ALEXA PELLEGRINI: “Everyday Shamanism: Accessing the Healer Within”


Several years ago, I never would have dreamed of calling myself a Shaman. But, after incorporating principles of shamanism into my daily routine, I’ve experienced how just about anyone can be a Shaman. After dealing with emotional trauma connected to illnesses and broken relationships, I looked into alternative healing methods in order to cleanse myself of negative energy. Learning about the ways of the Shaman enlightened me to the interconnectedness of all things and taught me how to tap into my own energy in order to heal my soul.

Shamanism is all about coming into yourself — your own power. A traditional Shaman enters alternate dimensions in order to rebalance a client’s mind/body/spirit connection and to retrieve fragments of the soul lost to emotional, mental or physical trauma. However, Shamanism is unique because it’s accessible. You don’t need a fancy certificate in order to become a Shaman. In order to be a true Shaman, you must be ready to reactive your consciousness, face your truths and release what holds you back. If you’re ready to take back control of your life from pain, anxiety and fear, these Shamanic principles are perfect for you.

ShamanismHonor the Spirt of Mother Earth

Unplug your laptop, cellphone and get outside for at least 20 minutes each day. Practice gratefulness by acknowledging all that the earth gives us. Send positive energy to the earth by giving back: volunteer to clean up a forest or park, pick up litter when you see it, and conserve your water. If you’re not already recycling, make it a goal to start. Try gardening and if possible, buy locally grown food. Spending time in nature will refresh and invigorate your spirit. Taking a walk outdoors, especially around greenery, will cleanse your Root Chakra, ground you and ease your anxieties. 

Recognize the Effects of your Energy 

Do you tend to attract difficult people or damaging relationships? Are you struggling to manifest what you want? The chances are, your own energy is the root cause. Avoid wasting energy on anger and cynicism, as this tends to invite negative people and situations into your life. When you have negative thoughts, replace them with optimistic words and compassionate images to attract loving energy. Shamans focus on manifesting a reality filled with love. In a reality filled with love, there is no room for the existence of hate, and you will free yourself of attracting these painful energies.

Tune into Nature’s Hidden Messages

Shamans are always attuned to coincidences and hidden meanings, especially those found in nature. A favorite animal or an animal that continues to cross your path may be your spirit animal visiting you as a wake-up call or to remind you of your strengths. You can research this animal’s symbolic meaning and how it fits into your journey toward spiritual ascension. To discover your spirit animal, try this Shamanic healing exercise. All you need is a quiet space and a shard of Amethyst.


    A Shamanic Healing Exercise: Find Your Spirit Animal

  1. Breathe in and out through your nose 10 times. Relax and listen to the flow of your breathing.
  2. Imagine yourself in a sacred space disconnected from the chaos of the world — the beach, the forest, a mountain top. What sounds do you hear? What colors do you see?
  3. Now, hold your Amethyst on the center of your forehead, on the Third Eye Chakra. Allow your mind to relax and open up to receiving divine messages from your spirit guides. Picture a soothing, violet glow enveloping your forehead, clearing out blockages your psyche.
  4. Envision your spirit guides coming to you in animal form. What animal do you see? How do you feel within its presence? What sort of energy or message is it sending to you?
  5. When you’re ready, envision yourself approaching your spirit animal and reach out to touch it. Take in the power, strength and courage of your spirit animal; feel yourself absorb its love and light into all of your Chakras, freeing you of anxiety and pain.

ShamanismHealing Changes Start from Within

In practice, a Shaman assists her client as he enters alternate spirit dimensions and becomes empowered during the healing process. The Shaman doesn’t do the work for him — she simply guides him on the journey as he heals himself on a spiritual plane. The bottom line: you are your own best healer. Look deep within yourself and examine everything in your life that works and doesn’t work, and don’t be afraid to make changes. Shamanism is built on the foundation that change is an inevitable part of life, and only you have the power to make the changes necessary to manifest the reality you seek. 

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THE LIMITLESS MINDS: “10 Signs You’re a Shaman & Don’t Know It”


As I feel indebted to the shamans who saw themselves in me and helped me understand why I have always felt like I don’t belong in mainstream medicine, the intention of this article is to respectfully honor the shamanic tradition, and not to violate it in any way.  
Because modern culture doesn’t have a role for the shamanic archetype, many people who grow up outside indigenous villages are shamans and don’t know it. Many naturally wind up in overtly healing professions, such as medicine, psychology, or life coaching. But some wind up in professions where they may feel like they don’t fit in at all. Even those who enter the healing professions may feel out of place, because the systems of Western medicine and psychology leave little room for a shaman to practice his or her natural healing art. But many will wind up in various forms of sacred activism, healing the planet, for example, rather than healing people.

Are you a shaman and you don’t know it? Here are some telltale signs that you might fit the archetype.

1. You sense that you’re meant to participate in the global shift in consciousness that is currently underway.

We can all feel it, this impending shift that New Agers have talked about for decades. But those with the shamanic archetype don’t just feel it, they feel it pulling them, like a magnet, towards leadership positions that help facilitate this transformation of human consciousness and evolution of the species.

2. You’ve been through a difficult initiation, which has prepared you for this leadership role.

In indigenous cultures, the village knew who the shaman was because he or she was struck by lightning and survived. In modern culture, you may not literally be struck by lightning, but you may have survived some other life or heart-threatening ordeal. You may have experienced childhood abuse, sexual violence, a near-death experience, or some other trauma that put you through the crucible and forged you into the healing earth shaman you are becoming.

3. You are an introvert.

Shamans are multi-dimensional beings who dance between the realms of the seen and unseen worlds, so if you’re of the shamanic archetype, you may have a hard time navigating the 3D realms of this dimension, which may cause you to withdraw into yourself so you can visit the realms of consciousness where you feel most at home.

4. You feel most at home in nature.

The shamans of a culture are the bridges between nature and humans, serving as translators between the mountains, oceans, rivers, animals, and people. You may sense that nature is talking to you or that you get your most tuned in downloads when you are surrounded by the natural world.

5. You’re very sensitive.

You may feels things others don’t feel, see things others don’t see, hear things others don’t hear, smell things others don’t smell, and sense things others don’t sense. This may make it hard for you to be out in public, where you may feel accosted by over-stimulation of your senses. If you embody the shamanic archetype, it’s likely that you’re the kind of person others may feel is “too sensitive.” But this sensitivity is a blessing. It’s part of your gift.

6. You feel a sort of spiritual calling to ease the suffering of people, animals, and nature.

Many health care providers are called to medicine the way priests are called to the priesthood. But you don’t have to be a health care provider to have the shamanic archetype. It may transmute itself into healing service to animals, sacred activist causes, or conservation of Mother Earth.

7. Physical ailments that fall under the category of “shaman sickness.”

In the indigenous cultures, shamans who have been called to service but haven’t yet said “yes” to the call often wind up struck with physical ailments. In modern culture, these shamanic sicknesses may fall into difficult to treat categories like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic Lyme disease, chronic pain disorders, and autoimmune disorders. Acceptance of the call to shamanic service often resolves the symptoms of shaman sickness. If you’re suffering from one of these illnesses, ask yourself, “Am I a shaman who hasn’t said yes to my calling yet?”

8. You tend to have vivid dreams.

The unseen realm may be communicating with you through your dreams, so try analyzing your dreams. Pay particular attention to any animal totems that may appear in your dreams. Google search the animal and “spirit totem” and see if you can find any messages from the animals in your dreams. Or try a Jungian analysis, like the one described here.

9. You may discover unusual spiritual superpowers, or what the yogis call “siddhis.”

You might be psychic. You might get healing visions like the one in my previous post about the meeting of Western medicine and Shamanism. You might realize that you can heal people with your hands or that you can telepathically communicate with animals, people, or even inanimate objects.

10. You’ve always felt like you don’t quite belong anywhere, because you are a bridge.

Shamans tend to live on the outskirts of the village for a reason. They are not like the others – and this is a blessing! In village life, this is understood and recognized. But in the modern world, it may leave those with the shamanic archetype feeling like they don’t ever fit in. But don’t despair. You DO fit in. Your role is essential. You may find that you fit in best with others who share this shamanic archetype. Among your fellow shamans, you will feel like you are with family.

Embrace Your Bridge Work

Because shamans are always operating between worlds, you may find that you’re connecting mainstream culture and the culture that wants to be born in the new consciousness, and this may feel uncomfortable, as if you don’t quite fit in. When I realized that I am a bridge between mainstream medicine and the new world of medicine that is being co-created by others who share the shamanic archetype, it brought me such a profound sense of relief! This relief is shared by the health care providers who participate in the Whole Health Medicine Institute, which I founded for doctors and other stealth shamans. If you’re one of those bridge workers, please know that you belong with all the other stealth shamans in this program, designed to merge medicine and spirituality, and we’re enrolling for the 2016 class now.

In our culture, it can be quite challenging to be a stealth shaman. Yes, it’s a blessing to have the opportunity to help people end the story of separation, to dissolve the apparent duality into Oneness, to fulfill our callings to bring the worlds together, to heal people, animals, and the planet. But it can be lonely and disheartening and scary and isolating. I sense that many of us stealth shaman bridge workers have scores of past lives during which we were persecuted for our attempts to connect the worlds, so no matter how much we know in our hearts that we are all One and we DO belong, we have cellular memories of past traumas, during which we were literally killed because we refused to fit in. So it takes tremendous courage to come out of the spiritual closet as someone who embodies the shamanic archetype. In order to keep being brave, we need to feel safe. To feel safe, we need to foster a sense of belonging so we don’t feel isolated on top of feeling scared. In order to feel safe enough to keep bridging, we need each other.

Are you a shaman who is still in the closet? If so, please know that there are many of us, and we hold you close in our hearts while you muster up the moxie to claim your place in the world.

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