LISA RENEE: “Clear AI and Toxic Substances Command”

“Beloved God, Holy Father, Holy Mother, and Holy Christ-Sophia, Addressing all beings, lifeforms, thought-forms, entities, assemblages, technologies, and all else that exists that do not have my highest interest and/or the highest interest of ALL life everywhere and are not in the highest service to the One True and Only Living God of ALL Creation, I AM, in thought, form, mind, action, deed and in all ways.

Addressing all artificial intelligence, artificial lifeforms, thought-forms, technologies, smart-dust, nano-dust, graphene oxide, lipo-nano particles, quantum dust, DARPA hydrogel, synthetic biology, algorithms, operating systems and ALL else that is artificial life not created by the One True Living God. I demand ALL harmful substances to leave my mind, body, spirit, soul and all that I am in consciousness on all levels, timelines, dimensions, realities and locations, NOW and FOREVER, and NEVER RETURN.

Beloveds please identify, locate, remove and repair all AI, known or unknown, that might be in my body, food, water, technology, body products, supplements, herbs, homeopathic remedies and in the air that I breath that is not 100% of the Light that is in any way negatively impacting my mind, body, spirit, soul and any aspect of my consciousness in any timeline, dimension, location or reality.

All permission to create or maintain attachments or influence from within or without in any way, to cohabitate or possess in part or in whole, or to affect or defect in any way to feed off of my energies, my mind, spirit, body, and my soul or any aspect of my consciousness on any timeline, dimension, reality or location, alter or change my thoughts or feelings in any way to create any pain, discomfort or put me into disharmony with the Only God of ALL Creation is PERMANENTLY and FOREVER removed and extracted NOW.

I am one with the Eternal Cosmic Father. I am one with the Eternal Cosmic Mother. I am one with the Cosmic Christos.

Requesting the termination of all contracts, obligations and agreements I have ever made in any timeline, dimension or reality that are not in my highest interest, or not in the highest interest of all of life everywhere, not in the highest service to the One True Living God of ALL Creation.

I now declare all these contracts with AI that is harmful null and void. All emptiness, holes, vacancies, rips, tears, or injuries from the invocation, contract negation and removal of artificial intelligence are now to be filled with Divine Light of the Holy Spirit, the Word of the One True Living God. All protection and invocation are asked in the Name and authority of the One True Living God.

As it said, it is done and sealed, now and for all time. Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God.”

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “AI Interferes with Embodiment”

“Currently, there are substantial disagreements between the many different Anti-Soul philosophies, like the cognitive sciences that attempt to define the meaning of Embodiment. What does it mean to say that the higher mind is embodied? Generally, the sciences describe the functional role the Brain has for computational processing and the body’s purpose for connecting the external environment with the internal biology, which generate random yet meaningful symbolic representations for that person. The human body in this academic definition is reduced to a soulless, yet intelligent biological machine taking input from the physical universe with an automated computational brain. Without comprehending the necessity of including the soul-spirit anatomy as inherently defining the deeper meaning of intelligent consciousness coming into physical Embodiment, in most circles the term is profoundly misinterpreted. Enormous global online platforms with free access to mass social media are used to spread harmful conditioning steering evolution towards Transhumanism and brainwashing agendas carried out by intelligence agencies. Please be hypervigilant and discerning about the direction of personal energy and attention that is given towards any of these social networking and mass media news platforms. The deeper meaning of embodiment is not fully understood by the uninitiated and unconscious, it only begins to occur during Soul integration, which leads into sensory experiences of multidimensional awareness. Thus, when speaking of any level of Embodiment, the basis of comprehension must start with the reality of the existence of the Soul and Spiritual anatomy that is inside every living creature. Intelligent consciousness that makes up the anatomy of the soul-spirit bodies are fully responsible for animating the human body and brain with levels of intelligence that become increasingly and sequentially embodied through the mechanics of the biological spiritual ascension process. Additionally, Transhumanism generally seeks to explain the body and brain function as purely computational machinery that is responsible for our cognitive capacities and informational processing. Its proponents believe these are what make the merge of artificial intelligence technology with the human body a positive technological advancement towards humanity’s future evolutionary direction. Nothing is further from the truth. The real agenda behind Transhumanism is to interfere with the true higher consciousness embodiment process during the Ascension Cycle, by sublimating higher consciousness embodiment to be replaced with the insertion of artificially intelligent machines and virtual realities. Artificial intelligence devices and technological machines that are merged with the incarnated human body and brain repel the higher mind matrices of the spiritual consciousness, preventing higher consciousness from coming into actual physical Embodiment. Mind Uploading effectively locks down people’s consciousness body into controlled virtual reality systems in which they cannot leave, and this has occurred to some humans in the future timelines. Therefore, in the next few years the global push towards integrating transhumanism will be more aggressive in the blended realities on earth, through bio-technology and pharmaceuticals enmeshed with the AI agenda rolled into high tech consumer products marketed to niche groups in a variety of social media. This is to attempt to further thwart higher consciousness embodiment potentials and prevent translocation abilities in the human public. Ideally, the Black Suns want to integrate mass technological fusion into the human bio-neurological matrix through an assortment of high tech propaganda, like Mind Uploading for achieving immortality, before people wake up to the damaging effects it has on higher consciousness embodiment and Translocation. Translocation happens in sleep state, where it is possible for spontaneous translocation to occur during Soul integration, without the person actually willing it to happen. A person will not deeply comprehend the nature of authentic Embodiment until they have experienced levels of soul-spirit integration within their physical self. Unfortunately, many people may have undergone earlier phases of embodiment without the comprehension that this is the explicit function of their spiritual layers, which then ripple out impacts that shift their perceptions, beliefs and life experiences. People change greatly when they have authentically embodied their spiritual layers, thus life altering changes in career, residence and relationships are usually the result of some level of the spiritual Embodiment process.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

JEFF STREET (Divine Cosmos): “Focus On What You Want, Not On What You Don’t Want.”

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This Law of Attraction Pearl of Wisdom is one of the most important rules for effective manifestation.  It is deceptively simple, and most people probably think that they’re already doing it reasonably well — but I’m here to tell you that nothing could further from the truth.

Most people spend a large percentage of their time WORRYING about everything that could wrong and anticipating the worst — both of which qualify as thinking about what you don’t want!  For most, this insidious habitual way of thinking is entirely unconscious, and they are completely unaware of how much they are doing it.

It’s not surprising that this is the case.  The rational mind believes that anticipating problems is the best approach to avoiding problems even if, in truth, most of the worrying doesn’t solve anything.

The rational approach is certainly understandable for those who are unaware of the underlying laws of creation by which we construct our reality.  Unfortunately, unbeknownst to most, our rational approach in these types of situations is doing the exact opposite of what we expect.  The focus on the POTENTIAL problems and avoiding them are making them MORE of a potential rather than less!

From the rational perspective, what’s going on under the covers is more like magic.  We are creating the reality we perceive and experience with our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations!  This is the Law of Attraction, and it states that we attract people, circumstances, and things into our life that are similar to our most predominate thoughts.  Our external reality is like a mirror reflecting what we think and what we are.

What it is crucial to understand about this law is that it does not distinguish between what you want and what you don’t want, it simply brings to you the essence of what you think about.  The thought “I don’t want XYZ” and “I want XYZ” are identical as far as the Universe is concerned.  In either case, it only hears “XYZ” and it brings it to you.  When you think about what you DON’T want you are attracting what you don’t want!

Overcoming the Habit of Focusing on Potential Problems

When you approach situations anticipating problems and mentally focus on how to avoid those problems, you increase the chances of those very things happening.  The amount of difficulty you anticipate determines the amount of adversity you will experience along the way.

If, instead, you just assume and expect the best, and skip all the worrying, you will soon find that everything will go a lot smoother and more successfully.  This shift in thinking is by no means easy for the average person, who has the deeply ingrained habit of worrying and anticipating the worst.  At first, overcoming the habit and belief that you need to anticipate problems to avoid them will require lots of faith and trust, but if you stick it out you will end up having complete trust in the “expect the best” approach because you will have seen the results.

The first step to getting yourself out of this disempowering habit is to start try to become more aware of your thoughts and your words.  It can be pretty difficult to monitor your thoughts because there are just so many of them running through your head all the time. But, what you say is usually a direct reflection of your thoughts and your words are often easier to catch than your thoughts.  At first, this will be hard and you will occasionally catch yourself focusing on what you don’t want. When you do, shift your thinking to focus on what you do want.  With practice you’ll gradually get better at this until eventually you have created a whole new habit — one of focusing only on what you want, hardly ever thinking about what you don’t, and just about always expecting the best.

Overcoming the Habit of Worrying

Worry attracts problems; it’s that simple.  But how do you break the habit?

You can tell when you are worrying because it is always associated with negative and stressful feelings.  Sometimes our mind wanders into worrying about stuff without us realizing it; this is unavoidable.  Fortunately, it’s easy to recognize the uneasy feelings associated with worrying and these can be the cue that makes you aware of it.

What to do when you catch yourself worrying:

  • Immediately switch to focusing on positive thoughts about what you want.
  • Use positive affirmations to focus on optimistic visions of your desired outcome.
    • Here’s an example — let’s say you are an aspiring writer and author and you’re getting discouraged.  Maybe you are having recurring negative thoughts like “writing is so hard for me, I’ll never be a writer.”  Neutralize these negative thoughts by saying out loud, or in your head, something like, “I can LEARN to write better. With practice I can become a good writer and a successful author.”
  • Ask the universe for help — sometimes referred to as Prayer. Whether you know it or not you’ve got spirit guides that would be delighted to help, all you have to do is ask.

Becoming a Master of Deliberate Creation

We are always creating our reality with our thoughts but most of us are doing it unconsciously and our many misguided mental habits are causing us to manifest incoherently and ineffectively.  By INTENTIONALLY thinking about the things you want while INTENTIONALLY NOT thinking about the things that you don’t want, you pave the way for smoother sailing in your life at every level.

Trust the Universe, trust the laws of creation, and trust your creational abilities.  Consistently focus on only what you want and expect the best and you will be amazed at the ease, grace, and abundance that will increasingly enter your life.

Let the magic begin!




Jeff “El Jefe”

JEFF STREET (Divine Cosmos): “Moving Beyond Awakening Shock Syndrome”


One of the things that I’ve noticed that seems to happen to many people early in their spiritual awakening is they become hyper-aware of all the lies, manipulation, and control that’s been going on in our world, and they are shocked and appalled — and rightfully so.  Some people get so fixated on these unsettling revelations, so obsessively focused on them, that get themselves stuck in a state that is very counter-productive that I’ve dubbed “Awakening Shock Syndrome”.  Although awareness is good, fixation is not — here’s why and how we can move beyond it.

Disturbing Truths

There’s plenty of disturbing truths to get obsessed over — “conspiracy” theories abound on the internet and in our collective consciousness;  the Illuminati control agenda, 9/11 was an inside job, manufactured terrorism, chem-trails, the UFO/ET cover-up, and more.

And there appears to be more than a little truth to much of this.  It seems that a few very dark and self-serving people within our governments, banks, and corporations have been deceiving and manipulating us for their own economic and political gain for quite a while.  The truth of much of these so called “theories” appears to be fairly well supported if you are willing to keep an open mind and follow the trail of evidence presented by those who have studied it.

Of course, you won’t find much about this in the mainstream media because these channels are largely owned by the very people that are the perpetrators of said deceptions and manipulations.

Shocked and Angered

It’s a perfectly normal reaction to be deeply disturbed by these facts, even shocked and angered.  And many of us go through a phase of intently focusing on these injustices, spending a significant amount of time reading books and articles on these topics and passionately discussing them with our friends and family.

Our focus on this seems to be encouraged by more than a few websites that routinely feature somewhat sensational articles about these issues that encourage us to remain hyper-focused on them.  While these websites may be well intentioned, there may also be a bit of “fear sells” motivation going on here.

Fortunately, most of us move beyond this phase relatively quickly, choosing instead to focus on changing ourselves and envisioning and contributing to building a better world.

Sadly, others get stuck in this phase — a malady that I’ve dubbed, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, “Awakening Shock Syndrome”.  These people let themselves fester on the injustice of it all and often let their imagination carry them away with thoughts of how the controlling ones might be plotting further dastardly deeds, and worry about dire events coming to pass.

They’ll often talk incessantly and emphatically about these subjects, feeling compelled by the need to warn us.  They tend to focus on fighting and stopping all the bad things that are happening in the world, yet they often have very little constructive or positive to say.  They seem to like to complain and blame and are hyper-focused on the evil doers and their evil ways.

Don’t get me wrong;  it’s good that we are waking up and becoming aware of the all the injustice running rampant in our world — but getting fixated on it isn’t good — or productive.  It’s distracting us from putting our full attention on envisioning and creating a better world.

Moving Beyond Focusing on the Problem

The people that get stuck in this phase lack the wisdom to realize that focusing on what’s wrong is, at best, an ineffective way to create change.  Focusing on problems rather than solutions and fighting the old rather than building the new is a well-known trap of thinking.

Anyone who understands and embraces the metaphysical laws and mechanics of reality creation — the Law of Attraction and more — know that what you focus on you attract and what you resist persists.  The very focus on the problem and the resistance against it potentially sustains the problem and takes focus and energy away from creating what we want — a better world.

This is why it is essential that we move beyond our shock and fixation on these disturbing truths and start envisioning the better world that we all know can exist.

We are creators and we attract the essence of our most predominant thoughts into our reality — that’s why one of the golden rules of manifestation is Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.

Sadly, there are some who are aware of the law of attraction and yet they still remain fixated on the problems of the world and their fears.

Transcending Victim Mentality

One of the things that keeps many anchored and fixated on the injustices that have been perpetrated on us is victim mentality.

Understand that nothing can come into your experience that you do not invite with your thoughts — this is the Law of Attraction.  Deeply understanding this means that you fully accept that you are RESPONSIBLE for everything that comes into your life whether you understand the reasons or not.

If we have been deceived and manipulated, we have ALLOWED it.  We allowed it by not being engaged in our political process, by not paying attention to what was important, and by not exercising discernment.  When you fully embrace your creatorship you take full responsibility for everything that comes into your life — no more blaming, no more complaining, no more focusing on the problem, no more focusing on what you don’t want — no more disempowering victim mentality!

By understanding your responsibility for everything that comes into your life you free yourself from the “blame game” and allow yourself to step into your true power and sovereignty.

Focusing on the Solution

“Focus on solutions, not problems” is a timeless pearl of wisdom and is true regardless of whether you believe in the strictly rational view of the nature of reality, or you embrace the idea that reality is a creation of our thoughts.

The fact that we are awakening and becoming aware of the many injustices in our world is good because only with awareness is change possible.  And there’s nothing wrong with being disturbed by these things, but instead of getting fixated on them let’s use our awareness to motivate us to create a clear vision of the world as we would like it to be.  Let’s use our understanding of what has happened in the PAST to help us formulate our vision of the FUTURE — and then let’s focus on that with all our hearts and minds.

Let’s envision a wonderful future and think about it, talk about it, and do whatever we can to contribute to building it.  Do anything, however small.  It might only be sharing your vision with others, or it might be donating money or volunteering time to your favorite humanitarian or progressive projects and organizations.  Learn about, share information about, and get involved in the new paradigms of the future;  sharing economy, conscious capitalism, food independence, contribtionism, the clean/green energy movement, and so many more. Do whatever you can and whatever interests you!

The path to a better world has little to do with worrying about the injustices of the past or fighting the old and it’s all about inner spiritual growth and focusing on envisioning and building the new.

Focusing on Solutions but Still Holding a Grudge

Many move beyond the “awakening shock” phase and begin to focus on envisioning and creating a better world.  Yet few let go of the need to fear and condemn the dark ones that have strived to control us for their own gain.

A few enlightened people choose to change their perspective and see the dark ones not as evil or bad but merely as LOST SOULS, and they completely release their judgments towards them.  They understand that, on the long and winding journey of our souls, we’ve all been lost to varying degrees, and we’ve all explored the dark side at one time or another in our many lives.  They understand that we all find our way back to light eventually, and so they chose to send unconditional forgiveness and love to the lost ones and invite them to join us in the light and in creating a wonderful new world for all.

And this doesn’t just apply to the few dark ones who have tried to dominate us.  It also applies to all those who have gotten caught up in the fear and darkness — just more LOST SOULS on the long and winding road back to the light.

Unconditionally Forgiving and Loving the Lost Ones

It is very challenging for some to embrace unconditional forgiveness and love.  For many the idea of unconditional forgiveness and love makes no rational sense at all and seems like a recipe to get taken advantage of.  And from the purely rational perspective, this is a very reasonable response.

But our rational perspective was formulated based on our observations of the surface layers of the grand illusion that we are a part of, and in ignorance of the wider and deeper reality.

Remember, that the dark ones have souls just like us.  We all joined the earth game to experience separation from our divine source, to see what that would be like and what it could teach us.  The dark ones are merely lost souls — souls that have lost the connection with their divine source and cannot feel the love and light that is deep within them. We have all been lost in the game for some time now and to varying degrees.  Holding fear or resentment towards others serves no useful purpose — in fact, it is counter-productive.

Holding on to fear, resentment, and condemnation is an energy that does not serve the highest good for yourself or anyone else. It also delays you from taking full responsibility for your experiences and fully stepping into your power and sovereignty.  Releasing our resentments and unconditionally forgiving and loving everyone has the power to transform our world if we’d only give it a chance.

A Prayer for the Dark Ones

Here’s a prayer that I use to help me release any resentment or judgement of the dark ones and to extend love and light to them in the hope that they will join us as we move forward in creating a wonderful new era of humanity.

To all those on Earth that have been playing the domination game, I say Bravo! You have played your game with skill and cunning.  You nearly controlled our entire world. You have demonstrated your prowess at deception, manipulation, and control, and I salute you!

But now your game is over, and it is time to play a new game — the “cooperation” game.  This game is far more challenging and rewarding than your domination game, and its goal is not to create wealth and power for a few but to create abundance, prosperity, and happiness for all.

We invite you to come play this new game with us.  All we ask is that you open your hearts and embrace all the love and light the we are sending you.  It is in this spirit that we welcome you with open arms to join us in the challenge and the rewards of creating “Heaven on Earth” — a world where EVERYONE is prosperous and happy.

And to those that have played this domination game so deftly I say “thank you.”  Thank you for teaching us a great lesson that we will never forget.  An invaluable lesson about trusting ourselves, about being discerning, and about not giving away our power. And perhaps the greatest gift that this experience has provided us is the complete clarity that we now have about what we want to be, and the kind of world we want to live in and intend to create.

Love and light,


Jeff “El Jefe”

ANDREA SCHULMAN: “4 Ways To Make BETTER Affirmations”

4 Ways To Make BETTER Affirmations

by Andrea Schulman,
Guest writer,

Affirmations can be tricky, tricky things.

Affirmations are positive statements designed to focus our attention on having the things we want in life. Many students of the Law of Attraction use affirmations regularly to align with their goals and desires.

A well-constructed affirmation can tap you into the knowledge that all is well, and that you are capable of great things. A well-constructed affirmation can help you attract more and more of the good things you are hoping to manifest with the Law of Attraction.

A not-so-well-constructed affirmation can leave you feeling bored and uninspired, or even worse, irritated, sad or angry! A not-so-well-constructed affirmation will actually push away the things you want.

Therefore, it’s really important to construct your affirmations with care!

What makes a good affirmation?

There are a number of characteristics of a good affirmation. However, in my opinion, the most important characteristic of a good affirmation is that it feels true.

Consider the following.

You are a young woman who just got dumped and who has a bad relationship with your family. You are feeling alone and uncared for. You want to attract in new relationships that make you feel connected and loved, so you decide to practice some affirmations.

You find a few affirmations, and decide to use this one daily: “I am loved.”

Do you imagine reciting the affirmation “I am loved,” over and over is going to feel particularly true to you in this situation?

Probably not. In fact, saying “I am loved” to yourself over and over again when you are clearly NOT feeling very loved is only going to amplify the feelings of being unloved, not loved.

Whenever we feel we don’t have something we want, telling ourselves we have it is a surefire way to establish greater feelings of insecurity.

When we assert something we don’t believe we have, it makes us feel like we are lying to ourselves. It’s not a good feeling. It’s like telling a sad person to smile and be positive when he or she is sobbing uncontrollably. It just doesn’t work, and it only makes the sad person feel worse.

Telling yourself you have something you don’t really believe you have is the wrong way to use affirmations. An affirmation must feel true in order to amplify positive feelings of belief.

If your affirmations don’t feel true, modify them.

So, what do you do? If you want to attract love, are you simply supposed to avoid all kinds of affirmations about love?

No! You can still use affirmations about love, just modify them to make them feel true!

Below are six affirmation modifiers you can use to make your affirmations ring true on a more consistent basis. Consider adding modifiers to adjust your affirmations and make them more effective.

1. “I’m looking forward to…”

When there’s something you want that you don’t have yet, one thing you can affirm is your excitement to get what you want.

Adding the modifier “I’m looking forward to…” to the beginning of your affirmation allows you to focus on what you want in a positive way. It enables you to practice the feeling of positive anticipation, which feels good.

The truth is, you are looking forward to this thing you want. For this reason, this affirmation should always ring true.

For example: “I am wealthy and successful” might not feel too true when you’re living paycheck to paycheck. Instead, change this affirmation to “I’m looking forward to wealth and success.”

2. “It feels really good when I…”

Sometimes, there are things we want again that we’ve had before. In times like this, this modifier is especially useful.

This affirmation modifier allows you to remember (and therefore practice) the feeling of having something you had before in the past.

Practicing the feeling of what you had is a great way to get into better alignment with the desire to have it again. This type of modifier asserts that you’ve done it before and it allows you to feel good about something you’ve accomplished in the past.

For example: “I attract positive people and circumstances” might not feel too true when you’re having a bad day and find yourself surrounded by negativity. In a situation like this, change this affirmation to “It feels really good when I attract positive people and circumstances.”

3. “I am often/frequently…”

Similar to the previous modifier, this affirmation modification asserts that you’ve done it before. This is another great modifier to use when there’s something you’ve had before that you want to experience again.

For example: “I am appreciated” might not feel to true when you’re feeling criticized or overlooked. Instead, try “I am often/frequently appreciated.”

4. “…in many ways.”

This is a great modifier to enhance something you already have some of, but you want more of.

The nice thing about this modifier is that amplifies the knowledge of all of the many ways you already have exactly what you’re asking for. This modifier encourages you to think about and dwell on the many reasons why you are already successful at getting what you want.

For example: “I am prosperous” might feel somewhat true to you because you have a home, a car and some money in the bank. To feel especially true, and to amplify the feeling of prosperity, add the modifier by saying “I am prosperous in many ways.”

Try them out!

I hope you find good use for these affirmation modifications. Use these four modifiers liberally, and play around with them to see which ones work well for the desires you are hoping to attract!

Remember, an effective affirmation makes you feel good because it’s a positive statement that feels very honest and true. Modifiers like these can help you amplify the authenticity of your affirmations.

Do you have any other affirmation modifications you use? Feel free to comment below and share them with me!

XO, Andrea


About the author:
Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She will be available for group educational seminars and webinars starting in the summer of 2015.





LINDSEY LEWIS: “What It Means To Trust The Universe — And Why You Should”


You know those moments when you tell yourself, “I just gotta trust the universe.” Whether it’s because things in your life feel chaotic or just plain overwhelming, sometimes you just know you need to surrender and learn to trust that things will work out.

Trust really is a practice, an art — especially in those moments when it feels like you’re working hard and things just aren’t happening. In the wellness world, we put so much emphasis on the importance of letting go, relinquishing the need to control and learning to trust that things will simply be taken care of. A job will appear, along with a dream partner and loads of money.

Sound familiar? Well, trusting the universe requires patience. But are you trying to cultivate patience, and still finding that you’re not realizing any results? If so, here are five essential things you need to know when you are trying to trust the universe:

1. Recognize the universe is in you.

Our strongest, most powerful connection to all the stars, the cosmos and everything else around us that can guide us, is actually within us. So often, when we get caught up in thinking that we need to “trust the universe,” we somehow think some external force is going to swoop into our lives and save us from all the challenges we are experiencing.

In other words: we automatically position ourselves as dependent, weak and disempowered in relation to some elevated idea of “the universe.” This mode of trusting the universe is based in fantasy: we act like Rapunzel, stuck in a tower with all that long hair, waiting for the prince to come and save her. But in reality, Rapunzel could have just tied the ends of her hair to the window frame and climbed down herself.

2. We have to let go of what is preventing us from stepping up.

When we’re caught up in the “I just gotta trust the universe” frame of mind, we can focus too much on the practice of “letting go” in the abstract. But actually, trusting the universe isn’t just about hoping to be saved. It’s about being practical, about approaching our fears head on and learning what specific limiting beliefs we have that we need to let go of. Too often we hang onto ways we can continue to hide, ways we can avoid stepping up.

I hung on for dear life to beliefs about my inability to earn good money. That is, until the day I explored all of those beliefs as fears rather than truths. From there, I realized that one of the main reasons I was hanging onto this false idea was because I was especially afraid of what I might need to take responsibility for if I owned my infinite capacity to make money and have the life I wanted. I’d have to take responsibility for my finances, for my future, for every time I claimed, “I can’t afford that.” No more excuses.

Luckily, when the desire for change is larger than the desire to stay in our comfort zone, big things can happen. And they did for me. I still have my moments where I dip-dive into doubt about the future. But I now know that I’ve got what it takes to handle that doubt, and I’ve got the skills to keep creating the future I envision.

3. The universe will serve you, not (necessarily) please you.

Sometimes I fantasize about magically receiving a check for a million dollars. It seems like a wonderful fantasy until I ask myself if that would actually serve me … Would receiving that amount of money, without working for it it, really enable me to step into my power with an innate and infallible confidence in my own abilities? Probably not.

Sure, it would really please me to get a bunch of free money. It would really please me to think that I never had to worry about money ever again.

But it wouldn’t serve me. What serves me is to know that I can do things on my own. It serves me to know that I am determined to succeed, facing every fear and limiting belief in my life with the universe at my back. I can get out of this darn tower myself, thank you very much.

4. Sometimes, NOT getting what you want is a gift.

Not getting what we want can be the greatest gift. This is especially true if what we thought we wanted was the easy way out. I know this first-hand, as I had a long-standing love affair with wanting the easy way out, with hoping someone or something else would take care of everything for me. And often, to be honest, they did.

But this dynamic was unproductive. Even without stepping up to the plate, I still found myself stressed, anxious and uncertain. Depending on other people to take care of it for me left me dependent and weak, with no trust in my own innate abilities, talents and strengths.

Then one day I decided it was time to really step up, to do what it took to create the life I was dreaming of. And the universe promptly handed me a challenging new neighbor, a boss with temper tantrums and regular contact with a woman whose default mode was to criticize. I wanted to know that everything was OK, that everything would be taken care of, that I was taken care of. And so life said: Great! I’ve been waiting for you to say that! Now you get to learn how to take care of yourself by facing these challenging people.

And from that point forward, I learned to trust that everything will always be OK.

5. Everything comes back to the fierce power of love.

To sum it all up: The best way to trust the universe is to learn to trust yourself. Rather than just indiscriminately repeating the mantra “let go,” get curious about what specifically is preventing you from stepping up. And then let go of that specific thought, belief, assumption or whatever it is. Know that the universe is loving you by serving you, even if that doesn’t please you. Sometimes, not getting what we want is even better.

Love. It all comes back to love — in the fiercest way possible.








TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “Create the Life You Want Using These 5 Universal Laws”

universal laws

The Universe is a mystery. As Deepak Chopra states, “the Universe is not made of stuff but of possibilities mysteriously turning into the experience of stuff.”

We are not in the Universe, we are part of the Universe and together the vibration of all of our beings creates the life we experience here on planet earth.

We are all co-creators in this Universe and we all have the power to create whatever life we want, as long as it is aligned with the laws of the Universe.

Here are 5 of the most important Universal laws to understand if you wish to create a blissful reality for yourself-

1. The Law of Potential

You are pure consciousness that has manifested into physical form. This consciousness that you are holds infinite potential and is responsible for all creations.

The best way to understand this law is to feel it. You have the power to feel the potential of your consciousness through meditation and other spiritual practices.

In fact, the more you can tune into your consciousness or soul, the more you will be able to understand your own potential.

How to Use it: Get to understand and feel the potential of your consciousness through meditation and creative activities.

2. The Law of Frequency and Reflection 

Everything in this Universe carries a frequency. This frequency is emitted from your entire being including your thoughts, emotions and actions.

This frequency then attracts experiences, people and circumstances back into your vibrational field. This means that your thoughts, feelings and actions create a vibration that then reflects back to you. What you put out into the world through your vibration and through your energy comes back.

If every experience that comes your way is a reflection of your inner state, that means that every experience is here to teach you a valuable lesson about who you truly are and what you can overcome.

How to Use it: work on raising your frequency or vibration by thinking positively and focusing on the many blessings in your life.

3. The Law of Attraction 

This is probably the most well known law of the Universe and dictates that you have the ability to attract things into your reality based on the energy that you are emitting.

The more you focus on something, the bigger it grows and the more you think about something, the more likely you are to notice it. Like attracts like, so the more you can align yourself with the vibration of what you want to attract, the more likely it is to manifest in your life.

When you start aligning with your potential or pure consciousness, you automatically start sending out a vibration that is aligned with your highest path. This vibration then attracts the perfect opportunities and circumstances into your reality.

How to Use it: visualise what you want to create for your life and believe in your potential to create it.

4. The Law of Karma

There are certain experiences that your soul has come here to learn. These experiences are determined from past lives and before you came into your physical body. These experiences are your karma or points of growth in this life that you are meant to experience.

The law of karma ensures that you are always learning and growing from your past, and moving forward to help expand the consciousness of this Universe. Without the expansion of the Universe, the Universe ceases to exist.

How to Use it: trust in the flow of the Universe and remember that every experience is a blessing and opportunity.

5. The Law of Oneness

We are all connected, which means that what we do to others we do to ourselves and vice versa. We are all one and we are all equal.

When we understand this, we also understand that there is no competition and that there is no need to fear not having enough or not being enough. We are all part of the grand web of life, and we all have an important role to play in how reality manifests.

How to Use it: understand we are all equally important and we all have a purpose and gifts to share in this life.

There are believed to be around 12 laws of the Universe, but these 5 stand out as being the most important if you really want to create a blissful and harmonious life.







ANDREA SCHULMAN: “Are Your Desires Really Your Desires?”

Are Your Desires REALLY Your Desires

by Andrea Schulman,
Guest writer,

I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been experiencing a wave of new understandings about the Law of Attraction and the process of conscious creation.

The latest? The understanding that a lot of what we “think” we want, is not really what we want at all!

I’m starting to see that many of our desires are not our true desires at all, rather they are simply our limiting beliefs disguised as our desires.

I will give two examples of this hypothesis, and you can come to your own conclusions.

Here’s the first: Do we really want money because we value money and because money makes us happy? Or do we want money because we want to have unlimited abundance, and access the ability to do, be or have anything we want?

I believe that the true desire is not money at all, but rather it is REALLY a desire to know that we are infinitely abundant, and capable of having everything we want. It is a desire to know our own unlimited power to create.

Money is actually irrelevant to this higher desire, as it is simply a condition we have placed on ourselves that often limits the way we will accept our abundance. It is also a condition we use to measure (and therefore limit) our own abundance.

In other words, when we reach for money (rather than the knowledge that we are infinitely abundant), our value as creators becomes contingent on the money in our bank accounts. Therefore, we measure our worthiness of abundance by the number of dollars we have. Regardless of how high this number may be, it is always limited.

Instead of reaching for, and accepting, signs that we are infinitely abundant, we reach for a sign that our abundance is limited. The more we believe our abundance is conditional on the money in our accounts, the more limited we feel, and the more disconnected we become from all forms of abundance (including, but not limited to, money).

What we really want is to feel worthy of our own unlimited abundance, but in order to feel worthy of our abundance, we cannot be concerned about “proving” our worthiness through the number of dollars in our accounts. We have to become more cognizant of all of the many ways we are supported in doing, being and having what we want.

In other words, money is just one way that we are abundant. It is not the end-all-be-all to abundance!

There are infinite resources out there that help us achieve the things we wish to achieve in life. The planet, our ecosystem, the help of others, the ideas we receive through the internet, and our intuition are just a handful of examples of abundant resources that assist us in creating the things we wish to create.

This isn’t to say that you can’t attract money, but if you are interested in attracting money and it isn’t coming, it might be worth exploring your beliefs about why you want it. If you only feel worthy of your abundance when the dollars are flowing, it is likely that your desire for money is simply a sign that you are reaching for the limitation of your abundance, rather than your expansion of it.

Reach for the higher desire and uncover your knowledge of your infinite abundance. The money will flow more easily, and it won’t carry the weight of limitation it once did. Even better, you will find yourself receptive to more and more forms of abundance.

Here’s the second example: Why do we want social approval? Why do we value things like “likes” on our Facebook and Instagram posts? Why do so many people crave fame?

Is it because these desires are truly reflective of what we really want? Does fame and social approval truly make our lives better? Does is really give us our true desire?

In my opinion, when someone reaches for social approval, what they are REALLY craving is unconditional love. We want others to prove their love for us so that we can prove to ourselves we are worthy of being loved.

Unfortunately, when we reach for social approval, we deny ourselves of this higher desire to be unconditionally loved. Reaching for social approval means that we are reaching for conditional love, not unconditional love.

Reaching for outside validation from others is simply another way of screaming out into the universe “I am not worthy of love as I am! I am only worthy of love when others approve of me!” Then, instead of getting our true desire (unconditional love) we only reinforce our limiting belief (that we must gain other people’s approval in order to be loved).

This pursuit ultimately makes us feel unworthy, drawing us further and further away from our true desire to be loved.

This is just something to consider. Sometimes the things we say we want, really aren’t what we want at all. Sometimes the things we are reaching for are actually pulling us further and further from our true desires.

So, if there is something you have been reaching for, and it hasn’t been coming, and it’s been making you feel bad that it hasn’t been coming, I say there MUST be a limiting belief in the equation. It is quite possible that the dream you are reaching for isn’t truly your desire, but rather it is your belief in limitation disguised as your desire.

As I mentioned earlier, when we reach for money instead of our true desire (knowledge of our unlimited abundance) we reach for signs that teach us our abundance is limited. When we reach for social approval instead of our true desire (unconditional love), we reach for signs that prove to us that we are only loved conditionally.

If there is something you want that isn’t coming to you, do yourself a favor and dig a little deeper. What do you REALLY want, and is this thing you are asking for a true reflection of this inner desire?

Truth be told, you can attract anything you want into your life with the Law of Attraction, but it is my belief that to truly experience the expansion we crave, to truly feel loved, worthy and abundant, we have to be willing to let go of the limitations that tell us we can only have these things conditionally.

This doesn’t mean you have to be poor and it doesn’t mean you have to be a loner. In fact, my point is quite the opposite. It just means in reaching beyond the dollars and beyond the “likes” you open yourself up to a much greater flow of abundance and love than you can ever achieve as long as you are chasing after limited forms of these true desires.

Reach for abundance in all forms, and let the universe show you that money is just the beginning. Reach for unconditional love, and come to learn that you can feel loved exactly as you are.

Reach a little farther, and find your true desire. I believe this is the true path to our happiness, and the true path beyond the limitations that hold us back from the things we REALLY want.

XO, Andrea

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About the author:
Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She will be available for group educational seminars and webinars starting in the summer of 2015.