LISA RENEE: “Clear AI and Toxic Substances Command”

“Beloved God, Holy Father, Holy Mother, and Holy Christ-Sophia, Addressing all beings, lifeforms, thought-forms, entities, assemblages, technologies, and all else that exists that do not have my highest interest and/or the highest interest of ALL life everywhere and are not in the highest service to the One True and Only Living God of ALL Creation, I AM, in thought, form, mind, action, deed and in all ways.

Addressing all artificial intelligence, artificial lifeforms, thought-forms, technologies, smart-dust, nano-dust, graphene oxide, lipo-nano particles, quantum dust, DARPA hydrogel, synthetic biology, algorithms, operating systems and ALL else that is artificial life not created by the One True Living God. I demand ALL harmful substances to leave my mind, body, spirit, soul and all that I am in consciousness on all levels, timelines, dimensions, realities and locations, NOW and FOREVER, and NEVER RETURN.

Beloveds please identify, locate, remove and repair all AI, known or unknown, that might be in my body, food, water, technology, body products, supplements, herbs, homeopathic remedies and in the air that I breath that is not 100% of the Light that is in any way negatively impacting my mind, body, spirit, soul and any aspect of my consciousness in any timeline, dimension, location or reality.

All permission to create or maintain attachments or influence from within or without in any way, to cohabitate or possess in part or in whole, or to affect or defect in any way to feed off of my energies, my mind, spirit, body, and my soul or any aspect of my consciousness on any timeline, dimension, reality or location, alter or change my thoughts or feelings in any way to create any pain, discomfort or put me into disharmony with the Only God of ALL Creation is PERMANENTLY and FOREVER removed and extracted NOW.

I am one with the Eternal Cosmic Father. I am one with the Eternal Cosmic Mother. I am one with the Cosmic Christos.

Requesting the termination of all contracts, obligations and agreements I have ever made in any timeline, dimension or reality that are not in my highest interest, or not in the highest interest of all of life everywhere, not in the highest service to the One True Living God of ALL Creation.

I now declare all these contracts with AI that is harmful null and void. All emptiness, holes, vacancies, rips, tears, or injuries from the invocation, contract negation and removal of artificial intelligence are now to be filled with Divine Light of the Holy Spirit, the Word of the One True Living God. All protection and invocation are asked in the Name and authority of the One True Living God.

As it said, it is done and sealed, now and for all time. Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God.”

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “AI Interferes with Embodiment”

“Currently, there are substantial disagreements between the many different Anti-Soul philosophies, like the cognitive sciences that attempt to define the meaning of Embodiment. What does it mean to say that the higher mind is embodied? Generally, the sciences describe the functional role the Brain has for computational processing and the body’s purpose for connecting the external environment with the internal biology, which generate random yet meaningful symbolic representations for that person. The human body in this academic definition is reduced to a soulless, yet intelligent biological machine taking input from the physical universe with an automated computational brain. Without comprehending the necessity of including the soul-spirit anatomy as inherently defining the deeper meaning of intelligent consciousness coming into physical Embodiment, in most circles the term is profoundly misinterpreted. Enormous global online platforms with free access to mass social media are used to spread harmful conditioning steering evolution towards Transhumanism and brainwashing agendas carried out by intelligence agencies. Please be hypervigilant and discerning about the direction of personal energy and attention that is given towards any of these social networking and mass media news platforms. The deeper meaning of embodiment is not fully understood by the uninitiated and unconscious, it only begins to occur during Soul integration, which leads into sensory experiences of multidimensional awareness. Thus, when speaking of any level of Embodiment, the basis of comprehension must start with the reality of the existence of the Soul and Spiritual anatomy that is inside every living creature. Intelligent consciousness that makes up the anatomy of the soul-spirit bodies are fully responsible for animating the human body and brain with levels of intelligence that become increasingly and sequentially embodied through the mechanics of the biological spiritual ascension process. Additionally, Transhumanism generally seeks to explain the body and brain function as purely computational machinery that is responsible for our cognitive capacities and informational processing. Its proponents believe these are what make the merge of artificial intelligence technology with the human body a positive technological advancement towards humanity’s future evolutionary direction. Nothing is further from the truth. The real agenda behind Transhumanism is to interfere with the true higher consciousness embodiment process during the Ascension Cycle, by sublimating higher consciousness embodiment to be replaced with the insertion of artificially intelligent machines and virtual realities. Artificial intelligence devices and technological machines that are merged with the incarnated human body and brain repel the higher mind matrices of the spiritual consciousness, preventing higher consciousness from coming into actual physical Embodiment. Mind Uploading effectively locks down people’s consciousness body into controlled virtual reality systems in which they cannot leave, and this has occurred to some humans in the future timelines. Therefore, in the next few years the global push towards integrating transhumanism will be more aggressive in the blended realities on earth, through bio-technology and pharmaceuticals enmeshed with the AI agenda rolled into high tech consumer products marketed to niche groups in a variety of social media. This is to attempt to further thwart higher consciousness embodiment potentials and prevent translocation abilities in the human public. Ideally, the Black Suns want to integrate mass technological fusion into the human bio-neurological matrix through an assortment of high tech propaganda, like Mind Uploading for achieving immortality, before people wake up to the damaging effects it has on higher consciousness embodiment and Translocation. Translocation happens in sleep state, where it is possible for spontaneous translocation to occur during Soul integration, without the person actually willing it to happen. A person will not deeply comprehend the nature of authentic Embodiment until they have experienced levels of soul-spirit integration within their physical self. Unfortunately, many people may have undergone earlier phases of embodiment without the comprehension that this is the explicit function of their spiritual layers, which then ripple out impacts that shift their perceptions, beliefs and life experiences. People change greatly when they have authentically embodied their spiritual layers, thus life altering changes in career, residence and relationships are usually the result of some level of the spiritual Embodiment process.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “5 Things Connecting With Spirits Has Taught Me About the Afterlife”

about the afterlife

I am not a psychic medium, but on the odd occasion I have encountered spirits from the other side. This has happened in readings and with people who are close to me.

Encountering a spirit from the other side is not scary. At least for me it has never been (and let’s hope it stays that way). If anything, encountering the soul of someone who has passed is extremely enlightening and touching.

Here is what I have learnt about death and the afterlife by the Spirits I have encountered-

1.) Death is Transformation

When you die, you are not gone. You don’t disappear into nothingness; there is no black hole of doom. Death is simply a change or transformation from one state into another. In fact, death is like the completion of a cycle.

When someone passes it is usually because they have completed all that they have needed to in physical form and need to return back to their true form, which is Spirit. They still exist, they are just different.

The one thing Spirits often want to communicate is that they are still around and still present in their loved ones lives. They often want to show that they are still there and are still part of all your joys and challenges.

What has changed however, is the way in which they are able to communicate and be with you. While they may not be able to walk alongside you in the physical sense, they are definitely there in the emotional and spiritual sense.

If you have lost a loved one, know that you can always reach out and connect with them. The style of communication may be different, but they are always there.

2.) Death is Predetermined 

I believe and I have experienced, that most souls know when they are going to die. Even if it is not on a conscious level, I feel that on a subconscious level a soul knows when their time is up in physical form.

I have experienced this in my own life and feel that certain souls will let you know they are getting ready to pass as a way to “prepare” you. While it may not make sense at the time, after they pass you may be able to piece back the clues and messages that you received.

We all know that we are going to die, but death is also predetermined. This doesn’t mean that there is a stamp with the date of your death on it, but what it does mean is that once you have completed what you are here to do, you will need to undergo the transformation of death.

When it’s your time to go, it’s your time to go.

3.) Death is a Process

Like all change in life, there is a certain process to death. Death is not painful, if anything it is a euphoric feeling, maybe similar to that of an orgasm.

After death, the soul will cross into another dimension which is similar to what we know as “heaven”.

In the Sprit dimension, you are reunited with your loved ones, spirit guides and guardian angels, and are able to reflect back on the amazing impact of your life.

The Spirit world is an amazing, loving and inspiring place. Time does not exist in a linear fashion and communication is mainly done through the third eye.

There is also a “limbo” where stuck souls reside. These souls are often stuck because they don’t want to cross over or they are afraid of what will happen when they do. The souls often appear as ghosts rather than Spirit energy.

There are several dimensions, some of which have a lower vibration. Going to these dimensions is a choice, and not somewhere you are sent if you are “bad”.

4.) Your Thoughts Are Extremely Powerful

Your thoughts and feelings are extremely powerful and have the ability to create and shape the life that you lead here on earth.

Your thoughts also allow you to connect with your loved ones who have passed and your Spirit team.

Just by thinking consciously and whole-heartedly about your loved one, they will generally appear. You may not be able to see them of course, but thinking about them is the same as calling on them.

You can also ask your loved one to send you a sign or message that they are there with you. This will often appear through feathers, coins, hearing music and through your dreams.

You can also use other tools to communicate with Spirits which you can read about here, but if you are trying to connect with a loved one, your thoughts are powerful enough.

Sometimes Spirits are also “busy” and may not send strong signs or messages. I am not sure what these Spirits are busy doing exactly, but perhaps they are preparing for reincarnation or helping other souls.

5.) We Are All One

Karen Noe, a psychic medium connected with the Spirit of spiritual author and speaker, Wayne Dyer. She said that Wayne spoke of “We Consciousness” and that it is not “I Am” but rather, “We Are”.

We are all connected, so what we do to others we do to ourselves and the entire world.

We will never fully understand death until we get there. But if you take anything away from this article, understand that death is not “gone” it is simply a natural process of change and transformation that helps keep consciousness (us) growing.






GREGG PRESCOTT: “Facing The Death Of A Loved One”

Facing The Death Of A Loved One

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

In loving memory of my beloved sister Lola, July 12, 1958-December 30, 2011

Some cultures celebrate the death of a loved one instead of mourning for them which makes a lot more sense than the grieving process, but it is easier said than done when it involves the loss of a family member or someone close to you.

As evidenced by many near death experiences, crossing over to the other side is painless and often occurs before the body is officially deceased, which alleviates any fear while promoting a sense of warmth, comfort and love.

Most people who have a near death experience are often greeted by deceased family members after they follow the tunnel toward the light, although it is not time for them to be officially reunited with their loved ones.  These are the people who bring back the eternal message of love for us.

There is no more pain for our loved ones as they join their family and soul groups on the other side.  Most people who have a near death experience truly wish for us not to grieve for them because they are safe and loved.   If anything, they would want us to be happy for them, knowing that in time, we will all be reunited.

In the meanwhile, the process is much more difficult on this side of the veil.  For this incarnation, we will no longer be able to hug or talk to our loved ones, which creates a void of emptiness that is irreplaceable.

What many of us fail to realize is that we are all on a time schedule that we agreed upon in our soul contracts.  When we were on the other side, it didn’t really seem to matter when we passed because we knew that we would return to Source, our soul groups and the unconditional love that we were feeling when we made our contracts.  Besides, time is non-existent on the other side, so there is very little difference between 23 years or 5,000 years, it’s just a number.

I recently wrote an article after having an amazing psychic consultation with Shawn Cohen.  I didn’t write everything I was told in that particular article, but close friends know the rest of the story.  Shawn mentioned she saw the number 3 in regard to my sister, Lola, meaning she wasn’t sure if Lola had 3 days, weeks or months to live.  As it turned out, Lola passed exactly 3 months after my sister Tara first visited Lola when she became seriously ill.

My Message to YOU from my Psychic Reading by Shawn Cohen

My Message to YOU from my Psychic Reading by Shawn Cohen

Additionally in this reading, my paternal grandfather mentioned that my sisters and I should not only follow the light when we pass, but also the smell of my grandmother’s pirogues.  That statement was specifically directed for Lola, but I couldn’t write it that way in the article. (I made pirogues for dinner on the evening of her death)

I also received a message from Lola’s boyfriend who died in a car accident.  He said, “Tell Lola there is no reason to mourn.” He added a lot more, but this is how people view death on the other side.  They don’t want us to be sad because sadness isn’t part of their loving existence on the other side.

For example, even when a near death experience involves having a spouse and children on this side of the veil, people still do not want to return to this lifestyle after experiencing the unconditional love on the other side. Those who have experienced a near death are constantly reminding us that “I’m okay on the other side, please don’t worry about me!”

One of my friends on Facebook used Shawn’s services and stated the following:

“And when the time comes, you have a friend in Shawn Cohen, who can tell you that your sister is doing wonderful now…. Thank you, Gregg, for posting about Shawn, on your website. She helped me connect with my mom, dad, and brother.”

Shawn helped to provide the needed closure for my sister in regard to her relationship with her deceased boyfriend.  Lola had me retell this reading to her time and time again.

I was assured by my grandfather that Lola would hold on until January 9th, 2012 for me to be able to fly out to visit her, but free will always takes precedence.  Every night before I went to sleep, I connected with Lola’s higher self and told her not to hang on for me, and that it was alright to pass on to the other side whenever she was ready.  More than my own selfish needs, I wanted her to be without pain and in the arms of loved ones on the other side.

While the sands of time may seem to erase some of the experiences we have created with our loved ones, they are all recorded in the Akashic Records to be relived during our life review when we pass over to the other side.  In this scenario, we view our life in regard to how we made a difference to the people who we encountered throughout our journey.  Then, we view our life through THEIR eyes.

Santos Bonacci said something that will always stay with me.  He stated (and I’m paraphrasing) “From the second the sperm fertilizes the egg, we begin dying.  We were alive before that moment”.

In the end, there is no separation. We truly are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Lola Helen Prescott was a loving soul whose heart was as big as her smile.  As an amazing artist, Lola’s style reflected her own creative perspective which was absolutely unique. Her love for animals and nature equally matched her love for humanity. She has made a huge, positive difference in the lives of many people and is dearly missed by all. 

See you on the other side, sis. ❤