DEJAN DAVCHEVSKI: “6 Secrets ‘They’ Don’t Want You to Know”


Even the dumbest person knows that the world is controlled by certain individuals. Some say they are the richest families, some say secret organizations with members posing as a president’s right hand, some even say aliens in disguise.

The truth is, no matter who, the 99% is controlled by the 1% and there are things that the 1% would be happy if the 99% never find out of. But, be that as it may, the Murphy ’s Law still stands even for those individuals who steer the wheel and as the law says “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”.

People with humanity still in their hearts leaked some information, people who see things as they really are revealed conspiracies, and some with a little logic still in the head discovered the truth hidden from the 99%. Here are some of the greatest secrets “They” don’t want you to know of:

6. They Control the Earth’s Environment

You have probably heard about the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). It is a project funded by The US Navy and The US Air Force and its cover is technology that can allow US military to communicate with its fleet of submarines through very long distances.

How this works? There is an instrument in HAARP called “Ionospheric Research Instrument” which is a facility that transmits high-power radio frequency directly into a limited area of the Ionosphere.

This instrument manipulates the Ionosphere, the place where free electrons exist, and has a potential to create radio waves that will manipulate the earth’s magnetic field. You get yourself a control of the earth’s magnetic field and you control the earth.

Even more frightening is the fact that HAARP has a potential to control emotions through wave frequencies and manipulate human minds. Who knows, maybe they are responsible for our sudden mood swings. Project HAARP was shut down in May 2013 — or was it?

5. Tap Water Makes You Poor

There is absolutely no need for fluoride in tap water, well for us, but for the ones who want to control the world and make sure no one rises above them, fluoride in tap water is essential element. Why? Let me explain a little bit.

Fluoridation was recommended by Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud. Mind manipulation is written all over their foreheads.

Fluoride is a chemical that has an effect on the Pineal Gland of our brain, some call it “The Third Eye”. This gland is responsible for majority of our emotions, as well as our serotonin and melatonin level.

Fluoride damages this gland and promotes apathy, depression, and low vibrations. This results in lack of motivation, bad health and boredom. To survive in the world today we must earn money to buy the necessary things like food, water, shelter, medicine.

Instead of following our dream and escaping the system, we are depressed and unmotivated which forces us to work for someone just so we can survive. These 2 forces, the survival instinct and apathy, limit us to follow the system and never rise above it.

We are scared for our survival but unmotivated to go our own way, so we let others lead our whiny ass to safety. Their safety. Just like sheep in the herd.

4. Chemtrails Spray Us With Fluoride

When you look up in the sky and say look a con trail you may be wrong, it may be a chemtrail. Don’t worry, it’s nothing, it’s just some guys spraying you with Aluminum, Arsenic, Barium, Boron, and yes Fluoride. Why? Because you ask too much. Now shut up and keep doing what “They” tell you.

Fluoride is now also being added to almost every food product made with water. Fluoride is also in insecticides and other poison products, toothpaste, mouthwash, and many psychotropic medicines, and if we are good we may even get houses made of fluoride, yay!

3. GMOs Are Destroying All Humanity

Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology. This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.

In other words GMO is taking God’s dice in our own hands. It is the greatest disbalance nature has ever seen.

The Universe has one divine rule and that is that whatever happens it must always keep balance, every action has its own opposite reaction. We make disbalance to nature, but as we know The Universe will always find balance, so our action will result in conflict between us and nature.

The dumbest man knows that we come from Nature and the conflict will be between ourselves resulting in us becoming something else that is not Nature or our extinction, because let’s face it, we cannot go on the opposite side of the scale with such force and expect balance.

2. Sacred Geometry is The Language of The Universe and Beauty

What is Beauty? Victoria’s Secret Angels, I know, but what is the definition of beauty? The combination of elements like shape, color, size that pleases the sense of sight. But, we know that music has a beauty too, smell also, so if you ask me I would say that beauty is a harmony between elements and forces.

Sacred geometry is found where elements meet The Golden Ratio (1.618033989…) and it exists through all The Universe between gravity of planets, Nature, design of flowers, shape of animals, proportions of land, crop circles, it also exists in many manmade objects or famous arts like the works of Leonardo DaVinci, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, Greek and Roman architecture…

Almost everything we find harmonious, beautiful, and with that x-factor we cannot explain has The Golden Ratio shinning through it.

Why is this kept a secret? Well, it’s like a magic show. We find magic in things with The Golden Ratio but we don’t know why or how. The magician knows the trick and in order to manipulate the audience nobody else is allowed to know how it’s done.

1. Music Makes You Competitive

Do you know that in 1955 the International Standardization Organization made 440 Hz a general tuning standard for musical pitch? Before that was 432 Hz.

As you may know sounds have the biggest impact in our thinking. 432 Hz makes the sound of music more harmonious, calm, promotes happiness and deep understanding, passion. 440 Hz is more energetic, faster, it is almost like racing.

It is more competitive and focusing on the details, the understanding of the things we can see. So why would someone and most importantly how, decides that 440 Hz is better than 432 Hz?

Because music touches us where nothing else can, where the essence of our Emotional Being is, and if you control what emotions/thoughts the music promotes, than your work of controlling the world is 99% done.

“They” don’t want people to understand Our True Nature and Our Higher Self. They want us to be in a hurry, to believe only what we see and be competitive about material things.

This way the 99% will live in the reality the 1% will create for them. This whole article is about that, the purpose of the 1% is to shape the reality of the 99% and through various of things “They” have accomplished that, and “They” are damn good in keeping the control.

Dejan Davchevski is an International Marketing Manager, though his passion is sharing a way of living that he calls ‘The Code Of Life.’ He discovered ‘the code’ while he was in a dark period of his life and it helped him recover. You can contact Dejan on his Facebook page or website.


JOE BATTAGLIA: “If You Want To Accelerate Brain Development In Children — Teach Them Music”

violin (2)

Alternative and complementary treatments such as creative art, meditation, and yoga have been proposed to bridge many gaps that conventional medicine cannot. But music, because of its ubiquity in our society as well as its ease of transmission, has perhaps the greatest potential among alternative therapies to reach people in deep and profound ways. Music matters and it heals.

Music instruction appears to accelerate brain development in young children, particularly in the areas of the brain responsible for processing sound, language development, speech perception and reading skills, according to initial results of a five-year study by USC neuroscientists.

We now know through controlled treatment outcome studies that listening to and playing music is a potent treatment for mental health issues. 400 published scientific papers have proven the old adage that “music is medicine.”

Research demonstrates that adding music therapy to treatment improves symptoms and social functioning among schizophrenics. Further, music therapy has demonstrated efficacy as an independent treatment for reducing depression, anxiety and chronic pain.

The Brain and Creativity Institute (BCI) at USC began the five-year study in 2012 in partnership with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association and the Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA) to examine the impact of music instruction on children’s social, emotional and cognitive development.

These initial study results, published recently in the journal Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, provide evidence of the benefits of music education at a time when many schools around the nation have either eliminated or reduced music and arts programs. The study shows music instruction speeds up the maturation of the auditory pathway in the brain and increases its efficiency.

“We are broadly interested in the impact of music training on cognitive, socio-emotional and brain development of children,” said Assal Habibi, the study’s lead author and a senior research associate at the BCI in the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. “These results reflect that children with music training, compared with the two other comparison groups, were more accurate in processing sound.”

For this longitudinal study, the neuroscientists are monitoring brain development and behavior in a group of 37 children from underprivileged neighborhoods of Los Angeles.

Thirteen of the children, at 6 or 7 years old, began to receive music instruction through the Youth Orchestra Los Angeles program at HOLA. The community music training program was inspired by the El Sistema method, one that LA Philharmonic conductor Gustavo Dudamel had been in when he was growing up in Venezuela.

Learning the Violin

The children earn to play instruments, such as the violin, in ensembles and groups, and they practice up to seven hours a week.

The scientists are comparing the budding musicians with peers in two other groups: 11 children in a community soccer program, and 13 children who are not involved in any specific after-school programs.

The neuroscientists are using several tools to monitor changes in them as they grow: MRI to monitor changes through brain scans, EEG to track electrical activity in the brains, behavioral testing and other such techniques.

Within two years of the study, the neuroscientists found the auditory systems of children in the music program were maturing faster in them than in the other children. The fine-tuning of their auditory pathway could accelerate their development of language and reading, as well as other abilities – a potential effect which the scientists are continuing to study.

The enhanced maturity reflects an increase in neuroplasticity – a physiological change in the brain in response to its environment – in this case, exposure to music and music instruction.

“The auditory system is stimulated by music,” Habibi said. “This system is also engaged in general sound processing that is fundamental to language development, reading skills and successful communication.”

Ear to Brain

The auditory system connects our ear to our brain to process sound. When we hear something, our ears receive it in the form of vibrations that it converts into a neural signal. That signal is then sent to the brainstem, up to the thalamus at the center of the brain, and outward to its final destination, the primary auditory cortex, located near the sides of the brain.

The progress of a child’s developing auditory pathway can be measured by EEG, which tracks electrical signals, specifically those referred to as “auditory evoked potentials.”

In this study, the scientists focused on an evoked potential called P1. They tracked amplitude – the number of neurons firing – as well as latency – the speed that the signal is transmitted. Both measures infer the maturity of the brain’s auditory pathways.

As children develop, both amplitude and the latency of P1 tend to decrease. This means that that they are becoming more efficient at processing sound.

At the beginning of the study and again two years later, the children completed a task measuring their abilities to distinguish tone. As the EEG was recording their electrical signals, they listened to violin tones, piano tones and single-frequency (pure) tones played.

The children also competed a tonal and rhythm discrimination task in which they were asked to identify similar and different melodies. Twice, they heard 24 melodies in randomized order and were asked to identify which ones differed in tone and rhythm, and which were the same in tone and rhythm.

Children who were in the youth orchestra program were more accurate at detecting pitch changes in the melodies than the other two groups. All three groups were able to identify easily when the melodies were the same. However, children with music training had smaller P1 potential amplitude compared to the other children, indicating a faster rate of maturation.

“We observed a decrease in P1 amplitude and latency that was the largest in the music group compared to age-matched control groups after two years of training,” the scientists wrote. “In addition, focusing just on the (second) year data, the music group showed the smallest amplitude of P1 compared to both the control and sports group, in combination with the accelerated development of the N1 component.”