LISA RENEE on “Alpha Brain Wave State”

“Often our minds fall into a groove of inner dialogue that has a certain tone or resonance to it. Sometimes our mind is agitated and sometimes our mind is very calm. We are expansive and receptive when we are calm, centered and mentally relaxed. When our mind feels agitated and stirred up, we then become constricted and energetically blocked. Agitation and worry often indicate that we are operating in the active Beta brain wave state, which is where most adults operate from when anxious and worried. When our mental body and mind feel calm and flowing, it means we are in the more relaxed Alpha brain wave state, where children generally operate from. Try to operate from the Alpha brain wave state as much as possible since that expands and allows more body awareness and energetic flow to vitalize your body. You will experience greater ease in your life and begin to go with the flow, allowing yourself to receive more ‘spiritual-energetic’ support into your daily life. Contact with the spiritual realms and access to our inner spirit comes from being in the flow of the now moment awareness with a calm and serene mind.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Krystal Aegis

STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Unleash Your Primal Spirit: Working with Power Animals”

power animals

I truly enjoy spending time with my power animal. My silent friend and I walk, run, play, and dance as we move as one in our instinctually common habitats – strengthening our connection. The relationship between you and your Power Animal is typically a symbiotic one of kinship and shared traits. A strong bond allows you to tap into their primal instincts and powers as you and the animal work as one, growing spiritually. The stronger the connection, the stronger your joined experiences will be amid both the physical and metaphysical realms.

What Are Power Animals?

power animalsPower animal spirits are not perceivable by the traditional five senses, and some of the most well known are Bear, Buffalo, Owl, Eagle, Wolf, Snake, and Rabbit. Power animals are protectors and partners with whom accompany and protect you on daily and take otherworldly journeys. They know their way around and can get you into and out of your destination unharmed.

It is said that you have at least one power animal from birth, and you may actually have several. They may be present simultaneously or guide you individually as you progress along your path with each offering different types of guidance and protection in accordance with your journey. Many are most familiar with Native American Power Animals, but spirit animals animals entities exist in many cultures. Here is a great resource to discover your power animals and birth totem.

Power Animals – Connecting Your Spiritual and Physical Worlds

While not ‘teachers’ in the direct sense of other types of spiritual guides, you have much to learn from your Power Animal – mostly insights into your own character – your strengths, weaknesses, and how to better understand your mind, body, and spirit – all through understanding your animal’s habitual instincts.

Protection – Power Animals excel in journeying, and they will serve you in the physical realm as protectors when you mentally call upon them for assistance. To put things into perspective, you may want to call upon a totem like Bear or Wolf to shield you in dangerous situations, but smaller creatures like Snake or Rabbit could aid you with their hiding or movement abilities. Rely on instincts – know your animal!

Physical & Spiritual Realms – Beyond mere protection on the physical plane, your will likely have shared traits with your Power Animal or Totem. You may find that you prefer warm weather over cold or that you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder when it’s not your season. You may find certain activities and types work preferable. Think you’re not a cat person? Maybe your animal doesn’t care for them either! You may be able to eat very little for long periods as Snake does, or you may find comfort in running with a group like Buffalo or Wolf. Looking inside yourself and realizing your preferences in these realms can help you discover your spirit animal.

power animalsBonding with Power Animals – Welcome the Call of the Wild

The calling of the wild, primordial animal within you may be something you typically try to restrain. After all, many will assume that you are as nutty as a peanut butter cookie if you say you communicate with a Spirit Animal that guides and protects you. However, fostering the bond with your spirit animal is essential. If you don’t spend enough time with them and show appreciation for their insight and protections – just like stones and crystals disappear – your power animal can also abandon you!

Here are some tips Shamans and other spiritual guides recommend for connecting with your Power Animal.

  1. Keep the Identity of your Animal Mum: It can seem overwhelmingly tempting to share your power animal with others. However, knowing the identity of your totem can disclose your own strengths and weakness to others. This could open the door for others to tap into your realm with intent on causing psychic and physical harm to you.
  2. Communicate with Your Animal: Silently asks your friend for assistance when you are weak, afraid, or need counsel. Take time daily to acknowledge their presence when you awaken, to thank them before you sleep, and offer to ‘free’ them to a place of their pleasure while you rest if you feel so inclined.
  3. Learn About Your Power Animals: Get attuned with your animals’ habits – their food sleeping and mating patterns are essential for you to embrace and learn about to keep you totem happy. You’ll also learn more about your habits and how to be tuned into what your ‘gut’ tells you rather than what is the ‘norm.’
  4. Gratitude & Acknowledgment: Take time to honor your animal, whether it be with a photo on your sacred space/altar or through donating or volunteering to causes that preserve their species or habitat.
  5. Dance, Dance, Dance: If you are just now discovering your animal, dance with them right away – when the time of shyness and conscious predispositions may impede your dance. Animals love to play and dance, as it promotes the state of connecting with higher realms, the primordial instincts within us all, and it frees the spirit from the confines of the grounded realm. So, dance away!

Power Animals

Take a Spirit Animal Quiz and Learn More…

To get more information on Spirit Animal Totems click here, and you can also take a fun quiz on the topic and other great resources.

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