ISAAC DAVIS: “15 Common Sense Reasons to Free Yourself from Politics”

Our continued participation in this circus performance we call politics feeds the illusion of its legitimacy.

When even the highest agencies of the law cannot prosecute the political elite for their crimes, and when no mainstream media organization is willing to press for truth on obvious election fraud, it’s naive to expect the political system to improve just because we got involved and casted a vote for the least terrible of two shady candidates.

The rule of law in America is now effectively dead, and its time to hunker down and prepare for the worst, while doing everything possible to create a better society within our own communities, cities, states and world at large. Change happens on the ground level, and while getting worked up about American elections is a popular thing to do, it doesn’t really do much to free us from tyranny or a slave mentality.

It’s time to break free from the programming that tells us voting is our only opportunity to make a difference, because there are a million other things any of us can do to improve this place. Politics is distracting us, it’s fooling us, and it’s sucking our revolutionary and evolutionary potential into a vacuum of deceit, dirt, broken promises and lies.

READ: Your Awakening Counts More Than Your Vote

“Is it conceivable that our electoral system is cleverly designed to exhaust our positive, community-minded energies and to pacify our inherent human will to live the prosperous and peaceful lives we deserve? Could it be that the resources and energy we have applied to this social mechanism have been squandered in one of the greatest opportunity costs of all time?

When looking at politics as a drain on society, its easy to see how we’re wasting our greatest potential for societal progress in an endless game of ego satiation and public parade. Furthermore, it appears that the lost opportunity costs of our political efforts have been quite vast, and have had many detrimental effects to our collective psyche and identity.” –Dylan Charles

As motivation for walking off the playing field, consider these 15 statements of truth about what election season really means in America now, and why you should free yourself from politics.

  1. Politics devours time, energy and resources that could be spent elsewhere.
  2. Politics creates widespread division amongst the populace by providing us with few choices and then positioning those choices as mutually exclusive enemies.
  3. Politics nullifies the value of society’s potentially most effective members by forcing passionate, community-oriented individuals into a rigid arena that demands conformity and ultimately defers to entrenched power cliques.
  4. Politics falsely empowers the thoughtless by providing an arena for people to believe they are positively impacting the world by simply pressing a button or checking a box when told to do so.
  5. Politics erodes our natural idealism by fragmenting our grandest ideas for our future into single-issue chunks that make little sense when taken out of context. Then by ranking and marginalizing them in accordance with various political agendas, then, again, by prioritizing them against conflicting entrenched interests.
  6. Politics gives us false impressions about what it means to be civilized. For example, it is not civilized to allow ourselves to be enslaved with unbearable debts, endless wars and unacceptable restrictions to our personal liberty.
  7. Politics prohibits us from ever reaching our highest societal potential. Because politics never concludes it is always dramatic and we learn to adjust our lives according to its highs and lows, thus our psychological development is trapped by the imposition of these never-ending patterns.
  8. Politics protects society’s most heinous criminals by providing them the infrastructure, security apparatus, public platform, time and resources to obfuscate truth and protect themselves from meaningful prosecution. Election cycles, hearings, recalls, investigative committees and impeachments are an insult to justice when the accused are part of the government.
  9. Politics demands that we become dishonest in order to gain advantage.
  10. Politics consumes an absurd amount of financial and material resources.
  11. Politics creates and exacerbates massive public cognitive dissonance between the prosperous and peaceful world we know we should have and the world that a corrupt political class can actually create for us. By repeatedly failing to deliver on its promises, the political system becomes so unbelievable that we have no choice but to believe it.
  12. Politics severely limits society’s possibilities for meaningful and timely solutions to our most pressing problems by subjecting every opportunity for progress to the scrutiny, whim, and interests of largely corrupted and under-informed political bodies.
  13. Politics insults our intelligence with its embarrassing pomp, flashiness, hubris, blatant rigging, hokey formatting, omissions, dumbing down and oversimplification of important complex issues.
  14. Politics selfishly frames issues in terms of their impact upon people and fiat economics, largely disregarding our unmistakable dependence on the natural world for the gift we call life.
  15. Politics exhausts our spiritual energy by claiming the authoritative role in our lives and diminishing our intuitive capacities and will to search for spiritual truth.

As the choices that we are given in elections continue to deteriorate, we’re expected to give more of our selves and our souls to a rigged game that only eats resources rather than applying them to solving our problems. The only way win a rigged game is to not play. Walk off the field and go do your thing.

“Let’s spend our time finding each other and co-creating the true reality – not reinforcing the false one by being lured into contacts and contests with it.”Zen Gardner







This article (15 Common Sense Reasons to Free Yourself from Politics) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Isaac Davis and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

CATHERINE FROMPOVICH: “Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?”

Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?

Ever since I began studying nutrition and holistic health sciences in the 1970s, I’ve been concerned about the irresponsible ways certain elements on the Periodic Table are used by science, technology, agriculture, food processing, and even medicine.

Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?

Recent revelations of toxic heavy metals, e.g., lead in Flint, Michigan’s municipal water supply [1]—and others [2]; chemicals such as PFOAs and PFOSs in municipal and private wells polluted by the U.S. Naval Air Station in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania [3] and the chemical industry also contaminating numerous localities’ [9] underground water aquifers; plus exorbitant amounts of aluminum in Mount Shasta, California rain water [4] must be taken seriously by everyone, but most of all, by those responsible for manufacturing and spreading toxic pollution; by the ‘paper tiger’ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency—whom does EPA protect—polluters?; and, particularly, the do-nothing, heavily-lobbied U.S. Congress.

Most of the toxic heavy metal contamination usually and inadvertently occurs as a result of some technological ‘gift’ to humankind, or as an ingenious cost-cutting idea to balance a budget line item.

Flint’s water crisis came about from changing water systems to save money [5]! The U.S. Naval Air Station at Willow Grove sprayed firefighting foam [6]. Mount Shasta, California rain water contamination is the result from the federal government’s Solar Radiation Management project to deal with global warming aka “chemtrails” [7].

Incidentally, more underground wells and surface water contamination is yet to be found and/or scientifically identified from all the glyphosate and glufosinate spraying used in growing genetically engineered crops since the 1990s, or as pre-harvest crop “staging” [17] and desiccant processes several days before harvesting grains and legumes—yet another reason for eating an organically-grown, plant-based diet.

The bar chart below shows all deregulated crops, sized by the number of genetic varieties approved for each.

Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?

[Note that GMO Rapeseed also can be GMO canola!]

Another equally devastating contamination of water supplies is the hydraulic fracturing process to extract energy from shale sands commonly called “fracking” [8].  According to Wikipedia, Fracturing

Fluid is typically a slurry of water, proppant, and chemical additives. Additionally, gels, foams, and compressed gases, including nitrogen, carbon dioxide and air can be injected. Typically, 90% of the fluid is water and 9.5% is sand with chemical additives accounting to about 0.5%. However, fracturing fluids have been developed using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and propane in which water is unnecessary.  [8]

One of the ‘byproducts’ of fracking is water that burns!  How can you drink, cook and bathe in “fire” water?

Winter weather de-icing chemicals add their “two cents worth” to the contamination of the second-most-important and precious commodity of life, water!  Most commonly used ice melting chemicals are sodium chloride, calcium chloride and magnesium chloride, which pollute streams that run into rivers that feed municipal water supplies.

The foremost “life-giver” is air with oxygen and other gases [18], now so terribly horribly contaminated that it’s not fit to breathe by man, mouse, or any mammal!  Whom do we have to thank for that?  Technology?

If that’s not enough, consider all the heavy duty, caustic chemicals we pour down the kitchen sink and other drains to unclog them.  In most cases, humans downstream from sewage processing plants or rivers drink those polluted waters, which are “treated” further by municipal water treatment plants [10] with flocking agents like aluminum, etc. and other chemicals (including fluoride) to “clean”—or shall I say—add more chemicals to deliver ‘potable’ water!


How about all the prescription drugs that are disposed of by flushing down the toilet? [11] Inadvertently, consumers drink more prescription drugs in their municipal water than we may realize! [12, 13]

On top of all the above, we must include innumerable herbicides we spray on our lovely green lawns! Where do those chemicals go?  Answer: Into the earth to ‘feed’ grass roots, but also finally wind up in underground aquifers [14].

It reminds me of the line from the poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: “Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop [fit] to drink.” [20]

There probably are some sources of water contamination I omitted, but let’s move on to other contaminants such as toxic metals in pharmaceuticals, especially vaccines: aluminum [19, 20] in four formulations, ethylmercury in the form of Thimerosal, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 and a laundry list of toxic chemicals [15] including colors and dyes, antibiotics, detergent, foreign DNA, animal products, mycoplasmas, and human diploid cells (aborted fetal cell lines).  Here’s a short crash course video on what mycoplasmas do in the human body.

Many cosmetics and ‘beauty’ products like lipstick contain lead [16]!

Many cosmetics and ‘beauty’ products like lipstick contain lead


How about all the toxic chemicals, additives, preservatives, food colors, and other unknown ingredients like nanoparticles [16] that we don’t even know we eat!  Titanium dioxide!

Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?


All the above contribute to what I for many years have called “toxic body syndrome” that I discuss in my new book Eat to Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities, which will be available on within the next couple of weeks.

Instead of technology creating more health hazards, toxins and chemicals, shouldn’t technology, business and industry get their acts together and devise means and methods to clean up the mess they made of Planet Earth rather than trying to colonize Mars, which technology-savvy earthlings probably will contaminate too?



Image Credit

About the author: Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo: What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer: Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA: A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss: An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich coming in Summer 2016







ActivistPost ~via

DEJAN DAVCHEVSKI: “6 Secrets ‘They’ Don’t Want You to Know”


Even the dumbest person knows that the world is controlled by certain individuals. Some say they are the richest families, some say secret organizations with members posing as a president’s right hand, some even say aliens in disguise.

The truth is, no matter who, the 99% is controlled by the 1% and there are things that the 1% would be happy if the 99% never find out of. But, be that as it may, the Murphy ’s Law still stands even for those individuals who steer the wheel and as the law says “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”.

People with humanity still in their hearts leaked some information, people who see things as they really are revealed conspiracies, and some with a little logic still in the head discovered the truth hidden from the 99%. Here are some of the greatest secrets “They” don’t want you to know of:

6. They Control the Earth’s Environment

You have probably heard about the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). It is a project funded by The US Navy and The US Air Force and its cover is technology that can allow US military to communicate with its fleet of submarines through very long distances.

How this works? There is an instrument in HAARP called “Ionospheric Research Instrument” which is a facility that transmits high-power radio frequency directly into a limited area of the Ionosphere.

This instrument manipulates the Ionosphere, the place where free electrons exist, and has a potential to create radio waves that will manipulate the earth’s magnetic field. You get yourself a control of the earth’s magnetic field and you control the earth.

Even more frightening is the fact that HAARP has a potential to control emotions through wave frequencies and manipulate human minds. Who knows, maybe they are responsible for our sudden mood swings. Project HAARP was shut down in May 2013 — or was it?

5. Tap Water Makes You Poor

There is absolutely no need for fluoride in tap water, well for us, but for the ones who want to control the world and make sure no one rises above them, fluoride in tap water is essential element. Why? Let me explain a little bit.

Fluoridation was recommended by Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud. Mind manipulation is written all over their foreheads.

Fluoride is a chemical that has an effect on the Pineal Gland of our brain, some call it “The Third Eye”. This gland is responsible for majority of our emotions, as well as our serotonin and melatonin level.

Fluoride damages this gland and promotes apathy, depression, and low vibrations. This results in lack of motivation, bad health and boredom. To survive in the world today we must earn money to buy the necessary things like food, water, shelter, medicine.

Instead of following our dream and escaping the system, we are depressed and unmotivated which forces us to work for someone just so we can survive. These 2 forces, the survival instinct and apathy, limit us to follow the system and never rise above it.

We are scared for our survival but unmotivated to go our own way, so we let others lead our whiny ass to safety. Their safety. Just like sheep in the herd.

4. Chemtrails Spray Us With Fluoride

When you look up in the sky and say look a con trail you may be wrong, it may be a chemtrail. Don’t worry, it’s nothing, it’s just some guys spraying you with Aluminum, Arsenic, Barium, Boron, and yes Fluoride. Why? Because you ask too much. Now shut up and keep doing what “They” tell you.

Fluoride is now also being added to almost every food product made with water. Fluoride is also in insecticides and other poison products, toothpaste, mouthwash, and many psychotropic medicines, and if we are good we may even get houses made of fluoride, yay!

3. GMOs Are Destroying All Humanity

Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology. This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.

In other words GMO is taking God’s dice in our own hands. It is the greatest disbalance nature has ever seen.

The Universe has one divine rule and that is that whatever happens it must always keep balance, every action has its own opposite reaction. We make disbalance to nature, but as we know The Universe will always find balance, so our action will result in conflict between us and nature.

The dumbest man knows that we come from Nature and the conflict will be between ourselves resulting in us becoming something else that is not Nature or our extinction, because let’s face it, we cannot go on the opposite side of the scale with such force and expect balance.

2. Sacred Geometry is The Language of The Universe and Beauty

What is Beauty? Victoria’s Secret Angels, I know, but what is the definition of beauty? The combination of elements like shape, color, size that pleases the sense of sight. But, we know that music has a beauty too, smell also, so if you ask me I would say that beauty is a harmony between elements and forces.

Sacred geometry is found where elements meet The Golden Ratio (1.618033989…) and it exists through all The Universe between gravity of planets, Nature, design of flowers, shape of animals, proportions of land, crop circles, it also exists in many manmade objects or famous arts like the works of Leonardo DaVinci, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, Greek and Roman architecture…

Almost everything we find harmonious, beautiful, and with that x-factor we cannot explain has The Golden Ratio shinning through it.

Why is this kept a secret? Well, it’s like a magic show. We find magic in things with The Golden Ratio but we don’t know why or how. The magician knows the trick and in order to manipulate the audience nobody else is allowed to know how it’s done.

1. Music Makes You Competitive

Do you know that in 1955 the International Standardization Organization made 440 Hz a general tuning standard for musical pitch? Before that was 432 Hz.

As you may know sounds have the biggest impact in our thinking. 432 Hz makes the sound of music more harmonious, calm, promotes happiness and deep understanding, passion. 440 Hz is more energetic, faster, it is almost like racing.

It is more competitive and focusing on the details, the understanding of the things we can see. So why would someone and most importantly how, decides that 440 Hz is better than 432 Hz?

Because music touches us where nothing else can, where the essence of our Emotional Being is, and if you control what emotions/thoughts the music promotes, than your work of controlling the world is 99% done.

“They” don’t want people to understand Our True Nature and Our Higher Self. They want us to be in a hurry, to believe only what we see and be competitive about material things.

This way the 99% will live in the reality the 1% will create for them. This whole article is about that, the purpose of the 1% is to shape the reality of the 99% and through various of things “They” have accomplished that, and “They” are damn good in keeping the control.

Dejan Davchevski is an International Marketing Manager, though his passion is sharing a way of living that he calls ‘The Code Of Life.’ He discovered ‘the code’ while he was in a dark period of his life and it helped him recover. You can contact Dejan on his Facebook page or website.


ZACHARY K HUBBARD: “EXPOSED- June 12, 2016 Pulse Night Club Shooting Hoax (Orlando, FL)”

“It is said that Omar Mir Seddique Mateen killed 50 and injured 53 more on June 12, 2016, Pride Day, when he opened fire on a nightclub for gay men, making it the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States of America. Thankfully, this is a contrived hoax, by the numbers, where federal government, local police and the mainstream media again conspired together to deceive the masses into thinking there is a false Islamic boogieman out there name “ISIS’ or “al-Qaeda”. The only real terrorists are those who control our media, and work in our federal government, with the purpose of purposefully scaring the American people, and other western populations.”

Read more about this well organized hoax at Zachary K Hubbard’s main YouTube page.

VOICE OF REASON: “Top Scientist Confirms Aluminum Poisoning Via Chemtrails Is Real”

Chem Trail

A renowned nuclear scientist has published a paper confirming that humans are being poisoned by traces of aluminum via chemtrails.

Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD says that there is evidence of a secret government geoengineering program, injecting stratospheric particles/aero soles into the atmosphere – endangering human health.

Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD., a nuclear chemist, geochemist, and cosmochemist – most noted for deducing the composition of the inner core of Earth as being nickel silicide, not partially crystallized nickel-iron metal – has published a groundbreaking paper in the peer-reviewed journal Current Science (Indian Academy of Sciences) titled “Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity: implications for India.” 

The paper goes on to discuss and cite publications which have detected heavy metals like aluminum, barium, strontium, and more in rainwater, fly ash, and more. For example, during the period between July 2011 and November 2012, 73 rainwater samples were collected and analyzed for aluminum and barium; 71 were collected from 60 different locations in Germany, 1 from France, and 1 from Austria.

Aluminum was detected in 77% of the rainwater samples, there was also a very high barium concentration and a very high Strontium concentration.

It also discusses how these concentrations of metals are not the result of natural phenomenon, like volcanic explosions, for example.

Chem Trail Real

Truth is, there seems to be a tremendous amount of information suggesting that these programs are indeed operational. Whether their intent is to modify the climate to combat the effects of global warming, or to further some other type of agenda, is still not clear.


Evidence Suggestng That These Programs Are Already Operational

Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD, couldn’t be any more correct if tried to be! There is no question that the government is involved in various forms of Geo-Engineering, and we know that, because different agencies have admitted as much. Unfortunately, in controversial matters like this, the United States Government can be compared to an iceberg of sorts. If they admit to doing one thing, then chances are that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what they’re REALLY into. So, it’s almost a certainty that there is a MUCH bigger,and more nefarious operation of some kind going on as well, they just haven’t been caught for that one… YET.

Newly surfaced documents add to an already sizable pile of evidence that the U.S. government has been manipulating the weather for many decades.

Just under 750 pages, the document from May of 1978 illustrates just how large the geoengineering, weather-modification cover-up really is.

The beginning of the document reads as follows:

Chem Trails

“The Federal Government has been involved for over 30 years in a number of aspects of weather modification, through activities of both the Congress and the executive branch.

“Since 1947, weather modification bills pertaining to research support, operations, policy studies, regulations, liabilities, activity reporting, establishment of panels and committees, and international concerns have been introduced in the Congress. 

“There have been hearings on many of these proposed measures, and oversight hearings have also been conducted on pertinent ongoing programs.”

Although the document clearly states that the Federal Government has been involved in activities that involve weather modification, the general public is still largely unaware that this is even going on. Many still adamantly oppose the idea that this is even possible.

If Congress has known about this since at least 1978, why is the public still so clueless about weather modification?

Beginning with his 1905 United States patent number 787,412, Nikola Tesla pioneered the use of a certain type of electromagnetic energy called extremely-low frequency (ELF). This is a specific type of energy known to be used in the New Manhattan Project; the other being very-low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic energy. If you’ve read the following three articles already, then you’ll know all about the nefarious nature of where this is all leading…


There is no question that the U.S. government is presently involved in various forms of Geo-Engineering around the world, and we know that because at different times, various government agencies have admitted to doing as much, contrary to what every pilot you know [less ONE maybe – You know who you are! BK] has to say on the issue of Chemtrails. How many times have you heard, “Well I’m a pilot, and I know for a fact there is no such thing as Chemtrails, only contrails, and you people are a bunch of tin foil hat wearing conspiracy loons…”



You don’t have to be a pilot to recognize whether a trail in the sky is or is not a Chemtrail any more than you need to be an ant to determine if a little grey pile of sand between sidewalk blocks with ants pouring out of it is an anthill. With all that said, unfortunately for “We the People,” is the fact that the United States government has a very lousy track record of being honest, so, whatever the government admits to doing, multiply that number times several factors of 10 to get the magnitude of what is really going on, and as for the motives, prepare to be horrified.


Other New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Agendas Revealed (Videos)

NASA Caught Red Handed On Tape Admitting To ChemTrails

The Chem Trail Conspiracy Is Very Real, and May Finally Kill Us All

ChemTrail Cover-Up Revealed in Lost 1978 Government Report

Chemtrails Exposed and Then Some on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

CIA Now Tampering With Earth’s Atmosphere

Chemtrail Poisons are Ruining Your Health from Above

Nanosized Aluminum Being Sprayed in the Atmosphere

Geoengineering (chemtrails) Shredding Ozone Layer Daily

Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-Manipulation



Warning: The Establishment Is Preparing For Martial Law and Civil War (Videos)

Stop 2016 Election, Then Begin Martial Law Is Goals of Soros’ Democracy Spring (Video)

All Armed Americans To Be Detained In FEMA Camps Starting In 2017? (Video)

Mark of the Beast – Visa Has Implemented Biometric Cashless Technology (Video)

Proof: US Congressional Record Says US is Actually a British Crown Colony Run By NWO 

Why Forbes’s Rich List Doesn’t Include The Wealthiest Families On The Planet 

Understanding Why the Illuminati Are Directly Linked to Satanism (Video) 

Complete List Of Banks Owned By Illuminati Rothschild Family 

These 13 Families Rule the World: The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO

10 Dark Secrets From The Wealthiest Family In World History 

9 Ways To Stop Cooperating With The Ruling Global Elite’s Control System

The Rothschilds Own Israel – and Direct Its Genocidal Policy 

The Council on Foreign Relations and Their Role With The Illuminati 

America is Being Played by Council on Foreign Relations & Trilateral Commission 

David Rockefeller: An Illuminated Life of Immorality, Evil, and Treason. 

1924 Newspaper Article Outlined Six Goals of the Illuminati – Prophetic? 

Geopolitical Mastermind Craig Hulet Interviewed on Illuminati Control Over U.S.

1798: Proof America’s Role in the Illuminati Conspiracy Began (Videos) 

Bilderberg Topic 2015: Ingestible RFID Microchips

Prepare to be Microchipped. This is Not a “Request”

FDA Approved Ingestible RFID Chips: The “Mark of the Beast” Is Upon Us Today 

New World Order’s Ban on Cash is Coming… Prepare To Be Microchipped 

How Illuminati Are Directly Related To Ancient Megaliths and What it Means

ARJUN WALIA: “Humanity Is Transforming And Changing: The Great Awakening”


by Arjun Walia

The planet is going through a mass transformation. There are many aspects to this transformation, and in the end one must come to realize the basic building block for global change starts with us, humanity on a collective level, together. We are being called to evolve past our current way of living, tap into our infinite potentiality, let go of our training wheels and fly. We continue to search for external factors like technology and alternative ways to function, which is great. But humanity cannot evolve past its current paradigm unless the souls on Earth themselves change first. From that place of change we can begin to implement new ways of operating on this planet which can propel us past our current limitations and into an existence of abundance, peace , prosperity, and discovery. Humanity must operate from a place of love, peace, cooperation, acceptance and understanding if it is to move on and expand past the current limitations and definitions it has placed upon itself. A portion of the paradigm change we are witnessing on planet Earth today is people waking up to what has really been taking place. This can be a tough process because many humans have been made to believe certain realities are true when they are not. Through the use of mainstream media, education and more, we have been programmed with false ideas and belief systems of how the world and the industries that govern it work. We’ve also been programmed with the idea of how to be, how to act, and what to do in certain situations. This type of programming has taken us away from our soul’s voice, our heart, and our ability to be our true self. We are a young race, and we are only just discovering our hearts now.

Only a small group of people and the corporations they run are in control of all the world’s resources. When something new comes along and threatens these industries and multinational corporations they put a tremendous amount of effort into concealing and covering up information. A part of this transformation is the apocalypse, which is an ancient Greek word that carries the meaning of “transparency.” This is not always an easy process. Sometimes it is hard for one’s mind to take in certain information when after carrying a specific belief system for almost all of one’s life. We are an infant race of seven billion, separated by many different belief systems. The belief systems that once separated us are beginning to crumble, and we are all coming to the realization of oneness. That’s what we are: one human race. Imagine a race united in knowing instead of separated by belief systems. Someone once said that the mind works best like a parachute, when it is open!

Many find the idea of mass brainwashing hard to believe, but it’s really not. The brain and our consciousness is highly programmable. The way we perceive reality is directly correlated to the reality we create, you can read more about this here. Throughout human history intellectual authorities have affirmed their supremacy by purposely ridiculing ideas and new concepts of reality that did not fit the accepted framework. They accomplished this by using their position of ‘power’ to dictate, and dispense their resources into brainwashing the public. The best historical example is ancient Rome and Christianity. The elite banned and punished those who did not follow. Even all the way up to recent history when ancient Rome spread its power all over the globe, scientists were sought after and killed while their works were taken and hidden from the public, they were considered heretics. Galileo is a classic example of this.

So how do they do it today? Is it a conspiracy? Well, if you would like to inquire about that, the first question you must as yourself is who is in control now? Who is dictating ‘truth’ to people, how do they do it, and how do we find out what is really going on in the world? After all, nobody can really deny that human beings have an innate desire for knowledge and truth. The only difference is that everybody seeks it using different methods. Some simply believe what they are told, and others search more in depth. Truth can never be hidden, and it is always possible to discover certain aspects of our reality that is kept from the masses.

For quite some time the dominating ‘truth givers’ have come from television programming. It’s no secret that mainstream media sources are extremely manipulating. They are owned by a handful of multinational corporations who we all know are in control of government and governmental policy, such as Time Warner, Disney, Viacom, News Corporation, CBS Corporation, and NBC Universal. What is even more strange is that all of these corporations have connections to each other. Multiple CEO’s and employees are members of the Council On Foreign Relations and all of these organizations always lead up to the same group of families, like the Rockefellers. Does that not make people scratch their heads? I am not asking you to believe me blindly. I take it that this is a known fact. You can browse through our website if you are looking for proof, or you can simply do the research yourself. If you’d like to see an example of these mainstream media connections. you can click  here get you started. What is even more amusing is that the corporations that own and run the mainstream media also own big oil companies, big pharmaceutical companies, big energy companies, big food companies and more. Basically, a small group of people and the corporations they run own all aspects of our lives. What is becoming more transparent by the day is that everything that surrounds us is not good for us at all.  For example, the food and pharmaceutical industries both complement each other in that one makes us sick and the other treats us. It’s a cycle.

We no longer desire the type of environment that surrounds us daily and we are starting to realize that we can change it any time we want. Change can’t happen in a second. Sometimes our perception gets in the way. What seems like ten or twenty years to some may seem like one second to others. This transformation we are going through is rapid, and it starts with the recognition that many of us here no longer resonate with the current system planet Earth uses to govern itself. This feeling that does not resonate with many has caused many to ‘leave’ the system and begin to create for themselves. It has also encouraged others to begin spreading information to spark more awakening across the world. A massive ripple effect is moving around the planet right now. All we have to do is follow our hearts, let go of the fear to do so. and realize that in these times the Earth is truly our playground. Much Love.

LISA RENEE: “Geoengineering, Bioengineering and Chemtrails”


Geoengineering is the scientifically used term for artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems through two primary ideologies, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR). According to the chemtrail conspiracy theory, long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for sinister purposes undisclosed to the general public. Chemtrailing is the public’s term for the classified ongoing artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems using reflective nano-materials (aerosols) to reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed via jet aircraft trails that expand into reflective artificial clouds. Because of the widespread popularity of the conspiracy theory, official agencies have received many inquiries from people demanding an explanation, and rarely do the authorities make attempts for Accountability to the public, citing its a conspiracy and not worth investigating. Believers and experiencers in the conspiracy theory speculate that the purpose of the claimed chemical release may be solar radiation management, psychological manipulation, human population control, weather modification, or biological or chemical warfare, and that the trails are causing respiratory illnesses and other health problems.

Our ongoing research and direct experiences with Chemtrailing points that this is indeed true. Geoengineering is related to bioengineering, and both point to the Transhumanism agenda implemented by the NAA [Negative Alien Agenda] and their human puppets or representatives in military or government office. We have observed the energetic weakness that occurs in the planetary body as the result of Chemtrailing, such as micro black holes and burned out lesions punched throughout the matrix of the field, as well as the growth and proliferation of a variety of microorganism that prove to be toxic to the natural flora and fauna of earth. Obviously, what is toxic to the earth is also toxic to humans.  Chemtrails also seem to have magnetic particle attractors that resonate to certain programmable targets to adhere to those same frequencies implanted in the human public, when they are sprayed over certain demographics. The particle attractors that may be sprayed in Chemtrails have been observed to trigger bio-etheric implants, we call them Alien implants, even though these implants may have been sourced from human covert military operations. This is because whether it’s a human being acting on classified military orders, or an Alien group contributing to the artificial intelligence signal that is pulsed in the earth to magnetize these implants, all mind control and implant technology ultimately serve one source only, the Negative Alien Agenda. Geoengineering and its direct relationship to bioengineering, will not be discussed and disseminated appropriately to the science community or public until the earth has full disclosure on the involvement of off world human civilizations, as well as the Extraterrestrial involvement influencing earthly and human affairs.

Geo-Engineering is Bio-Engineering

Please note that Alien Implants work in the human body similarly as the chemical process of Geoengineering is used in spraying Chemtrails in the skies. Alien implants are a bio-engineering technology designed to shape the human body into the submission to agendas, while chemical (nanoparticle) geo-engineering is used primarily to control the weather by harming the ozone layer, create excessive methane gases and disrupt the nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen is a chemical element with the atomic number 7. It is a transparent, odorless diatomic gas. Nitrogen is a common element in the universe, and many of the invading Reptoids breathe and flourish in 100% nitrogen rich environments, rather than earth’s oxygenated atmosphere. The Reptoids would prefer the earth to return to a full nitrogen atmosphere, as it was during the Triassic age of dinosaurs, who are a reptilian created species that roamed the earth.

In the case of chemical sprays or implants, when foreign (unnatural) material is introduced to the natural body it disrupts the electromagnetic energetic balance and the homeostatic rhythm of the body. This puts the body in hyper-immunity state and/or adrenal exhaustion while fighting off the “invader”. The body develops coping mechanisms to deal with the foreign invader while extreme stress is placed on the central nervous system, brain and immune system. As with chemtrails, Alien Implants most generally act as a “metallic” frequency overload and exposure to impact the overall bodily energies and its auric field. Eventually, this disrupts the body organism and as a result, Parasites, fungi, yeast and other microorganisms become overgrown and imbalanced in the body, creating a variety of disease states. It is important to understand that energetic parasites (this is just one byproduct of alien implants) eventually manifest turning into a variety of physical parasites in the human body. Physical parasites impact all bodily functions, mental body functions and thought-forms, induce emotionally hysterical states, as well as promote disconnection from the inner self and spiritual energies. If the body is heavily implanted, and therefore parasitic, anti-parasitic therapy such as cleanses or fasts are highly suggested along with meditation practices, to regain energetic balance in the homeostatic organism of the entire body, mind and spirit. (If you are new to cleansing please research to help inform yourself of the phases of cleansing the bodily internal organs to help you regain energetic balance and energetic health.)

Q. When will Chemtrails stop?

A. I just want to say that this is obviously very hard on all of us in our hearts, when we recognize the destruction and damage that the chemtrails are intended to place on planet Earth and humanity. The sadness of this is that the many human beings that carry out the particular task of putting chemtrails in our sky are a part of the military, a part of the government; and unfortunately their levels of working, are at an automaton level. They’re not questioning what they’re doing, or the harm they are causing to others, because they’ve been given orders to carry out classified top secret projects, and they are being told that they are saving the human race and earth, rather than hurting them. The military would not be in existence unless they were organized as they are to wield absolute authority in the guise of hidden top secret projects that are a matter of National Security. They exist with factions that have been given absolute power, no accountability, compartmentalized in rank, and many feel they are above the Law, to be able to give orders to those of less rank and tell them, “do this or else”.  So unfortunately we have a lot of human beings that just take orders and don’t ask any questions, and carry out these horrible crimes against humanity such as chemtrails.

The issue with chemtrails and why they are not going to stop, is that they’re controlled ultimately, at the higher levels of the food chain here – they’re controlled by the negative aliens.  Even though humans are mostly responsible in carrying this agenda out, the higher level is that there is the agenda to keep the chemtrails going because the chemtrails are changing the geophysical structure of our planet Earth.

This comes into understanding other branches of the same dark agenda on genetic food modification, that is designed to change the actual physical elemental structures of food and water. There are parts of controlling the food, water and air supply, in so that they will be able to potentially exist on the surface of the earth at some point in the future. If they decide that they want to exist on the surface of the earth, they want to create those conditions, which they aren’t exactly fully able to be on the earth surface right now, unless they hijack a human body. Meaning, the eventual goal for some of these entities is that their physical alien body and non-human body is actually walking around down here, and flourishing in an environment that supports their biology.

The chemtrails, one of the things that’s interesting about chemtrails is that,  the military and the governments are responsible for sending out the chemtrails.  Many people believe that what they’re doing is changing weather patterns and that changing the weather pattern is good.  It is hard to understand logically how going against the natural laws is considered good – when you go that far against nature it’s never a good outcome.  So understanding that arrogant mindset to bend nature to technology doesn’t make any sense to me, but a lot of people actually are very positive about genetic food modification and changing the weather patterns, as if this isn’t going to hurt anybody. Most of these people are not aware of the existence of the bio-energetic field that makes up the living matrix of all things.

The chemtrails are ultimately designed – what I notice and what I feel also – is to create pathogenic material in the form of microorganism fungus and mold in the planetary crust and lower atmosphere.  One thing I started to notice about 13 years ago, is that everybody has some level of candida infection;  and I often wondered, all of the major diseases that are diagnosed in the medical system today: they are never recognized as sourced from microorganisms, toxins that either pollute, or allow parasites to deeply infest the matrix of the body.  When you start to understand the spiritual-energetic organism of the human body and our relationship to nature,  and how when we’re out of balance with nature, we start to get infections and then diseases.  Microorganisms and pathogens start to grow in the environment and body, when we’re not in balance with ourselves.

So when you put chemtrails out into the air, this creates imbalance: first of all, it can be used for purely medical testing to look for certain genetic anomalies that you created conditions and now want to see what happens.  ‘Well let’s see, if we put some nanoparticles out there and this group of humans breathes it in, what happens to them?  And then let’s give them a vaccination to act as the catalyst for that chemical compound and see what kind of disease comes out of that.’   This is the sick truth of some aspects of this agenda.  The other part is understanding that when we put chemtrails in the sky like this, we’re changing the natural compounds of the various elementals of our planet.  What they’re finding these days is that many species on the surface of the planet are actually expiring, we are in extinction crisis of species because they’re being eaten and overrun by fungus. This is an unapproved topic in the controlled media, so humans see very little of this being reported.

When the fungus is introduced into the body, this creates multiple versions of microorganism hybridization in the body (also known as pleomorphism) which starts to create a terrain for multiple cancers.  This is why when we look at cancer, there is a tremendous amount of relationship and connection in the naturopathic world – not the allopathic or Western medicine world – in knowing that fungus and certain strains of candida, mold and aspergillus, these mold and yeast forms actually create the terrain where cancer can actually be easily cultivated or cultured in the human body.

So the chemtrails are not going to stop until there is a change with extraterrestrial and Secret Space program disclosure on this planet.  When we understand actually what the ultimate source of the motivation behind the chemtrails are, because that motivation is not being shared with the human public, because it is deeply entrenched with the negative alien agenda.  This is one of the major issues, just like with Monsantos involvement with chemicals, genetic food modification and cloning and whatever else they’re doing out there:  these are all related to the genetic modification agenda of bioengineering and Transhumanism,  which is coming from the Orion groups, from the negative alien groups.  If you want to know how the Orion groups behave and think, bring to mind the insanity of Adolf Hitler’s Nazism. He was personally trained by the Draconians, given the esoteric information to collaborate control in the planetary logos and elements, so that he could wield that particular terrorism on our planet.

So that is the mindset of the Orion group in elitist genetic experimenting.  There is no regard for life or humanity.  It’s practical for them to act like a mad scientist and think, ‘Well if we put an animal genes together with this human, and we sew a horse head on a human body,  what will happen and what does it look like?’ That’s the kind of twisted mentality we’re dealing with in this predator mind of the Orion and negative alien groups.

The good news with this is, is that once we understand what the chemtrails are, we can immediately take steps to help strengthen ourselves.  As an example, for myself I cannot tolerate any sugar or any fruit at all. I believe this is from extreme fungal exposures in my life due to inhalation of toxins and chemtrails, and my mission to heal the Mother principle, of which fungus represents the decay of the Mothers body. I know that this is because I’ve had to strengthen my immune system from an onslaught of candida and fungus that has been there for probably as long as I can remember.

So a lot of us when we understand the source of this, we can take steps from an informed awareness to strengthen and heal our body.  Whether it’s qi gong, whether it’s breath work, cleansing and whole foods (when possible) whether it’s meditation – all of this awareness helps to change the impact this has to your body and consciousness. Remember that meditation changes your consciousness, changes your body.  You can talk to parts of your body.  Resting, and not allowing yourself to get stressed out, while employing periods of intermittent fasting and detoxification is extremely helpful.

One of my favorite things is the implementation of frequency devices that explode the yeast forms via Rife machines or photonic light tubes.  Not all of us may have frequency devices available, but there many different things that we can do when we stop and listen to our body and we ask,  ‘Body, what do you need?  What do I need to strengthen my immunity?  What do I need to strengthen my consciousness?’  Because when your consciousness is strengthened, your body is strengthened, and they go two and two together.

We also have meditations in our community that are designed to help – such as the health upgrade.   Many of the meditations are about strengthening the physical vehicle, making the physical body a strong spiritual foundation so your spirit can commandeer your physical body.  There is a saying in ancient Eastern medicine that the Shen takes over the body at a certain point, and I have experienced this to be exactly true.  ‘The Shen’ is a way to say your inner spirit.

When we get beyond certain ego filters and start to understand the world of energy, that everything is a vibration,  and we discipline our mind to not live in fear of our physical health anymore, we start to recognize the Ascension symptoms have certain symptoms in our body, but they’re not disease symptoms. There is a frequency difference from Ascension detox symptoms and disease symptoms generated from the regular 3rd dimensional person, who’s living fully in ego and dealing with the medical system. One starts to feel these changes moving through our body and learn that everything is energetic, and from that particular state, we can get a lot of impressions and information that help bring overall balance to the body at a different level.  This is when the inner spirit has taken over the body, because you allowed a space for the spirit to exist and be nourished inside you. One recognizes that this isn’t exactly an ego faculty that’s doing this symptom. When we don’t understand that, when we don’t have tools to understand that everything is energy and everything is vibrational, we can get really bogged down and scared when our physical body starts having these types of symptoms.  So know that we have the consciousness, we have the strength. When we start to come into the monadic level of our being and our crystal seed atom starts to become open in the higher chest area, this also strengthens the immune system and is another level of where the monad body starts to take over the physical functions of the physical self, and it’s a much different process than the uninitiated third dimensional person.

It doesn’t mean you feel fantastic all the time, because we are going through Ascension symptoms and you’re transmuting lower density patterns into higher vibrating forms. There will be a type of byproduct of purification that is needed with that.  This process of embodiment of higher frequency is way beyond us, this body has an intelligence and once we connect it with our spiritual selves, it changes everything.

Being aware of chemtrails is important.  Being scared of them is another thing.  Don’t be scared or in terror of chemtrails;  know that our first objective is to strengthen our bodies, strengthen our consciousness.

When we become more adept on the Ascension path, we can also communicate with the forces of nature such as the Sylphs, such as the wind spirits, to help us with chemtrails.  I know that there are some people in our community that are already doing that and have been doing that for a long time, communicating with the devas of the Sylphs. This means the living consciousness spirits of the clouds, of the wind, the consciousness of air, and working in companionship, partnership and love with these particular natural elements to help us to deflect the harmful impacts of chemtrails.

If all humans had access to this knowledge, we would have nothing to worry about with these chemtrails.  But the issue is, is that the majority of people don’t know the purpose of them, it’s a hidden agenda, and they are deceiving the public, and this is where they get their foot in the door and are allowed to burrow in deeper.  Because we don’t understand what’s going on and the web of deceit grows and grows, it gets even more complicated and compartmentalized, so that, very few people know the whole truth at all.

Be aware that any person who seeks to find the truth about Geoengineering, Bioengineering and Chemtrails, will be accused of being a conspiracy theorist and further, marginalized, discredited and in some cases, psychically attacked.

Conspiracy theorist is a label used to create negative stigma towards any person that wants to share researched information and open dialogue to get answers to troubling questions that arise about the Archontic Deception Strategy, and those military agendas that are being hidden and suppressed through mass Mind Control enforced by the Controller forces. When the person broaches subjects that are “unapproved” for public awareness, the person is labeled Conspiracy theorist in order to persecute, ostracize and to victimize any person that dare ask for answers or accountability for very harmful or troubling world issues, such as sightings of UFOS, or investigation of MILABS, Geo-engineering and Chemtrails, and Negative Aliens. No person enjoys being publicly crucified, humiliated with character defamation, and so this intimidation tactic works as a powerful method to shut people up.

Thank you so much for that question, and I hope that’s helpful.

(Source: Transcript April 2013 Q&A, Ascension Glossary-Geoengineering, Conspiracy Theorist)

Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – March 1, 2016

LISA RENEE: “Psychic Self Defense Class Two” (Part 2/8)



Dear Family,

Naturally there are many issues to discuss and I did have brevity in mind …that was my intention anyway! I share this commentary from personal experience and hope to pave a way for thought provocation to stimulate awareness in all areas of your lives. Originally written in early 2004 there is yet so much more in current events to discuss!

Environmental or governmental exposure and disinformation:

Assaults on the physical immunity are prevalent as our society is not influenced as a whole to generate wellness or be particularly informed about preventive health measures. Certainly my awareness has been expanded since utilizing the QXCI (Quantum) in my practice and scanning my client’s energy field only to find an increasingly alarming pattern of the disruptive effects of environmental and other toxic exposures. It was clear for me that I was witnessing microbes and pathogenic debris increasing its hold in the body and that these severe imbalances to the bio-terrain were resulting in states of disease. It led to my further investigation of understanding why the structure of our society creates so much stress and disease upon our bodies and our energy.

What is the relationship between our level of physical health, our life force vitality and the ability to increase our expression of higher consciousness? Further, what can we do to care for ourselves to create the quality of life and vitality we need to experience our maximum potential? Average people do not eat well or exercise enough which is a part of maintaining good physical health so that the life force is strong enough to further maintain balanced emotional, mental and spiritual immune systems. Humanity’s apparent inability to live in harmony with nature, the nature kingdom has resulted in imbalances creating less  nutrient in our grown foods, more pollution and therefore more exposure of human beings to a variety of toxic substances and microbes.
In my body scanning sessions, it is markedly clear that those persons not taking nutrient supplements are grossly deficient in their levels of nutrition and cellular vitality in comparison to those persons that do implement a supplement program. The quality of our available foods is severely nutrient depleted. To consume raw or organic foods is extremely expensive, hard to find and not available to the lower income populations. The consumer market to fast foods, with huge emphasis on processed foods, packaged foods with dyes, preservatives and chemicals in addition to sugar addiction is a slow poison to the physical body.

Does our system purposely capitalize on the fact of lowering immunity, promoting ignorance to guarantee the masses hard earned dollars siphon through the pharmas, insurance and hospital industries? Further, is this purposed to lower consciousness, maintain oppression and discrimination in certain circles of social “undesirables” and demographics? Are the power elite aware of the shifting planet and this potential of rapidly increasing consciousness and implementing aggressive strategies of suppression?

It becomes more interesting to note that the pharmaceutical companies and related industry have become the largest money making giants driving the US economy and health care system. Prescription drugs have been saturated throughout our media to become a part of socially accepted behavior that promotes consuming synthetics and chemicals as the best choice as required to be in good “health”. Synthetics are an insult and oppressor to the immunity of the organic human biology. Little public awareness or education in these areas is funded or supported as drugs and illness are big business money makers. It has been rather an ingenious structure to keep the uninformed public into the cycles of the health care system, a lifetime merry-go-round of vaccination, drugs, insurance, hospitalization and more drugs to keep feeding the huge dollars to be in sickness, rather than health. In this structure, the quality of health is poor however not alarmingly so that the exposures go for a lengthy period of time mostly undetected.

As we accumulate toxins slowly within our bodies over time, aging factors and our immunity begin to break down unable to fend off the onslaught of toxicity by the time we reach the age our genetic code weakness or inherited patterns become activated. Strengthening your immunity from a perspective of an informed awareness of these interactions is extremely important to maintain your personal quality of life, as well as increased consciousness levels.

With the current news headlines bringing the subject of bio- terrorism/germ warfare and vaccinations it has brought more of our awareness to this subject, mostly inciting fear to the public as the warnings of “shortage” are broadcast to the masses. Possibly one may challenge this and ask why at this time is the media widely inciting fear to get the public to vaccinate in a hurry? Does anyone remember at the 911 tragedy when the medical director of a prominent Children’s Hospital on the east coast refused to give their patients or staff small pox vaccinations when our government was promoting that all available shots in short supply….were to go to those children and medical staff first? I noticed that story was on a back page snippet that disappeared entirely, and I could not find it referenced via my internet research, however I never forgot it.

It was curious to me that as I became more aware of the Indigo Children –Star or Crystal Children rapidly increasing in births on the planet that simultaneously aggressive immunization programs became accelerated. Subsequent to that article, I have experienced a few clients with young children diagnosed with autism or related neurological impairment that feel certain it is misdiagnosed and is actually vaccination damage.  Also I have had clients with Parkinson disease symptoms (tremors) that expressed that they began hand tremors shortly after an aggressive drug or immunization treatment. Clearly it is at the individual level that one must be educated to make a better informed decision for their personal health rather than blindly being led by the medical system.

The bottom line is most vaccines are entirely poisonous to the central nervous system and suppress the immunity of the human body and yet our government has made it mandatory in many cases to have the injection and has not clearly informed the public of the risks involved. I have included a few interesting links below for your research in this area.

Another factor most of us have to cope with is the field of electromagnetic waves, radionics that is used for negative or defense purposes from our government. The HAARP Program is jointly managed by the US Air Force and the US Navy, and is based in Gakona, Alaska. It is designed to “understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes that might alter the performance of communication and surveillance systems.

Segments of our population are bombarded with unseen electromagnetic waves and certain demographics and people are targeted. Generally this is used to control and suppress the populations into complacency through manipulation through fear, sickness and mind control. There is much controversy and investigation to the possibility of weather pattern control by utilizing scalar wave field technology.

Additionally, as most of human beings are not aware of the subconscious mind and how easily it is programmed subliminally, much of our media, programs, commercials and movies have “planted” marketing or messaging to create urges to drive consumption, addiction and consumerism to imbalance. In its more malevolent form, capitalizing on human pain or suffering, while glamorizing purely superficial views of sex, beauty, status, money and power are big assaults to suppress the spirit and yet feed relentless desires of the ego for social acceptance. Reality TV certainly has been a recent phenomena in ratings which show real people portrayed in real pain, suffering or dilemma. Why is our population so fascinated to see other people in pain or in adversity? Are external energetic manipulations (i.e. Scalar pulse waves carrying “fear” frequencies) contributing to feed lower emotional impulses and reactions in our society?

These are some basic factors of which obviously there are millions of others. However it is daily exercise of focused awareness to weigh how these factors interact with you, affect you in every day life and whether you choose to allow these energies into your sphere of influence. Being aware and informed allows for the discernment and clarity to experience your life without subconscious or other interference. Tapping into the higher energies within to cultivate higher emotional _expression and intuitive discernment is your personal power to navigate through these obstacles. We have all we need within us. We have external help and can ask for assistance from the spiritual realms for guidance, healing and release. Anyone needing suggestion or support in where to begin contact with your higher being- feel free to contact me via email. Therein lies your serenity by divine birthright and divine inheritance. It is time to claim it.

Until next week as our foray continues … here are some Interesting Links to explore:

Dr. Leonard Horowitz

Smallpox Vaccine Reactions Jolt Experts
Wash Post -Thu, 5 Dec 2002

Alliance for Human Research Protection

Pharmas and Health Right Issues-Codex

Holes in Heaven – documentary

Scalar fields and bioenergetic information transfer