LISA RENEE: “Gratitude Practice for Feeling Happier”

Start a Daily Gratitude Practice to Feel Happier!

Here are some suggested tips at starting your daily gratitude practice and guidelines for feeling happier in your everyday life, no matter what challenges you face.

1. Commit to expressing Gratitude.

This is a spiritual practice that gains momentum and accumulates energy over time and with practice. The ego will find every reason under the sun why you can’t possibly commit to do this practice every day. Practicing gratitude is like taking the trash out from your kitchen and replacing that by bringing the beautiful flowers from your garden back inside. This practice shifts the energy and vibration of your mind, body and emotional state. Gratitude doesn’t seem to come as effortlessly as grumbling and complaining, which is common for an undisciplined ego mind. Waiting for the resistance to pass is futile and unproductive in setting up new and healthy habits for a positive lifestyle. Just do it.

Even when you are exhausted and can hardly summon up the energy to shift into a feeling and sensation of gratitude, when you have to force yourself to begin, this practice of gratitude still has great magnetizing power.

2. Just Do it.

Sit down with pen and paper or at your computer and start, “I am grateful for___________.” Maybe you will have to stop there for a minute and wait because you just can’t think of anything in that moment. Take a breath in, relax and allow the silence to surround you. Surrender to the moment. Something inside you will begin to shift. The feeling and the words to express them will eventually come. This force that you are tapping into is much bigger than you and it is bigger than your problem, no matter how big you believe that problem is. That tidal wave of fear that is overwhelming you is not all there is. There is something so much larger and more powerful inside you than that. Your feeling of gratitude is a bridge shining light across those dark and troubled waters to lead you to a comfortable resting place on the other side.

3. Find ways to Say it or Write it down.

In all types of relationships with others even when we are very busy, we can sometimes tell each other what we are grateful for during our conversations. Telling people how much we appreciate them, care for them, through any means of expression, whether writing emails or having phone conversations, shifts our energies and how we receive back their energies. This will create mutual reciprocal energy exchanges.

4. Wrap yourself in Gratitude. Feel it.

Some days you will write or say words without actually feeling a shred of gratitude. That is fine, just allow yourself to witness that state. Just do it anyway. In the moments you do feel the sensation and you can summon up the feeling of gratitude in your heart, let it emanate and saturate through every cell in your body. Embody the feeling of gratitude in a color that infuses your cells. Place your hands on your heart or place them in prayer. Move into the feeling of gratitude. Aspire to a fullness in your heart, no matter what is going on around you.

5. Choose a Time of Day for your Practice.

You may want to do this when you first wake in the morning or late at night before you go to sleep. As you create a regular schedule, it is easier to commit to the daily practice of feeling and listing items you are grateful for.

6. Practice Present-Moment Gratitude.

As you move through your day, pause now and then when you remember something or someone in your life that you appreciate. Hold the feeling and think how grateful you feel for having that experience in your life. As you are doing something in the day, cooking breakfast, sleeping in a bed, having time with a cherished pet, as you are in that activity, pause to think and feel “I am grateful”. Moving through your day with awareness and grace in this way will mean that when you do sit down to write your gratitude list those things will come to mind.

7. Share your Appreciation and Gratitude with Others.

Partner with someone to share being grateful. Whether a friend, your child or life partner, you will keep each other going and that sense of shared commitment to that person that will give you the push you need to write your gratitude list on those days when it just seems too hard. Reading what the other person has written helps you to access your own gratitude more easily, and it is fun to watch your gratitude lists and emails grow longer and longer and longer! You can see your progress in what you feel grateful for.

8. Don’t Stop Once you See or Feel Results!

When we first begin to see results from practicing daily gratitude lists, many people think that is the time to stop practicing gratitude for a while. The practice of gratitude has an energetic yield that will add to the positive note of your day and seep through everything you do. Practicing gratitude is a lifestyle that once you feel the gratitude for simple things in your life, stays as an attitude that you interpret events through in your life. Practicing gratitude reinforces positive thoughts and behaviors that support more positive manifestations to happen in your life.

9. Allow yourself to be Human.

Some days you may feel grumpy and grumble, if you must. You may miss a day from stating your gratitude here and there. Write “I am grateful I am writing my gratitude list” a few times if you can think of nothing else. Do not punish yourself, and beware of the little voice that says “You’ve missed a day. You’ve failed miserably at being grateful!” Dust yourself off and the next day get back up in the saddle! Do not give up!

Practicing gratitude changes your vibration and supports your mental and emotional well-being into feeling happier. So this brings us to a very important question. What really makes most people happy? How can we all find and feel more happiness in our day to day life, in the midst of all of this collective pain and confusion?

Given all the various challenges we face today, as a part of the human race, it is clear we have no real control over the external, the larger environment or the outcome. This means we must change all of our priorities to value the internal and intrinsic parts of ourselves as the most critical parts to preserve and feel happiness. This means a lot of what we can control is how we think and what we move towards. Most of our happiness relies on our personal attitudes. No matter who we are and what level of spiritual development we have, all humans can relate to these pillars in order to remember how we each can find happiness, while seeing or experiencing personal or global turmoil.

The Four Pillars for being Happy:

  • EXPANSION: Personal growth towards spiritual authenticity and having a variation of life experiences to create that expansion
  • CONNECTION: Having meaningful Human relationships and cultivating deep Connections in our life
  • GRATITUDE: Practicing appreciation and gratitude for what you have, every day
  • SERVICE: Being of Service and making Contributions to the larger whole, making a difference

Happiness and gratitude is an attitude, that we all can create more of every day. There are many things that we are facing in the world today, and in our own lives that are challenging and painful. This fact does not have to change one’s ability to feel happy every day of your life, even while seeing the larger picture. As we become more expanded in our personal growth, we begin to experience the feelings of connection with all of life. We then can choose to be grateful that we can make a difference through our intentional service to the whole.

Love, Lisa

~via Krystal Aegis

JO ETTLES: “The 10 Greatest Gifts I Have Received In 50 Something Years”


Time goes by in the blink of an eye. That is the one thing I know for certain. It seems like only yesterday that I was a teenager, then an adult, and now here I am, in my fifties. I have had so many incredible experiences to date; some brilliant, exciting, overwhelming, even joyous and uplifting. Then there’s been some experiences that have been challenging, devastating, and really confronting.

However, as I look back over the years, every single experience has gifted me in some way. Often, it can be challenging to find the gift in a difficult situation, but I can assure you, there is always a gift. It is always your responsibility to find the positive, beautiful, and inspiring present that is waiting to be unwrapped.

As we mature, we are often asked the following questions:

Would you go back and change anything?

Is there anything in your past that you would do differently?

Personally, I wouldn’t change a thing. Every piece of my past has enriched my life in some way. Every person who has come into my life has taught me something valuable.There have been no wrong choices – just lessons and gifts.

These are my 10 greatest gifts to date.

1. Manners

Times have changed, there is no denying that, but has society managed to keep up, in regards to manners? My parents instilled in us the importance of good manners, courtesy, respect for others, and most importantly, treating others as you wish to be treated. This gift from my parents has been one of my greatest gifts to date. YES, it is the gift that just keeps giving.

In business, showcasing proper business etiquette says a lot about you as a leader. As a person, and in regards to everyday life, good manners show your true essence and character. Manners can help you strengthen relationships, as well as change your life and the lives of so many around you.

2. Childlike energy

As kids, we were encouraged to have fun, play outside, and enjoy life. I never had a care in the world as a child. It was easy to create, imagine, and quite literally experience real freedom. My father (who is almost 90 years of age) to this day has still retained his love of fun, play, and sense of childlike energy. I have watched him with his great grandchildren, and I am sure that they think he is the same age as they are.

Having real fun can improve relationships. It can inspire us to be more creative and it can really help to reduce stress levels. Most of us are so burdened with commitments that we rarely stop and have fun. Somewhere in between being a kid and then being an adult, we forget how to play.

Don’t lose your childlike energy. Get outside, play more, and have fun. Laugh, dance, sing, be silly. Not only will it benefit your wellness, it will also keep you feeling young.

3. Family

There is an old saying, “You don’t get to pick your family”; but maybe (just maybe) we do.

Do we choose our parents before we are born to master certain life lessons? Patience, commitment, connection, tolerance, pure love – these are all life lessons my family has gifted to me. Family is always there, whether you need them or not. I treasure the gift of my family most of all.

4. Soul family

If you are really blessed, at some point in your life, the universe will gift you with finding your soul family. This year, I met my soul family. From one chance meeting that led to a gathering of like-minded souls, I realized that I had finally found my soul family.

Your soul family is the spiritual equivalent to your birth family here on Earth. When you meet your soul family and feel surrounded by kindred spirits, you will really notice that your heart and your soul can heal and regenerate.

5. Peace

I began meditating over 10 years ago. Meditation changed my life. It gifted me with real inner peace. It has provided me with the most priceless sense of well-being, as well as a clearness and clarity that has quite literally opened up a whole new world.

6. Setbacks and challenges

I don’t think anyone travels through life without experiencing setbacks and hard times. You can let your challenges knock you down or you can choose to let them be your greatest opportunity for growth. Life doesn’t always get easier, but we can always get stronger and more resilient. In turn, this gifts us with strength. Real strength is in your soul.

7. Self-belief

It is our birth right to have a healthy amount of self-worth and self-belief. It is the foundation for success. Believe that you can, and you are half way there. Self-belief has gifted me with opportunities and priceless experiences. It has allowed me to connect with the most amazing people worldwide.

In a society where we tend to put older people out to pasture and overlook their experience and wisdom, self-belief has gifted me with the determination to live a full life. If I let society take away my ability to share my life experiences to date, quite simply because of the number on my birth certificate, I would only be living half a life.

8. Loss

The passing of some of my precious family members and also my dearest friends has gifted me with the following:

Life is short, live it.

Your life can change in a heartbeat. Love it.

The people you love might be taken away from you, but their memory stays locked In your heart forever.

9. Love

There is no greater gift than love. Whether that love comes from heart-to-heart connections with partners, children, friends, or pets, love is the greatest gift of all

10. A new day

Every new day is a gift. It’s a gift denied to so many. A new day is a new beginning and another chance to change your life for the better.


In my fifty something years, I have come to believe there is a gift in everything.

Life is the greatest and most precious gift of all.

Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanacek via

PEGGY BLACK: “Wisdom and Guidelines For Multidimensional Humans”

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AMANDA GOINS: “Cutting Cords With That Which Dulls Your Shine”


by Amanda Goins

In life, at times it is necessary to let go of people and things which are no longer serving our highest good.  These may be new and fleeting things which are easy to let go of, or aspects of our lives which have been an integral part since childhood — that may seem much more difficult.  However, if a person or thing is truly bringing you down, you may find that after the dust clears you feel much freer.  I have been dealing with this in my own life recently.

Letting go of people and things has always been a challenge to me.  I tend to look at others through the scope of their best aspects, and give people the benefit of doubt.   The understanding that I finally came to — that which made me free, is that just because you love someone, doesn’t mean you have to have them as an active part of your life.

By choosing a life-style centered in love, you do not have to allow yourself to be a doormat for others negativity all the time.  Only you can discern who and what to have as a part of your experience.  Also, keep an open mind — I try not not give up on anyone completely.

Forgiveness is key. If someone has become toxic in your life, many times they are not aware.  Talk it over with them if you wish, however if you feel that they will not listen, do not feel obligated to do anymore but send them on their way with love toward them.  Even when I choose to cut ties with someone, I do not wish ill upon them.   Separation may give the person independence to grow, and may do the same for you as well.

I have recently learned, that I am only truly responsible for myself.  The more I allow myself to grow and be happy, the more happiness I have to share with all those I love.  I am not here to save anyone, or fix anyone.  We are each on our own journeys.   This is why judging another is always a mistake.  I had to learn, however, that you do not have to agree with everyone, or allow people to sway you in a manner that does not feel right in your soul.  Taking responsibility for yourself, sometimes means cutting ties with those who are impacting your life in a negative manner.

As I mentioned above, though this has been a trying experience for me. The result is that I feel much more free and true to myself.  Authenticity and honesty will never steer you wrong.

So much love everyone,








LIIVI HESS: “6 Life-Changing Habits To Build Into Your Day”

beautiful woman enjoying summer outdoorsWhat if you could have the best day ever, every day?


Take a moment now, and think to yourself, what would make today the best day ever?

As a response to the question above, you might have said something like, “Today would be great if I could spend some time outside, get to the gym and have a great lunch with a friend.”

These are actually things you can orchestrate for yourself! It’s a simple concept, but a powerful one.

We are big into personal development and the belief that life is what you make it. We have found that there are six key habits you can build into your day that are proven to majorly dial up how fulfilled and contented you feel at the end of it.

If you can do two or three of these simple activities first thing in the morning before your schedule really starts, you will already have achieved something and gained a feeling of satisfaction. It’s a great way to forge on confidently through the day.



We tend to travel through the day with a million things buzzing around in our brains. Things to do, things to remember, things we’re worried about. These are generally stressful or negative things — or neutral at best.

Practicing gratitude is an easy way to consciously channel some positivity from within. It’s easy — just grab a pen and paper, or your note-taking app on your smartphone, and write down three to five things that you are thankful for today.

It could be something very specific, like the way you got recognized at work for doing a good job on that presentation. Or it could be general, like the fact that your children are healthy and safe. Or the fact that you have so much healthy food in the fridge.

These things might seem silly, but it’s important to remember that not everyone has what you have. We all have so much that is worth feeling grateful for!

Studies show that writing down a few things you’re thankful for each day goes a long way toward the overall feeling of happiness. Practicing gratitude is one of the easiest ways to increase the satisfaction you feel with life. It’s a great way to remind yourself of the good things in life, and the big picture, rather than getting wrapped up in the small stresses and obstacles of the day.


As soon as you wake up in the morning, take a few minutes to step outside, breathe the fresh air, and soak in some sun. Even if it’s winter and you have to bundle up — exposing your eyes to natural light outdoors cues your brain to feel alert, alive and productive.

If you can, expose your skin (at least face and arms) to sunlight for 20 minutes a day around midday. This is great for your immunity and vitamin D levels!

Get your heart pumping

We know that everyone harps on about exercise, but this isn’t another refrain about going to the gym. We’re talking about just a couple of minutes here and there to get your blood and lymph fluid coursing through your body.

Do 20 jumping jacks in the bathroom, or get down and do a 30-second plank, or run up the stairs. This is a great way to oxygenate the brain and tissues, and relieve built-up stress, too. Try to build in at least four sessions of increased heart rate (even briefly) per day.

Social connection

Connecting with other people is vital for emotional well-being. Try sitting down for a cup of tea with a colleague, or even getting back on the phone! Email and text messaging is too impersonal. Hearing your friend or loved one’s voice will warm your heart and give you a moment to treasure all day long!


You don’t have to be a monk on a hilltop to meditate. This really just comes down to taking a quiet moment to yourself to clear your mind.

Legs up before bed

Again, this is a very simple practice, but a powerful one. Before going to bed, simply sit down, scooch your bum up to the wall and lie down with your legs straight up. This pose does wonders for any tension in the pelvis, lower back, neck and shoulders. It also prevents blood clots and varicose veins in the legs. You will immediately breathe deeper and sleep easier after having done this for five minutes each night.

We encourage you to carve out a little time in your schedule to do these six simple things for yourself. In as little as a few days, you will notice something has changed.

You will no longer go to bed feeling like you’ve spent all day chasing something and barely caught it by the tail. You will feel calmer and more fulfilled. Try it today, there’s nothing to lose!

If you’re wondering how to get started, check out a meditation practice for beginners.

—Liivi Hess