LISA RENEE on “Pendragon”

Cosmic Christos Sophia Celtic Maji Grail Lines (art by Sequoia)

“In the Celtic world, the Pendragons or Head Dragon was masculine and was carried from the bloodline of Fey, which holds deeper meaning that Pendragon as an Earth Guardian holds the fate of the timelines being recorded in the entire grail bloodline. It is important to be aware of the fact that the Anti-Christ forces have taken this use of the title Pendragon or Dragon and generated the satanic version for their inverted purposes of hijacking the original creator code, as well as hiding the spiritual knowledge that is sacred to all angelic humans. The Cosmic Christ in our Universal creation is from the source of the Cosmic Solar Dragons that are from the God Worlds and are free Cosmic Citizens, the Dragon is not our enemy, it is the ancient Founder genetic lineage from which all Diamond Sun humans were created in God’s image. Dragon is not meant to be taken as the literal meaning of the word in a physical sense, but is the esoteric knowledge of the energy signature of our divine human form and where we all have come from. Pendragon is the Fey Grail Bloodline of King Arthur that originates from the Christos Diamond Sun lines from Andromeda, thus we call this the Solar Dragon breath of the Aquafey, the source of original Holy Father to Christos Son source codes. Thus, King Arthur was a living man that was assigned to be the guardian protectorate and Pendragon of the original Nazarene Teachings being hidden by the original Celtic Church that went underground around 22,000 years ago. In previous articles we have already established that there were a few previous timeline embodiments of Arthur the Aquafey that had incarnated in service to the Christos Mission, and that King Arthur had finally returned into his embodiment to begin grid work for returning the Triple Solar Goddess emanations, recovering the body parts for his genetic equal Merida-Guinevere-Brigid earlier this year [2021]. Thus, the Solar Dragon breath of Aquafey transmits the Holy Father’s Emerald Ray prisms through Father Sun Codes to reunite the Christos-Sophia in corrected Triple Solar Masculine Christ coding throughout the Universal Time Matrix.

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Shifting into Higher Frequency Bands”

Photo: Ascension Avatar – August 21, 2017

“At the end of 2017, the planetary body began shifting into the higher frequency bands that are located in the next Harmonic Universe which began the Planetary Emancipation Cycle. Then another major milestone for planetary ascension occurred on December 21, 2020 with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn which resulted in the reconfiguration of the 6D-7D morphogenetic fields with the new Gold Sun DNA angelic human blueprint. This blueprint is the Angelic Human Gold Sun Solar body which acts as the ascending vehicle for all of humanity on the Earth. These events are connected to the five-year cycle of Planetary Emancipation that initiated a series of ongoing Paliadorian plasma activations to fulfill the ancient agreements of the Paliadorian Covenant. These Christos Starseed solar body activations were to further ensure the Return of the Emerald Order to override the artificial intelligence realities formed by the NAA that were the result of hijacking the authentic Emerald Sun DNA and Azurite identities. The planetary body is moving into another stage of timeline completion to prepare for the global consciousness rebirth cycle [which began approximately March 2022]. The tipping point within the collective consciousness is awakening with the clear evidence of many shocking abuses of power that have been carried out by those in authority or in public view that were being directed by the hidden hands controlling global power. This includes the revelation of the many crimes made against humanity that have been purposely orchestrated behind an incredibly well-planned and heavily funded agenda for carrying out global human genocide. During this phase humanity is enduring an intensely emotional bifurcation and painful consciousness rebirth cycle, to prepare for the shifts happening within the planetary coordinates and planetary timelines, thus changing where the planetary consciousness is actually located in Universal space-time. The pinnacle of the Ascension Cycle marks the end of the 3D collective timelines on the Earth, which means the crumbling of the controlled narrative as our planet is evolving beyond the old systems of mind control and human slavery. As the planet is moving into higher frequencies that are located in a future time-space, it is shifting the planetary consciousness into a future dimensional octave. This skips the entire planetary consciousness field into future timelines that resonate with much higher dimensional frequencies. This means that the lower three-dimensional frequency bands will cease to exist in the planet as they did previously, which contributes to the collapsing of 3D systems. Thus, many will feel the intensely squeezing pressure to transform rapidly through the alchemical theme of polarity synthesis, which helps to bring completion to these old karmic patterns from the past, if we are willing to surrender and let them go. This purging process will add or subtract the required blueprint patterns that we may need to meet these new coordinates in the earth grid, and to help clear out the unstable or dark force influence in our lives. We are being purged deeply of obsolete 3D belief systems and the remaining content is being processed into higher light and consciousness, to be stabilized and synthesized into the physical body in order to improve energetic coherence and spiritual strength. Our responsibility now is to practice unconditional love to all that we see, and to see everything and everyone around us as connected to the unified whole. We are one species; we are one human race. At the same time we make clear intentions of where we place our consent in alignment with our higher spiritual authority. This loving intention and compassionate practice will keep our heart open and aligned to the source field and will make the challenging transition humanity is enduring much more comfortable to emotionally process. With recent events shifting timelines from the Lunar to Solar Zodiac Imprints, and with the planet evolving into the solar based clockshield of the Sun-Star Networks connected into the Emerald Order Timekeeper functions, we are living in an exceptionally unique time of Zodiac Alteration. The corrected Solar Calendar Positions generated a morphogenetic blueprint barrier between first density creations in the third dimension running on the Lunar Matrix Zodiac and its Artificial Timelines, and the second density creations in the fifth dimension running on the Solar Matrix Zodiac and the organic timelines. Thus, for many this bifurcation split from Lunar Calendar to Solar Calendar in the timelines has generated a new position within the timelines, shifting the zodiac imprints from incarnation and igniting intense solar activations and miasmatic purging of foreign materials or alien hybrid overlays. The Universal Law of Mentalism correlates to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of Unity above it, in that all things share a connection with the Universal Mind, and therefore are subjected to the Law of Structure that creates all things. Whether it is referred to as the mind of God, or the mind of All One, this is the pure consciousness of infinite intelligence that expresses its principle through natural laws, spiritual laws that govern our creation. All things are made of intelligent energy that are expressed through the energetic substance, frequency-vibration, Blueprint, and an active power of motion, which takes direction from the instruction sets set forth and created from the mind. All things are created from a state of mind, a quality of thought and that which has been co-created within a system of energy, such as a planetary consciousness. Everything that we observe in the manifested worlds are the result of a mental state, a belief system that has preceded it. When an individual observes the interaction of thoughts within thoughts, and neutrally observes all thoughts and actions, this law begins to be understood and applied to personal wellbeing and spiritual growth. It is critical to master this law first, in order to influence all other Natural Laws, as the mental plane has the ability to influence what happens in multiple dimensional planes all simultaneously. Our thoughts influence multiple planes, within our own lightbody and in the outer realities. They have an energetic effect, as well as a spiritual effect which we may not see with our visible eyes, but takes place in the subtle forces around us, permeating into multiple stations of identities and realities. Comprehending this principle allows the spiritual seeker to apply their mental body functions to serve their highest expression, which influences all other Natural Laws and allows us to interact and interconnect with many other layers of intelligent energy. These are the consciousness aspects of other selves that exist in other dimensions, such as Soul, Monad and Avatar, as well as the intelligence aspects that exist within our physical body, heart and emotional layers. It is wise to remember thoughts are things, they are the seeds from which our garden grows and in order to change the harvest, we must first plant new seeds. During the move into Aries Solar Alchemy which represents a new solar year and new beginnings, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can reflect and meditate upon the natural elements of Aries to catalyze the highest spiritual potentials.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Aries Solar Alchemy