THE SPIRIT SCIENCE: “Spiritual Loneliness: What To Do When No One Understands You”



If you are spiritually – minded person, it is not a rare thing to feel a little disconnected from other people at times. Experiencing loneliness is a byproduct of spiritual awakening. Living in a modern world where materialism, consumerism and negativity are considered as supreme, you might feel a little displaced, so you need to connect to your inner guidance system. If you are going through an awakening process, or if you already have, then you will certainly know what it feels like to be rejected by the herd.

Here are some helpful ways to cope with spiritual loneliness:

Reality itself is just a play in consciousness. It’s all a dream.

You can say that you are dreaming now, not in a sense of sleeping but in a sense that when you die you will wake up in another dimension. You will realize that all this journey through life was meant for you to evolve as a soul. Looking from this perspective on your life can help you to deal with loneliness because it allows us to remember that our life is a manifestation of our consciousness and projection of our creativity.

Don’t take things too seriously! Learn from the dream, listen to the dream, and explore the dream. But don’t let the contents of the dream hold you up.

Operate from love rather than fear

Don’t you ever let negative thoughts that brings you down and make you feel lonely and unloved dominate your consciousness. Often, if we use fear as a motivator we push the things that we want away from us. Being afraid of loneliness, we attract more of it into our lives. No one is attracted to an energy field of fear and self – pity.

Letting love dominate your life, will overcome fear and the universe will step into greatness.

Go with the flow

Often society can be hard on us. We feel like we need to hold ourselves up to expectation that society puts forward on us. But the truth is a bit different. You don’t need to impress anybody. You don’t need to rush to win this death race. You don’t need big group of friends that you will meet only on weekends, and you don’t need to force a perfect relationship. What you need is to relax, let go of the things and create a happy life for yourself.

Follow your intuition and do the things that come naturally to you. Life is about the journey. Work with the universe, follow your heart, and be open to possibilities.

Seek others out

Although you haven’t found them, there are many spiritually – minded people out there. Take action in your lifestyle and meet the universe halfway so that it can create synchronicities for you. Keep the doors open. Take a yoga or a meditation class. Join a spiritual community online. Hangout at places you haven’t before.

If you are a person with different views, beliefs and ideas, it is normal to feel alone or excluded in our society. It is useless to feel bad about yourself. Actually, you should feel proud for being unique, for having the courage to be yourself in a world where individuality is suppressed. And you are not alone at this; millions of others feel the same way too.

When you feel “spiritually lonely” try to change your perspective, be proud of who you are, love others and yourself and believe that the universe will provide you with the support system you need if you are willing to take a step outside your comfort zone to make those connections happen.

ANNA LEMIND: “Why Do We Feel Lonely In An Over-Connected World?”

I believe people who feel ‘lonely’… are the ones who are ‘disconnected’ their Higher Self… but I get the gist of this article… 😀

Why Do We Feel Lonely In An Over-Connected World?

The world has never been so connected as it is now. Communication and internet technologies have made it possible to stay in touch with anyone no matter where they live. Today, it’s probably impossible to find a person who doesn’t use social networks and instant messaging apps, which have become an integral part of our life. Many people can’t even imagine their daily routine without online communication and feel incomplete if they don’t chat with their friends and don’t see their updates in the Facebook feed st least once a day. We are basically never alone and yet, we are lonelier than ever.

This is not just a claim – studies show that the number of people who feel lonely is constantly increasing. For example, a survey by the Mental Health Foundation found that one out of ten people in the UK often feels lonely while 48% of the respondents believe that modern people are getting more and more lonely.

It seems that the feeling of loneliness is a real epidemic of our society. But why do we feel this way while numerous ways of communication with other human beings are available to us at any minute of every day? To answer the question the title of the article asks, first of all, let’s figure out what loneliness actually is. While the dictionary suggests that it’s a state of being alone paired with the feelings of sadness and isolation, loneliness is far more complex than that.

Have you ever been in a company of people you didn’t have much in common with? Or maybe in a company of strangers/acquaintances who were good friends with each other and didn’t pay much attention to you? If you have been in similar situations, you will agree that in those times, you were feeling lonely without being alone.

This is what loneliness really is – a lack of connection and understanding, no matter if you are alone or not. In fact, this feeling may be even more intense when you are among people you don’t resonate with rather than when you are by yourself. Let me cite Robin Williams here: “I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone.”

So isn’t it the reason why we are so lonely in an over-connected world we live in today? Popular culture and our excessive reliance on the social media have basically made us believe that human communication is about quantity, not quality.

To demonstrate this contradiction, let me ask you two simple questions: How many friends on Facebook do you have and how many of them do you have a really deep connection with? I bet that most of you have hundreds of Facebook friends and yet can name only a few individuals you are truly close to.

As you see, what we lack in the modern world is a deep and meaningful connection with other people, which inevitably makes us feel lonely. We are constantly surrounded by people (if not physically, then at least virtually) and yet, we rarely feel truly close to someone mentally and emotionally.

If you think about it, it makes sense why human communication has become so superficial, since the entire mainstream culture is based on superficiality and shallowness. We are made to believe that all we need is to satisfy our physical needs and fulfil our selfish desires.

To sum up, remember that the only way to avoid loneliness is not about being and communicating with people all the time. It’s about establishing a deep connection with the right people along with being a self-sufficient individual who doesn’t need approval from others.

Note from Ascension Avatar: IDEA: How about BEing and communicating with Higher Self? 😀









~TheMindUnleashed via