is important to recognize, that on our planet, essentially we are in a struggle to retain and protect our heart to remain strong enough to connect with our inner spirit and directly link our heart communication with the infinite God source. Everything that we endure on this planet has been designed by the Controllers to break our heart in order to maim, damage and kill our loving feelings of empathy, kindness and compassion for others. To make us feel disconnected and apathetic about ourselves. To be emotionally shut down and uncaring towards the crimes against humanity that contribute to the chaotic and dark state of the planet. Extremely dark forces want humanity to lose all sensory feeling abilities, and to shut down the loving kindness that comes from an awakened heart . Thus, it takes spiritual maturity, courage and bravery to be able to accept the nature of this reality, to see it as it is really, and to keep our heart open, loving and kind – no matter what. To endure the intensity of the recent shifting timelines, we will need to never lose sight of the power that resides inside our loving heart, and to never allow the external forces to harm or diminish the quality of love that we can broadcast from our heart. Can you make the true commitment to unconditionally love with all of your heart without expecting something in return?

To open our heart and be unconditionally loving takes strength of character, and this is the fastest way to gain the power of virtues. Virtues are the qualities of goodness that define the very purpose of our human lives, they are the content of our character and the truest expression of our heart based spiritual-energetic nature. Virtues are the qualities of goodness which also inhabit in the world of forces, they are consciousness that quantifies through the higher spiritual forces that awaken the soul and spirit within the heart complex. When one builds strength in virtues, one builds strength in the power of the forces of unconditional love and kindness, which translate into the direct connection that links with God Forces. We reap the quality of our cultivated virtue in that which brings incredible gifts of spiritual powers, directly from the spirits of God. These living forces are the Spirits of Christ, which become connected with the embodiment in ones inner spirit. These gifts are the “Bestowal of Grace” that is received through the sincerity of one’s virtuous thoughts or virtuous actions to be of service to the whole, to be of service to God. It is made clear to define that the Bestowal of Grace is not dispensed through any premeditated intermediary, such as with a Guru or Priest, but is received as a dispensation of grace from the personal cultivation of virtues that are made strong through the practice of unconditionally loving. To strengthen our spiritual foundation at its root in our personal Tree of Life, we must place our relationship with God as our primary focus, finding the courage every day to cultivate strong virtues through practicing loving kindness and compassion. This practice may sound easy, but in the state of the world today, it is not.

A virtue is a characteristic of a person that supports the development of individual goodness, having ethical standards for honoring life, for the purpose of personal spiritual development, higher consciousness and collective humanitarian well being. This is a person who chooses to promote principles of love and kindness while giving their best every day, with whatever they have in the moment. If one focuses on building strong virtues through being unconditionally loving,  these accumulated behaviors translate into higher frequencies that lead to personal freedom and direct God connection. If one is allowing strong vices to take control over them, such as addiction, this leads to personal bondage and servitude to dark forces. This is our personal choice, to have spiritual freedom or spiritual bondage, through the choices we make every day to either cultivate virtues or vices. When we are spiritually strong, we are a fortress of heart based devotion and dedication to serve the highest expression of our goodness, as a spiritual and multidimensional being. Heart based devotion progressively builds solid ethics and strong virtues, which are the collective attributes that directly attract the consciousness of the Spirits of Christos, which are the rays of love that emanate from the heart of God. Once we embody the Spirits of Christ, these rays emanate from our own heart, and our heart grows increasingly larger, capable to hold extremely high frequencies of love, light and power that are directed from the infinite source to benefit the planet and humanity.

The original astral heart complex of earth is the fourth dimensional, green spectrum of light, and the brain (logos) of the planet is the ultraviolet spectrum of light. In order to rebuild the heart-brain complex pathways, these ley lines, dimensional bodies and their related structures have to be shifted to make way for the new heart-brain structure and to run its spark current. That is what is transpiring now, a demolition of black source blockages, the grid structures that hold distortion, damage and waste product debris (miasma). These are being broken down to consciousness units that are re-assimilated or transmuted out from these impacted areas systematically, that have black heart circulatory systems that have been feeding satanic hierarchies. There are higher dimensional conflicts around the perception of how Guardian grid projects are impacting the earth at this time. Each perception is based upon a vantage point of existence in the time and space field, yet this is a necessary part of the re-assimilation of the many levels of consciousness units to experience the synthesis of polarities back into the Unity field.

Recently, Guardian Teams went to San Francisco Bay area to research and correct artificial intelligence signaling that is creating DNA mutational damage in humans and in the earth, from running these specific currents of AI that power up black heart networks, and satanic architecture used to house massive hierarchies of demonic forces. These “black houses” are used as phantom portals to allow satanic forces to easily walk around on the earth, and take over the area without human awareness. There are conflicts in other dimensions around the placement in time and space where the break down and removal of the black house interface is impacting other networks, and forcing entities to be moved out from that space in time. Satanic forces are extremely arrogant, which is their blind spot, entities are trapped in lower dimensional or material reality perception where the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, nor for what purpose. From every dimensional level of perception, there is a vantage point that is unique and many times, limited to that specific time and space location. Satanic forces have a very limited perception while they are desperate to exact complete control over other people’s energy sources.

Therefore there are many kinds of Celestial beings, both dark and light, at many higher dimensions (and partial ascensions) that are also undergoing a process of God realization and transformation of existence, throughout the Universal Ascension Cycle.

The planetary heart- brain complex is ignited from within the core of the earth, as well as the replica of that complex existing in the center of our human skull and brain. The heart brain link up in the individual is between the center of the brain at the pineal gland, igniting its spiritual spark and linking directly into the higher heart center of the permanent seed atom. The heart brain complex is ignited by the Collective Monadic Body Spark, which is fueled by the proper phasing that exchanges directly into the heart of God (Universal Core) and returns the spark to ignite and expand itself as a running current throughout the complex meridians, axiational lines of the heart brain complex. This is a Universal Cosmic Orbit, the macrocosm version of the “microcosmic orbit” that runs within our own central vertical channel.

The heart-brain complex is coming online within the smaller ascending human population now, as well is the result of, the larger Guardian planetary grid demolition of satanic architecture and ongoing grid repair projects.

To ignite and run the circuits of this heart-brain complex, many levels of the architecture and grids of the planetary network must be either, repaired, rehabilitated or demolished to be rebuilt into the new foundational structure. Since last year, there have been sequential events leading to this process of demolition, implosion in order to rehabilitate and reconnect necessary axiational lines, spinning grid points and various vortexes. A portion of this issue was that there were holographic insert implants in the planetary body that were projecting pineal implants and cages that surrounded the pineal itself. This was to “freeze” or calcify the pineal functions and to actual deteriorate the pineal gland functions, since this gland is key in the ascension process to activate the deeper awakened heart, as well as ignite the higher mental processes of the spiritual intelligence.

Some of us will be more sensitive to the flying energetic debris than others; it depends on our unique role and genetic package. Like being a construction worker on a work site, we need to be wearing a hard helmet and protective gear and goggles, as there is debris, trash, waste, pollution, fallout and confused people all scattering about in the middle of the worksite. (Wear your 12D Shield!) This is a time to remain calm in the middle of the darkness and chaos, it is better to conserve and direct our energies with purpose, protecting and fortifying our bodies, and aligning to the highest frequencies of loving kindness within our heart. Finding the stillness, while in the center of the tornado is what we are called to do in this cycle, along with having a proper evolutionary context for the war over consciousness that we are all exposed. As we find the inner stillness and remain mentally and emotionally calm, there is an incredible amount of spiritual support and potential activation into the higher intelligence of the heart-brain complex that we can rebuild and attune to within ourselves. It is our strong heart and capacity to love that protects our ability to embody the Krystal Consciousness,  while we are exposed to the war game over the earth.

The heart-brain awakening will directly impact the skull, cheeks, eyebrows, neck, jaw, including the crown, third eye, pineal, and pituitary glands, which may be presently shifting in one’s awareness. We have many physical and energetic body changes happening now that change bodily metabolism and homeostasis. Many changes are being felt in the energy centers in the center of our head, skull and brain, as the Monadic flame ignites these centers for the awakening the heart- brain complex, which is a monadic body function. This allows the head and crown centers to communicate and transmit intelligent energy with the source field, in more effective ways.

~via Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – July 19, 2016