TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “How to Tune into the Present Moment”

how to tune into the present moment

Consciousness is defined as the state or quality of awareness. To be aware we have to be awake. Not just physically awake but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

We are all conscious beings, but achieving a state of higher consciousness is about developing the awareness of the hidden, unseen world. It is about digging deeper beneath the surface in order to uncover the essence or truth.

Consciousness can be similar to enlightenment. The truly conscious person is awakened to their fullest potential and therefore “lit up” with the energy of who they really are.

Raising your consciousness is not something that is only for the privileged few. We all have the ability to raise our levels of consciousness through being more aware of who we are, where we are and what we are doing.

Many spiritual teachers call this being “present”. It is only when you are fully aware of the present moment that you can truly raise your consciousness.

But what does this even mean?

What does it mean to be present?

How does being present help me?

Becoming Physically Present

Take a moment right now to observe 7 things around you. Look at your surroundings and identify 7 things that stand out to you.

Just by doing this easy exercise, it is has brought your attention into the present. When you are in the present, it helps you to become completely aware. For just a minute when you were identifying the objects in the room, there was no worry, there was no fear. There was just you, the observer, trying to tune into what you were seeing.

This works on a deeper level as well. When you can be present and tune in to how you are feeling, you also start become more aware and more conscious.

Becoming Emotionally Present

Take a moment right now to identify 3 things that you are currently feeling. Go with the first emotions that pop into your mind.

In that brief moment, when you were doing that exercise you started to tune into your emotional awareness. In this moment you were able to clearly tune into your emotional state of being and feel your energy. In this moment there was nothing else, it was just you, the observer.

We can go even deeper with this exercise onto a more spiritual level, but this is where it takes true commitment and practice.

In fact, all of this does, which is why even the most “enlightened” of people will always have days when they lose touch with who they are and their awareness.

Becoming Spiritually Present

To heighten your spiritual awareness, it requires you to learn how to separate who you are with the observer in your mind. To do this, give yourself 2 praises. This could be something like- “I really love how you handled that project at work today”. 

Whatever praises you come up with, say them to yourself in your head. As you are saying them, feel the response that you get when you hear them. That “person” that energy hearing the response is who you are. You are not the voice, you are the listener. You are the energy hearing those words.

Mind blown? I hope so.

Being in the present moment is really about holding on to your awareness and keeping in the flow of life. It is not about getting caught up in the past or in the future.

This doesn’t mean that you ignore the things that happened in the past, or you neglect your future. It just means that your active awareness is with the energy of the present.

When you are actively present you have taken care of your past and your future simultaneously. When you are in the present, you are one with yourself and the world.

Being present is a gift (pun intended) and the more you can practice tuning in to the moment that is around you, the more peace you will feel with your every day life, and the higher your consciousness will go.

“Wherever you are, be there. If you can be fully present now, you’ll know what it means to live”- Steve Goodier





~via ForeverConscious.com



Why Now?

If you are still wondering why many spiritual leaders emphasize living in the present, consider the following lesson.

Imagine the following scenario. You are driving in your car and you pull up to a red traffic light, in the turn lane to go left. There are two cars in front of you and a short line of cars behind you. Now stop to think. Remembering back during your lifetime, can you change what happened five years ago? How about three years ago? Maybe that’s too far back. Can you change anything that happened to you just six months ago? How about five minutes ago? Too far back? What about that car that recently drove up behind you. Can you go back and change what happened just one minute ago? How about one second ago, when you reached over and scratched your other hand. Can you change that?

Let’s go the other way. Can you predict with absolute certainty what will happen to you or anyone else in the world five years from now? What about one month from now? But that’s too much to ask. How about one second from now. Can you predict with absolute certainty what will happen one second from now? You might have an educated guess. You figure the light will turn green, the first car will start its turn, and you and the rest of the people in your lane will follow. There! You did it! You predicted with absolute certainty what will happen one second from now.

Or did you? What if the light doesn’t turn green? What if the traffic light malfunctions and your lane misses its turn? A thousand or more things can happen between now and one second from now. Maybe the first driver isn’t paying attention and is unable to go in time before the light changes again. Maybe the power grid fails. Maybe a crazed driver speeds into the intersection and causes a big accident. You really cannot predict with absolute certainty what is going to happen even half a second from now.

If you can’t change the past, and you can’t predict the future, it makes sense that there’s only one place where you can exist with absolute certainty. Now. The only space in time that you can exist is now, in this very instant. That is why you must always focus on the now. Don’t lament the past; don’t worry about the future. You cannot change the past and you cannot predict the future. But you can live in the now. It is the only place where you exist. The past is gone. You don’t exist in the past, anymore. You don’t exist in the future, because it isn’t here yet. Now is the only place you can ever be. So the answer to our question, “Why Now?” is: Because now is the only place you can be.






~via QuantumStones.com

LISA RENEE: Avatar of Ascension ~ Hieros Gamos ~ Inner Balance to Sacred Marriage ~ “ES Core Triad Practice” (Part 6/10)



ES Core Triad Practice

DEVELOP SKILL SET FOR DAILY USE – Three Steps plus Daily Guidelines

Step One:

Daily Declaration of Intention (resolve the authority problem between Ego and God)

My declaration of intention is to serve my Source.
I commit to serve my highest power fully, completely and totally.
I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free!


Step Two:

AM/PM practice the 12D Shield to Learn how to Command Personal Space

 The 12th Dimensional Shield is to protect your body to receive an increasing flow of higher frequencies.[Access the JW player on this page to listen to MP3]:




The First stage in working with the 12 D shield is to achieve the following PERSONAL results:

  • To fortify and strengthen our Aura and Energy Field by reconnecting to the Over-soul Matrix and the 12 D Blueprint
  • To learn energetic boundaries of our Aura and to be able to boundary test discordant energies that are uninvited
  • To re-imprint the body to physical sustainability and health (achieved by energetic balance)
  • To allow communication links to be restored with Spiritual Forces and Star Families
  • To begin a process of reawakening dormant energy receivers and/or repairing damaged genetic imprints
  • To empower our cells to reawaken to our True Origin, including decoding light language and the hidden history of the human race.

After this has been practiced with commitment and dedication on a regular basis, new levels of awareness will begin to emerge. Let this express itself freely and do your best to allow and do not place judgment on any experiences you may have. All of us are unique and may have different variations of experiences.

Depending on your soul gene code, lineage and willingness to be rehabilitated for service to others orientation, you may find after a certain time of working with this technique that you are called to the second stages of building and working with larger fields of 12th dimensional energy.  A certain level of personal light integrity must be stabilized in order to be effective to work with the larger 12th Dimensional vortexes. The 12 D Vortex fields are extremely effective at harmonizing personal environments and stabilizing energies such as planetary grid lines. Working to harmonize energy spaces is the next stages of working with the 12 D fields of energy. You can also think of this 12 D energy, in its Platinum color, as the Cosmic Christ Frequency. Still it is a good mental focus technique to practice daily your 12th dimensional divine light shield, which is necessary to prepare your aura, and for the neurological entrainment of our NERVOUS SYSTEM and to be receptive to the huge influx of higher frequencies during the Ascension cycle.

Step Three:

Before Bedtime – Work with the Core Fear Removal Programs

Spend time and listen to the below tracks below:

Core Fear Removal Introduction (7m 29s) [Access the JW player on this page to listen to MP3]:




Core Fear Removal (9m 24s) [Access the JW player on this page to listen to MP3]:


Establish connection with Higher-Self/Guides to move out old fear programs, and clear implants in your energy field template.

Start first with general fears being rooted out. Request them and remove them in your personal voice command (you request it out loud).

Then move to more specific fears that you know create limitation. The more specific your request, the better, as you work with this technique.

Establish Sleep State programming to continue these clearings with your Guidance as you are sleeping.

DAILY GUIDELINES – Moving from Mental Confusion to Inner Clarity:


The 5 Steps to Negative Ego Reprogramming:

1. RELABEL – Identify the negative thought or emotion as a distorted pattern of negative ego consciousness. This “Fear” is my Negative Ego. This is not the real me.

2. RE-ATTRIBUTE – Dis-identify from the thought or emotion as you. You begin to master your emotional states and you can begin to choose. I am the eternal being, not my thoughts or emotions.

3. REFOCUS – Move yourself out of situation, environment or the trigger for that thought. Go for a walk, listen to music, change your focus.  Affirm: Not my will but Divine will.

4. REVALUE – Revalue the power you have given this thought or emotion to rule your life.  See it for what it truly IS. Limiting you. Disempowering you. Robbing you of inner peace and fulfillment as a Divine being. Get behind ME, Ego! I AM that I AM!

5. REQUEST Help – Commit to expressing Higher Emotion and Living your Soul Purpose. Ask for help from Spirit. Work your tools. Be here NOW!


DAILY GOAL Monitor and Track your SELF Awareness, by Cultivating “THE WITNESS”

The Witness or Observer has no judgment. It allows observation of external events without needing to control the outcome. Practice this intentionally as a daily exercise by monitoring:

Mental Awareness – Often our minds fall into a groove that has a certain tone or resonance to it. Sometimes our mind is agitated and sometimes our mind is very calm. We are expansive and receptive when we are calm, centered and mentally relaxed. When our mind feels agitated and stirred up, we then become constricted and energetically blocked. Agitation, anxiety and worry often indicate that we are operating in the active Beta brain wave state (which is where most adults operate from) .When our mental body and mind feel calm and flowing, it means we are in the more relaxed Alpha brain wave state (where children generally operate from). Try to operate from the relaxed Alpha brain wave state as much as possible since that expands and allows more energetic flow into your body. You will experience greater ease in your life and begin to go with the flow, allowing yourself to receive more “spiritual- energetic” support into your daily life.

Self-Talk Awareness– We talk to ourselves with an inner dialogue all of the time. We talk to ourselves over 50,000 times a day and what we say to ourselves determines to a large extent the quality of our lives. When you begin to meditate and hold more periods of inner silence, you will be amazed by the amount of self-talk you start to witness in yourself. Try to begin tuning in as much as possible to what you are saying to yourself in the still places of your very receptive mind.

When you get anxious and notice a self-defeating program of your ego taking over, go to the next daily practice tool as a REFOCUSING EXERCISE and apply breath and self-forgiveness.


DAILY PRACTICE TOOL  Self Application of Forgiveness


Breathe in and slow down your body by applying breath. Take in deep inhale 4 counts, Hold in 4 counts, Exhale 4 Counts. Do this for 4-8 counts until you feel totally out of your mind programs and in your full “presence” of breath- The NOW presence. The goal here is getting you OUT of your mind program and INTO your PRESENCE. This can happen when you apply breath. Your mind has to release. Reprogramming is most effective when done outside of the mind, when you are engaged in the “observer” mode of your full present consciousness.

Now Invocate:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience _________________.

(Minimum of 3 sets, then work with the breathing exercise again if you feel you have lost “now” moment presence, for a total set of 9 sets of commands for each item chosen)

You choose the item you feel is most pressing for each “set” of the exercise. You may want to alternate daily or work on one issue you know is pressing consecutively for 21 days until you feel emotionally freed from the memory or pattern. You can choose.

Some sample suggestions:

  1. Lack of Self Love or Acceptance
  2. Lack of personal power/fear or limitation
  3. Entities and people dominating me or sucking my life force.
  4. Poverty consciousness or lack of a self-identity (lack of trust in God/Goodness)
  5. Self-doubt/worry







