QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Where Are All These People Supposedly Being Awakened?”


“Where are all these people supposedly being awakened? I don’t see them anywhere. Supposedly there’s thousands, millions even, of us ‘ascending’ people, us Starseeds and Indigos; sure, but where? I’ve been looking into this for a long freaking time. I’ve been searching. I’ve been asking. I was looking for support for a very long time and then I gave up. You supposed experts on this crazy sh** that’s happening to me, are f******g nowhere to be found. You live on the goddamn internet and you don’t exist anywhere else. Elusive, secretive, cryptic, coded bullsh**. I believed in this journey until everybody who agreed with me ended up spouting the same recycled crap every time they opened their mouths, including this site. Saying the same sh** as everyone else. Nothing new, nothing interesting, no updates, no information, no how-to, no actual help. Just a little, ‘You’re not alone.’ Hypotheticals and blanket statements. Not being alone is only good for the first month. After that, maybe let us know what the f*** we’re supposed to do now. Give us some freaking hope for the world or put your platform away. I’m usually much more zen and articulate. I’ve been angry about this lately; everyone wants to keep saying the shift is coming, everybody says soon. We get it. Soon. NOW WHAT. Quit it with the baby steps bullsh** and give the seekers some f******g meat. Help us for gods sakes!


Dear Ascending Community, This is a good time to publically answer the many different emails that I receive from nonmembers all over the world, such as the above email I received today. They share the same common threads that many awakening people or Starseed people experience on the earth. That common thread and theme is experiencing a sense of deep isolation from other people that leads to feelings of frustration, depression, loneliness and sometimes anger. This isolation, is also the desire to become socially isolated from the accepted standards of insanity and barbarism that make up the current social engineering tactics that are used to maintain the mind control structures on the earth. In order to attempt to meet this need of supporting a sense of deeper connection to the purpose of spiritual ascension and to support the awakening community, so this group can openly discuss and find spiritual tools for the many varieties of issues that we deal with, and to help remove these feelings of isolation, is the primary reason that the ES online community was created. It was the only way that I could reach out to the Starseeds that existed worldwide, that would be able to find the energetic space for advocacy, to be in a safe place of which to be understood and accepted, to study and learn among those who are on the same path, and to be able to share many multidimensional experiences. As Starseeds, our surreal multidimensional experiences are that which commonly lead us to the experiences of isolation, even deep loneliness for being unseen, while being on the earth during these timelines, when there is a hidden war happening to suppress and steal the consciousness of the people. First and foremost, when addressing those groups of awakening people that are feeling very frustrated, angry and at their wits end, dealing with the dark forces, the people on the planet, in the chaotic state that it exists today, I hope to remind you of an important reality check. We did not come to the earth to party on vacations and drink Margaritas on the beach. We did not come here to make millions of dollars and play out fleshly fantasy games of the Luciferian elite. We did not come here to get lost and taken off spiritual direction in the many delusions of self-importance that are played out with the reptilian version of the negative ego mind. We came to the planet during the timelines of Ascension, we came from the future into the past, when we could make a massive difference in the fields to shift the future direction. We came when the Universal Gates were opening, while the war over the earth was raging in the higher dimensions, and battling was occurring in the lower hidden planes of which most of the humans here cannot sense or see. We came here to do the spiritual work and to make the effort to work together in group consciousness, to be of service to others, to honor Universal Laws, that help take this planet into the higher frequencies and to reach spiritual liberation in the future timelines.The only way we can do that is to do the negative ego dismantling, and emotional pain clearing, that would extract the falsity and make room to allow our higher spiritual self to embody while on the earth. For that purpose of ultimate spiritual embodiment, we make it our life priority to do the Ascension clearing and healing inside ourselves, every day. We cannot help ourselves, or the planet if we refuse to look at our own responsibility in the awakening process, which requires we do the inner emotional clearing work, that we change the way we think and perceive, as we are the microcosm that reflects into the macrocosm. It all starts from within us. Let me remind you, we are in a consciousness war over the earth. Do you hear me? Can you understand the implication of what that means for all of us and the entire planet? What are you going to do about this? Are you going to cry, point fingers at other people, have a tantrum and complain about it, or are you going to get serious and take care of your own inner spirit and personal business? What do you think we do over here in this community, drink tea all day? We’re working very hard to keep this information available online, and as much for free access, as possible. There is a lot that I cannot share publically because of what I will have to deal with if it goes outside borders of where I have a structure to hold that information for those who ask for it in the community area. I must conserve energy to serve a group that works hard with the community objectives, and not a person who is demanding help, but will not help themselves. We all have to roll up our sleeves and get to work. DO THE CLEARING WORK. If you do not know how, then join the community and you will learn how. If you want to learn how to do gridwork, you can learn it here, but it will require 100% spiritual dedication to learn how. There are many people in the community who work very hard to learn, work very hard to understand and work hard to participate with this process of clearing and healing themselves and the earth, and it is through the spiritual dedication of the entire group, that this content and service is made available to the public. Without the dedication of the group to be of service and take responsibility for their own healing, this would not exist. As sensitive and caring people, we all have been at the point of incredible frustration and feeling despair about the state of unconsciousness that plagues the earth. We’ve had the exact same feelings of frustration at what we see operating in the worldscape today, the hatred, the wars, the blood sacrifice, the continual torturing of the men, women and children of this earth. We deeply cry out, when will this war matrix of world torture end? All of us who are incarnated to help the earth become liberated from the dark oppressors are harassed, stripped of resources, and attacked again and again, when we rise to help the earth and its people be released from the planes of bondage and servitude. None of us get away from that harassment, all of us endure some kind of forms of dark attack or spiritual oppression when we do serious clearing. You are not alone in that, we all share this burden together. That’s why we must learn how it works in this mind control matrix, because once we see how it works, we can work around the attacks, we can work around the mind control system, but we must study it to comprehend it, and do the clearing of our negative ego, in order to be successful so that we can truly actualize our purpose of service. This is the key to attaining inner peace, comfort and spiritual fulfillment while we co-exist in the fields of insanity and chaos. When we awaken into an higher awareness of our surroundings and we gain more accurate perceptions of what is actually behind the upside-down state of the world today, we can observe and feel the energetic contents of the collective unconscious spill out into the environment of the earth surface. Then we can discern who is who and what is behind the facade. When we gain clarity and sensitivity through heightened states of consciousness, many of us can feel the state of the pain and depravity that is circulating in the world, and as a result, awakening people feel isolated. Many will choose to isolate themselves out of necessity, because our society does not support awakening or higher consciousness, in fact the culture persecutes people like us. Isolating is a coping mechanism for our continued sanity, to stay low on the radar, and to restore energetic balance to our body from our ability to self-source. Most of my life, I was isolated and very alone, with little help. I received attack, after attack, trying to take me out just when creating this online community for Starseeds. Are you aware how many obstacles we have to get through, how much we have to master in the world of forces and how much we devote our life stream to serve the God force, to get this far? It is very difficult for us when we gain clarity and connection, as we awaken our hearts, awaken our minds, awaken our higher sensory ability and then to be met with an onslaught of dark forces projecting negativity and very low frequency into the environment designed to suppress mass awakening. Many Starseeds are fully capable to feel the massive amount of people and entities writhing in agony, as it is presently in the collective consciousness, seeing how dark forces have created agony so that it operates in the people and world at large. Thus, Starseeds have to master these forces as they exist within themselves, in order to actualize their true spiritual purpose and to build spiritual power while on this earth. If you do not do the inner clearing work, you will not have spiritual power, and you will circle in circles, chasing tails, until you really figure this out. There is no way to get out from taking responsibility for yourself, taking responsibility for the quality of your life, and removing blame from other people and how they may impact you. We came to this earth to be of service, build group consciousness, and totally give every ounce of our being to surrender to the higher plan of God, while we endure the war over consciousness on earth.To dedicate ourselves to the higher purpose, it is critical that we change the way we think, the way we behave, and our motivations and perceptions of life on the earth. Otherwise, if you do not change the way you think, you will be slowly driven crazy from the intense pressure that the higher frequencies and purging of the dark forces create on the earth.The light and plasma force of Cosmic Christ is beginning to run current and embody here, and it is waiting for you to wake up so that you are spiritually strong enough to actually embody its massive force of God’s spirit. If you have negative ego outbursts and pain is running you, it cannot embody, you must purify yourself of these traits. As many of you, I have been on this awakening path for what feels to be a very long time, and have endured obstacle after obstacle, dark attack after dark attack, running through the 3D maze like a laboratory rat, and the whole time wondering where the rest of us on this path are, who are REALLY doing the work. I established the online community nine years ago, while I was homeless, using every last dime I had to make it a reality, working on it day and night while I was getting attacked and intentionally humiliated by others repeatedly. In order to set up the ES structure to be able to exist, it has to set up in many layers of field architecture in so to protect it. I cannot advertise, I cannot market, I cannot superimpose, I cannot do random youtubes and facebooking, I have zero social media presence and there are critical reasons for that. I cannot come to you, and I cannot collaborate with any structure or person that does not have the same GSF alignment that I have worked many years to embody. I have a responsibility to serve the entire field of the community container, and this Ascension content, and I am sorry that I am not personally available to you. I cannot answer every plea for help, as much as I wish I could. I have a very large workload already. What I ask is that you do the investigation, do the study, look at what is on this site in every nook and cranny, talk to God every moment and ask for help and direction from God all the time, and dedicate your life to your highest expression of embodiment on the earth. You must never give up, you must never give your power away to the dark forces or other people, even when everything looks really grim and depressing. I must stress you cannot be lazy, you must face fears, you must get out there and face things you do not want to face, build strength in facing the darkness, no matter what it dishes out. You are a warrior of the light, serving freedom and liberation for all beings, and we are in a war over consciousness, travelling together. I may not be able to answer your emails, but I feel you and I know you are out there, and I am deeply sorry you are in pain. If you cannot be here with us right now to learn and study, then do the best you can to find your aligned path and get to it. Do the work, use our free tools every day. If you do not resonate with our tools or community, then find something that you can work with, or create as your own. If I did this from nothing, so can you. We need you to pull out every last drop of pure heart and spirit, the massive strength within your spirit, in order to make it happen. I am right here working by your side, in the trenches, cheering you on, but you must do the work yourself, no one else can do it for you. Search for tools here, and take them, make them your own, and use them every single day. Things can change, and I am living proof that massive obstacles can be overcome with 100% dedication to serve God. The Christ forces are here, but you must purify your body to commune, embody and speak with them directly. I Love you and We are in this together.

~Lisa Renee, GSF Steward

~via Energetic Synthesis

SUNNY GAULT: May 25, 2024 ~ The Rundown / World Situation Report Recap: “The Plot Behind the Iranian President’s Fake Death and Helicopter Crash, Keystone Planet Earth”

This week, we’ve got field messenger reports from Uganda, Canada, The United States, and Romania. In the New Earth, we learn how to call a UFO, ways our energy impacts our children, and how Theta can help enhance our visualization and meditation techniques. In regional news, we have severe floods in Europe and school closures in India due to high temperatures. Indonesia gets hooked up with Starlink internet, and Germany reduces penalties for people caught with child pornography. In our World Situation Report, we reveal the truth behind the fake death and helicopter crash with the Iranian President and the mysterious illnesses of Syria’s President and First Lady. It’s all related to power control in the Middle East and, ultimately, the entire planet. We learn more about keystone Earth, the original celestials on the planet, and the ongoing battle between the Merovingians and Melchizedeks.

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~via United Network News

DON’T MISS!!! ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “May 24, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Toni from Italy covers the Florence Artisan Fair, and Dianne from Uganda interviews Designer Aseneta about her work. In New Earth News: we are learning about Detoxification Protection; and much more! In World News: Global Pandemic Treaty; Canada Online News Act Study; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

LISA RENEE on “Guardian Presence in Washington DC Grids Carrying Out Assorted Evictions, Retrievals and Identification of Human Trafficking Networks Connected to Installed Luciferian Bloodline Families”

“Ongoing Guardian presence in the Washington DC grids are carrying out assorted evictions, retrievals and identification of sources of organized human trafficking networks as connected to installed Luciferian bloodline families that have been protected by Baphomet Black Magic Sorcery, and complex NAA AI Machinery that has been placed under the White House and surrounding areas for supporting and hiding ongoing Satanic Ritual Abuse activities. This action is now being completed under God’s natural laws on Earth as represented in the return of the Kingship Arcs, which are proclamations of the Holy Father stating that his laws are the governing power in this domain and that his principle is an absolute truth for all human beings. This set into motion new events in the planetary field in which specific ruling families in the Power Elite that were acting as Kings, Presidents and Monarchs that had agreements made to ensure political unions in satanic embodiments are being seen very clearly in their actions of global Satanic Ritual Abuse. The Thothian Luciferians and their allies are organizing the next stages of planned takeover of all New Age, Ascension and Disclosure communities through planned infiltration, with their specific grooming of an assortment of Pied Pipers. This Controlled Opposition agenda will also extend to any 3D organizations and public leaders with some power and influence that are connecting the larger dots towards seeing and understanding the key players that are embedded in multiple levels of planetary corruption, such as the Gaslighting and Propaganda schemes that exist in the many façades of the geo-political climate that are used as cover ups to veil the exo-political conflicts. Controlled Opposition is the predictable manipulation tactic of placing key people in key positions and into leadership roles of a particular movement, who many times have suddenly appeared and offered the public incredible facts or amazing nuggets of truth. Maybe it is a pundit personality looking to gather a large online following through disseminating the cabal wars through the QAnon movement. Seemingly leading gullible people into any direction, when ultimately — they were placed there as a wolf in sheep’s clothing to derail and hijack the original goals of that movement. The strategy of Controlled Opposition works best under circumstances in which the masses are gullible, credulous, lack Critical Thinking and are unable to connect the dots and see how the actions and inaction or manipulation of the information from the controlled entity is actually benefiting the controlling entity. The Knesset NAA group have had a heavy influence on controlled opposition in Washington DC and running disinformation narratives through the AI uploading of the Q psyops agenda which further had leads to off planet Secret Space Programs. Many of the negative deceptions and narratives being played throughout the artificial Q structures online were found to be cloned out and manipulated by the Thothian Zephilium administrators of the Zeta Looking Glass technologies for building AI timelines. Once again, there appears to be the organic formation of the Q psyops agenda and Earth Alliances working to uphold humanitarian interests, versus many cloned varieties of negative ego tricks and consciousness traps set up by those with anti-human agendas. However, the majority of the intelligence operations had been infiltrated with Zeta alien Looking Glass technology in the phantom areas and seems to be why several previous operations to stop the global Bio-Weapon roll outs have failed over the past three years. Interestingly, it is the Amethyst Dragon Kings and Ruby Order collaborating with Guardian Abraham Lincoln who are tirelessly working to implode the shadow government infrastructure, by extracting their black magician armies used to run satanic forces and direct fallen demonic entities that gives the collective Loosh power behind the satanic churches and SRA Black Houses utilized for protecting the dark cabal families involved in carrying out the destruction of the United States. Currently there has been extensive Guardian tracking and extractions of cloned identities and imposters that were inserted into the Tsar and Presidential bloodlines. These Power Elite groups believed they were supremely protected by their hierarches of Lunar Demons and NAA forces, as their proclaimed God is Satanic or Luciferian. As their satanic architecture of human slavery falls it reveals more details of how they accomplished their deeds and maintained their power bases in politics via practicing satanism, killing off the liberators and organizing Human Trafficking to the off-worlders. These horrifying demonic entities running rampant underground in Washington DC were being powered up through the satanic ritual practices and child sacrifice of the so-called Washington elites and Synagogue of Satan, which held various signatures of the antichrist stench that pervaded the Luciferian bloodline of power elites that have embedded themselves in the mind control Propaganda machinery of the Hollywood production meets the One World Order political agenda. Within the sequences of demolition, it was made clear that the majority of the public faces of political Manchurian candidate puppet strings are taking orders from those with dual citizenship as mind-controlled military intelligence assets and their ongoing prostitution and pedophilia blackmail operations as designed by their NAA overlords, the invading entities stationed in the underground tunnels of the Knesset in Israel. These NAA Annunaki hybrid factions are being cornered as their hostile geopolitical agendas to genocide the natives is being made clear to the world, in efforts to expand their underground network from Israel into the Ukraine areas and for the purpose of gaining complete control over all underground bases, Human Trafficking, genetic labs and Adrenochrome farms in the region. As well as to steal the local resources with the predictable money laundering schemes for bribery and blackmail operations for inciting culture wars, which has become the hotbed of severely contested public opinions based wholly upon deceptions and military intelligence directed divide and conquer psychological operations. Annunaki are majorly involved with the Drac’s (Orion Group) in the cooperative control over earthly affairs, and their respective groups have made agreements on their jurisdiction and the demographic areas of where they exert control over the earth grid system. Jehovian Annunaki are responsible for promoting and transmitting fundamental religious mind control through Armageddon Software, and use SRA methods to reinforce religious violence, Patriarchal Domination and Misogyny throughout the human masses. That is until recently. They were instrumental in establishing an Intruder Resistance, known as the NAA to invite more Negative Aliens groups to ‘stake their claim’ over the human population, with the promise that humans could be bartered for slavery or taken to their planets as workers at some time at the end of the Ascension Cycle. This NAA was established in order to more effectively take over the earth and share in the spoils of war to help exert control over the increasing population of humans on the earth and Astral Plane. The majority of the population are not aware that a war over territory with hostile nonhumans and the Black Sun military intelligence groomed Fourth Reich Black Sun Nazis that take orders from their NAA overlords in the 9D Stargate of Antarctica, are directing them to demolish the western power centers in order to usher in the techno-totalitarianism of the The Great Reset for Unlimited Access to Children, in which the primary values upholding individual freedoms that first organized the USA have been put in the crosshairs for annihilation. Thus, for those of us that comprehend the stark reality of spiritual warfare, this is the phase to be extremely careful with your body, work spiritual clearing tools daily, be acutely aware of Clone warfare and spiritual imposters, and to do your very best to maintain your inner liquid light frequency, by speaking the sobering truth of the reality and telling no lies to yourself in which to regain personal comfort. This phase of the spiritual battle requires that we stay wide awake and pull ourselves up by the bootstraps to renew our commitment to seek the hard truth found inside all things, to speak the truth as it is and to defend the Truth Frequency in every aspect of our lives, which will keep us perfectly aligned with the protective spiritual armor of God and Christos. Thus, it is optimistic to be humbly aware that the Cosmic Father’s current priorities are directing the spiritual power to back up the true heart based Spiritual Warriors that stand for human freedom, family values and genuinely love the planet.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Controlled Opposition / New Age, Ascension and Disclosure Hijack / Supreme Grand Master Architect

KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “May 20, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Dianne from Uganda shows us how a Mobile Money app works, and Steve from Canada reports on a Local Fire. In New Earth News: we are learning How to Call a UFO; and much more! In World News: Europe Severe Floods; Spain Portugal Comet; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 35:30 mark.

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~via United Network News

SUNNY GAULT: May 18, 2024 ~ The Rundown / World Situation Report Recap: “Celestials Pave the Way for Earth’s Restoration, Deep State Soul Swaps with AI-Generated Souls from Lucifer”

This week, we’ve got field messenger reports from Brazil, Uganda, Australia and the Dominican Republic. In the New Earth, we discuss dreaming in 4D, how sound healing works, and sovereignty in the workplace. In regional news, we learn more about counterfeit cancer medications and fentanyl drugs, potential teacher layoffs due to budget shortfalls, and workers demanding high wages due to taxation and cost of living increases. In our World Situation Report, we learn about a group of beings called the Celestials who are aspects of God/Source and are here now to finish their job, which will ultimately give humanity what is needed to start their portion of the restoration project. We also learn about soul swaps involving AI-generated souls from Lucifer that are now disappearing as the last remnants of the Omega system are removed. And the Deep State tries to activate humans involved in the Cicada 3301 program as a last-ditch effort to control the planet.

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

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~via United Network News

KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “May 15, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Helen from Australia presents her Seeds of Abundance project, and Alberto from the Dominican Republic showcases his Aquaponics System. In New Earth News: we are learning about Sound Healing; and much more! In World News: Haitian Gang Violence; East Africa Internet Issues; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 35:00 mark.

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “May 13, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Ingrid reports on Extreme Floods in Brazil, and Mwandha Michael covers a Business Owners’ Protest in Uganda. In New Earth News: we are learning about 4D Dreaming; and much more! In World News: Polish Farmer Protest; Northern Lights; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

SUNNY GAULT: May 11, 2024 ~ The Rundown / World Situation Report Recap: “Biochip Program Fails, Ground Command Takes Control of Deep State Operating Systems, Bird Flu Pandemic that will Never Happen”

This week, we’ve got field messenger reports from Australia, Uganda, Italy, Norway, Romania and Ireland. In the New Earth, we discuss ways of applying essential oils, how to help children better connect their spirit to their bodies and the best foods to feed our pets. In regional news, we have job scams, the government censoring news organizations, and pharmacies unable to fill prescriptions. In our World Situation Report, we reveal why you’re paying higher prices for food. It’s a result of the Deep State and their corporations inserting biochips into the food supply. The good news is they can no longer access these biochips to harm humanity. Ground Commander Kimberly Goguen removes harmful operating systems that could have provided the cabal with their new form of currency. Plus, a behind-the-scenes look at why mainstream media is obsessed with promoting a bird flu pandemic that will never happen.

“Thank you for inspiring us to awaken from the nightmare. What if we created TV weekly game-shows like most families watch to provide news like Kim’s been openly providing long before UNN? Jeopardy, The Price is Right, What’s My Line… etc. Give away things people need.”

~Comment from the thread

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “May 10, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Monica from Romania showcases Europe’s largest Salt Mine, and Mariola from Ireland reveals the beauty of the Place Where She Lives. In New Earth News: we are learning about Cat and Dog Food; and much more! In World News: Kenya Hospital Strike Agreement; Ukraine Prisoner Army; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 35:00 mark.

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News