LISA RENEE on “Those Who Are Controlled by the Yahweh System Will Be Agitated and Activated to Play Out Mind-Controlled Biblical Dramas”

“The Paliadorian eternal light beings created the entire original blueprint and instruction set for all of the 12 human tribes, which when all combined together, comprises the human Tribal Shield records in all of the planetary evolutionary rounds. The Tribal Shield is the entire morphogenetic field comprising all the variations of specific frequency arrangement for all of the 12 Tribes of the Human DNA template. During this cycle through the rise of the Paliadorians, this is activating the human Tribal Shield to become freed of the blood covenants and Alien Hybridization coding imposed upon angelic humans. The restoration of the human Tribal Shield generates the conduit between our current incarnation and simultaneous stations of identity that exist in other timelines, activating an internal interdimensional portal or Inner Stargate System. As a result of the Paliadorian Activation and Aquaferion recoding, the Tribal Shield and the coded DNA information is removing alien hybrid genetic codes, AI codes and an assortment of Blood Covenants used as Consciousness Traps. The Paliadorian Activation contains all of these specific frequencies, DNA Fire Letters and coding that are required for lightbody assembly, in order to access the Transharmonic time cycles of creation, the God worlds, where the trinity wave of unified god consciousness has never separated into a bi-wave form, which further descended into the AI worlds. Thus, the Vertical Channel and Staff configuration in our head, crown, heart and solar star is shifting alignment to receive more step-down frequencies of the Cosmic Heart Mother Blue Ray through the Aquaferion Host network, through which we may experience intense to surreal Lightbody upgrades. Thus, we have entered a cycle in which the mechanical properties of matter are shifting into new Mesomorphic States, through a cascade of transitions involving new phases, as solids become less dense, more fluid and even liquefied. From deep within the Crystal Core of the planetary body, new instruction sets are being transmitted from the Planetary Staff into the earth’s crystalline grid, which is in a process of releasing a tremendous amount of crystalline current and non-polarized current throughout the Planetary Grid Network. With the planetary initiation brought on by the reclamation of Solar Gates by the Paliadorians, these plasmic frequencies are rapidly elevating frequency patterns and restructuring our cellular body, consciousness and life direction. As this intense initiation occurs, it brings the karmic imprints that form into the pain body and shadow selves to rapidly burst out onto the surface reality, so these frequency patterns can be released so the new frequency sets being transmitted can embody. As we become aware of the releases of karmic imprints or shadow energies, we can intend to transmute those energies through the Solar Logos, seeing the Christ consciousness as a Sun image, merging the combined shadow energies with the Solar light, to bring them into synchronization with the highest possible harmony and outcome. Recent Paliadorian Activations have comprised Guardian Yeshua’s 8D Rod and Staff holder configurations being transmitted into the Metagalactic Core, which has had major impacts to support the correction of Metatronic distortions and the extraction of Metatronic Bodies produced in demon seed ratios. Many genetic Clones of the original Yeshua J12 that were produced as imposters from Demon Seed Ratios have been identified, collected and have begun to be transited out into the Arc Zone, reclaiming the organic consciousness parts to be restored to proper Krist coding. The Metatronic constructs expand into many complex layers of alien technologies that have been used to clone holograms of the Avatar families, that serve in the lower dimensions as the Krystal Guardian Christos leadership. This event appears to support another level of revealing the authentic identities versus the artificially generated False Identities, that were created by the NAA to confuse and derail the Christos Mission. This Galactic activation holds an assortment of liquid rainbow plasma frequency sets and new elemental patterns and geometric blueprints to override Metatronic Reversal coding. In many cases, for the first time Guardians have been able to access pre-fall and pre-invasion templates of the planetary schematics in multiple harmonic universes, for correcting the architecture in this present timeline. This has also included massive shifts in the architecture in the Galactic Plane, as well as sweeping changes in the eighth and ninth dimensional layers in the Metagalactic Core of the Milky Way system. All of the spectrums of dimensional frequencies throughout the Universal Time Matrix have begun to weave together from within a Guardian hosted portal system. This works like an aperture lens that has been opening into the Metagalactic Core in order to combine, synthesize and integrate the new elemental consciousness and their geometric patterns in order to form into the highest dimensional layers of spinning Metagalactic Merkaba Fields. The current theme during the Paliadorian Activations is the clearing of the Yahweh Matrix and its Blood Covenant bindings out of the Human 12 Tribes genetic records, with the transmissions and support of the Blue Feathers of Aquaferion. This also may result in levels of Spiritual Warfare instigated from the Yahweh system entities to regain control or access to your Lightbody or block the systematic purge of Black Cube Matrix and layers of the Yahweh architecture and its AI Signal from being extracted out of your lightbody. As a result of dismantling this Blood Covenant network, those who are controlled by the Yahweh system will be agitated and activated to play out these mind controlled Biblical dramas.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Forgiveness”

Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. Forgiveness is important process of the 12 Practices of Self Awareness, Meditate and give attention to these twelve areas to practice better personal self awareness and to discipline the Negative Ego and Pain Body. When you are self aware you are INFORMED and CLEAR and you are less prone to Mind Control and related levels of Archontic Deception Behavior. What we endeavor at this time is to move away from inner confusion and move towards discovering inner clarity. To forgive another person or circumstance is the most generous thing one can do for yourself. When we forgive others for perceived transgressions it frees us from the bonds, entanglements and cords which manifest painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, and anger. Forgiving yourself is the most important action one can take to clearing self-sabotaging bonds of victimhood and their painful wounds. Forgiveness does not mean that you accept abuse or harmful energies or actions being directed to you, such as people that are sociopaths and do not feel remorse or hold any respectful boundaries. It is possible to forgive a person who is possessed by negative forces, and to be completely neutral towards them, and yet know that for your health and well being you have to set proper boundaries or distance away from them. When undergoing severe trauma at the hands of another, it is important to know that person many times ceases to be in control of themselves, as they are being controlled by negative forces that carry out these harmful acts against other people. Practicing forgiveness can remove cords, attachments and bindings that are energetically connected with other people or dark forces from the emotional trauma that event generated. This is another reason why true forgiveness is freeing to the consciousness, and is an important part of reclaiming your core self.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Amnesiac Barriers”

“Amnesiac Barriers are the Walls of Separation that exist inside the compartments of the lower mind, or Three Layers of Ego. As this deeply buried content of memories and historical records surfaces that had been previously buried in our subconscious this is happening in order to transmute negativity and to clear out the dark energy of the shadow, to clear out pain body blockages. As a result right now many people are feeling a great Trauma or anxiety, a discomfort that is sourcing from the memories trying to surface from the subconscious into the Conscious Mind awareness by breaking through the Amnesiac Barriers, which we also call the Walls of Separation inside the compartments of the mind. The opportunity during this time is to become freed from the impacts of the lower matrices of the dimensional blending experiments of the NAA, and to exist above the artificial grids of the AI timeline network. To support this process we will take a helicopter ride over some of the most impactful Historical Timeline Trigger Events, to help us recover our memories and return any parts of ourselves that we can recollect at this time.”

~Lisa Renee

Amnesiac Barriers are the Walls of Separation that exist inside the compartments of the lower mind, or Three Layers of Ego.

Recovering Consciousness Memories

We have an increased opportunity to break through our Amnesiac Barriers and memory wiping, to regain personal knowledge that connects us with the truth of our own experience, at individual, collective and galactic levels. Our higher spiritual identity exists beyond the energy reversals and siphoning machinery that generates the false AI timelines in the descending matrix. As a natural part of spiritual Ascension, we are intersecting with an opening where the true historical record can be more easily recovered. Our higher consciousness body may be surfacing memories that need to be felt, witnessed and reintegrated. The opportunity during this time is to become freed from the impacts of the lower matrices of the dimensional blending experiments of the NAA, and to exist above the artificial grids of the AI timeline network. To support this process we will take a helicopter ride over some of the most impactful Historical Timeline Trigger Events, to help us recover our memories and return any parts of ourselves that we can recollect at this time. [1]

So what does recovering our memories actually look like? What is the process? I think many of you already know this because you’re undergoing it right now. Our body will start to remember memories. Maybe those memories will be emotional impressions that could also be negative emotions in the Pain Body. As this deeply buried content of memories and historical records surfaces that had been previously buried in our subconscious this is happening in order to transmute negativity and to clear out the dark energy of the shadow, to clear out pain body blockages. As a result right now many people are feeling a great Trauma or anxiety, a discomfort that is sourcing from the memories trying to surface from the subconscious into the Conscious Mind awareness by breaking through the Amnesiac Barriers, which we also call the Walls of Separation inside the compartments of the mind.

Compartmentalization and Internal Walls

The Death Culture is used to promote destructive lifestyles in order to permanently damage the heart, damage the Soul and Brain into some kind of form of fragmentation or dissociation. Dissociative behaviours eliminate all traces of true human Empathy and remove the Accountability towards the ethical implication that is behind the operations of the current world social, political, military, corporate structures in order to carry this out, in order to manifest internal Walls of Separation because fragmentation and Compartmentalization is also very much related to the creation of internal Walls of Separation. This is something that exists in us, can exist in us in terms of our light body. When these internal walls of separation are built in our 1st, 2nd or 3rd chakra this is when people can have extreme Trauma.

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Multidimensional Orientation”

“Multidimensional Orientation is recognizing where one is primarily orientated (situated) in our bodies which helps us to communicate between those bodies and become more integrated between all of the multi-dimensional selves. When all of the layers of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence are interconnected in our self, it allows for greater inner harmony and inner balance. Otherwise, when a person is confused, one is not congruent with oneself and will continually experience life patterns of repeated karmic imbalances and pain. Living in the repeated cycles of karmic (energetic) imbalances make one feel very unhappy and chaotic inside. Intense chaos inside oneself is a type of internal violence which if not corrected will manifest itself eventually as external violence. This is why the goal of achieving inner peace and inner balance is so critical at this time on planet earth. Learning how to communicate with the internal feeling and sensory language of our spirit will require some attention and discipline. As we learn to communicate with spiritual language, that language is commonly called Higher Sensory Perception or HSP. This is very key to understand that one will not manifest things in the material world that will block or create obstacles in one’s spiritual growth and expansion. This is why so many people are being dismantled from their old system of beliefs and behavior at this time, to find the courage from their inner spirit that moves them into the new paradigm of self-awareness and the new era of Consciousness. This is why one must move out the obstacles and Mind Control that get in the way and prevent one from connecting and communicating directly with one’s inner spirit. So getting into alignment with one’s inner core, heart and spirit is critical for accurate outward manifestations, otherwise you are creating recurring energetic loads known as karma, which is the Law of Cause and Effect. Most people are confused about their thought impulses and where they are sourcing from. Is this thought coming from my ego, a Ego/Personality program that I inherited, or is this thought coming as direction from my higher self? With technological Mind Control being used on the masses, this has an experience of ‘thought pushing’ or Superimposition of thoughtforms, when we become self-aware and then can discern the collective energies in the environment. One of the challenges with manifestation at this time is that one will not manifest personal wishes stemming from ego based desires, as they did previously. The laws governing energy are changing and we must be pushed to connect to our higher intelligence of our spirit. Until one has clarity about the inner contents of one’s heart, one’s core and spiritual purpose, one feels confused and unclear. This connection to the inner spiritual core brings the Self Awareness which one then experiences the clarity and connection to feel and know who they really are. When we commit to Service to Others our path is revealed to our heart and we are served in the highest expression of who we really are.”

~Lisa Renee

Multidimensional Orientation is recognizing where one is primarily orientated (situated) in our bodies which helps us to communicate between those bodies and become more integrated between all of the multi-dimensional selves. Our inner child when it has been traumatized, will generally orientate itself to feel safer in one of the bodies, while it closes other bodies down. This is known as the inner child generated Ego Defense Mechanisms of the Ego/Personality and is a survival and coping mechanism humans use to deal with unresolved pain and suffering.

When all of the layers of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence are interconnected in our self, it allows for greater inner harmony and inner balance.

This brings improved Self Awareness to personally develop the inner clarity required for increasing accurate and clear Higher Sensory Perception (HSP) and expanding our Consciousnesss piritual bodies. Our goal is to integrate all aspects of our Multidimensional Orientation to unify with each other, communicate with each other, as all aspects of our Lightbody need to be communicating to support Consciousness expansion and spiritual Ascension development. To succeed in opening all communication between the bodies, we will need to help the body aspects to feel completely safe and secure, supported. This is a part of the process of developing the right relationship to the self, to “know thyself”.

Which bodies do you primarily energetically station within (Identify with as a self) and which bodies are you neglecting? Where can you achieve better balance between all of your bodies for improved communication and integration of the selves? Ask to communicate with each of these bodies directly and to link all communication centers between these levels of intelligence. Maybe using a journal to open a dialogue between each of these bodies ( this is communicating with the inner child of the body) to access each other, asking each of the bodies to be open and communicative with all multidimensional aspects, while one assuredly places their Intent, Consent and Authority of their bodies to be protected in Christ. [1]


Keynotes: Sensual and highly responsive to touch, taste and external stimulation. Enjoying the tasting of foods and other culinary sensations, food and drink (consumption) , the smell of aromas and fragrances, physical affection or touch, like massage or body work, sexuality and physical fitness, such as sports, hiking and being in nature. When extreme external stimulus is required it is usually an adrenaline response for the person to feel “alive” again and find the creative energies within. When out of balance, the person will seek adrenaline experiences to thrill themselves as means to find spiritual connection that is missing internally. Planetary enslavement has exacerbated this physical Addiction to external stimuli as a severe imbalance or Attachments in most people.

Mental/ Social

Keynotes: Highly responsive to synergy of sharing and/or discovering mental and intellectual concepts, learning, discussions and dialogues. May enjoy communication and the need to be heard. May enjoy receiving and giving feedback. May be a loner and isolated from the lack of emotional and spiritual development (when difficult relating to others harmoniously) or desire communal and group setting for continual discussion with like minds. May be over reliant on logic and linear proof to verify reality experiences that form mental and social belief systems. This body when it is dominating the Multidimensional Orientation will shut own the other bodies as if its the “boss”. This is the Negative Egowhich is why one has to tell the Ego/Personality it is not being given authority over your Consciousness bodies, one must shift their authority to the spiritual self, or Christos self.


Keynotes: Responsive to the waves and sensations of the emotional bodies, in its lower form, otherwise known as the Pain Body which stimulates the 2D instinctual body. This instinctual body is a lower vibration of the emotional sensory experience. The Instinctual Mind body is not a real emotional body, its drawn from desires and Addictions created from emotional body and Soul body damage. The instinctual body operates in Astral Plane delusions and fantasies. The instinctual body will influence or block Higher Sensory Perception when excessive fear is operating in the person. The higher emotional body is the heart chakra and higher vibrational sensory experiences. The real emotional body connects to a force of pure love and this “love” can be felt and experienced as a force that pervades the senses and not something that is “activated” through an object of desire. Highly responsive to sounds, tones and music.


Keynotes: Responsive to the quality of energies, environmental forces, and the world of energetic frequencies, innate awareness of energy both in the self and the environment. Many of us orientated here have an inherent comprehension fo the Law of Vibration. When sensitive to energies one will be more sensitive and empathic to others, because the feeling of another is apparent when energetic awareness is a part of the sensory perception experience. Attunement to energies allows better Self Awareness through the responsiveness of how one’s personal energies impact others and the environment. When we are self aware we are aware of our sphere of influence, what our energies, thoughts and emotions have as a consequence on others. When sensitive to energies and intelligent fields one organically wants to be harmless to life, harmless to others and seeks benevolence and peace. This is the understanding of the Golden Rule, to treat others how you would like to be treated, as it is recognized and revealed that we are all connected. See World Humanism.

Becoming Conscious

Most people are confused about their thought impulses and where they are sourcing from. Is this thought coming from my ego, a Ego/Personality program that I inherited, or is this thought coming as direction from my higher self? With technological Mind Control being used on the masses, this has an experience of “thought pushing” or Superimposition of thoughtforms, when we become self-aware and then can discern the collective energies in the environment. One of the challenges with manifestation at this time is that one will not manifest personal wishes stemming from ego based desires, as they did previously. The laws governing energy are changing and we must be pushed to connect to our higher intelligence of our spirit. Until one has clarity about the inner contents of one’s heart, one’s core and spiritual purpose, one feels confused and unclear. This connection to the inner spiritual core brings the Self Awareness which one then experiences the clarity and connection to feel and know who they really are. When we commit to Service to Others our path is revealed to our heart and we are served in the highest expression of who we really are.

Confusion Blocks HSP

Otherwise, when a person is confused, one is not congruent with oneself and will continually experience life patterns of repeated karmic imbalances and pain. Living in the repeated cycles of karmic (energetic) imbalances make one feel very unhappy and chaotic inside. Intense chaos inside oneself is a type of internal violence which if not corrected will manifest itself eventually as external violence. This is why the goal of achieving inner peace and inner balance is so critical at this time on planet earth. Learning how to communicate with the internal feeling and sensory language of our spirit will require some attention and discipline. As we learn to communicate with spiritual language, that language is commonly called Higher Sensory Perception or HSP. This is very key to understand that one will not manifest things in the material world that will block or create obstacles in one’s spiritual growth and expansion. This is why so many people are being dismantled from their old system of beliefs and behavior at this time, to find the courage from their inner spirit that moves them into the new paradigm of self-awareness and the new era of Consciousness. This is why one must move out the obstacles and Mind Control that get in the way and prevent one from connecting and communicating directly with one’s inner spirit. So getting into alignment with one’s inner core, heart and spirit is critical for accurate outward manifestations, otherwise you are creating recurring energetic loads known as karma, which is the Law of Cause and Effect.

We are all responsible for the direction of our Consciousness. We are all responsible for where we place our attention, our focus and emotions in our everyday life. This is our job. 

As we become more conscious and aware, we choose to focus ourselves with responsibility and this becomes a part of the mastery of learning inner sustainability. (See Relationship Mastery Guidelines.) Inner sustainability is the state of inner sustenance, not needing anything outside yourself to be something that it is not (otherwise known as the Ego Defense Mechanism of Projection). As you transition in personal evolution to become more centered, more balanced, one moves into greater levels of embodiment with their inner spiritual core. One will start to feel and notice that your external life will start to rearrange itself. All changes in the external world begin within and inside ourselves. In the beginning stages it may feel scary as things in your life start to fall way and move away.

This is where courage is required to understand your life is being dismantled from its falsity and being aligned to greater levels of truth and congruency with your inner spiritual core. One’s life will begin to rearrange when connected to one’s spirit that will start to accommodate one’s joy, peace and abundance in ways that the mind has no way to fathom.

Inquire on Attention

The goal at this time because the frequencies are accelerating so dramatically, is to have context with an evolutionary model that supports personal empowerment. The physics that govern the energetic spaces are changing on our planet and within our bodies. This is why many of us feel so frustrated because the way we used to do things is not working anymore. If you are frustrated with circumstances, then one must look inside and ask if you are taking responsibility to learn the new language of energy, the new language of spirit. If you are living and breathing on this planet now, you are a part of something massive changing in our world, that is completely changing our reality. 

What is your priority in your life? Where do you place your attention and focus?

Without a clear foundation set for developing the inner core essence as our first priority, we can be bombarded with energetic slime and become a doormat, sacrificial lamb or parasite food. This causes our energetic body to be clouded with astral debris and therefore exist within a confused state of inner perception. Being unclear and directed from ego judgment in any kind of perception, whether towards yourself or others, is energetically draining and completely unsustainable in the new energy platform. For these reasons we must learn to become aware of our thoughts and emotions, as well as our behaviors and the impact they have on ourselves and others. 

Taking Inventory

Developing Self Awareness does not happen just through reading books or mental concepts. It is through specific activities and feeling experiences that we are able to increase our power of observation. It is the power of observation or witnessing, that gives us the personal power to change our core beliefs (when we are made aware of them) that may be destructive or create blockages to connect with our inner spirit. 

How do your thoughts and words impact how you feel? 

How do your instinctual desires unconsciously drive your behaviors? 

How do hidden core beliefs affect your day to day happiness?

Do an inventory of personal thoughts and identify them as Inferior or Superior, or as love thoughts or fear thoughts. Make a choice right now which thoughts you want to own and those you want to discard. As a goal use the bottom spiritual self-centering model to keep your mind balanced and stay in centered loving and neutral thoughts. How long can you stay there in the center? Make it a goal to improve your ability to stay within the essence and energy of the keywords that maintain your spiritual center. Bring yourself back to center with breath, and applying Neutral Association or Observer Point to circumstances when you fall out of inner balance. [2]

  • Superior Thinking: Intolerance, Impatience, Arrogance, Manipulation, Attack, Anger, Judgmental thinking
  • Inferior Thinking: Worry, Low Self Love or Esteem, Jealousy, Guilt, Hurt, Fear, Attachment, Martrydom

(source: LR Calgary Workshop 2010)

Building Self Esteem

Self Esteem is the value of a person’s worth and there are a lot of factors that come into play, especially in helping a person fell more confident about himself, which is also a primary factor in establishing a person’s outlook towards personal inspiration and feeling as a success. On the spiritual Ascension pathway, recognizing the importance of character building as a necessary part of having self love and self acceptance is critical to progress through self deception blocks. When we have low self esteem our psychological defense mechanisms will act to block our progress moving forward and evolving in life. One who understands they are a loved and worthy spiritual vessel for the spirit of God Source, will begin to learn that self love is at the core of self acceptance which is the quality one must build to truly feel and experience God’s love for all of us. Once we feel love for ourselves we build inner confidence which further builds our trust with life.

Ego Defense Mechanism

Unfortunately, we often are confused by what we perceive incorrectly through our own need to be okay through self-justification. We formulate these distortions as Ego Defense Mechanisms because we have not learned how to free the mind through the use of Negative Ego tools for self-exploration and deeper self-inquiry. As we learn to free our mind and love ourselves unconditionally, we know that we are okay without needing to self-justify. When we are free of our own need for self-justification, (by increasing our inner self-approval and self-love, no matter where we find ourselves) then we do not needto justify others or justify ourselves. We are then freed to be capable of unconditionally loving others no matter what they may be choosing to do in that moment. It is what it is in this moment. One has no control over others nor what others may think about them. [3]


See Also:

  1. Energetic Self Mastery
  2. Self awareness to Consciousness
  3. I am OK

Self Awareness

Fundamental Human Needs

Where Can I Start?

Four Body System Model

~via Ascension Glossary

L.J. VANIER: “15 Ways to Transform Your Negative Energy Into Positive”


Everything goes wrong, no matter how hard you try. It seems like when something good comes your way, it disappears as fast as it says “hi”!  Why do all good things happen to others but not you? Why can’t you find inner peace or why is it that others can achieve what they want and you seem to be going backwards?

The sad truth of it all is… It is because you are the source of it. Your negative energy is blocking you reaching higher places spiritually and physically. And until you learn how to manipulate and transform this negative energy and bring balance to your life, unfortunately you will attract what you give out. But it is not hard to achieve. With just a little patience and persistence, in 15 easy ways, you can learn how to do it.

  1. Make changes in your home and work space

This can be as simple as changing the way you organize your living room like moving furniture around, getting rid of things you don’t need and maybe sometimes adding a few things to your home decor. At work, reorganizing your desk might help. A nice smelling candle, a little flower, some incense… But also do not forget about yourself. Maybe changing your hairstyle, or buying a few new clothes… all these things can lift your mood up.

  1. Go on a vacation

Vacations are good opportunities for changes and rejuvenation. Seeing new places, experiencing new things, meeting new people. All of these things will bring positivity to your life and pull you out of your daily routine. With that new load of energy, you will see it will be easier to give your life a new perspective. Especially if you can keep this energy going with the support of meditation and positive affirmations.

  1. Switch the radio station

You are a radio. And inside you there are many channels and frequencies. A lot of stations. Start moving those knobs (talking old-fashioned radios here) and find a good station. Are you stuck on a spot where all you can hear is a never-ending hissing sound that gets on your nerves? Yes, this is where you are now, so move the knobs and find yourself a suitable frequency and enjoy what you are listening to. This is your new inner voice.

  1. Sometimes you can not change everything

And maybe you should not try to change everything either. Sometimes all you need to do is relax and just take things as they come and go with the flow. It does not mean you are surrendering yourself, on the contrary, it means that you are acknowledging the events around you whether they are good or bad. And instead of letting them overpowering you and upsetting you, you notice their presence and you choose to not let them bring you down or stop you.

  1. Take notes

Everything is clearer in your head when you put them out in writing. Writing is a great way of relief even if you are not a fan of writing.  We are not telling you to write long stories of fiction etc. No, just take little notes every day of the things that you see bring you negativity and slowly work on putting these obstacles aside and clearing your path.

  1. Be with positive people

Just like you affect people and things around you with your negative energy, positive people carry an optimistic, healing and guiding energy with them. They are in general balanced people and know how not to let things bring them down and manipulate the bad vibes by putting out good vibes out. Being around them will help you in that sense and you can learn a lot from their wisdom. Listen to them and observe how they react during stressful situations.

  1. Spend more time in nature

Nature is relaxing. A nice picnic at a park, a walk on the beach, hiking if you like that, or running, walking… camping somewhere… Explore nature, listen to the sound of the wind, leaves, trees, breathe in fresh air… Let the good thoughts in and exhale the bad thoughts out. Enjoy moments of quietness. Silence often tells us more than we can hear when we are in a crowded place.

  1. Accept things as they are so you can move on

Everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences in life. Everything crosses our path to give us signs or teach us a lesson. When we learn to look at things this way, we will be training our brains to approach things from a different angle. And this won’t be a self-destructive approach, instead, it will help us grow spiritually and bring us closer to our Higher Self.

  1. Forgive others and forgive yourself

One more step towards peace of mind. Forgiveness is a great virtue. By accepting we are all equal human beings and we can all make mistakes because we are not perfect will give us the freedom we need to reach peace. Freedom from feeling like a victim, freedom from regrets, freedom from holding grudges, freedom from anger… Forgiving does not mean forgetting. Forgiving is acknowledging the experience, learning from it, making peace with it and finally moving on.

  1. Don’t get stuck in the past

Guilt, regrets, anger, resentments, sadness, and many other emotions keep us in the past as we try to take a step forward. They hold us from one foot and pull us back in time and make us feel immobilized, heavy-hearted and blocked. We would feel confused and wouldn’t know how to deal with present in order to prepare a better future for ourselves. So every time you find yourself stuck in the past, thinking of something or someone who brings out bad or sad feelings, do a simple breathing exercise. First, exhale a slow and deep breath and just feel your chest and stomach go down. And as you exhale, label this moment as the moment of acknowledgement of that certain feeling. And tell yourself when you inhale, you will bring this knowledge in with you and turn it into something positive. Repeat this exercise until you feel fully relaxed.

  1. Exercise

Exercising helps us release stress and anxiety by increasing the levels of endorphin hormones. When we do it regularly, our bodies adjust to the new hormone levels and we naturally start feeling better physically and mentally. Physical activities also increase our self-esteem. We feel better because we know we are doing something good for our health. Each time we feel good after an exercise, our self-confidence repairs itself more and more. Which in turn promotes self-respect. All things necessary to feel more positive and feel stronger to change the bad energy we feel inside into something positive and fruitful.

  1. Spend more time taking care of yourself

When was the last time you had lunch with yourself? Seriously! Or when was the last time you decided “I will go out and do this today, because I have been wanting this for so long”? Reward yourself, give yourself little gifts here and there. That movie you wanted to see so bad, go see it alone, you don’t have to do it with someone else, unless you absolutely want to. Buy yourself something. Join a hobby class somewhere. Maybe you want to learn a new language? Or go to a spa. Start taking yoga lessons maybe? It all depends on what really interests you and gives you satisfaction.

13, Take responsibility for your actions

It is easy to get mad at others and judge them for what they do. Oftentimes, we forget they are humans just like we are and they do have their weaknesses just like we do. For some reason, it is more acceptable for us when we make mistakes or when we mistreat someone, we have a list of excuses and reasons ready, but we can’t that easily extend that understanding to someone else. Understand and accept that your actions affect other people just like other people’s actions affect yours. You can not do anything about them taking responsibility about their actions but you can do something about yours. Do not let your ego overpower you. Then you will get stuck in the past again. If you need to apologize, then do so. If you need time to sit down and talk to someone after a certain event, then give that time to yourself. But once you are ready, let it out and apologize when you realize you need to.

  1. Do not let negative people overpower you

Just like positive people can uplift you, negative people can suck up your energy especially if you are an empath and do not know how to close yourself up when you face a negative situation in order to protect yourself. Learn when to distance yourself from these people so you can protect your inner balance.

15, Focus on what is good for you

Mindfulness meditation helps you classify your thoughts and organize them. By doing so you will be able to see what is good for you and what is holding you back. Try mindfulness meditation about 10 minutes a day, every morning before you start your day. Declutter your mind. Choose the path that will help you in your spiritual growth and don’t look back.







TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “How Creativity Can Connect You To Your Soul”


We are all creative. As far back as we can go in history, creativity has always been a part of what makes us human.

Just because we don’t know how to draw life-like images or compose a symphony, doesn’t mean we are not creative.

We all have a creative fire that lives inside of us and is expressed in different ways. There is no limit on how our creativity can be expressed and we all have the potential to create.

Through my spiritual journey I have started to discover that creativity holds great significance when it comes to connecting with your soul or authentic self.

In fact by tuning into that creative fire that burns within, you can connect more powerfully with your soul. For some people, creativity can even be more affective at this than meditation.

Creativity is beyond powerful and can be extremely healing and enlightening, but often we underestimate the power and importance of creativity.

For some reason as a society, we chalk up creativity as a talent that only a select few are blessed with. This is just not true and robs us from tapping into part of our spiritual potential.

When we make room for creativity in our lives however and start activating our creative muscles, it can be extremely transformative.

Here is just a little taste of what creativity can bring into your life-


  • Deeper connection with your soul
  • Outlet for your emotions
  • Strengthening of your intuition
  • Deeper passion, inspiration and motivation
  • Alignment with your purpose
  • Raising of your vibration
  • Releasing of stagnant energy

The reason that creativity has so many amazing benefits is because it requires us to tune into a deeper and more connected place. It requires us to really surrender and release control of the logical mind in order to allow our creations to take physical form.

Creativity also puts us in the vibration of manifestation. When we create, we take a hands on role in shaping the world around us and the energy that follows us through life. This in turn helps us to become powerful manifestors of our own destiny.

Being creative also allows us to tune into our heart and what it truly desires. This is because the creative process is often a heart driven one and teaches us how to listen and follow what our heart is really saying.

Creativity is also fun and creates opportunities for joy and play. It also offers us a way to relax and unwind, especially after a long day.

But how do we begin? How do we begin tuning into our creative selves and experiencing the amazing benefits of creativity?

Here is how to get started- 

1. Understand that you are a creative being.

2. Creativity includes but is not limited to- dancing, acting, singing, painting, drawing, writing, knitting, crocheting, decorating, modelling, sculpting, baking, problem solving, inventing, playing music, gardening, building, colouring, designing, sketching, photography, making movies and the list goes on and on.

3. Start experimenting with whatever creative project takes your fancy.

4. Make time for your creative project everyday. If you are just getting started or really want to experience the benefits, aim to do something creative everyday for at least 30 days straight.

5. Don’t worry about perfectionism or failure- make it fun.

Are you ready to create?






OLWE: “Metaphysical Explanations Of Specific Physical Aches, Pains And Sicknesses”

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As many people in the spiritual world know, everything happens for a reason. It becomes a lot easier to understand why things happen when we can see it from a metaphysical perspective. The following is a reference list for physical aches, pains, and illnesses, along with what your body is trying to tell you.

by Olwe

HAIR (head)

SOCIAL ‘STATEMENT.’ The hair and how it is ‘worn’ or grown on the head is the most immediate personal statement made by individuals as to their preferred ROLE in life. Often used as a sexual attractant, the hairdo (like all other ‘parts’ of our whole Self-identity) can become HOLISTICALLY-ENFORCED through time; resulting in a physical ‘proof’ of one’s personal Statement.. as in the ‘tonsure’ or Franciscan-style skull-cap baldness tendency in (especially) men, who wish to cultivate a public ‘image’ of themselves as a peace-loving, kind ‘brother’ even though that image CONFLICTS with certain tendencies to the contrary. Hair loss may coincide with sudden changes in self-image, often due to traumatic experiences that challenge one’s previous self-Statement. GENETIC TENDENCIES must, naturally, be considered a significant factor.


SPIRITUAL SENSITIVITY. As the ‘highest’ actually ‘living’ tissue of the body, the scalp reflects CONTACT WITH HIGHER TRUTHS. Conflicts of religious opinion, philosophy or strong ‘psychic phenomena’ that are difficult to deal with may trigger a sympathetic development of skin-distress to the scalp.


SOCIAL SENSITIVITY. Touch is the most potent form of interpersonal contact available to us; any traumatic or conflict-generating events in life may trigger a sympathetic reaction to the skin AT THE LOCATION ON THE BODY WHICH ‘DESCRIBES’ THE AREA OF STRESS. Whether eczema, rashes, boils or more serious skin-conditions, the holistic implication is that one’s inner sensitivities are being challenged or ‘outraged’ by events that require us to OVER-RIDE our normal responses, behaviors and feelings.

As many people in the spiritual world know, everything happens for a reason. It becomes a lot easier to understand why things happen when we can see it from a metaphysical perspective. The following is a reference list for physical aches, pains, and illnesses, along with what your body is trying to tell you.


INFORMATION-PROCESSING. While there are many other things that we value highly and rely upon in life, INFORMATION or ‘factual input’ and how we deal with it is a powerful influence in life. Anytime we are forced to deal with INFORMATION-OVERLOAD or CONFLICTING IDEAS ABOUT REALITY, we may experience a sympathetic response from our brain and nervous system which processes that information. From migraine headache to spinal meningitis or other brain-and-spinal conditions, Information-related crises require deep analysis of one’s Information-Conflicts and how to restore a sense of ORDERLY COMPREHENSION OF REALITY.

As many people in the spiritual world know, everything happens for a reason. It becomes a lot easier to understand why things happen when we can see it from a metaphysical perspective. The following is a reference list for physical aches, pains, and illnesses, along with what your body is trying to tell you.


PSYCHIC SELF-‘CONTAINMENT.‘ Our ability to BE OUR OWN UNIQUE TYPE OF PERSON is holistically centered in the bones of the skull. Trauma, injury or illness affecting this area indicates a difficulty ‘remaining who we are.’ The holistic suggestion is that one look at events or circumstances that may be FORCING CHANGE to the self-identity of the individual psyche, and seek ways to resolve the IDENTITY-stresses.


SHOWING ONE’S TRUE FEELINGS. ‘Expression’ or ‘the look on one’s face’ is subject to stress from any situation which limits our ability to fully EXPRESS our inner feelings. From having to conceal or ‘falsify’ our feelings, to having to ‘face’ strong opposition to those feelings from others, the face can experience a sympathetic response ranging from partial paralysis to inflammations, rashes, neurological ‘ticks’ or other abnormalities. Full, honest and stress-free SELF-EXPRESSION is, of course, the holistic ‘recommendation’ in all such situations.. though that often requires changes in the interpersonal ‘climate’ or lifestyle-situation.


GETTING THE ‘MESSAGE.’ Other people are constantly ‘telling’ us their feelings, needs and opinions. When we (for whatever reason) cannot or do not RECEIVE those feelings or give them credence, a sympathetic response may occur in the ears and auditory canal. From earache to tinitus (‘ringing in the ears’) or inner-ear infections or hearing-loss, such reactions indicate a ‘message-barrage’ that we are incapable of dealing with. A typical example would be the ‘input-overload ear-ache’ experienced by young children unaccustomed to school-room levels of ‘message-input’ from teachers, classmates and parents combined. While some hearing conditions do not respond to holistic improvements, in general it is recommended that a ‘break’ be taken in the message-input department while the stress is released. NOTE: some instances of auditory abnormalities are connected with unusual PSYCHIC STATES, including ‘spirit-communication.’


RECOGNIZING OBJECTIVE FACTS. ‘Seeing is Believing!’ We sometimes have to see and admit facts that we would prefer NOT to have to admit. Such conflicts between INNER ‘VISION’ and OBJECTIVE FACTS can cause a sympathetic response from the eyes and optical nerves.. leading to pain, impaired vision or other abnormalities. The holistic recommendation in such cases is to ADMIT THE TRUTH and find new ways to ‘see’ the future that are more realistic. NOTE: there are SOME things that we can see which challenge every conventional idea of ‘reality.’ Whether called hallucination, clairvoyance or ‘divine visions’ these events, too, can only be accepted and DEALT WITH as ‘in-SIGHT’ into the Self and it’s relation to a Reality which may be far stranger than any of us realize!


PSYCHIC SOUNDBOARDS; how we ‘register’ subliminal input from others. Human beings are not always completely ‘up-front’ with each other about their real feelings. Sometimes we are being sent one ‘message’ verbally, and quite another on a silent, emotional level. In such situations, the Sinus cavities in the face and skull can have a sympathetic response in the form of pressure, blockage and infection which informs us that we are receiving PSYCHIC INPUT in between people’s words. The holistic recommendation is CLEARING THE AIR through communication; asking others their feelings and expressing one’s own, until eventually one can ‘track-down’ the source of the pressure. NOTE: some extremely sensitive ‘psychics’ experience sinus-blockage as part of their telepathic and clairvoyant sensitivity, and only advanced psychic-development training can help them ‘track-down’ THOSE sources.


TESTING THE AIR AROUND US. Mankind may be thousands of years away from the other animals in intellectual development, but we retain many animal-level senses and instincts that our ‘civilized’ lifestyles do not teach us to recognize. The sense of SMELL is one of those. Recognized as the most direct sensory pathway into the brain, Smell informs us on an instinctive or animal-level of our safety, social ‘welcome’ and natural association with others. When we attempt to over-ride this instinctive, unconscious knowledge, we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of nose bleeding, blockage, pressure or other afflictions to the nasal cavity and linings. The holistic recommendation is greater PERSONAL SPACE, and the ability to surround ourselves with the people and other ‘smells’ that we ENJOY personally.


THE SOCIAL INVITATION. No other part of the body so reflects our happiness or it’s absence as do the lips. Smiling or frowning, open with anticipation or trembling with emotion, the lips are almost a barometer of human feelings. When our feelings toward others is severely traumatized, we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of cold sores, blisters, inflammations or other painful conditions.. or even impaired nerve control of the lips and mouth. The holistic recommendation is to ‘clear the air’ through honest communication, restoring the sense of social ‘desirability’ and permission to relate as we are inclined to do.


INCOME AND THE EARNING OF WEALTH. We truly live ‘hand to mouth,’ no matter how wealthy or removed from manual labor we may be.. for the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface ‘knows’ that all ‘income’ MEANS ‘food.’ When we are undergoing financial stress or change, we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of pain, infections or other trauma to the teeth, gums or inner mouth regions. The holistic recommendation is Career-stress reduction, financial planning or other work-and-wealth related improvements designed to minimize or end the stress over ‘how to earn the food’ one needs.


KEEPING YOUR HEAD ON STRAIGHT! Structurally, the only real ‘meaning’ of the neck is that it holds our head on. Anytime one experiences a conflict between Ideals and Reality, the neck may experience a sympathetic response in the form of mis-aligned bones, nerve pain or difficulty moving or turning the head. The holistic recommendation is to find ways to narrow the gap between Idea and Fact; either making our Ideals more realistic or making our Reality more ideal.. or BOTH!, whatever it takes to remove the CONFLICT and ‘get your head on straight’ again.


KEEPING IT IN OR GETTING IT OUT! The throat has the unique role of EITHER swallowing things (such as food and drink) or expressing things (such as words or song.) Sometimes, however, we get the two functions confused, and start ‘eating words’ (your own or someone else’s.) This can cause a sympathetic response in the throat; in the form of sore throat, laryngitis (loss of voice) or even difficulty with the swallow-reflex. The holistic recommendation is to decide whether one is ‘having something shoved down your throat’ or whether you are swallowing words that YOU really WANT to speak. In most cases, one or the other will be occurring, and merely deciding to change that pattern is enough to end the sympathetic reaction. NOTE: many throat stresses become severe enough to allow the development of virus-infections, requiring medical attention to fully correct it.


BEARING THE LOAD. The shoulders are the only part of the body which can carry a heavy weight for any great length of time. As such, they ‘mean’ exactly that to the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface. Anytime we experience stress or change to the burden-bearing part of our life.. such as too much responsibility at work, or a change in our work ‘load’.. we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of pain, loss of strength or nerve-conditions to the shoulder areas. The holistic recommendation is WORK-LOAD REDUCTION.. though that is easier said than done, in many cases. Often we feel we simply MUST ‘bear it’ because other cannot; and our condition may worsen instead of getting better from knowing why the problem began! However, since massage, heat, acupuncture, chiropractic care and other treatments can often reduce the pain of work-load stress, many people continue to overwork long after the body has advised them to stop it. Eventually, the body INSISTS!, and severe distress is it’s final word.


REACHING OUT TO OTHERS. The ‘social Embrace’ or how we reach-out to other people depends on both US and THEM; problems reaching-out OR a difficult relationship either can traumatize us about RELATING, and a sympathetic response may occur that causes pain, weakness, numbness or other distress to the arms. The holistic recommendation is RELATIONSHIP COUNSEL; find the STRESS and REMOVE IT. Sometimes that means working on one’s OWN relating skills, while other situations may require work on our partners, co-workers or other important social contacts. The real focus must be; RELATING and RELATABILITY. The details will differ from case to case.


THE SOCIAL ‘POSE.’ Everyone (even those who think themselves completely ‘natural’ in their way of relating!,) has a ‘pose’ or ATTITUDE toward Relating; and this is visible in how one ‘postures’ the hand, using the WRISTS to position them. From ‘limp-wristed’ to ‘hand-fluttering’ to ‘stiff-armed’ we identify our Social Attitude to others, constantly. When any form of conflict or injury to our Social ‘Pose’ occurs, there may be a sympathetic response in the form of pain, inflamed joints, weakness or other abnormalities to the wrist. The holistic suggestion is to discover what the trauma WAS and CORRECT IT through re-building self-confidence and social ‘poise.’ Grace with strength might be a good motto for wrist-trauma healing; for we need BOTH in order to be both strong and flexible enough to remain ourselves in a world full of OTHER approaches to social contact.


OUR TOOLS OF THE TRADE. To the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface, our hands are our PROFESSION in life. Whatever we have ‘put our hands to’ as a career, our relationship to it is reflected in the strength and health of our hands and fingers. Any sudden trauma or change to our work-skills (such as a lay-off or job-transfer) can cause a sympathetic response in the form of pain, weakness or other distress to the hands. The holistic suggestion is that one should re-evaluate your professional skills and job-performance, seeking a less stressful or more enjoyable work for your hands to do. While this MAY involve career-change, it may also be a simple matter of Continuing Education or even shared work-duties, to free your hands for happier ’employment.’


ONE’S PERSONAL ‘BOUNDARIES.’ We each occupy ‘personal SPACE’ in life. Some need more, some less of it. But anytime we are being either ‘invaded’ or having our space taken away from us, we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of injury, pain or other distress to the rib cage and surrounding muscles. The holistic recommendation is that you try to identify how (or whether) your personal Space is being altered by circumstances you cannot control.. and find ways to ADAPT to it if you cannot keep it from happening. In any case, setting WORKABLE ‘BOUNDARIES’ for your own territorial needs is the real issue.



PERSONAL ‘BREATHING ROOM.’ Crowding or the over-pressurized emotions of living too closely-inter meshed with others from whom one cannot get enough distance to ‘be yourself’ can trigger a sympathetic response from the lungs and bronchial airway leading to asthmatic pressures, coughing, respiratory infections or other ailments. The holistic recommendation is for SPACE-CHANGE; restructuring one’s lifestyle to allow ‘Breathing Room’ and the permission to BE YOURSELF without constant stress from those around you. NOTE: if water-retention is involved (as in pneumonia or emphysema) a ‘Sympathy Crisis’ or excess of EMOTIONAL CONCERN for (or FROM!,) others is often involved.

As many people in the spiritual world know, everything happens for a reason. It becomes a lot easier to understand why things happen when we can see it from a metaphysical perspective. The following is a reference list for physical aches, pains, and illnesses, along with what your body is trying to tell you.


STAYING IN THE FLOW. We live our lives by COMMITMENT to the people, places and things we LOVE or ‘believe in.’ Anytime this ‘flow of life’ which we have committed-to becomes UN-TENABLE for us (and we MUST allow change in things we do not WANT to see change,) we may experience a sympathetic response from the Heart and it’s arteries.. leading to irregular heartbeat, abnormalities of blood-flow or ‘upheavals’ such as heart-attack. The holistic recommendation is for a thorough re-evaluation of your COMMITMENTS in life; from career to family, relationships to recreation.. seeking areas of commitment that are no longer SUPPORTABLE as a ‘happy FLOW’ in your life. Updating one’s commitments may reduce the stress to these vital life-sustaining tissues.


THE ‘DRIVING FORCE’ OF PERSONAL PREFERENCE. Of the many human emotions, DESIRE is among the most central to our happiness. When we cannot get the things we desire, we may become angry, frustrated, depressed or lethargic.. and we may experience a sympathetic response from the great muscles which pump our lungs (the Diaphragm) or the muscle which pumps the Heart (the Pericardium;) leading to irregularities of heartbeat, blood-pressure, breath-control or circulation of blood throughout the body. The holistic recommendation is for an honest re-appraisal of one’s REAL DESIRES IN LIFE, seeking areas of personal affection that are missing, difficult to relax about or otherwise traumatic. The real issue is HAPPINESS; what is preventing that MUST be addressed, to restore a sense of contentment.


OBEYING THE AUTHORITIES THAT RULE US. We are each ‘ruled’ by whatever we consider ‘the Authority Structure’ in our lives. Whether the Law, our Spouse, Family, Traditions, Divine Authority or ‘destiny’ these Rulers literally DRIVE US to obey their wishes through deep psychological influences which govern the secretions of our endocrine or ductless gland system (most of which are located in the brain and torso;) leading to such problems as abnormal weight-conditions, energy-crises such as exhaustion or insomnia, and fluctuations in the body-temperature and other metabolic changes. The holistic recommendation is a re-evaluation of the things which ‘Rule’ you; seeking ways to either change them, relax about them or make them less stressful. A basic guideline is that NO ONE IS REALLY JUST A ‘SERVANT;’ and we do not have to spend our lives ‘obeying’ others. HAPPINESS rather than ‘duty’ is the key to healthy living.


‘THE ONE LIVING INSIDE YOU.’ The Soul or Spirit may not be a ‘medically recognized’ organ, but it DOES have profound implications for our wellbeing. Anytime we become ‘dis-spirited,’ self-judgmental or in any other way SOUL-‘sick’ we may experience a sympathetic response from the inner organ which performs the same job for the body that the Soul does for the whole Self; the LIVER.. which purifies the body and stores-up the nutrients in our blood-stream for future use. Imbalances of Soul or Spirit can lead to blood-impurities, hardening or inflammations of the Liver and other potentially life-threatening conditions. The holistic recommendation is SPIRITUAL ‘HOUSE-CLEANING;’ finding the areas of self-judgement, guilt, shame or other spiritual crises, and ‘making Peace with one’s Spirit.’ NOTE: a strong connection between such judgements and out-worn religious fears is often part of liver-related conditions.


CRITICAL ANALYSIS: The Ability To JUDGE WISELY. Bile (or Gall) is a powerful ‘analytic acid’ secreted by the Liver and stored in the adjoining Gall Bladder for later secretion into the digestive organs.. where it breaks-down (or ‘analyzes’) our food. Anytime we are under great stress to ‘analyze’ things accurately in our lives we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of DIGESTIVE-ACID IMBALANCES leading to under or over-acid stomach, indigestion, pain or inflammation of the gall bladder (or the development of ‘gall stones’ in the gall bladder.) The holistic recommendation is ACCURATE ANALYSIS OF THE STRESSES WE ARE UNDER. Often these will be found to be relationships or situations in which we have failed to be properly CRITICAL.. allowing less than honest opinions to be expressed, and thereby damaging our sense of FAIRNESS. Honest expression of one’s critical opinions and a full ‘venting’ of one’s feelings is recommended.


THE SATISFYING OF AMBITIONS. Our personal ‘appetite’ for food and our ability to ‘digest’ (or analyze) it properly is reflected in the primary digestive organ of the Stomach. Anytime we undergo change in our Ambitions (or ‘appetite for success’) in life, we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of stomach distress. From nausea (the desire to reject our former ambitions) to lack of appetite (uncertainty about what we really WANT in life) or nervous stomach (anxiety about whether our ambitions will be successful) or even the development of stomach ulcers (over-emphasis on ‘success’ of our ambitions,) such imbalances imply AN AMBITION-CRISIS. The holistic recommendation is a thorough analysis of what you consider ‘success’ to be, and finding new ways to be HAPPY about your ‘success drive’ until you can again happily ‘stomach’ your life.


SYSTEMATIC ATTAINMENT. The ability to plan-out and logically attain one’s goals through the ‘daily grind’ of WORK-EFFICIENCY is the natural follow-up to our ambitions.. having an exact mirror in the function of the Small Intestine into which our food passes from the Stomach, to be ‘ground-up’ and systematically reduced to useful elements. Anytime our ability to ‘grind ahead’ in attaining our goals is impaired, we may experience distress to this intestine, leading to cramping, burning, pain or bowel gas-buildups or other digestive problems. The holistic recommendation is for career and goal re-evaluation followed by streamlining of work-systems, logical problem-solving and efficiency-improvements.. until we can again turn the ‘daily grind’ into a sense of daily ACCOMPLISHMENT.


NURTURING THE BLOODLINE. As our food is finally reduced to useable elements it is passed to the Spleen to be distributed to the body via the bloodstream.. which is a mirror-reflection of how the human FAMILY and HOME-LIFE caretake the individuals within it. Anytime we are having problems with DOMESTIC or FAMILY ‘NURTURE’ we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of poor food-assimilation or the inability to properly USE the nutrition we are taking-in.. leading to bloating, gas, diarrhea, exhaustion or pain in the mid-back and abdominal areas. The holistic recommendation is FAMILY or DOMESTIC RELATIONSHIP COUNSEL, directed at finding where the ‘Nurture’ or SUPPORT Crisis is in one’s life, and restore the sense of being ‘taken care of’ by the ‘bloodline’ or household.


PERSONAL ‘SWEETNESS.’ One of the primary nutrients of the body is Blood Sugar.. the most immediately-useable nutrient sent into the blood after digestion. This sugar is regulated by the Pancreas and it’s glands, which determine the LEVEL or AMOUNT of sugar in the blood. Anytime we are having difficult with our own INNER ‘sweetness’ as a person, we may experience a sympathetic response in the form of blood-sugar imbalances including hypoglycemia and diabetes. The holistic recommendation is a full review of the subject of personal ‘sweetness.’ Are you TOO ‘SWEET’ for your own good.. meaning incapable of expressing your angers, frustrations and personal needs? Or do you ‘bounce’ between ‘sweet’ and SOUR or BITTER as a personality? Such questions rightly answered may have some influence over blood-sugar levels; though genetic patterns may also have great influence over it as well.


LETTING GO OF THE PAST. Once we have digested our experiences in life, we need to RELEASE them, just as the body does with past food-intake. Anytime we have difficulty letting go of past experiences.. whether from guilt, attachment to the status-quo or other ‘anal-retentive’ tendencies.. we may experience a sympathetic response from the lower bowel, leading to pain, inflammation, bleeding or even rupture (or perforation) of the Colon and it’s Appendix. The holistic recommendation in for LIFE-CHANGE: allow yourself to let go of the situations (or, if need be, the relationships) which are no longer ‘right’ for you.. and (like yesterday’s food) ‘pass along’ the way. NOTE: refusal to let go when we know we really WANT TO can produce life-threatening situations. Caution and speedy resolution is needed.


HEALING THE BLOODLINE. Our ‘bloodline’ or genetic family or household is just as capable of having things to let go of as the individual body is. Whether old ‘traditions’ or such stresses as child (or parent) abuse, religious opinions that make happy relating impossible or other traumatic ‘legacies’ such problems may become intolerable and lead to a sympathetic response from the organs which perform the function of purifying the blood for the body.. the Kidneys; leading to infections, kidney stones or even kidney failure. The holistic recommendation is LETTING GO OF FAMILY-ENFORCED PATTERNS, beliefs or behaviors that one does not ‘agree’ with. While this may lead to interpersonal stresses of it’s own, such Self-liberation may have a healing effect on the Kidneys.. and you simply cannot LIVE without their help! The issue to remember is that ‘family traditions’ are only valuable if they are HEALTHY for all members of the bloodline.


RELEASING SOCIAL PRESSURES. Water, which forms the vast majority of our bodies, represents to the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface SHARED EMOTION. Anytime we are having difficulty getting our society to SHARE with us emotionally, we may experience a sympathetic response in difficulty releasing urine from the urinary bladder. On the other extreme, over-pressurized social situations may inflame the bladder and urinary tract, leading to incontinence (inability to control urination) or infections to the urinary tract. Sexually transmitted viruses (rightly called ‘social diseases’) are another indication of over-emphasis on RELATING within society. The holistic recommendation in all bladder complaints is RELEASE OF PRESSURE. Look for ways to RELAX about how society sees you and your way of fitting-into it.


RE-CREATING LIFE. Regardless of our sexual gender, we each have the ability to ‘give life’ on an almost godlike level.. through sexual reproduction and OTHER acts of CREATIVITY. From the arts and music to social reform, there are many ways of Re-Creating Life; and ALL of them are symbolized to the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface as our Sexual Organs and their functions. While we can all see the reproductive ‘reason’ for sexual attraction between breeding pairs, we often overlook the fact that (holistically speaking) ALL SEXUAL DESIRE IS THE DESIRE TO ‘RE-CREATE’ LIVING PEOPLE. Anytime one is having any form of distress or dysfunction to the sexual organs, the holistic recommendation is to look-anew at your sexual DESIRES, trying to see them as a desire to RE-CREATE the people and sexual behaviors you are attracted-to.. for stress or dysfunction to the sexual organs holistically MEANS ‘CREATIVITY CRISIS.’ What you are here to ‘re-create’ and how your sexual nature fits into that is part of the puzzle you must solve! Look to Creativity for answers to any problem involving (in women) the uterus, vagina and ovaries.. and (in men) the penis, testes and prostate (all of which are part of the need to Re-Create Life through shared Sexual PLEASURE.)


THE UPRIGHT ATTITUDE or Philosophy. How we ‘hold ourself upright’ as a person (our posture) ‘means’ to the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface SELF-OPINION.. which is determined by our basic Philosophy in life. Anytime we experience trauma to that philosophy or the self-esteem it gives us, we may experience a sympathetic change in the spinal bones.. leading to a wide array of pains, spasms, nerve-flow abnormalities and other problems. The holistic recommendation is Philosophic Review.. looking for any possible out-dated ideas about ourselves that the trauma points-out.. as well as any SELF-ESTEEM problems we may be having. NOTE: structural injuries are extremely difficult to correct without professional help! Chiropractic, Spinology, Yoga, Massage or Physical Therapy may be needed, as you address the inner issues of OPINION and SELF-ESTEEM that influence your ‘posture’ in life.


THAT WHICH IS ‘SACRED.’ At the very ‘foundation’ of one’s philosophy in life is SOMETHING that one holds ‘sacred’ or LIFE-GIVING. Whatever that happens to be for you (divinity by any name) influences your relationship with the base of the spine. Anytime one experiences anything that challenges or upsets one’s relationship with divinity, there may be a sympathetic response in the form of Saecral pain, bone-misalignment or other injury. The holistic recommendation is a reconnection with divinity by whatever means is possible; whether meditation training, spiritual development courses or even religious ‘rebirth’ if that is one’s opinion of divinity. The real issue is RE-ALIGNMENT WITH DIVINITY: the details must fit your own ideas or experience of what divinity IS.


THE PACE OF ONE’S LIFE. The hips set the ‘pace’ or speed of our walking movements. Consequently anything that challenges or changes the pace of our life (anything from aging to sudden demands for faster progress) can cause trauma to the Hips. The holistic recommendation is re-evaluation of the ‘pace’ of our daily lives, with an eye to MORE SENSIBLE or MORE EFFECTIVE ‘pacing.’ Are you moving TOO fast for your own good.. running a bit too hard?.. or in need of a sudden ‘kick-start’ to get you moving faster? The hips will tell you CLEARLY! Listen to their advice, and they will normally return to ‘a happy pace’ on their own.


‘SUPPORTING’ YOURSELF. The Legs are our primary ‘supports’ in life, and the way we ‘stand up’ for ourselves. As such, they reflect the Holistic ‘meaning’ of RIGHT LIVELIHOOD (or financial self-sufficiency) and other expressions of self-WORTH. Anything that distresses or changes our ability to Support ourselves can cause a sympathetic response in the form of pain, injury, strain or other problems with the Legs. The holistic recommendation is for SELF-SUPPORT (career or financial) PLANNING.. and changes to make self-support more viable for you. Also, if you are having difficulty in defending yourself against other points of view or authoritative personalities, self-confidence or even martial-arts training may be useful in healing Leg-related conditions.


‘BOWING TO THE GREATER GOOD.’ Life often puts us in situations where, in order to serve what we see as the Greater Good (such as the needs of the family, company or society) we must ‘bend the knee’ and BUCKLE-DOWN to our ‘duty.’ Such situations can trigger a sympathetic response in the form of pain, nerve abnormalities or other problems with the Knees. The holistic recommendation is to EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS FULLY while going on with whatever you feel you MUST do for the Greater Good. This can give you the inner feeling of properly honoring your own best interests as well as those that are ‘greater’ than personal in importance. Long-term knee-stress would indicate a need for greater emphasis on the Self, and less on ‘duties’ that are obviously stress-producing for you.


CHANGING DIRECTIONS IN LIFE. No other part of our anatomy is so crucial to our DIRECTION OF WALKING as the Ankles are. Consequently any trauma or stress over which direction to proceed in (or conflict with others over directions you are jointly moving in together) can cause a sympathetic response in the form of pain, strain or injury to the Ankles. The holistic recommendation for all Ankle problems is a careful analysis of your LIFE-DIRECTIONS in every area from career to lifestyle, relationships to long-term plans.. and try to find any areas of CONFLICT with others in your immediate ‘support-group.’


TAKING A ‘STAND’ IN LIFE. We are deeply influenced by our relationships with others, and it is often difficult to make our own personal ‘stand’ on things known and respected by those we care about or work around. Anytime the stress this creates becomes more than we can ‘stand’ there may be sympathetic response in the form of pain, injury or other problems to the Feet, toes or toenails. The holistic recommendation in all such situations is to clearly define where you ‘stand’ on matters of importance at the time.. and get that recognized and validated by those around you. Look for any areas of CONFLICT between where you stand and the stand of others, for is is normally conflict that generates PAIN.


CONTACT WITH NATURE. The skin of our feet is our most constant contact with Mother Earth, and consequently the Soles carry all of the stresses we may have over contact with Nature. Injury or other problems to the Soles indicates a greater need for ‘naturalism’ in your lifestyle. Look for new ways to contact the Earth.. including gardening, hiking, swimming, etc… as ways to help comfort the Soles.


ASTHMA: Ego-Pressure; personal Ego-desires are conflicting with one’s commitments to others

BLEEDING: Releasing Genetic History; letting go of past patterns inherited from one’s family or society

CANCER: Un-Natural Self Image; considering oneself ‘inhuman’ or WRONG in one’s (usually intimate relationship) Lifestyle

CHILLS, COLDNESS: In-Coming New Patterns; Evolutionary Inspiration underway

DIABETES: Sweetness Crisis; enforced ‘squelching’ of ANGER over long periods of time, usually family-enforced patterns

ECZEMA, Skin Rashes: Abrasion Crisis; having to tolerate unacceptable contacts or activities

EMPHYSEMA: Telepathic Overload; “drowning” in unexpressed interpersonal emotions toward oneself

FEVERS, INFECTIONS: Ego-Transcendence; releasing old patterns of self-identity and behavior

GOUT: Pampered Temper; a self-image in permanent ‘pout’

NUMBNESS, WEAKNESS: Avoidance Crisis; something is being ‘abdicated’ or denied

PAIN however caused: Inflamed Focus; a problem-area pointed-out

PALSY, uncontrollable SPASMS: Response Crisis; not knowing how to react to others or situations

PNEUMONIA: Depression Crisis; “drowning” in Self-Pity over things that cannot be ‘fixed’ except by forgiveness

~via ~Thank you to Olwe for allowing us to share this information on In5D. To learn more please visit Olwe’s website.

STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Signs and Traits of Lightworkers: Earthbound Energy Healers”


Lightworkers are those who ‘shed love and light’ on shadowy topics and dark situations like fear, doubts, worries, and other troubling issues. (These issues may arise though the aid of a shadow worker, but many lightworkers can also work in the shadows – another topic for another time.) They have an uncanny ability to connect consciously with Divine Light through energy and intentions, transforming lower vibrations into higher, light vibrations.

LightworkersSome people believe lightworkers are cosmic relatives of the Pleiadian Family of Light… some believe them to be Earth Angels… some believe that Starseeds and Indigos have lightworker potential. They may speak the language of the Fae or Angels… they may speak of quantum science, sacred geometry, and mystical realms, and often don ethereal styles of clothing.

Honestly, there is no definitive answer as to where these earthbound energy healers come from or what we should call them. That being said, I believe that anyone has the potential to be a one of these superheroes, and most can agree upon some of the common psychological characteristics and traits of lightworkers.

Unique Traits of Lightworkers

Individualists that Embrace Cosmic Oneness

While sensing that they are a bit different from others and often taking unique paths in life, lightworkers are keen to the connectedness of all things, the oneness of the universe, and understand the encompassing energetic flow of consciousness that is all that surrounds us.

Sense the Need to Return to Incarnate Home

Lightworkers often struggle to feel at home on this earthly plane, and they may carry subconscious or even conscious memories of other soul entities of light that surrounded them at their time of incarnation. Their souls may feel homesick because they intrinsically sense they are not of this world, but rather fell attuned with the cosmos – what may be the source of us all.


Lived Many Lifetimes in Earthly Realm & Karmic Burdens

While they sense their cosmic origins, lightworkers have likely reincarnated many times over, perhaps previously serving in religious or spiritual paths such as mystics, psychics, nuns, priests, mystics, sages, witches, or shamans, etc. While likely not religious in this realm, this past likely lends to their abilities to provide a bridge between the mysterious realms of good and evil, light and dark, and the visible and the invisible.

Burdened by Past Incarnations

Perhaps persecuted in ancient times for their mysterious abilities, lightworkers may carry a heavy Karmic burden, just one of the many Pitfalls of Lightworkers. It is also believed that many of these souls opt-in at their time of incarnation to do these works within the light in an effort to ‘make up’ for some ‘wrongdoing’ against nature. Helping earthly inhabitants heal from the effects of control, shame, and fear based the past and current Lies and Illusions may ultimately help lightworkers ultimately free themselves of karmic burdens and let them move onto higher realms.


More Common Traits of Lightworkers

The aforementioned are some of the more in-depth signs of energy healers who work with light, and here’s a brief list of some of the more recognized traits of lightworkers.

  • Drawn to Helping Careers: Your social workers, medical professionals, teachers, therapists, and other advocates for humanity are often lightworkers. However, some may find the organized structure of these jobs too constraining and may work in anti-authoritarian positions, become writers, artists, and activists.
  • Respect All Life and are Often Vegans: The love and light extend beyond humans to the animal kingdom and lightworkers are typically very protective of nature and the environment as a whole. Many opt out of meat eating because it invokes deep feelings of grief when they do.
  • Hypersensitive Empathic Abilities: Lightworkers exhibit most Signs of Being an Empath, and they are highly sensitive to negative energies, aggression, and the moods of those around them. This may cause them to isolate themselves, preferring to spend time in their own idealistic, dreamy world when not doing light work in the physical realm.
  • Have No Fear of Death: Because they understand their Devine place as eternal, immortal, energetic beings – the fear of death is typically non-existent to these energy healers.

Do you believe in earthbound healers such as lightworkers or do you think you are one, know one, have the potential to work in the light as an energy healer? Tell us what you think or share your experience…




©Universal Copyright 2015 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

STEPHANIE LUCAS: “4 Fast Ways to Banish Negative Energies and Shield your Spaces”

negative energies

Moving into a new home or office space can be a stressful, yet joyful time – so, you want to get off to a solid footing and be sure that you’re not channeling into someone else’s old energies as you move in. Perhaps you’ve been in your space for awhile and are ready to cleanse the past from your space. If you’re looking for a few ways to clear negative energies and protect your area from psychic invaders, here are a few ideas.

1. Burning and Smudging with Sage: Negative Energy Cleansing

If you’re not familiar with this process, take a peek at this video, Burning Sage to Cleanse Negative Energies. While I’m not the expert Alexa is, I’d suggest smudging with sage before moving anything into your new space to promote good vibes during the move in and renovation process. However, even your possessions – as forms of energy – can carry negativity, so burning sage after moving in can’t hurt.

2. Surreptitious Shielding: Placing Affirmations on Walls

A good friend of mine just bought her first home, and being one who lives in gratitude, she had the clever idea of writing affirmations on the walls before tackling repainting with stimulating, soothing, and healing colors. Sealing the affirmations behind paint ensures they are always there in the shadows… resonating good vibes, protecting, and manifesting desires for her fresh start. It’s certainly a clever, fun way to ‘break in’ a new space with good intentions.

Of course, your chosen affirmations can be any proclamations that you may aspire for, including single words or phrases like ‘Peace, Love & Joy,” “We are One,” etc. Here are two favorite affirmations from Rich Work’s ‘Proclamations of the Soul.’

Affirmation for Clearing Entities/Negative Energies

From the Divine Love that flows through my Being: Whatever is in my home that is impeding the flow of positive energy, Whether here with or without my permission, I command in the name of the Creator and from the Divine Love That flows through my Being in love and Peace, That it now go to the nucleus of its being in Peace So be it!

Prosperity Affirmation

From the Divine Love that flows through my Being:
I call forth my abundance and prosperity
In all forms that will bring me happiness and joy.
So be it!

3. Protection Stones and Crystal Grids

Using protection stones and crystals to fend of negative energies is extremely important for those who are highly empathic people and especially for those living or working in connected structures such as condos, strip centers, or hi-rises. Typically, placing aligned crystals or stones in each corner of a space will offer shielding; however in the case of common walls you may want to create additional protections such as crystal grids.

Clear quartz is the most commonly used stone to facilitate the energy transfer between stones and minerals within a grid. It is this energy that connects transfer that increases the focusing abilities of the crystal grids points. There are no restrictions on gridding’s purposes or intentions; however, alignment of the stone pattern is the key to maximizing their efficacy in addition to choosing the right stones. Learn more about crystal grids and explore Popular Crystal Gridding Templates here.

negative energies

4. Create Sacred Spaces

A sacred space is simply an area you create and designate as ‘sacred’ to you. It may be a small space with a few items of importance to you or a large, private space with an ‘altar’ laden with dozens of goodies you hold dear. My sacred space includes shells, stones, crystals, musical instruments, candles, sand, pictures, posters, and a special pillow to name a few items. Consider this your little ‘happy zone’ where you come to rebalance and center…an area that you keep off limits to others, which ensures it stays clear of negative energies.

Because when it boils down to it, you can cleanse your home or office in a dozen ways, but if your mind, body, and spirit aren’t clear of negative energies, to what end does it serve to protect beyond that?




©Universal Copyright 2014 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

ALBERT MILLIGAN: “Gemstones – Mother Nature’s Natural Healers”

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Ancient healers used precious and semi-precious gemstones for healing. Today’s alternative and holistic healers continue to use gemstones to treat the mind, body, and spirit. Following are descriptions of the unique healing properties held by many of Mother Nature’s natural healers.Amethyst – Healers value amethysts for their power to focus energy and treat blood and breathing disorders. Often, healers wear several pieces of amethyst jewelry while treating others. An amethyst has many other uses, including:

  • Fighting off insomnia and bringing pleasant dreams if placed under a pillow.
  • Headache relief if rubbed across one’s forehead.
  • Protection against spiritual and emotional negativity if placed in clusters in a window that lets in lots of sunlight.

Emerald – As the sacred stone of Venus, the emerald preserves love and has become a symbol of hope. As a result, many healers use it to help heal the heart. Some healers believe it brings reason and wisdom to those who wear it and helps calm a troubled mind. A few ancient cultures placed an emerald in a vessel of water overnight and then poured the water over the eyes of those suffering from eye diseases.

Turquoise – Turquoise is a teaching stone that helps with meditation. Healers use it to treat spiritual negativity. Placing the stone at one’s feet or wearing it inside a sock draws the negative vibrations from the body back into the ground. Healers believe that this is the path to staying connected and emotionally attached to family and other loved ones.

Copper – Copper enhances the healing power of many other stones including:

  • Azurite
  • Malachite
  • Turquoise

It also enhances the healing energy of gold and silver. Copper heals many physical ailments including arthritis, rheumatism, and blood and metabolic disorders.

Lodestone – Crystal healers use lodestone, a form of magnetite, to realign the body’s energy flows. It balances:

  • Intellect with inner emotions.
  • Male-female polarity.
  • Physical-spiritual polarity.
  • Left brain-right brain polarity.

Healers use lodestone to treat asthma, muscle strains, cramps, and nose bleeds. They also believe it’s beneficial for one’s skin, hair, blood, and the circulatory system.

Moonstone – Although moonstone generally benefits women, healers encourage men to use it as a channel for opening up their inner selves. Healers use it to stimulate the pineal gland function and balance internal hormone cycles with nature. Folklore tells that giving a moonstone necklace to a lover brings lasting, passionate love. Many value this gemstone for this reason and because they believe it:

  • Brings good fortune.
  • Enhances intuition.
  • Promotes inspiration.
  • Protects those with a sensitive nature.

As its name suggests, moonstone’s power is at its greatest during the full moon.

Quartz crystal – Healers use the quartz crystal to amplify the energy of other healing gemstones. In addition to its benefit as an amplifier, crystal also has cooling and romantic powers. Quartz crystal’s vibration is very similar to human vibration. Therefore, crystal helps people know themselves. This special property makes quartz crystal an excellent stone with which to meditate.

People might want to consider working with a professional when using gemstones for physical healing. If people choose to use the healing stones without consulting an experienced healer, they should:

  • Go slowly and use them with caution.
  • Keep written treatment records.
  • Record the exact placement of the stone on or near their body.
  • Record how long the stone was on or near their body.

People should also keep written records when using gemstones for spiritual and emotional healing. Finally, people may need to do some research and experimentation to decide which of these natural healers works best for them.