GREGG PRESCOTT, M.S. (IN5D): “Why Are Spiritual People Generally Introverts?”


by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, BodyMindSoulSpirit

According to recent statistics, approximately 75% of the world’s population are extroverts but within the spiritual genre, the numbers are reversed, so why are spiritual people generally introverts?

Society tends to mislabel introverts as being antisocial or reclusive, but this isn’t true. As introverts, we tend to speak with like-minded people versus anyone or everyone. Sometimes, we choose not to speak at all. That doesn’t mean we are not interested in what is being said… it means that we would much rather listen than talk.

According to Betty W. Phillips, Ph.D., Psychology, “…introverts have been found to constitute 60% of highly gifted individuals. Einstein was an extreme introvert. In fact, in elementary school he was so quiet and withdrawn that he was actually thought to be ‘dull-witted.’

Often, an extrovert will ask an introvert, “You’re so quiet, what’s wrong with you?” There’s nothing wrong with us! It is difficult for the introvert to understand why everyone isn’t like he or she.

One of the most famous introverts was Gandhi. I seriously doubt if anyone asked him, “What’s wrong with you?” Despite his introvertedness, he was socially available for interviews and public appearances.

The extrovert tends to be more interested in his or her environment and in socializing with other people while the introvert is more interested in his or her thoughts and feelings. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the introvert cannot have extroverted tendencies or vice-versa. It simply means that there are general tendencies that seem to be consistent with both the introvert and the extrovert.

If given the choice, the introvert will prefer to work alone or in small groups than with a large group of people.  The ideal profession for the introvert does not involve being around a lot of people and may include careers in writing, computer programming, webmasters and graphic design.  In the end, the introvert could do virtually any job that an extrovert can do but ultimately, introverts need to find their own space at the end of the day.

Many introverts are avid readers and are constantly studying and researching various topics of interest, including spirituality and metaphysics.  Reading may come in various forms such as books, e-books or internet articles.

Why Are Spiritual People Generally Introverts?

The introvert tends to be guided by his or her higher self in what areas to pursue when researching spiritual and metaphysical topics, almost as if the higher self is guiding the introvert (which it is!).

By internalizing their feelings, the introverts are susceptible to anxiety related issues such as migraines and panic attacks but they are also more apt to find natural solutions on their own before consulting others for their advice.

Because the introvert tends to look within for answers, he or she will find it easier to meditate and to quiet the mind.  The extrovert’s mind tends to remain overactive as he or she will often have difficulty quieting the mind while focusing within.

Another common spiritual activity for the introvert is yoga, which integrates the body and mind while the extrovert is more apt to play team sports.  In yoga, one uses their body as a vehicle for consciousness while in most sports, the body is used as a vehicle for aggression.  Once again, this does not mean that the introvert will not participate in team sports, nor does it mean that the extrovert will not practice yoga.  These are general tendencies that introverts and extroverts exhibit in every day life.


The introvert may have a stronger bond with nature as nature may not provide enough stimulation for the extrovert.  You will generally find that people who enjoy hiking are predominantly introverts, as they appreciate the solitude and oneness they receive from being outdoors in whatever particular element of nature that they enjoy.

Stargazing is another popular activity for the introvert for the same reason, as extroverts will become quickly bored with staring at the sky and may not understand how the stars are connected to our bodies and everything that is happening on our planet.

While 75% of the population are extroverts, the introvert needs to remain true to his or herself, despite peer pressure to conform to society. Despite not wanting the acknowledgement or recognition, the spiritualists within this genre are the leaders of tomorrow’s world as we enter a new stage of consciousness and spiritual awareness.



About the Author:
Gregg Prescott <a href=Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. His love and faith for humanity motivates him to work relentlessly in humanity’s best interests 12-15+ hours a day, 365 days a year. Please like and follow In5D on Facebook as well as BodyMindSoulSpirit on Facebook!

AVIA BENEFICA: “Moon Sign Meanings & Personality Types”


Moon signs are an astrological term indicating which zodiac sign the moon’s presence was in during the time of our birth.

You’ll know your lunar sign by the date, time and place of your birth. These details indicate the placement of the moon within the 12 zodiac signs when you were born.

For example, if the moon was stationed within the constellation of Sagittarius on your birthday, then… you guessed it, your lunar sign would be Sagittarius.

In a nutshell, a moon sign is the polarity of a sun sign (sun signs being the most commonly known, and the sign on which your horoscope in the newspapers is based).

Sun signs are assertive, active, vital, outgoing and these are the personality aspects of ourselves we willingly expose to the world around us. (see Symbolism of the Sun here)

Lunar signs, however are quite the opposite. They represent the unseen, intuitive, emotional, psychic, instinctive perspectives of our personality.

Some astrologists maintain our moon sign represents our unconscious. I don’t know if I buy that, because some of us are extremely aware of our moon-side behaviors. And, if we’re aware of a thing, we’re certainly conscious of it.

I would agree, however, that lunar signs are symbolic of our shadow selves. Those aspects we keep secret. We might even keep some of these aspects secrets from ourselves – and that would certainly go under the category of “unconscious.”

Lunar signs are connected with our primitive instinct too, and so a modicum of unconsciousness could be involved here. Many instincts can be judged as distasteful, and so the moon can hide that unpleasant aspect from ourselves.

Many of us are unwilling to investigate our moon signs for fear of touching those dark aspects of ourselves. But just because our lunar personality traits are cloaked, doesn’t mean their bad.

This is a common misunderstanding. In fact, we owe it to ourselves to explore our shadow sides. We experience unbalance by not knowing ourselves fully (light and dark) – and that unbalance can represent major problems.

Besides, lunar signs are amazing keys unlocking a myriad of mysteries within us and the world around us.

For example, our lunar sign is also a clue to our maternal instincts as well as traits we may have inherited from our mothers.

There are scads of esoteric doors that our lunar sign holds the key to unlocking.

Learning and exploring your moon sign will aid you in unlocking secrets in the following areas…

Knowing Your Moon Sign Helps With:

  • Developing Intuition
  • Emotional Behaviors
  • Feminine Influences
  • Instinctive Behaviors
  • Unconscious Desires
  • Childhood Influences
  • Psychic Development
  • Enhancing Receptivity
  • Motherly Inheritances
  • Understanding Dreams
  • Environmental Awareness
  • Uncovering Hidden Motives
  • Past Memory and Regression
  • Pleasure and Sensual Preferences

After reading that list, it becomes clear why you owe it to yourself to learn your lunar sign and all its implications. Doing so can open up a whole new realm of clarity, perceptive and understanding.

After all, astrology is the ultimate tool for self-discovery.

How to Determine Your Moon Sign

Find out your Moon Sign here: free moon sign calculator.

Meaning of Astrological Moon Signs

Moon signs represent proclivities and vast potentials within us that are often obscured by a murky veil of midnight in our awareness.

Where a sun sign represents active principals of ourselves, our moon signs are far more elusive.

Some astrologists define our moon sign as our unconscious. Others say our lunar traits are primal and describe our instinctual motivations.

I say our moon sign is a vessel of promise, to be viewed through the mystical telescope of focused awareness. Once that light of awareness shines on our lunar faces, a whole new universe of self-understanding is made known to us.

The following entries are a sampling of some personality traits of moon signs.

Summary of Moon Sign Personality Traits

Aries Moon SignsMoon Signs in Aries:
You light up best when you’re recognized for your talents, but this can be a bit dodgy because Aries as your moon sign dictates a bit of modesty with your accomplishments (had you Aries in your sun, there’d be no issue with tooting your own horn). Nevertheless, you are illuminated with incredible perseverance, so even if you aren’t bragging about your inventiveness and accomplishments most people will see you shine brightly simply because you never give up, and persist in your goals. You’ve got a brilliant sense of humor that puts people at ease. This is a good thing because your exuberance and full-on voltage is sometimes off-putting to more sedate or reserved people. But you can’t be asked to hold back from your electric impulsiveness – you absolutely must express yourself. You do this exceedingly well in group projects – you are a consummate cheerleader; always motivating the group.


Taurus Moon SignsMoon in Taurus:
Your moon side becomes illuminated when you are clear about your place, and where you stand within the grand scheme of things. You like utter honesty, and if you feel mind games are being played, you want no part of it. You tend to be very classy, with killer taste in design, fashion, art, etc. In fact, you need to surround yourself with refinery and loveliness. Otherwise, you’ll pick up on lower energies and dingy or sullied environments will send you to an abyss of depression. Taurean moon signs have notorious inner-wisdom. Your job is to trust that inner-knowing (because often these signs lack the conviction behind their gut instincts) because you are always dead-right. Do not make a move until you feel it is right on a visceral level. It’s your gift, and a fantastic tool for self-preservation. Trust your inner guidance, always.


Gemini Moon SignsMoon Signs in Gemini:
Your mind is as sharp and clear as the fullest moon in the sky on a crystal-bright night. With this kind of mental alacrity comes a tendency to over-think. And, with over-thinking comes anxiety, worry or even doubt about your own judgment. Gemini moons do best when they can balance their active minds with some sort of creative outlet. Music is particularly effective as it activates both left and right brain functions. You have remarkable communication skills. You easily speak to others with confidence, and have the uncanny ability to “know” what is being said to you – even when your mind is thinking instead of listening to what the other is saying. This makes you an effective liaison, communicator and negotiator – but to a point. Gemini moons must be heard. If you feel you aren’t being listened to, you’ll tend to retreat from the scene (rather than push your point).


Cancer Moon SignsMoon in Cancer:
You shine your brightest when your mission to help, heal and support others. Moreover, you are “over the moon” with joy when you can see all your hard work pay off. You need to see the difference you make in the lives of others – this is your highest reward. Of course, recognition for all your support and nurturing is a great motivation for you too. As a moon sign, you’re not likely to show your touchy-feely-emotional nature to others, which is ironic seeing as how you are such a great mentor and supportive ally. Give acknowledgement to your inner stirrings rather than hide them. You’ve got amazing intuitive skills and, under stress you’re known to just blurt out thoughts on your mind that are incredibly accurate on a psychic level. You can train yourself to express your intuition more fluidly and openly, but you’ve got to open up a bit, come out of your shell.


Leo Moon SignsMoon Signs in Leo:
No amount of night will dampen your gloriously bright light. You have energy that is undeniable. Indeed, if someone denies you your proper place of respect and authority, it does not bode well. You are in your element when you are being admired for your amazing wit, charm and intelligence. With your sharp intellect comes a tendency to process to quickly and this makes you miss subtle clues in communication with others. Consequently, some misunderstandings can take you completely by surprise. Just remember the phases of the moon, and train your mind to move a bit like a rolling storm (rather than at lightning speed). You like to take risks, and these usually pay off for you because you tend to be naturally lucky. Perhaps that’s why your outlook is usually optimistic.


Virgo Moon SignsMoon in Virgo:
You know how the moon orbits the earth? Well, your intuition orbits everything, and that means you’re often on “sensory overload” making you anxious and twitchy much of the time. Virgin moons tend to pick things up arbitrarily like a sponge gathers water. What’s more, you try to make sense of it all – putting chaos into order. Sorting out details and making everything tidy and logical tends to make you edgy, and others often have no idea what’s gotten you irritated. Just know you are this way, and be patient and accepting of this aspect of yourself. This kind of intuition is a gift. Work with it. And while you’re at it, ease up on the self-criticism. No one else is as harshly critical about you – so why are you being so relentless with yourself? Simply know your standards (even for yourself) are higher than everyone else’s. That means your “average” performance is actually excellence by anyone else’s standards.


Libra Moon SignsMoon Signs of Libra:
Your life is best illuminated when you keep things simple. You see tremendous beauty in the simplest elements, and seek to keep purity and clarity in place in all your dealings. Just because you have a need for simplicity doesn’t mean you’re life is uncomplicated. A moon in Libra is always looking for a yin to your yang (or vice versa). Meaning, you’re always seeking a complimentary balance to your energy – particularly in partnerships. You love a challenge, and you work very hard to balance the equation by finding solutions. This means you often attract partnerships with people who have some glaring flaws (because you know you can tip the balance and sort them out). You have incredible style too. The arts, fashion and literary excellence lures every inch of your inherent creativity and electrifies you.


Scorpio Moon SignsMoon in Scorpio:
You’ll find your more emotionally synchronized during the waning moon. This is because you process better in private, where watching eyes cannot see you. You are deeply intuitive and other people’s thoughts and feelings reveal themselves to you like curious magic. With all this information coming your way, it’s no wonder you need time alone to process everything. Your challenge is to be more forgiving of your natural cycles (you get impatient and angry with yourself – and tend to hide these feelings from others which just exacerbates your tension). You also tend to be guarded, and take great measures to manipulate your environment to match your ideal setting. And you are incredibly idealistic, which is a fabulous balance to your intensity.


Sagittarius Moon SignsMoon Signs in Sagittarius:
The moon is constantly in motion, which compounds your Sagittarian need for activity, variety and mobility. Ever the adventurer, you require life to show you excitement and high times. When things get dull, you get weary and set looking for something better, brighter. This need for shiny newness sometimes gets you into trouble because sometimes you stir the pot in the wrong direction – churning up too much activity or drama. Your saving grace is a strong sense of justice, and a love for humanity. These passions bring about your philosophical nature, which easily puts you in a position of teacher and mentor. Actually, you’re quite a brilliant tutor, and win a great deal of admiration from your followers (of which, there are many). It’s your enthusiasm that holds people in rapt attention of you and your teachings.


Capricorn Moon SignsMoon in Capricorn:
To those who don’t know you well, you appear as cool as the moon. In control, self-disciplined and dignified, you are often mistaken as unfeeling. You’re extremely productive, capable and thorough. This means you make everything you do look easy, which can also put people off. They have no idea beneath your cool exterior you are pragmatically planning the next five moves in your strategy to accomplish your goals. And accomplish goals is a forte. A unique mixture of patience, willingness and dogged determination usually insures victory. You’re also remarkably dependable; others naturally seek you out for guidance and advice. Your special ability to stay collected under pressure makes you a fantastic leader. You also win respect from your peers easily because you don’t just talk the talk (you rarely boast), you actually walk the walk. You prove your value through consistent action. People really look up to you for that, and admire your integrity.


Aquarius Moon SignsMoon Signs in Aquarius:
Nothing much gets past you, particularly when communicating with others. You’re the one who hears what a person is saying, but is also knows what is unsaid. I’d hate to play poker with you because you’re the one who knows everybody’s tells and quirky mannerisms. It’s the moon that enhances your knack for perception, and the Aquarian nature is to intellectualize what you’re perceiving. So, it only makes sense you are able to “read” people to the extreme. In fact, a lot of your decisions and actions are based on unseen intellect. This makes you look a wee bit daft or eccentric to others. Odds are you don’t mind the label – maybe even relish it. Although you have brilliant perception of what others are all about, you never use it for ill will. Quite the contrary. You are a humanitarian, and easily serve as a catalyst for positive change in the lives of those around you. You also give off a comforting, secure vibe that puts people at ease and makes them trust you. This enhances your ability to help others.


Pisces Moon SignsMoon in Pisces:
You live on the darker side of the moon and tend to be reserved, sometimes downright withdrawn. Some people mistake this for shyness, but that’s really not the case. You’re just sensitive. Deeply sensitive. In fact, you have a vein of psychic gold that is so accurate, it’s scary even to yourself at times. You are incredibly gifted in your powers of observation. Even better, you are incredibly shrewd, you make accurate assessments and have sound judgment. This unique combination makes you a force to be reckoned with, but you tend to use your powers in creative ways. As long as others allow you to work and play in your own unique way you’re able to remain pretty content. However, if pushed into conformity, or criticized can unleash a raging sea of animosity. No one can blame you though because you have such a unparalleled perspective of the world – you really deserve to dance to your own specialized music and rhythm.

I hope you have enjoyed these brief personality summations on moon signs.

If you like this page, don’t miss my Native American Moon Sign page which discusses personality types according to Wabanki full moons for each month.

And don’t miss the links at the end of this page for more articles on symbolic astrological meanings.<!– begin attached to bottom of horizontal nav


An Important Note About Signs, Symbols and Their Meanings


Signs and symbols cultivate their meanings according to culture, context, passage of time in society as well as mass societal opinion. What’s cool and highly important is that signs and symbols earn their most powerful meanings from our own personal perspectives.

This website strives to provide you with the best, time-honored information when defining signs and symbols. However, in the final analysis, “Beauty (and symbolism) is in the eye of the beholder.”

Having said that, it’s in our best interest to invest the time to do personal research on symbolic events happening to us. This website is just one perspective in an ocean of variety and diversity in the realm of symbolism. So dive in! There is a whole universe of deeper meanings to explore! You can start your research by clicking on the links at the end or to the side of this page. Odds are good I’ve got a follow-up article about this symbolic topic. 😉

As always, thanks for your willingness to learn more about the language of symbolism. It’s a language that is universal and everywhere. It’s super-groovy to travel with you on your symbolic path, and maybe offer a little translation along the way. Thanks for reading and exploring!










DIANE KATHERINE: “6 Reasons Empaths Freeze Around Inauthentic People”


When an Empath comes across fake people it is common for them to shut down as a form of protection.  This can be seen as stumbling over words or one’s memory and thought process being affected. Anyone who is not emanating truthful vibes will put an Empath on high alert.

In my days as a hairdresser, I could never understand why when I was with certain clients, who came across lovely, I would get awful feelings inside. It was only when I discovered I was an Empath that it all made sense to me. I was feeling their pain that they were hiding in fake behavior.

There are many levels of falseness and many reasons for it. In the early days of discovering of one’s Empathic abilities it may not always be easy to pinpoint just why someone feels so bad to you.

Here are some traits and behaviors that may leave you feeling awful:
  1. Someone who wants to loved by everyone they meet acts overly nice to get adoration.
  2. Someone being filled with hate or anger yet working hard to convince the world otherwise.
  3. Someone having had an emotionally destructive childhood leaving them insecure and in pain, yet playing the tough guy.
  4. Someone building a totally new personality to hide the person they believe will not be accepted by society.
  5. Someone being full of insincere praise for you.
  6. Someone making up stories to make themselves sound interesting

And this is how you may find yourself reacting:

  1. Avoiding being in their presence, yet not really having a reason to do so (as in they did not say or do anything to hurt you).
  2. Not being able to talk to them. Sentences literally won’t form in your mouth and your brain acts like you have no memory. You find yourself just asking questions and if you do talk it feels like it makes no sense.
  3. Having a sense of dread in the pit of stomach that won’t go until you are no longer in said person’s presence.
  4. Any more than an hour spent in their company will drain you and leave you feeling ill.
  5. Feeling guilty because you may like person but dislike how it feels to be with them.
  6. Feeling helpless around them.

Now just because an Empath feels fakeness and untruths in another does not mean they do not fake themselves. For some, when they feel bad around a faker it may mean they are picking up a trait they do not like about themselves and they too hide it from the world.

We all have to put a face on and act fake at some point in our lives, but for some it’s everyday. We may have to be upbeat and happy when we feel sad or depressed, we may have to act annoyed when we are actually indifferent or we may have to pretend to love a job we actually detest. In some cases faking it can get us through difficult situations, but living it daily is not healthy.

It is important for the Empath to uncover any hidden traits and emotions, because whilst we bury a side of us we do not like we will never be happy or feel complete. However, the problem we have is that many of us do not know the root cause.

One of the biggest causes of unhappiness on this planet is people not knowing themselves and when we hide a side of us from others without knowing the reason, it will cause us pain. Being true and authentic is emotionally freeing. Quite often, many of the traits we buried have in fact been inherited and passed down the family line or they may even be from a past life. Wherever they stemmed from it is important for us to uncover these traits, and if they can’t be changed (some traits are hardwired), accept and learn to live with them.

Sensitive people will bury negative traits because we know how destructive they are but burying them does not lose them. They will always show up and cause damage.

Hate, anger, jealousy and fear of rejection are four traits most often buried. We may hate someone for the way they have behaved towards us. Anger may have been inherited from an angry parent. Praise and attention being bestowed on a childhood friend or sibling may have led to a jealous streak and being rejected as a child, by an unknowing parent for instance, may have built up inside as an intense fear of rejection. All very simple and innocent triggers, but all of which can snowball and lead us to have deep set insecurities that we feel have to remain hidden. When we recognize and accept a trait in self, it loses its hold.


JENN GRANNEMAN: “Here’s the Scientific Explanation for Why Introverts Like Being Alone”


I’m an introvert, so I need plenty of “alone” time. If I don’t get enough, I’m not myself. I feel worn out and cranky. I get short with people, because every little annoyance seems magnified. I want to sneak away and hide for a while.

Spending time alone—reading, writing, or just hanging around my apartment doing nothing—recharges me. It’s like what author Jonathan Rauch writes:

“For introverts, to be alone with our thoughts is as restorative as sleeping, as nourishing as eating.”

Rauch’s own formula is to spend two hours alone recharging for every hour he spends socializing.

Extroverts, on the other hand, actually feel energized when they’re on-the-go or hanging out with others. Many extroverts get restless and bored when they have to be alone for too long. But me? I could spend hours (or days) alone and feel great.

So why do introverts need more alone time than extroverts? The answer is found in the wiring of our brains.

It’s All in Your Head

Our need for alone time has to do with a chemical called dopamine. Both introverts and extroverts have dopamine in their brains, but they respond to it differently.

What is dopamine? It’s a neurotransmitter that helps control your brain’s pleasure and reward centers. It makes us notice opportunities to get external rewards (like money, social status, and sex) and take action to get them.

Imagine you and your extroverted friend are at a bar. You both see an attractive person across the room. Dopamine floods both of your brains as you think about flirting with this person. Your extroverted friend feels a thrilling rush of “happiness hits” from dopamine. But you feel nervous and somewhat overwhelmed. Sound familiar?

This is because extroverts have a more active dopamine reward network than introverts. Basically, they need more dopamine to feel its pleasant effects, explains Dr. Marti Olsen Laney in her book The Introvert Advantage: How Quiet People Can Thrive in an Extrovert World.

For introverts, too much of a good thing really is too much. We feel overstimulated when dopamine floods our brains.

When we spend time alone, we’re not faced with situations like talking to an attractive stranger. Essentially we’re lowering our level of external stimulation. Being alone feels just right for our dopamine-sensitive system.

Acetylcholine Is Where It’s At

Forget dopamine. Introverts would rather bask in another neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, explains Christine Fonseca in her book Quiet Kids: Help Your Introverted Child Succeed in an Extroverted World. Like dopamine, acetylcholine is also linked to pleasure. The difference is, acetylcholine makes us feel good when we turn inward. It powers our abilities to think deeply, reflect, and focus intensely on just one thing for a long period of time.

This helps further explain why introverts like being alone: it’s easier to turn inward when we’re not paying attention to other people.

Let Us Rest and Digest

According to Laney, everyone’s nervous system has two modes: parasympathetic and sympathetic. When we use the parasympathetic side (nicknamed the “rest and digest” side), we feel calm and are focused inwardly. Our body conserves energy and withdraws from the environment; muscles relax, energy is stored, food is metabolized, pupils constrict to reduce light, and our heart rate and blood pressure slow. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine increases blood flow and alertness in the front of the brain.

The sympathetic side is known as the “full-throttle” or “fight, fright, or flight” system. This side mobilizes us toward discovering new things and makes us active, daring, or inquisitive. The brain becomes alert and hyper-focused on its surroundings. Blood sugar and free fatty acids are elevated to give us more energy, and digestion is slowed. Thinking is reduced, and we become prepared to make snap decisions.

Of course, introverts and extroverts use both sides of their nervous system at different times. But just like introverts and extroverts respond differently to dopamine, we prefer different sides of the nervous system. You can probably guess which side introverts prefer: the parasympathetic side.

Are You Getting Enough Alone Time?

It can be hard to get enough alone time. We may feel guilty when we turn down social plans or tell our significant other we want a night to ourselves. However, not getting enough alone time can affect us physically and emotionally. According to Laney, you may not be getting enough alone time if you regularly experience some of these symptoms:

  • Trouble sleeping or eating
  • Frequent colds, headaches, back pains, or allergies
  • Feeling anxious, agitated, irritable, and “snappish”
  • Unable to think, concentrate, or make decisions
  • Confused and discombobulated, as if you are dashing from thing to thing in a blur
  • Trapped and wondering what is the meaning of life
  • Drained, tired, and put-upon
  • Disconnected from yourself

What should you do? Make it a priority to include alone time in your day, even if it’s only a few minutes of catching your breath alone in your car or bedroom. Laney writes, “Many introverts have felt so stigmatized about the private, reserved aspect of their nature that they have not allowed themselves the time to develop effective restorative practices. It’s time to change that!”  retina_favicon1

PH circle 2What’s your personality type? Knowing your personality can help you leverage your natural strengths. Take the free personality test from our partner Personality Hacker.

MICHAEL MCLAIN: “What is Your Life Path Number?”

What is Your Life Path Number? 

The Life Path is the sum of the birth date. This number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that you will carry with you through life.  The Life Path describes the nature of this journey through life.

The Life Path number is established from the date of birth. First, add the Month, day, and year together to arrive at a total. Next, reduce this four digit number to a single digit.

Example: If a person was born on October 23, 1972 (10-23-1972*), add the month 10 to the day 23 plus the the year 1972 arriving at a total of 2005. Then add the digits in 2005 arriving at the Life Path number 7.

The “master numbers, ” 11, 22, and 33, have been incorporated within the corresponding single digit number readings.


If your date of birth or the letters in your names adds up to one of the master numbers, 11 or 22, or 33 for that matter, I urge you contain your pride and excitement. Be humble and focus on the ultimate single digit number.


1 (10/1, 19/1)

The Life Path 1 suggests that you entered this plane with skills allowing you to become a leader type rather easily. Your nature is charged with individualistic desires, a demand for independence, and the need for personal attainment. Many of our military generals, corporate leaders, and political leaders are men and women having the Life Path 1. When you display positive 1 traits your mind is capable of significant creative inspiration, and it possesses the enthusiasm and drive to accomplish a great deal. You are very good at getting the ball rolling; initiating new projects is your forte. You are at your best when confronted with obstacles and challenges, as you combat these with strength and daring. This is both the physical and inner varieties of strength. With this strength comes utter determination and the capability to lead. As a natural leader you have a flair for taking charge of any situation. You have a tendency to do this, even if, at times, it is not appropriate for you to do so.

You are ambitious and assertive in promoting yourself. Although you may hide the fact for social reasons, you can be self-centered and demand to have your way in many circumstances. That said, for the most part, you are considered very good company, friendly, good-natured, and a wonderful conversationalist.

There are several ways that the negative side of the 1 can show up. The 1 always has the potential for greatness as a leader, but they may fail as a follower. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to follow for a while before you are allowed to lead and this can be a difficult time. When the 1 Life Path person is not fully developed and expressing the negative side of this number, the demeanor may appear very dependent rather than independent, particularly in the early years. If you are expressing this negative trait of the number 1, you are likely to be very dissatisfied with your circumstances, and long for self-sufficiency. This might be defined as the weak or dependent side of the negative 1 Life Path. On the strong side of this negative curve, the 1 energy can become too self-serving, selfish and egotistical.

2 (11/2, 20/2)

The Life Path 2 suggests that you entered this plane with a spiritual quality in your makeup allowing you to be one of the peacemakers in society. Your strengths come from an ability to listen and absorb. You are a fixer, a mediator, and a very diplomatic type of person using persuasive skills rather than forcefulness to make your way in the world. When you embrace and exhibit the strength of your spiritual side, you are intuitive, avant-garde, idealistic, and visionary. These extremes make you interesting with much to offer society. You have the potential to be a deep-thinker, and no doubt interested in understanding many of life’s mysteries and more intriguing facets.

If you are living with the positive attributes of the number 2 Life Path, you are apt to have the most delicate ability to be balanced and fair. You clearly see the full spectrum of viewpoints in any argument or situation, and because of this, people may seek you out to be a mediator. In this role you are able to settle disputes with the most unbiased flair. There is sincere concern for others; you think the best of people, and want the best for them. You are honest and open in thought, word and deed. You excel in any form of group activity where your expertise in handling and blending people can be used effectively. Manners and tact mark your way with others, and you are not one to dominate a group or situation. You are the master of compromise and of maintaining harmony in your environment. As the ultimate team member, you never demand praise or recognition.

On the negative side of the 2, nervous energy is a trait often observed in the 2. Because of this, you may be seen as an extremist who is sometimes the zealot in expressing likes and dislikes. Nervous tension can bring the normally easygoing 2 into a state of emotional outrage, which to those around you, may seem so out of character. Indeed, the 2 can sometimes become oversensitive. In some instances, the strength of the 2 can also become its weakness. You may find it hard to decide what to do at times. Twos often struggle against indecisiveness. Making decisions and getting your life in gear, so to speak, may be a challenge. The negative 2 can be very pessimistic. When this sets in to any degree, you are able to accomplishes very little. If living on the negative side of the 2, you may lack common sense, and you are quite often unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

3 (3, 12/3, 21,/3, 30/3)

The Life Path 3 indicates that you entered this plane with a strong sense of creativity and with wonderful communication skills. Achievement for you most likely comes through engaging your ingenious expression. A truly gifted 3 possesses the most exceptional innovative skills, normally in the verbal realm, writing, speaking, acting, or similar endeavors. Here we are apt to find the entertainers of the world, bright, effervescent, sparkling people with very optimistic attitudes. The bright side of this path stresses harmony, beauty and pleasures; of sharing your inventive talents with the world. Capturing your capability in creative self-expression is the highest level of attainment for this life path. Life is generally lived to the fullest, often without much worry about tomorrow. You are not very good at handling money because of a general lack of concern about it. You spend it when you have it and don’t when you don’t.

The 3 loves connecting with people. The characteristics of the 3 are warmth and friendliness, a good conversationalist, social and open. A good talker both from the standpoint of being a delight to listen to, but even more importantly, one who has the ability to listen to others. Accordingly, the life path 3 produces individuals who are always a welcome addition to any social situation and know how to make others feel at home. The approach to life tends to be exceedingly positive. Your disposition is almost surely sunny and openhearted. A happy and often inspired person, you are constantly seeking and needing the stimuli of similar people.

For the few living on the negative side of this Life Path, a 3 may be so delighted with the joy of living that the life becomes frivolous and superficial. You may scatter your abilities and express little sense of purpose. The 3 can be an enigma, for no apparent reason you may become moody and tend to retreat. Escapist tendencies are not uncommon with the 3 life path, and you find it very hard to settle into one place or one position. Guard against being critical of others, impatient, intolerant, or overly optimistic.

4 (4, 13/4, 22/4, 31/4, 40/4)

The Life Path 4 suggests that you entered this plane with a natural genius for planning, fixing, building, and somehow, with practical application and cerebral excellence, making things work. You are one of the most trustworthy, practical, and down-to-earth of individuals; the cornerstone members of society. Indeed, as a Life Path 4, you are a builder of society. The cream of the crop in this Life Path can be a master builder in society. if you are among these highly talented people, you have an idealistic nature which is grounded in practical terms, allowing you to conceive grandiose, far-reaching schemes and carry them through to the end. If you desire and are willing to work for it, you can achieve enormous success, prestige, and fame. Obviously, everyone with a 4 Life Path does not become famous.

You are an excellent organizer and planner because of your innate ability to view things in a very common sense and practical way. Your life is programed in an orderly fashion permitting you to catalog and manage the flow of ideas and activities that fill your day. Indeed, you seem to function best when you are under the gun and facing a tough set of problems.

The negative side of the 4 can prove dogmatic to an excess, narrow-minded, and repressive. A lot of skin-deep people turn you off, and you lack the tact to keep your feelings from being totally clear to all around. Additionally, the negative 4 has a bad tendency to get caught up in the daily routine of affairs, missing the big picture and major opportunities that come along once in a while.

5 (5, 14/5, 23/5, 32/5)

The Life Path 5 suggests that you entered this plane with a highly progressive mindset, with the attitude and skills to make the world a better place. The key word for your Life Path is freedom. In the pursuit of freedom, you are naturally versatile, adventurous, and advanced in your thinking. You are one of those people who is always striving to find answers to the many questions that life poses. The byword for the positive Life Path 5 is constant change and improvement. You want to be totally unrestrained, as this is the number most often associated with the productive use of freedom.

You may be one of the most compassionate of people as the 5 is surely the most freedom-loving and compassionate Life Path. Your love of freedom extends to humanity at large, and concern for your fellow man, his freedom and his welfare, may be foremost in your mind.

In romance, you hate to be tied down and restricted. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are unfaithful or promiscuous, but it does mean that a good partner for you needs to understand your nature. A relationship based on jealousy and having tight reigns is not going to work at all for you. A partner who understands your need to be free and trusted will find you trustworthy, even if you aren’t constantly available and totally dutiful. It is important for you to mix with people of a like mind, and to try to avoid those that are too serious and demanding.

If you are living on the negative side of the Life Path 5, you are apt to be multitalented, but suffering from some lack of direction, and there is confusion surrounding your ambition. Restless, discontent, and impulsive, you may bounce from one job to the next without accomplishing much at all. A negative Life Path 5 can become very irresponsible in tasks and decisions concerning the home and business life. The total pursuit of sensation and adventure can result in your becoming self-indulgent and totally unaware of the feelings of those around you.

6 (6, 15/6, 24/6, 33/6)

The Life Path 6 suggests that you entered this plane with tools to become the ultimate nurturer, and a beacon for truth, justice, righteousness, and domesticity. Your paternal, or maternal, as the case may be, instincts with a 6 Life Path exceed all others by a considerable margin. Whether in the home or in the work place, you are the predominant caretaker and family head. While the 6 may assume significant responsibilities in the community, the life revolves around the immediate home and family, for this is the most domestic of numbers.

You are idealistic and must feel useful to be happy. The main contribution you make is that of advice, service, and ever present support. You are a humanitarian of the first order. It is your role to serve others, and you start in the home environment. You are very human and realistic about life, and you feel that the most important thing in your life is the home, the family and the friends.

The number 6 Life Path actually produces few negative examples, but there are some pitfalls peculiar to the path. You may have a tendency to become overwhelmed by responsibilities and a slave to others, especially members of you own family or close friends. It’s easy for you to fall into a pattern of being too critical of others; you also have a tendency to become to hard on yourself. The misuse of this Life Path produce tendencies for you to engage in exaggeration, over-expansiveness, and self-righteousness. Modesty and humility may not flow easily. Imposing one’s views in an interfering or meddling way must be an issue of concern.

The natural burdens of this number are heavy, and on rare occasions, responsibility is abdicated by persons with this Life Path 6. This rejection of responsibility will make you feel very guilty and uneasy, and it will have very damaging effects upon your relationships with others.

7 (7, 16/7, 25/7, 34/7)

The Life Path 7 suggests that you entered this plane with a gift for investigation, analysis, and keen observation. You are a thinker of the first order. You evaluate situations very quickly, and with amazing accuracy. As a result, you are thorough and complete in your work, the perfectionist who expects everyone else to meet a high standard of performance, too.

A Life Path 7 person is a peaceful and affectionate soul. But you guard your connection to people carefully. It’s easy for you to detect deception and recognize insincere people, and you avoid them. You aren’t one to have a wide circle of friends, but once you accept someone as a friend, it’s for life. It’s as if you must get to know someone a lot better before you allow the wall surrounding you to be penetrated. Chances are you are a very charming and refined individual with great poise and a quick wit. You probably aren’t a very social person. Your reserve is often taken to be aloofness, but actually, it’s not that at all. It is merely a cover up for your basic feeling of insecurity. Clubs and organizations hold little interest for you; you are not a joiner.

You actually like being alone and away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. In many ways, you would have fit in better in much earlier times when the pace of life was less hectic.

This is a very spiritual number and it often denotes a sort of spiritual wisdom that becomes apparent at a fairly early age. A built in inner guide providing a strong sense of intuition may set you up as being a law unto yourself. Whatever spiritual position you take, whether traditional or bizarre, you will cling to it with fervor. Once you have decided an issue, it is almost impossible to get you to revisit the question. Adaptability is not your style, and change for you is a rarity.

In the most negative use of the 7 energies, you can become very pessimistic, lackadaisical, quarrelsome, and secretive. A Life Path 7 individual who is not living life fully and gaining through experiences, is a hard person to live with because of a serious lack of consideration for others. There is such a negative attitude. Indeed, operating on the negative side of the 7 can produce a very selfish and spoiled individual and living with one can be a challenge. This may be why some 7s actually prefer living alone. If you have any of the negative traits they are very difficult to get rid of because you tend to feel that the world really does owe you a living or that in some way you are not being fairly treated.

8 (8, 17/8, 26/8, 35/8)

The Life Path 8 suggests that you entered this plane armed to lead, direct, organize and govern. You are very ambitious and goal-oriented. You will want to use your ambitions, your organizational ability, and your efficient approach to carve a satisfying niche for yourself. If you are a positive 8 you are endowed with tremendous potential for conceiving far-reaching schemes and ideas, and also possessing the tenacity and independence to follow them through to completion. In short, you were born to be an executive.

You know how to manage yourself and your environment. Your ability to judge the character and potential of the people around you is an asset used to your advantage. A large part of your success in life comes from how hard you work. This Life Path is the most prone to producing workaholics. But your ability to spot good people and engage them in your endeavors is a special trait not to be overlooked. There is an inspirational quality in your makeup which allows you to become a great leader. You are practical and steady in your pursuit of major objectives, and you have the courage of your convictions when it comes to taking the necessary chances to get ahead.

The negative 8 can be dictatorial and often suppresses the enthusiasm and efforts of fellow member of the environment. Often, the strength of their own personality excludes close feelings for other people with whom they come in contact. Material gains and rewards often become issues of utmost importance, even to the neglect of family, home and peace of mind. Dedication to success can become an obsession. Emotional feelings are often suppressed by the negative 8, resulting in isolation and loneliness. All Life Path 8 people must avoid discounting the opinions of others.

9 (9, 18/9, 27/9, 36/9)

The Life Path 9 suggests that you entered this plane with an abundance of dramatic feelings coupled with a strong sense of compassion and generosity. The key to the nature of a Life Path number 9 person is found in their humanitarian attitude. Even the very average of those with life path 9 possess extremely compassionate tendencies.

Material gains are not overly important, although the quality of some life path 9 people is such that they are materially rewarded in very significant ways. In this, however, the 9 Life Path is not apt to get rich since they are very generous, sometimes to a fault, and usually have an easy come, easy go attitude about money.

Relationships can be difficult for you because it is hard to strike a balance that will work effectively. If your partner is one sharing your giving attitudes, the relationship will be happy and lasting. On the other hand, if you choose a partner whose focus is on material issues, problems will arise quickly.

The purpose of life for those with a 9 life path is often of a philosophical nature. Judges, spiritual leaders, healers and educators frequently have much 9 energy. The number is less inclined to the competitive business environment and may find this a struggle.

As do all the life path numbers, the 9 has its negative side. Because of the demanding nature of the truly positive 9, many tend to fail in this category. It is not uncommon for persons with the 9 life path to fight the realities and challenges of purpose imposed here because selflessness is not an easy trait. You may have difficulty believing that giving and a lack of personal ambition can be satisfying. It must be realized and accepted that little long-term satisfaction and happiness is to be gained by rejecting the natural humanitarian inclinations of this path.







JENN GRANNEMAN: “12 Things a Highly Sensitive Person Needs”

highly sensitive person needs

If you’re a highly sensitive person like me, you know little things can be too much. Busy environments, violent images in movies, or weekends with little downtime can stress you out. Because you’re so in tune with your environment and other people, life can be pretty exhausting, which makes you withdraw — and non-sensitives don’t understand.

But there’s nothing wrong with you and you’re not alone. High sensitivity is actually fairly common, found in 15 to 20 percent of the population, according to Dr. Elaine N. Aron, author of the book, The Highly Sensitive Person. Both introverts and extroverts can be sensitive, as well as people of all personality types, although high sensitivity is probably more common among INFPs and INFJs.

What’s your personality type? We recommend this free personality test from our partner Personality Hacker.

Sadly, because many people don’t understand what high sensitivity is, you may have been told to “toughen up” or “just get over it.” You may have always felt different from other people, but you didn’t have a name for what you were.

High sensitivity can make life challenging but not impossible. When I’m in a routine and doing plenty of self-care, I forget about my sensitivity. But a recent trip reminded me of just how frazzled my senses can get. I was rushing from one activity to the next, hanging out in loud, crowded bars and restaurants, and meeting many new people. To top it all off, I wasn’t getting enough sleep or the kind of exercise that makes me feel good, like cardio and yoga. After five days of “vacation,” I was completely fried.

How can we as highly sensitive people cope with our trait? Here are 12 things we need:

1. Time to decompress

Noisy, busy environments — like a crowded mall during the holidays, a concert, or a big party — can wreak havoc on a sensitive person’s highly reactive nervous system. Likewise, packed schedules and high-pressure situations, like a job interview or the first day in a new school, are overstimulating. If you know you’ll be in situation that will frazzle you, plan some time to decompress in a quiet space afterward. It’s best if you can be alone.

2. Meaningful relationships

We get bored or restless in relationships that lack meaningful interaction, according to Aron. This doesn’t mean we’re prone to relationship hopping, rather, we actually work harder to inspire intimacy and interesting conversation. It also means we’re selective about the people we let into our lives to begin with.

Interestingly, many sensitive people are great to be in a relationship with because they not only tune in to what’s good for them but also to what’s good for others. They pay close attention to what their significant other wants. Aron calls this characteristic “mate sensitivity,” which means the ability to rapidly figure out what pleases their partner and act based on that intel. This behavior goes for friends, family members, and co-workers as well.

Basically, it makes us happy to make others happy.

3. People who support us

Sensitive people may cry or become emotional a lot. “Sensitive people can’t help but express what they’re feeling,” Aron told the Huffington Post. “They show their anger, they show their happiness. Appreciating that is really important.”

4. A gentle, healthy way of managing conflict

No matter who you are, fighting with a loved one is miserable. But sensitive people tend to feel extra anxious when conflict arises — and an internal battle takes place. We feel torn between speaking up for what we believe is right and sitting back so we don’t provoke an angry reaction from the other person. Often we subjugate our own needs because we’d rather “go along to get along” than fight.

On the other hand, sensitive people can make great conflict resolvers, because we tend to see the other person’s perspective. We have high levels of empathy and can easily put ourselves in someone else’s shoes.

5. Time to get things done

Sensitive people like a slower pace of life. We like pondering all our options before making a decision and regularly reflecting on our experiences. We hate busy schedules and rushing from one event to the next. One of the hardest parts of my day during the work week is getting moving in the morning and leaving my apartment on time. Saturday mornings, when I don’t have to work, are for going at my own pace. It’s calming and restorative to know I don’t have to be dressed and ready to go anywhere anytime soon.

6. Plenty of sleep

Lack of sleep (less than 7 hours a night, for most people) makes the average person irritable and less productive, but lack of sleep for the sensitive person can make life almost unbearable. Getting enough sleep soothes my ramped-up senses and helps me process my thoughts and emotions. How much sleep I get can literally make or break my next day. Without proper sleep, every little stressor seems ten times worse.

7. Healthy meals spaced regularly throughout the day

When I don’t eat regularly, I get hangry. This is because, according to Aron, extreme hunger can mess up a sensitive person’s mood or concentration. To fend off feelings of crankiness and discombobulation, maintain a steady blood sugar level throughout the day by eating regular healthy meals and snacks.

8. Caffeine-free options

Sensitive people (surprise, surprise) are sensitive to caffeine. I drink one cup of coffee in the morning to get me going, but I don’t have any caffeine past noon. Even a mug of green tea later in the day would leave me tossing and turning at night. Plus, having too much caffeine leaves me feeling jittery and wound up in an uncomfortable way.

If you’re sensitive, consider limiting your coffee, soda, and tea intake. Watch out for sneaky sources of caffeine, like chocolate. Remember, the darker the chocolate, the more caffeine. For example, Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Bar has a walloping 31 milligrams of caffeine, almost as much as a can of Coke!

9. A space of our own

If you live with others, make sure you have a quiet place you can retreat to when you need to get away from noise and people. Turn on your favorite music to drown out any unpleasant external noise.

10. Low lighting

If possible, turn off the overhead lights in your home or office and substitute a lamp.

11. Time to adjust to change

Transitions aren’t easy for anybody. (Hey! Who moved my cheese?) But for sensitive people, transitions can be really rough. Even positive changes, like starting a new relationship or moving into a dream home, can be overstimulating and require an extra long period of adjustment. For example, I recently moved into a wonderful new apartment in a city I enjoy, but I literally felt off-kilter for months until I got used to my new situation.

12. Beauty and nature

Like most sensitive people, I’m deeply affected by my surroundings, especially the way they look. Cluttered, chaotic, or just plain ugly environments bother me. I feel calm spending time in nature, my city’s favorite neighborhoods, or my simply decorated apartment (especially when it’s actually clean and tidy!).

When it comes down to it, the key is to embrace your sensitivity rather than work against it. Sensitive people make incredible leaders, partners, and friends. We have high levels of empathy and we’re usually creative and perceptive. Maybe the world could use a little more of what we have.



JENN GRANNEMAN: “8 Signs You May Be an Outgoing Introvert”

8 Signs You May Be an Outgoing Introvert

There are introverts, extroverts, and then there’s you – falling somewhere in between.

The term “outgoing introvert” is an oxymoron on par with “jumbo shrimp” and “deafening silence,” but for people who fall into this category, life can be an unusual mix of traits and tendencies that only they can truly appreciate.

So what are the signs that you’re an outgoing introvert?

1. You’re not anti-social, you’re selectively social

When you’re an outgoing introvert it’s hard for you to meet people that you like. You can be simultaneously charming as hell, but also introspective and reflective to an annoyingly mind-numbing degree. You live inside your head, but can also be the life of the party – it all depends on the people surrounding you.

2. Meeting someone you really like can feel like finding the Chupacabra

Outgoing introverts HATE small talk and avoid it at all costs, but when it’s inevitable that they have to interact with people, they can’t help but to try and make the other person feel comfortable. According to Psychology Today, the reason you may not like someone when you first meet them may be as simple as that the person you just met is an extrovert. Outgoing introverts, though still introverts at their core, tend to view extroverts as basic, simple, annoying, overconfident and pushy. This natural, almost subconscious tendency serves as a filter, often referred to as a first impression, through which a person’s future words and actions are judged.

3. Coffee can actually be counter-productive for you

Science of Us writer Melissa Dahl reported on findings from psychologist Brian Little’s latest book on personality science, Me, Myself, and Us: The Science of Personality and the Art of Well-Being, which showed that introverts are better off avoiding caffeine before a big meeting or important event. Since you have spectrums of introversion, coffee can actually overstimulate your central nervous system that may cause you to feel overwhelmed and exhausted, rather than excited and engaged.

4. You probably hate traditional systems

Most of our societal constructs cater to the extrovert – from large office spaces to loud bars to the structure of our educational system – despite the fact that anywhere from one-third to half of the population has an introverted temperament. Since an outgoing introvert can feel distracted or vulnerable when they are in overstimulating environments, you probably dislike traditional systems.

5. People always confuse you for an extrovert

Extroverts and outgoing introverts may seem almost the same on the surface, and if you’re an outgoing introvert you’ve probably been called an extrovert many times. Though the way extroverts and outgoing introverts process the world is quite different. Since introverts and extroverts have different world perspectives, they view each other as different and thus are naturally predisposed against one another. Extroverts focus on the outside world, while outgoing introverts remain mostly introspective.

6. You can be the life of the party, but you need time to warm up

While you may enjoy being the center of attention, you feel best it in a controlled environment. You need time to warm up. You tend not to outwardly express your feelings and spill your whole life story in the first hour of meeting someone. Or the first year. You have no interest or energy to prove yourself in a crowd of strangers.

7. Your energy level depends on your environment

Outgoing introverts often need to recharge after a large use of social energy. That’s why many people often annoy the outgoing introvert and social settings are often tricky for them; it’s usually a hit or miss. If you vibe with the crowd or a person, you can get your energy from human interactions. But if you don’t, those social interactions end up draining your social batteries and the extroverts in the room end up annoying the crap out of you for sometimes no specific reason. And when your batteries are drained and you’re annoyed, you will tend towards withdrawal into yourself.

8. You probably didn’t even know you were an outgoing introvert

Since you’re not completely an introvert nor an extrovert, in can literally take years to figure out that you’re an outgoing introvert. But once you do, you can understand why so many people easily annoy you and why you sometimes process experiences through your brain’s “reward” centers quite differently than other people. In fact, a 2013 study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that people who are naturally introverted do not process rewards from external factors as strongly as extraverts do. So since you fall somewhere in the middle, that can sometimes explain why you’re such a conundrum.