OLWE: “Metaphysical Explanations Of Specific Physical Aches, Pains And Sicknesses”

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As many people in the spiritual world know, everything happens for a reason. It becomes a lot easier to understand why things happen when we can see it from a metaphysical perspective. The following is a reference list for physical aches, pains, and illnesses, along with what your body is trying to tell you.

by Olwe

HAIR (head)

SOCIAL ‘STATEMENT.’ The hair and how it is ‘worn’ or grown on the head is the most immediate personal statement made by individuals as to their preferred ROLE in life. Often used as a sexual attractant, the hairdo (like all other ‘parts’ of our whole Self-identity) can become HOLISTICALLY-ENFORCED through time; resulting in a physical ‘proof’ of one’s personal Statement.. as in the ‘tonsure’ or Franciscan-style skull-cap baldness tendency in (especially) men, who wish to cultivate a public ‘image’ of themselves as a peace-loving, kind ‘brother’ even though that image CONFLICTS with certain tendencies to the contrary. Hair loss may coincide with sudden changes in self-image, often due to traumatic experiences that challenge one’s previous self-Statement. GENETIC TENDENCIES must, naturally, be considered a significant factor.


SPIRITUAL SENSITIVITY. As the ‘highest’ actually ‘living’ tissue of the body, the scalp reflects CONTACT WITH HIGHER TRUTHS. Conflicts of religious opinion, philosophy or strong ‘psychic phenomena’ that are difficult to deal with may trigger a sympathetic development of skin-distress to the scalp.


SOCIAL SENSITIVITY. Touch is the most potent form of interpersonal contact available to us; any traumatic or conflict-generating events in life may trigger a sympathetic reaction to the skin AT THE LOCATION ON THE BODY WHICH ‘DESCRIBES’ THE AREA OF STRESS. Whether eczema, rashes, boils or more serious skin-conditions, the holistic implication is that one’s inner sensitivities are being challenged or ‘outraged’ by events that require us to OVER-RIDE our normal responses, behaviors and feelings.

As many people in the spiritual world know, everything happens for a reason. It becomes a lot easier to understand why things happen when we can see it from a metaphysical perspective. The following is a reference list for physical aches, pains, and illnesses, along with what your body is trying to tell you.


INFORMATION-PROCESSING. While there are many other things that we value highly and rely upon in life, INFORMATION or ‘factual input’ and how we deal with it is a powerful influence in life. Anytime we are forced to deal with INFORMATION-OVERLOAD or CONFLICTING IDEAS ABOUT REALITY, we may experience a sympathetic response from our brain and nervous system which processes that information. From migraine headache to spinal meningitis or other brain-and-spinal conditions, Information-related crises require deep analysis of one’s Information-Conflicts and how to restore a sense of ORDERLY COMPREHENSION OF REALITY.

As many people in the spiritual world know, everything happens for a reason. It becomes a lot easier to understand why things happen when we can see it from a metaphysical perspective. The following is a reference list for physical aches, pains, and illnesses, along with what your body is trying to tell you.


PSYCHIC SELF-‘CONTAINMENT.‘ Our ability to BE OUR OWN UNIQUE TYPE OF PERSON is holistically centered in the bones of the skull. Trauma, injury or illness affecting this area indicates a difficulty ‘remaining who we are.’ The holistic suggestion is that one look at events or circumstances that may be FORCING CHANGE to the self-identity of the individual psyche, and seek ways to resolve the IDENTITY-stresses.


SHOWING ONE’S TRUE FEELINGS. ‘Expression’ or ‘the look on one’s face’ is subject to stress from any situation which limits our ability to fully EXPRESS our inner feelings. From having to conceal or ‘falsify’ our feelings, to having to ‘face’ strong opposition to those feelings from others, the face can experience a sympathetic response ranging from partial paralysis to inflammations, rashes, neurological ‘ticks’ or other abnormalities. Full, honest and stress-free SELF-EXPRESSION is, of course, the holistic ‘recommendation’ in all such situations.. though that often requires changes in the interpersonal ‘climate’ or lifestyle-situation.


GETTING THE ‘MESSAGE.’ Other people are constantly ‘telling’ us their feelings, needs and opinions. When we (for whatever reason) cannot or do not RECEIVE those feelings or give them credence, a sympathetic response may occur in the ears and auditory canal. From earache to tinitus (‘ringing in the ears’) or inner-ear infections or hearing-loss, such reactions indicate a ‘message-barrage’ that we are incapable of dealing with. A typical example would be the ‘input-overload ear-ache’ experienced by young children unaccustomed to school-room levels of ‘message-input’ from teachers, classmates and parents combined. While some hearing conditions do not respond to holistic improvements, in general it is recommended that a ‘break’ be taken in the message-input department while the stress is released. NOTE: some instances of auditory abnormalities are connected with unusual PSYCHIC STATES, including ‘spirit-communication.’


RECOGNIZING OBJECTIVE FACTS. ‘Seeing is Believing!’ We sometimes have to see and admit facts that we would prefer NOT to have to admit. Such conflicts between INNER ‘VISION’ and OBJECTIVE FACTS can cause a sympathetic response from the eyes and optical nerves.. leading to pain, impaired vision or other abnormalities. The holistic recommendation in such cases is to ADMIT THE TRUTH and find new ways to ‘see’ the future that are more realistic. NOTE: there are SOME things that we can see which challenge every conventional idea of ‘reality.’ Whether called hallucination, clairvoyance or ‘divine visions’ these events, too, can only be accepted and DEALT WITH as ‘in-SIGHT’ into the Self and it’s relation to a Reality which may be far stranger than any of us realize!


PSYCHIC SOUNDBOARDS; how we ‘register’ subliminal input from others. Human beings are not always completely ‘up-front’ with each other about their real feelings. Sometimes we are being sent one ‘message’ verbally, and quite another on a silent, emotional level. In such situations, the Sinus cavities in the face and skull can have a sympathetic response in the form of pressure, blockage and infection which informs us that we are receiving PSYCHIC INPUT in between people’s words. The holistic recommendation is CLEARING THE AIR through communication; asking others their feelings and expressing one’s own, until eventually one can ‘track-down’ the source of the pressure. NOTE: some extremely sensitive ‘psychics’ experience sinus-blockage as part of their telepathic and clairvoyant sensitivity, and only advanced psychic-development training can help them ‘track-down’ THOSE sources.


TESTING THE AIR AROUND US. Mankind may be thousands of years away from the other animals in intellectual development, but we retain many animal-level senses and instincts that our ‘civilized’ lifestyles do not teach us to recognize. The sense of SMELL is one of those. Recognized as the most direct sensory pathway into the brain, Smell informs us on an instinctive or animal-level of our safety, social ‘welcome’ and natural association with others. When we attempt to over-ride this instinctive, unconscious knowledge, we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of nose bleeding, blockage, pressure or other afflictions to the nasal cavity and linings. The holistic recommendation is greater PERSONAL SPACE, and the ability to surround ourselves with the people and other ‘smells’ that we ENJOY personally.


THE SOCIAL INVITATION. No other part of the body so reflects our happiness or it’s absence as do the lips. Smiling or frowning, open with anticipation or trembling with emotion, the lips are almost a barometer of human feelings. When our feelings toward others is severely traumatized, we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of cold sores, blisters, inflammations or other painful conditions.. or even impaired nerve control of the lips and mouth. The holistic recommendation is to ‘clear the air’ through honest communication, restoring the sense of social ‘desirability’ and permission to relate as we are inclined to do.


INCOME AND THE EARNING OF WEALTH. We truly live ‘hand to mouth,’ no matter how wealthy or removed from manual labor we may be.. for the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface ‘knows’ that all ‘income’ MEANS ‘food.’ When we are undergoing financial stress or change, we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of pain, infections or other trauma to the teeth, gums or inner mouth regions. The holistic recommendation is Career-stress reduction, financial planning or other work-and-wealth related improvements designed to minimize or end the stress over ‘how to earn the food’ one needs.


KEEPING YOUR HEAD ON STRAIGHT! Structurally, the only real ‘meaning’ of the neck is that it holds our head on. Anytime one experiences a conflict between Ideals and Reality, the neck may experience a sympathetic response in the form of mis-aligned bones, nerve pain or difficulty moving or turning the head. The holistic recommendation is to find ways to narrow the gap between Idea and Fact; either making our Ideals more realistic or making our Reality more ideal.. or BOTH!, whatever it takes to remove the CONFLICT and ‘get your head on straight’ again.


KEEPING IT IN OR GETTING IT OUT! The throat has the unique role of EITHER swallowing things (such as food and drink) or expressing things (such as words or song.) Sometimes, however, we get the two functions confused, and start ‘eating words’ (your own or someone else’s.) This can cause a sympathetic response in the throat; in the form of sore throat, laryngitis (loss of voice) or even difficulty with the swallow-reflex. The holistic recommendation is to decide whether one is ‘having something shoved down your throat’ or whether you are swallowing words that YOU really WANT to speak. In most cases, one or the other will be occurring, and merely deciding to change that pattern is enough to end the sympathetic reaction. NOTE: many throat stresses become severe enough to allow the development of virus-infections, requiring medical attention to fully correct it.


BEARING THE LOAD. The shoulders are the only part of the body which can carry a heavy weight for any great length of time. As such, they ‘mean’ exactly that to the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface. Anytime we experience stress or change to the burden-bearing part of our life.. such as too much responsibility at work, or a change in our work ‘load’.. we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of pain, loss of strength or nerve-conditions to the shoulder areas. The holistic recommendation is WORK-LOAD REDUCTION.. though that is easier said than done, in many cases. Often we feel we simply MUST ‘bear it’ because other cannot; and our condition may worsen instead of getting better from knowing why the problem began! However, since massage, heat, acupuncture, chiropractic care and other treatments can often reduce the pain of work-load stress, many people continue to overwork long after the body has advised them to stop it. Eventually, the body INSISTS!, and severe distress is it’s final word.


REACHING OUT TO OTHERS. The ‘social Embrace’ or how we reach-out to other people depends on both US and THEM; problems reaching-out OR a difficult relationship either can traumatize us about RELATING, and a sympathetic response may occur that causes pain, weakness, numbness or other distress to the arms. The holistic recommendation is RELATIONSHIP COUNSEL; find the STRESS and REMOVE IT. Sometimes that means working on one’s OWN relating skills, while other situations may require work on our partners, co-workers or other important social contacts. The real focus must be; RELATING and RELATABILITY. The details will differ from case to case.


THE SOCIAL ‘POSE.’ Everyone (even those who think themselves completely ‘natural’ in their way of relating!,) has a ‘pose’ or ATTITUDE toward Relating; and this is visible in how one ‘postures’ the hand, using the WRISTS to position them. From ‘limp-wristed’ to ‘hand-fluttering’ to ‘stiff-armed’ we identify our Social Attitude to others, constantly. When any form of conflict or injury to our Social ‘Pose’ occurs, there may be a sympathetic response in the form of pain, inflamed joints, weakness or other abnormalities to the wrist. The holistic suggestion is to discover what the trauma WAS and CORRECT IT through re-building self-confidence and social ‘poise.’ Grace with strength might be a good motto for wrist-trauma healing; for we need BOTH in order to be both strong and flexible enough to remain ourselves in a world full of OTHER approaches to social contact.


OUR TOOLS OF THE TRADE. To the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface, our hands are our PROFESSION in life. Whatever we have ‘put our hands to’ as a career, our relationship to it is reflected in the strength and health of our hands and fingers. Any sudden trauma or change to our work-skills (such as a lay-off or job-transfer) can cause a sympathetic response in the form of pain, weakness or other distress to the hands. The holistic suggestion is that one should re-evaluate your professional skills and job-performance, seeking a less stressful or more enjoyable work for your hands to do. While this MAY involve career-change, it may also be a simple matter of Continuing Education or even shared work-duties, to free your hands for happier ’employment.’


ONE’S PERSONAL ‘BOUNDARIES.’ We each occupy ‘personal SPACE’ in life. Some need more, some less of it. But anytime we are being either ‘invaded’ or having our space taken away from us, we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of injury, pain or other distress to the rib cage and surrounding muscles. The holistic recommendation is that you try to identify how (or whether) your personal Space is being altered by circumstances you cannot control.. and find ways to ADAPT to it if you cannot keep it from happening. In any case, setting WORKABLE ‘BOUNDARIES’ for your own territorial needs is the real issue.



PERSONAL ‘BREATHING ROOM.’ Crowding or the over-pressurized emotions of living too closely-inter meshed with others from whom one cannot get enough distance to ‘be yourself’ can trigger a sympathetic response from the lungs and bronchial airway leading to asthmatic pressures, coughing, respiratory infections or other ailments. The holistic recommendation is for SPACE-CHANGE; restructuring one’s lifestyle to allow ‘Breathing Room’ and the permission to BE YOURSELF without constant stress from those around you. NOTE: if water-retention is involved (as in pneumonia or emphysema) a ‘Sympathy Crisis’ or excess of EMOTIONAL CONCERN for (or FROM!,) others is often involved.

As many people in the spiritual world know, everything happens for a reason. It becomes a lot easier to understand why things happen when we can see it from a metaphysical perspective. The following is a reference list for physical aches, pains, and illnesses, along with what your body is trying to tell you.


STAYING IN THE FLOW. We live our lives by COMMITMENT to the people, places and things we LOVE or ‘believe in.’ Anytime this ‘flow of life’ which we have committed-to becomes UN-TENABLE for us (and we MUST allow change in things we do not WANT to see change,) we may experience a sympathetic response from the Heart and it’s arteries.. leading to irregular heartbeat, abnormalities of blood-flow or ‘upheavals’ such as heart-attack. The holistic recommendation is for a thorough re-evaluation of your COMMITMENTS in life; from career to family, relationships to recreation.. seeking areas of commitment that are no longer SUPPORTABLE as a ‘happy FLOW’ in your life. Updating one’s commitments may reduce the stress to these vital life-sustaining tissues.


THE ‘DRIVING FORCE’ OF PERSONAL PREFERENCE. Of the many human emotions, DESIRE is among the most central to our happiness. When we cannot get the things we desire, we may become angry, frustrated, depressed or lethargic.. and we may experience a sympathetic response from the great muscles which pump our lungs (the Diaphragm) or the muscle which pumps the Heart (the Pericardium;) leading to irregularities of heartbeat, blood-pressure, breath-control or circulation of blood throughout the body. The holistic recommendation is for an honest re-appraisal of one’s REAL DESIRES IN LIFE, seeking areas of personal affection that are missing, difficult to relax about or otherwise traumatic. The real issue is HAPPINESS; what is preventing that MUST be addressed, to restore a sense of contentment.


OBEYING THE AUTHORITIES THAT RULE US. We are each ‘ruled’ by whatever we consider ‘the Authority Structure’ in our lives. Whether the Law, our Spouse, Family, Traditions, Divine Authority or ‘destiny’ these Rulers literally DRIVE US to obey their wishes through deep psychological influences which govern the secretions of our endocrine or ductless gland system (most of which are located in the brain and torso;) leading to such problems as abnormal weight-conditions, energy-crises such as exhaustion or insomnia, and fluctuations in the body-temperature and other metabolic changes. The holistic recommendation is a re-evaluation of the things which ‘Rule’ you; seeking ways to either change them, relax about them or make them less stressful. A basic guideline is that NO ONE IS REALLY JUST A ‘SERVANT;’ and we do not have to spend our lives ‘obeying’ others. HAPPINESS rather than ‘duty’ is the key to healthy living.


‘THE ONE LIVING INSIDE YOU.’ The Soul or Spirit may not be a ‘medically recognized’ organ, but it DOES have profound implications for our wellbeing. Anytime we become ‘dis-spirited,’ self-judgmental or in any other way SOUL-‘sick’ we may experience a sympathetic response from the inner organ which performs the same job for the body that the Soul does for the whole Self; the LIVER.. which purifies the body and stores-up the nutrients in our blood-stream for future use. Imbalances of Soul or Spirit can lead to blood-impurities, hardening or inflammations of the Liver and other potentially life-threatening conditions. The holistic recommendation is SPIRITUAL ‘HOUSE-CLEANING;’ finding the areas of self-judgement, guilt, shame or other spiritual crises, and ‘making Peace with one’s Spirit.’ NOTE: a strong connection between such judgements and out-worn religious fears is often part of liver-related conditions.


CRITICAL ANALYSIS: The Ability To JUDGE WISELY. Bile (or Gall) is a powerful ‘analytic acid’ secreted by the Liver and stored in the adjoining Gall Bladder for later secretion into the digestive organs.. where it breaks-down (or ‘analyzes’) our food. Anytime we are under great stress to ‘analyze’ things accurately in our lives we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of DIGESTIVE-ACID IMBALANCES leading to under or over-acid stomach, indigestion, pain or inflammation of the gall bladder (or the development of ‘gall stones’ in the gall bladder.) The holistic recommendation is ACCURATE ANALYSIS OF THE STRESSES WE ARE UNDER. Often these will be found to be relationships or situations in which we have failed to be properly CRITICAL.. allowing less than honest opinions to be expressed, and thereby damaging our sense of FAIRNESS. Honest expression of one’s critical opinions and a full ‘venting’ of one’s feelings is recommended.


THE SATISFYING OF AMBITIONS. Our personal ‘appetite’ for food and our ability to ‘digest’ (or analyze) it properly is reflected in the primary digestive organ of the Stomach. Anytime we undergo change in our Ambitions (or ‘appetite for success’) in life, we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of stomach distress. From nausea (the desire to reject our former ambitions) to lack of appetite (uncertainty about what we really WANT in life) or nervous stomach (anxiety about whether our ambitions will be successful) or even the development of stomach ulcers (over-emphasis on ‘success’ of our ambitions,) such imbalances imply AN AMBITION-CRISIS. The holistic recommendation is a thorough analysis of what you consider ‘success’ to be, and finding new ways to be HAPPY about your ‘success drive’ until you can again happily ‘stomach’ your life.


SYSTEMATIC ATTAINMENT. The ability to plan-out and logically attain one’s goals through the ‘daily grind’ of WORK-EFFICIENCY is the natural follow-up to our ambitions.. having an exact mirror in the function of the Small Intestine into which our food passes from the Stomach, to be ‘ground-up’ and systematically reduced to useful elements. Anytime our ability to ‘grind ahead’ in attaining our goals is impaired, we may experience distress to this intestine, leading to cramping, burning, pain or bowel gas-buildups or other digestive problems. The holistic recommendation is for career and goal re-evaluation followed by streamlining of work-systems, logical problem-solving and efficiency-improvements.. until we can again turn the ‘daily grind’ into a sense of daily ACCOMPLISHMENT.


NURTURING THE BLOODLINE. As our food is finally reduced to useable elements it is passed to the Spleen to be distributed to the body via the bloodstream.. which is a mirror-reflection of how the human FAMILY and HOME-LIFE caretake the individuals within it. Anytime we are having problems with DOMESTIC or FAMILY ‘NURTURE’ we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of poor food-assimilation or the inability to properly USE the nutrition we are taking-in.. leading to bloating, gas, diarrhea, exhaustion or pain in the mid-back and abdominal areas. The holistic recommendation is FAMILY or DOMESTIC RELATIONSHIP COUNSEL, directed at finding where the ‘Nurture’ or SUPPORT Crisis is in one’s life, and restore the sense of being ‘taken care of’ by the ‘bloodline’ or household.


PERSONAL ‘SWEETNESS.’ One of the primary nutrients of the body is Blood Sugar.. the most immediately-useable nutrient sent into the blood after digestion. This sugar is regulated by the Pancreas and it’s glands, which determine the LEVEL or AMOUNT of sugar in the blood. Anytime we are having difficult with our own INNER ‘sweetness’ as a person, we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of blood-sugar imbalances including hypoglycemia and diabetes. The holistic recommendation is a full review of the subject of personal ‘sweetness.’ Are you TOO ‘SWEET’ for your own good.. meaning incapable of expressing your angers, frustrations and personal needs? Or do you ‘bounce’ between ‘sweet’ and SOUR or BITTER as a personality? Such questions rightly answered may have some influence over blood-sugar levels; though genetic patterns may also have great influence over it as well.


LETTING GO OF THE PAST. Once we have digested our experiences in life, we need to RELEASE them, just as the body does with past food-intake. Anytime we have difficulty letting go of past experiences.. whether from guilt, attachment to the status-quo or other ‘anal-retentive’ tendencies.. we may experience a sympathetic response from the lower bowel, leading to pain, inflammation, bleeding or even rupture (or perforation) of the Colon and it’s Appendix. The holistic recommendation in for LIFE-CHANGE: allow yourself to let go of the situations (or, if need be, the relationships) which are no longer ‘right’ for you.. and (like yesterday’s food) ‘pass along’ the way. NOTE: refusal to let go when we know we really WANT TO can produce life-threatening situations. Caution and speedy resolution is needed.


HEALING THE BLOODLINE. Our ‘bloodline’ or genetic family or household is just as capable of having things to let go of as the individual body is. Whether old ‘traditions’ or such stresses as child (or parent) abuse, religious opinions that make happy relating impossible or other traumatic ‘legacies’ such problems may become intolerable and lead to a sympathetic response from the organs which perform the function of purifying the blood for the body.. the Kidneys; leading to infections, kidney stones or even kidney failure. The holistic recommendation is LETTING GO OF FAMILY-ENFORCED PATTERNS, beliefs or behaviors that one does not ‘agree’ with. While this may lead to interpersonal stresses of it’s own, such Self-liberation may have a healing effect on the Kidneys.. and you simply cannot LIVE without their help! The issue to remember is that ‘family traditions’ are only valuable if they are HEALTHY for all members of the bloodline.


RELEASING SOCIAL PRESSURES. Water, which forms the vast majority of our bodies, represents to the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface SHARED EMOTION. Anytime we are having difficulty getting our society to SHARE with us emotionally, we may experience a sympathetic response in difficulty releasing urine from the urinary bladder. On the other extreme, over-pressurized social situations may inflame the bladder and urinary tract, leading to incontinence (inability to control urination) or infections to the urinary tract. Sexually transmitted viruses (rightly called ‘social diseases’) are another indication of over-emphasis on RELATING within society. The holistic recommendation in all bladder complaints is RELEASE OF PRESSURE. Look for ways to RELAX about how society sees you and your way of fitting-into it.


RE-CREATING LIFE. Regardless of our sexual gender, we each have the ability to ‘give life’ on an almost godlike level.. through sexual reproduction and OTHER acts of CREATIVITY. From the arts and music to social reform, there are many ways of Re-Creating Life; and ALL of them are symbolized to the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface as our Sexual Organs and their functions. While we can all see the reproductive ‘reason’ for sexual attraction between breeding pairs, we often overlook the fact that (holistically speaking) ALL SEXUAL DESIRE IS THE DESIRE TO ‘RE-CREATE’ LIVING PEOPLE. Anytime one is having any form of distress or dysfunction to the sexual organs, the holistic recommendation is to look-anew at your sexual DESIRES, trying to see them as a desire to RE-CREATE the people and sexual behaviors you are attracted-to.. for stress or dysfunction to the sexual organs holistically MEANS ‘CREATIVITY CRISIS.’ What you are here to ‘re-create’ and how your sexual nature fits into that is part of the puzzle you must solve! Look to Creativity for answers to any problem involving (in women) the uterus, vagina and ovaries.. and (in men) the penis, testes and prostate (all of which are part of the need to Re-Create Life through shared Sexual PLEASURE.)


THE UPRIGHT ATTITUDE or Philosophy. How we ‘hold ourself upright’ as a person (our posture) ‘means’ to the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface SELF-OPINION.. which is determined by our basic Philosophy in life. Anytime we experience trauma to that philosophy or the self-esteem it gives us, we may experience a sympathetic change in the spinal bones.. leading to a wide array of pains, spasms, nerve-flow abnormalities and other problems. The holistic recommendation is Philosophic Review.. looking for any possible out-dated ideas about ourselves that the trauma points-out.. as well as any SELF-ESTEEM problems we may be having. NOTE: structural injuries are extremely difficult to correct without professional help! Chiropractic, Spinology, Yoga, Massage or Physical Therapy may be needed, as you address the inner issues of OPINION and SELF-ESTEEM that influence your ‘posture’ in life.


THAT WHICH IS ‘SACRED.’ At the very ‘foundation’ of one’s philosophy in life is SOMETHING that one holds ‘sacred’ or LIFE-GIVING. Whatever that happens to be for you (divinity by any name) influences your relationship with the base of the spine. Anytime one experiences anything that challenges or upsets one’s relationship with divinity, there may be a sympathetic response in the form of Saecral pain, bone-misalignment or other injury. The holistic recommendation is a reconnection with divinity by whatever means is possible; whether meditation training, spiritual development courses or even religious ‘rebirth’ if that is one’s opinion of divinity. The real issue is RE-ALIGNMENT WITH DIVINITY: the details must fit your own ideas or experience of what divinity IS.


THE PACE OF ONE’S LIFE. The hips set the ‘pace’ or speed of our walking movements. Consequently anything that challenges or changes the pace of our life (anything from aging to sudden demands for faster progress) can cause trauma to the Hips. The holistic recommendation is re-evaluation of the ‘pace’ of our daily lives, with an eye to MORE SENSIBLE or MORE EFFECTIVE ‘pacing.’ Are you moving TOO fast for your own good.. running a bit too hard?.. or in need of a sudden ‘kick-start’ to get you moving faster? The hips will tell you CLEARLY! Listen to their advice, and they will normally return to ‘a happy pace’ on their own.


‘SUPPORTING’ YOURSELF. The Legs are our primary ‘supports’ in life, and the way we ‘stand up’ for ourselves. As such, they reflect the Holistic ‘meaning’ of RIGHT LIVELIHOOD (or financial self-sufficiency) and other expressions of self-WORTH. Anything that distresses or changes our ability to Support ourselves can cause a sympathetic response in the form of pain, injury, strain or other problems with the Legs. The holistic recommendation is for SELF-SUPPORT (career or financial) PLANNING.. and changes to make self-support more viable for you. Also, if you are having difficulty in defending yourself against other points of view or authoritative personalities, self-confidence or even martial-arts training may be useful in healing Leg-related conditions.


‘BOWING TO THE GREATER GOOD.’ Life often puts us in situations where, in order to serve what we see as the Greater Good (such as the needs of the family, company or society) we must ‘bend the knee’ and BUCKLE-DOWN to our ‘duty.’ Such situations can trigger a sympathetic response in the form of pain, nerve abnormalities or other problems with the Knees. The holistic recommendation is to EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS FULLY while going on with whatever you feel you MUST do for the Greater Good. This can give you the inner feeling of properly honoring your own best interests as well as those that are ‘greater’ than personal in importance. Long-term knee-stress would indicate a need for greater emphasis on the Self, and less on ‘duties’ that are obviously stress-producing for you.


CHANGING DIRECTIONS IN LIFE. No other part of our anatomy is so crucial to our DIRECTION OF WALKING as the Ankles are. Consequently any trauma or stress over which direction to proceed in (or conflict with others over directions you are jointly moving in together) can cause a sympathetic response in the form of pain, strain or injury to the Ankles. The holistic recommendation for all Ankle problems is a careful analysis of your LIFE-DIRECTIONS in every area from career to lifestyle, relationships to long-term plans.. and try to find any areas of CONFLICT with others in your immediate ‘support-group.’


TAKING A ‘STAND’ IN LIFE. We are deeply influenced by our relationships with others, and it is often difficult to make our own personal ‘stand’ on things known and respected by those we care about or work around. Anytime the stress this creates becomes more than we can ‘stand’ there may be sympathetic response in the form of pain, injury or other problems to the Feet, toes or toenails. The holistic recommendation in all such situations is to clearly define where you ‘stand’ on matters of importance at the time.. and get that recognized and validated by those around you. Look for any areas of CONFLICT between where you stand and the stand of others, for is is normally conflict that generates PAIN.


CONTACT WITH NATURE. The skin of our feet is our most constant contact with Mother Earth, and consequently the Soles carry all of the stresses we may have over contact with Nature. Injury or other problems to the Soles indicates a greater need for ‘naturalism’ in your lifestyle. Look for new ways to contact the Earth.. including gardening, hiking, swimming, etc… as ways to help comfort the Soles.


ASTHMA: Ego-Pressure; personal Ego-desires are conflicting with one’s commitments to others

BLEEDING: Releasing Genetic History; letting go of past patterns inherited from one’s family or society

CANCER: Un-Natural Self Image; considering oneself ‘inhuman’ or WRONG in one’s (usually intimate relationship) Lifestyle

CHILLS, COLDNESS: In-Coming New Patterns; Evolutionary Inspiration underway

DIABETES: Sweetness Crisis; enforced ‘squelching’ of ANGER over long periods of time, usually family-enforced patterns

ECZEMA, Skin Rashes: Abrasion Crisis; having to tolerate unacceptable contacts or activities

EMPHYSEMA: Telepathic Overload; “drowning” in unexpressed interpersonal emotions toward oneself

FEVERS, INFECTIONS: Ego-Transcendence; releasing old patterns of self-identity and behavior

GOUT: Pampered Temper; a self-image in permanent ‘pout’

NUMBNESS, WEAKNESS: Avoidance Crisis; something is being ‘abdicated’ or denied

PAIN however caused: Inflamed Focus; a problem-area pointed-out

PALSY, uncontrollable SPASMS: Response Crisis; not knowing how to react to others or situations

PNEUMONIA: Depression Crisis; “drowning” in Self-Pity over things that cannot be ‘fixed’ except by forgiveness

~via IN5D.com ~Thank you to Olwe for allowing us to share this information on In5D. To learn more please visit Olwe’s website.

LISA RENEE: “Psychic Self Defense: Superimpositional Forces” (Part 6/8)



Superimpositional Forces

Dear Family,

This Week 6 of the Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the topic of – Superimpositional forces upon a Human Energy Field or in simpler terms, an unprovoked energy drain or attack by another. This is a dicey subject matter to language and therefore I making my best attempt to bring some intelligibility to comprehending such phenomena within the ethereal worlds. The point is this series is intended to inform and provoke thought, never to evoke fear. Utilize this information for your empowerment.

To continue this topic over the next weeks, we must intend to explore with neutrality, intuitive discernment and an open mind. As from the perception of an “investigative reporter” motivated to gain greater knowledge of the truths and the complexities that we ARE, and how that “mechanism” of our energetic existence interacts within the dynamics of our world.    Every cell, every pore of our energy field is held within an immense layering of other fields that connects us all to each other and to the even vaster levels of a” Unified Field” of all creation. We are One with the Universe and All creation, as It is One with Us. Nothing we do, think or create is separate.
Most of the negative interference we are dealing with in our lives is caused from us not comprehending our energy fields (our minds and bodies), how they work, and consequently this causes an imbalance in our ability to live in harmony with the natural laws. The “natural laws” (or universal laws) are really a way to explain that our reality is governed by fundamental truths that are energetic laws to which we are bound, by virtue of incarnating into the physical realm. When we understand and live within those laws, harmony prevails and our lives become released of obstacles and suffering. At that moment of self realization we may now begin to recognize that we are actually “creators” with an amazing opportunity to experience our physical manifestations and interact with them. This allows us to become more fully self / soul actualized when we have the capacity to express a passionate joy enabling us to participate fully in our conscious co-creations in the world. We now can begin to experience unlimited consciousness opportunity in a world of form.

I am a definite proponent of integration, balance and understanding the mechanism of the human ego. As we go further delving into discussion of such matters, there is a danger of the ego falling into various pitfalls of projection, blame, fear or victim-hood. The greatest psychic self defense is the shield created from a position of personal “god- self” power and psycho-emotional mastery. This is one reason we teach the 12D shield. Since we are Spirit having a physical experience, the polarization we experience in the emotional spectrum as humans makes this a slippery slope of finding energetic balance and making micro-adjustments. This is where the borders of realities, illusion and delusion may blend and there is a need to have grounded support system and gain guidance through our transitions. We are beginning our ascent to higher frequency bands of consciousness that will integrate us on a pathway to become multi-dimensional human beings. This is the process of “Ascension” of which we are fully underway and that will be continuing to accelerate. I have begun this series as a tool for you to gather information before it happens so that you may smoothly integrate your process. To be mentally prepared and empowered with this knowledge will create a much smoother process for the human ego experiencing these transformational energies.

Self examination, meditation and inquiry is tantamount to the exploration of our inner secrets and god’s mysteries being revealed through us. This revelation is our divine inheritance leading us to Self Sovereignty, a lifetime free of suffering and blindness.

And so the examination continues.

Superimpositions or Unprovoked Energy Attack

Specifically directed spiritual attacks is a more rare occurring phenomena to the general populace, however it is worth having a comprehension of the various levels and possibilities. In my experience the more energetically sensitive or consciously developed a human being is,( as that is reflected in the energy field of the lightbody of that person multi-dimensionally), the energy field of that person is more vulnerable to superimpositional energy from a variety of sources. We will start with a general look into karmic manipulation although it has the possibility to manifest at many different levels and scenarios. This may take our newsletter series into a book, as there is so much material to cover within these areas, to further investigate and discuss.

This is an area one must gradually explore at your own pace as appropriate to what you can process or handle.  This has been a challenging topic for me as I inherently tended to be in conflict with the idea that there are unprovoked attacks by negative interference perpetrated by a form of “evil”.  Many advanced healers and light workers refuse to believe that this dark force exists in the other dimensions and psychic world. Denying acceptance of negative interference is possibly the ego’s way of creating a defense mechanism. It all may feel too much to integrate in addition to the various demands we experience in third dimensional life on earth.  However, denying their existence does not stop these dark force energies, events and attacks from happening.

In the beginning of my awakening process, in building my light bodies and communing with various beautiful light beings and members of the spiritual hierarchy, I completely refused to think or believe there was “evil” and that most of what is perceived as evil was the ignorance of the human collective mass mind of low vibrational thoughts. I believed that this type of negativity did not have a “consciousness” intentionally to harm others but that it was seeking more impersonal balancing of karma through natural laws. As this is accurate in some cases, I have learned through my own experience that this is not always true.

Once you experience dark force attacks you are forced to deal with the event and your belief systems surrounding it. There is a fine line of balance that one must maintain between cultivating the knowledge of such matters to learn how to protect oneself and remain in a neutral association devoid of all judgment and emotional charge. Clarity in these matters is challenging, as outside of linear space and time our conscious mind does not function as an indicator and you are left with your intuitive knowingness, your team guidance and verifying your experience by testing it over and over again. Relearning to connect to the innate divine intelligence of the universe takes practice and further practice to regain confidence and trust in your new sense perception. This is why comprehension of your energy field, developing a still mind through meditation and finding balance to work on integrating all of your bodies energy fields is extremely important. (The process of Integrated Ascension) When you are in a state of psycho-emotional imbalance it is increasingly difficult to maintain clarity in fearless detachment. To increase your ability to understand your lightbody (bio-energy mechanics) in this world and to be archetypally integrated and grounded in the Earth will assist you tremendously in achieving self mastery.

Why is this important? Negative interference and psychic attack causes harm and energetic blockages.  It blocks the self determining aspects of your life, blocks free will and obstructs your ability to manifest your life purpose. Obsessive negative thinking, illness, depression, physical pain and fatigue and a life filled with fear can all be directed by dark forces and unhealed aspects of your ego.

An example of a negative interference is a ‘Karmic Manipulation’, when some other person or entity consciously or unconsciously sends karmic energy to you that is not personally yours and not of your ancestors’. Negative manipulation is any act of coercion on any level that takes away the act of personal consent. It can manifest as nuisances to create more havoc in the life of another. We each have the right to transcend and purify any karmic entanglement or consciousness pain trap (also referred to as miasma in our cellular bodies and energy templates). Without spiritual clearing, it will just keep returning to you in order to seek energetic balance. At certain points in human evolution only the person or lineage that generated the karma could release it. However during this time of Ascension, we are granted many dispensations and new knowledge to heal ourselves , transforming and transcending karmic patterns in our bodies templates, group template bodies, planetary and collective bodies and so forth.  However, when there are certain negative interferences there is another process that may prove helpful when you have exhausted other clearing techniques within your bodies in regards to miasmatic patterns, such as cord cutting. If it is determined that a karmic/entity manipulation has taken place, especially if its been intended to stop you from manifesting your soul purpose of service work into the world, there is an additional process. If you determine the source of dark force interference, it is possible to request and enforce a “ban of non interference” which will ban them from intruding or manipulating upon your energy field.

As part of your regular intents with your 12D shield, you can include: “I command True Spiritual Law in all interactions. All manipulated karma is null and void”. This will help stop this sort of negative interaction from intruding upon your energy field again.

This type of issue is far more likely to what spiritually aware people are feeling in their energy fields at this time, especially as they increase in vibration. However, there are times that deliberate negative attacks or curses that are made towards others by people who do not understand the laws of karma.

An example of a dynamic of this issue would be a hostile threat received from a religiously indoctrinated person that has a belief and judgment that all healers using light as a healing tool are serving satanic forces. This person justified through their religious belief decides to have a personal vendetta targeting one healer in particular and continually sends negative thoughts, threats of curses in the hopes the healer will be incapacitated. Maybe this person goes to their church prayer group to hold prayers to move this healer away from their community, as they feel this person poses a threat to their idea of a relationship to God. If the healer is not aware of the need to scan and clear their energy field and/or develop tools of protection, there is a high potential risk for the healer to develop drained vitality or negative interference with their work.

Also, persons attracted to the glamour and idea of witchcraft, occultism or satanic ritual that cast spells for personal benefit without understanding intention or caring where these spells go, they are manipulating the free will of another, or even harming others.

A spell or curse is a form of intent that sends out a negative thought form, harmful entity or pattern. It could be to the universe, to the Earth or nature kingdoms or to another person. Before sending anything out to another person – even if it is seemingly for their own good – you need the permission of that person either directly or indirectly via your higher self and theirs. If you have permission to send them love and healing then this will also return to you as all things must come to equilibrium. Equally, if you send out hate, manipulation and pain to another it will return to you, whether they are aware of it or not.

Using manipulation to achieve results for selfish motives does not contribute to inner peace or spiritual growth, but in fact will increase only the lower entities drawn to you, causing more negativity to appear in your life.

For those on the receiving end of such manipulations, there is energetic recourse. Determine with your higher self or spiritual guide for clarity if it is a spell or curse as the issue if you suspect someone doing this towards you. It may be also that the carrying over of such spells and curses from your ancestors has occurred from a time when this was far more common in society.

Again, the natural process of your spiritual growth and rising vibration will bring these things to the surface to be released. As you reach deeper layers of release and achieve energetic balance, keeping the energy field clear, clean and protected should prevent these things from taking hold again and make them easier to prevent and clear if they do reoccur.

Lightworkers especially will be exposed to other’s negative ego and other dark attacks as they rise to greater leadership position and spiritual responsibility. The first lesson is not to react to attacks and lower your vibration by sinking to that level. Remain neutral, detached, forgiving and loving, striving to maintain divine indifference.

Ground yourself, clear your field daily including whatever intentions you need to include and make a 12D protective shield around yourself. Begin to wean yourself off violent entertainment, gossip, media and negative emotional attachments to others. Intend to align to your authentic soul purposes and divine will. This will improve the quality of your life through daily experience with sensations of a much smoother, more enjoyable and spiritually connected life of synchronicity.

I am including a suggested invocation that addresses the Guardians and Councils, and the highest spiritual authority you feel aligned with for support and intervention of removing deliberate attempts of others to thwart you from your spiritual projects or life purpose.  Or, you may simply call upon your Higher God Self as the ultimate authority. This is to be addressed from a position of heart felt sincerity, higher self alignment and purity of intention. Be clear in your motivations before asking and be sure you address them with reverence and respect.

Ban of Non Interference

Prepare your 12th Dimensional Light Shield.

We Ask The Guardians, our Higher God Selves, Evolution Support Teams, Starseed Identity Matrix, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of GOD’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in counter clockwise motion into full expansion in the Maharata Force Of Platinum Light, Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light. Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram. North South East West – Earth- Sky : We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible.  We ask the Guardian Gatekeepers to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.

Request the intelligent presence of the Laws of Karma if aligned to the Cosmic Sovereign law (that you have stated your representation)  serving the planetary purposes.

Request a Ban on Non-interference to be placed as protection for yourself, your operation, your books/ projects. Do this request one at a time for each person or entity you have determined is creating negative interference in your life’s work. Request this person be reported to the Higher Councils and/or Karmic Laws while removing any and all superimposed influences upon you. Ask if there is any agreement or vow you have made with this person/entity in any of your lifetimes. If you get a “Yes” answer, request that you want to be released from the contract permanently and aligned to your highest spiritual purpose removing all obstacles. If answer is “No” continue the request that this person/entity be appropriately shut off through the ban from any further contact to influence your energy field or consciousness, removing all sabotage influence and reviewed appropriately in Cosmic Sovereign Law.

Thank the Guardians, Councils and Spiritual Masters for their consideration and close your contact with them.

Next we will get more specific about Forces resistant to your lightwork, healing work or conscious support of Ascension. This includes all those persons intending to increase or build planetary evolution at this timeline. We will also define the term “starseed” soul and why they are vulnerable at this time.

Stay within the light and path of your soul, ignite the power of the eternal light within YOU!
Love, Lisa

LISA RENEE: “Psychic Self Defense: Attachment Cords” (Part 4/8)



Dear Family,

The Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the topic of Attachment Cords between ourselves and others, what are they, why do they exist? Also known as “etheric” or karmic cords most energy healers/intuitives are acutely aware of these cords existing in a myriad of patterns in the human energy field. Some of them are sourced in a present incarnation while others exist in parallel dimensions, apparently a strong enough emotional cord will permeate through any time and space! Truly our emotional body and the chemistry that is our emotions is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe and one of the gifts we have received from God Source. It is worthwhile to understand the impact and incredible force of power that is our emotions and direct this power wisely. Let us investigate cording….

Attachment Cords

Etheric attachment cords (energetic ties) commonly form between people, places, timelines and objects, especially when the connections are deeply emotional in nature. These attachments clairvoyantly appear as long thin stringy cords, like great long etheric telephone wires. When these attachments remain between people they can become a conduit for draining energy from the filled to the empty. Generally this is usually from the person who has made the effort consciously or unconsciously to energize the one who is an energetic vampire. These cords can also send and receive pain, guilt, fear and any number of thoughts and feelings that may not even be yours. Also traumas experienced at various times in one’s life may create cording and fracture your energy to split off and be depleted into the past at the source event. Hence the importance of being present in the eternal “now” moment as one has available all energetic resources when the consciousness is aware in present time. Much illness and imbalance is caused from depleted energy resources meant for the present moment use, however, the mental body is whirring in obsession over pain from the past experience leaving the body severely depleted.

It is possible many times these cords drain away energy gridwork from your etheric body where the attachment is attached, depleting the area of chi and leading to imbalance or disease. Often these problems can be perceived as a psychic attack when strong emotions flare up. You can muscle test or utilize a pendulum/guidance to be clear whether what you are feeling is in fact an attachment and then take steps to clear and release.

The more attachments you carry, the more conduits for potential problems and loss of energy and gridwork in your field. This will also slow your vibrational increase in one’s efforts to evolve as your light body is trying to build more gridwork to maintain that energy level and vibration. Releasing attachments with forgiveness and acceptance goes hand in hand with spiritual growth.

Attachments that form may be imbalanced or conflicted emotions that we are carrying in our beliefs and/or connections to others. Lacking awareness of our personal boundaries we give away pieces of ourselves energetically due to guilt, conditional love and allow our power to be drained when we conform to another’s expectations of us without allowing acceptance for who we are at the authentic levels. To fully release cordings one must be able to identify and do an honest inventory of personal emotional behavior and habits. Any conflicting emotions should be separated out. If one is confusing love with support into co-dependence, or taking responsibility for others happiness then you are opening yourself up to invasion by others, the ambiguities of these inter-relationships may prevent you from fully cutting the cords. Examining one’s true self in comparison to the subtle abuses we are exposed to from external sources, such as our upbringing, religion, societal expectations and other programming is important to gain clarity towards regaining our autonomy.

As a practitioner in energetic healing it has been clear for me that emotional conflicts left unresolved from the past will create sympathetic response in organs, tissues, areas of the body where the trauma may be “projected” and stored energetically within all layers of the body and its field. That particular event of perceived trauma or suffering will be lodged as a “dark” clump of negative goo or tar like energy, sometimes with multi-cords, layers of attachments to various other life experiences that triggered the same response sourced at the original event of trauma. This compounds the original trauma with even more accumulated debris and to my inner vision appears something like a dark clumpy octopus with tentacles sourced at various timelines and events that trigger the source dark clump of energy to activate the emotional body to experience further pain sensations. Commonly I experience with clients the perception of a sensation of a deep wound of trauma, let’s say as example, established as a very young child. The trauma timeline at the age of the child gets splintered, a piece of the soul’s spirit fragments off from the pain of the experience and shuts down various energy functions that develop into psycho-spiritual wounds later as an adult.
Deep wounds left unresolved make a pathway from the energy bodies to the physical body and lodge and store the trauma patterns cellularly and the physical body starts to create imbalance unique to the incarnates genetics, ancestral/karmic patterns and other factors. Emotional release, soul retrieval and additional physical bodywork, as in neuromuscular re-structuring, is needed when the wounds are deep and held for a long period of time.

Also I will add in my personal experience I have witnessed an energetic entity, spirit attachments, multiple personalities or just a dark being latched on to this “wound” and manipulating the emotional response to that of its desire rather than to its unaware subject. This is why clearly it is important to break outside the 3D box we have been conditioned as our absolute reality and understand these dynamics and not allow anything uninvited in your energy field. The simple antidote to this phenomena is maintaining your personal power with the built in god-awareness you have in you, your intuitive faculties, and stating your command. You will need to be responsible for your healing for it to be permanent. Many times your inner child or sub-personalities will be sabotaging you from emotionally repressed and built up fears.

One interesting factor to note is the energetic and physical act of sexuality and its implications on the energy field. The sharing of fluids between two people creates a spiritual bond or cord of energy that cannot be broken energetically, unless made aware of, cleared of conflict and transmuted. So psychological bonds may be broken once a serious relationship has ended, however the spiritual energetic cord still continues to exist. Amazing! These cords are like electrical wires with energy passing back and forth through them, the power based on the depth and intensity of the connection. It is also important to understand that the thoughts and emotions held or the state of consciousness you are holding when you are having sex is what you are implanting into your partner. Naturally being in love, holding loving thoughts with the desire to serve your partner is the goal when you are blending at this level with another being. The incredible emotional impact of love as a force shared and blended in a soul union can burn off karma and even contribute an amazing force of transformation for others. Understanding these karmic bonds you create with people every time you have a sexual interaction surely creates more discernment in one’s choices for a partner.

Below, I have included a “Cord Cutting Visualization” as a guideline for your working with releasing and healing these attachment cords.

Cord Cutting Visualization

Find a quiet uninterrupted space to let yourself relax and take three deep cleansing breaths. Imagine yourself standing within a beautiful peaceful place, a meadow, lakeside, or a sea shore. Take a few moments to feel the surrounding nature with your imagination. Ask your higher self to blend with you or be present. Create a larger flat area in your peaceful place and draw a circle of light around you, the circle delineates your protected space. Call in the higher self of the person you wish to release attachment cords with. Draw another circle of light (not touching your circle) around them as you visualize them standing in front of you. Explain to them why you are doing this exercise, that you wish to be free of old emotional conditioning and psychic bonds that have built up in the past or from expectations of the future. That you intend to keep unconditional love flowing between you and be released of mutual expectations for the highest good. Look and see if you notice the cords symbolically and how they manifest themselves. As you sense them, snip them off with giant golden scissors, first from yourself , snipping and removing them and healing and sealing the places with light, then removing them from the other person. Make sure you get snipped all the cords you sense, even looking around the backs of both of you. The snipped cords can be piled aside or left aside. Where possible, let unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance as an energy of intention flow everywhere, every cell and pore through you and the other person. Then see the person in their circle of light in a space separated from yours. Gather all the cords and see them in a violet flame bonfire being transmuted and burned away. ( Or you can call in the 7th Ray Violet flame of Transmutation and ask all the cords be transmuted into purity of God perfection) Take a moment to feel the sensation of the bonfire Violet Flame energizing, warming and healing your body as you watch the fire destroy all cords and simultaneously revitalize you. Wrap yourself in a tube or bubble of light encasing your entire being. Bring your attention back into your room and allow a few moments to readjust and breathe in. Use your grounding technique or envision your feet grounding vines of energy deeply into the center of the earth.

Until next time… Big Blessings, keep yourselves balanced in between the vertical and horizontal worlds and Happy Cord cutting!

Lisa Renee

Suggested Reference Material:

Understanding the Chemistry and Mechanics of Emotions and the Subconscious helps you to “dis-identify” with them as “you” and begin to respond and create your life free from subconscious reactive or destructive emotions.

Molecules of Emotions , by Dr. Candace Pert
Soul Psychology , by Dr David Joshua Stone
David Deida Books  www.bluetruth.org

Books on CD:
Sedona Method, by Lester Levenson

Liberated Life and the Pain Body, by Eckart Tolle

What the Bleep Do We Know




