S.D. WELLS: “The 7 most popular medicines that DON’T WORK”

Big Pharma

(NaturalNews) It’s bad enough to be sick and miserable, missing out on life, activities, work, school – or worse – vacation, but to be sick and then take medicine that either doesn’t work or makes matters worse, well, that’s just pouring salt in the wound. Yet, that’s exactly what most Americans do, day in and day out, thinking that they’re doing what’s best for themselves or their children, or worse, their babies. Even pregnant women are advised by medical doctors to take the wrong medications, and who would second guess someone who’s been to eight years of medical school? Actually, you should – that’s who.

Medical doctors know absolutely nothing about nutrition, and they’re trained to push and juggle chemical medications that cover up symptoms and bring their patients back for more “regular” checkups and “follow up” visits that not only cost you your money and time, but cost you your health. Plus, the mass media pushes all those same toxic medications that address only the symptoms of sicknesses, disguising the root problems and creating total health nightmares. Nearly every advertisement on TV, in popular magazines and in the newspapers, is for some corporate propaganda that pushes lab-made chemicals that should never be swallowed, rubbed on the skin – or much worse – injected with a needle into you or your baby’s muscle tissue.

Ask any Naturopath about the following seven medicines that don’t work, and you’ll probably hear the same advice. Western medicine is one big fraud, and has been for 100 years. The AMA, the CDC, the FDA and the ADA (American Dental Association) are run just like capitalistic businesses; they’re in it for profits and at the expense of their patients’ health. How long have you been a customer of the sick care industry? Cross check your medicine against this list of the most popular bogus chemical concoctions never meant to enter the human body:

#1. Over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription antihistamines.

#2. The flu shot – contains 25,000 times more mercury than is legally allowed in drinking water.

#3. All immunizations – contain known carcinogens that cause severe allergies and cancer.

#4. Blood thinners.

#5. SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)

#6. Chemotherapy – causes new cancers to develop in the body and cripples immunity.

#7. Antibiotics – kill all bacteria, good and bad, crippling immunity in the process.

The major problems with antihistamines, blood thinners and SSRIs

So, you’re probably asking what’s wrong with antihistamines, because for a few hours after you take some, you always feel a little bit better. Here’s what happens: The antihistamines shrink your membranes, retracting some of that mucus in your sinus cavities, in your throat, behind your eyes, and even shrinking the glands that produce it. That’s why you feel a little better, because that sinus headache dissipates and some of the pressure is relieved, plus you can breathe better for about three to four hours. But then comes the nightmare. You see, your body produces mucus to push out the problem, which could be allergens, bacteria, viruses, you name it. So what you’re doing by taking antihistamines is almost ensuring you get a sinus infection, or later, when it moves to your chest, a bronchial infection. You’re suppressing the body’s natural detoxification method, and keeping in the germs the mucus might have carried out. Oops. MDs love prescribing antihistamines, and the strong ones too, because it nearly guarantees you’ll be back with bigger problems – hence more money for them to pay the bills for their three-story homes, luxury vehicles, swimming pools and yachts.

Then there are the dreaded blood thinners, and since two out of every three Americans just can’t seem to stop eating sausages, steaks, hot dogs and margarine, what would seem to be the only “trade off?” Rat poison! Coumadin and Warfarin are dangerous drugs that cause people to bleed to death from basic little cuts and bruises. Both of these blood thinners weaken blood vessels and cells, and kill rats in clinical trials. Then, the moronic MDs tell everyone they’ve prescribed them to not to eat greens! Want a simple solution that’s natural? Take 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C daily, which coats the red blood cell walls and prevents them from breaking or bleeding. Also, vitamin E (about 400 IU daily) coats red blood cells and binds collagen in blood vessels, and that prevents strokes and bleeding. No MD will ever recommend these because they’re likely to lose their licenses to dish out chemical poison.

As for SSRIs, the worst thing someone suffering from depression or anxiety can do is to block their production of serotonin, and attempt to “regulate” its redistribution with chemicals. Prof. David Healy, the head of psychiatry at a hospital in the U.K. says the entire premise behind SSRIs and how they work is based on a myth. He warns that these drugs, which just so happen to promote suicidal and homicidal tendencies, have never been scientifically shown to balance anything in the brain whatsoever. So much for correcting “chemical imbalances” – that was all just some crafty marketing rather than laboratory testing or science-based research. It’s all just false hope and chemical-placebo effects, if you’re lucky. Want some real natural remedies for depression? Consider dark organic chocolate, mucuna dopa bean and St. John’s Wort.

Bottom line: If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, seek out natural remedies, and avoid at all costs the most popular seven medicines that DON’T WORK.

NIKKI WALSH: “7 Ways Meditation Helps You Become A Better Person”


The best thing about this meditation is, it doesn’t change you into someone you’re not. It helps you to let go of the parts you would like to let go of. It enhances the real you. You know, the good parts — the things you love about yourself — the things that make you, you. Doing this practice gives your thoughts clarity: your thoughts about what to do, and your thoughts about your life. This is something good to know in a world that seems filled with people telling us how we should be, and what we should do. If you could see clearly what is best for you, wouldn’t you do it?

Here are some ways Kelee meditation can help you:

You feel better physically

“When your mind lights up with a good thought, your physical body follows suit.” A quote from the book, The Mind and Self-Reflection by author Ron W. Rathbun.

While surfing, Jake, experienced this firsthand. He’d had “one of those days” at work and was out on the ocean but not “feeling the vibe.” He got a little frustrated, then decided to try and “drop into his mind,” right there on the water. So he dropped into his Kelee and detached from the thoughts bothering him. He waited patiently for the next wave, and it was one of the best rides of his life! Dropping into your greater Kelee, which is an opening to the mind, is not some abstract thought. It’s real, and you can use it to help yourself every day in your life.

You naturally become a better listener

A wise person observes more and talks less. Through this practice brain chatter lessens, and you naturally hear more of what others are saying.

You talk from your heart

Speaking from your heart means never having to apologize for saying something you didn’t mean. When you do Kelee meditation, you naturally speak from your heart, and your whole life gets simpler.

You mind your own business

Have you ever gotten into someone else’s business, then wish you hadn’t. We are responsible for ourselves. This meditation practice focuses you on your thoughts, and your life.

You become less dramatic

“If you make something an issue, it will be. Do you create issues for yourself or others, and why.” When you live from the harmony of mind, you don’t make issues. Being dramatic is really just a waste of everyone’s energy anyway.

You learn to say, “No, thank you”

When you learn to respect yourself more — your thoughts and your feelings — you respect your own space. From The Mind and Self-Reflection, “If you never learn how to say no thank you, people never learn to respect your space. Do you respect your space.”

You let others work out their problems

It doesn’t help to get involved in other people’s problems. Most people don’t want to be told what to do anyway. When you are in mind, you focus on your life. Isn’t that enough?

We recommend doing this meditation. It is a simple, five-minute meditation based on stillness of mind — and you can do it at home. For instructions, download this simple ebook, Kelee Meditation: Free your Mind, and begin becoming a better person today.

—Nikki Walsh

Nikki Walsh is a freelance writer and mom of two kids living in Southern California. She holds an MBA in marketing from University of California, Irvine and a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from UCSD. She has been practicing Kelee meditation for 19 years. When she is not writing she can be found out and about having fun with her kids.

©2016 with permission of the Kelee Foundation.

TERESA MANRING: “17 Foods To Supercharge Your Metabolism”


“Remember… “If it isn’t organic… Don’t eat it!” ~ Ascension Avatar

Despite what you may have heard, the speed of your metabolism isn’t a direct product of your genes. Lifestyle and habits actually play a huge role in whether your metabolism is working for you — or against you. Habits like exercise, eating more protein, and incorporating more warming spices and herbs into your diet have all been shown to give your metabolism a boost. But if you really want to supercharge your metabolism, there’s nothing that will produce better results than eating a nutritious diet full of unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Here are 17 foods you’ll want to eat regularly to keep your metabolism revved up and ready to burn.



Eating an apple every day may do more than keep the doctor away. In fact, a study from Rio de Janeiro State University found that eating three small apples a day greatly increases metabolism and speeds up weight loss. The researchers thought the key to this discovery might be fiber, which can slow the intake of dietary sugar and make you feel fuller longer. Apple peels also contain pectin, a specific type of fiber that not only helps to flush out toxins, but also limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb.

Red delicious apple


Asparagus is particularly high in B vitamins, which play a key role in metabolizing sugar and starches. This spring veggie is also a rich source of the antioxidant glutathione, a compound that helps your body to break down and eliminate harmful carcinogens like free radicals.




This heart-healthy fruit, considered by some nutritionists to be the perfect food, is packed with oleic acid, which reduces inflammation. And everything in your body works better when there is less inflammation — including your metabolism. Research on avocados also suggests that this “alligator pear” — as the Spanish originally called them — can make you feel fuller for much longer than other foods.



Fresh berries contain chemicals called anthocyanins, which according to studies, may help with fat metabolism and reduce weight gain. Berries also help with the release of hormones that reduce inflammation and lower blood sugar levels, both of which are crucial for keeping your metabolism working efficiently.

Berries Background macro, selective focus.


This all-around super veggie is not only high in B vitamins to keep your metabolism roaring, broccoli is also packed with fiber and water — an important combination for your body’s ability to burn fat quickly and digest food efficiently. Cruciferous veggies like broccoli are also high in vitamin C, which helps keep things moving steadily through the digestive tract.

Organic broccoli


This leafy green sister of broccoli and cauliflower boasts the same healthy, metabolism-boosting B vitamins that these other cruciferous superfoods contain. Ferment cabbage into sauerkraut to up your intake of probiotics, which also provide a powerful digestive and metabolic punch.



Not only are carrots high in fiber, but certain compounds in carrots also help the liver to flush out environmental toxins and chemicals from the body. This is important because certain toxins can build up in the body, which can slow down your metabolism and prevent weight loss.

Carrot on a wooden table


Packed with nutrients and very versatile, cauliflower makes a great substitution in meals that are typically high in unhealthy, processed carbs that leave you — and your metabolism — feeling tired and sluggish. Rice, couscous, macaroni and cheese, pizza crust and even bagels can all be made with cauliflower instead of grains. Your waistline and energy levels will thank you.

Fresh raw cauliflower on the wooden table


There is a reason celery is known as one of the “quintessential” diet foods: it’s great for boosting the metabolism and weight loss. Celery is a thermogenic food, which means our bodies burn more calories to chew up and digest a piece of celery than the stick of celery actually contains. Pair celery sticks with a healthy nut butter to stay fuller longer.

Fresh celery isolated on white background


Hydrating and fibrous, cucumbers are another thermogenic food with a “negative calorie” effect. However, this isn’t the only way they boost your metabolism. Cucumber seeds actually have a stimulant effect on your body, which can speed up metabolic rates. Cucumber’s high levels of sulfur and silicon may also support the body’s ability to burn fat efficiently.

Fresh Cucumber  slices on wood background


Not only is garlic the ultimate immune-supporting herb (it zaps unwanted bacteria, fungi and viruses), it’s also great for your metabolism. Garlic lowers cholesterol, reduces fat cells in the body, and is linked to lower blood sugar levels and weight loss. This amazing herb also has a thermogenic — or heating effect — which tells your body to burn more calories.

Organic garlic whole and cloves on the wooden background


Grapefruit is well known as one of the top “weight loss” foods we can turn to when our clothes begin to feel a little too tight, but not many people know the explanation behind the reputation. Grapefruit contains a unique antioxidant called naringenin, which researchers at the Scripps Clinic in California found to help the body use insulin more efficiently, keep blood sugar levels balanced, and improve the body’s ability to burn fat.

Healthy Organic Red Ruby Grapefruit


You’ve probably heard that starting your day with a glass of lemon water is a great way to kick-start your metabolism, but do you know why? Drinking lemon water before meals lowers blood sugar peaks by about 10 percent, which reduces the likelihood that your body will store carbohydrates and sugars as fat. Plus, lemon water helps to detoxify your liver, and a healthy liver keeps your metabolism running optimally. You can drink lemon water plain, or you can give your metabolism an extra boost by adding cayenne pepper.

fresh wet lemons

Raw nuts

Including raw nuts in your diet, especially almonds, is wonderful for your metabolism and waistline. Studies show that when your body digests protein, it burns more energy than when it digests carbohydrates or fat. In other words, protein gives your metabolism the biggest boost out of all three macronutrients. Raw nuts are a healthy, vegetarian-friendly way to include more protein in your diet.



Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which helps the body to break down and absorb proteins, supports speedy digestion, and stimulates the metabolism. According to Barbara Simonsohn’s book Healing Power of Papaya, the indigenous people of Central America traditionally ate papaya after heavy meals for this reason.

papaya slice


This spiky tropical fruit isn’t only delicious; it’s also great for weight loss, blood pressure, arthritis relief and many other things— including your metabolism. Its metabolic benefits stem from the unique enzyme bromelain, which helps the body to break down food more quickly and efficiently. Here’s a hint about bromelain: the core of the pineapple actually contains more of this enzyme than the rest of the fruit. So don’t throw it out!

Ripe pineapples on a blue wooden background


According to a Swedish study, spinach is a great food for building lean muscle. This is great news for your metabolism, as the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn.


There’s no magic pill when it comes to losing weight and getting fit, but keeping your metabolism working efficiently by eating clean, nutrient-rich foods like these will go a long way in keeping your energy up and your body fat down. Other ways to keep your metabolism revved into high gear include exercising, drinking caffeine (including coffee), getting enough sleep, and eating foods rich in omega-3s.

—Teresa Manring

Teresa is a freelance writer and yoga teacher currently living in Sri Lanka. She loves to write about policies, ideas, and practices that promote a healthy planet and create healthy people.



NIKKI WALSH: “The Truth About Organic and Non-Organic Fruits and Veggies”

While I disagree it’s “safe” to eat anything grown with pesticides (GMOs are another matter entirely)… I did laugh about the “rinse them under running water” part (since most tap water is pretty toxic too!)… You can follow the general safe/unsafe eating guidelines in this article. : D

Female Stall Holder At Farmers Fresh Food Market

If you say no to pesticides, 89 percent of Americans queried agree with you, a Consumer Reports survey shows. After polling 1,005 people, the report found that the topic of pesticides in food is important to most of us. We put together two lists: one of fruits and veggies that you should always eat organic, and the other with produce safe to buy and eat non-organic (or conventional).

When you buy organic, in general you will be exposed to a smaller amount of pesticides, which tend to be more naturally derived. These more natural pesticides break down easier in the environment (and we suspect in our bodies also). Therefore, buying organic is healthier for the environment, farm workers, wildlife, bees and all of us.

Charlotte Vallaeys, senior policy analyst at Consumer Reports, gives us a clearer understanding. “Eating fruits and vegetables is one of the most important things people can do for their health, and we always recommend certified organic produce as the best choice,” she says. “That’s because the use of pesticides in conventional agriculture can affect not only the people who eat the treated crops, but also farm workers, people living near farms, wildlife and pollinators.”

To further show the importance of eating organic, the results from a Swiss study on a family with young and older kids that went from eating non-organic conventional foods to eating organic foods for two weeks is amazing.

IVL Swiss Environmental Research Institute facilitated the study, titled Human Exposure to Pesticides from Food, and measured the concentration of pesticides in each family member’s urine sample. They found that after eating organic food for only two weeks, there was a significant drop in pesticide residue in the urine samples. Imagine if you always ate organic. We agree with the mom, who doesn’t like the pesticides in her kids’ bodies. 

Because of varying factors — such as where the produce is from, the measurements used and the country of origin — the organic/non-organic recommendations may differ. We compiled these general guides after consulting a Consumer Reports scientific study. But a good rule of thumb: When in doubt, go organic.

Always eat organic


  • Apples
  • Cranberries
  • Nectarines
  • Peaches
  • Plums
  • Strawberries
  • Tangerines
  • Grapes


  • Cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Green beans
  • Hot peppers
  • Sweet bell peppers

Okay to eat non-organic


  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Pineapples
  • Watermelons


  • Avocados
  • Cabbage
  • Mushrooms
  • Onions

Also, consider the seasonality factor when buying produce — it’s always best to buy during the natural growing season instead of the off-season.

Here are a few suggestions in case you get to the grocery store and forgot your list. First, buy organic if possible. Second, if the fruit or vegetable has a peel that you don’t plan to eat, like a pineapple, buying conventional is okay. To a degree, a peel protects the insides from pesticides — like a layer of armor. Third, when there’s no natural covering, buy organic. Lastly, it’s healthier to eat conventional fruits and vegetables rather than not eating any fruits and vegetables at all. 

Now that you’ve got the proper fruit or vegetable, what’s next?

Do you need to clean fruit and veggies?

Absolutely. Wash all produce before eating, even if it’s organic.

What’s the best way to wash fruits and veggies?

Rinse them under running water, according to both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and scientists. Not only is washing fruits and veggies better under running water, mostly due to the abrasive effect, it also removes more bacteria and leftover pesticides than soaking does. If you want to take it one step further, you can use a vegetable scrubbing brush.

Next, blot the water with a clean towel or an earth-friendly paper towel to remove even more bacteria and pesticides.

This process may (or may not) be more than you’re doing, but once you incorporate these simple ideas into your produce prep, it will become a habit.

What about using fruit/vegetable wash?

Water works just as well (and saves you money).

Research from the University of Maine found that distilled water is equal or better than three different commercial fruit and vegetable washes. Other research supports this. But it makes sense to use a wash, right? You wash your hands with soap to get germs off, why not wash fruits and veggies with produce wash, too? Well, some studies show that just washing produce under cold running water is the same as or better than produce washes. You can keep using that vegetable wash, but it’s just an extra step.

After the produce is clean, is it better to peel before eating?

Yes, we recommend peeling when possible. But here are a few peels you can eat. And if you’re going to eat the peel, buy organic — it reduces the risk of pesticides.

So check out our quick lists, look for the fruits and veggies you buy, and then follow our guidelines. Always do a proper prep: Wash under clean running water and blot dry. Peel when possible, and eat the peels (if suitable) when you buy organic. Follow these few simple steps and you’ll feel healthier, too!

—Nikki Walsh

Nikki Walsh is a freelance writer and mom of two kids living in Southern California. She holds an MBA in marketing from University of California, Irvine and a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from UCSD. She has been practicing Kelee meditation for 19 years. When she is not writing she can be found out and about having fun with her kids.


