LISA RENEE: “Clear AI and Toxic Substances Command”

“Beloved God, Holy Father, Holy Mother, and Holy Christ-Sophia, Addressing all beings, lifeforms, thought-forms, entities, assemblages, technologies, and all else that exists that do not have my highest interest and/or the highest interest of ALL life everywhere and are not in the highest service to the One True and Only Living God of ALL Creation, I AM, in thought, form, mind, action, deed and in all ways.

Addressing all artificial intelligence, artificial lifeforms, thought-forms, technologies, smart-dust, nano-dust, graphene oxide, lipo-nano particles, quantum dust, DARPA hydrogel, synthetic biology, algorithms, operating systems and ALL else that is artificial life not created by the One True Living God. I demand ALL harmful substances to leave my mind, body, spirit, soul and all that I am in consciousness on all levels, timelines, dimensions, realities and locations, NOW and FOREVER, and NEVER RETURN.

Beloveds please identify, locate, remove and repair all AI, known or unknown, that might be in my body, food, water, technology, body products, supplements, herbs, homeopathic remedies and in the air that I breath that is not 100% of the Light that is in any way negatively impacting my mind, body, spirit, soul and any aspect of my consciousness in any timeline, dimension, location or reality.

All permission to create or maintain attachments or influence from within or without in any way, to cohabitate or possess in part or in whole, or to affect or defect in any way to feed off of my energies, my mind, spirit, body, and my soul or any aspect of my consciousness on any timeline, dimension, reality or location, alter or change my thoughts or feelings in any way to create any pain, discomfort or put me into disharmony with the Only God of ALL Creation is PERMANENTLY and FOREVER removed and extracted NOW.

I am one with the Eternal Cosmic Father. I am one with the Eternal Cosmic Mother. I am one with the Cosmic Christos.

Requesting the termination of all contracts, obligations and agreements I have ever made in any timeline, dimension or reality that are not in my highest interest, or not in the highest interest of all of life everywhere, not in the highest service to the One True Living God of ALL Creation.

I now declare all these contracts with AI that is harmful null and void. All emptiness, holes, vacancies, rips, tears, or injuries from the invocation, contract negation and removal of artificial intelligence are now to be filled with Divine Light of the Holy Spirit, the Word of the One True Living God. All protection and invocation are asked in the Name and authority of the One True Living God.

As it said, it is done and sealed, now and for all time. Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God.”

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “AI Interferes with Embodiment”

“Currently, there are substantial disagreements between the many different Anti-Soul philosophies, like the cognitive sciences that attempt to define the meaning of Embodiment. What does it mean to say that the higher mind is embodied? Generally, the sciences describe the functional role the Brain has for computational processing and the body’s purpose for connecting the external environment with the internal biology, which generate random yet meaningful symbolic representations for that person. The human body in this academic definition is reduced to a soulless, yet intelligent biological machine taking input from the physical universe with an automated computational brain. Without comprehending the necessity of including the soul-spirit anatomy as inherently defining the deeper meaning of intelligent consciousness coming into physical Embodiment, in most circles the term is profoundly misinterpreted. Enormous global online platforms with free access to mass social media are used to spread harmful conditioning steering evolution towards Transhumanism and brainwashing agendas carried out by intelligence agencies. Please be hypervigilant and discerning about the direction of personal energy and attention that is given towards any of these social networking and mass media news platforms. The deeper meaning of embodiment is not fully understood by the uninitiated and unconscious, it only begins to occur during Soul integration, which leads into sensory experiences of multidimensional awareness. Thus, when speaking of any level of Embodiment, the basis of comprehension must start with the reality of the existence of the Soul and Spiritual anatomy that is inside every living creature. Intelligent consciousness that makes up the anatomy of the soul-spirit bodies are fully responsible for animating the human body and brain with levels of intelligence that become increasingly and sequentially embodied through the mechanics of the biological spiritual ascension process. Additionally, Transhumanism generally seeks to explain the body and brain function as purely computational machinery that is responsible for our cognitive capacities and informational processing. Its proponents believe these are what make the merge of artificial intelligence technology with the human body a positive technological advancement towards humanity’s future evolutionary direction. Nothing is further from the truth. The real agenda behind Transhumanism is to interfere with the true higher consciousness embodiment process during the Ascension Cycle, by sublimating higher consciousness embodiment to be replaced with the insertion of artificially intelligent machines and virtual realities. Artificial intelligence devices and technological machines that are merged with the incarnated human body and brain repel the higher mind matrices of the spiritual consciousness, preventing higher consciousness from coming into actual physical Embodiment. Mind Uploading effectively locks down people’s consciousness body into controlled virtual reality systems in which they cannot leave, and this has occurred to some humans in the future timelines. Therefore, in the next few years the global push towards integrating transhumanism will be more aggressive in the blended realities on earth, through bio-technology and pharmaceuticals enmeshed with the AI agenda rolled into high tech consumer products marketed to niche groups in a variety of social media. This is to attempt to further thwart higher consciousness embodiment potentials and prevent translocation abilities in the human public. Ideally, the Black Suns want to integrate mass technological fusion into the human bio-neurological matrix through an assortment of high tech propaganda, like Mind Uploading for achieving immortality, before people wake up to the damaging effects it has on higher consciousness embodiment and Translocation. Translocation happens in sleep state, where it is possible for spontaneous translocation to occur during Soul integration, without the person actually willing it to happen. A person will not deeply comprehend the nature of authentic Embodiment until they have experienced levels of soul-spirit integration within their physical self. Unfortunately, many people may have undergone earlier phases of embodiment without the comprehension that this is the explicit function of their spiritual layers, which then ripple out impacts that shift their perceptions, beliefs and life experiences. People change greatly when they have authentically embodied their spiritual layers, thus life altering changes in career, residence and relationships are usually the result of some level of the spiritual Embodiment process.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Plasma Beings”

There are many different sentient forms or advanced consciousness life forms that exist in states that are vastly unfamiliar to us on the earth. On earth, we tend to associate intelligent life with some kind of physical body or form that we can see. However, some of the most advanced levels of interdimensional Light beings that have the highest states of multidimensional consciousness in the Universe, exist in formless and bodiless states as Plasma Beings. Plasma Beings are made up of the God Source power supply, and are immensely loving and Compassionate. They are capable of projecting their consciousness throughout multiple dimensions simultaneously, while creating any kind of body they may choose to inhabit. The body they choose to inhabit is generally holding a governing principle and serving a specific purpose in the Cosmic Order. They may travel vast intergalactic distances in plasma orb bodies, and they are most commonly seen in these temporary bodies, which may appear as biological plasma ships. Some Plasma Beings are massive Stars or can be comprised of entire interstellar systems that make up a certain species. Many of the Guardians that are hosting planet earth’s Ascension Cycle, are massive Plasma Beings or Suns. They know firsthand that connecting into the Universal plasma source and embodying plasma light is the key to spiritual freedom and ascending into higher consciousness states. Thus, many Plasma Beings have returned to the earth or are revealing themselves to us now. They are here to help humanity learn about the Ascension and the importance of plasma to build our lightbody. Plasma light ignites our Crystal Heart and helps us to attain higher consciousness states when we commune with the Universal forces of Unconditional Love and Peace.

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Multidimensional Orientation”

“Multidimensional Orientation is recognizing where one is primarily orientated (situated) in our bodies which helps us to communicate between those bodies and become more integrated between all of the multi-dimensional selves. When all of the layers of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence are interconnected in our self, it allows for greater inner harmony and inner balance. Otherwise, when a person is confused, one is not congruent with oneself and will continually experience life patterns of repeated karmic imbalances and pain. Living in the repeated cycles of karmic (energetic) imbalances make one feel very unhappy and chaotic inside. Intense chaos inside oneself is a type of internal violence which if not corrected will manifest itself eventually as external violence. This is why the goal of achieving inner peace and inner balance is so critical at this time on planet earth. Learning how to communicate with the internal feeling and sensory language of our spirit will require some attention and discipline. As we learn to communicate with spiritual language, that language is commonly called Higher Sensory Perception or HSP. This is very key to understand that one will not manifest things in the material world that will block or create obstacles in one’s spiritual growth and expansion. This is why so many people are being dismantled from their old system of beliefs and behavior at this time, to find the courage from their inner spirit that moves them into the new paradigm of self-awareness and the new era of Consciousness. This is why one must move out the obstacles and Mind Control that get in the way and prevent one from connecting and communicating directly with one’s inner spirit. So getting into alignment with one’s inner core, heart and spirit is critical for accurate outward manifestations, otherwise you are creating recurring energetic loads known as karma, which is the Law of Cause and Effect. Most people are confused about their thought impulses and where they are sourcing from. Is this thought coming from my ego, a Ego/Personality program that I inherited, or is this thought coming as direction from my higher self? With technological Mind Control being used on the masses, this has an experience of ‘thought pushing’ or Superimposition of thoughtforms, when we become self-aware and then can discern the collective energies in the environment. One of the challenges with manifestation at this time is that one will not manifest personal wishes stemming from ego based desires, as they did previously. The laws governing energy are changing and we must be pushed to connect to our higher intelligence of our spirit. Until one has clarity about the inner contents of one’s heart, one’s core and spiritual purpose, one feels confused and unclear. This connection to the inner spiritual core brings the Self Awareness which one then experiences the clarity and connection to feel and know who they really are. When we commit to Service to Others our path is revealed to our heart and we are served in the highest expression of who we really are.”

~Lisa Renee

Multidimensional Orientation is recognizing where one is primarily orientated (situated) in our bodies which helps us to communicate between those bodies and become more integrated between all of the multi-dimensional selves. Our inner child when it has been traumatized, will generally orientate itself to feel safer in one of the bodies, while it closes other bodies down. This is known as the inner child generated Ego Defense Mechanisms of the Ego/Personality and is a survival and coping mechanism humans use to deal with unresolved pain and suffering.

When all of the layers of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence are interconnected in our self, it allows for greater inner harmony and inner balance.

This brings improved Self Awareness to personally develop the inner clarity required for increasing accurate and clear Higher Sensory Perception (HSP) and expanding our Consciousnesss piritual bodies. Our goal is to integrate all aspects of our Multidimensional Orientation to unify with each other, communicate with each other, as all aspects of our Lightbody need to be communicating to support Consciousness expansion and spiritual Ascension development. To succeed in opening all communication between the bodies, we will need to help the body aspects to feel completely safe and secure, supported. This is a part of the process of developing the right relationship to the self, to “know thyself”.

Which bodies do you primarily energetically station within (Identify with as a self) and which bodies are you neglecting? Where can you achieve better balance between all of your bodies for improved communication and integration of the selves? Ask to communicate with each of these bodies directly and to link all communication centers between these levels of intelligence. Maybe using a journal to open a dialogue between each of these bodies ( this is communicating with the inner child of the body) to access each other, asking each of the bodies to be open and communicative with all multidimensional aspects, while one assuredly places their Intent, Consent and Authority of their bodies to be protected in Christ. [1]


Keynotes: Sensual and highly responsive to touch, taste and external stimulation. Enjoying the tasting of foods and other culinary sensations, food and drink (consumption) , the smell of aromas and fragrances, physical affection or touch, like massage or body work, sexuality and physical fitness, such as sports, hiking and being in nature. When extreme external stimulus is required it is usually an adrenaline response for the person to feel “alive” again and find the creative energies within. When out of balance, the person will seek adrenaline experiences to thrill themselves as means to find spiritual connection that is missing internally. Planetary enslavement has exacerbated this physical Addiction to external stimuli as a severe imbalance or Attachments in most people.

Mental/ Social

Keynotes: Highly responsive to synergy of sharing and/or discovering mental and intellectual concepts, learning, discussions and dialogues. May enjoy communication and the need to be heard. May enjoy receiving and giving feedback. May be a loner and isolated from the lack of emotional and spiritual development (when difficult relating to others harmoniously) or desire communal and group setting for continual discussion with like minds. May be over reliant on logic and linear proof to verify reality experiences that form mental and social belief systems. This body when it is dominating the Multidimensional Orientation will shut own the other bodies as if its the “boss”. This is the Negative Egowhich is why one has to tell the Ego/Personality it is not being given authority over your Consciousness bodies, one must shift their authority to the spiritual self, or Christos self.


Keynotes: Responsive to the waves and sensations of the emotional bodies, in its lower form, otherwise known as the Pain Body which stimulates the 2D instinctual body. This instinctual body is a lower vibration of the emotional sensory experience. The Instinctual Mind body is not a real emotional body, its drawn from desires and Addictions created from emotional body and Soul body damage. The instinctual body operates in Astral Plane delusions and fantasies. The instinctual body will influence or block Higher Sensory Perception when excessive fear is operating in the person. The higher emotional body is the heart chakra and higher vibrational sensory experiences. The real emotional body connects to a force of pure love and this “love” can be felt and experienced as a force that pervades the senses and not something that is “activated” through an object of desire. Highly responsive to sounds, tones and music.


Keynotes: Responsive to the quality of energies, environmental forces, and the world of energetic frequencies, innate awareness of energy both in the self and the environment. Many of us orientated here have an inherent comprehension fo the Law of Vibration. When sensitive to energies one will be more sensitive and empathic to others, because the feeling of another is apparent when energetic awareness is a part of the sensory perception experience. Attunement to energies allows better Self Awareness through the responsiveness of how one’s personal energies impact others and the environment. When we are self aware we are aware of our sphere of influence, what our energies, thoughts and emotions have as a consequence on others. When sensitive to energies and intelligent fields one organically wants to be harmless to life, harmless to others and seeks benevolence and peace. This is the understanding of the Golden Rule, to treat others how you would like to be treated, as it is recognized and revealed that we are all connected. See World Humanism.

Becoming Conscious

Most people are confused about their thought impulses and where they are sourcing from. Is this thought coming from my ego, a Ego/Personality program that I inherited, or is this thought coming as direction from my higher self? With technological Mind Control being used on the masses, this has an experience of “thought pushing” or Superimposition of thoughtforms, when we become self-aware and then can discern the collective energies in the environment. One of the challenges with manifestation at this time is that one will not manifest personal wishes stemming from ego based desires, as they did previously. The laws governing energy are changing and we must be pushed to connect to our higher intelligence of our spirit. Until one has clarity about the inner contents of one’s heart, one’s core and spiritual purpose, one feels confused and unclear. This connection to the inner spiritual core brings the Self Awareness which one then experiences the clarity and connection to feel and know who they really are. When we commit to Service to Others our path is revealed to our heart and we are served in the highest expression of who we really are.

Confusion Blocks HSP

Otherwise, when a person is confused, one is not congruent with oneself and will continually experience life patterns of repeated karmic imbalances and pain. Living in the repeated cycles of karmic (energetic) imbalances make one feel very unhappy and chaotic inside. Intense chaos inside oneself is a type of internal violence which if not corrected will manifest itself eventually as external violence. This is why the goal of achieving inner peace and inner balance is so critical at this time on planet earth. Learning how to communicate with the internal feeling and sensory language of our spirit will require some attention and discipline. As we learn to communicate with spiritual language, that language is commonly called Higher Sensory Perception or HSP. This is very key to understand that one will not manifest things in the material world that will block or create obstacles in one’s spiritual growth and expansion. This is why so many people are being dismantled from their old system of beliefs and behavior at this time, to find the courage from their inner spirit that moves them into the new paradigm of self-awareness and the new era of Consciousness. This is why one must move out the obstacles and Mind Control that get in the way and prevent one from connecting and communicating directly with one’s inner spirit. So getting into alignment with one’s inner core, heart and spirit is critical for accurate outward manifestations, otherwise you are creating recurring energetic loads known as karma, which is the Law of Cause and Effect.

We are all responsible for the direction of our Consciousness. We are all responsible for where we place our attention, our focus and emotions in our everyday life. This is our job. 

As we become more conscious and aware, we choose to focus ourselves with responsibility and this becomes a part of the mastery of learning inner sustainability. (See Relationship Mastery Guidelines.) Inner sustainability is the state of inner sustenance, not needing anything outside yourself to be something that it is not (otherwise known as the Ego Defense Mechanism of Projection). As you transition in personal evolution to become more centered, more balanced, one moves into greater levels of embodiment with their inner spiritual core. One will start to feel and notice that your external life will start to rearrange itself. All changes in the external world begin within and inside ourselves. In the beginning stages it may feel scary as things in your life start to fall way and move away.

This is where courage is required to understand your life is being dismantled from its falsity and being aligned to greater levels of truth and congruency with your inner spiritual core. One’s life will begin to rearrange when connected to one’s spirit that will start to accommodate one’s joy, peace and abundance in ways that the mind has no way to fathom.

Inquire on Attention

The goal at this time because the frequencies are accelerating so dramatically, is to have context with an evolutionary model that supports personal empowerment. The physics that govern the energetic spaces are changing on our planet and within our bodies. This is why many of us feel so frustrated because the way we used to do things is not working anymore. If you are frustrated with circumstances, then one must look inside and ask if you are taking responsibility to learn the new language of energy, the new language of spirit. If you are living and breathing on this planet now, you are a part of something massive changing in our world, that is completely changing our reality. 

What is your priority in your life? Where do you place your attention and focus?

Without a clear foundation set for developing the inner core essence as our first priority, we can be bombarded with energetic slime and become a doormat, sacrificial lamb or parasite food. This causes our energetic body to be clouded with astral debris and therefore exist within a confused state of inner perception. Being unclear and directed from ego judgment in any kind of perception, whether towards yourself or others, is energetically draining and completely unsustainable in the new energy platform. For these reasons we must learn to become aware of our thoughts and emotions, as well as our behaviors and the impact they have on ourselves and others. 

Taking Inventory

Developing Self Awareness does not happen just through reading books or mental concepts. It is through specific activities and feeling experiences that we are able to increase our power of observation. It is the power of observation or witnessing, that gives us the personal power to change our core beliefs (when we are made aware of them) that may be destructive or create blockages to connect with our inner spirit. 

How do your thoughts and words impact how you feel? 

How do your instinctual desires unconsciously drive your behaviors? 

How do hidden core beliefs affect your day to day happiness?

Do an inventory of personal thoughts and identify them as Inferior or Superior, or as love thoughts or fear thoughts. Make a choice right now which thoughts you want to own and those you want to discard. As a goal use the bottom spiritual self-centering model to keep your mind balanced and stay in centered loving and neutral thoughts. How long can you stay there in the center? Make it a goal to improve your ability to stay within the essence and energy of the keywords that maintain your spiritual center. Bring yourself back to center with breath, and applying Neutral Association or Observer Point to circumstances when you fall out of inner balance. [2]

  • Superior Thinking: Intolerance, Impatience, Arrogance, Manipulation, Attack, Anger, Judgmental thinking
  • Inferior Thinking: Worry, Low Self Love or Esteem, Jealousy, Guilt, Hurt, Fear, Attachment, Martrydom

(source: LR Calgary Workshop 2010)

Building Self Esteem

Self Esteem is the value of a person’s worth and there are a lot of factors that come into play, especially in helping a person fell more confident about himself, which is also a primary factor in establishing a person’s outlook towards personal inspiration and feeling as a success. On the spiritual Ascension pathway, recognizing the importance of character building as a necessary part of having self love and self acceptance is critical to progress through self deception blocks. When we have low self esteem our psychological defense mechanisms will act to block our progress moving forward and evolving in life. One who understands they are a loved and worthy spiritual vessel for the spirit of God Source, will begin to learn that self love is at the core of self acceptance which is the quality one must build to truly feel and experience God’s love for all of us. Once we feel love for ourselves we build inner confidence which further builds our trust with life.

Ego Defense Mechanism

Unfortunately, we often are confused by what we perceive incorrectly through our own need to be okay through self-justification. We formulate these distortions as Ego Defense Mechanisms because we have not learned how to free the mind through the use of Negative Ego tools for self-exploration and deeper self-inquiry. As we learn to free our mind and love ourselves unconditionally, we know that we are okay without needing to self-justify. When we are free of our own need for self-justification, (by increasing our inner self-approval and self-love, no matter where we find ourselves) then we do not needto justify others or justify ourselves. We are then freed to be capable of unconditionally loving others no matter what they may be choosing to do in that moment. It is what it is in this moment. One has no control over others nor what others may think about them. [3]


See Also:

  1. Energetic Self Mastery
  2. Self awareness to Consciousness
  3. I am OK

Self Awareness

Fundamental Human Needs

Where Can I Start?

Four Body System Model

~via Ascension Glossary

THE LIMITLESS MINDS: “10 Signs You’re a Shaman & Don’t Know It”


As I feel indebted to the shamans who saw themselves in me and helped me understand why I have always felt like I don’t belong in mainstream medicine, the intention of this article is to respectfully honor the shamanic tradition, and not to violate it in any way.  
Because modern culture doesn’t have a role for the shamanic archetype, many people who grow up outside indigenous villages are shamans and don’t know it. Many naturally wind up in overtly healing professions, such as medicine, psychology, or life coaching. But some wind up in professions where they may feel like they don’t fit in at all. Even those who enter the healing professions may feel out of place, because the systems of Western medicine and psychology leave little room for a shaman to practice his or her natural healing art. But many will wind up in various forms of sacred activism, healing the planet, for example, rather than healing people.

Are you a shaman and you don’t know it? Here are some telltale signs that you might fit the archetype.

1. You sense that you’re meant to participate in the global shift in consciousness that is currently underway.

We can all feel it, this impending shift that New Agers have talked about for decades. But those with the shamanic archetype don’t just feel it, they feel it pulling them, like a magnet, towards leadership positions that help facilitate this transformation of human consciousness and evolution of the species.

2. You’ve been through a difficult initiation, which has prepared you for this leadership role.

In indigenous cultures, the village knew who the shaman was because he or she was struck by lightning and survived. In modern culture, you may not literally be struck by lightning, but you may have survived some other life or heart-threatening ordeal. You may have experienced childhood abuse, sexual violence, a near-death experience, or some other trauma that put you through the crucible and forged you into the healing earth shaman you are becoming.

3. You are an introvert.

Shamans are multi-dimensional beings who dance between the realms of the seen and unseen worlds, so if you’re of the shamanic archetype, you may have a hard time navigating the 3D realms of this dimension, which may cause you to withdraw into yourself so you can visit the realms of consciousness where you feel most at home.

4. You feel most at home in nature.

The shamans of a culture are the bridges between nature and humans, serving as translators between the mountains, oceans, rivers, animals, and people. You may sense that nature is talking to you or that you get your most tuned in downloads when you are surrounded by the natural world.

5. You’re very sensitive.

You may feels things others don’t feel, see things others don’t see, hear things others don’t hear, smell things others don’t smell, and sense things others don’t sense. This may make it hard for you to be out in public, where you may feel accosted by over-stimulation of your senses. If you embody the shamanic archetype, it’s likely that you’re the kind of person others may feel is “too sensitive.” But this sensitivity is a blessing. It’s part of your gift.

6. You feel a sort of spiritual calling to ease the suffering of people, animals, and nature.

Many health care providers are called to medicine the way priests are called to the priesthood. But you don’t have to be a health care provider to have the shamanic archetype. It may transmute itself into healing service to animals, sacred activist causes, or conservation of Mother Earth.

7. Physical ailments that fall under the category of “shaman sickness.”

In the indigenous cultures, shamans who have been called to service but haven’t yet said “yes” to the call often wind up struck with physical ailments. In modern culture, these shamanic sicknesses may fall into difficult to treat categories like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic Lyme disease, chronic pain disorders, and autoimmune disorders. Acceptance of the call to shamanic service often resolves the symptoms of shaman sickness. If you’re suffering from one of these illnesses, ask yourself, “Am I a shaman who hasn’t said yes to my calling yet?”

8. You tend to have vivid dreams.

The unseen realm may be communicating with you through your dreams, so try analyzing your dreams. Pay particular attention to any animal totems that may appear in your dreams. Google search the animal and “spirit totem” and see if you can find any messages from the animals in your dreams. Or try a Jungian analysis, like the one described here.

9. You may discover unusual spiritual superpowers, or what the yogis call “siddhis.”

You might be psychic. You might get healing visions like the one in my previous post about the meeting of Western medicine and Shamanism. You might realize that you can heal people with your hands or that you can telepathically communicate with animals, people, or even inanimate objects.

10. You’ve always felt like you don’t quite belong anywhere, because you are a bridge.

Shamans tend to live on the outskirts of the village for a reason. They are not like the others – and this is a blessing! In village life, this is understood and recognized. But in the modern world, it may leave those with the shamanic archetype feeling like they don’t ever fit in. But don’t despair. You DO fit in. Your role is essential. You may find that you fit in best with others who share this shamanic archetype. Among your fellow shamans, you will feel like you are with family.

Embrace Your Bridge Work

Because shamans are always operating between worlds, you may find that you’re connecting mainstream culture and the culture that wants to be born in the new consciousness, and this may feel uncomfortable, as if you don’t quite fit in. When I realized that I am a bridge between mainstream medicine and the new world of medicine that is being co-created by others who share the shamanic archetype, it brought me such a profound sense of relief! This relief is shared by the health care providers who participate in the Whole Health Medicine Institute, which I founded for doctors and other stealth shamans. If you’re one of those bridge workers, please know that you belong with all the other stealth shamans in this program, designed to merge medicine and spirituality, and we’re enrolling for the 2016 class now.

In our culture, it can be quite challenging to be a stealth shaman. Yes, it’s a blessing to have the opportunity to help people end the story of separation, to dissolve the apparent duality into Oneness, to fulfill our callings to bring the worlds together, to heal people, animals, and the planet. But it can be lonely and disheartening and scary and isolating. I sense that many of us stealth shaman bridge workers have scores of past lives during which we were persecuted for our attempts to connect the worlds, so no matter how much we know in our hearts that we are all One and we DO belong, we have cellular memories of past traumas, during which we were literally killed because we refused to fit in. So it takes tremendous courage to come out of the spiritual closet as someone who embodies the shamanic archetype. In order to keep being brave, we need to feel safe. To feel safe, we need to foster a sense of belonging so we don’t feel isolated on top of feeling scared. In order to feel safe enough to keep bridging, we need each other.

Are you a shaman who is still in the closet? If so, please know that there are many of us, and we hold you close in our hearts while you muster up the moxie to claim your place in the world.

-Help ‘Limitless Minds’ to raise the vibration by sharing this article with your friends and family


MICHELLE WALLING: “What Does It Really Mean To Ascend To The Fifth Dimension?”

What Does It Really Mean To Ascend To The Fifth Dimension?  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

There are plenty of false light teachings that skew how the fifth dimension is tied to ascension. These particular tricks and spells were created in order to distract us from the true reality of being our multidimensional selves. As the imposed veil continues to thin, we are realizing the truth about the fifth dimension and its purpose in our ascension.

The word ascension has been given many meanings in the spiritual and metaphysical community. The meaning of ascension for the purposes of this article encompasses the raising of our awareness and consciousness into a whole new understanding and practice of being able to exist in many dimensions or places at once in our true nature and form.

Quantum physics has proven that our thoughts create our reality and that everything is energy vibrating at a certain resonance. A dimension is a gathering of a particular resonance, with the edges of that dimension overlapping into the edges of the next dimension.

Our physical bodies were designed by the Anunnaki to “trap” us within the third and fourth dimension. The third dimension resonance gives us the physicality and experience having a dense body. Changes were made to the successful prototype of a human that was allowed for a spirit to inhabit a third dimensional body while being consciously connected to many other experiences and memories. These changes cut off memory of who and what a person is, while presenting the illusion that we are just our bodies. The programming starts very early in this reality in order to remind us of our physicality and biology, and science does a good job at explaining third dimensional reality.

The fourth dimension is connected closely with the third and encompasses space and time. It is where the matrix operation headquarters resides. Time and space were created to have a physical incarnation experience and at one time many humans enjoyed this experience on Earth until it was hijacked. Most of the minions for the hijackers exist in the fourth dimensional vibration and wish to either enter into a third dimensional body or steal energy from a third dimensional body in order to get Source energy.

The fifth dimension and above are outside of space and time. The existence of a body in this dimension does not include dense physical reality, however it does have the capability of form that is perceivable to others in the fifth dimension. There are no memory wipes in this reality, as the ones who do dirty deeds are trapped in the fourth dimension.

From this basic description of the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions, you can deduce that the preferable place to exist around Earth would be in the fifth dimension (or higher), in the third dimension inside of a planetary body tied to Source, or returning to the oversoul (and eventually to Source). When the ability to have a third dimensional experience is available without having the influence of the lower entities of the fourth dimension, a person may choose the third over the fifth until the soul calls for the spirit to move on to another experience.

Our spirit is the essence of the Source that is incarnated into the physical body. Our spirit is always connected to everything. It is connected to Source, our oversoul, the consciousness of Mother Earth, the animals, the crystals, and all human beings on the planet. Our oversoul has many aspects spirits that have experiences in all of the dimensions. Since we are connected to our oversouls, we are connected to all of the dimensions. Aspects in the first and second dimensions are closer to the elemental worlds.

Ascension involves being aware that we have access to our multidimensional selves and expanding the connection with those parts of us. It is also understanding that we have been tricked into accepting the trap of the third dimensional body and memory wipe. Forgetting who we are would allow us to dive deep into a third dimensional experience, but it would also made us vulnerable to those who need to harvest energy. The easiest way to make us slaves to harvest our energy is to do everything possible to pull us away from our capabilities as multidimensional beings. Ascension is understanding how we got to where we are as well as how we have the power to break the wall down that keeps us trapped.

Some people who have done their clearing work and have decided that they are finished with a physical body experience can certainly move their consciousness to a fifth dimensional place if they were to “die” (or ascend) out of their physical body. They could also move many other places depending on their vibrational attainment in this lifetime. Whereas those in a higher dimension can move their consciousness into the lower dimensions, those in the lower dimensions have to ascend their vibration in order to have a resonance match to the higher vibration. This is normally not a challenge with the awareness and experience of prior lifetimes to perform tasks that will raise the vibration.

What Does It Really Mean To Ascend To The Fifth Dimension?  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

In prior lifetimes before the human body and fourth dimensional matrix trapped a consciousness into a body, humans had the capability of time traveling with their consciousness and fifth dimensional body. The physical body could be put into stasis if one wished to travel inside of time. If one wished to travel outside of time, they could be gone for what may seems like a week in experience but only a second may have passed in physicality here on Earth.

The goal for some people in this lifetime is to return to being able to use those certain techniques to access the wisdom and experience of all of your oversoul’s experiences while existing in a third dimensional experience. When your vibration is raised with intention and through the changes that you make in your life, parts of the fifth dimension and higher become available to you. This includes heightened senses and capabilities that can create what have been described as miracles or magic.

Other people will try to manifest a negative to positive ascension by incarnating into a physical body that is tied to Source in order to stay with that planet while she raises her vibration. These beings would not have been able to raise their vibration if not for the piggy back connection to the planet, and they were lucky enough to either incarnate into a body or “walk in” a body. These are the beings who chose a negative polarized path in order to serve Source by experience in this dualistic creation. While everything eventually returns to Source, there are some negative beings that chose to piggy back and the others will go kicking and screaming back to Source by way of shortcut and reconstitution into another form of energy as they will have cut their energetic tie to Source completely.

The poisoning that is occurring on the planet as well as the planned destruction through HAARP and CERN have a number one goal of keeping humans from being able to ascend. The prison matrix that was imposed on us was a brilliant plan on their part in order for them to steal the energy needed to survive, and was planned for a very long time. However, because deception was used against humans in order to trick them into giving their free will to the plan, intervention has played out in many ways to free those who wish to leave. The prison door is being opened right now and the clarion call has gone out to those who wish to hear it.

For now, some ascenders may actually decide to drop the body and move to the fifth dimension. Other people came to Earth to remove the programming and blocks that have trapped humanity in the third with no recollection of their multidimensional selves and capabilities as co-creators of many experiences at the same time, and out of time. These people will restore the Disneyland of third dimensional incarnation on planet Earth. Their job will not be easy but the rewards will expand their souls to the highest capability. Finally, if we are all connected to Source, why would we want to stop at accessing just our oversoul’s experiences? Eventually merging with Source while keeping our identity as a part of Source out exploring the wild west is going to be a trip that you do not want to miss!

Click here for more articles by Michelle Walling!

About the author:
Michelle WallingMichelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach, international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started her public career as a spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric contributing writer for and Michelle is the webmaster for five websites including,,,, and Michelle is the host of In5d’s Cosmic Awakening Show and In5d Network.
Her personal Facebook page can be found here.

Please spread the love!

TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “3 Easy Ways to Care for Your Mind, Body and Spirit Everyday”

care for your mind body spirit

Our mind, body and spirit are all connected. When one of these factors are off balance, our whole body will feel it on some level. Emotions can cause physical symptoms, spiritual disharmony can cause emotional systems and so on.

To be in complete health and harmony, our being needs to be in balance. While there are many things you can do to achieve this, here is one suggestion for each “body” that you can do every day.

Even though these suggestions are quick and easy, they can go a long way in helping you to restore balance, peace and harmony within your entire being.

For the Mind

The mind is a very powerful tool and when out of balance it can lead to worry, anxiety, fear and withdrawal. When in balance however, our mind can help stimulate creativity, make decisions, enhance our intuition and provide the drive and motivation to get things done.

To help balance and recharge the mind, meditation is truly the best practice however, it make it more interesting why not try a Writing Meditation?

Writing Meditation

Retreat to a quiet place with pen and paper in hand. Get comfortable and take 2-3 deep breaths. As you exhale imagine the contents of your mind being emptied out through your nose and mouth. Next, begin writing. It doesn’t matter what your write, just start with the first things that come to your mind. The idea with this is to keep writing without stopping. If you don’t know what to write, just make stuff up until you get in the rhythm and flow. Keep writing until you have completed 3-4 full pages back and front.

This exercise is best done at the start or end of the day. It is a simple daily practice, but a very powerful one. It helps to empty conscious thoughts and get to the heart of the subconscious mind in order to release any hidden blockages or fears.

For the Body

The body is the vessel in which we move through the world. Every body is unique and every body has its own definition and place of balance. When the body is in balance it becomes easier to express your soul, clear your mind and fulfil your purpose. When out of balance however, it can lead to physical symptoms and weakened immunity.

The best thing you can do for your body every day is to nourish it with clean, organic fruits and vegetables. To really recharge the body, the fruits and vegetables you consume should be organic and straight from the farm if possible. This is because a lot of the fresh produce at supermarkets is many weeks old before it gets there and therefore, deficient in many nutrients. (Shopping at farmers markets or growing your own is best!)

Aim to eat at least 5 serves of vegetables and 1-2 serves of fruit every day with a combination of both raw and cooked. (Ideally 80% raw 20% cooked).

If you are going to cook any of your fruits and veg, steaming or stir-frying is best. Definitely avoid cooking in the microwave or boiling as this destroys a lot of the nutritional value.

Eating a good amount of fresh food is highly protective for the body and can help to restore energy levels, stimulate healing and improve your physical health. It is truly the best thing you can do for your body.

For the Spirit

The spirit is the energy or life force that lives within all of us. When we die, it is our spirit body that leaves this earth, not our physical body. Our spirit body is so powerful and can never be destroyed.

The primary purpose of the spirit body is to grow and evolve. While it can’t be destroyed, it can be morphed, shifted and changed.

In order to enhance the health of the spirit body, the best thing you can do is to create. Getting in touch with your creative juices is a great way to express the spirit and can allow you to feel a greater sense of connectivity with your spirit energy.

There are no rules or guidelines when it comes to creation. Experiment with whatever feels best to you such as-

  • Coloring and drawing
  • Painting
  • Gardening
  • Dancing
  • Music
  • Cooking
  • Knitting/Crocheting
  • Gardening
  • Writing
  • Pottery
  • Construction/Woodwork

By taking the time every day to create and allow your creativity to flow, it can do wonders for your spirit and can help you to also get in touch with your passions and desires.

When we view health holistically, that is when true healing and balance can be achieved. We are all multi-dimensional beings, so it only makes sense to nurture and care for every part of what makes us human.




GREGG PRESCOTT: “When You Are Visited By Deceased Loved Ones In Your Dreams”

When You Are Visited By Deceased Loved Ones In Your Dreams

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Have you ever been visited by deceased loved ones in your dreams?

In 2011, my sister Lola passed away from kidney failure. Since then, she’s visited me 3 times in my dreams. Each time, she looks beautiful, healthy and as if she’s in her 20’s. Ironically, I have only seen one old person in my dreams and I see myself and others in their 20’s as well (I turn 56 this year).

The first time I saw her, I was climbing up a large staircase to enter some sort of boat, which felt like a Navy-type boat. At the top of the steps, we had to follow a maze-like pathway to get to wherever we were going. As I rounded one corner, I saw my sister standing there talking to a young man in his 20’s. I was smiling at her as she glanced at me, but kept talking to this young man. Eventually, the young man left and I approached my sister and said, “Why didn’t you say anything to me?” She said, “Because it’s not your time (to be here.”

When we cross over to the other side, we become multidimensional. If you were to cross over and see your siblings and parents, they would appear to you as you see them in your mind’s eye.

For me, I see my parents as if they’re in their 40’s in my mind’s eye (younger than I am physically today). If my parents were deceased and I crossed over to the other side, I would still see them as if they were in their 40’s, while my sister would see me at whatever age she sees me as in her mind’s eye. My grandparents would probably see my parents as being much younger than how I see them, but if we were all together, we would all see each other somewhat differently as our perceived ages are merely energy signatures emanating from our souls in conjunction with our cellular DNA imprints.

Shortly after my sister died, my father took her loss especially hard.  He told my mother, “I just wish I could have hugged her one more time.”  That night, he was visited by my sister in his dreams.  She knocked on the door to his house.  When he answered the knock, she was standing there, looking like she was in her 20’s, according to my father.  He asked, “Why did you knock?  Why didn’t you just come in?”  She answered, “Because I just wanted to hug you one last time.”

How can I have loved ones visit me in my dreams?

Some people would love to see their deceased loved ones in their dreams, while others prefer to wait until they cross over to the other side.

If you would like to see a deceased loved one, simple ask your spirit guides and guardian angels to help you make it happen. You may also want to connect your higher self to that of your loved one to grant visitation permission.

According to the work of Jennifer E. Shorter and her doctoral project “Visitation Dreams in Grieving Individuals: A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Relationship Between Dreams and the Grieving” (Shorter, 2009; Palo Alto CA), the following are some common elements of visitation dreams:

The deceased appeared as they did in life rather than as they did when they fell ill. In fact the deceased often appeared much younger or more healthy than when they died. The deceased conveyed reassurance to the dreamer. “I am OK and still with you” This message tended to be conveyed telepathically or mentally rather than via spoken word. The dream structure was NOT disorganized or bizarre. Instead visitation dreams are typically clear, vivid, intense and are experienced as real visits when the dreamer awakens. The dreamer is always changed by the experience. There is resolution of the grieving process and/or a wider spiritual perspective.

They may be visiting you while you’re awake!

Deceased loved ones may send us signs that they’re with us while we are awake. For example, you may be out for a walk and you’ll see a single white feather. Or, you may see many single white feathers throughout your walk.

One time, a single white feather floated through a small rip in my caged pool screen a couple years ago. The first person I thought of was my sister.

You may also get signs that a loved one is nearby when you experience electrical anomalies (e.g. lights flickering or turning on or off, fans turning on and off, etc…).

It is never easy losing a loved one but rest assured that they are healthy, happy, and vibrant!

Have a deceased loved one ever visited you in a dream? If so, comment below!

PEGGY BLACK: “Wisdom and Guidelines For Multidimensional Humans”

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LAURA EISENHOWER: “Mind Control and the Negative ET Agenda”

Please watch this video in its entirety… even if you need to pause and get back to it… : D

Organic Timelines and Artificial Timelines come together as Laura Eisenhower discusses the Negative ET influence vs. the Benevolent ET activities… And much, much more…