JEFF STREET (Divine Cosmos): “Focus On What You Want, Not On What You Don’t Want.”

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This Law of Attraction Pearl of Wisdom is one of the most important rules for effective manifestation.  It is deceptively simple, and most people probably think that they’re already doing it reasonably well — but I’m here to tell you that nothing could further from the truth.

Most people spend a large percentage of their time WORRYING about everything that could wrong and anticipating the worst — both of which qualify as thinking about what you don’t want!  For most, this insidious habitual way of thinking is entirely unconscious, and they are completely unaware of how much they are doing it.

It’s not surprising that this is the case.  The rational mind believes that anticipating problems is the best approach to avoiding problems even if, in truth, most of the worrying doesn’t solve anything.

The rational approach is certainly understandable for those who are unaware of the underlying laws of creation by which we construct our reality.  Unfortunately, unbeknownst to most, our rational approach in these types of situations is doing the exact opposite of what we expect.  The focus on the POTENTIAL problems and avoiding them are making them MORE of a potential rather than less!

From the rational perspective, what’s going on under the covers is more like magic.  We are creating the reality we perceive and experience with our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations!  This is the Law of Attraction, and it states that we attract people, circumstances, and things into our life that are similar to our most predominate thoughts.  Our external reality is like a mirror reflecting what we think and what we are.

What it is crucial to understand about this law is that it does not distinguish between what you want and what you don’t want, it simply brings to you the essence of what you think about.  The thought “I don’t want XYZ” and “I want XYZ” are identical as far as the Universe is concerned.  In either case, it only hears “XYZ” and it brings it to you.  When you think about what you DON’T want you are attracting what you don’t want!

Overcoming the Habit of Focusing on Potential Problems

When you approach situations anticipating problems and mentally focus on how to avoid those problems, you increase the chances of those very things happening.  The amount of difficulty you anticipate determines the amount of adversity you will experience along the way.

If, instead, you just assume and expect the best, and skip all the worrying, you will soon find that everything will go a lot smoother and more successfully.  This shift in thinking is by no means easy for the average person, who has the deeply ingrained habit of worrying and anticipating the worst.  At first, overcoming the habit and belief that you need to anticipate problems to avoid them will require lots of faith and trust, but if you stick it out you will end up having complete trust in the “expect the best” approach because you will have seen the results.

The first step to getting yourself out of this disempowering habit is to start try to become more aware of your thoughts and your words.  It can be pretty difficult to monitor your thoughts because there are just so many of them running through your head all the time. But, what you say is usually a direct reflection of your thoughts and your words are often easier to catch than your thoughts.  At first, this will be hard and you will occasionally catch yourself focusing on what you don’t want. When you do, shift your thinking to focus on what you do want.  With practice you’ll gradually get better at this until eventually you have created a whole new habit — one of focusing only on what you want, hardly ever thinking about what you don’t, and just about always expecting the best.

Overcoming the Habit of Worrying

Worry attracts problems; it’s that simple.  But how do you break the habit?

You can tell when you are worrying because it is always associated with negative and stressful feelings.  Sometimes our mind wanders into worrying about stuff without us realizing it; this is unavoidable.  Fortunately, it’s easy to recognize the uneasy feelings associated with worrying and these can be the cue that makes you aware of it.

What to do when you catch yourself worrying:

  • Immediately switch to focusing on positive thoughts about what you want.
  • Use positive affirmations to focus on optimistic visions of your desired outcome.
    • Here’s an example — let’s say you are an aspiring writer and author and you’re getting discouraged.  Maybe you are having recurring negative thoughts like “writing is so hard for me, I’ll never be a writer.”  Neutralize these negative thoughts by saying out loud, or in your head, something like, “I can LEARN to write better. With practice I can become a good writer and a successful author.”
  • Ask the universe for help — sometimes referred to as Prayer. Whether you know it or not you’ve got spirit guides that would be delighted to help, all you have to do is ask.

Becoming a Master of Deliberate Creation

We are always creating our reality with our thoughts but most of us are doing it unconsciously and our many misguided mental habits are causing us to manifest incoherently and ineffectively.  By INTENTIONALLY thinking about the things you want while INTENTIONALLY NOT thinking about the things that you don’t want, you pave the way for smoother sailing in your life at every level.

Trust the Universe, trust the laws of creation, and trust your creational abilities.  Consistently focus on only what you want and expect the best and you will be amazed at the ease, grace, and abundance that will increasingly enter your life.

Let the magic begin!




Jeff “El Jefe”

ANDREA SCHULMAN: “4 Ways To Make BETTER Affirmations”

4 Ways To Make BETTER Affirmations

by Andrea Schulman,
Guest writer,

Affirmations can be tricky, tricky things.

Affirmations are positive statements designed to focus our attention on having the things we want in life. Many students of the Law of Attraction use affirmations regularly to align with their goals and desires.

A well-constructed affirmation can tap you into the knowledge that all is well, and that you are capable of great things. A well-constructed affirmation can help you attract more and more of the good things you are hoping to manifest with the Law of Attraction.

A not-so-well-constructed affirmation can leave you feeling bored and uninspired, or even worse, irritated, sad or angry! A not-so-well-constructed affirmation will actually push away the things you want.

Therefore, it’s really important to construct your affirmations with care!

What makes a good affirmation?

There are a number of characteristics of a good affirmation. However, in my opinion, the most important characteristic of a good affirmation is that it feels true.

Consider the following.

You are a young woman who just got dumped and who has a bad relationship with your family. You are feeling alone and uncared for. You want to attract in new relationships that make you feel connected and loved, so you decide to practice some affirmations.

You find a few affirmations, and decide to use this one daily: “I am loved.”

Do you imagine reciting the affirmation “I am loved,” over and over is going to feel particularly true to you in this situation?

Probably not. In fact, saying “I am loved” to yourself over and over again when you are clearly NOT feeling very loved is only going to amplify the feelings of being unloved, not loved.

Whenever we feel we don’t have something we want, telling ourselves we have it is a surefire way to establish greater feelings of insecurity.

When we assert something we don’t believe we have, it makes us feel like we are lying to ourselves. It’s not a good feeling. It’s like telling a sad person to smile and be positive when he or she is sobbing uncontrollably. It just doesn’t work, and it only makes the sad person feel worse.

Telling yourself you have something you don’t really believe you have is the wrong way to use affirmations. An affirmation must feel true in order to amplify positive feelings of belief.

If your affirmations don’t feel true, modify them.

So, what do you do? If you want to attract love, are you simply supposed to avoid all kinds of affirmations about love?

No! You can still use affirmations about love, just modify them to make them feel true!

Below are six affirmation modifiers you can use to make your affirmations ring true on a more consistent basis. Consider adding modifiers to adjust your affirmations and make them more effective.

1. “I’m looking forward to…”

When there’s something you want that you don’t have yet, one thing you can affirm is your excitement to get what you want.

Adding the modifier “I’m looking forward to…” to the beginning of your affirmation allows you to focus on what you want in a positive way. It enables you to practice the feeling of positive anticipation, which feels good.

The truth is, you are looking forward to this thing you want. For this reason, this affirmation should always ring true.

For example: “I am wealthy and successful” might not feel too true when you’re living paycheck to paycheck. Instead, change this affirmation to “I’m looking forward to wealth and success.”

2. “It feels really good when I…”

Sometimes, there are things we want again that we’ve had before. In times like this, this modifier is especially useful.

This affirmation modifier allows you to remember (and therefore practice) the feeling of having something you had before in the past.

Practicing the feeling of what you had is a great way to get into better alignment with the desire to have it again. This type of modifier asserts that you’ve done it before and it allows you to feel good about something you’ve accomplished in the past.

For example: “I attract positive people and circumstances” might not feel too true when you’re having a bad day and find yourself surrounded by negativity. In a situation like this, change this affirmation to “It feels really good when I attract positive people and circumstances.”

3. “I am often/frequently…”

Similar to the previous modifier, this affirmation modification asserts that you’ve done it before. This is another great modifier to use when there’s something you’ve had before that you want to experience again.

For example: “I am appreciated” might not feel to true when you’re feeling criticized or overlooked. Instead, try “I am often/frequently appreciated.”

4. “…in many ways.”

This is a great modifier to enhance something you already have some of, but you want more of.

The nice thing about this modifier is that amplifies the knowledge of all of the many ways you already have exactly what you’re asking for. This modifier encourages you to think about and dwell on the many reasons why you are already successful at getting what you want.

For example: “I am prosperous” might feel somewhat true to you because you have a home, a car and some money in the bank. To feel especially true, and to amplify the feeling of prosperity, add the modifier by saying “I am prosperous in many ways.”

Try them out!

I hope you find good use for these affirmation modifications. Use these four modifiers liberally, and play around with them to see which ones work well for the desires you are hoping to attract!

Remember, an effective affirmation makes you feel good because it’s a positive statement that feels very honest and true. Modifiers like these can help you amplify the authenticity of your affirmations.

Do you have any other affirmation modifications you use? Feel free to comment below and share them with me!

XO, Andrea


About the author:
Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She will be available for group educational seminars and webinars starting in the summer of 2015.





TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “Create the Life You Want Using These 5 Universal Laws”

universal laws

The Universe is a mystery. As Deepak Chopra states, “the Universe is not made of stuff but of possibilities mysteriously turning into the experience of stuff.”

We are not in the Universe, we are part of the Universe and together the vibration of all of our beings creates the life we experience here on planet earth.

We are all co-creators in this Universe and we all have the power to create whatever life we want, as long as it is aligned with the laws of the Universe.

Here are 5 of the most important Universal laws to understand if you wish to create a blissful reality for yourself-

1. The Law of Potential

You are pure consciousness that has manifested into physical form. This consciousness that you are holds infinite potential and is responsible for all creations.

The best way to understand this law is to feel it. You have the power to feel the potential of your consciousness through meditation and other spiritual practices.

In fact, the more you can tune into your consciousness or soul, the more you will be able to understand your own potential.

How to Use it: Get to understand and feel the potential of your consciousness through meditation and creative activities.

2. The Law of Frequency and Reflection 

Everything in this Universe carries a frequency. This frequency is emitted from your entire being including your thoughts, emotions and actions.

This frequency then attracts experiences, people and circumstances back into your vibrational field. This means that your thoughts, feelings and actions create a vibration that then reflects back to you. What you put out into the world through your vibration and through your energy comes back.

If every experience that comes your way is a reflection of your inner state, that means that every experience is here to teach you a valuable lesson about who you truly are and what you can overcome.

How to Use it: work on raising your frequency or vibration by thinking positively and focusing on the many blessings in your life.

3. The Law of Attraction 

This is probably the most well known law of the Universe and dictates that you have the ability to attract things into your reality based on the energy that you are emitting.

The more you focus on something, the bigger it grows and the more you think about something, the more likely you are to notice it. Like attracts like, so the more you can align yourself with the vibration of what you want to attract, the more likely it is to manifest in your life.

When you start aligning with your potential or pure consciousness, you automatically start sending out a vibration that is aligned with your highest path. This vibration then attracts the perfect opportunities and circumstances into your reality.

How to Use it: visualise what you want to create for your life and believe in your potential to create it.

4. The Law of Karma

There are certain experiences that your soul has come here to learn. These experiences are determined from past lives and before you came into your physical body. These experiences are your karma or points of growth in this life that you are meant to experience.

The law of karma ensures that you are always learning and growing from your past, and moving forward to help expand the consciousness of this Universe. Without the expansion of the Universe, the Universe ceases to exist.

How to Use it: trust in the flow of the Universe and remember that every experience is a blessing and opportunity.

5. The Law of Oneness

We are all connected, which means that what we do to others we do to ourselves and vice versa. We are all one and we are all equal.

When we understand this, we also understand that there is no competition and that there is no need to fear not having enough or not being enough. We are all part of the grand web of life, and we all have an important role to play in how reality manifests.

How to Use it: understand we are all equally important and we all have a purpose and gifts to share in this life.

There are believed to be around 12 laws of the Universe, but these 5 stand out as being the most important if you really want to create a blissful and harmonious life.







ANDREA SCHULMAN: “Are Your Desires Really Your Desires?”

Are Your Desires REALLY Your Desires

by Andrea Schulman,
Guest writer,

I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been experiencing a wave of new understandings about the Law of Attraction and the process of conscious creation.

The latest? The understanding that a lot of what we “think” we want, is not really what we want at all!

I’m starting to see that many of our desires are not our true desires at all, rather they are simply our limiting beliefs disguised as our desires.

I will give two examples of this hypothesis, and you can come to your own conclusions.

Here’s the first: Do we really want money because we value money and because money makes us happy? Or do we want money because we want to have unlimited abundance, and access the ability to do, be or have anything we want?

I believe that the true desire is not money at all, but rather it is REALLY a desire to know that we are infinitely abundant, and capable of having everything we want. It is a desire to know our own unlimited power to create.

Money is actually irrelevant to this higher desire, as it is simply a condition we have placed on ourselves that often limits the way we will accept our abundance. It is also a condition we use to measure (and therefore limit) our own abundance.

In other words, when we reach for money (rather than the knowledge that we are infinitely abundant), our value as creators becomes contingent on the money in our bank accounts. Therefore, we measure our worthiness of abundance by the number of dollars we have. Regardless of how high this number may be, it is always limited.

Instead of reaching for, and accepting, signs that we are infinitely abundant, we reach for a sign that our abundance is limited. The more we believe our abundance is conditional on the money in our accounts, the more limited we feel, and the more disconnected we become from all forms of abundance (including, but not limited to, money).

What we really want is to feel worthy of our own unlimited abundance, but in order to feel worthy of our abundance, we cannot be concerned about “proving” our worthiness through the number of dollars in our accounts. We have to become more cognizant of all of the many ways we are supported in doing, being and having what we want.

In other words, money is just one way that we are abundant. It is not the end-all-be-all to abundance!

There are infinite resources out there that help us achieve the things we wish to achieve in life. The planet, our ecosystem, the help of others, the ideas we receive through the internet, and our intuition are just a handful of examples of abundant resources that assist us in creating the things we wish to create.

This isn’t to say that you can’t attract money, but if you are interested in attracting money and it isn’t coming, it might be worth exploring your beliefs about why you want it. If you only feel worthy of your abundance when the dollars are flowing, it is likely that your desire for money is simply a sign that you are reaching for the limitation of your abundance, rather than your expansion of it.

Reach for the higher desire and uncover your knowledge of your infinite abundance. The money will flow more easily, and it won’t carry the weight of limitation it once did. Even better, you will find yourself receptive to more and more forms of abundance.

Here’s the second example: Why do we want social approval? Why do we value things like “likes” on our Facebook and Instagram posts? Why do so many people crave fame?

Is it because these desires are truly reflective of what we really want? Does fame and social approval truly make our lives better? Does is really give us our true desire?

In my opinion, when someone reaches for social approval, what they are REALLY craving is unconditional love. We want others to prove their love for us so that we can prove to ourselves we are worthy of being loved.

Unfortunately, when we reach for social approval, we deny ourselves of this higher desire to be unconditionally loved. Reaching for social approval means that we are reaching for conditional love, not unconditional love.

Reaching for outside validation from others is simply another way of screaming out into the universe “I am not worthy of love as I am! I am only worthy of love when others approve of me!” Then, instead of getting our true desire (unconditional love) we only reinforce our limiting belief (that we must gain other people’s approval in order to be loved).

This pursuit ultimately makes us feel unworthy, drawing us further and further away from our true desire to be loved.

This is just something to consider. Sometimes the things we say we want, really aren’t what we want at all. Sometimes the things we are reaching for are actually pulling us further and further from our true desires.

So, if there is something you have been reaching for, and it hasn’t been coming, and it’s been making you feel bad that it hasn’t been coming, I say there MUST be a limiting belief in the equation. It is quite possible that the dream you are reaching for isn’t truly your desire, but rather it is your belief in limitation disguised as your desire.

As I mentioned earlier, when we reach for money instead of our true desire (knowledge of our unlimited abundance) we reach for signs that teach us our abundance is limited. When we reach for social approval instead of our true desire (unconditional love), we reach for signs that prove to us that we are only loved conditionally.

If there is something you want that isn’t coming to you, do yourself a favor and dig a little deeper. What do you REALLY want, and is this thing you are asking for a true reflection of this inner desire?

Truth be told, you can attract anything you want into your life with the Law of Attraction, but it is my belief that to truly experience the expansion we crave, to truly feel loved, worthy and abundant, we have to be willing to let go of the limitations that tell us we can only have these things conditionally.

This doesn’t mean you have to be poor and it doesn’t mean you have to be a loner. In fact, my point is quite the opposite. It just means in reaching beyond the dollars and beyond the “likes” you open yourself up to a much greater flow of abundance and love than you can ever achieve as long as you are chasing after limited forms of these true desires.

Reach for abundance in all forms, and let the universe show you that money is just the beginning. Reach for unconditional love, and come to learn that you can feel loved exactly as you are.

Reach a little farther, and find your true desire. I believe this is the true path to our happiness, and the true path beyond the limitations that hold us back from the things we REALLY want.

XO, Andrea

Click here for more articles by Andrea Schulman!

About the author:
Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She will be available for group educational seminars and webinars starting in the summer of 2015.

GREGG PRESCOTT: “Outside Of Love, This Is One Of The Highest Vibrational Things You Can Do!”

Outside Of Love, This Is One Of The Highest Vibrational Things You Can Do!

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Every day, we are presented numerous opportunities to do one of the highest vibrational things we can do but we often overlook or forget to do so.

Outside of love, gratitude has one of the highest vibrations because when we show gratitude, we selflessly give it to others, or we graciously acknowledge what others have done for us.

For example, I use the Law of Attraction to get one of the best parking spots at the beach. At the beach where I go to, there are only 25 parking spots or so, but I KNOW the best spot will be waiting for me.  When I pull into that spot, usually the one closest to the beach (or one of the two next to it), I always say, “Thank you, Universe!”

One time, I went to the beach for the sunset and the only spot available was the one furthest away from the beach.  I didn’t understand why I got that spot until I left.  This particular parking spot has one lane and you need to turn around at the end of the parking to in order to get out.  By getting the last spot, all I needed to do was back out.  Thank you, Universe!

When I go the the beach, I do a “Walk of Gratitude“.  There is a sea wall at the end of the beach which serves as a reminder to show gratitude for all that is good in life.

I begin by showing gratitude to:

  • Creator
  • Source
  • Universe
  • Spirit guides
  • Guardian angels
  • Friends & family on both sides of the veil
  • Galactic neighbors & friends
  • Higher self
  • Mother Earth

I call the above group my “posse”.

I use Ho’oponopono by addressing my posse by saying:

  • I’m sorry
  • Please forgive me
  • Thank you
  • I love you

I then ask my posse to help me turn on all of the codons in my DNA so I can heal myself and others in humanity’s best interests.  We only have 22 of the 64 codons in our DNA turned on, so hypothetically, if we can figure out how to turn on ALL of the codons in our DNA, we could do ANYTHING!.  I talked about this in my presentation at the 2016 Superpower Activation Conference here in Sarasota:

Right now, more than ever, it’s very important to keep your vibrations high and one of the easiest ways to do so is through gratitude!

Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott!

About the Author:
Gregg Prescott <a href=Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. His love and faith for humanity motivates him to work relentlessly in humanity’s best interests 12-15+ hours a day, 365 days a year. Please like and follow In5D on Facebook as well as BodyMindSoulSpirit on Facebook!

GREGG PRESCOTT: “6 Ways To Access Higher Consciousness”

6 Ways To Access Higher Consciousness

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Would you like to access higher states of consciousness? The following are 6 ways you can do this!

6 Ways To Access Higher Consciousness

1. Discernment. Discernment involves using your cognitive abilities by questioning EVERYTHING! When you do so, you begin your spiritual journey by seeking answers through truth.

2. Intuition. Similar to discernment, intuition is basically using your gut feelings to guide you.

3. Opening your 3rd eye. Your 3rd eye will show you things that were previously inaccessible to you. I give a tutorial on how to do this in the article, “Do THIS Right Before You Go To Sleep To Open Your 3rd Eye!“.

4. Meditate. Meditation helps to bring your mind into the alpha state where you can easily tap into higher states of consciousness.

5. Use the Law of Attraction. Try asking the universe for ideas and suggestions on what your direction should be… or any other question you may have. The key is to LISTEN and to OBSERVE what is shown to you, as you are always being guided toward your life purpose.

6. Ask your spirit guides and guardian angels. Your spirit guides and guardian angels are there for you, 24/7/365 but they cannot act without you first asking them to do so, due to the Law of Free Will. Of course, they can gently guide you by giving you symbols such as a feather appearing out of nowhere to let you know they’re there for you, but you have to ASK them for help if you need it!

4 Tips in preparing yourself to access higher states of consciousness

1. Ground yourself. Staying grounded is a great way to prepare yourself for higher states of consciousness. Try going for a walk (barefooted, preferably) and connecting with nature. Similar to #4 (Meditation) you may be able to connect with nature to reach higher states of consciousness.

2. Live in the heart. Stay heart-centered as much as possible, thus keeping the lines of communication open between you and higher consciousness.

3. Ho’oponopono. With feeling behind it, say Please forgive me, I’m sorry, thank you, and I love you at any given time throughout the day. The Universe LOVES gratitude!

4.Turn off the TV! The biggest deterrent to accessing higher consciousness is watching television or low vibrational movies that feature horror or the killing of someone.

Deciding to live in higher states of consciousness is a full-time job. Take it seriously, yet have fun with it. As you change, the world changes around you.

Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott!

About the Author:
Gregg Prescott <a href=Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. His love and faith for humanity motivates him to work relentlessly in humanity’s best interests 12-15+ hours a day, 365 days a year. Please like and follow In5D on Facebook as well as BodyMindSoulSpirit on Facebook!

GREGG PRESCOTT: “The Psychology Of Control Freaks”

The Psychology Of Control Freaks

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Why do people feel the need to control others and what lessons can we learn from both sides of this dilemma?

Controlling people generally fall into the Type A personality classification. These people are controlling, very competitive, self-critical, experience a constant sense of urgency, can be easily aroused to the point of anger, thrive on attention, and are generally extroverts.

Type B personalities are generally laid back, relaxed, easy going, reclusive, and are generally introverts.

We’ve all known that Type A controlling personality at some point in our lives. For me, my mother fits into this category. Despite her controlling ways, I love her with all of my heart. I know that ultimately, she only wants the best for her children. At a young age, my mother lost her mother to cancer, so she really didn’t have a role model to guide her. She became “the woman of the house” for my grandfather, who expected my mother to cook, clean, and do all of the household chores. My grandfather’s expectations of my mother are most likely the reason why she’s a Type A personality.

In just about every relationship I’ve had in my life, women were mostly controlling.

Enter, the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction constantly brings us what we need in our lives so we can spiritually evolve. For me, it was controlling women. In my last marriage, the Universe played a funny trick on me. Not only did it send me a Type A controlling woman, she was born on the same exact day as my mother (which is why I shy away from Virgos!).

My ex-wife is a Registered Nurse and has psychic abilities. When she was little, she would get visions and sometimes, they weren’t so nice. She was raised in a Southern Christian family, so these visions were most likely not accepted or were an embarrassment to her and her family. Additionally, they scared her and she ended up suppressing her ability only to find solace within the box of conformity and has remained there ever since. I can’t help but think about how many people she could be helping (or saving) by using her psychic abilities as an RN.

So, here I am married to (basically) my mother!

What the Law of Attraction was ultimately trying to tell me was to confront my mother.

One time, my sisters and I all met at my parent’s house. My mother, who my sisters and I loving call, “The Agenda Queen,” had mapped out every minute we were there. My sisters and I just wanted to relax and make plans on the fly, but my mother already had everything planned out. That’s when I finally confronted her. I told her that we just wanted to enjoy each other’s company without any time restrictions, plans, schedules, etc.. and if we end up doing anything, WE will decide what we do. Surprisingly, my mother backed down as it was the first time any of her children stood up to her controlling tendencies.

When people try to control others, it generally shows a projection of some sort of insecurity within themselves. In other words, some part of their life is out of control. It’s very similar to when someone calls you a derogatory name. When they do this, it’s generally that which they fear within themselves. For example, if someone calls you an “idiot”, being called an idiot is probably their greatest fear, so they deflect the attention away from them, and project it onto others. Similarly, control freaks are projecting some sort of insecurities within their own lives.

Despite their need for control, control freaks have some positive attributes in a strange way. For example, we are always being led and guided to life lessons that end up being for our highest good. Sometimes, these lessons are given by control freaks. When this happens to you, try to look at the lesson from the standpoint of an observer and SEE what Universe is trying to show you because chances are, there’s a lesson in there that will help your spiritual progression.

Try to see the reason why someone is controlling you. Take an honest look at yourself and see if there’s any part og you that’s being mirrored back at you through controlling behaviors.

For example, (and we’re all guilty of this at some point in our lives) have you ever told someone, “You really need to watch this movie (or video)?” I have, and I bet you have too. No one likes being told what to do, even if it’s in our highest good and comes from a loving heart. As for myself, I rebel from anyone who tries to control me.

Let’s take the same scenario. What if someone said, “I just saw a really great movie that I thought you might enjoy.”

No demands. No control. The ball is in your court.

If someone is controlling you, there may be controlling aspects about yourself that are being projected, so if you catch yourself saying, “You need to ______” to anyone, you can thank the control freak for mirroring something that can help you in your spiritual progression.

If you are a controlling person, try using tact and/or give options instead of demanding or controlling others. Also, try to find the areas in your life that are out of control and address them with love and without fear.

The fear of SOMETHING is why some people control other people. Once you can eliminate the fear, you can eliminate the control.

Follow In5D on Facebook!

Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott!

About the Author:
Gregg Prescott <a href=Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. You can find his In5D Radio shows on the In5D Youtube channel. He is also a transformational speaker and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. His love and faith for humanity motivates him to work in humanity’s best interests 12-15+ hours a day, 365 days a year. Please like and follow In5D on Facebook as well as BodyMindSoulSpirit on Facebook!

GREGG PRESCOTT: “Change Your Reality With A Walk Of Gratitude”

Change Your Reality With A Walk Of Gratitude

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

The Law of Attraction will bring you whatever is predominantly on your mind. What if you were able to change future events right now by simply thinking positive thoughts and affirmations? Even the simplest things make a difference, such as letting a car into heavy traffic or opening the door for someone.

Every day, I try to make it to the beach for a 3 mile walk. When I’m at the beach, I also take a “Walk of Gratitude,” where I thank the Creator, Universe, my spirit guides and guardian angels, friends and family on both sides of the veil, our galactic neighbors and friends, Mother Earth and my higher self. I express love and gratitude to all and add that I will continue to listen and be guided with an open mind, ears, eyes, and heart. I also ask for abundance in everything that is good in life as well as protection and safety in all areas of life. I never specifically ask for anything materialistic because materialism is what divides us as people.

While walking to my particular spot where I express my gratitude, I envision a “bubble of love” that encompasses everything and everyone around me. Sometimes, I’ll smile and say, “Good Morning” to people who I make eye contact with, but inside, I’m saying, “I love you.”

I also try to incorporate a mantra where I tell myself that my DNA is changing as all of my codons are open, as we only have 22 of our 64 codons open in our DNA. I ask all of those I express gratitude to, to help me open these remaining codons, so I can heal myself and others in the best interests of humanity.

Within this Walk of Gratitude, there is a balance of service to self and service to others, all in the highest vibrations of truth and love.

If you incorporate a similar routine in your life (feel free to amend anything and make it YOURS), you’ll find the world will change around you. I can’t express the importance of thinking positive thoughts as each thought is energy that goes out into the aether and exists as a possibility for future events.

On a side note, you will receive extra benefits of absorbing positive electrons through your feet by walking barefooted.  Also, if you’re walking on the beach, walk near the water so you can get additional benefits of the negative ions of the crashing waves.  These negative ions are what make you “feel good” while at the beach!

Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott!

About the Author:
Gregg Prescott <a href=Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. His love and faith for humanity motivates him to work relentlessly in humanity’s best interests 12-15+ hours a day, 365 days a year. Please like and follow In5D on Facebook as well as BodyMindSoulSpirit on Facebook!

ANDREA SCHULMAN: “It’s True – Your Mind Plays Tricks On You”

It’s True - Your Mind Plays Tricks On You

by Andrea Schulman,
Guest writer, 

Like all people, I experience a range of emotions, some high and some low. At this point in my life, I’ve learned how to raise my vibration deliberately, and I am pretty good at hanging around in happiness for longer periods of time, but I’ve noticed my mind plays tricks on me when I’m in the lower vibrations. My guess is that yours does too!

See, when we are in the lower vibrations, we are a “match” to thoughts that mirror how we feel inside. When we are sad, the sad thoughts pile one on top of the next. When we are angry, more things to be angry about present themselves easily and relentlessly.

For instance, have you ever been upset at someone, and then every last little terrible thing they had ever done in their life suddenly popped into your memory? Have you ever been in an argument and just kept thinking of new reasons to be mad?

The truth is, when you are in a negative state, the floodgates of negative thoughts will open. Suddenly, there’s not just one reason to be mad, there’s a dozen. Almost instantaneously, there’s not just one reason to feel down, there’s a hundred more marching in behind it.

These thoughts don’t mean that you are failing, or making mistakes or headed toward a miserable end in life. It’s just the Law of Attraction, bringing you thoughts that you are a vibrational match to in a temporary state, that’s all.

This can be tricky for someone who is trying to deliberately raise his or her vibration. While you may want to “think positive,” thinking positive does not come naturally from a place of depression or anger.

This can be even trickier for someone who doesn’t know about the Law of Attraction, and it’s why many people get “stuck” in the lower vibrations for long periods of time.

Understanding this mechanism has been very helpful to me, and my hope is that it will be for you as well.

When the negative thoughts start to pile up, I’ve learned it can be very effective to remind myself of how attraction works. Instead of taking these thoughts too seriously, I’ll simply tell myself “The only reason why I am thinking these negative thoughts right now is because I am in a low vibrational state. When I am feeling better, it will all make sense and I’ll feel optimistic about my life again.”

This is helpful because it’s a quick reminder to me that good things can still happen for me, and when I feel a little happier, I’ll find the solutions I need and make the progress I am seeking. Instead of worrying and fussing and getting too caught up in the negativity, I remember these thoughts aren’t particularly rational, and they aren’t a true representation of me or my life.

The truth is, I’ve found my way to a smile or a laugh almost every single day of my life, and chances are you have too. Even people who don’t understand the power of positive thinking are known to be happy from time to time, and this means that our negative thoughts are never universally significant or valid. We are all seeking our happiness, and this is why even the most miserable people are usually still able to find it with regularity.

You are a powerful creator when you are happy, and anyone who can find happiness can become what they want to become.

This reminder gives me a little relief, and relief is exactly what you need when you are down to pick yourself back up. Relief is always the path back to happiness, and this statement can be an effective step in the right direction.

So when you’re upset or mad, and it seems like you’re getting nothing but hostile or depressing thoughts, remember that your mind plays tricks on you when you are down. From a low vibrational state, low vibrational thoughts are magnetized to you. However, when your mood bounces back up (and it always does) you will be a magnet for thoughts that remind you of your power and a stream of reasons to be happy and grateful for your life and everything in it-even the things that seem so awful in the moment.

You can do, be or have anything that you want, and you’ll see this truth more clearly when the storm passes. All you have to do is hang on for a little bit.



JENNIFER CLEVELAND: “What Kind of Energy Are You Attracting?”

What Kind of Energy Are You Attracting?

What kind of energy are you attracting? We are all creating an energy flow from our thoughts constantly whether we are being mindful of it or not. Fear can be a fierce creator of negative energy in our lives if we don’t become willing to witness where we choose it over love. When we are in a state of love it feels natural to offer blessings, be generous with our time and to speak positively. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to make sure you’re making enough room for positive energy flow in your life!

1.) Are you meditating upon waking?

Starting your day off in prayer or meditation allows us to focus on what we are grateful for, set intentions and simply become present. Apply this powerful practice daily for a positive vibe throughout your day!

2.) Do you feel the need to control?

Despite our best efforts to control everything the truth is the Universe is orchestrating the show! Resisting the natural flow of things only causes stress that in response creates negative energy in our life. The sooner you make peace with surrendering the sooner you’ll start to be at peace and allow positive thoughts to flow.

3.) Are you taking enough down time?

With today’s “glorification of busy” mindset it can feel almost impossible to find the balance between moving our body and finding down time! Downtime is a powerful tool to guide us into our hearts, heal and detox our bodies, and gain insight into our ideas and creativity! Make the shifts necessary to schedule a little rest and relaxation.

4.) Do you love and accept yourself just as you are right now?

The way we feel and talk about ourselves is ultimately attracting the energy we will receive from others. Focus on all the qualities you love about yourself by making a list…add to it everyday!!!

How did you do?? What kind of energy are you pulling in? Where can you eliminate stress and allow positive thoughts to circulate?

About the author: Jennifer Cleveland is a licensed stylist, performer and yoga guide. She’s always had a passion for being physically active and exposing the light in others. Follow Jennifer on Instagram @Zennylynn or check her out on Facebook!