STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Balancing the Crown Chakra as the Universal Connector Center”

Crown Chakra

Considered intrinsic to accessing one’s highest potential of dynamic thought, energy, spirituality, and enlightenment, the Crown Chakra is the center of the cosmic consciousness. It guides the inward flow of wisdom and enlightenment on both conscious and unconscious levels and is where one is said to connect with the cosmos and the Divine – it’s the gateway to the higher self.

Metaphysically speaking, the Crown Chakra is naturally believed to be located at the top of the head, with an ‘invisible cord’ that spans from the top of the skull to the tailbone, where your Base Chakra is located. Because it is the universal connector center, any blockages or imbalances within the chakra system can source imbalances in the Crown Chakra and impede your spiritual enlightenment and goals for ascension.

Symptoms of Crown Chakra Blockages

The state of balance within the Crown, or 7th Chakra is believed to have an affect on the pineal gland, central nervous system and the brain. Side effects of imbalances or a blocked Crown Chakra may include:

  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Blurred Vision/ Eyestrain
  • Poor Balance and Coordination
  • Lack of Joy
  • Experience Frustration or Self-destructive Thoughts
  • Depression and/or Isolation
  • Lack of Interest in Spirituality or Exploration

Crown ChakraHealing Stones for Balancing the Crown Chakra

When in balance, the 7th Chakra lights up, signifying illumination as your awareness of the Divine expands on both individual and universal levels. Achieving balance in this chakra is truly the way to experience and promote your path to ascension in higher universal planes! Many auric healers use the healing powers of crystals and stones to cleanse, balance, and enhance the psychic powers that lie within the Crown Chakra. The most commonly used stones include Clear Quartz Crystal and Amethyst.

Amethyst stones and crystals are considered Stones of Spiritual Growth, with darker tones symbolizing high spiritual attainment and paler lilacs representing consciousness and love for humankind. Violet is the primary color associated with the Crown Chakra, and is a magnificent stone for transformation.

Clear quartz is considered The Stone of Ultimate Power and works well to balance several chakras and to align the Seven Subtle Bodies. This crystal works well to enhance the power of other healing stones, making it the most widely used stone in the metaphysical healing realm.

Beyond the Crown Chakra

You’ll likely discover your healing stones to be useful in raising your vibrations, warding off negative energies and harmful electromagnetic frequencies, and elevating you to a greater level of cosmic consciousness. What are your experiences with the Crown Chakra and healing stones and crystals? Share your story!

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MAGDALINE: “Fluoride and Your IQ”


After WW2 Fluoride was added to our water supply while iodine was taken out of our food supply and replaced with Bromine, both toxic Halides.

There is little debate what fluoride, a known neurotoxin does to your brain. It is documented that fluoride was used in Nazi Germany in the water supply, making people more docile, diminishing will and altering perceptions of reality.

Fluoridation is actually currently uncommon in Europe, 97% of their water supply is not fluoridated.

According to the CDC, fluoride is added to water supplies across 76% of North America. While in Europe and in several other developed nations across the world- have banned or entirely rejected fluoride being added to their water supply.

The world’s oldest and most prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, has officially classified fluoride as a neurotoxin — in the same category as arsenic, lead and mercury.

Here are some of the best reasons to oppose added fluoride to our water supply for the sake of your mental health.

1-Fluoride is a Neurotoxin and Lowers IQ

In 2013 findings by a Harvard University meta-analysis funded by the National Institutes of Health that concluded that children in areas with highly fluoridated water have “significantly lower” IQ scores that those who live in areas with low amounts of fluoride in their water supplies.

A neurotoxin is a substance that is poisonous or destructive to tissue in the brain, spinal cord and nervous system. Especially before birth and early childhood, linking it to Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, low IQ and other cognitive disabilities.

In the 1990’s ADHD increased which was the same time that fluoridation of water supplies also increased in the US.

2- Fluoride May Contribute to Alzheimer’s

In the 1970’s autopsies done on Alzheimer’s patients revealed higher than normal concentrations of aluminum in their brains. When aluminum comes into contact with fluoride, it hitches a ride into the brain as aluminum fluoride. This just so happens to be the same aluminum compound found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.

3- Fluoride and Nervous System Degeneration

The damage from fluoride does not stop at the brain – it continues on to your spinal cord which is your nervous system. It causes degeneration of the hippocampus (seat of memory) the neo cortex (Neo from the movie the Matrix) and the cerebellum. Neo cortex is the most evolved area in the brain. It is responsible for coordination, balance, sensory perception, conscious thought and language skills.

Interestingly Neo takes the Blue pill in the movie the Matrix. Blue represents the female side of our brain which is the right hemisphere. The suppressed part of the brain in our left brained academia world. 

4-Fluoride and Your Thyroid

Fluoride, especially when added to drinking water, nearly doubles the risk of developing thyroid problems. An inadequate amount of iodine in our system allows the fluoride to take its place in the iodine receptor sites. Without iodine and fluoride taking its place – the thyroid can not synthesize hormones- resulting in thyroid disorders. Unfortunately our soils are depleted of iodine resulting in low nutrient produce which makes our produce less tasty compared to other countries.

5- Fluoride and Your Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is prone to accumulating deposits in a process known as calcification. Fluoride, which is found in strikingly high concentrations in the pineal gland, causes this gland in the middle of our brain also known as the third eye to calcify. This gland is the master gland of our endocrine system- thyroid, breasts, ovaries, prostate and cognitive functions. In addition the pineal gland is responsible for melatonin, serotonin, DMT, hormonal and neurotransmitters. “The seat of the soul”-PLATO

6- Fluoride and SSRI’S

Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors or serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors, anti depressants as well as other commonly prescribed drugs and antibiotics contain significant amounts of fluoride. Result – walking zombies.


What Can You Do To Minimize Fluoride Exposure?

A high-quality water filter installed in your home can help eliminate, or at least reduce, the amount of fluoride you and your family are exposed to on a daily basis. Stop using fluoride toothpaste. In addition Iodine supplementation is an essential miracle mineral. It assists the body to purge of toxic halides (fluoride, chlorine, bromine) and heavy metals (aluminum, mercury, lead and cadmium). Studies show that 96% of Americans are iodine deficient. If your diet does not consist of seafood or sea vegetation on a daily basis then chances are you are iodine deficient.  Increase levels of iodine in your system, it is vital to your over all health.

Also, write a letter to your local government officials relaying your concerns over the fluoridation of the public water supply.

Knowledge is Power and Applied Knowledge is Freedom.

© 2016 Magdaline (Maggie’s Holistic) visit:

Magdaline is the founder of, a “essential” dietary supplement product line. She is a Holistic Nutritionist , certified in Reiki and Kundalini Yoga with degrees in the Sciences, Art History and is knowledgeable in several languages. Magdaline, has also been on various radio shows that are archived, such as PRN Gary Null, Natural Nurse and many more.

While trying to heal her son and herself, she discovered that we are exposed daily to radiation, fluorine, chlorine, bromine chemicals and heavy metals as they can be found in our food, water and air. These toxins accumulate and get stored in our body interfering with the endocrine glandular system, neurological system and cause calcification of our pineal gland interfering with our cognitive abilities, lowering our IQ. Healthy levels of iodine help the body detox toxic build up of these chemicals and assist the body to reactivate its self healing mechanism. Visit for more information on her wonderful essential dietary supplements.

KEE ZODI: “The Power of the Pineal Gland and How It’s Being Suppressed”


The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.

The Secret : What they don’t want you to KNOW!

Every human being’s Pineal Gland or The third eye can be activated to spiritual world frequencies and enables you to have the sense of all knowing, godlike euphoria and oneness all around you. A pineal gland once tuned into to proper frequencies with help of meditation, yoga or various esoteric, occult methods, enables a person to travel into other dimensions, popularly known as astral travel or astral projection or remote viewing.

With more advance practice and ancient methods it is also possible to control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world. Yes, it is bizarre, but the United States, former Soviet Union governments and various shadow organization have been doing this type of research for ages and have succeed far beyond our imagination.

Pineal Gland is represented in Catholicism in Rome; they depict the pineal as a pine cone in art. The ancient societies like the Egyptians and the Romans knew the benefits and exemplified this in their vast symbologies with a symbol of an eye.

Pineal Gland reference is also in back of the U.S. dollar bill with what is called the ‘all seeing eye’, which is a reference to the ability of an individual (or group of individuals) to use this gland and go to the other side (spiritual world) and possibly control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world by knowing what they are thinking at all times in our physical world.

Various research being conducted so far confirms that there are certain periods in the night, between the hours of one and four in the morning where chemicals are released in the brain that bring about feelings of connectedness to one’s higher source.

The Conspiracy : How they are Killing your Pineal Gland

In the late 90′s, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke carries out the first study the effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. The pineal gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body, even bones.

Pineal gland is like a magnet to sodium fluoride. This calcifies the gland and makes it no longer effective in balancing the entire hormonal processes through the body.


Various Researches every since have proved Sodium Fluoride goes to the most important gland in the brain? It’s the only thing that attacks the most important center of our gland in the brain. It’s prevalent in foods, beverages and in our bath and drinking water. Sodium Fluoride is put in 90% of the United States water supply. Water filters you buy in supermarkets do not take the fluoride out. Only reverse osmosis or water distillation. The cheapest way is to buy a water distiller.

Sodium Fluoride is in our water supply, food, Pepsi, Coke, to dumb down the masses, literally!.  The fluoride was introduced into the water by the Nazis and the Russians in their concentration camps to make the camp population docile and do not question authority.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I believe that if you take away the seat of the soul, this disconnects our oneness with our god and power of our source our spirituality and turn us into a mundane slave of secret societies, shadow organizations and the control freak corporate world.

