L.J. VANIER: “15 Ways to Transform Your Negative Energy Into Positive”


Everything goes wrong, no matter how hard you try. It seems like when something good comes your way, it disappears as fast as it says “hi”!  Why do all good things happen to others but not you? Why can’t you find inner peace or why is it that others can achieve what they want and you seem to be going backwards?

The sad truth of it all is… It is because you are the source of it. Your negative energy is blocking you reaching higher places spiritually and physically. And until you learn how to manipulate and transform this negative energy and bring balance to your life, unfortunately you will attract what you give out. But it is not hard to achieve. With just a little patience and persistence, in 15 easy ways, you can learn how to do it.

  1. Make changes in your home and work space

This can be as simple as changing the way you organize your living room like moving furniture around, getting rid of things you don’t need and maybe sometimes adding a few things to your home decor. At work, reorganizing your desk might help. A nice smelling candle, a little flower, some incense… But also do not forget about yourself. Maybe changing your hairstyle, or buying a few new clothes… all these things can lift your mood up.

  1. Go on a vacation

Vacations are good opportunities for changes and rejuvenation. Seeing new places, experiencing new things, meeting new people. All of these things will bring positivity to your life and pull you out of your daily routine. With that new load of energy, you will see it will be easier to give your life a new perspective. Especially if you can keep this energy going with the support of meditation and positive affirmations.

  1. Switch the radio station

You are a radio. And inside you there are many channels and frequencies. A lot of stations. Start moving those knobs (talking old-fashioned radios here) and find a good station. Are you stuck on a spot where all you can hear is a never-ending hissing sound that gets on your nerves? Yes, this is where you are now, so move the knobs and find yourself a suitable frequency and enjoy what you are listening to. This is your new inner voice.

  1. Sometimes you can not change everything

And maybe you should not try to change everything either. Sometimes all you need to do is relax and just take things as they come and go with the flow. It does not mean you are surrendering yourself, on the contrary, it means that you are acknowledging the events around you whether they are good or bad. And instead of letting them overpowering you and upsetting you, you notice their presence and you choose to not let them bring you down or stop you.

  1. Take notes

Everything is clearer in your head when you put them out in writing. Writing is a great way of relief even if you are not a fan of writing.  We are not telling you to write long stories of fiction etc. No, just take little notes every day of the things that you see bring you negativity and slowly work on putting these obstacles aside and clearing your path.

  1. Be with positive people

Just like you affect people and things around you with your negative energy, positive people carry an optimistic, healing and guiding energy with them. They are in general balanced people and know how not to let things bring them down and manipulate the bad vibes by putting out good vibes out. Being around them will help you in that sense and you can learn a lot from their wisdom. Listen to them and observe how they react during stressful situations.

  1. Spend more time in nature

Nature is relaxing. A nice picnic at a park, a walk on the beach, hiking if you like that, or running, walking… camping somewhere… Explore nature, listen to the sound of the wind, leaves, trees, breathe in fresh air… Let the good thoughts in and exhale the bad thoughts out. Enjoy moments of quietness. Silence often tells us more than we can hear when we are in a crowded place.

  1. Accept things as they are so you can move on

Everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences in life. Everything crosses our path to give us signs or teach us a lesson. When we learn to look at things this way, we will be training our brains to approach things from a different angle. And this won’t be a self-destructive approach, instead, it will help us grow spiritually and bring us closer to our Higher Self.

  1. Forgive others and forgive yourself

One more step towards peace of mind. Forgiveness is a great virtue. By accepting we are all equal human beings and we can all make mistakes because we are not perfect will give us the freedom we need to reach peace. Freedom from feeling like a victim, freedom from regrets, freedom from holding grudges, freedom from anger… Forgiving does not mean forgetting. Forgiving is acknowledging the experience, learning from it, making peace with it and finally moving on.

  1. Don’t get stuck in the past

Guilt, regrets, anger, resentments, sadness, and many other emotions keep us in the past as we try to take a step forward. They hold us from one foot and pull us back in time and make us feel immobilized, heavy-hearted and blocked. We would feel confused and wouldn’t know how to deal with present in order to prepare a better future for ourselves. So every time you find yourself stuck in the past, thinking of something or someone who brings out bad or sad feelings, do a simple breathing exercise. First, exhale a slow and deep breath and just feel your chest and stomach go down. And as you exhale, label this moment as the moment of acknowledgement of that certain feeling. And tell yourself when you inhale, you will bring this knowledge in with you and turn it into something positive. Repeat this exercise until you feel fully relaxed.

  1. Exercise

Exercising helps us release stress and anxiety by increasing the levels of endorphin hormones. When we do it regularly, our bodies adjust to the new hormone levels and we naturally start feeling better physically and mentally. Physical activities also increase our self-esteem. We feel better because we know we are doing something good for our health. Each time we feel good after an exercise, our self-confidence repairs itself more and more. Which in turn promotes self-respect. All things necessary to feel more positive and feel stronger to change the bad energy we feel inside into something positive and fruitful.

  1. Spend more time taking care of yourself

When was the last time you had lunch with yourself? Seriously! Or when was the last time you decided “I will go out and do this today, because I have been wanting this for so long”? Reward yourself, give yourself little gifts here and there. That movie you wanted to see so bad, go see it alone, you don’t have to do it with someone else, unless you absolutely want to. Buy yourself something. Join a hobby class somewhere. Maybe you want to learn a new language? Or go to a spa. Start taking yoga lessons maybe? It all depends on what really interests you and gives you satisfaction.

13, Take responsibility for your actions

It is easy to get mad at others and judge them for what they do. Oftentimes, we forget they are humans just like we are and they do have their weaknesses just like we do. For some reason, it is more acceptable for us when we make mistakes or when we mistreat someone, we have a list of excuses and reasons ready, but we can’t that easily extend that understanding to someone else. Understand and accept that your actions affect other people just like other people’s actions affect yours. You can not do anything about them taking responsibility about their actions but you can do something about yours. Do not let your ego overpower you. Then you will get stuck in the past again. If you need to apologize, then do so. If you need time to sit down and talk to someone after a certain event, then give that time to yourself. But once you are ready, let it out and apologize when you realize you need to.

  1. Do not let negative people overpower you

Just like positive people can uplift you, negative people can suck up your energy especially if you are an empath and do not know how to close yourself up when you face a negative situation in order to protect yourself. Learn when to distance yourself from these people so you can protect your inner balance.

15, Focus on what is good for you

Mindfulness meditation helps you classify your thoughts and organize them. By doing so you will be able to see what is good for you and what is holding you back. Try mindfulness meditation about 10 minutes a day, every morning before you start your day. Declutter your mind. Choose the path that will help you in your spiritual growth and don’t look back.






~via isoulscience.com

JEFF STREET (Divine Cosmos): “Focus On What You Want, Not On What You Don’t Want.”

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This Law of Attraction Pearl of Wisdom is one of the most important rules for effective manifestation.  It is deceptively simple, and most people probably think that they’re already doing it reasonably well — but I’m here to tell you that nothing could further from the truth.

Most people spend a large percentage of their time WORRYING about everything that could wrong and anticipating the worst — both of which qualify as thinking about what you don’t want!  For most, this insidious habitual way of thinking is entirely unconscious, and they are completely unaware of how much they are doing it.

It’s not surprising that this is the case.  The rational mind believes that anticipating problems is the best approach to avoiding problems even if, in truth, most of the worrying doesn’t solve anything.

The rational approach is certainly understandable for those who are unaware of the underlying laws of creation by which we construct our reality.  Unfortunately, unbeknownst to most, our rational approach in these types of situations is doing the exact opposite of what we expect.  The focus on the POTENTIAL problems and avoiding them are making them MORE of a potential rather than less!

From the rational perspective, what’s going on under the covers is more like magic.  We are creating the reality we perceive and experience with our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations!  This is the Law of Attraction, and it states that we attract people, circumstances, and things into our life that are similar to our most predominate thoughts.  Our external reality is like a mirror reflecting what we think and what we are.

What it is crucial to understand about this law is that it does not distinguish between what you want and what you don’t want, it simply brings to you the essence of what you think about.  The thought “I don’t want XYZ” and “I want XYZ” are identical as far as the Universe is concerned.  In either case, it only hears “XYZ” and it brings it to you.  When you think about what you DON’T want you are attracting what you don’t want!

Overcoming the Habit of Focusing on Potential Problems

When you approach situations anticipating problems and mentally focus on how to avoid those problems, you increase the chances of those very things happening.  The amount of difficulty you anticipate determines the amount of adversity you will experience along the way.

If, instead, you just assume and expect the best, and skip all the worrying, you will soon find that everything will go a lot smoother and more successfully.  This shift in thinking is by no means easy for the average person, who has the deeply ingrained habit of worrying and anticipating the worst.  At first, overcoming the habit and belief that you need to anticipate problems to avoid them will require lots of faith and trust, but if you stick it out you will end up having complete trust in the “expect the best” approach because you will have seen the results.

The first step to getting yourself out of this disempowering habit is to start try to become more aware of your thoughts and your words.  It can be pretty difficult to monitor your thoughts because there are just so many of them running through your head all the time. But, what you say is usually a direct reflection of your thoughts and your words are often easier to catch than your thoughts.  At first, this will be hard and you will occasionally catch yourself focusing on what you don’t want. When you do, shift your thinking to focus on what you do want.  With practice you’ll gradually get better at this until eventually you have created a whole new habit — one of focusing only on what you want, hardly ever thinking about what you don’t, and just about always expecting the best.

Overcoming the Habit of Worrying

Worry attracts problems; it’s that simple.  But how do you break the habit?

You can tell when you are worrying because it is always associated with negative and stressful feelings.  Sometimes our mind wanders into worrying about stuff without us realizing it; this is unavoidable.  Fortunately, it’s easy to recognize the uneasy feelings associated with worrying and these can be the cue that makes you aware of it.

What to do when you catch yourself worrying:

  • Immediately switch to focusing on positive thoughts about what you want.
  • Use positive affirmations to focus on optimistic visions of your desired outcome.
    • Here’s an example — let’s say you are an aspiring writer and author and you’re getting discouraged.  Maybe you are having recurring negative thoughts like “writing is so hard for me, I’ll never be a writer.”  Neutralize these negative thoughts by saying out loud, or in your head, something like, “I can LEARN to write better. With practice I can become a good writer and a successful author.”
  • Ask the universe for help — sometimes referred to as Prayer. Whether you know it or not you’ve got spirit guides that would be delighted to help, all you have to do is ask.

Becoming a Master of Deliberate Creation

We are always creating our reality with our thoughts but most of us are doing it unconsciously and our many misguided mental habits are causing us to manifest incoherently and ineffectively.  By INTENTIONALLY thinking about the things you want while INTENTIONALLY NOT thinking about the things that you don’t want, you pave the way for smoother sailing in your life at every level.

Trust the Universe, trust the laws of creation, and trust your creational abilities.  Consistently focus on only what you want and expect the best and you will be amazed at the ease, grace, and abundance that will increasingly enter your life.

Let the magic begin!




Jeff “El Jefe”

L.J. VANIER: “10 Things You Should Remind Yourself of Everyday”


  1. Today will be as good as I make it. 

There are obstacles everywhere, for everyone. Life is never perfect and it is not meant to be perfect. The key is to remember that. Start your day by reminding yourself that as long as you can accept to face the facts, you are strong enough to deal with them. Do not let the obstacles bring you down, instead, see them as life lessons and find out why they are there. Nothing in life is a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason because in the Universe, we are all energies that constantly cross paths with all kinds of vibrations. They are meant to be. You receive what you put out. So remind yourself, when you see a problem just like when you encounter something good, what do these signs tell you? What is the message? Find out and keep moving forward. Do not get stuck in the past and instead live in the present. And tell yourself you can turn bad into good from within when you mean it.

  1. I create my own reality.

We perceive things a certain way depending on how we look at them. If you approach people and situations with preconceived ideas or judgments, remember that these are thoughts coming from within you. No two people look at the same situation in the same way. Each individual see things the way they want to see them because it is connected to how they see themselves. So keep this in mind and work towards balancing your good and bad qualities and you will see how you create this reality and that you have the capacity and capability to direct and redirect it.

  1. I am not competing with anyone

Ambition can be a good thing if used correctly. But if you let it overpower you it can be very destructive to the point where you find yourself to be selfish and egotistical, but also unhappy and depressed in case of failure. The only thing you should be concerned with is to be a better you than you were yesterday and forget about everyone else you see as competitors and rivals. The key to self-confidence and success is to better yourself without depending on anyone or without comparing your reality to someone else’s.

  1. I don’t need anyone’s approval

We have ideas, things we want to do, places we want to go physically or spiritually, goals we want to achieve. Oftentimes we find ourselves thinking about what other people would think about us if we did. We hold ourselves back worried about other people’s judgments about us. Is it acceptable? Is it wrong? Is it selfish? But look around yourself. Do you see how many lives are on standby or miserable because people think the same exact way that you do? You are a free individual who can think for yourself and you have desires and wishes and feelings about how you can grow. Do not depend on anyone’s approval and do not let anyone’s judgment bring you down. Because just like you create your own reality, they create their own. If they choose to judge you or be mad at you it shows something about themselves, not about you.

  1. When I change my thoughts about life, I change my life

Going back to creating your own reality, as we said before, when the negativity overpowers you, you become fearful of it as it weakens you. And it destroys you and claims your happiness and personal growth. You can teach yourself manipulating the negative energy by balancing it with positive energy. Try daily meditation. It is a scientific fact that meditation reprograms our brains. In terms of neuroscience, think about all of your thoughts and feelings as branches of a tree. Only this tree is inside your brain. Just like a gardener would cut the dead branches from a tree to give way to the growth of the fresh new ones, meditation will teach you how to do that. And this is how you will learn to manipulate your bad thoughts and negativity by turning them into something better.

  1. Live each day as if it is your last

This is an advice we hear everyday but take it for granted. It is important to remember that tomorrow is not guaranteed for any one of us. If you have to forgive someone, do it, if you are angry with someone, find a way to overcome it, if you have regrets, try to find a way to make peace with yourself. Take these obstacles out of your way to give you the freedom and relief to live today in the best possible way. And don’t forget to tell the one’s you care about you love them.

7, Bad things don’t make your life bad

If you find yourself complaining too much about every single bad thing that happens to you, you will not be able to notice the good things around you. Bad things happen to everyone just like good things happen to everyone. Do not let them define your life and who you are. Accept them and take your lesson and don’t get discouraged. You are not alone. Life has its ups and downs. Happy moments and sad moments. If you only focus on the negativity, you will attract more of it.

  1. Put one foot in front of the other

You can not do everything at once but also you should not try to do something when you are not mentally ready to face it. Especially if you have problems with your self-esteem, before you take a challenge work on getting your self-esteem higher and stronger so if you fail, you can find the strength to deal with it and move on. There is a right time for everything. If you feel that the time is not right, listen to your gut feeling. And when you do, you will know how to read the signs when your subconscious tells you the time is right.

  1. You’ll never know unless you try

If you want something, ask for it. There is nothing wrong with asking. The worst that can happen is they say no. Do not be afraid of rejections. Rejections should be taken as signs that show us either we need to move on to something else or we need to better ourselves in that area. So don’t take no as a ‘bad answer’. Instead, use it to your advantage. But most importantly, do not let it affect your self-confidence. Analyze your feelings about it and find out why it made you feel bad. Then you can work on fixing it.

  1. You can do this!

Happiness, self-esteem, freedom… all these things you need are within you. You are the source of your own happiness, self-esteem and freedom. Nobody can give it to you and nothing can bring it to you either. If you put your hopes on others, what will you do when you achieve that? Since you started from a materialistic point of view, eventually that person or that something will not be enough for you and you will be back to square one. So learn to depend on yourself and realize that it all starts with you and within you.






~via SoulScience.com

NIKKI WALSH: “7 Ways Meditation Helps You Become A Better Person”


The best thing about this meditation is, it doesn’t change you into someone you’re not. It helps you to let go of the parts you would like to let go of. It enhances the real you. You know, the good parts — the things you love about yourself — the things that make you, you. Doing this practice gives your thoughts clarity: your thoughts about what to do, and your thoughts about your life. This is something good to know in a world that seems filled with people telling us how we should be, and what we should do. If you could see clearly what is best for you, wouldn’t you do it?

Here are some ways Kelee meditation can help you:

You feel better physically

“When your mind lights up with a good thought, your physical body follows suit.” A quote from the book, The Mind and Self-Reflection by author Ron W. Rathbun.

While surfing, Jake, experienced this firsthand. He’d had “one of those days” at work and was out on the ocean but not “feeling the vibe.” He got a little frustrated, then decided to try and “drop into his mind,” right there on the water. So he dropped into his Kelee and detached from the thoughts bothering him. He waited patiently for the next wave, and it was one of the best rides of his life! Dropping into your greater Kelee, which is an opening to the mind, is not some abstract thought. It’s real, and you can use it to help yourself every day in your life.

You naturally become a better listener

A wise person observes more and talks less. Through this practice brain chatter lessens, and you naturally hear more of what others are saying.

You talk from your heart

Speaking from your heart means never having to apologize for saying something you didn’t mean. When you do Kelee meditation, you naturally speak from your heart, and your whole life gets simpler.

You mind your own business

Have you ever gotten into someone else’s business, then wish you hadn’t. We are responsible for ourselves. This meditation practice focuses you on your thoughts, and your life.

You become less dramatic

“If you make something an issue, it will be. Do you create issues for yourself or others, and why.” When you live from the harmony of mind, you don’t make issues. Being dramatic is really just a waste of everyone’s energy anyway.

You learn to say, “No, thank you”

When you learn to respect yourself more — your thoughts and your feelings — you respect your own space. From The Mind and Self-Reflection, “If you never learn how to say no thank you, people never learn to respect your space. Do you respect your space.”

You let others work out their problems

It doesn’t help to get involved in other people’s problems. Most people don’t want to be told what to do anyway. When you are in mind, you focus on your life. Isn’t that enough?

We recommend doing this meditation. It is a simple, five-minute meditation based on stillness of mind — and you can do it at home. For instructions, download this simple ebook, Kelee Meditation: Free your Mind, and begin becoming a better person today.

—Nikki Walsh

Nikki Walsh is a freelance writer and mom of two kids living in Southern California. She holds an MBA in marketing from University of California, Irvine and a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from UCSD. She has been practicing Kelee meditation for 19 years. When she is not writing she can be found out and about having fun with her kids.

©2016 with permission of the Kelee Foundation.

GREGG PRESCOTT: “Change Your Reality With A Walk Of Gratitude”

Change Your Reality With A Walk Of Gratitude

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, In5D.com  

The Law of Attraction will bring you whatever is predominantly on your mind. What if you were able to change future events right now by simply thinking positive thoughts and affirmations? Even the simplest things make a difference, such as letting a car into heavy traffic or opening the door for someone.

Every day, I try to make it to the beach for a 3 mile walk. When I’m at the beach, I also take a “Walk of Gratitude,” where I thank the Creator, Universe, my spirit guides and guardian angels, friends and family on both sides of the veil, our galactic neighbors and friends, Mother Earth and my higher self. I express love and gratitude to all and add that I will continue to listen and be guided with an open mind, ears, eyes, and heart. I also ask for abundance in everything that is good in life as well as protection and safety in all areas of life. I never specifically ask for anything materialistic because materialism is what divides us as people.

While walking to my particular spot where I express my gratitude, I envision a “bubble of love” that encompasses everything and everyone around me. Sometimes, I’ll smile and say, “Good Morning” to people who I make eye contact with, but inside, I’m saying, “I love you.”

I also try to incorporate a mantra where I tell myself that my DNA is changing as all of my codons are open, as we only have 22 of our 64 codons open in our DNA. I ask all of those I express gratitude to, to help me open these remaining codons, so I can heal myself and others in the best interests of humanity.

Within this Walk of Gratitude, there is a balance of service to self and service to others, all in the highest vibrations of truth and love.

If you incorporate a similar routine in your life (feel free to amend anything and make it YOURS), you’ll find the world will change around you. I can’t express the importance of thinking positive thoughts as each thought is energy that goes out into the aether and exists as a possibility for future events.

On a side note, you will receive extra benefits of absorbing positive electrons through your feet by walking barefooted.  Also, if you’re walking on the beach, walk near the water so you can get additional benefits of the negative ions of the crashing waves.  These negative ions are what make you “feel good” while at the beach!

Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott!

About the Author:
Gregg Prescott <a href=Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. His love and faith for humanity motivates him to work relentlessly in humanity’s best interests 12-15+ hours a day, 365 days a year. Please like and follow In5D on Facebook as well as BodyMindSoulSpirit on Facebook!

ANDREA SCHULMAN: “It’s True – Your Mind Plays Tricks On You”

It’s True - Your Mind Plays Tricks On You

by Andrea Schulman,
Guest writer, In5D.com 

Like all people, I experience a range of emotions, some high and some low. At this point in my life, I’ve learned how to raise my vibration deliberately, and I am pretty good at hanging around in happiness for longer periods of time, but I’ve noticed my mind plays tricks on me when I’m in the lower vibrations. My guess is that yours does too!

See, when we are in the lower vibrations, we are a “match” to thoughts that mirror how we feel inside. When we are sad, the sad thoughts pile one on top of the next. When we are angry, more things to be angry about present themselves easily and relentlessly.

For instance, have you ever been upset at someone, and then every last little terrible thing they had ever done in their life suddenly popped into your memory? Have you ever been in an argument and just kept thinking of new reasons to be mad?

The truth is, when you are in a negative state, the floodgates of negative thoughts will open. Suddenly, there’s not just one reason to be mad, there’s a dozen. Almost instantaneously, there’s not just one reason to feel down, there’s a hundred more marching in behind it.

These thoughts don’t mean that you are failing, or making mistakes or headed toward a miserable end in life. It’s just the Law of Attraction, bringing you thoughts that you are a vibrational match to in a temporary state, that’s all.

This can be tricky for someone who is trying to deliberately raise his or her vibration. While you may want to “think positive,” thinking positive does not come naturally from a place of depression or anger.

This can be even trickier for someone who doesn’t know about the Law of Attraction, and it’s why many people get “stuck” in the lower vibrations for long periods of time.

Understanding this mechanism has been very helpful to me, and my hope is that it will be for you as well.

When the negative thoughts start to pile up, I’ve learned it can be very effective to remind myself of how attraction works. Instead of taking these thoughts too seriously, I’ll simply tell myself “The only reason why I am thinking these negative thoughts right now is because I am in a low vibrational state. When I am feeling better, it will all make sense and I’ll feel optimistic about my life again.”

This is helpful because it’s a quick reminder to me that good things can still happen for me, and when I feel a little happier, I’ll find the solutions I need and make the progress I am seeking. Instead of worrying and fussing and getting too caught up in the negativity, I remember these thoughts aren’t particularly rational, and they aren’t a true representation of me or my life.

The truth is, I’ve found my way to a smile or a laugh almost every single day of my life, and chances are you have too. Even people who don’t understand the power of positive thinking are known to be happy from time to time, and this means that our negative thoughts are never universally significant or valid. We are all seeking our happiness, and this is why even the most miserable people are usually still able to find it with regularity.

You are a powerful creator when you are happy, and anyone who can find happiness can become what they want to become.

This reminder gives me a little relief, and relief is exactly what you need when you are down to pick yourself back up. Relief is always the path back to happiness, and this statement can be an effective step in the right direction.

So when you’re upset or mad, and it seems like you’re getting nothing but hostile or depressing thoughts, remember that your mind plays tricks on you when you are down. From a low vibrational state, low vibrational thoughts are magnetized to you. However, when your mood bounces back up (and it always does) you will be a magnet for thoughts that remind you of your power and a stream of reasons to be happy and grateful for your life and everything in it-even the things that seem so awful in the moment.

You can do, be or have anything that you want, and you’ll see this truth more clearly when the storm passes. All you have to do is hang on for a little bit.




