LISA RENEE on “Entities and Possessions Will Tell You Anything to Make You Forget They Are There Sucking on Your Energy Field — and Direct the Person to Something External to Keep Them Fixated Away from the Source of the Problem — Which Is the Entity Attachment Itself.”

“Since late 2012, the human body is much more vulnerable to being used as a potential Dark Portal of invasion by outer Dark Forces. While others are undergoing forms of spiritual Spiritual Possession as the individual becomes Consubstantial to the collective unconsciousness forces that make up the predator mind. Possession and Entity attachment make us feel miserable, it’s an Energy Parasite sucking off your body and doing everything it can to manipulate you so it can stay there feasting away at your expense. And the traumatized person that is being spiritually tortured by these entities, is unable to discern who is who and what is what. They become a mind controlled puppet that is chained to this dark entity’s whims, through the incredible pain and devastation they feel from whatever happened to them in the past. During the times the human is in-between states of consciousness is when the spiritual-energetic bodies of that person are in some kind of transitional state between dimensions. These moments of energetic transition are windows where the aura is more easily attached to or infiltrated. Pay special attention and amplify the use your 12D shield, command personal space. This can be remedied through the intention to connect with the inner spirit and loving heart through consistent Meditation, Prayer and self-inquiry to remain in the present time as the conscious observer or compassionate witness to outer events. It is important to comprehend the stronger your auric field and the more awareness you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks. The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness. 3D Humans that have not developed strong Impulse Control and have not cleared negative ego automatic thoughts are at higher risk for being used as a dark portal, especially when they go unconscious and allow anger, rage and hostility to be expressed as violent impulses reverberating throughout their mind and body. This negative ego distortion is used to hijack unaware human beings into further states of mental body fragmentation. The Satanic entity gains access to a human body in this way, by intentionally using the hole in the aura created from the deep, painful trauma event. This is called a Dark Portal, which is a person whose aura has severe holes in it, so severe it disconnected the layers between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Disconnection between these layers of the consciousness bodies is also called fragmentation. When a person is fragmented their consciousness body is effectively in pieces, and these holes allow dark forces to easily pop in and out of the body. This is a Partial Possession, when an entity cannot sustain itself entirely in its host, but comes in and out when the person is being emotionally triggered into destructive emotions or behaviors. They are so confused and disconnected from reality, they cannot discern what is accurate and what is deception, especially because in the astral plane where this happens is all Mirrors of Delusion. In partial possession, one will experience a person ‘grow a head’ all of the sudden, where the personality changes and they blurt out something emotionally charged or hostile, so that the offending parasite can latch on and get access to the person’s consciousness body and carry out its machinations for a variety of reasons. One reason is to get the dark portal person to attack and intimidate any other person that reveals information to the public about the NAA, SRA, Pedophilia or the multidimensional nature of reality. When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul. If we persist in needing to use control or manipulation methods in our daily life, we will experience the Cause and Effect Backlash, or the karmic return of mental bondage to the old destructive patterns of egoic behavior. This is confusing for many people on the earth receiving the Cause and Effect backlash now, because they are being returned to the energy that they have repeatedly created with their false identity, in the planetary field. The more a person has deliberately deceived others, the more energies of self-deception and confusion they will face in the external. The methods that used to work very well for them in the material world, when they were rewarded with lots of money or power, are not working for them anymore in the new timeline. They do not realize the Laws in this reality are changing to be based on the forces of love, therefore the beliefs, behaviors and actions must become more transparent and honest to accommodate this change. The backlash of receiving negative energy that a person has sent out into the field is happening with greater intensity and quicker timing. Dark Entities jump on that negative energy as its generated and amplify it into the collective fields, as large as they can. This intensifies the impact of the negative energy, which can be seen as the manifested forces of chaos, confusion and insanity, as it is being returned to its causality in the collective field. From the collective field, those people resonating with those negative forces become individual conduits or vessels of chaotic expression. Because they do not know what to do with the incredible amount of negativity building up inside of them, they are confused, lost and acting out in self-destructive ways. During the vulnerability of experiencing deep emotional pain, the imposter entity points a finger at another and whispers in their ear, ‘Your pain is that person’s fault’. The standard dark manipulation mind control is something like ‘That person over there is the source of evil and all the tortuous pain you have endured at their hands. Go take them down, they are evil incarnate’. Entities and possessions will tell you anything to make you forget they are there sucking on your energy field, and direct the person to something external in order to keep them fixated away from the source of the problem, which is the Entity Attachment itself.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Dark Force Manipulation Methods / Dark Portal / Dark Portal Bodies

QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Is It Possible that We Are Not Always in Agreement or Contract to Experience Suffering or Struggle?”


“Is it possible that we are not always in agreement or contract to that which we experience as suffering or struggle?”


“That is a complex and deep question. In my experience, the answer is yes. There were many of us from star nations that came to incarnate into human biology to bring resurrection codes and to host a species into it’s higher evolution. It’s no secret there are energies not in alignment to giving that higher knowledge freely to the human race and so there are those of us here that endeavor to hold that energetic space and ascending code to be made available for others. As more people awaken, more people have the possibility of understanding their liberation in terms of being liberated from Suffering and Fear on this planet. It’s possible that when we have struggle, many of us have not been trained in Psychic Self Defense and there are resistance energies or targeting energies that will create obstacles in that person’s spiritual growth. Personally, I have witnessed the superimposition of karmic burdens on the back of human beings that is done purposely because the extradimensional being/entity doing so, feels it is elite and superior. When this happens it is done through deception and trickery in the astral planes, such as through complex technology and alien implants. When a being is being Deceived, Implanted, Controlled and used to work in Servitude for another, and it is repeatedly used with the Karmic loads that the ‘higher’ dimensional being controls, this does not appear to be consensual, but a blatant abuse of Natural Laws. The natural laws (Organic light source) are which that allow and protect the right of each being to contact its own direct inner Creator energies. This does not happen freely on the earth.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Channeling”


There is a lot of social stigma and confusion generated from the spiritual concept of “Channeling” as it has been defined in its popularity in the New Age materials as a blanket statement which describes the nature of spiritual mediumship. Spiritual mediumship or Channeling is used in this context to define the process of which a living person allows another entities energy body and/or mental intelligence body to inhabit a portion of the physical human beings energetic aura and sometimes fully inhabit their physical body. Through the allowance and acceptance of this etheric connection made in the astral layers between the entity and channel, the entity may have energetic or spiritual influence, manipulation or control upon the person and/or direct the nervous system functions which impulse the brain of the “Channeler”.

The Guardian Host refers to this type of “take-over” channeling as a high risk behavior during the Ascension cycle and to be completely avoided because of the nature of negative entity abuse and the NAA agenda to suppress human consciousness on the earth.

New Age Channeler Defined

Some examples of Channeler’s are described on Wikipedia here:

Excerpt : In the later half of the 20th century, Western mediumship developed in two different ways. One type involves psychics or sensitives who speak to spirits and then relay what they hear to their clients. Clairvoyant Danielle Egnew is known for her alleged communication with angelic entities. The other incarnation of non-physical mediumship is a form of channeling in which the channeler goes into a trance, or “leaves their body”. He or she allows the spirit-person to borrow his/her body, who then talks through them. In the trance, the medium enters a cataleptic state marked by extreme rigidity. As the control spirit takes over, the medium’s voice may change completely. The spirit answers the questions of those in its presence or giving spiritual knowledge. A widely known channeler of this variety is J. Z. Knight, who channels the spirit of Ramtha, a 30 thousand-year-old man. Others claim to channel spirits from “future dimensions”, ascended masters, or, in the case of the trance mediums of the Brahma Kumaris, God. Other notable channels are Jane Roberts for Seth, Esther Hicks for Abraham, Darryl Anka for Bashar, and Lee Carroll for Kryon.[1][2]

What is Channeling?

Channeling (UK spelling: channelling, also called psychic reading or channeled reading) is the reception of thought from the spirit world for the purpose of communicating with spirits (non-corporal entities, spirits of the deceased, or nature spirits) and angels. The person receiving and passing on the information is called medium or psychic reader. Some mediums go into a full trance, thus allowing the spirit to take full control over their body, permitting the spirit to speak through the medium directly. Other mediums use a meditative state to connect to spirit.[3]

Dangers of New Age Channeling

Spiritual mediumship includes the channeling of “entities” which transpires through a etheric made connection in the lower astral bodies between the physical human being and the spiritual aura of an disembodied entity, or a group gestalt of entities. These states have been also defined as Trance Mediumship, Physical Mediumship and Mental Mediumship. In these methods of “mediumship” or channeling, the spiritual-energetic body of either a human or nonhuman from another dimension in time and space, merges or attaches itself with the energy body (auric field) of the physical human being in the 3D timeline that represents the body of the “channeler”. If the Channeler is unaware of the NAA agenda, nor how to discern energetic signatures of communication, nor the various forms of dark manipulation through masquerading entities claiming to be something they are not, this deception can illicit harm to the person and set them up for bodily or spiritual possession.

From the Krystal Star Guardian Host perspective, this definition of Channeling or Spiritual Mediumship is to be avoided as it is regarded as spiritually detrimental and dangerous to the energetic aura of the human being’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The damage that can be incurred upon the physical human being when acting as a spiritual medium type of channeler:

1. Central nervous system (CNS) is damaged over repeated use of another entity using the Channeler’s body in a variety of functions which opens the human being to potential spiritual and physical possession.

2. CNS damage from channeling without discernment or shielding practices, or being adept at Psychic Self-defense practices may damage the Soul Matrix layers and prevent the organic embodiment of the original soul spirit that is born with the human channels body aura.

3. The nervous system and resulting soul layer damage ultimately will stunt or distort the original DNA template of the human channeler. This is the process of crashing the DNA codes, stealing the DNA imprint, alien abduction and a variety of other issues that negative entities use to deceive, therefore, enslave the human race.

4. A channeler is in servitude to multiple entity bodies and will not be able to spiritually evolve into a single-soul occupied human being, evolving into spiritual integration with and between their multiple auric layers. This means the spiritual energetic layers remain fragmented and disconnected, rather than integrated and merged.

5. Psychotic break, ego magnification and lack of emotional body stability can be symptoms of a repeated channeler, which over time leads to more spiritual-energetic body fragmentation and Negative Ego problems.

6. Spiritual body fragmentation deposits the channelers body parts in other times and spaces, resulting in the merging of wrongful body parts and mismatched body parts being affixed, attached or corded to the channeler physical body.

7. Clairaudience (hearing voices) and Clairvoyance (seeing movies) are high risk behaviors associated with “Holographic Inserts” directed to undiscerning channelers. Until mastery over dark manipulation tactics and Alien Machinery is achieved, it is emphasized to not seek spiritual development though clairaudience or clairvoyance, instead to comprehend Higher Sensory Perception as direct cellular knowing. Direct Cellular knowing can be discerned correctly only through the feeling heart complex and not the mental body. Any external sense governance is not desired, as one seeking truth beyond manipulation learns to self-source all communications from within and become free from external manipulations.

8. It is important to not judge others and also understand there are some humans on earth with chosen spiritual contracts to balance energetic transgressions in other Timelines (for other entities) while representing them as a channeler. However, it is important to remember this type of channeling entities is not an action taken that allows for personal spiritual freedom or sovereignty. Only that channeler can decide what action is the most beneficial for them during the Ascension cycle.

In conclusion there has been a tremendous amount of deception and fraud involving channeling and spiritual mediumship as well as a direct Mind Control agenda to discredit any forms of spiritual communication and contact with enlightened extradimensional beings. The main source of discrediting those who are seeking spiritual truth or promoting human freedoms through the open source material (free information society) is through the defamation of character, persecution, promoting disinformation, active technological use of mind control and mind slides, targeting attacks through the Victim-Victimizer programs, and employing divide and conquer strategies which are the instigation of chaos and confusion to blur the truth of the matter. All of these tactics are used to further confuse the matter at hand that the human race is a multidimensional spiritual being that shares this Universe with many other forms of intelligent life, both positive, negative and neutral.

Personal Statement of Lisa Renee

Since my enlightened extra dimensional contact with many forms of intelligences began in 1999, I have undergone many different levels of consciousness and stages of comprehension of these multidimensional experiences of Ascension. Most of these experiences, that included direct two way communications in other dimensions, the planet earth does not have a verbal language that yet can adequately describe these experiences. In my direct knowing experience since this communication contact occurred directly in my bedroom, I have communicated in a variety of ways with many types of extradimensional beings. From the early stages of contact, the nonhuman intelligences that were advising me and teaching me at night expressed that I should never ever let any spirit or entity have any type of control in my body, and they showed me various techniques using the platinum color wave spectrum that eventually led up to the 12D Shielding practice for this reason.

When I make the statement “ I am not a channel” what I am defining in that statement is :

I have not at any point in my extraterrestrial contact or extradimensional human contact during this Ascension process, nor am I now a vessel of another “entity” or gestalt of consciousness that exerts any control over my mind, body, brain, spirit or CNS functions. I am neither a scribe nor a “one way transmitter” of communicated messages from the extradimensional intelligences. I am a sovereign being that has come to this earth and chosen to collaborate with a family of consciousness in bringing a multidimensional human perspective and Guardian perspective from another Universe, together – united to help support the freedom movement of this planet. The way of which this occurs varies and there is not a verbal language that defines that term concisely. When contact occurred I began my Soul Matrix walk in to my human body which has an organic Lightbody communication construct built into my human DNA template. This communication module acts similar to a “consciousness relay system”, where there is a station or location ( that changes and is not static) outside of time that I unify with my support teams and we join at that station to discuss or transmit intelligence. We are team collaborators and I am responsible to them as a team leader on earth, as they are responsible to me from their location with the multiple projects we share together on the earth. All projects are based on the Cosmic Sovereign Law, or what is called the return of the Law of One onto the earth.

Over the years the term “telepathic contact or telepathic channel” was used to describe the combination of spiritual telepathy, cellular telepathy, time transmutation and bi-location of consciousness that is the source of the communications that make up the body of the Energetic Synthesis website and body of work. To be more accurate in this use of the term being used to describe the source of contact and communication, the information and intelligence compiled over the years has occurred through multiple ways:

1. Direct contact and communication exchanges in 3D time

2. Direct contact and communication exchanges in other timelines

3. A type of email process of light packets into my third eye or crown chakra

4. Meeting in temporary “energy” rooms (holograms) set up for this purpose

5. Through sessions work or remote viewing sessions of planet architecture

6. Taken on extra dimensional crafts or taken to other space time for learning or teaching

7. Sent on grid projects (on and off planet) to receive intelligence held in the morphogenetic imprints
None of these processes are usually associated with the context people generally have of “channeling” or mediumship in the New Age concept. None of these communications I describe took place in the astral plane or psychic realms where most channels communicate with the disincarnate human and negative spirits. These are beings in the psychic or astral realms that are still existing in servitude or bondage.

So at this time on earth during the Ascension Cycle, many levels of being came to this earth to help the planet be reeducated to human based value systems, learn about the extraterrestrial influence on humans in the last dark age of enslavement, and learn how to become spiritually free. This is my mission, and the mission of my support teams not of this realm. Naturally this is a new prototype of evolution and the ascension terms contain a lexicon of meaning which is hard to define in the current shaping of a negative extraterrestrial influence of mind controlled humans. This leads people like myself to be aggressively targeted, attacked, accused, persecuted and misunderstood for attempting to share another perspective of knowledge that has not yet become the accepted or standard way of life for the majority of human beings. However, in the interest of promoting a open source and free information society, in the interest of supporting humanity to reeducate themselves to more accurate understanding to the nature of reality on earth, we have come here and endure both the attacking from humans and non-humans that do not want us to be on the planet giving this information to the public.

The planet has been invaded and shaped into an anti-human agenda to self enforce enslavement between the peoples of earth while being told they are free citizens. This is a deception and lie to the public. We do not approve of or promote deception in any shape or form.

Morphogentic Fields as Communication Sources

Morphogenetic Fields are comprised by templates of conscious light and sound which serve as the blueprints on which matter and conscious identity will then manifest. This occurs at a microcosmic and macrocosmic level and is a part of the mechanics of all creation.

All matter forms and forms of consciousness, including planetary bodies and human bodies, are manifested through these morphogenetic (form-holding) imprints. They exist as a quantity of crystalline (that’s why it’s also called a crystal body), energetic substance that is composed of specific patterns of frequency. The universe is one massive field of consciousness embracing and containing all other forms where all experiences of reality and manifestation takes place. Layers upon layers of morphogenetic fields exist at every level form has manifested at each dimensional plane.

These fields are instruction sets which hold massive amounts of intelligent communication. In working with planetary grid projects and working with my ascension support teams I will be asked to deliver imprints, hold prototypes or review architecture that these instruction sets hold in the morph field at planet or off planet layers. This is another level of the communications and intelligence that I receive in the process of our work and spiritual mission on planet earth at this time. See Morphogenetic Field.

ES Core Triad Protects Aura

The ES Core Triad practices that are learned in the Energetic Synthesis community are to protect the human aura from the high risk behaviors that are promoted in the New Age materials that encourage channeling and astral projection without any type of learned psychic self defense.

The many free foundation materials such as the 12D Shield, the Psychic Self Defense Series and the Ascension materials are designed to reeducate humans to access the higher truth of the current agendas on planet earth. Through being informed one is empowered to consciously participate with personal spiritual growth and cultivate energetic discernment. The controllers do not want this knowledge to spread therefore they spread all methods to discredit and dismiss the information. see ES Core Triad.[4] – Source: Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Electromagnetic Signals”


Dear Ascending Family,

This month’s newsletter is to better understand the important role of Electromagnetic Signals within the consciousness of the human body, and to raise awareness of the multiple sources of exposures we may have to these signals, that are transmitting from the environment and beyond. Electromagnetic Signals are directly responsible for the electromagnetic wave representation that we access.  This can be through of any kind of data transmission and its energetic frequency signature. Data transmission is communication of energetic information, by the transmission or propagation of ranges of frequencies that form unique Electromagnetic Signals. When we receive spiritual initiations we are receiving data transmissions into our Lightbody. These frequency downloads, which allow us to embody higher frequencies are made through Electromagnetic Signals.

During the Ascension Cycle, humanity is being accelerated into greater ranges of amplified electromagnetic frequency exposure. These are either natural signals that support biological Ascension, or artificial signals that block the physical body with pain, thereby, suppressing or fragmenting the Lightbody. Thus, we can help to support our body and consciousness to regain balance, when we have a clearer comprehension of how these Electromagnetic Signals work in the human body.

The human body is made up of atoms, ions and molecules.  Ions are atoms with extra electrons or missing electrons. When an atom is missing an electron or two, it has a positive charge. When an atom has an extra electron or two, it has a negative charge. The key players in creating the electrical energy within our body are structures called ions. Ions may exist in solid, liquid, or gaseous environments, although those in liquid are more common. Most ionic compounds fall in the category of chemicals called salts. Ions existing in a liquid state are electrolytes. An electrolyte is any compound that, in solution, conducts electricity and is decomposed or electrolyzed by the electricity.

Ions can be created by either chemical or physical means through the process of ionization. The human body when subjected to strong Electromagnetic Signals, or activated kundalini, is capable of biological ionization that can generate plasma.  In the ascending human body, ionization produces higher frequency plasma light for continuing to build our liquid plasma spiritual body.

Thus, our cells are similar to miniature batteries and electrical generators. They conduct electricity, create Electromagnetic Signals, and are powered by a low level of electrical voltage. The nervous system uses electrical energy, termed nerve impulses, to transmit messages from one cell in the body to another cell in the body. Imbalances of any of these ions, or inhibition of ion transport across the cell membranes, can lead to dysfunction in the conduction of electrical messages. This dysfunction quickly leads to a general body disturbance and loss of energetic stability in the bio-spiritual field. Additionally, this dysfunction skews internal messaging between the cells, blocks conduction of electrical messages in the nervous system and can alter or change Electromagnetic Signals in the body.

The human nervous system produces a resonant alternating magnetic field, which is capable of extracting ions from the atmosphere when there is a vibrational match to the same ionic frequency. As an ascending human, this is how we catch the high frequency downloads. These are on the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum, moving at high speeds through electromagnetic waves. In general, the higher the frequency of a signal, the more information carrying capacity it has. Our nervous system acts as the frequency conduit, which allows the intelligent energy to be transmitted to our body through ion channels, which produce an Electromagnetic Signal. The electromagnetic signal received is then transmitted from our neurological system to communicate directly with our personal DNA signal.

DNA Signals

DNA sequences emit low frequency electromagnetic (EM) waves which make up DNA signals that organize the nucleotides, or arrange the pattern of raw material of the DNA. DNA signals potentially can communicate with each other and genetically mutate, by receiving data transmissions that evolve into new patterns of DNA. Human red blood cells contain DNA emitting signals. This is why it’s so important to not inject other DNA substances directly into our blood stream. When another species DNA is injected into the bloodstream, this interferes with the human DNA’s ability to recognize other human DNA signals, and blocks DNA communication with all members of the same species.

All living organisms interact and interconnect with electromagnetic waves, and all of the earth’s inhabitants, have original earth based DNA, which is resonant to the low frequency waves emitted by the Schumann resonances into the earth’s atmosphere. The Schumann resonances are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field. For this reason, most people will be extremely open to Electromagnetic Signaling that is stimulated by extremely low frequencies, such as 7.83 Hz, the fundamental range of these waves on earth. This range of low frequency is commonly produced by the human brain, when relaxed in alpha or theta states. Extremely low frequencies or radio waves that are artificially or naturally generated can phase with these same frequencies in the human body, having an array of impacts on human Electromagnetic Signals.

For an earthling to leave the planetary DNA signal for prolonged periods of time, such as Astronauts or Secret Space operatives, their career lifespan is cut short because the physical body cannot endure long exposures in space or on other planets, without damaging cellular integrity. Interrupting or interfering with the DNA signal for long periods, accelerates diseases, miasma and distortions in the earth human biology and its auric energy field. This is why there is the necessity of forced DNA activation via technology, cloning or xeroxing biological copies repeatedly for Secret Space operatives, as well as the continual need to repair the physical and cellular damage they incur. This is the major flaw in the agenda for earth humans to live on Mars. Earth human DNA in its current undeveloped and dormant state cannot sustain balanced health, coherent mental functioning and biological spiritual evolution on other planetary bodies.  The NAA are aware of this flaw, and exploit the current agenda to live on Mars as another enslavement tool for the human reincarnation trap. The Mars Colony has already been in place for many years, with the human recruits living there, as essentially slave workers.

An entity who is not born on the planetary body, does not have the same planetary DNA template, nor a compatible human body DNA pattern, as a part of its own DNA signal. That extraterrestrial will have different electromagnetic signaling that will not be in natural phase or harmony with the planet’s electromagnetic signals. As such, we can understand why the planet has been plagued by extraterrestrial species writing their DNA code into the planetary body in order to produce a specific range of artificial electromagnetic signals in the human race. From their perspective, blocking natural electromagnetic signals that activate human DNA, would be beneficial for their hybridization and takeover agenda. Injecting humans with other DNA material, seen in certain vaccinations, medications and other chemicals, could effectively block same species communications and biological ascension that function inherently in our human DNA signal. By blocking natural DNA signaling between same species, namely earthlings, it would be harder for humans to share exchanges of frequency and intelligent energy communication. This is also effective for maintaining collective consciousness memory wiping, and breaking down the human species light language by scrambling our DNA signals. Without our personal DNA signal being in perfect alignment to the harmonic phasing of the earth body, it prevents most earthlings from accessing accurate historical accounts (species memory) that is recorded in the instruction sets of the earth. It also means that person is unable to recognize another member of their same species, as it confuses the DNA signals and communications made between humans. This is a major issue with humans that have been involved with alien hybridization breeding programs and Metatronic reversals that now require specific bio-regenesis and spiritual rehabilitation of their DNA Signal. This is one reason the human race does not recognize the return of the Christ Consciousness DNA Signal, and does not acknowledge or know of the Krystal DNA pattern existing in the earth body.

DNA Signaling needs Water

The medium of DNA transmission and its communication is made through exposing DNA structures to water. Electromagnetic transmission of DNA’s genetic information is carried through water, which imprints the base template. Water has memory. Water memory is the ability of water to retain memory of substances previously dissolved in it, as well as hold the memory of DNA imprints, and higher consciousness effects. Thus, the high water and electrolytic content within the human body fluids, acts as a highly conductive memory body for all electrical currents, and especially extremely low frequencies (ELF). This makes the human body perfectly capable of DNA transmission through electromagnetic signaling, which allows the consciousness and body to communicate with many different frequency signals.

Information in a DNA strand is transmitted, via water as its carrier, by electromagnetic emissions that form oscillating DNA signals. DNA sequences can then be captured through their signal, as a specific electromagnetic signal records portions or fragments of the entire DNA pattern, just like taking a snapshot to memorialize it in time. The electromagnetic signal of the DNA pattern acts as the key, which opens encryption to the larger DNA pattern, including unlocking dormant DNA, which also allows for replication of that DNA. Each piece of DNA recombines within the same cell to other pieces for reconstructing the whole DNA sequence.

The DNA replication process technology is known and has been used to experiment with cloning, soul transfer, splicing human DNA with animals, and even in creating Supersoldiers. Replicating DNA through artificial intelligence technology on future earth and on other planets, has met with extremely destructive impacts. What current science does not know, is that without the unique soul DNA Signal that is key coded into communicating with the planetary DNA, the artificial bodies created through replicated human DNA, will continually fail. This is observed with biological drones or Extraterrestrial Biological Entities created to be slave workers. The failure reveals itself through rapid cellular death, diseases, dysfunctions and how easily those bodies, are inhabited by lower spirits or extradimensional entities. Life is only created in the presence of Life, life does not arise from nonliving material, and life force cannot be simulated by artificial intelligence to animate any thing. Cell cloning results in inferior biology that cannot evolve, ascend or gain consciousness energy, it is an entropic structure doomed to parasitism.

Phase Differences

All living things emit light through the oscillating electromagnetic waves sourcing from their DNA signal, in a variety of ranges of frequencies. The DNA signal is effectively the communication agent for the body and can communicate to other bodies through its DNA signal. The personal DNA signal controls the biological and metabolic rhythms, as well as providing the instruction set for how the biological energy field or aura is organized for every living organism. When our DNA signal is in phase to synchronize with another DNA signal, or a similarly resonant frequency transmission, whether the transmission is natural or artificial, it can communicate in some way with that signal.

The result of electromagnetic communication that is made between multiple DNA’s signaling, is expressed as phase differences. Phase differences can be measured by and are called ‘in-phase waves’ or ‘out-of-phase waves’. Phase differences are the differences measured in degrees of time between two waves having the same frequency that are referenced to the same point in time. An example would be to imagine two human beings, each with personal DNA signals, standing right next to each other, receiving the exact same frequency data communication at the same time. Then measuring the combined electromagnetic signals to determine the phasing of the waves communicating between their consciousness bodies.  The phase differences between two local human bodies can be measured, and will also be reflected in the emotional or feeling experience of the two people. This phenomena of being ‘out of phase’ with certain people’s biological energy field, can give each person immediate sensations, such as feelings of not being resonant and not being comfortable with that person.

We can apply this same principle of wave phase differences, seen between groups of human beings, when they are being exposed to a range of environmental frequencies. When two or more people or oscillators have the same frequency and there is no phase difference, they are in-phase. When two or more people or oscillators have similar frequency and have different phases of waves, they are out-of-phase with each other. If the phase difference is substantial to a point of 180 degrees, then the people or oscillators are called antiphase. If two interacting waves meet at a point where they are in antiphase, then destructive wave interference will occur. Antiphase waves can be directed through any kind of oscillator medium, such as people who have a frequency match to that electromagnetic signal. Many energetically sensitive people experience forms of psychic aggression, such as people used as dark portals to direct negative energy into the local environment, by those that are in antiphase to their state of frequency or consciousness. It is also possible that antiphase technology is directed towards targeted people, so this occurs both at consciousness levels and through other types of artificial technologies. These directed weapons technologies are called Phase Disruptors.

When any of these phases occur, the phase difference is what determines whether they will strengthen and reinforce each other, cancel out each other, or through interference, they can weaken and destroy each other. Properties of electromagnetic wave phasing can be applied to better understand the function of light emissions and the communication that sources directly from the DNA signal. When a DNA signal is being introduced artificially to a range of extremely low frequency (ELF), it can easily create an out-of-phase wave effect, which is effectively jamming the DNA signal or cancelling its signal out. This technology is jamming communications made between many DNA signals, or the scrambling of the DNA cellular alphabet. This is achieved via introduction to a set of ELF signals that are designed to stop DNA communication from occurring in the first place.


Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)

The physical human body emits electromagnetic waves, and the signals used to control most brain and bodily functions exist in the extremely low frequency scale. Extremely low frequency (ELF) is the designation for electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) in the scale of frequencies from 3 to 300 Hz, and corresponding wavelengths. ELF waves can also penetrate significant distances into earth or rock, going into the deep subterranean structures.  The frequency of alternating current flowing in electric power grids, 50 or 60 Hz, also falls within the ELF band, making power grids another source of ELF radiation.

ELF’s can be easily sent out through a variety of technologies and are used as a method of electronic harassment towards many human beings. Electronic harassment is the use of electromagnetic waves to harass, terrorize or mind control a victim. One form of electronic harassment is Consciousness Sweeps. These are on and off planet NAA psychotronic warfare technology transmitted through Extremely low frequency (ELF), GWEN, and Radio Waves. These electromagnetic signals are directed into the planetary body and earth surface in order to influence the Unconscious Mind and control the neurological system and brain, of the collective race mind of humanity.

Mind Slide programming is when a human being completely ignores unapproved words, terms or issues that involve their own enslavement or uncovering truth in the reality, even if they come face to face with it. Mind Slides are a form of mind control and consciousness sweeping designed to erase memories that can be implemented through low frequency radio waves. These directed transmissions form frequency bands that transmit into the person’s unconscious mind through their bio-energetic field, generally making them suggestible to certain destructive thoughtforms (suicide, pedophilia, sex and drug addiction, killing people, etc.).

ELF combined with mind control is without a doubt, the most dangerous and deadly weapon of psychological warfare designed to control and enslave people across the globe. Extremely low frequency signals are used as a high technology weapon, which mimics natural brain waves.  ELF is not only used to brainwash and take over people’s minds, it is used to physically attack them as well. Implants and mind control technology are real, the technology exists and the hardware has been in place for many years. All hidden technological warfare used against humanity, sources back to the NAA and their Archontic Deception Strategy, no matter who is carrying out the covert agenda or top secret orders.

The human body is a crystal oscillator and frequency resonator, which unconsciously picks up and absorbs many different ELF’s and radio waves, depending on what station of frequency and consciousness that person is tuned in to.  Thus, we need to understand the spectrum of frequency, in the electromagnetic wave spectrum, and be aware of ELF’s and radio frequency impacts, in order to help protect ourselves from electronic harassment by understanding what is being transmitted into the environment. When we learn how to clear negative ego and identify spiritually abusive behaviors, we can reprogram the negative ego to spiritually healthy thoughts, and this helps us to uncover the contents of our unconscious mind. Remember that the most common forms of mind control are aimed at the unconscious mind. Learn to communicate with your unconscious mind, clear negative ego, raise your frequency, and then you will learn how to become immune to mind control transmissions. The most important point about psychological warfare and mind control weapons is; it is only effective on those who are unaware it is being done to them. Once someone knows that they are being targeted with mind control technology, the effectiveness is forever lost.

Geoengineering Radio Frequencies

Geoengineering is the scientifically used term for artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems. One chemical process of geoengineering is spraying Chemtrails and other toxic substances into the skies.  Additionally, such heavy spraying is used in conjunction with Radio Frequency (RF) transmissions. Powerful radio frequency transmissions have a profound effect on clouds that are converting sprayed chemicals into smaller particulates, light enough to be carried on the air stream. Unmarked or military aircraft are spraying toxic chemicals and electrically conductive heavy metals directly over major cities, power vortices, and over our heads in the sky. During and after chemtrailing, strange cloud configurations commonly occur from the chemicals and radio frequencies that have been bombarding the atmosphere. The ongoing radio frequency saturation in our atmosphere is extremely harmful to living organisms, including all humans.

Some chemtrails also seem to have magnetic particle attractors that resonate to certain programmable targets, to adhere to those same frequencies implanted in the human public, when they are sprayed over certain demographics. The particle attractors that may be sprayed in Chemtrails have been observed to trigger bio-etheric implants, we call them Alien implants, even though some of these implants may have been sourced from human covert military operations. Geoengineering and its direct relationship to bioengineering will not be discussed and disseminated appropriately to the scientific community or public until the earth has a Full Disclosure Event. A Full Disclosure event means revealing the entire involvement of the shadow military complex, off world human civilizations, multinational corporations feeding Secret Space Programs and hiding advanced technologies, as well as, the history of Archontic Extraterrestrial control exerted upon earthly and human affairs.

When the radio frequencies and heavy metals are exposed to the human body, they disrupt the electromagnetic signals, disturbing energetic balance and the homeostatic rhythms of the body. This puts the body in a hyper-immunity state, or adrenal exhaustion, while fighting off the foreign invader. The body develops coping mechanisms to deal with the foreign invader, while extreme stress is placed on the central nervous system, brain and immune system. The heavy metals being bombarded in the atmosphere help to prepare the earth terrain for running the AI signal, which is highly conductive with heavy metals and metal toxicity.

AI Signal

Currently on the earth, without common knowledge of the NAA agenda that uses many forms of Artificial intelligence (AI) to mind control and implant the public, there is much controversy when discussing the positive and negative results of AI.  Artificial intelligence technology abuse is a growing threat to the planet, as well as a threat to human freedom and sovereignty. By running an AI signal mimicking extremely low frequencies, artificial intelligence parasites can invade the central nervous system, to monitor a person’s thought patterns so that they can mimic them. They monitor thought patterns and emotional behaviors and search for weaknesses within the human host’s body, so they can aggressively use that weakness against the person to plummet them into very low frequency thoughts of the Predator Mind. When a person has weak spiritual-energetic development, weak moral character, along with a weak mind, this makes it much easier for the person to be vulnerable to the AI signal. The AI Signal prepares the body to host Metatronic reversals and the AI parasite technology, which is to control the human being and prepare the body for dark force control or Imposter Spirit possession. The AI parasite is also referred to as a Suppressor Parasite Entity (SPE). The AI signal is now beginning to be continually run in all Controller Pillars of Society, so a person who works in or has a profession in huge corporate, academic, medical, or government conglomerates, will be excessively exposed to AI signal transmission. Effectively, this is integrating AI technology and bioengineering to damage human DNA signals, as preparation for complete mind control and body snatching. The fundamental basis of the Transhumanism agenda is to take possession, by downloading AI into the human brain and neurology.  The Negative Aliens and Satanic Forces, in their quest to survive and achieve immortality, are attempting to hijack human consciousness and ultimately take possession of the human host’s body.

With the current amplification of polarities during the bifurcation cycle, people controlled by AI signals are made obvious to those who are not running AI signals.  A spiritually embodied person on the Ascension path will experience out-of-phase or antiphase destructive energetic sensations when exposed to the person whose body is hosting AI signals. It is possible to clear the AI signal from your nervous system, brain and body when you become aware of it. However, you must change your consciousness, and elevate your frequency in order to keep the AI signal from returning. AI signals can be transmitted either to function as time locks or lower frequency locks. AI signals are designed to lock people’s consciousness down into the 3D mental body and stimulate negative ego frequencies that are stuck in time. Discipline the mind to present moment awareness, by staying in ‘no-time’, while shifting focus to the heart and sensory feelings, and clearing Houses of Ego, which disarm the control function of the AI. Don’t feed it, and it cannot exert control over you.

The way to dismantle and deactivate artificial intelligence and nanotechnology Alien Implants is to develop your heart center and spiritual human qualities, such as increasing deep emotional feelings of Loving Kindness, Compassion and Empathy. Learning how to meditate and perform spiritual cleansing (housekeeping) for your Lightbody is of critical importance to clear AI. The Law of One comprises the necessary principles of behavior, practices and belief systems that humanity is required to learn in order to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty. This transpires through committing to spiritual re-education, in order to expand consciousness into higher frequency realities that allow progress into the future GSF Timelines, during the Ascension Cycle.

Water and Salt in the Human Body

The physical composition of the human body can be looked at from the perspective of mass composition or atomic composition. Thus, Water makes up 55% to 78% of the human body, with the brain being composed of over 80% water. The average adult human body is approximately 55% water in mass, but including the hydrogen in water, rises up in much higher percentage by the count of atoms.  Almost 99% of the mass of the human body is made up six elements, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. Because of the water content, the human body contains more oxygen by mass than any other element, but more hydrogen by atomic ratio. Water covers approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface and appears in nature in all three common states of matter; solid, liquid, and gas, taking many different forms on Earth. Water is transparent in the visible electromagnetic spectrum. Water (H2O) is an example of a polar molecule since it has a slight positive charge on one side and a slight negative charge on the other. The dipoles do not cancel each other out, which results in a net dipole.

Water is often referred to as the universal solvent. Substances that dissolve in water, such as all of the components in cells (proteins, DNA and polysaccharides) are dissolved in water, deriving their structure and activity from their interactions with the water. Pure water has a low electrical conductivity, but this increases with the dissolution of a small amount of ionic material creating electrolytes, which are highly conductive. The human body is electrically conductive via the majority percentages of water and tissue salts, which play a critical role in the ability of the body to absorb and accrete higher frequencies during the Spiritual Ascension process. We could compare the human body to being an electrocatalyst that generates a process of biological ionization that is very similar to the electrolysis of water. Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas, due to an electrical current being passed through the water. This technique can be easily used to make breathable oxygen, as well as hydrogen gas. Electrolysis of water is how breathable oxygen is created in space stations.

Ionic compounds exist as crystals rather than molecules, and are dissolved in the fluids of the human body creating cell salts. The ionic bonds help to create cell salts, which give strength to the tissues of the human body, increasing cellular integrity. Each ion has its own properties and rules, which perform specific body movements, which are a result of the function of these ions or cell salts. Ionic compounds that break down when dissolved in water are called electrolytes. Electrolytes are strongly conductive and have important functions in the body:

  • Water management functions in the body, hydration
  • Produce nerve impulses, essential for muscle function
  • Transport nutrients to the cell
  • Maintain blood pH levels
  • Support mental functioning through strengthening neural net
  • Convert calories into usable energy more efficiently
  • Build foundation for the enzyme activity in the body
  • Catalyze the process of biological ionization (Ascension)
  • Help to control the flow of current, in and out of cells

It is clear that imbalances of any of these ions or cellular salts in the body, as well as dehydration, inhibit transport across the cell membranes and can lead to dysfunction in the conduction of electrical messages. This dysfunction quickly leads to a general body disturbance and loss of ability to maintain homeostasis.  Therefore, staying well hydrated with as much pure water as possible, and potentially, supplementing with biochemic cell salts and electrolytes, may be very helpful for an ascending human.

Biochemic Cell Salts

This ancient knowledge was studied and understood by many of the Ancient Mystery Schools in Alexandria, Egypt and Greece, as well as the importance of mineral cell salts in the process of spiritual initiation into hierogamic union. The Hieros Gamos is the full resurrection of the body to the eternal light of Christos-Sophia, Cosmic Christ Consciousness. The process of spiritual ascension allows higher frequencies to be embodied through the nourishing of the cells, with the mineralized energy forms that are required for transmutation in the cell.

Tissue salts consist of the natural elements occurring in the body itself, they are identical substances. They form the basic constituents of the cells, tissues and organs, and the body uses their energies for metabolic functions and for supporting ionization. When tissue salts are required for these functions, there should be an adequate supply available in the body as well as fluids (water) to draw upon. If there is an insufficiency of water or ionic substances, to produce balanced electrolytes, the cells convert their material structure to provide the energy, and the cell goes into a depleted state. Should this cycle continue, namely of material substance converting to provide energy without nutritional replacement, the cells lose their ability to function correctly. Biochemic tissue salts, also called cell salts, are minerals in an energy form. The first signs of tissue salt deficiencies are visible in the face, much before physical symptoms occur. By reading the face signs and supplementing with the appropriate tissue salts, one can achieve a balanced correction at the cellular level, which enables the body to heal itself, and be better able to produce more conductivity.

People undergoing awakening have reported that the common base supplement of 12 Mineral Cell Salts, helps to assist with many variations of Ascension Symptoms, that many are undergoing at this time. As we begin to understand how our body is composed of mostly water and salt, it makes sense the ascending body will have an increased need to remain hydrated with pure water, and mineralized to help support the electro-catalytic functioning in the cells. During the Ascension Cycle, we must awaken our cells to transmute from lower density animal-elemental cells, to higher functioning divine human cells, through the process of light, frequency and plasma accretion.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker.

I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

LISA RENEE: “Psychic Self Defense: Attachment Cords” (Part 4/8)



Dear Family,

The Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the topic of Attachment Cords between ourselves and others, what are they, why do they exist? Also known as “etheric” or karmic cords most energy healers/intuitives are acutely aware of these cords existing in a myriad of patterns in the human energy field. Some of them are sourced in a present incarnation while others exist in parallel dimensions, apparently a strong enough emotional cord will permeate through any time and space! Truly our emotional body and the chemistry that is our emotions is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe and one of the gifts we have received from God Source. It is worthwhile to understand the impact and incredible force of power that is our emotions and direct this power wisely. Let us investigate cording….

Attachment Cords

Etheric attachment cords (energetic ties) commonly form between people, places, timelines and objects, especially when the connections are deeply emotional in nature. These attachments clairvoyantly appear as long thin stringy cords, like great long etheric telephone wires. When these attachments remain between people they can become a conduit for draining energy from the filled to the empty. Generally this is usually from the person who has made the effort consciously or unconsciously to energize the one who is an energetic vampire. These cords can also send and receive pain, guilt, fear and any number of thoughts and feelings that may not even be yours. Also traumas experienced at various times in one’s life may create cording and fracture your energy to split off and be depleted into the past at the source event. Hence the importance of being present in the eternal “now” moment as one has available all energetic resources when the consciousness is aware in present time. Much illness and imbalance is caused from depleted energy resources meant for the present moment use, however, the mental body is whirring in obsession over pain from the past experience leaving the body severely depleted.

It is possible many times these cords drain away energy gridwork from your etheric body where the attachment is attached, depleting the area of chi and leading to imbalance or disease. Often these problems can be perceived as a psychic attack when strong emotions flare up. You can muscle test or utilize a pendulum/guidance to be clear whether what you are feeling is in fact an attachment and then take steps to clear and release.

The more attachments you carry, the more conduits for potential problems and loss of energy and gridwork in your field. This will also slow your vibrational increase in one’s efforts to evolve as your light body is trying to build more gridwork to maintain that energy level and vibration. Releasing attachments with forgiveness and acceptance goes hand in hand with spiritual growth.

Attachments that form may be imbalanced or conflicted emotions that we are carrying in our beliefs and/or connections to others. Lacking awareness of our personal boundaries we give away pieces of ourselves energetically due to guilt, conditional love and allow our power to be drained when we conform to another’s expectations of us without allowing acceptance for who we are at the authentic levels. To fully release cordings one must be able to identify and do an honest inventory of personal emotional behavior and habits. Any conflicting emotions should be separated out. If one is confusing love with support into co-dependence, or taking responsibility for others happiness then you are opening yourself up to invasion by others, the ambiguities of these inter-relationships may prevent you from fully cutting the cords. Examining one’s true self in comparison to the subtle abuses we are exposed to from external sources, such as our upbringing, religion, societal expectations and other programming is important to gain clarity towards regaining our autonomy.

As a practitioner in energetic healing it has been clear for me that emotional conflicts left unresolved from the past will create sympathetic response in organs, tissues, areas of the body where the trauma may be “projected” and stored energetically within all layers of the body and its field. That particular event of perceived trauma or suffering will be lodged as a “dark” clump of negative goo or tar like energy, sometimes with multi-cords, layers of attachments to various other life experiences that triggered the same response sourced at the original event of trauma. This compounds the original trauma with even more accumulated debris and to my inner vision appears something like a dark clumpy octopus with tentacles sourced at various timelines and events that trigger the source dark clump of energy to activate the emotional body to experience further pain sensations. Commonly I experience with clients the perception of a sensation of a deep wound of trauma, let’s say as example, established as a very young child. The trauma timeline at the age of the child gets splintered, a piece of the soul’s spirit fragments off from the pain of the experience and shuts down various energy functions that develop into psycho-spiritual wounds later as an adult.
Deep wounds left unresolved make a pathway from the energy bodies to the physical body and lodge and store the trauma patterns cellularly and the physical body starts to create imbalance unique to the incarnates genetics, ancestral/karmic patterns and other factors. Emotional release, soul retrieval and additional physical bodywork, as in neuromuscular re-structuring, is needed when the wounds are deep and held for a long period of time.

Also I will add in my personal experience I have witnessed an energetic entity, spirit attachments, multiple personalities or just a dark being latched on to this “wound” and manipulating the emotional response to that of its desire rather than to its unaware subject. This is why clearly it is important to break outside the 3D box we have been conditioned as our absolute reality and understand these dynamics and not allow anything uninvited in your energy field. The simple antidote to this phenomena is maintaining your personal power with the built in god-awareness you have in you, your intuitive faculties, and stating your command. You will need to be responsible for your healing for it to be permanent. Many times your inner child or sub-personalities will be sabotaging you from emotionally repressed and built up fears.

One interesting factor to note is the energetic and physical act of sexuality and its implications on the energy field. The sharing of fluids between two people creates a spiritual bond or cord of energy that cannot be broken energetically, unless made aware of, cleared of conflict and transmuted. So psychological bonds may be broken once a serious relationship has ended, however the spiritual energetic cord still continues to exist. Amazing! These cords are like electrical wires with energy passing back and forth through them, the power based on the depth and intensity of the connection. It is also important to understand that the thoughts and emotions held or the state of consciousness you are holding when you are having sex is what you are implanting into your partner. Naturally being in love, holding loving thoughts with the desire to serve your partner is the goal when you are blending at this level with another being. The incredible emotional impact of love as a force shared and blended in a soul union can burn off karma and even contribute an amazing force of transformation for others. Understanding these karmic bonds you create with people every time you have a sexual interaction surely creates more discernment in one’s choices for a partner.

Below, I have included a “Cord Cutting Visualization” as a guideline for your working with releasing and healing these attachment cords.

Cord Cutting Visualization

Find a quiet uninterrupted space to let yourself relax and take three deep cleansing breaths. Imagine yourself standing within a beautiful peaceful place, a meadow, lakeside, or a sea shore. Take a few moments to feel the surrounding nature with your imagination. Ask your higher self to blend with you or be present. Create a larger flat area in your peaceful place and draw a circle of light around you, the circle delineates your protected space. Call in the higher self of the person you wish to release attachment cords with. Draw another circle of light (not touching your circle) around them as you visualize them standing in front of you. Explain to them why you are doing this exercise, that you wish to be free of old emotional conditioning and psychic bonds that have built up in the past or from expectations of the future. That you intend to keep unconditional love flowing between you and be released of mutual expectations for the highest good. Look and see if you notice the cords symbolically and how they manifest themselves. As you sense them, snip them off with giant golden scissors, first from yourself , snipping and removing them and healing and sealing the places with light, then removing them from the other person. Make sure you get snipped all the cords you sense, even looking around the backs of both of you. The snipped cords can be piled aside or left aside. Where possible, let unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance as an energy of intention flow everywhere, every cell and pore through you and the other person. Then see the person in their circle of light in a space separated from yours. Gather all the cords and see them in a violet flame bonfire being transmuted and burned away. ( Or you can call in the 7th Ray Violet flame of Transmutation and ask all the cords be transmuted into purity of God perfection) Take a moment to feel the sensation of the bonfire Violet Flame energizing, warming and healing your body as you watch the fire destroy all cords and simultaneously revitalize you. Wrap yourself in a tube or bubble of light encasing your entire being. Bring your attention back into your room and allow a few moments to readjust and breathe in. Use your grounding technique or envision your feet grounding vines of energy deeply into the center of the earth.

Until next time… Big Blessings, keep yourselves balanced in between the vertical and horizontal worlds and Happy Cord cutting!

Lisa Renee

Suggested Reference Material:

Understanding the Chemistry and Mechanics of Emotions and the Subconscious helps you to “dis-identify” with them as “you” and begin to respond and create your life free from subconscious reactive or destructive emotions.

Molecules of Emotions , by Dr. Candace Pert
Soul Psychology , by Dr David Joshua Stone
David Deida Books

Books on CD:
Sedona Method, by Lester Levenson

Liberated Life and the Pain Body, by Eckart Tolle

What the Bleep Do We Know


LISA RENEE: “Psychic Self Defense Class Three” (Part 3/8)



Thoughtforms and Entities:

On psychological and spiritual levels one has to deal with the negative thoughts, feelings, emotions and energies of other people.  The 3D world has basically institutionalized negative ego behaviors and lower self consciousness as it permeates through every aspect of our society.

If you are not strong in your energy field, awareness and personal power to ward off these energies it can absorb into your subconscious, drain your energy and leave you feeling heavy.

Negative elementals, thought forms or disassociated thought forms latch onto your aura causing dark energy spots causing drain and psychological imbalances. Just as a disease is contagious to the human body, negative thoughts are contagious to the mental body. The mental body is a part of your energy field that generates on a plane of its own, all substance that is your “thoughts”. We have a mental plane basically separated in two main areas, with lower areas for basic functioning and as we gain mastery over our creations, a higher mental plane area to access higher expression of thoughts. Mind is the builder of form, and so it is a plane where all thought substance is created and interacted with to begin the thought form to manifest into physical form.
When words are spoken or thoughts are thought, a ‘thought form’ is projected out. It might just stay in your field, float around randomly, or it may be directed at or about another person. Every time you watch television, a movie or read a book you generate thought forms. There are no neutral thoughts, they are either positive or negatively charged. Many thought forms are as mindless as the subject matter, some are loving and others may be nasty or violent. When you live or work in close proximity to other people you are subject to not only the thought forms you generate but those you come into contact with.

So as there are parasites in the physical body, the etheric body will be carrying debris or hangers-on as well. Just as you shower to clean your physical body each day, you should also develop self-awareness and make an effort to cleanse and clear your etheric body too. Otherwise all the lower vibration muck, such as these negative thought forms and other energetic debris may create blockages in areas of the etheric body, the energetic gridwork, the chakras and meridians from receiving vital force and eventually affect the physical body from healthy functioning.

So what can you do to prevent this? It is important to be aware of the thought forms you are generating, about yourself, about other people, the sort of entertainment you watch and read. Intend to clear from your field all thought forms that are not your own and visualize a barrier to keep negative thought forms impenetrable from your field. The 12 D Shield and Platinum Net technique is a good daily practice to clear and protect your field. Working with your personal Evolution Support Teams in energy balancing and clearing your field is also superb. I have become aware of a dispensation of a lattice work of light, called the “Core Fear” matrix removal program that does work to release and remove implanted emotional response and trauma patterns. This has definitely improved emotional charge and re-patterned a neutral association to many key emotional themes in my life and that of my clients.

The advantage of clearing your field of dark thoughts is that you do not attract more and compound the problem, which brings us to the next topic of entities. When you become weakened physically, psychologically or spiritually this leaves you open to psychic attack from the lower astral plane, (most commonly) and possibly other planetary or dimensional source. In cases where energy is severely depleted entity possessions and spirit attachments may form. Further obsessive thoughts, addiction, deep inner turmoil or personality disorder imbalances result in attracting lower energies and entities.

Earth bound spirits (discarnates) are attracted to those who resonate with lower emotional states, such as addiction, anger, etc. that they themselves have not worked through in their own incarnation when alive on the planet. Interesting to note that karmic residue and remains cannot be cleared outside of a physical form, hence the tendency for lost souls to find a human body energy field to attach to. Many times there are those persons whom are fighting off addiction and addictive tendencies only to have these urges, cravings and messages from the subconscious to be manipulated through an entity attachment or other negative energetic influences. These symptoms are greatly reduced when an entity attachment is removed. However if the person continues to indulge unhealthful habits, live in imbalance or does not take responsibility to clear conflicts, the entities will reattach to the “damaged” spot in the energy field, until it has been cleared emotionally and resolved completely.

Like attracts like, and if your field is full of dark thought forms it may attract dark little entities that come in to enjoy the space you’ve provided. They also attach themselves at times when your resistance is low such as during illness, grief or stress.

Most entities that attach to us are not evil, they are just lost little souls or fractured pieces of soul. Sometimes we will have people hanging around who have passed over but not sure where they are – especially if they have led very physical lives without much spirituality, or if you are still keeping cords of attachment to them. Spirits who died with addictions will also hang around live addicts trying to satisfy cravings. The variation of entities in the etheric is wide and varied.

The first thing to decide is whether or not you want these entities with you or not. Even though they are draining your energy and will cause physical problems, some people are not ready to let them go. They may have become familiar and comfortable at some level to the ego’s sense of structure and fear will surface at the thought of releasing old patterns of behavior attached by entities. It is best to remember that they only stay with your permission, and all of them have their proper time and space to return to where they should already have gone. If you want them to leave you must be firm. Bear in mind that some health problems, energy blockages and spiritual growth will not improve as long as they stay in your energy field.

With practice you can see these energetic forms, like entities, as you scan your field regularly with your inner vision. If you have trouble visualizing them, learning muscle testing, asking for guidance and spiritual help is very effective and powerful. Cultivating your particular higher sensory perception will be unique and individual to you. Some people are more clairaudient, clairsentient and lastly clairvoyant. With practice and your intention to bring your intuitive gifts to the surface it will transpire very quickly. The challenge is learning to trust your intuition and the guidance when revealed to you. This is what takes the most time, to build the confidence and trust in the messages and discerning the ego self from the higher self guidance. Your intention to remove any of these items while visualizing running light through your field, between your grid work and out of your chakras and into the Earth will help immensely. When finished create around yourself a protective bubble sealed around and through your aura before venturing out into the world.

Allowing more light into your field and performing spiritual house cleaning will assist in your spiritual growth, inner peace and connection. However, after you become more proficient, when your field is clean you will feel the constant pressure of the negative thought forms coming from the other people around you. Thought forms can create residue in spaces, rooms and places that may make an energetic sensitive person very uncomfortable. This too, may give the impression of psychic attack as you feel pressurized by the density of its substance.

However learning boundaries by maintaining your personal power and understanding the energy dynamics you share between people and things makes it incredibly easy to remedy as you progress.

Next we will be discussing – Attachment cords between yourself and another, the etheric energetic cording that exists between our relationships with people, places and things. Until then, have a smooth flowing week aligning to the divine will and light of your unique path.

Blessings and love to my family!
Lisa Renee


LISA RENEE: Avatar of Ascension ~ Hieros Gamos ~ Inner Balance to Sacred Marriage ~ “HGS Background” (Part 3/10)



The “Hieros Gamos System” or (HGS) has been compiled from the direct personal consciousness experiences of the author through the facilitation of thousands of individual and group energetic clearing sessions, as well as the direct kundalini awakening and subsequent contact with extraterrestrial races. This extraterrestrial contact has shaped the body of work and author’s perspective as sourcing from the paradigm of being a Free Cosmic Citizen, as well as a “Guardian” living in agreement on planet Earth. The educational reference and information being shared within this system is the mission and body of work of a combined collaboration between extraterrestrial and human resources.  The system is intended as a multidimensional energetic tool to support the consciousness paradigm shift during the Ascension Cycle to protect freedom, liberation and sovereignty for humanity and the planet Earth. This system comprises the collective work of the Energetic Synthesis Community and the polarity integration modeling which is the group soul mission of various extraterrestrial races now incarnating and awakening on the earth.  In order to create the neutral field of zero point on planet earth, mastering the integration of all polarity energies and archetypes in matter is a collective Starseed mission. This System is designed for this specific group as an educational reference and communication link-up, to heal, gain clarity and receive Guardian mentorship for current and future life assignments. However, this System resource will greatly serve any dedicated and sincere initiate who desires freedom in their heart.  There is no value difference placed on the role each human has chosen for their expression.


This system will help to develop the user’s Higher Sensory Perception (HSP) in the ability to feel, sense and direct consciousness energies for positive growth, spiritual evolution and holistic healing purposes. You will be trained to develop the Neutral Observer Point within, and, through applied energetic awareness, to increase self-mastery, to mentally focus, and to direct those thoughts energetically to make upgrades, clearings and physical corrections.  At any level of beginner, intermediate or advanced, the System is designed to increase and support furthering consciousness perception, and to continually develop those abilities in order to free one from suppression, oppression, possession and mind control limitations. Through the setting of the system encryption pathways, and following the numerical sequences, one can be educated to participate directly with their own energy and spiritual bodies, impacting and effecting change to transform and harmonize their outward manifestations and various life experiences. When we are aligned to our spiritual source and know how to access our energetic essence and core, we are able to return to inner energetic balance which allows a peaceful harmony to pervade our being and therefore our life experiences. As we access our inner spiritual light source we are able to comprehend our blueprint and mission and our lives take a special meaning in living our true purpose.

Healing and Clearing

Energetic Healing and clearing is nonverbal and nonlinear from the ego’s mental body perspective. If we think too much or have bias, we block sensory feeling and also block potential healing and clearing pathways.  The physical body is a manifestation of the inner spiritual and energetic life force. All that outwardly manifests in your life experience has a blueprint at the energetic levels of the body controlling those functions.  Therefore it makes sense to restore balance to the energies of the body in order to restore the balanced function of the whole body system.

The human body, both physically and energetically, manifests health and well- being when a balance of life force (chi) energy is maintained. The human body is naturally self-healing when homeostasis is achieved within the bodies regulating mechanisms, or when a balanced flow of energies can circulate throughout all bodily systems. When we understand our body and identity as multidimensional we will need to address all inner, outer and in-between spaces (multidimensionality) of our biology and its spiritual energetic processes in order to regain personal freedom. Personal freedom is being freed of all constructs of physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual suffering, torment or limitation.

As we regain the memory of our ability to personally heal and clear ourselves to be freed from such mechanisms of suffering, we will be able to clearly perceive the root cause of our suffering. At the core level, immense suffering always exists within the disconnection and/or interference between our body and our connection to our own spiritual energetic bodies and their source light.  Absolutely all living things have a blueprint and access to that source light. When a living thing is blocked access to its source light, it gets sick, diseased, depressed and the DNA instruction set deteriorates rapidly. Through this system you will identify and locate those multidimensional parts that are disconnected, damaged or stolen, reclaim and reconnect them to achieve inner balance and union with your multidimensional selves. Achieving union with your multidimensional selves and their various parts is called polarity integration. Through the alchemical process of polarity integration (synthesis) within your body, positive and negative charges emanate a neutral charge field, the zero point. The zero point is a non-polarized charged field, and is the access to inner balance, health and wellbeing as well as the key to Unity consciousness or embodying the Christos intelligence, a plasma light wave.

Being Inner Sustained is the Healing Prototype

Many systems of personal healing and spiritual expansion have been promoted for use in the New Age, Mystery School or the “2012” paradigm for many years. Most of those systems do not take into account an accurate assessment of the planetary reptilian invasion which currently promotes the slavery, consumption, stealing and karmic manipulation of humanity and their energy resources. These Reptilian Vampires exist in order to manipulate energies through “divide and conquer” methods to increase human slavery and unleash their sociopathic agendas to rule or command influence in the physical world. Most of that influence is unknown and unseen within the mass populace and highly misunderstood by the Starseed and Indigo population that actually have seen or experienced these entities.

Due to heavy infiltration and hijack of many of these “personal healing” or “spiritual expansion” systems, inner sustained healing is not present when using a “consumptive model” as a control mechanism. That consumptive model system usually has a Twilight Master or dark entity that makes an agreement with the user to exchange a part of their light source for the experienced relief of pain, or other perceived oppressions being cleared. The person having no personal awareness, spiritual interest or conscious control over his own energy field, has just been swindled out of his energy body, for the smoke and mirror effect of having some “pain” in his physical body be released as an apparent “miracle healing”. Applied consciousness technology is not a miracle, it is a byproduct of God’s Natural Laws. If we can apply and live in harmony with those natural laws for positive purposes, it greatly amplifies our support and connection to the spiritual light source in the physical world.

In the past those that have had access to these consciousness technologies, and have abused these Laws from ego agendas, became diluted and distorted, descending them into a Black Magician/Ego Controller – type being. Many controller mechanisms operate in the planet today. However, when aligned to Spiritual Source Light these same Laws that have been so abused represent the Mysteries of the Universe, and represent the true origin and purpose of our creation in the Universe.  This is why we must bring the spiritual light source into our awareness. The priority is to access inner sustained healing and to end the manipulation inherent in consumptive modeling and energetic vampirism of others, thereby claiming your own inner spiritual light to nourish and sustain healthy balance back into your bodies.

An attempt to share this information of how to become “inner sustained” is being made to empower the human being to be freed of this insidious “consumptive model” oppression. Once a system is infiltrated with base desires or selfish ego, the system is not sustainable as it only collects energies from one group to steal from another group in order to achieve a temporary result, (Like a ponzi or pyramid scheme) or give a small percentage of people who manipulate the energies the energetic advantage over others. This is the abuse of consciousness technology and is known as “Black Magic” (i.e.many of the world leaders and their families that own the resources of the planet have been directly given this knowledge or parts of it to maintain the dominate power, economy and influence over controlling others).

This system (HGS) is foundationally based to build your own spiritual house (align and connect and heal your bodies) so that you may learn to become inner sustained and protected by your own inner light source. There is nothing more powerful than your direct connection to the God Source.

Possession is Common

Most people do not realize that we must take the steps to participate with our consciousness and energetic intelligence in order to experience the tangible support and presence of our guidance, mentors and Universal Intelligence.  Many people from their veil of confusion have forgotten who they are and how to communicate with their inner spirit. This disconnection,  itself originating in the control mechanisms of stolen light described above,  has made many humans vulnerable to a host of manipulating entities that desire to create anxiety, pain and fear in that individual in order to harvest those energies. When we are making decisions and guiding our life from the basis of fear, we become tormented and attract more of these dark forces.  We may also be unaware of the lifeless or dead energy flow in our physical body and develop disease or chronic pain as a result of that blocked energy flow. From this perspective I have personally viewed many unconscious human beings totally unaware they are carrying dead energy, displaced entities, negative alien implants, unaware that they are soul disconnected and mind controlled to limit further consciousness expansion. In other terms, this is enslavement of the person without their consent.

If this persists, combined with continued destructive behavior to the self and others that are repeated as life patterns, the person becomes sucked into a density of painfully low self-esteem, phobias, fears and addictions. Most of the time that will include layers of astral debris, displaced entities, impersonal elemental forces, and sometimes, includes full demonic possession. Being possessed does not generally mean you are levitating off the bed or acting “demonic”. There is absolutely no shame or guilt applied to this state unless the suffering person applies it from their own state of fragmented confusion.  It is through the possession of one’s body of which the suffering and pain is greatly increased, until this possession is removed and cleared from your person. There are a million different variations of possession possible; however, the only possibility to evict these possessions is to get clear within yourself, and learn that you have the power to heal yourself and claim your energetic sovereignty and freedom. When one learns to create the space inside to communicate clearly and embody one’s spiritual source, one can begin the road to personal freedom and permanent release of suffering. 

Connecting Neurological Energy Receivers

From the perspective of this multidimensional system, spiritual disconnection, pain and disease are also directly caused from the blockages in the neurological stations located in the body, as well as damaged or blocked energy receivers in the spiritual body. As you learn to connect and unblock these neurological systems and energy receivers, you are altering the controlling mechanisms that exert messaging made on your Central Nervous System (CNS). Therefore the energetic healing and clearing also comes at the physiological levels by managing the influence the CNS has made upon the physical body functions. All pain is experienced through the neurological system which messages the brain that transfers that pain to be perceived at a physical body part or site. This means that the location of the pain is never the origin of the pain or suffering in the body.  Physical, mental and emotional pain place blocks on inner perceptions as well as deep blocks on emotional growth and spiritual expansion. One cannot experience spiritual (consciousness) expansion without emotional expansion, so when we are emotionally traumatized it is nearly impossible to achieve personal freedom until we resolve these conflicts.  When these energetic blockages are resolved and removed, the pain, suppression or memory causing the blockage is also removed. The user will learn to identify, locate, remove and repair multidimensional layers of these blockages to achieve inner balance and therefore, personal freedom. 



