LISA RENEE: “Forgiveness Prayer”

“Holy Mother and Father God, Holy Christ Sophia, and my ascension teams, please grant and assist me in unconditional forgiveness and forgetfulness for myself and all others who have hurt or harmed me, intentionally or unintentionally. Please connect to and fortify my/your 12D Shield.

Beloveds, I am requesting assistance to clear, source and collapse self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors. I request gate keeping for my prayers so I may heal. I commit to my healing. By the power invested in me by the name of Christ, I am claiming my freedom, sovereignty and liberation now and always.

For throughout the time space continuum, Beloved God.

I forgive myself for feeling like a victim. I forgive myself for being a victimizer.

If there are specific memories I need to remember, please bring them forward so I may heal them.

If there is an uncompleted work in me, lead me into a remembrance of the things, activities and covenants that I still need to renounce and bring balance. Protect my mind and emotions and hold my hand as we enter through this gateway together. I know that I am not alone in this work anymore, and I completely trust my direct relationship with you.

I forgive myself for letting my negative ego rule my responses to the way I live and the way I respond to others. I forgive friends, family and leaders of industry and government for letting their negative ego rule their way of living. I forgive myself for letting my life be controlled by various mind control programs of the NAA. I forgive others for letting their lives be controlled by various NAA mind control programs. I forgive myself for manifesting painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, fear, and anger. I forgive others for manifesting painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, fear, and anger. I forgive myself for holding on to self-sabotaging programs and actions. I forgive everyone who holds onto self-sabotaging programs and actions. I forgive myself for listening to my head instead of my heart. I forgive others for listening to their head instead of their heart.

I choose to forgive my oppressors and tormenters completely and totally. Beloved God, help me to continue to choose unconditional forgiveness and forgetfulness and to bless those that have hurt me, as they need love and are hurting themselves. Bless them to be saved from the oppression of enslavement and to realize that you have granted our freedom.

My body, mind, spirit, and soul belongs to God Source and is a vehicle of Christ Intelligence. Listening to my inner God Spirit is All there Is. I do this for one, as I do this for all.

Thank you, God. Thank you, God, Thank you God.

And so it is, With Deep love and gratitude.”

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “We Are Being Lied To And We Must Grow Up To Recognize And Realize That Fact”

“The Media has an important role in spinning disinformation and targeting humanity in a mass Mind Control Operation. Through data collection and surveillance, they begin to formulate the schematic of the majority of the mass consciousness perception on a variety of topics that they can use in the media to weaponize narratives. They seek to get people to tune into certain Reality Bubbles that they set up as a social experiment, that lead into a type of consciousness trap, in which the holographic insert would broadcast the mind control reality that creates a cover narrative. The narrative is the illusion generated for its outer appearance, an inverted reality that is distorted and energetically opposite of what it actually appears to be. Thus, specific attention is being paid to the perception of reality that groups of people have in a reality bubble, while being exposed to a variety of scenarios combined with the group’s emotional reaction patterns to the various mass media content that is being spread. These are social experiments and psychological operations in which they measure ranges of perceptual ability that exists in varying sections of the public that generate these reality bubbles. They are attempting to find a baseline of consensus reality which appeals to the majority of current consciousness levels, seeking to manipulate the main reality bubbles that can be controlled through ranges of perception that they desire the public to follow. They want to mislead the majority of the population into a feedline of spoon-fed information that will continue to reinforce the culling of the said reality bubble. They seek to brainwash the masses into distraction from connecting the dots and perceiving the much larger picture of world events, disclosure and planetary ascension. Unfortunately, as we are being inundated with all forms of media, there are many unscrupulous tactics to use subtle and not so subtle ways to target people with sophisticated webs of deceptions and mind control. How desperate we are for hearing and seeing the truth during these end times. How demoralized we feel when everything that is being blasted at us through full spectrum AI driven algorithmic propaganda has flooded the zones of everything we once enjoyed as the simple pleasures of life— feeling the sinister encroachment of mind control lies poisoning everything it touches. Mind Control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems, which direct thoughts that are in contradiction to each other, like war and killing for peace. As long as the planet is at war with itself, and humanity thinks we are at war with each other, we feed into the mind control system of the NAA, which allows them to continue the vampirism of planetary resources, and enforce the genocide of the people. Therefore, we must reeducate ourselves to learn how the media is used as a directed psychological and emotional operation that is used against the public, in order to get the desired results as premeditated and orchestrated by those who are behind spoon feeding and controlling how these messages are being presented. It is critical we learn how news outlets are actually sponsored commercials that are being used to promote a series of harmful agendas, and how these messages can entrain our brains to feel certain emotions toward products and even commercial or political candidates. Please be aware that for a great many years, the NAA have continued to use clone warfare to confuse the public so they are unable to tell who is a deceptive fraud acting as a falsified identity through clone warfare. Further, these mind control programs are implanted into the spiritually blind and morally corrupt, the hopelessly brainwashed through these abominations that appear as black hole entities of the Beast Machine. Christos Starseeds are able to track and view artificial intelligence structures and false holograms being used to clone their image, projects and grid work, in attempts to stop the progression of tri-wave architecture in the planetary field. For some gridworkers it is a way of life and we know it is the standard NAA playbook to form dark resistance to our service and mission. However, these tactics with inserts are used to scare or intimidate those groups who are newly awakening, and are not yet aware of the predictable bullying antics of the NAA. This is how they engineer divide and conquer scenarios and incite confusion. In this way they use the frequency fence or artificial technology algorithm to block out the range of higher frequencies, of knowledge and information that does not fall into the average range of perception, that is manifesting in the majority of the collective consciousness. As an example, we can say that there is a reality bubble deliberately culling the masses into the belief of governmental party lines as good or bad, and that voting Republican or Democrat matters. These are methods of Divide and Conquer played out in the Inverted System, to keep the masses polarized on matters that are insignificant, feeding into the deception. Many adults are unable to discern, comprehend or synthesize the information they are reading, and thus rely on the televised propaganda churned out by the Controllers’ mainstream media broadcasts of CIA-owned news anchors. To be better informed we must stop knee jerk reactions and losing impulse control from reacting to the media as if we believe its content is truthful or accurate. It is not. We are being lied to, and we must grow up to recognize and realize that fact.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Reality Bubbles / Seek the Kingdom of God

Read related article:

LISA RENEE on “Televised Propaganda Churned Out by the Controllers’ Mainstream Media Broadcasts of CIA-Owned News Anchors”

Images courtesy of Ascension Avatar

LISA RENEE on “We All Have to Do Our Own Inner Work”

“Over the last decade, with the steady amplification of polarities, the rising intensity of external energies and forces, the challenges that we may have to face that test our character, test our mettle, seem to have been greatly magnified. We have often spoken about the planetary Dark Night of the Soul, and by observing the outer world, its clear that it’s in full swing. Over the past year, I have prayed countless times for guidance on what is the best process for helping people that are enduring extreme challenges, and painful transitions, when they have not been educated with strong coping skills or given proper support towards knowing the absolute necessity of cultivating Resilience. We live in a culture of mind control to shape weak characters, and habits that weaken our mind, body and energy field, so that we are easily overwhelmed by dominating forces and challenges. Life on earth is not easy, it is a tough school of knocks in which we can learn a tremendous amount, especially now. To survive these challenges, we have to look at life on earth as lessons and learning, looking at painful or negative events as an opportunity to see something that we did not see before, or to change how we perceive the world around us. As we learn from our life experiences and we can observe more clearly, we gain more emotional intelligence and the ability to explore our true purpose. Why did you come to earth now? All of us have things to accomplish on earth during the ascension cycle, and these experiences are deeply personal, intimate and unique to who we are. No other person can define the spiritual purpose for another, this is our responsibility to find out. To gain an accurate assessment of the reality we find ourselves, we will need to know ourselves very deeply. We may need to take off the rose colored glasses of denial in order to to see the accurate truth inside things, or we may need to find the light that does exist in the darkness while it sleeps, finding faith, love and acceptance in the spirit of humanity. People may have gathered many delusions in their belief system about what it means to be happy and to feel pleasure, which is instant gratification that is portrayed by the mainstream media and consumptive modeling to make us believe in such fantasies and crafted advertisements as if they are real stories. Instant gratification teaches us little, we cannot learn about ourselves and the world we live in, if we believe instant gratification and selfish desires are the meaning of life. This is a luciferian and satanic narrative to keep us weakened and trapped in material delusions. Learning how to deal with difficulty, being willing to really see the truth of the matter, is much more productive than clinging to an illusion. To feel content and connected, it is required that you learn how to be strong and self reliant, that you pick yourself up after a fall, and that you know how to refocus your mind away from emotional sadness when you don’t succeed or get your needs met. One of the most important skills we need today, is to live in peace with unmet desires and needs. Attachments make us suffer greatly, and as such we should have preferences and not attachment to the outcome. This does not mean you give up, it means you never give up and look at life as lessons to build character and strength, you keep moving forward the best way you know how to in the moment. How can you find the inspiration to persist instead of getting depressed or angry when things go awry, and to accept that they often will? Much of the time, life on planet earth is about conflict resolution and learning how to synthesize energies in the world of extremes, to neutralize polarity and return to peace. How do people deal with difficult events that completely transform and change their lives? The death of a loved one, loss of a job, serious illness, criminal attacks and other traumatic events. These are all examples of very challenging life experiences. Many people react to such difficult circumstances with a flood of strong emotions and a sense of uncertainty and fear, bringing on mental paralysis or anxiety. Navigating life’s challenges requires life skills. To develop life skills, you have to live through your life, gaining experience, gaining wisdom from hard earned lessons. This process involves resilience, it is an ongoing process that requires time and effort and engages people in taking a number of steps. Developing resilience is a personal journey towards maturity whereby each person will have to choose different approaches in order to build personal resilience. Resilience is an important energy building tool, being resilient also helps to keep healthy boundaries that build a stronger energy field, or aura. Our goal is to build strength in our inner world via inner reflection and meditation, which is building the energetic strength of our energy field, while learning how to observe and remain neutral to what happens in the outer world. We must remember that we are in a war over control over the mind, and limitations and pain we feel are also created in the mind, which means we have the power to remove and clear them from impacting us. Destructive behavior patterns of the past may transform into more positive behavior as one begins to solve the mysterious puzzle of human interactions and gain a quiet and confident understanding of them. Anxiety may yield to more peaceful, tranquil, and contented feelings as ones deeper emotional understanding increases. One starts to gain improved self-confidence and feel empowered, and less confused and frustrated with circumstances. Overall, one can transform from confused to confident; from clueless to comprehending and enlightened, from fragmented to coherent, from shallow to deep, and from oppressed to liberated, as one learns how to become the authentic self. We change the locus of power, giving power to our inner spirit and inner world, while removing external influences form having power over us. This takes some time to master. The energies in the outer world can be tough, harsh, painful and surreal. That is a fact, and it is what it is. The truth is that this does not have to disturb your inner peace, connection and purpose. May we share more about the quality of resilience, knowing we are in this together, and we all have to do our own inner work.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Resilience / Coherence

LISA RENEE on “Forgiveness”

Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. Forgiveness is important process of the 12 Practices of Self Awareness, Meditate and give attention to these twelve areas to practice better personal self awareness and to discipline the Negative Ego and Pain Body. When you are self aware you are INFORMED and CLEAR and you are less prone to Mind Control and related levels of Archontic Deception Behavior. What we endeavor at this time is to move away from inner confusion and move towards discovering inner clarity. To forgive another person or circumstance is the most generous thing one can do for yourself. When we forgive others for perceived transgressions it frees us from the bonds, entanglements and cords which manifest painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, and anger. Forgiving yourself is the most important action one can take to clearing self-sabotaging bonds of victimhood and their painful wounds. Forgiveness does not mean that you accept abuse or harmful energies or actions being directed to you, such as people that are sociopaths and do not feel remorse or hold any respectful boundaries. It is possible to forgive a person who is possessed by negative forces, and to be completely neutral towards them, and yet know that for your health and well being you have to set proper boundaries or distance away from them. When undergoing severe trauma at the hands of another, it is important to know that person many times ceases to be in control of themselves, as they are being controlled by negative forces that carry out these harmful acts against other people. Practicing forgiveness can remove cords, attachments and bindings that are energetically connected with other people or dark forces from the emotional trauma that event generated. This is another reason why true forgiveness is freeing to the consciousness, and is an important part of reclaiming your core self.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Alpha Brain Wave State”

“Often our minds fall into a groove of inner dialogue that has a certain tone or resonance to it. Sometimes our mind is agitated and sometimes our mind is very calm. We are expansive and receptive when we are calm, centered and mentally relaxed. When our mind feels agitated and stirred up, we then become constricted and energetically blocked. Agitation and worry often indicate that we are operating in the active Beta brain wave state, which is where most adults operate from when anxious and worried. When our mental body and mind feel calm and flowing, it means we are in the more relaxed Alpha brain wave state, where children generally operate from. Try to operate from the Alpha brain wave state as much as possible since that expands and allows more body awareness and energetic flow to vitalize your body. You will experience greater ease in your life and begin to go with the flow, allowing yourself to receive more ‘spiritual-energetic’ support into your daily life. Contact with the spiritual realms and access to our inner spirit comes from being in the flow of the now moment awareness with a calm and serene mind.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Krystal Aegis