Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Brian reports on the Promise Junior School in Uganda, and Kathleen from the US explores a Healing Art Exhibit. In New Earth News: we are learning about Putting Labels on Kids; and much more! In World News: London Hospital Cyber Attack; Nigeria Strike Update; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian! Topics discussed: Fake BRICS coins / Fake Ripple / Fake Russian ships, false flag for WW3 / Rothschilds still want to crash dollar / False flags in the Middle East / Government switches / Trump heart attack / Jesuits lost phone line and funds / Abraxas program X / Deep State still fighting for power… and more.

Special report highlights:

“Now… other governments that are talking about ‘a big switcheroo’ are operatives here in the United States… Uh, there has been a lot of chatter in the last 3 or 4 days about claiming, in the mainstream media, that ‘president Trump’ is going to have— or has had— a ‘heart attack’. They are building a funeral, of epic proportions for this person that will rival the Elvis funeral. So got those of you that were alive way back when… I was pretty young… I do remember it because it was on every TV channel, and lots of ‘pomp-n-‘stance’ when Elvis passed away back in the late Seventies. Uh, this funeral is going to have a band, and there’s gonna be a lot of ‘pomp-n-‘stance’ far greater than any former ‘president’ funeral (or current ‘president’ funeral) that has ever happened in the United States. And it’s loud, and it’s obnoxious— just like the ‘Duck Dynasty’ operatives that run that show. The only catch here is I hear that this is supposed to take place between June 17 and June 22– which ‘coincidentally’— coincides with the solstice. Number one and number 2— they’re floating around a number of five billion dollars to orchestrate this affair in the mainstream news— Will they get 5 billion dollars? That’s the question. And who is promising them this 5 billion dollars? Well, it appears they’re being promised this five billion dollars from the Pallavicini family. And I know this, because there was a long conversation, and has been several long conversations over the last few days on the Jesuit communication line. Yes, the Order of the Jesuits has— or had— its own private communication line which they feel is super-secret, that nobody will hear what they’re talking about and nobody will hear their operations that they’re planning on running. Today as they were having a conversation, earlier today— I decided to tell them that is not the case. And How I did that was I talked to a particular person that I know is deeply involved with the Jesuit Order, ah, and I was texting them on an app program called Signal— at the same exact time they were having a conversation. Okay, and have you ever heard of a system called “X”?— and we’ll get to that in a minute. And I was texting them, word-for-word, about what they were talking about: “Hey, have you ever heard about this?” And “Wow, did you hear something about a Trump campaign, and that they’re gonna, you know, say that he’s passed away and there’s gonna be a big funeral, and the cost of this is 5 billion dollars? Wow.” You know, and I’m texting them all of this information. Meanwhile, they must have gotten wind of this fairly quickly, because they went into a panic— and had another impromptu meeting on a ‘secret line’. And, um, I said: “How do I know all of this? Well, I know all of this stuff because I HAVE the key intelligence and military system that will go into any ‘secret’ quote unquote ‘secret communication line’ and give me all of the data that I need to know. So there you go, Pallavicini family— that’s how I know. That’s how I knew about the Iraqi helicopter going down. That’s how we knew ALL of this stuff. So, uh— it was confirmed actually— by YOU. So thank you very much for having that phone conversation that I could listen to! Greatly appreciated.”

Kimberly Goguen, June 12, 2024 ~via The World Situation Report

“Here you are, Deep State. I guess you won’t be needing this dummy anymore…”

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~via United Network News

KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: June 10, 2024 World Situation Report

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! From Uganda, Nabirye Annet demonstrates her homemade Juice Making process, and Namusis Janati shows us how she makes tea from Herbs & Spices. In New Earth News: we are learning about Leaving Religious Doctrine; and much more! In World News: Meta AI Training; Brazil Wetland Fires; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian! Topics discussed: Deep State battle continues. Global asset control / Still try to collapse dollar and hacking, but can’t access money / Martial law reinstated / BRICS won’t work / Governments can still collapse / Possibility they will use a loop-hole scenario to get fake Trump[s] “let off” because they will need a “cash cow” source of funding / Peace agreement / Still much to do to go forward with finance.

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~via United Network News

MORE ‘DEAD TRUMP SOCIETY’ PIPE DREAMS, SHENANIGANS & FAILURES ~ Kim Goguen & Sunny Gault: June 5, 2024 World Situation Report

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Brian reports on the Promise Junior School in Uganda, and Kathleen from the US explores a Healing Art Exhibit. In New Earth News: we are learning about Putting Labels on Kids; and much more! In World News: London Hospital Cyber Attack; Nigeria Strike Update; and more! Plus, a Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

Kim on how 3-years-dead Trump is still an asset to the Deep State in controlling the narrative and making dirty deals— just as they all did while he was alive:

“Again— this is the whole Trump team, the Kushner people, whatever THAT is now these days, who KNOWS what that is, and everybody ELSE wearing a mask over there on that side. So a lot of this stuff is being set up behind the scenes by the organization. Like I said— ‘money trails’. Money talks you know, and when you figure out where all the money is and where it’s going, where you sent it, you can now figure out how you’re setting yourselves up. Because they said, once they’ve been ‘successful’ — THEN they will actually ‘officially’ announce that Trump is no longer here.”

~Kim Goguen, June 5, 2024

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 36:55 mark.

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~via United Network News

“DISMANTLING THE MATRIX” ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: May 27, 2024 World Situation Report

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Toni from Italy covers the Florence Artisan Fair, and Dianne from Uganda interviews Designer Aseneta about her work. In New Earth News: we are learning about Detoxification Protection; and much more! In World News: Global Pandemic Treaty; Canada Online News Act Study; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 36:40 mark.

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

SUNNY GAULT: June 1, 2024 ~ The Rundown / World Situation Report Recap: “8 Billion Human Celestials on Earth, A New Light System Replaces Alpha, History of the 5 Original Earth Tribes”

This week, we’ve got field messenger reports from Italy, Uganda, Spain, and The United States. In the New Earth, we learn about the importance of detoxification, the health benefits of eating structured ice, and the importance of receiving kindness from others. In regional news, we discuss a reported bird flu outbreak in Iowa, the government in Zambia requiring online media licensing, and a housing crisis in both Taiwan and Australia. In our World Situation Report, we discover there are actually 8 billion human celestials on planet Earth. The Alpha system is replaced by a new system made completely of light. And a history lesson about the five original tribes on Earth, their purpose, and how these groups have been used against us to create division amongst humanity today. Kim’s World Situation Report highlights: 36:20 ~8 Billion Human 42:25 Celestials on 50:25 Earth. 53:20 Alpha QFS is replaced by 56:50 new Light System 1:03:02 5 Original Tribes on 1:21:55 Earth, 1:24:58 Racial Wars, 1:04:30 Trump, 1:16:40 Rus Empire, Atlantian, 1:26:29 Bloodlines.

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

“When are these operatives going to give up on this agenda? It’s so hard to sit and explain to people who are freaking out over the whole Trump trials and the stupid ridiculous movie they are playing, it’s torture but I try not to pay attention and when people ask me about Trump and the whole mess with his trial stuff, I just tell them it’s all theatre but do you think they will believe it? Most keep questioning how in the heck could he be on the ballot for president when he is guilty of all those felonies…. I’m just weary of it all. We’re ready for this whole Gooberment thing to be over so humanity can be in peace and restore what they have destroyed blaming us for it all.”

~Comment from the thread

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

MUST SEE!!! ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: May 31, 2024 World Situation Report: “Deep State Plans to Use the Same ‘Epstein’ Jail Script to ‘Write Off’ Donald Trump — Who’s Actually Been Dead Since 2021”

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Claudia from the US explores Japanese Gardens, and Maya reports on the Tulip Spring Festival in Italy. In New Earth News: we are learning how to Receive Kindness; and much more! In World News: France Pharmacist Strike; Bird Flu Chicken Killings; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

Before playing video . . . Hear Sunny’s rundown on 3-years-dead TRUMP. . .


Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

LISA RENEE on “Guardian Presence in Washington DC Grids Carrying Out Assorted Evictions, Retrievals and Identification of Human Trafficking Networks Connected to Installed Luciferian Bloodline Families”

“Ongoing Guardian presence in the Washington DC grids are carrying out assorted evictions, retrievals and identification of sources of organized human trafficking networks as connected to installed Luciferian bloodline families that have been protected by Baphomet Black Magic Sorcery, and complex NAA AI Machinery that has been placed under the White House and surrounding areas for supporting and hiding ongoing Satanic Ritual Abuse activities. This action is now being completed under God’s natural laws on Earth as represented in the return of the Kingship Arcs, which are proclamations of the Holy Father stating that his laws are the governing power in this domain and that his principle is an absolute truth for all human beings. This set into motion new events in the planetary field in which specific ruling families in the Power Elite that were acting as Kings, Presidents and Monarchs that had agreements made to ensure political unions in satanic embodiments are being seen very clearly in their actions of global Satanic Ritual Abuse. The Thothian Luciferians and their allies are organizing the next stages of planned takeover of all New Age, Ascension and Disclosure communities through planned infiltration, with their specific grooming of an assortment of Pied Pipers. This Controlled Opposition agenda will also extend to any 3D organizations and public leaders with some power and influence that are connecting the larger dots towards seeing and understanding the key players that are embedded in multiple levels of planetary corruption, such as the Gaslighting and Propaganda schemes that exist in the many façades of the geo-political climate that are used as cover ups to veil the exo-political conflicts. Controlled Opposition is the predictable manipulation tactic of placing key people in key positions and into leadership roles of a particular movement, who many times have suddenly appeared and offered the public incredible facts or amazing nuggets of truth. Maybe it is a pundit personality looking to gather a large online following through disseminating the cabal wars through the QAnon movement. Seemingly leading gullible people into any direction, when ultimately — they were placed there as a wolf in sheep’s clothing to derail and hijack the original goals of that movement. The strategy of Controlled Opposition works best under circumstances in which the masses are gullible, credulous, lack Critical Thinking and are unable to connect the dots and see how the actions and inaction or manipulation of the information from the controlled entity is actually benefiting the controlling entity. The Knesset NAA group have had a heavy influence on controlled opposition in Washington DC and running disinformation narratives through the AI uploading of the Q psyops agenda which further had leads to off planet Secret Space Programs. Many of the negative deceptions and narratives being played throughout the artificial Q structures online were found to be cloned out and manipulated by the Thothian Zephilium administrators of the Zeta Looking Glass technologies for building AI timelines. Once again, there appears to be the organic formation of the Q psyops agenda and Earth Alliances working to uphold humanitarian interests, versus many cloned varieties of negative ego tricks and consciousness traps set up by those with anti-human agendas. However, the majority of the intelligence operations had been infiltrated with Zeta alien Looking Glass technology in the phantom areas and seems to be why several previous operations to stop the global Bio-Weapon roll outs have failed over the past three years. Interestingly, it is the Amethyst Dragon Kings and Ruby Order collaborating with Guardian Abraham Lincoln who are tirelessly working to implode the shadow government infrastructure, by extracting their black magician armies used to run satanic forces and direct fallen demonic entities that gives the collective Loosh power behind the satanic churches and SRA Black Houses utilized for protecting the dark cabal families involved in carrying out the destruction of the United States. Currently there has been extensive Guardian tracking and extractions of cloned identities and imposters that were inserted into the Tsar and Presidential bloodlines. These Power Elite groups believed they were supremely protected by their hierarches of Lunar Demons and NAA forces, as their proclaimed God is Satanic or Luciferian. As their satanic architecture of human slavery falls it reveals more details of how they accomplished their deeds and maintained their power bases in politics via practicing satanism, killing off the liberators and organizing Human Trafficking to the off-worlders. These horrifying demonic entities running rampant underground in Washington DC were being powered up through the satanic ritual practices and child sacrifice of the so-called Washington elites and Synagogue of Satan, which held various signatures of the antichrist stench that pervaded the Luciferian bloodline of power elites that have embedded themselves in the mind control Propaganda machinery of the Hollywood production meets the One World Order political agenda. Within the sequences of demolition, it was made clear that the majority of the public faces of political Manchurian candidate puppet strings are taking orders from those with dual citizenship as mind-controlled military intelligence assets and their ongoing prostitution and pedophilia blackmail operations as designed by their NAA overlords, the invading entities stationed in the underground tunnels of the Knesset in Israel. These NAA Annunaki hybrid factions are being cornered as their hostile geopolitical agendas to genocide the natives is being made clear to the world, in efforts to expand their underground network from Israel into the Ukraine areas and for the purpose of gaining complete control over all underground bases, Human Trafficking, genetic labs and Adrenochrome farms in the region. As well as to steal the local resources with the predictable money laundering schemes for bribery and blackmail operations for inciting culture wars, which has become the hotbed of severely contested public opinions based wholly upon deceptions and military intelligence directed divide and conquer psychological operations. Annunaki are majorly involved with the Drac’s (Orion Group) in the cooperative control over earthly affairs, and their respective groups have made agreements on their jurisdiction and the demographic areas of where they exert control over the earth grid system. Jehovian Annunaki are responsible for promoting and transmitting fundamental religious mind control through Armageddon Software, and use SRA methods to reinforce religious violence, Patriarchal Domination and Misogyny throughout the human masses. That is until recently. They were instrumental in establishing an Intruder Resistance, known as the NAA to invite more Negative Aliens groups to ‘stake their claim’ over the human population, with the promise that humans could be bartered for slavery or taken to their planets as workers at some time at the end of the Ascension Cycle. This NAA was established in order to more effectively take over the earth and share in the spoils of war to help exert control over the increasing population of humans on the earth and Astral Plane. The majority of the population are not aware that a war over territory with hostile nonhumans and the Black Sun military intelligence groomed Fourth Reich Black Sun Nazis that take orders from their NAA overlords in the 9D Stargate of Antarctica, are directing them to demolish the western power centers in order to usher in the techno-totalitarianism of the The Great Reset for Unlimited Access to Children, in which the primary values upholding individual freedoms that first organized the USA have been put in the crosshairs for annihilation. Thus, for those of us that comprehend the stark reality of spiritual warfare, this is the phase to be extremely careful with your body, work spiritual clearing tools daily, be acutely aware of Clone warfare and spiritual imposters, and to do your very best to maintain your inner liquid light frequency, by speaking the sobering truth of the reality and telling no lies to yourself in which to regain personal comfort. This phase of the spiritual battle requires that we stay wide awake and pull ourselves up by the bootstraps to renew our commitment to seek the hard truth found inside all things, to speak the truth as it is and to defend the Truth Frequency in every aspect of our lives, which will keep us perfectly aligned with the protective spiritual armor of God and Christos. Thus, it is optimistic to be humbly aware that the Cosmic Father’s current priorities are directing the spiritual power to back up the true heart based Spiritual Warriors that stand for human freedom, family values and genuinely love the planet.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Controlled Opposition / New Age, Ascension and Disclosure Hijack / Supreme Grand Master Architect