STEPHANIE LUCAS: “4 Fast Ways to Banish Negative Energies and Shield your Spaces”

negative energies

Moving into a new home or office space can be a stressful, yet joyful time – so, you want to get off to a solid footing and be sure that you’re not channeling into someone else’s old energies as you move in. Perhaps you’ve been in your space for awhile and are ready to cleanse the past from your space. If you’re looking for a few ways to clear negative energies and protect your area from psychic invaders, here are a few ideas.

1. Burning and Smudging with Sage: Negative Energy Cleansing

If you’re not familiar with this process, take a peek at this video, Burning Sage to Cleanse Negative Energies. While I’m not the expert Alexa is, I’d suggest smudging with sage before moving anything into your new space to promote good vibes during the move in and renovation process. However, even your possessions – as forms of energy – can carry negativity, so burning sage after moving in can’t hurt.

2. Surreptitious Shielding: Placing Affirmations on Walls

A good friend of mine just bought her first home, and being one who lives in gratitude, she had the clever idea of writing affirmations on the walls before tackling repainting with stimulating, soothing, and healing colors. Sealing the affirmations behind paint ensures they are always there in the shadows… resonating good vibes, protecting, and manifesting desires for her fresh start. It’s certainly a clever, fun way to ‘break in’ a new space with good intentions.

Of course, your chosen affirmations can be any proclamations that you may aspire for, including single words or phrases like ‘Peace, Love & Joy,” “We are One,” etc. Here are two favorite affirmations from Rich Work’s ‘Proclamations of the Soul.’

Affirmation for Clearing Entities/Negative Energies

From the Divine Love that flows through my Being: Whatever is in my home that is impeding the flow of positive energy, Whether here with or without my permission, I command in the name of the Creator and from the Divine Love That flows through my Being in love and Peace, That it now go to the nucleus of its being in Peace So be it!

Prosperity Affirmation

From the Divine Love that flows through my Being:
I call forth my abundance and prosperity
In all forms that will bring me happiness and joy.
So be it!

3. Protection Stones and Crystal Grids

Using protection stones and crystals to fend of negative energies is extremely important for those who are highly empathic people and especially for those living or working in connected structures such as condos, strip centers, or hi-rises. Typically, placing aligned crystals or stones in each corner of a space will offer shielding; however in the case of common walls you may want to create additional protections such as crystal grids.

Clear quartz is the most commonly used stone to facilitate the energy transfer between stones and minerals within a grid. It is this energy that connects transfer that increases the focusing abilities of the crystal grids points. There are no restrictions on gridding’s purposes or intentions; however, alignment of the stone pattern is the key to maximizing their efficacy in addition to choosing the right stones. Learn more about crystal grids and explore Popular Crystal Gridding Templates here.

negative energies

4. Create Sacred Spaces

A sacred space is simply an area you create and designate as ‘sacred’ to you. It may be a small space with a few items of importance to you or a large, private space with an ‘altar’ laden with dozens of goodies you hold dear. My sacred space includes shells, stones, crystals, musical instruments, candles, sand, pictures, posters, and a special pillow to name a few items. Consider this your little ‘happy zone’ where you come to rebalance and center…an area that you keep off limits to others, which ensures it stays clear of negative energies.

Because when it boils down to it, you can cleanse your home or office in a dozen ways, but if your mind, body, and spirit aren’t clear of negative energies, to what end does it serve to protect beyond that?




©Universal Copyright 2014 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Fight the Good Fight – Battle Negative Energies and Reclaim Your Soul”

Negative Energies

Do ever just feel like you aren’t YOU anymore? Do you find yourself thinking thoughts and saying things that just aren’t who you are deep in your soul? Or as though you have lost control of your very essence and are literally being controlled by some dark, covert, 4th-dimensional force? I certainly have felt that way – yet I wasn’t aware AT ALL what what happening to me at that time, nor was anyone around me.

Some called it moodiness, bipolar, depression, anger issues, and sometimes it was labeled down-right bitchiness… loved ones attempted to ‘help’ me with therapy and drugs and other ‘treatments’ that did nothing but further open me up to what was possessing my body, my soul, and my spirit – what I now understand and can acknowledge were negative entities.

Negative sentients can haunt one for years, seeping in through ‘blind spots’ and hiding within those ‘gray’ areas most often caused by fears, hurts, anger, unhealthy relationships, depression, and drug and alcohol use. Recognizing their presence is the first step to healing and freeing the spirit; however, there is no ‘quick fix’ for removal, rather it’s a process…

All You Need to Win the War is Within You

You can battle entities by seeing a spiritual healer of sorts; however, these ‘removals’ typically provide only temporary reprieves. Until you work out the issues you are harboring in the the core of your soul, you will remain a vulnerable target for negative sentients of all sorts. The darker and deeper your core issues are, the darker and more malevolent that sentient may be.

Similar to the way people take a religious sacrament or undergo a ritual to be ‘saved’ you can indeed save yourself in a similar fashion. Joining a religion calls for one to ‘surrender all’ to their savior or deities… and in this realm, all one must do is simply surrender to the power of the universe while embracing their own.

Once you relinquish all fears, doubts, insecurities, and internal conflicts within yourself, you raise your vibrations, activate the chakras, and strengthen your shielding aura, which can render negative entities powerless to feed off your energies. Healing and empowering the self is the only way to permanently remove negative entities and prevent further attacks.

Negative Energies

Further Steps to Shield Against and Remove Negative Entities

~Keep your mind body and spirit in top form through eating organic foods and consuming purified water.

~Ensure you are wholly mineralized with a supplement like calcium montmorillonite clay, which is also a gentle daily detox to help cleanse the body of toxins.

~Release old relationship bonds, addictions, controlling tendencies, and all conceived self-limitations.

~Get ample exercise… a strong body provides a powerful shield.

~Avoid mind-numbing prescription and recreational drugs and alcohol. Use extreme caution with hallucinogenics, as entities love sneaking in the back door when one is between realms and are drawn to such states of mind.

~Carry protection stones and crystals on your person. Create crystal grids in areas where you feel most vulnerable to psychic attacks.

~Consider saging your home, cleansing your crystals, and recharging your home environment.

~Reduce your exposure to even artificial negative energies by limiting time spent on the Internet, watching television, or playing video games.

~Be mindful of your energy and leave any scenario in which you feel your energy being drained.
Stay joyful, happy, and do and say everything with pure love – this leaves the entity nothing left to feed on.

~Embrace the support of like-minded individuals and empaths, who can help illuminate negative sentients being harbored in your field.

~Meditate daily and create a protective shield around your aura. Proclaim your freedom from negative entities AND negative energies.

Last but not least – one of the most powerful tools you have is your own voice! Set daily intentions, affirmations, and proclamations in addition to shielding. Consider including phrases such as:


“Anything interfering with my free will choice, whether placed in my being with or without my permission, remove it now and I choose to be whole…and reconnected and aligned in Divine Perfection…”
“At this time I ask that any Souls or darkness attached to my Soul be called forth. I free you with love and honor and acknowledge this darkness as a part of my journey. I choose not to replace that darkness with unconditional love and pure light as I progress in my journey…”

As you can see – there’s no all-in-one, quick-fix solution. However, the tools are already within you to reclaim your power and keep negative sentients at bay. The key is to work on your own ‘stuff’ – to let go of attachment to trapped emotions, and most of all – be patient, kind, and loving to yourself.

©Universal Copyright 2015 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.