LAURA MARIE: “21 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening”

Spiritual Awakening

At this time, many things are changing in the world. We live a time of awakening and desire to change, never seen before. A lot of people become more conscious and aware of issues and practices that have lasted for too long and that must change. Many people now want to take their lives back into their own hands and escape the model imposed by society in order to really know happiness and live the life they truly want to live – not one dictated by television, magazines, movies, social identifications and all kinds of meaningless clichés many now want to get away from.

The world also awakens in terms of nutrition. More and more documentaries now denounce our current food scandals (from animal genocide and cruelty in the food industry to the high toxicity of today’s chemical food, and to the destruction of our planet’s vital resources). More and more independent scientists, newspapers, bogs, and individuals, create their own groups and support of information, to spread the awareness about the truth of the various industries we’re living amongst, and offer new inspiring models. They all contribute, to their way, to a growing awareness in the world.

On the other side, many people are ready to hear those truths, and to become themselves, the change they wish to see in the world. Their consciousness grows, their interests evolve, the meaning of life changes for them, and they have new aspirations and inspirations, coupled with the desire to change themselves in order to also for many, change the world. Do you recognize yourself in that? I’ve decided to reunite in this article 21 symptoms that show that you are experimenting / that you experimented a spiritual awakening; in other words, a raise in your level of consciousness about yourself and about the world.

21 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

1) The feeling that something has changed inside of you

You can’t explain it but you feel different. You even have the sensation to have become a new person, which has nothing to do with the one you were before. You may even have already been different persons, but it continues. Each time you have the feeling that you are getting closer to your truth. This feeling fills you with deep happiness, as you get closer and closer to who you want to be (or should I say, who you really are). At the same time, it scares you, as you have escaped from your comfort zone, and escaped the cage in which society had put on, and sometimes you even think it was easier before, in the « known ». But now that you have escape the « illusion », that you have dropped the « mask », and that your blinders are gone forever, you feel you can see everything much clearer. You even wonder how you could live « like this » for so long. The world has now a new color and a new taste, simply because you now look at it with new eyes…

2) Awareness of your old negative habits

You become aware of everything that was not right in your « old life », in your old you. You realize all the things you used to do and don’t want to do anymore, and all the thinking patterns you don’t wish to keep. You are ready for a big change and you never want to go back, being so happy about what you have discovered. You feel a feeling of deep fulfillment and happiness, from getting closer to your truth, and deep joy to feel this new momentum and feeling of hope.

3) To not feel good with your old entourage anymore and to feel the need to be alone or with new people, more alignment with who you have become

Evolving spiritually can be a painful process, as not everyone around you will evolve at the same speed. Very often, we grow ourselves following a certain event or certain encounters, but it is not necessarily the case for our family and friends, that stay the same. We start, little by little, to feel « weird » to think all those things we think, and even guilty for not wanting to spend as much time with them as before. We certainly wish we could, but the « gap » we feel, between them and us, has become too big. Our vibration became higher, and as result, when we see them, we feel a feeling of discomfort, and the need to recharge our batteries after seeing them (we feel drained). Therefore, we then prefer solitude than being drained by negative people. We look for new people, more in alignment with who we really are and our new energy. Naturally, we are attracted to these new people, who make us feel good and energized. We connect with them directly, even virtually, as we are on the same « wave-length ». We often feel better with them than our own family or friends that we have known for 10 years. That’s because this time the connection is from soul to soul. You « see » each other, and you are of the same vibration. It’s a heart and soul connection which is less likely to be ruled by the ego.

4) To not stand superficiality and everything that is not authentic

Lots of places or people that you were used to go or see before will not interest you anymore, or even make you feel depressed. You have become allergic to anything superficial and not « real », not authentic: people, places, activities, TV shows (if you even keep watching it). You are on a quest to authenticity, simplicity, real things, that would make your heart sing. You may think you have become antisocial, or « too difficult », but « it is no sign of health to be well adjusted to a sick society », always remember this. Always follow your heart. If your mind and your ego can dupe you and make you sink, your heart can never lie to you. The more you will grow spiritually, vibrationally, the more you will be attracted to authenticity and the less you will be attracted to lie, illusion, hypocrisy and sham.

5) Deep sadness / compassion about the suffering in the world

A spiritual awakening is not always the best feeling in the world. It can often be accompanied by strong feelings of despair and sadness when becoming more and more aware of all the suffering in the world, even depression for some people. Like I said in my previous article « How to be Happy When we are Aware of all the Suffering in the World?« , once we know, we can’t go back, and we suddenly feel responsible. What you feel is completely normal. You have to go through it. Don’t think you have a problem or that you are too weak. Once we suddenly « see » and « understand » things, it can sometimes be a shock. For example, when I discovered the horror of animal cruelty in the food industry and slaughterhouses and when I then decided to really investigate it for weeks and now months, I went through a depression for a few weeks, not wanting to see anybody and do anything, just cry all the tears of my heart. I let it pass, and as I explain it in the article, I then decided to act about it. Today, I don’t regret to know what I know, it makes me a stronger and an even more responsible person.

6) Feeling the need to make this world a better place

Taking care of your own well-being is not enough for you. You want to also help others and have a positive impact on the world. You don’t understand the people that do nothing and that are selfish. You don’t understand how it is possible to hurt somebody or an animal. You feel more and more compassion and empathy for others and for animals. Your life only has a meaning when you do something for others. Even if you have impacted only one person or one animal, it makes you incredibly happy and makes you feel as if you didn’t come on earth for nothing. You can’t imagine yourself dying without having impacted this world positively. The only thought of it would make you sick. You feel « called » to make something bigger. You can’t go back, and if you sometimes find it hard to be « awaken », you would never want to be « asleep » again.

7) A deep yearning for meaning in your life

A lot of things that you used to do before, are of no interest to you anymore. Old places or friends that you used to go or see, have not the same taste. You need meaning in your life now, otherwise you get bored, and that affects you psychologically (you can even get depressed). Like I explained in previous points, you simply can not find any interest anymore in doing anything that is not authentic and that doesn’t match your current values. You need to have a purpose, a goal when you wake up. You also need to do a job that is meaningful. You can’t imagine yourself doing a job that wouldn’t contribute to the well being of the world.

8) Hypersensitivity

In addition to your 5 physical senses (Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch, and Smell) that become more and more developed, your spiritual senses also increase (intuition, emotions, imagination, conscience and inspiration) to a high speed. Your intuitions guide you more and more and you learn to listen to them. You understand more and more that your emotions are the « compass » your soul uses to guide you and indicate you the direction to take (negative emotion: wrong direction / wrong way of thinking; positive emotion: good direction / good way of thinking).

9) Creativity and increased inspiration, need to realize your dreams

You are bombarded with ideas all the time. You are receiving images, ideas, music, and other creative inspirations at an often overwhelming rate. A fire burns in your stomach when you think about doing some things that you want to accomplish, and your enthusiasm is on fire when you think about creating. You like to be inspired by people you admire. In your head, it’s like a computer with 30 open tabs at the same time. Life takes another meaning when you create, you feel alive. You feel called to realize your dreams and your mission on earth. It’s simply because your soul can finally express through your physical body, what she came here to do.

10) Willingness to know who you truly are and to be finally be yourself

You don’t want to be defined by society or others anymore. You are tired of wearing this mask you have been wearing for too long, in order to be what others expect from you. You finally want to know who you really are. You ask yourself questions about yourself, life’s purpose, the universe, and why not even other planets and civilizations. You don’t want to see through the filter of the illusion of society anymore, but through the filter of the heart and of the soul. You want to finally be who you really are, be happy, free, light in your heart and never again live for others’ expectations of you.

11) Increased intuitions and desire to reconnect with yourself

Like we just talked about, your desire to reconnect with who you really are is stronger and stronger. You have understood that you and only you can know your answers. Even if you can ask for help and be inspired by others, only you and your higher self, your higher consciousness, who you really are, can give you the answers you are waiting for. You need to spend more time with yourself, and strongly desire to always trust your intuitions.

12) Increase in « coincidences » and in « synchronicities » in your life

The more you grow spiritually, the more your energy increases, and the more you will understand how perfectly everything is orchestrated. You meet « by chance » the right people, you find yourself « by coincidence » at the right place at the right time, you desire something and this thing happens. What’s happening? Your energy, your vibrational state is higher. The more positive your energy is (high vibration), the more you will attract positive circumstances in your life. Also, the more you are connected with your higher consciousness, the more you will receive messages from your spirit guides, through repetitive numbers (1111, 2222 etc), and through signs and increased inspiration in your everyday life that will definitely catch your attention.

13) More awareness and attention to the food you eat

You notice that you are more attracted towards certain food and naturally reject others. You want to take care of your body, more than ever, and for the good reasons. The industrial cookies you used to love won’t be appealing to you anymore. Same for the steak that you liked « rare ». Each type of food has its own energy and when we raise our vibration, we are then attracted to different types of food, more aligned with our current vibration. That is the reason why many spiritual people can’t eat animals and animal products anymore, specially when they are the result of cruelty and suffering like it is the case today (and very toxic for consumption now). Some people don’t resonate anymore with products that include gluten neither, as well as aspartame, chemicals and refined flours. We naturally don’t want to eat it anymore, and if we do, our body reacts strongly to it (may even develop new allergies and food intolerances). We are drawn to high energy food, such as a vegan diet with a good proportion of raw fruits and vegetables.

14) Changing sleep patterns

You need more sleep than before, you feel tired when waking up. Periods of lethargy and fatigue. This is a time of integration, so give into it. You can also wake up many times during the night, or experience panic attacks when you wake up. At other times, you can also on the contrary experience episodes of intense energy which make you want to leap out of bed and into action.

15) Loss of interest in worrying – Actions based on Love and not Fear

You now understand your emotions’ purpose: to indicate you which vibration you hold. A negative emotion is the indicator of a negative vibration. You have understood that living in fear, in worry, is the worst thing to do as we create our reality based on our thoughts and we attract that which we give our attention to.  You now want to make your decisions based on love and trust, and to be in gratitude and joy.

16) Loss of interest in all forms of conflict

Your inner peace has become sacred. All types of conflicts make you feel terribly uncomfortable as you now feel every energy change in your body. Your friends’s dramas or TV dramas don’t interest you. You want inner peace and deep serenity. You may even have, for this purpose, lost any interest in « being right » at all cost, in order to avoid conflict.

17) Loss of interest towards any type of judgment towards others or yourself

As you feel more and more that we are all connected and all more than our physical appearance, you have lost interest in judging others, and also want to apply it on yourself. You want to be lighter with yourself and others, as well as bringing more peace, love, compassion for others and in your life.

18) Increased willingness to love and give without expectations

Your heart and your soul only feel fulfilled when you are of service to the world. You don’t look for gratification for what you do or getting  anything back, you just want to give and love for free.

19) Feeling of being connected to everything and everyone (humans, animals, nature, planet, universe)

This connection gets stronger and stronger. You feel you are one with all living beings and nature. You understand the impact of each and every one of your words, thoughts, and actions, on the rest of the world, and you feel deeply responsible for it. You now want to use your impact to the most positive way, having understood that you are part of this « oneness ».

20) Strong connection to animals and nature

You don’t see animals as non-sensitive and non-intelligent beings. You have understood that they have feelings and consciousness, just as plants too. You feel a strong connection to them and for some of you, you can even communicate with them (animals, trees, plants). Like I said in point N°13, it will become more and more difficult for you to keep eating animals. You will no longer be willing to participate in their massacre and torture by billions like it is the case today in our industrial countries. You now even want to raise the awareness about animals and the benefits of being vegan.

21) Feeling of Bliss

All of this, makes you feel a deep feeling of bliss. You feel a burn in your chest, of love towards life, of gratitude, of joy, of enthusiasm for no reason. You feel like you couldn’t be happier than you are now, knowing what you now know. You get delighted by « nothing » (in the eyes of most people) but to you, it is extraordinary (the perfection of an animal fur, its colors, traits, the perfection of the human body, of plants, flowers, the sun, the ocean…)

You have awakened and it is the start of your new life.

With all my love,







THE MINDS JOURNAL: “5 Things Only An Old Soul Can Fully Understand”

Old Soul

Some people are just old souls and need to be accepted as such. If you are one of the people that gets called crazy for thinking you can feel people’s energy, or a hermit for needing to have time alone, or a ‘weirdo’ for believing in alternative things, the best thing you can do is continue to be true to yourself.

As an old soul, trying to conform to a society that is hollow and spiritually void will only cause you pain and suffering. Don’t let authority figures or institutions pressure you into betraying your passions, desires, and natural state of being.

Here are 5 things that only old souls will understand:


Every old soul knows the extreme importance of taking time away from life, people, and obligation and spending time alone in isolation. Life can be overwhelming at times, and the energies of other people can be exhausting. Spending time alone in nature, or sitting by yourself on a park bench, or spending all day in your room are things which have become necessary for your spiritual health at times.

Some people may call you a hermit or say that you are socially challenged, but you just know the value of spending time alone to detox, reflect, and nurture yourself.


More than happiness and living comfortably, you want to live a life that encourages growth and expansion. You value growth and experience so much that you are willing to go through pain, suffering, and depression in order to learn more about yourself.

You take risks and go on adventures that other people may think are unwise, but playing it safe is just too boring for you. At the end of your journey here on earth, you would love to have experienced a life full of ups and downs, suffering and joy, and amazing adventures as opposed to having experienced a life playing it safe.


From a young age, you have been able to get a really good read on people. From watching someone interact for just a few minutes, you are able to identify the characteristics that person would have and the lifestyle they live. It’s almost like you have this software that allows you to look around and download the information on other souls.

This is because you have seen the archetype of that person before in a past life and are familiar with the general behavior and psychology of that archetype. You have interacted with thousands of people throughout the course of your souls history, so there is really no archetype you haven’t interacted with yet.

This doesn’t mean you are judgmental, it just means you are observational. You may find yourself at parties or social gatherings looking around every once in a while checking things out. Watching people interact, observing the exchanges of energy that are occurring during conversation. You may even feel more comfortable as a distant observer than as a participant. It feels natural to you.

Having the ability to get a good read on people has also given you a really good bullsh*t detector. When someone is lying to you, you know it. You notice the disassociation in their eyes, the shift in their energy field, the change in the way they pronounce words. You’ve been through this place many times before, so you aren’t socially naive, even though you may have not had much social interaction in this life. You’ve always been hard to manipulate because you can see into the real intentions and desires of other people. You are just good at feeling people out intuitively.

Some people may call you creepy or think you are a wackjob for trying to be psychic, but it comes naturally to you to pick up on the thoughts and energies of other people.


Mainstream music is heartless, passionless, and washed up. Mainstream media is polluted, biased, and deceptive. The mainstream lifestyle is dry, boring, and disappointing.  Because you recognize this, you have adopted ‘alternative’ ways of thinking and living that may seen weird to other people.

Personally, I listen to a lot of atmospheric metal and post-rock because it offers me what I desire to receive out of music spiritually and existentially. I can’t stand the radio. I remember showing some people the music I liked and having them reply with “that’s not even music”. I’m sure I’m not alone in knowing what it feels like to feel excluded based on your alternative beliefs, tastes, and preferences.


You have learned to trust and appreciate the journey. You aren’t trying to be “deep”, you simply can’t help but be overwhelmed at times with feelings of gratitude, thankfulness, and humility.

You understand that life is impermanent and don’t take anything for granted. Others around you don’t understand why you like spending time in nature so much, why you meditate so often, or why you stare at the stars all the time, but that’s because they are simply too distracted with worldly matters to see the big picture.

If you identify with any or all of these 5 things, then you can be sure that you are either mature beyond your years or you have lived a life or two on this planet in the past. The vast majority of the human population does not understand these 5 things, and actually takes pleasure in ridiculing and making fun of those who don’t seem to fit in.

You aren’t trying to be different, psychic, intuitive, or deep. Your soul is just hardwired a different way. Don’t let anybody tell you that you need to change to fit the expectations of the world around you. The world doesn’t need more carbon copies. It needs more individuals following the things that make their souls come alive.


ANDREA SCHULMAN: “Are You Energy Sensitive? 6 Telling Signs”

Are you energy sensitive? Here are some powerful practices to overcome the feeling of "I'm delusional"

1. Deep empathy for others: 

You can often spot the most energy sensitive person in the room when there is someone around who is hurt or upset.  Energy sensitive people are often the “first responders,” there to hold a hand, give a hug or lend a listening ear.  Energy sensitive people often feel other people’s emotions (and sometimes their physical pain too), and so they easily understand and empathize with people who are suffering.

2. Emotional rollercoasters:

Having a keen sense of vibrational energy often means that the high times feel very high but the low times feel very low.  Having some plans in place to help you raise your vibration can be very helpful,  especially during low times!

3. Addictions: 

Being energy sensitive means you “feel” a lot more than many people.  To avoid feeling low vibrational energy, these individuals may lean on substances like drugs or alcohol in order to numb out the pain of negative sensory input.  They may also have a proclivity for other types of addictions, like food, gambling or shopping.

4. Being an excellent judge of character: 

Energy sensitive people are often very aware of other people’s motivations, and many times they can “just tell when” someone is bad news.  This can be a very beneficial trait, as it makes one less likely to be conned or taken advantage of.

5. Possible introversion: 

Not all sensitive folks are introverts, but many often are.  It can be overwhelming to take on the emotions and feelings of other people, and so often energy sensitive people withdraw and seek alone time in order to stabilize. They are often likely to feel drained after prolonged social interactions.

6. Receiving signs: 

People who are sensitive to energy are much more likely to be aware of the signs the universe is sending to them.  They are more likely to find meaning in events and circumstances that most other people see as simply “coincidental.”

As you can see, being energy sensitive is a bit of a double-edged sword.  Being attuned to vibrational energy allows one to have a deeper understanding of the universe, but it also can lead to a degree of overstimulation, and this can cause a variety of problems if left unaddressed.

If you think you may be energy sensitive, there are a number of things you can do harness the power of your gifts and cope with the struggles of sensitivity.

First and foremost, anything that can help you intentionally raise your vibration or the vibration of your environment can be highly beneficial.  I personally recommend daily meditation or yoga for mental (and physical) training.  Saging your home and workspace regularly is also recommended. 

Be mindful of the people you surround yourself with, and allow yourself to step away from toxic people, events and circumstances when you are feeling overwhelmed.  It is also very important to work toward self-acceptance, and learn how to love yourself and your gifts.

Being born into this world as an energy sensitive person comes with a unique set of responsibilities.  The constant influx of energy from one’s environment can be a overwhelming and painful at times. 

However, when one learns how to manage this gift, great things can happen.  Reading energy and being able to empathize with others can be a tremendous asset.  Energy sensitive folks are well-equipped to evoke positive change in the world, and have the capacity to be some of the world’s greatest leaders, healers and teachers.

So, do you think you are energy sensitive? 

Thanks for reading,









TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “Finding Your Soul Place”

finding your soul place

“This place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you. Wherever your eyes and arms and heart can move against the earth and the sky, the Beloved has bowed there- knowing you were coming.”- Hafiz

Do you feel a connection to the earth that you are standing on right now? Do you feel a strong soul connection to where you are in the world?

At different times in our lives, our soul may be called to a different spot on this earth. At the time of my spiritual awakening, I felt a calling to the city of Los Angeles.

I wasn’t really sure why or how, but I knew that I would end up there. Of course, 5 years later I did and this is where I reside today.

I am not sure if Los Angeles is where I will be forever, but for right now I am certain that it is my Soul Place.

A Soul Place is where your soul feels most at home. For me, my Soul Place was half way around the world, but for others their Soul Place can be in their own backyard.

When you find your Soul Place there is an instant feeling of belonging. An instant feeling of having a connection with the earth.

Many tribes from the Native Americans to the Australian Aboriginals, believe that we all have a place of power on this earth. A place of belonging that will help us to fulfil our destiny.

Our Soul Place is where we can do our greatest work and step into the fullness of who we truly are. Our Soul Place is also where we come to heal and release things from previous lifetimes and previous traumas.

Finding your Soul Place is a different journey for everyone. Usually when it is time for your soul to go to that place, you will feel the calling. You will feel the desire to move, travel or venture out to where you feel called.

Often our Soul Place is revealed to us in a dream or through our intuition first. However, some find their Soul Place by simply stumbling upon it.

When you find your Soul Place you may feel – 

  • A strong connection, like you have been there before
  • Free to be who you are or more yourself
  • Things manifest or flow with a greater sense of grace and ease
  • Like you belong, or are “home”
  • A greater connection to the spirit world or your own spirituality
  • Directed and motivated in your life path or life purpose
  • In touch and connected with nature
  • Rooted and secure with where you are

There are no mistakes in this world, so chances are where you are standing now is your Soul Place. But, if you are feeling that where you currently stand is not a vibrational match, the best thing to do is travel.

You don’t have to travel far, but sometimes leaving and surrounding yourself in a new environment can help you to put things in perspective. Travelling somewhere out in nature is also a great way to reconnect with the earth of where you stand.

Many people also take pilgrimages or trips to sacred sites that are believed to hold a strong, spiritual significance; places that hold a strong energy or vibration, and can help reconnect people with their purpose and power.

These Soul Places are perhaps Universal Soul Places, and help to recharge all of those inhabiting this earth.

Some people may feel a need to live in these places, and others may simply just enjoy or feel recharged by a visit.

We are all on planet earth for a reason, and we all have land where we will feel most at home. This land may change at different points in our lives, but finding our Soul Place can help guide us to fulfilling our purpose.







LISSA RANKIN: “8 Signs You’ve Lost Touch with Your Intuition”


There’s a lot of buzz about the benefits of tuning into your intuition. We know that intuition helps us make spiritually aligned decisions, protects us from danger, acts as our inner doctor, gives us the heads up when we are needed by our loved ones, and serves as the unseen world’s secret gateway to the human world, helping us live our best lives. But how do you know if you’re tuned in or not? We all have the capacity to listen to our intuition, but sometimes we’re at the mercy of forces that block our ability to interpret our intuition clearly. Here are eight signs that your intuition may be blocked.

1. You feel confused often.

If you struggle to make good decisions and often lack clarity, this is a surefire sign that you’re not tuned into your intuition. When you and your intuition are communicating regularly, you’ll find that a combination of your inner knowing and outer synchronicities team up to help you make the aligned decision that steers you towards the highest good for all.

2. You lack flexibility.

When you’re following your intuition, you have to be willing to go with the flow, which sometimes means changing your plans based on the guidance you’re getting. When you’re out of touch with your intuition, you may be so rigidly tied to a calendar that you ignore all the warning signs that tell you it’s time to cancel a commitment. I’m not suggesting that intuitive people must be complete flakes. Keeping your commitments is a sign of respect and responsibility. But sometimes intuition requires you to say “no” when you previously said “yes.” When you’re really tuned in, this happens less, because you tend to intuit the “no” from the beginning.

3. You feel blindsided by people.

You trusted him. You trusted her. He was your lover. She was your best friend. Then they slept together. OUCH! What happened? When you’re not tuned into your intuition, you may feel blindsided, as if you never saw betrayal coming. But often, all of your friends saw it coming a mile away. Intuition gives you red flags that warn you, but if you insist on only seeing the best in people while blinding yourself to their shadow, you may be blocking your inner knowing.

4. You wrestle with regret.

Intuition helps you make regret-free decisions, because intuition is always doing its best to guide you in the direction of the greatest flow, ease, integrity, and alignment with your soul’s unique journey. When you’re out of touch with intuition, you’re making decisions from your mind or your ego, and regret is a common side effect.

5. You tend to be a chameleon.

If you can chameleon yourself to be like the jocks when the game is on, like your business partners during the board meeting, like the church goers on Sunday morning, like the committed parents at the PTA meeting, like the country club socialites at the local fundraiser, like the yoga devotees at yoga class, and like the party girl on Friday night, you may not be fully tuned into your intuition. It’s not that you can’t switch hats and fit into many circles; it’s that when you’re following your intuition, there are no masks to wear, no personas to put on like t-shirts. You’re ALL YOU, ALL THE TIME, and you’re unapologetic about it. So that might mean you wear your game day shirt to the yoga class, you get down with your bad self at the country club fundraiser, and you skip the PTA meeting because the sun is shining and the beach is calling you to bask in its beauty.

6. You dismiss your instincts as “crazy” or “irrational.”

Intuition rarely feels rational. One day I was at the mall, and my intuition told me to walk into the Gap. Now no offense to Gap lovers, but I don’t like the Gap. I never shop there. So I could have easily dismissed my intuition. But I’ve learned that things don’t go well when I ignore a strong hit, so I walked in the Gap just as someone was having a Code Blue. I’m a doctor, so something in the unseen realm was telling me my services were needed, and I’m grateful to have been used as an instrument of love. If you ignore the seemingly crazy guidance, you will not only fail to let yourself be led to the most aligned jobs, relationships, and transformative experiences; you also might miss out on the chance to be someone else’s miracle. (PS. The woman whose heart stopped is alive and well.)

 7. You doubt yourself.

I never trust people who tell me their intuition is perfect. I think it’s always wise to put a question mark behind something you believe you’re intuiting. Discernment is key when it comes to tuning into spiritual guidance. But with that disclaimer, I can assure you that when you’re tuned into your intuition, you experience much less self doubt. It’s not that you don’t filter the intuitive guidance that comes in. Blind faith in intuition can get you in trouble. But over time, as you confirm how things went when you followed your intuition, you’ll develop evidence-based faith. You’ll know that seemingly miraculous things happen when you follow your intuitive guidance, and you’ll learn to trust it, which fills you with a certain confidence, leaving you with far less self-doubt.

8. You give your power away too easily.

When you’re not tuned into intuition, you’re far more likely to expect someone else to make all of your decisions, even the most critical ones. As a doctor, I saw this all the time in the hospital. A patient who is not tuned into intuition will expect the doctor to make every decision, giving all her power away. Whereas someone who is tuned into intuition might question the doctor, sharing an intuitive hit like “I sense that surgery will harm me and we’re better off watching and waiting.” Or the intuitive person might instantly sense what lies at the root cause of her illness, trusting that if she treats the root cause, conventional treatment might be avoided.

This ability to tune into intuition is the third of the 6 Steps to Healing yourself, which I teach in my new Mind Body Green video course Getting Back to 100% (you can watch the trailer here). I put my heart into creating this program for patients facing a chronic illness, caregivers of someone who is sick, and as well as the health care providers, healers, therapist, and coaches who assist people with physical or mental illnesses.

Check yourself. Tune in. Are you paying attention to your intuitive knowing?


KATE RAE: “10 Things to Understand Before You Fall In Love With An Old Soul”

And then there are very old souls, such as myself, who aren’t even impressed by their own Twin Flame… as in… “Whatever, I’ll see you on the other side.”… : D

10 Things to Understand Before You Fall In Love With An Old Soul

  1. Simplicity. It’s the simple things in life that capture us. Simple living and simple pleasures in life ground us and make us feel all warm and cozy inside. Extravagant dinners, jewelry, and sparkly gifts may be the key to some people’s hearts but not an old soul.
  2. Impressing us is so simple, it’s scary. An intimate conversation on the beach with a candle or a night of camping under the stars is like heaven on earth. Give us experiences and most of all, give us your time.
  3. Alone time. Old souls are pretty intense, spiritual people. It’s not a facade or front we put up, but a lifestyle we live to stay connected to ourselves and to our spiritual path. Time to decompress, detach and meditate are crucial to our well being. So if we turn down an invite to a bar once in awhile, don’t take it personal. Instead, understand our need to be with ourselves because there is probably a reason we are needing some alone time.
  4. Dreamer. As most people only dream when they sleep, we dream constantly. Daydream that is. Sometimes we need a partner to snap us back into reality, but also one who understands our dreaming is what excites us, dreaming inspires us.
  5. Romantics. –ahh, sigh– We love romance and everything that comes with it. Sometimes, expecting a little too much from people trying to win our affections. This can cause some let downs and learning experiences for both partners. Old souls need someone that can pull them out from the clouds when needed and bring them back to a beautiful reality.
  6. Comfort. I’ve always felt like the “grandma” of my friend group. Throwing on a big comfy sweater, staying in to cook dinner, and snuggling up while someone reads to me would be like, so amazing. Going out is good here and there, but know for us, being comfy with our significant other takes the cake.
  7. Free bird. We want freedom. Freedom to chase whatever is worth chasing to us. Nothing holding us back or stopping us from pursuing our dreams and desires. Rather, someone who encourages us to chase and to succeed. Aside from longing for a stable and simple life, we want room to grow and follow whatever path our spirit is leading us on.
  8. An unusual approach to life. Not really conforming to the expected way of living, we view the world and our lives as a blank book and we want to write it. I definitely have very philosophical views and it deeply effects all of my relationships. Being with someone who likes that about us is key!
  9. Not-so material world. Possessions and money are nice, but it is not number one for us. Intellectual conversations and meaningful experiences is what takes our breath away…
  10. Intuition. You may hear this a lot from an old soul, “I don’t know, I just have this feeling.” Following our hearts more than our minds makes us a bit more in touch with our intuitive side. You can either go with the flow or turn and run, intuitive people can be a bit intimidating. It can be very daunting to some, to have an intuitive partner…especially if the significant other is trying to be sly. Good luck!

We’ve got dreams, big dreams. Idealistic dreams of painting the world like our very own canvas. Ending world hunger or starting a business that benefits people in some positive way is not far from an old souls list of lofty ideas. Helping mankind is on our dreamy To Do List!

I’m sure a lot of you out there can relate to some of these traits or have come across an old soul yourself. Maybe you’re realizing you are one…what qualities do you have that make you or your partner an Old Soul?