L.J. VANIER: “10 Things You Should Remind Yourself of Everyday”


  1. Today will be as good as I make it. 

There are obstacles everywhere, for everyone. Life is never perfect and it is not meant to be perfect. The key is to remember that. Start your day by reminding yourself that as long as you can accept to face the facts, you are strong enough to deal with them. Do not let the obstacles bring you down, instead, see them as life lessons and find out why they are there. Nothing in life is a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason because in the Universe, we are all energies that constantly cross paths with all kinds of vibrations. They are meant to be. You receive what you put out. So remind yourself, when you see a problem just like when you encounter something good, what do these signs tell you? What is the message? Find out and keep moving forward. Do not get stuck in the past and instead live in the present. And tell yourself you can turn bad into good from within when you mean it.

  1. I create my own reality.

We perceive things a certain way depending on how we look at them. If you approach people and situations with preconceived ideas or judgments, remember that these are thoughts coming from within you. No two people look at the same situation in the same way. Each individual see things the way they want to see them because it is connected to how they see themselves. So keep this in mind and work towards balancing your good and bad qualities and you will see how you create this reality and that you have the capacity and capability to direct and redirect it.

  1. I am not competing with anyone

Ambition can be a good thing if used correctly. But if you let it overpower you it can be very destructive to the point where you find yourself to be selfish and egotistical, but also unhappy and depressed in case of failure. The only thing you should be concerned with is to be a better you than you were yesterday and forget about everyone else you see as competitors and rivals. The key to self-confidence and success is to better yourself without depending on anyone or without comparing your reality to someone else’s.

  1. I don’t need anyone’s approval

We have ideas, things we want to do, places we want to go physically or spiritually, goals we want to achieve. Oftentimes we find ourselves thinking about what other people would think about us if we did. We hold ourselves back worried about other people’s judgments about us. Is it acceptable? Is it wrong? Is it selfish? But look around yourself. Do you see how many lives are on standby or miserable because people think the same exact way that you do? You are a free individual who can think for yourself and you have desires and wishes and feelings about how you can grow. Do not depend on anyone’s approval and do not let anyone’s judgment bring you down. Because just like you create your own reality, they create their own. If they choose to judge you or be mad at you it shows something about themselves, not about you.

  1. When I change my thoughts about life, I change my life

Going back to creating your own reality, as we said before, when the negativity overpowers you, you become fearful of it as it weakens you. And it destroys you and claims your happiness and personal growth. You can teach yourself manipulating the negative energy by balancing it with positive energy. Try daily meditation. It is a scientific fact that meditation reprograms our brains. In terms of neuroscience, think about all of your thoughts and feelings as branches of a tree. Only this tree is inside your brain. Just like a gardener would cut the dead branches from a tree to give way to the growth of the fresh new ones, meditation will teach you how to do that. And this is how you will learn to manipulate your bad thoughts and negativity by turning them into something better.

  1. Live each day as if it is your last

This is an advice we hear everyday but take it for granted. It is important to remember that tomorrow is not guaranteed for any one of us. If you have to forgive someone, do it, if you are angry with someone, find a way to overcome it, if you have regrets, try to find a way to make peace with yourself. Take these obstacles out of your way to give you the freedom and relief to live today in the best possible way. And don’t forget to tell the one’s you care about you love them.

7, Bad things don’t make your life bad

If you find yourself complaining too much about every single bad thing that happens to you, you will not be able to notice the good things around you. Bad things happen to everyone just like good things happen to everyone. Do not let them define your life and who you are. Accept them and take your lesson and don’t get discouraged. You are not alone. Life has its ups and downs. Happy moments and sad moments. If you only focus on the negativity, you will attract more of it.

  1. Put one foot in front of the other

You can not do everything at once but also you should not try to do something when you are not mentally ready to face it. Especially if you have problems with your self-esteem, before you take a challenge work on getting your self-esteem higher and stronger so if you fail, you can find the strength to deal with it and move on. There is a right time for everything. If you feel that the time is not right, listen to your gut feeling. And when you do, you will know how to read the signs when your subconscious tells you the time is right.

  1. You’ll never know unless you try

If you want something, ask for it. There is nothing wrong with asking. The worst that can happen is they say no. Do not be afraid of rejections. Rejections should be taken as signs that show us either we need to move on to something else or we need to better ourselves in that area. So don’t take no as a ‘bad answer’. Instead, use it to your advantage. But most importantly, do not let it affect your self-confidence. Analyze your feelings about it and find out why it made you feel bad. Then you can work on fixing it.

  1. You can do this!

Happiness, self-esteem, freedom… all these things you need are within you. You are the source of your own happiness, self-esteem and freedom. Nobody can give it to you and nothing can bring it to you either. If you put your hopes on others, what will you do when you achieve that? Since you started from a materialistic point of view, eventually that person or that something will not be enough for you and you will be back to square one. So learn to depend on yourself and realize that it all starts with you and within you.






~via SoulScience.com

INSPIRATION FOR THE DAY ~ “Native American Code Of Ethics”

Native American Code Of Ethics


The Native American culture is highly spiritual and places a great emphasis on the respect for Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon as well as all living and non-living objects.

1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.

2. Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance.

3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, Native American Code of Ethics | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databaseand yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

4. Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and honor.

5. Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours.

6. Respect all things that are placed upon this earth – whether it be people or plant.

7. Honor other people’s thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them. Allow each person the right to personal expression.

8. Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into the universe will multiply when it returns to you.

9. All persons make mistakes. And all mistakes can be forgiven.

10. Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind, body and spirit. Practice optimism.

11. Nature is not for us, it is a part of us. They are part of your worldly family.

12. Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and life’s lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow.

13. Avoid hurting the hearts of others. The poison of your pain will return to you.

14. Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe.

Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self, all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.15. Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self, all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.

16. Make conscious decisions as to who you will be and how you will react. Be responsible for your own actions.

17. Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Do not touch the personal property of others, especially sacred and religious objects. This is forbidden.

18. Be true to yourself first. You cannot nurture and help others if you cannot nurture and help yourself first.

19. Respect others religious beliefs. Do not force your belief on others.

20. Share your good fortune with others. Participate in charity.

Please spread the love!

TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “10 Signs from the Universe That You Are Walking The Wrong Way”

signs you are on the wrong path

There is no wrong path in this life. All roads lead home, it just depends which journey you want to take.

At times in our lives however, we can become lost or stuck on a particular stretch of road. We may also find ourselves wondering down a path that perhaps doesn’t seem to be aligning with what we wish to create for our lives.

If you are questioning whether you are on the right track, if things are starting to feel off balance to you, here are 10 subtle signs the Universe will send to help steer you in a different direction-

1.) Careless Accidents

Stubbed your toe or knocked your elbow a few times today? It could very well be a sign from the Universe that you need to slow down and think before taking your next steps forward.

Running into things and injuring yourself could be a sign that you are ignoring your intuition or failing to see the truth behind a certain situation.

While stubbing your toe may be just an accident, if it happens repeatedly it could be a sign from the Universe that you need to take a closer look at things.

2.) Forgetfulness

If you find yourself repeatedly losing things or forgetting things, it could be a sign that you need to check in with yourself and perhaps take a moment to get centered and grounded before moving forward.

It may also be a sign that you need to get clearer about what it is that you want to create and achieve for your life.

3.) Being Late Constantly

Whether you are late because you got stuck in traffic or because you lost track of time, being repeatedly late or feeling as if you have to constantly race against the clock is a sign from the Universe that you need to pay attention to.

Being late or feeling constantly pressed for time means that you are spreading yourself too thin and are out of alignment with what you really want to do.

When you are in the flow of life, time flows along with you, but when you get separated from that flow, you are more likely to notice time impacting on your life.

4.) Cluttered Environment 

No matter how hard you seem to clean, if you find that clutter simply follows you or accumulates in one area of your home, it could be a sign from the Universe that something needs addressing.

Clutter can be a sign that you are failing to see the truth or that you are avoiding clearing something from your past that is stuck in your subconscious.

The area of your home where the clutter is presenting itself may also indicate what the underlying emotional reason is. For example clutter in the kitchen could indicate issues with giving and receiving self love and nourishment, whereas clutter in the bedroom could indicate intimacy or relationship issues.

5.) Breaking or Dropping Things

If you find yourself constantly breaking or dropping things, it could be a sign from the Universe that you are walking a destructive path or that you are sabotaging yourself from achieving success.

Breaking or dropping things may also indicate a need for you to release control and perhaps surrender to the flow of the Universe. This is especially true if you are feeling stuck or stagnant in a particular area in your life.

6.) Getting Sick

If you find yourself getting infections, coughs or colds repeatedly it could be a sign from the Universe that you need to slow down and reconsider the direction of your life. It can also be a sign that you are making your life decisions based on what other people want and not what you want.

Getting sick repeatedly is also a sign that you need to change your life in some way to support getting more rest, nourishment and enjoyment.

7.) Not Wanting To Think About It

Don’t want to think or talk about it? This is a clear sign that you are failing to see the truth about the direction of your life.

When you don’t want to talk or think about something important, it is often because intuitively you are afraid of hearing the answer. It may also be that you know what it is that you need to do, but you are afraid to take action on it.

If you find yourself suppressing thoughts or being afraid to “go there”, it may help to reconnect with your soul and get clear about what it is that you truly want.

8.) Anxiety or Stress

If a rush of anxiety enters the pit of your belly before walking into work everyday, it could be a clear indication that you are not in the right place.

Of course, anxiety can appear for different reasons but if you find yourself constantly feeling stressed or anxious surrounding a particular place or person, you may need to dig a little deeper to find the cause.

Anxiety and stress in general can also be a clear sign from the Universe that you need to make some changes in your life and perhaps align what you are doing in your life with what you want to achieve.

9.) Struggling to Finish Projects

Do you get the inspiration to start a project but then constantly fail to complete it?

Not being able to carry through with a project is a clear sign that you may be off balance or lacking groundedness in your life. It may also be a sign that the projects you wish to create are not aligned with your highest path or intentions.

If you struggle to carry through with your ideas, the best thing to do is go within and surrender to the flow of the Universe. When you do this, a new pathway may present itself that will help to get your idea off the ground.

Struggling to finish projects is usually a sign that you need to surrender control and also believe in yourself more in order to continue down the path that you wish to.

10.) Feeling Bored 

If you find yourself feeling bored with life, it is a very good sign that you are not living up to your fullest potential. Life is amazing and full of opportunities, there is no reason that you should feel bored.

Feeling bored comes when you have become too comfortable with your life and are perhaps running on auto pilot rather than living each day to its fullest.

If you feel bored, perhaps look at where you can make some changes in your life, such as picking up a new hobby, changing careers or travelling.

The Universe is always sending us signs to help guide us along the path. The best thing you can do is trust your intuition when a sign presents itself and remain open to the possibilities.

Confused about what the Universe may be trying to tell you? Try asking the Universe for a sign. Read more here.








~via ForeverConscious.com

LAUREN MARTIN: “Simple Life: 10 Things People Who Love Being Alone Never Worry About”


I’m a recluse as much as the next guy… At least, that’s what I thought.

After a recent move to a city that welcomed one too many nights out and one too many clubs to name, I came to the harsh realization that my aversion to nights out and the company of others was not normal and I was coming off as, well, rude.

I thought there was nothing wrong with choosing to spend Friday night in the company of myself and my empty apartment.

I thought it was okay to enjoy walking alone more than with a friend. I thought it was healthy to relish in all those moments of solitude.

To people trying to be my friend, or at least use me as a pawn in their game of nights out, I was the antithesis of everything they wanted.

I tried to make myself go out more, push myself to spend Friday nights in the company of others and try to enjoy all that mindless chit chat that came with money spent on too many drinks.

Soon, I began to hate myself and those around me. I started worrying about insignificant nonsense that shouldn’t bother me.

And after one too many nights spent around everyone but myself, I decided that enough was enough and I would spend as much time alone as I ******* please.

I like my company, even if it’s just a little too much, because there’s something beautiful about being at peace with yourself. There’s something comforting about knowing I can come home to myself every night and love it.

There should be more respect for people who can relish in themselves. There should be more admiration for those who aren’t scared of being alone.

There should be some nice words about the loners and the introverts who are content with themselves and don’t need anyone to feel better.

Because loving your alone time is many times a lot healthier than hating it. Those who bask in their own company are the ones with significantly fewer worries than those who need to be around people to fill that void.

The loners, introverts and asocial people of the world are the ones spending their time creating and growing from themselves, rather than worrying about what everyone else is thinking.

They never worry about how they come off

People who like to be alone are more secure than those who are so good at showing face. They are the ones who are never second guessing their actions or working on their appearance.

They don’t care what people think of them because they, themselves, are their harshest critics.

They never worry about what they just said

The only times people who like their alone time are going out is with people who deserve their shared time. They don’t spend it with people who will judge them or people they worry about taking what they said the wrong way.

They don’t spend hours lying in their beds thinking about what they said or didn’t say back there. They are confident around the people they choose to talk to.

They never worry about acting like they have something to prove

People who enjoy their own company are not the types to put on airs. They never have to act like they have something to prove because they never have anyone to prove anything to.

When you meet them, you will see they are completely themselves, because that’s who matters to them. If you don’t like them, that’s just one fewer person they need to worry about hanging out with.

They’re never worried about doing things they don’t want to do

They don’t sit in bed wishing they didn’t have to go to a party where they hate most of the people just so they won’t spend Saturday night stuck with their own thoughts.

They never replace alone time with empty interactions. Their solitude is never rationalized or bargained for by trivial moments with undeserving people.

They’re never worried about ending up alone

They don’t have that irrational fear of never finding someone. If anything, they fear they will never understand how to share their alone time.

They don’t date people just for the company or settle for unfulfilled love just so they won’t end up alone.

They never worry about finding something to say

Because they’re not constantly putting themselves around others, they’re not constantly searching for new topics and talking points.

They know who they are and what they like and they don’t have to pretend to be interested in things just to keep the conversation going.

They never worry about missing out on something

They never have fear of missing out because there’s no place they’d rather be than with themselves. They don’t find it a wasted evening when they don’t go out.

In fact, they see it as the opposite. In our hectic schedules, getting a night to ourselves is easier said than done.

They never worry about being single

They search for meaning in themselves and take pride in that relationship. They don’t need to feel validated by the significant others they’re supposed to have.

They make sure they are completely in love with themselves before they worry about finding someone else to love.

They never worry about needing time to think

They spend their alone time exploring all the unexamined spaces of their mind. They don’t go to parties or friends’ houses wishing they could just have a moment to think, alone.

They are constantly thinking and constantly wondering. They are never without moments to ponder those questions that need time.

They never worry about having to lie or exaggerate

Their lives are complete by themselves. They don’t have to name drop or worry about being cool enough around the people they’re with because they don’t care about impressing current company or making new acquaintances.

They aren’t about collecting friends or racking up phone numbers. They know who they are and there’s no need to exaggerate about that.






~via EliteDaily


TANAAZ: “11 Self Care Tips That Will Help Nourish Your Soul”

self care tips

Looking after yourself should be a top priority for everyone, however often it is overlooked until a physical ailment or a wave of emotion comes along that forces us to take notice.

Our body is a messenger and when our body speaks to us in the form of emotions and physical symptoms, it is a clear sign that we have been ignoring our need for self-care and self-love.

Often we forget that in order to be the best version of ourselves and to give back to others, we have to nourish and care for ourselves first.

This is absolutely and 100% necessary for our survival. This is not about questioning whether we are being selfish or not, it is simply about ensuring that our own cup has been filled before we start pouring into others.

If you are running on empty, if you are suffering from physical symptoms, if you are feeling drained or overly sensitive, this is your body calling on you for self-care and self-love.

If you are wondering how to get started on self-care, here are 11 simple tips that will help recharge and replenish your entire being-

1. Say No

If something doesn’t feel or sound good to you, give yourself permission to say no without feeling guilty and without having to give an elaborate reason. Saying no to things also frees up more space in your life to do the things that you actually want to do and that feel good.

2. Stand Up For Yourself

If something is bothering you or weighing you down, give yourself permission to stand up for yourself without fearing criticism or conflict. Confront the people or situations that are bothering you by stating how you feel and standing up for your beliefs. Be willing to put your foot down and set boundaries to ensure that you are not being squashed or compromised.

3. Be Kind to Yourself

We often forget how important it is to be kind and gentle towards ourselves. Speak to yourself like you would your best friend and give yourself the same encouragement and love. Doing this on a daily basis can help to recharge and replenish your soul and can also help to align your vibration to a higher frequency.

4. Stay Away from Drama and Gossip

Don’t fall into the trap of getting caught up in the drama of things or in petty gossip. Judging others and getting swept up in the emotions of drama can heighten both stress and anxiety and can lower your vibration to a negative mindset. Avoid getting caught up in what other people are doing or saying and instead turn your attention onto yourself.

5. Ask Yourself -“What Do I Need?”

Take a moment to quiet your mind and your thoughts and tune into the feeling of your body. Once you can feel your body and can be present with yourself, ask the question- “What do I need today?” Still your mind and allow your inner voice to answer back. Then work on giving yourself whatever it is that you need.

6. Release What You Can’t Control 

Sometimes it is necessary to release the way we want things to go and simply accept things as the way they are. When we do this, we open space for relaxation and acceptance. It is through this that we can then feel guided and supported by the Universe. Releasing control also gives space and room for new possibilities to emerge.

7. Do Things That You Enjoy

Make room in your day to spend time on things that bring you joy and happiness. This may include reading, taking a relaxing bath, yoga, gardening or singing. Whatever it is that brings you joy, make sure you prioritise and make time for it in your day to day.

8. Believe in Yourself 

If you don’t believe in yourself, who will? Whenever you notice self doubt creeping in, or thoughts that make you feel unworthy or not good enough, take a step back and instead replace them with positive thoughts of self belief. Trust that you always have the ability to overcome anything that is sent your way.

9. Create a Life That You Desire

If you wake up every day dreading your job, wishing things were different or always waiting for “tomorrow”, it may be time to make some changes. When you are willing to stand up for your happiness and to create a life of excitement, the Universe will always deliver. This world is filled with endless opportunities, so give yourself permission to create the life that you desire and know that you are worthy of having it.

10. Spend Time in Nature

If you simply need a reset, switch off all technology, unplug yourself from the world and go and spend some time in nature. Nature and spending time alone is naturally healing and restorative and can help to replenish and rejuvenate your entire being.

11. Express Gratitude 

Expressing gratitude for your beautiful body, the joys and happiness in your life and the amazing potential of nature can instantly help uplift your spirits. Make it a point everyday to focus on 7 things that you feel grateful for. When you step into this space, it helps you to notice the amazing blessings all around you.

Self care is really something we should all be prioritising every single day. In fact, it is probably the single most important thing we can give ourselves if we want to move through the world at our highest expression.

“You have to love yourself because no amount of love from others is sufficient to fill the yearning that your soul requires from YOU.” – Dodinsky





~via ForeverConscious.com






THE MINDS JOURNAL: “5 Things Only An Old Soul Can Fully Understand”

Old Soul

Some people are just old souls and need to be accepted as such. If you are one of the people that gets called crazy for thinking you can feel people’s energy, or a hermit for needing to have time alone, or a ‘weirdo’ for believing in alternative things, the best thing you can do is continue to be true to yourself.

As an old soul, trying to conform to a society that is hollow and spiritually void will only cause you pain and suffering. Don’t let authority figures or institutions pressure you into betraying your passions, desires, and natural state of being.

Here are 5 things that only old souls will understand:


Every old soul knows the extreme importance of taking time away from life, people, and obligation and spending time alone in isolation. Life can be overwhelming at times, and the energies of other people can be exhausting. Spending time alone in nature, or sitting by yourself on a park bench, or spending all day in your room are things which have become necessary for your spiritual health at times.

Some people may call you a hermit or say that you are socially challenged, but you just know the value of spending time alone to detox, reflect, and nurture yourself.


More than happiness and living comfortably, you want to live a life that encourages growth and expansion. You value growth and experience so much that you are willing to go through pain, suffering, and depression in order to learn more about yourself.

You take risks and go on adventures that other people may think are unwise, but playing it safe is just too boring for you. At the end of your journey here on earth, you would love to have experienced a life full of ups and downs, suffering and joy, and amazing adventures as opposed to having experienced a life playing it safe.


From a young age, you have been able to get a really good read on people. From watching someone interact for just a few minutes, you are able to identify the characteristics that person would have and the lifestyle they live. It’s almost like you have this software that allows you to look around and download the information on other souls.

This is because you have seen the archetype of that person before in a past life and are familiar with the general behavior and psychology of that archetype. You have interacted with thousands of people throughout the course of your souls history, so there is really no archetype you haven’t interacted with yet.

This doesn’t mean you are judgmental, it just means you are observational. You may find yourself at parties or social gatherings looking around every once in a while checking things out. Watching people interact, observing the exchanges of energy that are occurring during conversation. You may even feel more comfortable as a distant observer than as a participant. It feels natural to you.

Having the ability to get a good read on people has also given you a really good bullsh*t detector. When someone is lying to you, you know it. You notice the disassociation in their eyes, the shift in their energy field, the change in the way they pronounce words. You’ve been through this place many times before, so you aren’t socially naive, even though you may have not had much social interaction in this life. You’ve always been hard to manipulate because you can see into the real intentions and desires of other people. You are just good at feeling people out intuitively.

Some people may call you creepy or think you are a wackjob for trying to be psychic, but it comes naturally to you to pick up on the thoughts and energies of other people.


Mainstream music is heartless, passionless, and washed up. Mainstream media is polluted, biased, and deceptive. The mainstream lifestyle is dry, boring, and disappointing.  Because you recognize this, you have adopted ‘alternative’ ways of thinking and living that may seen weird to other people.

Personally, I listen to a lot of atmospheric metal and post-rock because it offers me what I desire to receive out of music spiritually and existentially. I can’t stand the radio. I remember showing some people the music I liked and having them reply with “that’s not even music”. I’m sure I’m not alone in knowing what it feels like to feel excluded based on your alternative beliefs, tastes, and preferences.


You have learned to trust and appreciate the journey. You aren’t trying to be “deep”, you simply can’t help but be overwhelmed at times with feelings of gratitude, thankfulness, and humility.

You understand that life is impermanent and don’t take anything for granted. Others around you don’t understand why you like spending time in nature so much, why you meditate so often, or why you stare at the stars all the time, but that’s because they are simply too distracted with worldly matters to see the big picture.

If you identify with any or all of these 5 things, then you can be sure that you are either mature beyond your years or you have lived a life or two on this planet in the past. The vast majority of the human population does not understand these 5 things, and actually takes pleasure in ridiculing and making fun of those who don’t seem to fit in.

You aren’t trying to be different, psychic, intuitive, or deep. Your soul is just hardwired a different way. Don’t let anybody tell you that you need to change to fit the expectations of the world around you. The world doesn’t need more carbon copies. It needs more individuals following the things that make their souls come alive.

~via TheMindsJournal.com

TAMARA PEARSON: “13 Reasons Why We Hate Television”


It’s not very meaningful

Television won’t bring you any of the change you want in your life or in the world. The Alternative Daily CEO Jake Carney commented that when he started this website, he didn’t turn a TV on for two years.

It promotes lazy thought

Television shows and advertising are aimed at the lowest common denominator. They recycle tired plot formulas that oversimplify characters, problems and the big issues. They promote easy and quick happiness (just buy a thing, just propose in a really clichéd way in public) and they rarely challenge viewers to think, criticize or question. Alternative Daily writer Megan Winkler commented that “most series really love characters who are self-destructive in one sense or the other. That’s a bummer. I’d like to see people recycling aluminum and plastic the way some writers recycle the same tired tropes again and again.”

It makes you eat unhealthy food

People tend to snack on unhealthy food while watching television. A professor of health sociology, Steve Gortmaker, noted that the advertising also “tends to increase intake of a range of unhealthy food products.”

It creates a world for you

“I hate the fact that I am being fed something by some Hollywood producer that probably makes a ton of money off me sitting on my ass, mouth wide open. Create your own world, create your own adventure instead,” Carney adds. When people watch television, they aren’t being mindful of themselves and their surroundings. Instead, they are attached to the story, visuals and sounds of the screen in front of them, he points out.

It promotes a sedentary lifestyle

According to author Bonny Rockette-Wagner, research indicates that we move even less while watching TV compared with other sedentary activities, like sitting at work. People watching television may not stand up for several hours, but even standing up for a minute every 20 minutes can help your body regulate important substances such as glucose and the hormone insulin.

It causes unrealistic expectations in relationships (and in most aspects of life)

The way television shows portray emergency rooms, police, romances, friendships and even weight-loss is unrealistic and can lead people to have false expectations in their own lives. “The more you believe in popular portrayals of romance on television, the less committed you may be to your real relationship,” the Huffington Post noted, based on research from the journal Mass Communication and Society.

It literally makes you dumber

People who watch more than three hours of TV per day over a period of 25 years were found to be more likely to perform poorly on various cognitive tests, researchers of another study found. Further, children under the age of two who watch television are likely to have decreased language development, according to David Hill, chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Communications and Media. 

It promotes stereotypes and discrimination

From dating shows that objectify women to news shows with almost exclusively white male news anchors or young while blond female ones, to law and order shows where the criminals are destructive stereotypes of Latino and black criminals, television tends to reinforce racial and gender stereotypes, give voice to those who already have a disproportionate say in the world and ignore poverty and the working class altogether, instead of promoting human diversity. Even outside of the United States, American programming can dominate airtime, leaving little space for local identity, culture and issues.

It’s isolating

A few hours watching a movie with a partner or friends can be really nice, and even a bit of alone time with one’s favorite characters can be relaxing. But binge-watching can be a harmful addiction, an avoidance and distraction technique that is socially isolating.

There isn’t a lot of choice

There may be a lot of channels to choose from, but apart from the occasional good documentary or engaging historical drama, most of what airs on television is low quality, under-researched, badly written rubbish, leaving viewers with a false choice of many slightly varied types of crap.

It leaves you with less time for life

Everyone at The Alternative Daily agreed that too much television is a waste of time. A writer for The New York Times wrote in 1939, “TV will never be a serious competitor for radio because people must sit and keep their eyes glued on a screen; the average American family hasn’t time for it.”

How wrong they were! And I have to admit, I don’t understand how people who work one to two full-time jobs manage to squeeze in that average five hours a day of television. But they do, and while it makes sense that people who are exhausted find television an easier leisure activity than a trip to the park or cooking, moderation is key. Most of those five hours a day could be spent doing something much more rewarding, useful or truly relaxing.

It’s expensive

Americans spend more than $6 billion per year just paying for the electricity alone to power their television sets, according to Becoming Minimalist. And around $73 billion is spent on advertising every year in the United States. That’s more than the whole economies of many countries, just spent on manipulating people into buying stuff they don’t need and often things that objectively are bad for them.

It sets the bar low for who we look up to

Rather than admiring teachers, firefighters or other people dedicating their lives to helping others and to justice, a lot of people look up to the actors and actresses on television — the “celeb” culture. Idolizing these overpaid people for the most superficial reasons (who really knows them?) can be harmful to one’s self-esteem, with teenage girls in particular aiming to look like someone whose hair was professionally styled every 30 minutes.

We all need down time, time to relax and recharge and to process our day and our troubles. But you’re not processing much when you watch television, and there are lots of alternatives, such as a walk in the park, listening to or playing music, having a daydream (something that’s actually very creative), dancing, taking a bath or shower, getting a massage or having a cuddle, reading a book, taking part in a sport, walking a pet, having a chat over a hot chocolate and simple playing (yep, adults should do it too — it promotes curiosity). Mucking around with your photos, doing some craft or adult coloring, even finger-painting can be both good for your mind and relaxing.

—Tamara Pearson






LUMINITA SAVIUC: “51 Everyday Ways to Make Someone You Love Feel Special”

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Do you have a person that is extra special in your life? Want to give them an idea of just how special they are?

Whether it’s your parents, siblings, bestie, or significant other, making someone you love feel special doesn’t have to be complicated, and you can do it every day.

(No skywriting required.)

51 Everyday Ways to Make Someone You Love Feel Special

1. Make time. Vow to yourself that you won’t let “life” get in the way of letting them know how important they are.

2. Listen to the full story and ask questions. Listen to them vent without solving the problem (unless they want you to!). Listen to what they are really trying to tell you. Listen with your undivided attention.

3. Ask them to teach you something.

4. Try to learn one of their hobbies.

5. See them. I mean REALLY see them. See their endless potential. See their unique beauty.

6. Recognize what makes them special and let them know it.

7. Send something handwritten. No one seems to do this anymore. It can be a thank you note, a birthday card, or a letter just because.

8. Learn all of their favorites and surprise them with something you know that they’ll just LOVE.

9. Put the phone away when you are together…

10. Or pick it up when you’re apart. Go beyond a text and give them a call to let them know you’re thinking of them. Return their calls if you missed them.

11. Go on an adventure. Set aside a day or a weekend to spend time together. Invite them along somewhere that neither of you have been.

12. Create a new memory together.

13. Share a memory that you have of them. The best are those situations that they had no idea you’d remember.

14. Share your side of the story of how you met.

15. Follow up with them after they’ve shared something important with you or after spending time together.

16. Introduce them to the important people in your life.

17. Connect them with someone you know they’ll hit it off with.

18. Ask them what they want to do.

19. Or take care of all of the planning and let them just relax.

20. Show them affection in whatever way they’re comfortable with.

21. See the best in them.

22. Let them know that the way they feel or the way they see a situation is real and understandable.

23. Get them out of the house on a beautiful day.

24. Stay in and have a Netflix marathon together on a gloomy day.

25. Be there when they need you, even if you need to cancel your plans.

26. Let them get to know the real you. Share your dreams and your fears.

27. Get to know the real them. Fears, dreams, imperfections – everything.

28. Send an article that you think they’d enjoy. Let them know that it made you think of them.

29. Take pictures together. Splurge on professional pictures, hop in the photo booth at the mall, or whip out the camera for an impromptu photo shoot.

30. Go with them on their quest to find the perfect pair of jeans. Or shoes. Or sunglasses. Or…you get the idea.

31. Offer to help them with a tedious task.

32. Include them in group plans.

33. Remind them of how amazing they are any time they forget.

34. Stand up for them if you hear someone gossiping about them.

35. Speak kindly of them – even when they’re not there.

36. Keep their secrets as if they were your own.

37. Share secrets of your own.

38. Remember their important days. What is their favorite holiday? What is the day that they start a new job? When are their kids’ birthdays? Make an effort to remember and check in with them on the important days in their life.

39. Give heartfelt compliments, apologies, and thanks.

40. Bring them soup when they’re sick. Bake them cookies when they’re sad.

41. Offer to be by their side on their worst days.

42. Be their person. No questions asked.

43. Surprise them with something totally ridiculous just because you know that they’ll get a kick out of it.

44. Check in on them when you’re worried.

45. Celebrate their successes.

46. Help out someone that is important in their life.

47. Let it be about them. Don’t turn their story or their problem into your story or problem, and don’t try to outdo them. Let the day, the story, the situation be about them.

48. Believe in them when they are in doubt.

49. Hang in there when things are rough between the two of you.

50. Support them in their goals and aspirations. If they need you to dress up as a hot dog and pass out fliers, you’re the one to call.

51. Do all of this and ask for nothing in return but true friendship and caring.

Have a #52 of your own? I’d love to hear it! Leave a comment and share how you make your person feel special.

With all my love,






PERRY GARFINKEL: “The 7 Habits Of Highly Spiritual People”


“The Dalai Lama giggles his way to enlightenment. Alfred E. Neuman has that eternal grin. The Laughing Buddha is, well, laughing. Spiritual people are happy.”


In truth, that headline is misleading. This list is merely a starter set, not the be-all and end-all assuring spiritual bliss. (And what’s so mystical about the number 7 anyway, other than that it appears to boost book sales?) As the unofficial and self-declared Stephen Covey of spirituality, I add this encouraging caveat: just like bad habits you can’t break, the same can be said of good habits. Try some of these, reap the rewards — those would be love for and from others, love for yourself, love in general — and they will become addictive, giving rise to many other random acts of spiritual goodness that will take over your life.

#1 Highly Spiritual People Give Rather Than Take.

To give is indeed divine. Some research on altruism suggests people commit selfless deeds precisely because such acts make them feel good, therefore refuting the notion of selflessness. Hogwash. Is breathing selfish? If we didn’t give, and give generously, we’d die. I really believe that. Giving is human nature; it’s just that we forget our own Spirit-Nature sometimes. Giving can take many forms; simply paying attention to someone is a gift.

#2 They Say Yes More Than They Say No.

Naysayers are a downer. “No” closes our hearts like cholesterol. (Naturally, this excludes saying “No” to drugs or other self-destructive, noxious or illegal behaviors.) “Yes” affirms life. People always would rather hear yes rather no. Unless it’s when you ask your doctor, “Do I have herpes?”

#3 They See Possibilities, Not Problems.

As Shunryu Suzuki writes: “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities; in the expert’s mind there are few.” And this may be the only time you hear Norman Vincent Peale quoted right after Suzuki-roshi, but there is something to the power of positive thinking, if not “The Power of Positive Thinking.” Spiritual people are optimists. They believe in belief. They are the lemon-to-lemonade folks, the problems-as-opportunites advocates, the positive spin

#4 They Walk A Mile in Your Shoes.

They understand that empathy means feeling another’s pain but not so much that they take on others’ pain and become another’s pain. With that empathy, they tend to know exactly what to say or do for you to make you feel better. In gratitude, we say to them, “You are a saint.” Even when we do not mean it literally, it is true — literally.

#5 They Count Blessings in Small Wonders.

They do not expect Spirit to appear accompanied by fire and brimstone and a big neon sign flashing in the sky. They are not waiting for the Big A-ha. Nor are they waiting for the cure to cancer, the job promotion, or the love of a lifetime. They appreciate the tiny details: the smile of a child, the sparkle in an old person’s eyes, the morning’s first ray of sunlight. While others have recommended not to sweat the bad small stuff, spiritual people savor the good small stuff.

#6 They Give Compliments Generously, Accept Them with Humility.

There is no limit to people’s need for praise and appreciation. I suspect that even Donald Trump deep down is desperate for a compliment. Spiritual people do not see people’s “need” for support as a weakness or flaw. They see it as a cry for love, and they comply without hesitation. On the other hand, those who respond to a compliment with grandiose objections and deflections, who cannot accept a compliment with grace, probably feel they are not worthy of it. But they are worthy of it. Even the Don is worthy of it.

#7 They Worship Where and When the Spirit Moves Them.

They don’t need a temple or church to practice their spirituality, nor do they need a Sunday morning service at 10 a.m. They don’t even need a rabbi or a priest or a lama or sensei. Their spiritual setting is a forest, a beach, a mountain top. Their setting is a movable spiritual feast, for they know the true spiritual setting is within. And it travels with, and within, them wherever they go.

And a year-end bonus:

#8 They Laugh a Lot

Have you noticed? Santa ho-ho-ho’s his way down the chimney. The Dalai Lama giggles his way to enlightenment. Alfred E. Neuman has that eternal grin. The Laughing Buddha is, well, laughing. Spiritual people are happy. Not just the smiley-face kind of happy, but the deep-down-content kind of happy. If you have trouble getting to happy, try this trick I learned years ago from no less a sage source than the musical “Bye Bye Birdie”: “Just put on a happy face.” The act of smiling alone triggers a happy hormonal shift, from “gloomy mask of tragedy” to “spreading sunshine all over the place.” And what could be more spiritual than that?

So, let’s get to the point.

  1. Source created perfection
  2. You and I are part of that perfection
  3. We inherited the DNA of Source, and we said, “Hey, you know what, we want to also create perfection.”
  4. Source put up a curtain, and created imperfection so that we could create perfection again.

That’s it.

Our imperfect world was created so we could create perfection, instead of having it given to us. It’s like a picture puzzle. Source created this elaborate painting and we said, “Wow, what a painting! We want to create one like that.” So Source made it into a picture puzzle, separating the pieces so we could put it back together.

The chaos in our lives, the distance we feel with others — and within ourselves — is all an illusion. It’s because of the space that was created when all the pieces were pulled apart.

The effort we came here to do is to remove the space. Every time we snap the pieces together – BOOM – another piece of perfection appears in our lives.

Imagine if you were a five year old kid and I said, “Here’s a puzzle, it’s already assembled.” Would you enjoy it? No. The first thing you’d do is shake it up in the box, creating space between the pieces. The more you’d shake it up, the more chaotic it would become.

Then you’d dump it out on the floor and start building the puzzle. That’s when the fun would begin.

That’s what effort’s all about. Happiness given to us doesn’t feel like happiness. Happiness that we create – now that feels like happiness!

Create your happiness this week. Create your certainty. Create your love. If there is pain and struggle in your life, then remind yourself of the picture puzzle. Remember the Light is there, perfect, and that you asked for the sweat on your brow simply so that you could feel the satisfaction of being a Creator.

And know that whatever you are struggling with will have a positive result.