SKY NEWS: “Because Donald and Melania Trump Are Not a Real Couple.” (UPDATED)

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Comments from the thread:

“Even Trump’s own wife hates him.”

“She despises him so much she can’t even fake it.”

“Wears glasses to hide her black eyes.”

“Drumpf forgets he has a wife, when a third of America thinks he’s thinking about them. Ooof.”

“He is not a loving man.

“Oh he is loving all right… as in loves himself.”

“I have never seen the emotion of joy or happiness on her face. She represents what most people seem to face with Trump. He has all the cards and you’re uncomfortably stuck at the table trying to pretend it’s all good while trying to find a way out.”

“It’s so strange but what else do we expect? This man will never have a normal relationship with anyone. How could he?”

“She is an employee.”

“Mail order bride, bro.”

“Maybe she’ll get out of his tower and a prince will come and rescue her.”

“Man they hate each other.”

“He’s despicable! Even his wife cant stand his azz!”

“He treats her like crap.”

“As a (self-described) genius, Trump is so stupid. Unbelievable. I understand Melania.”

“Narcissists are public actors. I was married to one… the creep! He’s aged now but his ego hasn’t.”

“I’m so sorry but it’s a FAKE LOVE.”

“I myself am in a ‘marriage of convenience’. I know exactly what is going on here.”

When you marry for money, you work every day of your life.”

“He’s a grown man who needs a mommy and a nurse. He doesn’t know the first thing about women. Literally, this man is like a child.”

“She’s a possession, not a wife. He’d rather be with his daughter.”

“He has no REAL respect for his wife. She is the possession of a narcissist. He works hard to earn and keep the love of his daughter.”

“He puts his hands on his daughter more than his wife. And it doesn’t look appropriate…”

“He is definitely more ‘into’ his daughter.”

“He is in his own little world. Well, him and Ivanka.”

“He’s a sick man.”

(reply from this blog):

“He WAS a sick man. But now he’s a DEAD man. For 3+ years going.”

~Ascension Avatar

Body Language Expert Reveals-Creepy Info About This Photo of Trump and Ivanka

LANCE DODE, M.D. ~ “Donald Trump Is Not Like Other Human Beings And You Can’t Treat Him As If He Is”

Ascension Avatar note: Donald Trump is not like other human beings on this planet and you can’t treat him as if he is — because he’s dead. And he has BEEN dead for over 3 years. America needs to re-think ‘Donald Trump’. Perhaps this will “Make America Think Again”. Unfortunately, too many didn’t bother to think the first time

“Most of us would like to believe that there are benevolent powerful authorities at work in the world, leaders who are loving and kind. Most of us would like to believe that our leaders are loving and kind people who are looking out for us. In this country, many of us were brought up to believe that the leaders of the country are fine people who are looking out for us. We want to believe it. I’ve said this so many times in various settings, but people don’t quite get it. Donald Trump is not like other human beings, and you can’t treat him as if he is. Trump is completely dishonest and lacks the ability to understand what other people want or care about. It’s all about him. Other people do not matter to Donald Trump. He lacks the core of normal empathy, and the ability to appreciate that other people have rights. He seeks to be a king, and is in fact, a tyrant. For Trump, anything other than worshipful obedience is an unjustified attack. Trump will attack, and will be willing to destroy anybody who stands in his way. He’ll get the most expensive lawyers available to him. He’ll accuse other people of being guilty of the exact things he and his own party are doing. It’s the same thing Trump did on Jan. 6, absolutely. Donald Trump certainly knows what he’s doing. That’s a different question from whether he has personal insight into his behavior. He doesn’t know that he is a Sociopath. He’s too far gone. He has a Psychotic core, in that he is fundamentally out of touch with reality when it comes to his view of himself as a godlike figure, as we’ve seen in his many grandiose and delusional statements. At the beginning of his first presidential campaign, Trump said that he could kill somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it. That tells you how this man’s mind works. He is a severe Sociopath, and his willingness to see others suffer and die pushes him into the realm of a Psychopath. What happens to another person’s life means nothing to him. You have to understand, that’s what Trump is. That’s what he does. I have been frustrated for so many years now, really since 2016. What fills me with despair is that I am afraid that the people who need to hear this information about Trump are not listening to it. There are some people who don’t grasp the concept of Psychopathy. They’re ignorant, and I don’t say that as an insult. The easiest way to understand Donald Trump is to think of him as a serial killer or a monster. The word ‘monster’ means a creature without empathy, without caring, willing to kill or maim or hurt or destroy anything in its path for its own purposes, a sadistic creature lacking normal human capacities. There’s nothing shocking about Trump’s behavior when you see him for the fundamentally disordered person that he truly is. He is a man much in the mold of Hitler. When a truly evil person came to seize power, the country, the free press was unable to react appropriately, and we still see people who are ‘shocked.’ People still don’t quite understand the enormous danger from Trump. ‘Evil’ is good word to describe him, and once you stop expecting him to be like you or your neighbors or anyone else in your life, then you’re not surprised anymore. Once you understand what is wrong with Donald Trump mentally and emotionally, and how deeply different he is from normal human beings, the rest of it follows. Stop expecting him to be like you or your neighbors. You can’t think of him as a regular person. You can’t think of him as a regular person because he is vastly different from a normal human being. He is a very sick man. But does he know what he’s doing? Of course Donald Trump knows what he’s doing.”

~Lance Dodes, M.D.

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ALEXA PELLEGRINI: “Love Yourself First: Creating Healthy Relationships in a Superficial World”

Love Yourself

In the last several years, websites like and have soared in popularity. Tinder and dating apps have blown up on social media. But relationship issues and loneliness are still more of a problem in our society than ever, and most of us continue to have a difficult time understanding the foundations of love. So, what is love – not just romantic love, but healthy, spiritual love? What does it mean to be in a genuine, loving relationship, and more importantly, how can we all find one? Here are some insights into improving your dating life so you can avoid unfulfilling relationships and get closer to discovering the healing power of love.

Finding ‘True Love’: It’s All About Your Energy

Relationships work on the basis of energetic attraction. The more you neglect loving and accepting yourself, the more you’ll encounter Karmic relationships that will show that this needs to change. To understand ourselves on a higher level, we tend to attract and be attracted to others who mirror our inner wounds. Instead of healing us, these people just exacerbate our pain – and yet ironically, these are the relationships we struggle to escape the most, because our souls are begging for us to heal ourselves! If we have a deep desire for attention, we may be attracted to a narcissistic person who denies us the attention we so desperately seek. If we have a strong need to be validated and nurtured, we may be attracted to someone who pull away the more we chase after them – and so on. There is a variety of ways we can go ‘wrong’ in our personal relationships by trying to deal with our inner wounds through our partners.

You’re probably wondering: how can this be avoided so we can get the relationship we really want? The solution to finding genuine, loving relationships that don’t reflect our identity crises is simpler than you think. Of course, it all starts with love – but not by giving all of your love and everything you have to the person you’re with, so you can convince them to love you wholeheartedly in return. It’s by showing all of that love and care to yourself.

Making Simple Changes, Day by Day

Repeat after me: you don’t need to prove you’re worthy or lovable to anyone – you already are. If you struggle to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re worth everything you have (and more!), it’s important to realize that some serious self-work lies ahead in order to find the relationship of your dreams.

Forgive yourself for all of your past mistakes. Give yourself a pat on the back for the wonderful things you’ve done and how hard you work every day. Look into your eyes and tell yourself that you are lovable and loved – over and over, until you really believe it. These behavioral adjustments are necessary for you to heal yourself and move on from words and events of the past that are holding you back from stepping into your own power and building healthy relationships. Don’t look for someone else to do the hard work of loving and accepting yourself for you – you can rise to the challenge and take on the quest with vigor and courage.

Love Yourself

Forget Flowers and Candy: Think Friendship and Forgiveness

Affection, gifts, romantic gestures and great sex are all hallmarks of a healthy, functional relationship, but it doesn’t stop there. We’ve all seen in movies and on TV how sexy, romantic relationships often end in heartbreak, how even the strongest of chemistry between two people often leads to nowhere except a series of one-night stands or a dysfunctional relationship. Yet society tells us that fantastic sex and romance are the defining features of a happy relationship, all while friendship and forgiveness are neglected.

Without being able to connect and empathize with our partners on a human level, we lose the ability to forgive their mistakes and realize that they aren’t solely around to fulfill our emotional, physical and financial needs. Codependency, resentment and declarations of “that’s not fair!” and “you don’t care about me as much as I care about you!” are usually the hallmark of these kinds of relationships. When we fail to see our partners as not only our lovers but our friends, we lose the ability to identify with them on a deeper emotional level and the energetic balance in the relationship is totally thrown off.

Here’s an exercise: in your mind, have your best friend and your partner switch places. How do you treat your best friend? Do you give your friend healthy space, reasonable forgiveness and support for their dreams? Do you do the same for your partner? Creating a feeling of friendship between you and your partner is the easiest way to try to heal a failing relationship.

©Universal Copyright 2015 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Alexa Pellegrini and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.


JACKSON MACKENZIE: “Signs You’re Arguing With A Psychopath”

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Psychopaths make up one percent of the general population. Contrary to popular belief, most of them aren’t serial killers.

They’re manipulative people who intentionally cause harm to others without any sense of remorse or responsibility.
Psychopaths are social chameleons who can fit perfectly into any situation.

They are experts at morphing their identities to get what they want and mirroring others for money, sex, and — most commonly — attention. Because of their ability to idealize others, psychopaths are often perceived as charming, innocent, and fun to unsuspecting onlookers and casual acquaintances.

But there is another side to them.

When they’re feeling threatened or bored, a psychopath’s true colors start to come out. They draw you into arguments that are unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. The argument usually stems from something hurtful or inappropriate they’ve done, but you’ll quickly find that you’re the one defending yourself.

It’s sort of like good cop, bad cop, demented cop, stalker cop, scary cop, baby cop.

Here are 6 warning signs that the person you’re arguing with is a psychopath and it’s time to disengage.


1. They lie and make excuses.

Everyone messes up every now and then, but psychopaths recite excuses more often than they follow through with promises. Their actions never match up with their words and their lies disappoint you so frequently that you actually feel relieved when they do something halfway decent. They’ve conditioned you to become grateful for mediocre treatment.

2. Their tone is condescending and patronizing.

Psychopaths often try to make you unhinged in an attempt to gain the upper hand. Throughout the entire argument, you’ll notice that they keep a calm and cool demeanor. It’s almost as if they’re mocking you — gauging your reactions to see how much further they can push. When you finally react emotionally, that’s when they’ll raise their eyebrows, smirk, tell you to calm down, or feign disappointment.

3. They employ mind-blowing hypocrisy.

In heated arguments, psychopaths have no shame and will often begin labeling you with their own horrible qualities. It goes beyond projection, because most people project unknowingly. Psychopaths know they are smearing you with their own flaws, because they are seeking a reaction. The point is to lure you in so that you react and seem “crazy” to onlookers.

4. They seem to have multiple personalities.

When arguing with a psychopath, you’re likely to notice a variety of their personas. It’s sort of like good cop, bad cop, demented cop, stalker cop, scary cop, baby cop. Once you begin pulling away from their manipulation and lies, they’ll start apologizing and flatter you. If that doesn’t work, they’ll suddenly start insulting the qualities they just flattered two minutes ago. As they struggle to regain control, you’ll be left wondering who you’re even talking to.

5. They play the eternal victim.

Somehow, their bad behavior will always lead back to a conversation about their abusive past or a crazy ex or an evil boss. You’ll end up feeling bad for them, even when they’ve done something horribly wrong. And once they’ve successfully diverted your attention, everything will get messy again. Psychopaths cry “abuse,” but, in the end, you’re the only one being abused.

6. You feel the need to explain basic human emotions to them.

You’ll find yourself attempting to explain emotions like empathy and kindness, guided by the thought that if they understand why you’re hurt, they’ll stop hurting you. You are not the first person who has attempted to see the good in them, and you will not be the last. They behave this way because they know that it hurts you.

There’s only one way out of these arguments. You need to disengage!

Arguments with psychopaths leave you drained. You might spend hours, even days, obsessing over the argument. If you think you have the perfect response to their latest outrageous comment, they planted it there on purpose. They’re trying to provoke you. They’re trying to draw you in.

In professional environments, they want you to blow up so that coworkers and superiors see you as unstable. In romantic settings, they want you to lash out so that they can use your “hysterical” reactions to show potential partners and exes how crazy you’ve become. Until we understand this, we’ll continue to fall into their trap.

So next time someone you’re arguing with uses these tactics to draw you in, try a different strategy: simply smile, nod, and go live your life.

They don’t deserve another second of your time.








LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Splitting Behaviors”


Splitting is a very common Ego Defense Mechanism. Splitting (also called black and white thinking or all-or-nothing thinking) is the failure in a person’s thinking to bring together the dichotomy of both positive and negative qualities of the self and others into a cohesive, realistic whole. Usually one small piece of the overall picture is focused upon, while ignoring other details that the person is not willing to look at. It can be defined as the division or polarization of beliefs, actions, objects, or persons into good and bad by focusing selectively on the judgments or perceptions of positive or negative attributes. Splitting is a coping mechanism which diffuses the internal anxiety that arises from our inability to grasp the subtleties and complexities of a given situation or state of affairs. The situation is broken down into smaller parts in order to simplify and schematize the situation, thereby making it easier to think about and rationalize. Splitting also reinforces our sense of self as good and virtuous by effectively demonizing all those who do not share in our same opinions and values. Through the course of growing up from childhood into adulthood, we develop coping skills and will come to label people, places or objects in the environment that are acceptable or not acceptable in our belief systems. Ego defenses are similar to mental racketeering programs that are commonly used as coping mechanisms for reducing day to day anxiety, fears, and obsessions that are related to thought addiction or the need to control the environment. When we are addicted to our thoughts, we have lost balance with our feelings and sensory abilities that allow us to be fully present in the moment and be in a receptive mode to better discern the environment and their energies.

One day, friends and lovers are being thought of as personified virtue, and then when something displeases them, they may suddenly think that same person is evil or bad. (flipping back and forth).

Such a narrow compartmentalization of opposing energies leaves the person using splitting behaviors with a distinctly distorted picture of reality and limited within a small and restricted range of thoughts and emotions. It also affects that person’s ability to attract and maintain relationships, not only because splitting is tiresome and draining, but also because it can easily flip at any moment. One day, friends and lovers are being thought of as personified virtue, and then when something displeases them, they may suddenly think that same person is evil or bad. (flipping back and forth).

Splitting also arises in groups, when members of the in-group are seen to have mostly positive attributes, and whereas members of out-groups are seen to have mostly negative attributes, This is a phenomenon that contributes to group think and, indeed, may include inflexible attitudes of xenophobia. Xenophobia is intense or irrational dislike or fear of people that we consider strangers or that are unfamiliar to us.

Splitting in Relationships

Splitting creates instability in relationships because one person can be viewed as either personified virtue or personified vice at different times, depending on whether they gratify the subject’s needs or frustrate them. This, along with similar fluctuations in the experience and appraisal of the self, leads to chaotic and unstable relationship patterns, identity conflicts, and sudden mood swings. The therapeutic and healing process can be greatly impeded by these sudden emotional or mental oscillations, because the therapist or healing tool can be seen as all good or all bad. To attempt to overcome the negative effects of emotional instability and rapidly shifting moods from confusion around personal identity, constant re-interpretations and self-inquiries on personal progress to become more emotionally and mentally stable is needed.

Splitting contributes to unstable relationships and intense emotional experiences. Splitting is not uncommon during adolescence, but is regarded as temporary. Splitting has been noted especially with persons diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Treatment strategies have been developed for individuals and groups based on opening the dialogue to explore unconscious and conscious behaviors, and for deeper exploration between couples. There are also self-help books on related topics such as mindfulness and emotional regulation that have been helpful for individuals who struggle with the emotionally devastating consequences of splitting.

Narcissistic personality disorder

People matching the diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder also use splitting as a central Ego Defense Mechanism. Most often the narcissist does this as an attempt to stabilize their sense of self positivity in order to preserve their Self Esteem, by perceiving themselves as purely upright or admirable and others who do not conform to their will or values as purely wicked or contemptible. Given the narcissist’s perverse sense of entitlement and splitting, he or she can be equally geared, psychologically and practically, towards the promotion of projects simultaneously, while promoting the demise of that same collectively beneficial project. The cognitive habit of splitting also implies the use of other related Ego Defense Mechanisms, namely idealization and devaluation, which are preventative attitudes or reactions to narcissistic rage and narcissistic injury.


In depression, exaggerated all-or-nothing thinking can form a self-reinforcing Negative Ego cycle. These recurring or obsessive thoughts might be called emotional amplifiers because, as they go around and around, looping, and with each cycle of looping, they become more intense. Typical all-or-nothing thoughts:

  • My efforts are either a success or they are an abject failure
  • I am/other people are either all good or all bad
  • if you’re not with us, you’re against us


Triangulation is a situation in which one member will not communicate directly with another member, but will communicate with a third member, which can lead to the third member becoming part of the triangle. The concept originated in the study of dysfunctional family systems, but can describe manipulative behaviors used in other systems as well, including work or group dynamics. This is a common method to spin disinformation between multiple parties to increase Compartmentalization within organizations or employ divide and conquer strategies.

Triangulation can also be a form of “Splitting” in which one person plays the third family member against the one that he or she is upset about. This is playing the two people against each other, but usually the person doing the splitting will also engage in some form of character assassination, only with both parties.

The key word here to remember is Character Assassination. Gossip and triangulation is the method used for Character Assassination. The NAA Victim-Victimizer software is specifically designed to assassinate the character of any person that is publicly involved in the Law of One and Ascension material, especially if you are a Starseed and not culled by them in their programs of mind control, and including MILAB groomed abductees with genetic enhancements that turn into whistleblowers.


Compartmentalization need-to-know-basis is a mind control strategy to contain and control the field of academics, scientists, military and government personnel who are complicit in carrying out the destructive and harmful behavior of the NAA and Power Elite, and are rewarded monetarily and socially for going along with reinforcing the alien invasion of our planet and enslavement of humanity.

Compartmentalization is the Mind Control method used to shut down and destroy open mindedness, critical thinking, independent thinking and creative thinking. Compartmentalization is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person’s having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves. Compartmentalization allows these conflicting ideas to co-exist by inhibiting direct or explicit acknowledgement and interaction between separate compartmentalized self-states. Splitting behavior is the result of the compartmentalization of accurate facts or complex situations, in order to remove the conflicting details that cause one internal anxiety.

False Truce

False Truce is a Victim-Victimizer software mind control archetype that is used to target spiritually developing people. This is one of the Controller Programs that is a sub program of the Victim-Victimizer software program and a collective miasm that has accumulated over many generations.

As the Victimizer Archetypes and related programs that are embedded in the cellular matrix are very enhanced now, especially in adjunct to Life Review patterns for many of us now on the ascension path. This is explosive for some of us now, and I am observing these traps for ensnarement, and like Addiction, are jaws attempting to latch on to our vulnerability.

A False Truce is when a person who has had a conflict with another person, is not interested in resolution or ending the conflict, but in promoting the conflict further. This is the guise of pretending that they are perfectly okay with whatever conflict had transpired. Because they have not accepted any Accountability to their role in the conflict, they will usually spread gossip, defame the character of the other person (Character Assassination), to retaliate for the self-justification they made up from their Ego Defense Mechanisms.

Character Assassination

Character Assassination is a deliberate and sustained process that aims to destroy the credibility and reputation of a person, institution, social group, or nation. Agents of character assassinations employ a mix of open and covert methods to achieve their goals, such as raising false accusations, planting and fostering rumors, and manipulating information.

Character assassination is an attempt to tarnish a person’s reputation. It may involve exaggeration, misleading half-truths, or manipulation of facts to present an untrue picture of the targeted person. It is a form of defamation and can be a form of ad hominem argument.

For living individuals targeted by character assassination attempts, this may result in being rejected by their community, family, or members of their living or work environment. Such acts are often difficult to reverse or rectify, and the process is likened to a literal assassination of a human life. The damage sustained can last a lifetime or, for historical figures, for many centuries after their death.

In practice, character assassination may involve Doublespeak, spreading of rumors through Malicious Gossip, innuendo or deliberate misinformation on topics relating to the subject’s morals, integrity, and reputation. It may involve spinning information that is technically true, but that is presented in a misleading manner or is presented without the necessary context. For example, it might be said that a person refused to pay any income tax during a specific year, without saying that no tax was actually owed due to the person having no income that year, or that a person was sacked from a firm, even though he may have been made redundant through no fault of his own, rather than being terminated for cause.


Transference is a phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another. One definition of transference is the inappropriate repetition in the present time of a relationship pattern from the past that was important in a person’s childhood, to which the conflict was never resolved. Another definition is the redirection of feelings and desires and especially of those unconsciously retained from childhood toward a new object or person. Still another definition is the reproduction of emotions relating to repressed experiences buried in the unconscious mind, and the substitution of another person to be thought to be the cause of these buried emotions, instead of uncovering the original object or causal event of the repressed impulses.

Splitter Tech

Splitter Tech is a type of AI encoding that run as a Mind Control script that is embedded into a variety of types of media, such as written words, spoken words of an infected individual, video or audio recordings, that can pass on that same scripted code to another person that resonates with that same frequency or information. It reveals a profile that is commonly observed in very academic or intellectually controlled or developed people, and tends to be attached to highly mentalized persons with dominating Negative Egos, judgmental perceptions and little to no heart opening. When a person is aware of the NAA and is also aware of the fact that Controller forces have a Psychopathic personality, this means they have Lack of Empathy, and no true developed Compassion for others, as they do not have a Soul, and thus cannot experience any higher emotional spectrum. They are indeed, heart-less, and unable to feel emotions and ruled by instinctual forces.

To a coherent, clear and energetically balanced person, when reading words or being exposed to Splitter Tech script, it feels like your brain is getting scrambled and thoughts are scattering, and maintaining clear focus is nearly impossible. It also is sprayed as implants to divert attention and focus within a group environment, as one person may be a booby trap with Splitter Tech that is used to disrupt or divide and conquer the entire group objectives. Patterns include running AI induced embedded code through a “signal” that may influence a splitting effect, also known as ‘bi-polar’ or Bi-Wave Influences to align the target or subject to Metatronic Reversal, Metatronic Spiral or Entropic Systems of energy.

As one learns how to refocus one’s thoughts, one prevents overwhelming states of emotion from triggering impulsive behaviors and angry reactions into splitting behaviors. As one develops strong impulse control they are learning a form of ego discipline through applied patience and diligence. If we check in and find that we do not like what we may be feeling, we can learn better the reasons for that by further shifting into the observer mode. In our community, we call that process of observing as shifting from identifying with a thought or feeling by moving ourselves into the compassionate witness. As a Compassionate Witness we have no judgment of thoughts or feelings, we hold no judgment of what we are observing in the external, we only observe those thoughts and feelings in our self and others. When we can fully observe through our own Compassionate Witness, we then become neutral and centered. Then, we can immediately find relief from our inner anxiety, fears and a host of other thought distortions. This process is key to shifting ego defense mechanisms, thought addiction tendency and releasing the anxiety or fear of feeling emotional depth or pain that contributes to splitting behaviors. By continually using an ego defense mechanism to avoid facing the source causation of the anxiety or deeply rooted fear, (which is unresolved pain or trauma) we are only perpetuating the mental looping which uses denial of the truth in order to avoid feeling pain or discomfort. Denial of accurate accounts of the truth is the seed of all Ego Defense Mechanisms that stunt our continuing path of emotional and spiritual development.