LISA RENEE: “Forgiveness Prayer”

“Holy Mother and Father God, Holy Christ Sophia, and my ascension teams, please grant and assist me in unconditional forgiveness and forgetfulness for myself and all others who have hurt or harmed me, intentionally or unintentionally. Please connect to and fortify my/your 12D Shield.

Beloveds, I am requesting assistance to clear, source and collapse self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors. I request gate keeping for my prayers so I may heal. I commit to my healing. By the power invested in me by the name of Christ, I am claiming my freedom, sovereignty and liberation now and always.

For throughout the time space continuum, Beloved God.

I forgive myself for feeling like a victim. I forgive myself for being a victimizer.

If there are specific memories I need to remember, please bring them forward so I may heal them.

If there is an uncompleted work in me, lead me into a remembrance of the things, activities and covenants that I still need to renounce and bring balance. Protect my mind and emotions and hold my hand as we enter through this gateway together. I know that I am not alone in this work anymore, and I completely trust my direct relationship with you.

I forgive myself for letting my negative ego rule my responses to the way I live and the way I respond to others. I forgive friends, family and leaders of industry and government for letting their negative ego rule their way of living. I forgive myself for letting my life be controlled by various mind control programs of the NAA. I forgive others for letting their lives be controlled by various NAA mind control programs. I forgive myself for manifesting painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, fear, and anger. I forgive others for manifesting painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, fear, and anger. I forgive myself for holding on to self-sabotaging programs and actions. I forgive everyone who holds onto self-sabotaging programs and actions. I forgive myself for listening to my head instead of my heart. I forgive others for listening to their head instead of their heart.

I choose to forgive my oppressors and tormenters completely and totally. Beloved God, help me to continue to choose unconditional forgiveness and forgetfulness and to bless those that have hurt me, as they need love and are hurting themselves. Bless them to be saved from the oppression of enslavement and to realize that you have granted our freedom.

My body, mind, spirit, and soul belongs to God Source and is a vehicle of Christ Intelligence. Listening to my inner God Spirit is All there Is. I do this for one, as I do this for all.

Thank you, God. Thank you, God, Thank you God.

And so it is, With Deep love and gratitude.”

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Forgiveness”

Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. Forgiveness is important process of the 12 Practices of Self Awareness, Meditate and give attention to these twelve areas to practice better personal self awareness and to discipline the Negative Ego and Pain Body. When you are self aware you are INFORMED and CLEAR and you are less prone to Mind Control and related levels of Archontic Deception Behavior. What we endeavor at this time is to move away from inner confusion and move towards discovering inner clarity. To forgive another person or circumstance is the most generous thing one can do for yourself. When we forgive others for perceived transgressions it frees us from the bonds, entanglements and cords which manifest painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, and anger. Forgiving yourself is the most important action one can take to clearing self-sabotaging bonds of victimhood and their painful wounds. Forgiveness does not mean that you accept abuse or harmful energies or actions being directed to you, such as people that are sociopaths and do not feel remorse or hold any respectful boundaries. It is possible to forgive a person who is possessed by negative forces, and to be completely neutral towards them, and yet know that for your health and well being you have to set proper boundaries or distance away from them. When undergoing severe trauma at the hands of another, it is important to know that person many times ceases to be in control of themselves, as they are being controlled by negative forces that carry out these harmful acts against other people. Practicing forgiveness can remove cords, attachments and bindings that are energetically connected with other people or dark forces from the emotional trauma that event generated. This is another reason why true forgiveness is freeing to the consciousness, and is an important part of reclaiming your core self.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

ALETHEIA LUNA: “11 Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Many Times”

11 Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Many Times  body mind soul spirit

by Aletheia Luna

We observe the principles of reincarnation everywhere in life:  the cycles of nature, day and night, the cyclic motion of the sun, earth, moon and solar system.  We also see the principles of reincarnation reflected around us each day: a plant grows, dies and releases its seeds.  Its seeds burrow into the earth, begin to sprout, and new life is reborn once again.

Reincarnation, or the rebirth of energy, or life, occurs all around us in different shapes and forms every day.  Perhaps this is why to many of us reincarnation is something intuitive, something that resonates the very nature, the very essence of life.  We also see that our lives, and everything around us, follows a fundamental pattern; that of change, growth, transformation and evolution.  We see that all of life goes through a maturing process at different rates and different velocities.  Thus to many of us, the maturation process of the soul through the process of reincarnation sounds just as instinctively and fundamentally correct as any other maturing process in life.

Not only that, but some of us have experienced extraordinary feelings, memories and sensations that point to the legitimacy of such a mysterious experience.  We will be exploring many different signs that you might have touched the “other side” in this article.

Past Lives and ‘Your’ Soul

The doctrine of metempsychosis is, above all, neither absurd nor useless … It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection.  – Voltaire

Known also as “metempsychosis” and “transmigration”, Reincarnation and the concept of past lives has existed for thousands of years, spanning back to the ancient Celtic, Greek, Asian and Indian traditions.  These days, about 51% of the world’s population believe in some form of an afterlife, with about 7% believing that we are ultimately reincarnated.

One of the most intrinsic beliefs of reincarnation is that most of us have lived many lives before, and sometimes we can actually remember these past lives.  These past lives and past ‘selves’ we tend to identify with as extensions of ourselves and our egos.

However, as Sol elaborated in a previous article:

Reincarnation of an ‘individual self’ is only as possible to the extent of believing that your sense of ‘self’ – your ego – is real.  Two identities who are dwelling within two different physical bodies in the present, or in the past, will be two very distinct personalities.  In truth, the ‘I’ is a transitioning, ever-changing phenomenon.  Although our identities and senses of self are ever-changing, there is something that remains the same.  There is something within us that is constant and continuous and that is pure awareness.  It is this very pure awareness which serves as the experiencer and observer of life, and it is this pure awareness that we can refer to as ‘our’ Soul … This understanding of reincarnation closely resembles that of the Buddhist idea that the continuity continues, but the individual disappears.

So although it is not necessarily “you” or “me” who has experienced reincarnation and past lives, the ever-present soulful essence within us has.

11 Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated

When we understand reincarnation as the maturation process, or evolution, of soulful energy, it follows that some of us have intuitively experienced different things in our lives that reflect on the age of the energy known as our souls.  It is commonly believed that many of our personal characteristics, experiences and capabilities in this life reflect on whether we have lived before on earth.  It is thought that the more we mature, the more gifted we are in certain areas of life and the more frequently we have ‘spiritual’ experiences.

The truth is that all of us have most likely reincarnated, however some of us have gone through this cycle more than others and therefore experience many of the following characteristics:

1.  Recurring Dreams

Dreams are reflections of the unconscious mind, and while repetitive dreams may sometimes signify trauma, fear or issues that your brain is trying to process (“unfinished business”), repetitive dreams can also potentially be reflections of past life experiences.  Many people claim to have experienced certain events, seen particular people or gone to specific places frequently in their dreams that feel very familiar, and somehow recognizable.  For example, I often have recurring dreams of a 15th century castle that I have a distinct feeling of knowing very well, yet I have never seen or been to this castle before in waking life.

Related: Top 40 Dream Symbols And Their Meanings

 2.  Out-of-place Memories

There are many recorded instances of young children who have out-of-place memories that later prove to be oddly accurate in detail.  While out-of-place memories could be due to simple fantasies, misunderstandings or an incongruency in the ability to remember, there is mounting evidence that suggests out-of-place memories could reveal connections to past lives.

3.  You Have a Strong Intuition

Intuition is the ability to balance the conscious and unconscious mind and to tap into our deeper wellsprings of primal wisdom and innate knowledge.  It is said that the more we soulfully mature, the more we are closer to returning to the ‘source’ (known also as nirvana, eternity, oneness) from which our Souls come from, and from which the collective unconscious  – a body of universal knowledge – exists.

4.  Déjà vu

We’ve all experienced déjà vu before at some point in our lives.  It’s that bizarre feeling that somehow we have already experienced or lived a moment in time before.  Often déjà vu comes spontaneously, and is triggered by smells, sounds, sights, tastes and various other sensations.  While some claim that déjà vu is a neurological dissonance, others claim that déjà vu reflects the possibility of other dimensions (i.e. parallel universes), and still others believe it is revealing of past life experience.

5.  You’re an Empath

Empaths absorb the emotions, and in some instances the physical pains, of those around them literally empathizing, or directly feeling and experiencing what others experience.  In this article about Empaths I go into greater depth about this unique breed of people.  While identifying as an Empath and absorbing the emotions of others could be seen in some instances as a psychological form of avoidance to bypass one’s own problems and pin the blame on others, in other genuine cases it can be seen as a sign of a soul that has undergone many previous reincarnations and has refined to the point of transcending the individual self and it’s problems, extending to others as well.

6.  Precognition

Also known as ‘future sight’ or ‘second sight’, precognition is the ability to obtain information about future events that isn’t usually available.  Precognition can be experienced through visions, physical sensations and feelings as well as in dreams.  While considered quasi-scientific by some, to others precognition is a very real experience and could indicate the maturation of soulful energy.

7.  Retrocognition

You probably guessed it!  Retrocognition is the opposite of the above precognition, and refers to the ability to obtain information not usually available about past events.  These past events could be in your own lifetime, or sometime in the distant past.  Of course, retrocognition unlike precognition is not easy to prove or verify, however, for those who have genuinely experienced it (and have been able to honestly verify it), this ability could also be a sign of soulful reincarnation.

8.  You Feel Older Than Your Age Reflects

Some people are perpetually “young at heart” even into their later lives, and in the same manner,  some people just seem to have been born with “Old Souls”.  The experience of feeling older than your age reflects is commonly associated with having reincarnated many times over and this is echoed in the “Soul Age” theory where there is a certain progression of soulful development: from Infant Souls, to Awakened Souls.  For example: if you have reincarnated few times on earth, this would be reflected in the age of your energy, and in this life you will display many primitive and child-like characteristics.  If, however, your soulful energy has reincarnated many times over, you will display many matured and wizened characteristics (such as the ones mentioned in this article).  If you feel older than your age reflects you might be a Mature or Old Soul.  You can read more about Old Souls in depth here.

9.  You Have a Great Affinity for Certain Cultures/Time Periods/Environments

It is said that having a great, unexplainable attraction for certain cultures or time periods is a kind of past life “residue” reminiscent of a certain place, culture or environment that your soul may have experienced in past lives.  For instance, you may have an inexplicable affinity to Asian culture, Celtic artifacts, or the 19th century.

10.  Unexplainable Fears or Phobias

As touched on in the last point, many believe that certain memories or experiences can pass on or leave “residues” in our childhoods and adulthood’s from past lives.  Whether this is true, or is simply a form of problem bypassing, many believe that we can experience the echoes of past traumas in our own lifetimes in the form of unexplainable fears and phobias.  Examples can include:  the fear of drowning, the fear of certain types of animals, the fear of certain places, the fear of particular numbers, colors, objects, and so forth.

11.  You Feel as Though this Earth Is Not Your Home

The yearning to find your ‘home’ can be seen as a reflection of the desire to return back to the source (oneness, consciousness, divinity).  Many people feel this yearning to be reminiscent of an athlete running a long race and longing to reach the ‘finish line’.  In the same manner, Souls that have reincarnated many times over express this basic need for finally completing the cycle and returning home.  Feeling that this earth is not your home is often accompanied by chronic feelings of tiredness and wariness for life on earth.

Could you relate to any of these signs?  Do you have any of your own to share?  I hope, if anything, this article could offer you another doorway of explanation for what you experience in life.  Reincarnation is a mysterious topic, and I’d love if you could share your own experiences with past lives below.








MICHELLE WALLING: “Spirit Guidance For Lightworkers, Starseeds, And Leaders”

Spirit Guidance For Lightworkers, Starseeds, And Leaders

Would it surprise you to know that not all spirit guides assigned to us have our best interests in mind? As we learn more information and move toward a new level of understanding on the planet, it may be time for a change of the guard in your guidance on order to help you get to the highest level of service.

Levels of guides

It is very rare for a person to have just one guide with them helping from the other side. Guidance is assembled through a team that meets your vibrational level and knowledge needs. There is no set number of guides and there is no limit to the number of guides you can have. Guides may not always be with you as they may be assigned to help 3 or 30 more people at once, but they have an alert system that brings them to you when they need to be there. A spirit guide may be specifically assigned to you and no one else to start with if you are a high maintenance type, but this guide may get bored as you progress and may take on another person in order to keep busy.

Everyone who is born into a physical body is assigned a primary spirit guide that has taken an oath to be with you from the day you are born to the day you leave the flesh. This guide’s job is to follow the order or decree that is in conjunction with the life you agreed to have. This may include the people you planned to meet or the career you planned to have. Your own personal guide may know you better than anyone else and truly has a love for you that is palpable and supportive.

There are also information and task guides that come and go. For instance, if a person has chosen to be a doctor in this lifetime, they would have guides that are versed in that area that will be assigned to their level of expertise. If they decided to become a brain surgeon, they would probably have a team of brain surgeon guides helping to make sure they helped expand the doctor’s thoughts and guide the hand in surgery to make just the right delicate cuts and moves as to insure the very best outcome for the patient.

There are protector guides for those who have important missions. Sometimes humans make some really bad choices in their lifetimes such as drunk driving, thrill seeking, etc. that puts them at a higher risk of being killed. There are many factors involved in why a person would be allowed to either exit in an accident or to be saved in a miraculous way. The guides and their guidance councils are constantly working with a person’s free will and actions to keep them on the agreed path.

The dark side of guides

There can also be false light beings posing as your guides ready and willing to bring through misleading information. Mostly this would be to allow a person to be astral tagged through a “spiritual” ritual in order to be able to lay claim to siphon your energy.

Another reason for posers of influence would be to keep you from reaching a level of understanding that will make a huge difference in your life. As each person wakes up to the higher levels of understanding, it opens a door for many other people to walk through because we are all connected through a tapestry of light fibers of energy. As you can see, eventually this would be devastating for the dark’s control over humanity.

There are many tricks and traps set into place that have an agenda that involves letting your “good” team of guides go and allowing a “better” set of guides help you achieve power and paranormal abilities. Don’t worry, this can be reversed and is exactly what this article is going to help with.

How guidance is assigned

Most guides are there just doing a job to help you get on the right track. A “normal’ level of guidance is needed for those who are under the sleepy spells of this reality and no change is really needed of a person doesn’t make leaps and bounds in consciousness during a lifetime. These guides may even be under a spell of monotony themselves and not even realize it.

Most people had to go through the reincarnation trap set up by the archons that are running the show on this planet in order to come into a body. Part of the manipulation process involves allowing some sense of progression as an incentive to keep on living while they continue to run the show behind the curtain. Keeping a person distracted with work, money, survival, and simple pleasures keeps them from realizing that they are a slave providing an energy source to a small group of elite slave masters.

In a reality that is not controlled by a faction of people who need to siphon energy, we would normally return “home” or back to Source to decide where we wanted to incarnate next. “Re-incarnation” was invented by the archons to keep us from knowing who we are by wiping our memories and tricking us into making the choice to come back time and time again into their illusion.

The guidance assigned to a person may not be in their best interest if it was assigned through the reincarnation process, and a changing of the guard may be in order to help you to move to your highest and best path. As we awaken and grow, we will need new guidance and possibly even protection if we decide to put ourselves in a rebellious position of leadership into freedom.

Although we would like to think of all guides as being perfect for us, that is not always the case. If our minds can be manipulated, then so can the minds of our guides. Many people who wake up are easily sucked into rituals of “initiation” and “activation” in New Age mystery schools posing as the light. Discernment is not always perfected in the beginning stages of awakening because we are remembering how to follow our gut feelings.

When one is initiated into a false light teaching, new guidance is also issued which will insure that the beings on the other side will be able to “hook into” the person’s body in order to siphon their energy. Why would a guide working in your best interest allow you to fall into such a trap? The twisted answer is that guides are not allowed to break the law of free will, and through trickery and false light concepts, many times we agree to let the good guys go without knowing what we have done.

There are as many levels of guidance as there are levels of dimensions and densities. There will always be higher level guides waiting in the background to be called upon to rectify a situation. The key is that they cannot act unless given a decree from Source to do so, whether it is Source at a higher level or the Source that is within you.

If you were drawn to read this article then you are curious about whether you have the best guidance working for you. There are many reasons why you may not have the best guides available to you, including what we have covered here with trickery and growth. A simple declaration and request from Source will help you to make sure that you are getting the right help you need to fulfill your true purpose.

My own personal guidance experience

When I first began to question my reality in 2010, I read about guides and how to make contact with them. I made a declaration to them that I was ready to make contact and I asked for their help to lead me to a fast track of catching up to where I was supposed to be. While there are many people who can see energy and are psychic in that sense, I was not one of them. I had to find a different way of communicating with them in order to make sure that I was on the right path. Back then I used a crystal pendulum to begin communicating with my guides and I also went to psychics to receive messages from them.

I found out that one of my guides was my grandmother who had passed away back in the 80’s. It was a comforting feeling to know that I had her with me to drop ideas into my head and to help steer me to where I needed to be in life. She came through several times with messages and let me know that it was her that brought a certain idea into my awareness. Waking up is a very confusing time and I went through a few dark nights of the soul with my grandmother.

Because I took the fast track of awakening, I dedicated every minute I could spare on learning everything I could about what was happening on the planet and what to do about it. I went through what I thought was a Reiki initiation with one teacher, and looking back I’m not sure that was really what it was. I fell for many New Age and false light teachings, as well as a few that I am sure were black magic and satanistic in nature. I know now that that some were geared towards marking me as their energy source. As I learned about the traps and revoked what I had agreed to, I moved on each time to a new level of understanding. Somewhere along the way of stumbling and learning, my grandmother guide had to leave, saying that it was time for her to move on.

I was devastated to have to let my grandmother go. But in the other hand, I continued to ask for the highest level of guidance available to help me to fulfill my mission here on Earth. The deep desire to help humanity to end the domination and control on the planet was the driving force that pushed me to my limits of understanding, and I had to make changes in my guidance team to keep up with me.

As far as the rest of my team, innately I knew that I had to have some really lazy guides. I also knew that I was helping some of my guides learn the real truth of what was happening on the planet. I somehow knew that I needed to refresh my roster. Perhaps it was my good guides snitching on my lazy guides. On a deeper level, I knew I was about to go really far down the rabbit hole and I needed the right guides by my side.

Revocation and re-assignment of guidance

I made a declaration to Source and the Universe to bring me the guidance I needed to go above and beyond what I ever thought I would accomplish in this lifetime. It sounded something like this:

I am here, I am awake, and I know who I am. As a fractal of Source, I find myself in this human body, having this experience, and I know I am here to make a difference. In order for me to do the best job I can in helping myself move forward and to help humanity, I insist on having the best guidance available to me. This means I ask for a review of my guidance by my higher self, and a council of guides sent by Source to determine that the current guides that I do have are in my highest and best interest each day of my life. I am willing to cut the ties to those who may not have the knowledge of the higher levels or that I accepted through trickery or false light manipulation. I request they be replaced with those that are approved by Source and have my highest and best interest in mind. I thank all guides who have been a part of my life in the past, I thank those that are here with me in the present, and I thank those that are going to come into my life. And so it is done.

Be prepared for huge changes

Because I declared to the Universe that I was ready to accept the highest level of assignment available to me, I had allowed a new group of guides into my life. These guides would help lead me to the people I needed to meet. New circumstances would be allowed to unfold, and I observed my life changing 180 degrees. I divorced, moved six times, and spent four years un-doing several things in my life in order to make space for just the right people and synchronicity. It was not easy to give up the comforts of having money and anything I wanted in my life, but on the other hand, it was having everything a person is supposed to acquire and still not feeling fulfilled that allowed me to question who I really was and why I was here. As I look back I am so glad that I trusted a change in guidance to help me each step of the way.

There is also some maintenance that needs to be completed every so often to ensure that the best help is available. As a person completes one level of understanding or learning in preparation to fulfill their highest role, there is always a whole new set of circumstances and synchronicities that need to unfold along with people that need to come into our lives. It is a good idea to refresh your guidance team as these new levels of understanding are met. I have learned that just when we think we know the truth, there is always a higher level of understanding that is just around the corner.

Lightworkers, Starseeds, and leaders need special guidance

For those who awaken to the feeling that they have a special mission to accomplish in this lifetime, an inner desire comes forth that drives them to dedicate their lives in service to humanity. These are the true Lightworkers that have come here from Source that answered the call to be here of assistance in this great time of change. These individuals are called Starseeds because they were living lives on other planets and even in other galaxies, before they came here to insert a part of their energy into this reality. These beings need guides who will grow and expand with them as they raise their light quotient and vibration, and there is no time for laziness in the spirit guide business for those on a mission.

We are living in a very special lifetime right now and those who recognize this will want to get the most out of the time they are in a body. They will want to learn as much as possible and to heal any negative energy they are carrying. Higher vibrational guides are needed to help these people to become spokespersons, healers, and teachers to those who are just beginning to awaken to the fact that there is indeed change happening on the planet. Everyone has a unique role to fill and may even have a specialty field to serve in. Special guidance is needed for those individuals and the change of the guard may happen quickly and frequently for these people.

Protection guides are needed for those who put themselves out in the open. The bravest of people who stand up for their own rights and others will be targeted by the dark forces as the strangleholds and illusions are dissolving. The secret to the illusions are being uncovered by people who know that they are more powerful that the illusionists. Source sends special guides to those who are doing the housecleaning and this is simply a reminder to go ahead and ask for all the protection that you feel you need to do your job.

The bigger picture

Guidance may be filled by an aspect of our soul that is outside of this matrix. In an organic experience on another planet that has not been taken over by dark forces, a person normally has the freedom to shift their consciousness back and forth through many other experiences and parallel lifetimes that are occurring in “no time”, or at the same time. Therefore some of our guidance can come from a free aspect of ourselves that has a higher level of understanding or wisdom based on other experiences. These are the best guides to call upon because their energy and ideas can be easily assimilated into our causal bodies and can merge into our physical bodies when needed.

When asking for guidance, one may as well get it straight from Source. Connect with the Source aspect that you are and grow and expand that energy as much as your body will hold. True guidance and wisdom comes from within and working with that will allow the highest and best potential in a lifetime. Until we are all capable of accessing all of the wisdom Source carries within us, we have guides that carry information and love that will help us to stay on the highest path available. Doors are opening each day that allow us more clarity and vision that allow us the co-creation of a new life on this planet.

There is more than just a change of the guard in guidance going on her on Earth. As above, so below, we are living out the microcosm of the Universal change of the guard and the whole system is being lifted up. Awareness, trust, and allowance are needed to give permission for the lowest level of reality to be shifted into a higher vibration.

Gratitude is necessary to thank all of the spirits that volunteered to be a guide to the brave souls that inserted themselves into the densest physical incarnation known to man. Guidance comes many times in the form of intuition, and learning to trust your own intuition takes a little practice. You can give yourselves a pat on the back, as only the best of the best knew that they could awaken from the spell and declare their freedom from a tyranny that has been rampant for eons of time.

We are truly changing this reality and are making a difference one person at a time. One day we will become the guide for another person on another planet while simultaneously living out parallel lifetimes in other galaxies. After all, this is what Starseeds, Lightworkers, and leaders do!