STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Sound Healing – Proactive Medicine for People, Plants, and the Planet”

Sound Healing

Ancient cultures around the world have used sound healing to repair the mind, body, and spirit. Vocal prayers, OM chants, the sounds of nature, mantras, music, and various instruments are just a few methods they discovered effective for sound healing… today, science now strongly indicates that sound may indeed be the most incredible healing tool we have in our arsenal!

Sound Medicine and the Science of Sound Healing

Some of the best known research in the field has been documented by scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto’s various studies, which tested the effects of words and music on water crystals. Emoto tested the physiological responses of water samples that were frozen after exposing them to various types of music including heavy metal, classical, and worldly folk songs. His conclusive results were very similar to those in another case discussed in Dr. Mitchell Gaynor’s, “The Healing Power.”

Dr. Gaynor’s book documents a study of the same premise; however, the study he documents focused on plant responses to music within controlled environments – the only differential being the type of music played for each test group. The results: heavy metal music resulted in chaotic crystalline structures and plants that didn’t fare so well. When classical and folk songs were played the plants excessively bloomed and flourished and the ice possessed streamlined crystalline structures under a microscope.

However, the impact of sound on plants and water are only the tip of the iceberg concerning the widespread implications of the magnificent potential and power of sound healing.

Sound Healing

Sound Healing and the Human Body

For the sake of brevity, I’ll just touch on a few ways sounds heals the human body and include a few links with further details on the research for those interested in additional topic investigation.

Migraines and Pain Management: At the California State University in Fresno, a 5-week study showed that migraine patients who have started and continue to listen regularly to their favorite music reported 83% less migraines. Furthermore, a study conducted by  Baltimore researchers at St. Agnes Hospital indicates that sound healing can relieve a variety of pain symptoms, citing it produced effects ‘similar to 10 mg of Valium.’

Immune System: A Michigan State University study discovered that certain sounds hep increase immunity cell production and regeneration by more than 12% in subjects who listened for 15 minutes.

Stress Hormones: Students from the same Michigan State study who listened to music they preferred further showed decreases in cortisol – the stress hormone – by up to 25%.

Kidneys: Doctors are regularly using healing sound wave vibrations to break up kidney and gall stones non-invasively.

Teeth: Using Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound techniques on teeth roots and jawbones, University of Alberta researches have documented tooth growth and regeneration of bone.

Cancer: Some interesting studies to look into include Dr. Gaynor’s Oncology Studies using crystal singing bowls in lieu of chemo/radiation treatments. Also, check out leading sound researcher Fabian Maman’s Sound Healing Studies, which also showed profound cancer healing results using sound.

Ways to Incorporate Sound Healing into Daily Life

  1. Control your sound environment and say ‘No; to toxic tones: Turn off the TV and enjoy the sounds of silence. Set times where noisy family members respect your ‘no-fly’ sound-free zone. Turn off your phone when you don’t want to be bothered with it…that’s what voicemail is for!
  2. Listen to soothing sounds that resonate with YOU, which may change daily. Match sounds to your vibrational frequency (your gut will tell you!) for maximum healing, soothing effects.
  3. Vanquish sounds of discontent whether they be outside ‘noises’ permeating your space or the ‘words’ of someone in a state of discontent. Separate, then replace disquieting sounds and words with positive ones.
  4. Incorporate healing tones and sounds into your daily routine. Just 15 minutes a day can make a profound difference.
  5. Wear sound and harmonically infused jewelry or crystals that bring sounds like the OM of the sun, the frequency of Earth, or harmonies of nature into your energy field.

Certainly, we cannot always control our sound environment, but we can empower ourselves with a few actions to eradicate sounds that don’t resonate with our particular vibrational resonance while embracing those that do prove effective for our mind body spirit healing.

Sound Healing

Fun At-Home Experiment to Evidence the Power of Sound…

Discover for yourself the power of sounds and words and music with your own home experiment. The Apple Experiment is cheap, easy, and fun way to experiment and see with your own eyes how important sound is! Simply cut an apple in half and place them in 2 containers. Speak or play POSITIVE harmonics to one half daily, while doing the opposite for the other and see what happens!





MICHELLE WALLING, CHLC: “10 Tools From Mother Nature Used To Detoxify From Chemtrails And Other Metals”

10 Tools From Mother Nature Used To Detoxify From Chemtrails And Other Metals

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Guest writer,

Do you have flu-like symptoms, respiratory problems, immune problems, brain fogginess, headaches, and extreme fatigue? Have these symptoms increased in the last few years, seemingly out of nowhere? Many of these symptoms are due to the substances in the high altitude aerosol spraying of chemtrails.

Chemtrail spraying began in 1999, and this is about the time many people began having severe allergies. As the chemtrail effort seems to be ramping up rather than decreasing, many people have developed strange symptoms and chronic health problems as chemicals fall to earth. They poison the air that we breathe, the soil that we grow our food in, and the water that we drink and water the gardens with.

The reasons for chemtrail spraying can be examined in Gregg Prescott’s BMSS article: Slow Kill: Why Are The Controllers Poisoning Us? and on my website How To Exit The Matrix in the article Top Scientist Confirms Aluminum Poisoning Via Chemtrails Is Real.

This video is a documentary Gregg created to spread awareness of what is happening in our skies:

Aluminum, which has been linked to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease, is one of the main ingredients used in chemtrails. Some of the other numerous toxins in chemtrails are thorium, barium, mercury, and strontium. The levels of these chemicals found in the water samples across the United States are well above the EPA limits.

Severe metal toxicity requires a full chelation therapy under a doctor’s care. Blood tests will reveal this level of severity. Our body is able to handle some toxicity as it is designed a super-cleaning machine when it is healthy. Eating organic fruits and vegetables as your main diet and exercising will greatly assist the body in natural detox. The problem is that with the chemtrails raining down onto the planet, most people do not have truly organically grown fruits and vegetables. Exercising outdoors allows ingesting of the chemtrails, and once you begin to feel down with the symptoms, you will need a little boost from your alternative health toolbox.

Various natural supplements and herbs from Mother Nature can help detoxify the body of chemtrails and other metals. Here are some suggestions to help your body eliminate metals as well as reduce the side effects of such poisoning:

  1. Food grade Diatomaceous Earth naturally absorbent and abrasive nature makes it an ideal internal cleaner. As it passes through your system, it absorbs harmful toxins, and it does this without requiring you to change your diet or lifestyle.
  1. Activated Charcoal detoxifies metals through adsorption (not to be confused with absorption). Activated charcoal actually uses a thin film on its outside surface to bind toxins and poisons so that they can be eliminated rather than absorbed.
  1. Magnesium blocks other metals from assimilating into the bloodstream.  It competes with aluminum, and if there is enough magnesium in the system, aluminum is prevented from absorbing into the brain and intestines. Epsom salt baths are a great way to take in the necessary magnesium supplement. 250 MG supplement 1-3 times per day depending upon the spraying.
  1. Curcumin bonds with aluminum and helps to reduce its toxic effects and helps to eliminate it from the body.
  1. Saffron supports brain health and helps to detox these chemicals. In some studies, saffron has also shown to promote learning, memory and recall due to a compound in the plant called crocin.
  1. Flax Seed has been shown to help reduce radiation poisoning and boost brain power. Ground flaxseeds provide a wonderful source of fiber that helps to bind and flush toxins from the intestinal tract, where many toxins end up being stored in the body.
  1. Hemp might just be one of nature’s most perfect foods since it is full of antioxidants like Vitamins E and C, as well as chlorophyll which is wonderful for cleansing the body from toxins of all kinds, including heavy metals. The soluble and insoluble fiber in hemp can also keep the digestive tract clean and therefore, reduce the toxic burden on other internal organs.
  1. Cinnamon is full of antioxidants and can also reduce the inflammatory response in the body.
  1. Cilantro is a natural chelation herb that can be used in large quantities in food preparation. Cilantro helps mobilize mercury and other metals out of the tissue so it can attach to it other compounds and allow it to be excreted from the body
  1. Chlorella is a single-cell fresh water algae which can be found in supplement form. It actually binds to mercury and removes it from the body, and is a great detoxifier for a number of metals.

About the author:
Michelle WallingMichelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach, international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started her public career as a spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric contributing writer for and Michelle is the webmaster for,,, and Michelle is the host of In5d’s Cosmic Awakening Show and In5d Network.
Her personal Facebook page can be found here.