STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Straight Talk on Soul Mate Connections and Twin Flame Unions”

Soul Mate Connections

After observing thousands of comments amid a half dozen Facebook groups revolving around twin flames, what I observed were a lot of individuals trying to force soul mate connections and twin flame unions. People feeling angry, hurt, depressed, sad, and rejected every time their so-called ‘twinny’ didn’t return their calls or forgot to tell them where they were going… etc. You get the picture…

I am blessed with many soul mates of both sexes and even those in-between, so I get what that’s all about VERY clearly. If you want a few basics first, you can check out a short piece on Signs of Soul Mate Connections. Twin flame reunions are rare and challenging according to a handful of people I know who appear to have the ‘real deal’ on their hands, so I’ll offer you their input in that department.

So, let’s step aside from the fluffy norm that you read in so many of these soul mate vs. twin flame articles and take a more realistic perspective.

Soul Mate ConnectionsSoul Mate Connections: Two Kindred Spirits

We are all of same stream of conscious energy… along with everything else in the universe according to science. Viewing things in this manner, your house or desk or your car could be a soul mate at the highest level of existence – technically – but let’s go with the theory of soul mates with them being people you meet in your journey that aid you and guide you back to source. Soul mate relationship can be trying at times, but for the most part, they seem to go fairly smoothly if romance is not on the table.

Soul mates can be defined in many ways. If you look at soul = spirit – that’s simple enough. But when it comes to a mate, that can be a spouse, lover, best friend, a relative, a coworker, or anyone you feel a deep, intrinsic bond with. It’s not necessarily a RELATIONSHIP, folks so know the difference. These bonds may last forever, a few months, a few days, or occur in a fleeting glimpse where a connection is forged. Soul mates incarnate and bond on the earthly plane to help each other learn lessons about themselves, the universe, and to find a balance that allows them to move onto higher realms of growth. Soul mates are thought to also help prepare to for your ultimate incarnation and reunion with your twin flame over your lifetimes.

Twin Flame Unions: The Ultimate Soul Mate

The theory among ancient philosophers is that souls split in half upon creation, each delving into a different aspect of duality or spirituality. This means that twin flame unions do not typically occur on the earthly plane, because in theory one twin is in this dimension while the other twin is assisting their partner’s journey from higher realms. Twin flames are the ideal Yin Yang balance, with each bringing forth a divinely masculine or feminine spirit to form the whole: the ultimate soul mate connection.

Twin flame signs are very similar to those of soul mates, but they are more intensely felt and exhibited by those in the union. They feel a sense of utter completion with each other, feel empty and weak when parted, and have an unconditional love that resonates at such a high vibrational frequency that others feel and sense their connection. These unions are for life – when cared for.

Here’s the rub… twin flames mirror each other, as we all do. However, the intense energy and intentions behind the relationship can make facing ‘yourself’ in your other half challenging. Understanding Soul Mate Connections in Troubled Times delves deeper into those issues. It takes a completely committed pair who is comfortable and confident in their own journey, and knows that they are on the right path to make it work.

Soul Mate Connections

The Key to Finding Soul Mate Connections or Attracting your Twin Flame

It is essential that both parties be in alignment with their true soul/spirit path in order to meet a twin flame. While soul mates are strong, meaningful connections that help us find our path, even being in perfect alignment doesn’t mean that one will meet their twin flame on the physical realm. THIS IS RARE, not a once in a lifetime guarantee. In fact – not to be a spoilsport – but it’s highly unlikely due to the nature of their higher purpose from higher realms so it may take many spiritual and physical ‘lifetimes’ to incarnate with your twin flame union.

Don’t force things in either situation. Just keep Living in the Present Moment, and by all means don’t go out looking for it! If you suspect you have a soul mate connection or a twin flame union, just sit back and let your connected energies flow in harmony into the universe and let things unfold, manifest, and blossom into what they are intended to be.




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ANNA LEMIND: “6 Signs You Have Found Your Path In Life”

Signs You Have Found Your Path in Life

Finding one’s path in life is not an easy task. It takes years of trying, failing and searching.

It’s sad that most people never find the right path and end up spending their life surrounded by wrong people and doing things they don’t enjoy. In today’s society, it’s particularly easy to get confused as to what we want in life since we are constantly told by the mass media and mainstream culture what we should be like, what we should do and how we should look. Still, there are individuals who don’t conform to what the majority wants and listen to the voice of their own soul.

Are you one of those people? To help you find out, here are some signs that indicate you have found your path in life.

1. You make a living doing what you love

One of the most obvious signs that someone has found their path in life is working for a higher purpose than just making an income. Whatever it is – your own business, a creative career of an independent artist or a “normal” job – the point is that it brings you joy and gives you a feeling of fulfilment, as well as helps you with your personal development. You may be doing it to make the world a better place or help others, but the only thing is clear – your motives go far beyond just working for a salary to pay the bills. Your work is a vital part of your soul’s calling and is a means to serve your life purpose.

2. You strive for value-based goals and appreciate the things that matter

A true life purpose is never focused on material and ephemeral things. Thus, if you have found your path in life, your goals will probably be value-based. Everyone comes to this world to fulfil a different mission. For some, it may be devoting themselves to their family and raising kids. Someone may be a talented artist who wants to inspire and encourage people with their artwork. Whatever you are born for, it’s focused on the eternal human values. Modern society needs such individuals more than ever since today’s people are constantly losing the connection with their souls and forget about the things that matter for the sake of material gain and superficial aspirations.

3. You feel like everything is in its place and are content with your life

You feel like everything that has ever happened to you happened for a reason and helped bring you where you are today. Even your past disappointments and failures are now making sense. Failed relationships, behaviors you may now be ashamed of, jobs you hated – everything contributed to making you a person you are today. You deeply realize that and feel grateful that things happened the way they did because everything is in its place now.

Even if you are not content with every single aspect of your life, you have a general feeling of fulfilment and can say that you are a happy and evolved person.

4. You are in a healthy relationship or are happy alone

A person who has found their path in life knows exactly what he or she wants. That’s why you won’t spend your time being in an abusive or unhappy relationship. You prefer to be alone rather than with a wrong person. If you are in a relationship, then you are quite sure that you’ve found your soulmate and that you want to spend the rest of your life with your partner. You complement each other and your relationship is a deep connection based on similar values and life goals.

5. You have cut people out of your life

One day, you realized that some people you believed were your friends don’t really give a shit about you. Everyone has this kind of people in their life who seem to be very friendly and supportive till the moment you are in trouble and need their help. This is when you suddenly see that these alleged friends don’t deserve to be a part of your life.

You may also come to the same conclusion about some people simply because you don’t vibe with them. You no longer see the point in hanging out with them because it feels more like a social obligation than a sincere desire for communication. Now you want to surround yourself with likeminded individuals you resonate with and let into your life only those who have a genuine interest in you and share the same values with you.

6. You have realized that other people’s opinions mean nothing

Being social creatures, we often fall into a trap of following what others expect from us and thus tend to give importance to their opinions about us and our life. Though, when you find your path in life, you realize how insignificant they actually are and how silly it is to care about what other people think. Now you know that this is your life and you are the only one who is to decide what is better for you. Similarly, you no longer feel the need to impress people and try to prove you are better, smarter and more successful than they are.

Do you feel that you have found your path in life? If yes, do these signs ring true for you? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

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