LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Preparing for Cosmic Citizenship”


Humanity is evolving into learning how to better function within group consciousness through many different social settings that present an array of personal challenges as a byproduct of the bifurcation and Ascension cycle. The higher frequencies and new chakra orb body configurations are thrusting us into a whole different energetic foundation, which pushes us to get the highest lessons of our evolving consciousness, that content that we are being forced to learn at this time. Before we can achieve personal sovereignty and join the Universal Consciousness Community, we must be developed in our ability to navigate in alignment with heart based group consciousness, in service to others. This requires us to learn how to live honestly, transparently, authentically, we cannot hide behind any masks of deception or still use manipulation forces to get what we desire, to take the upper hand over other people. If we use manipulation and force our personal will into the reality to serve the self, or to feel more comfortable, these energies feed the fears of the predator mind to grow. In order for us to become Cosmic Citizens, if we truly want to live God, Sovereign and Free, in the Law of One, we have to obey these laws and practice them right now in the physical world, so that when the GSF timeline opens, we have the full opportunity to join the rest of the Galactic Community, if we are not of criminal or predatorial minds.

In the Ascending future timeline, as a GSF Cosmic Citizen, all is seen as an energetic signature within the lightbody, there is absolutely nothing that is hidden. If there is an act of brutality, harm or criminality,  every last detail will be known and seen by others in the Cosmic Community, if they observe your consciousness, they will see everything inside your lightbody. If there is criminal activity in your consciousness record, if there is low ethics or disdain held for other people, the lightbody will not be strong enough, it will not be bright enough to hold the higher frequency needed, which means that consciousness cannot exist in that time and space, the higher Aurora Earth. Or on advanced planets that are in the alliance of the Interdimensional Free Worlds, that live totally and completely in alignment to the Law of One as the way of life.

Thus, many of us are purposefully thrust into difficult social situations that involve navigating group consciousness, such as in communities, organizations, memberships, professions, and a multitude of other types of group relationships. Many people on the ascension path are guided into some form of contributing directly to alternative social situations, such as practicing new guidelines of behavior like STO, or treating all people as mirror reflections of the higher collective selves, while participating in a spiritual or consciousness community. This is not only to learn and develop ourselves spiritually, but to explicitly gain self-knowledge in how to successfully navigate group dynamics by improving conflict resolution, and communication skillsets without being negatively triggered and acting our destructive behaviors. We have to learn how to get along with each other peacefully and harmoniously in a group setting, and many of us will be facing these kinds of different and difficult social challenges now.  As we face an array of social challenges, we will be measuring our energetic output and input as forms of available energy, in order to determine what activities expend too much energy, and when we need to conserve energy. Many of us realize that if we are in the presence of deception, it takes a huge amount of energy to keep working around the façade being shown, while the truth, even when its unpleasant and hard to face, actually increases the available energy into all social situations. If we want to restore energy to a place where deception has existed, we tell the truth as we know it as accurately as possible, because it is the only option to return the energy back to the areas where the energy had been depleted by that which was propped up by deceptions and lies.

This is directly related to the new skillset of the discernment between Entropic (draining energy)  and Negentropic ( increasing energy) systems that operate in group consciousness. We must bring conscious awareness to observe the behavior of systems of energy, and how that loss of energy is generated and further, study how we can increase energy in our lives, and in the lives of others by the systems of energy we create. This becomes even more important if we are involved in group consciousness, and if we will have access to power tools, because the health of the group consciousness will take precedence and priority over the desires of any individual to abuse power, or use power tools for selfish reasons. Much of the higher discernment we need to observe neutrally is in the systems of energy that we have created, and are ruled by the energies created by our own ethical conduct. When we measure our intentions and are self-aware of our own ethical conduct, we can ask ourselves to test out the situation to know if we are cycling in self-deception to serve our desires, or if we are operating selflessly from our deepest and highest truth, acting in alignment to our heart and empathy for service to others. These internal choices are made by our conscious participation and are what fuel the deeper motivation for what is created ( this is the blueprint), and this is what governs how we direct our own consciousness energies when we are creating something. In managing our energies, we must always return to the core intention of what was originally created, in order to see the real motivation and intent that originally started to fuel the energy in the entire creation. This is more complex when something is generated from a person in which many other people make a choice to collaborate with, as each person lends their collaboration and that energy will have a signature of either selfishness (divided competition)  or selflessness ( unified cooperation) in the group consciousness project. Going back to the original intent of project creation is called reverse engineering, if you want to really see what is behind anything or anyone, we must return to the original creation in the timeline and observe the seed of intent that was behind it all.  If the project or creation was founded on a basis of selfish motivations of divided competition, the intent of the collaboration is made with something that is inherently selfish, and this will always drain our spiritual energy. People can participate with anything based in selfish motivations, and if they cannot shift their motivation to cooperate with the group consciousness involved from a place of service, they will experience a severe drain of energy of their own making. To gain energy, we must align ourselves truly to be of service in unified cooperation, without expectation placed upon others, we will reap the gains of source energy that is returned to us a thousand fold, as a result of selflessness in our motivations.

To participate with the Ascension cycle, it requires our transformation away from serving the individualistic egocentric desires of divided competition. It also requires finding our place within the right alignment of the group consciousness, we have to find that which is authentic to our real and true self, without losing the core of our real self or draining our energy trying to maintain our individuality in the group. When we are not being our true self, we are drained of energy, this energy is used for putting up an egoic facade. While we are in the process of shedding our negative ego identity, we are in the process of finding the real inner self, the heart of being of service to others, and finding new ways to increase our energy so we can share and circulate that energy with others. This is how we learn to expand our ability to feel comfortable with ourselves, while we are participating or observing a variety of roles or archetypes that may reveal themselves while in group consciousness. Eventually, our goal is to become aware of the roles or archetypes that are played unconsciously or consciously, and to clear ourselves from the fear that makes us hide our real feelings behind the masks, that we show the public. Unconscious masks drain our energy and are created from; wounded ego, unresolved conflicts, ingrained fears of vulnerability and betrayals of misplaced trust in others.  Becoming authentic while in a group setting, requires us to shed our false identities and express ourselves transparently and authentically, without ever needing to defend who we are. This takes a lot of practice and feeling a lot of pain in order to finally get it right.

Whatever group you may be connected to at this time, this has a higher purpose for personal spiritual growth, completing karmic cycles and timelines, as well as learning how to maintain, conserve or increase personal energy sources. This experience in a group helps us to develop into greater spiritual maturity, to gain the direct knowledge and experience of unity in diversity, the unified cooperation that is inherently present within advanced levels of group consciousness. When we have self-realization of this fact, we start to experience the deep connection we have to others, which further increases our genuine feelings of empathy and compassion for all people and the world. When we are self-interested and egocentric, if we are emotionally wounded to the point that we refuse to see the truth and would rather live comfortably in a deception,  we shut down. We cease to have the ability to have genuine feelings of empathy or true compassion for others and empathy for the current human condition we all endure.

Evolving into group consciousness does not mean we become homogenized as a race into a hive mind of automated thinking. It means we give up our intrinsic selfishness and desires for divided competition, we learn how to be of service to the whole, by respecting and allowing others to be a reflection of our interconnectedness. Most people do not enjoy being treated badly by any person, so why do so many people feel its justified to treat others so badly? On the ascension path, we have to break this cycle of abuse and mistreatment of our fellow humans, as well as the creatures on this earth.

The planetary body is elevating its frequencies to potentially go beyond the closed source system of architecture that makes up the lower energies, the three layers of ego or individuated egoic programming. Whenever we are involved with a group consciousness, we will be facing challenging issues of conflict resolution between all of the parties involved that are collaborating, to the degree these three layers of ego are still in control of those present.

The negative ego program is a destroyer. It is important to understand how unresolved conflicts generated from negative ego programs are a form of mind control, and work as a closed system architecture, that drains energy from the organized purpose of the overall group consciousness. When there are hidden conflicts existing between members in a group, that make up the components of its human system of energy, these unresolved conflicts consume energy beyond that which is needed for the system to function well, and this increases entropy. This is why flushing out hidden conflicts and bringing them into transparency through honesty, in opening dialogues between the parties involved, is always the right answer. Transparency is an open source system concept, and a very important part of conflict resolution, and thus for maintaining the higher energetic functioning within any group consciousness or community.

Conversely, dark forces behave in closed source systems of architecture. By promoting fear they obfuscate and confuse the issue at hand in order to increase interpersonal conflict, escalate chaos, and spread disorder in a group, divide and conquer. The Imposter Spirits and the negative ego are extremely clever at twisting kernels of truth, in order to spread misinformation and hearsay to break apart the unity and order that is present within any kind of group consciousness.  Not only is this a divide and conquer technique to split up group consciousness, but it is how energy is diverted away from being effective, in serving the higher purpose of the groups functioning. When people are in continual states of chaos or confusion, and spread unverified forms of gossip or negativity, the energy is drained from those in the group who take the bait of negativity, and this has an overall impact to the people involved. If this energetic drain is not corrected through conflict resolution, and if transparency is not given to the situation, the group runs the risk over time, with the accumulation of multiple unresolved conflicts, to eventually break down and cease to exist.

Conflict resolution and facing conflicts with honest transparency, removes the energetic loss that conflict creates within human systems, such as in organized groups.

Sometimes, it is possible that deeply honest forms of compassionate communication used to resolve conflicts can actually assist the people involved in the group to gain energy and become even stronger in their purpose. When we show true empathy for others point of view, this can powerfully unite people with a common vision or goal. This is important to understand in any kind of interaction made between small or large groups of people, whether its family members, business colleagues, project management, or spiritual communities. However, sometimes holding loving communications with empathy is not enough to unify the conflicts harmoniously, and choices must be made to stop the energetic drain. Ultimately, this serves to better align the people involved in the conflict to move towards the structures that their consciousness is most vibrationally compatible with.

GSF Behaviors are provided as an emotional tool to help apply a model of higher ethical conduct when participating with the necessary lessons of evolving into group consciousness, by clearing out the destructive programs we inherited on the earth. We can replace the lower energetic motivations that are directed through divided competition, and purposely replace these motivations to help collaborate to create an advanced group consciousness to model unified cooperation. This hard clearing work is preparing us for entry into Cosmic Citizenship, and the choice to do so will always be left with the individual.

 – Time Shift Blog – June 14, 2016

LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Transforming Dark Mother”


At this time, many Starseeds and Indigos are undergoing a tremendous amount of Ancestral Clearing in the genetic records of their family line, soul or higher spiritual families, that have destructive causal events in the Galactic records that manifested as the Dark Mother on the earth. Intergalactic plasma transmissions and astrological configurations in the Galactic Zodiac have begun to open these records in a window of opportunity for higher consciousness review,  to be able to clear out and heal certain destructive events from continuing to impact the historical timelines. Primarily, this acts as the reconciliation of blood covenants or clearing of satanic artifacts that people have been marked with, such as family curses, those who have been claimed by satanic forces on and off planet, during the time of Ascension. Many of these satanic artifacts, sigils or reversal codes were placed in the blood records to exert claim upon certain family lines, bloodlines, family names, and all descendants of those people who had been marked by these artifacts. Many family lines were marked for claiming by satanic forces, during the timeline that was the result of the destruction of the feminine principle on the earth. We have just completed a cycle of Holy Days for Satanic worshipers, which adds to the recent intensity of the black magic forces we have been fielding during the end of April leading to the final Beltaine ritual on May 1st.

One such important ancient timeline on the earth where this marking of the bloodlines occurred, was during the end of the reign of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut in Egypt. This area has been highly problematic as these conflicts have surfaced for those that have the spiritual connection to help heal the events of Hatshepsut, that still mark the satanic control of her Stargate today.  Many family lines have been hijacked or usurped by satanic forces at some point in their ancestral record, without the comprehension that this hijack of the group soul’s energy has taken place. Satanic ritual abuse is rampant on the earth, but most people are not aware of how common these practices are used to maintain power and control over materialism, the astral plane and other people. There are fragments or aspects of satanic forces that are being transited or moved out from continuing to manipulate these destructive timelines in order to exert claims of control over family lines. Satanic forces draw energy from extremely destructive causal events that are sourced from the galactic histories or galactic timelines, but these histories have been hidden from the people of the earth. Specifically, this event is described as when the Sophianic or Mother principle was utterly destroyed from manifesting organically in the material realm, and she was replaced by an Imposter Spirit. These satanic forces have stolen and raped the female principle and have cloaked themselves as the Dark Mother consciousness. The Dark Mother is another way to describe the Fallen Goddess consciousness on the earth, that perpetuates the enslaved consciousness of the abused female archetype. This manifests as misogyny and hatred generated towards the feminine principle and this is a mind control program spread to influence the collective consciousness in the planetary holographic architecture. Both men and women are gravely impacted and suffer from the influence of self-hatred generated towards the inner female. The Dark Mother is the alchemical force, the faux Azoth, that is generated to give power to the manifestation of the False King of Tyranny control structures on the earth.  These forces are collected to manifest power for the black magic grids that feed the satanic and moon chain hierarchies, and the many Power Elite who use these black magic grids to control the resources of the earth. This is the drawing source of the Satanic forces that currently distort and even reverse, the female principle energy inside men and women on the planet today. In advanced Satanic control of a person, these black forces reverse the inner female principle, and as a result, the neurological responses in the autonomic nervous system are reversed to receive pleasure when that person is in pain and suffering, or to receive pleasure from purposely generating pain and suffering in others. When observing a person with this personality defect, it is clear that they are under satanic possession.

During the destruction of Tiamat the planet, the Sophianic body was split into many Negative Forms of itself to which these forms were captured and used by the lower material forces of Satanism and Luciferianism. Her fallen body parts were used to impregnate her with grotesque creations, such as the Archon parasites, and lower satanic hierarchies that are in servitude and control of the higher dark spirits, such as the NAA [Negative Alien Agenda]. The black substance anomalies were made as a part of her fragmented consciousness and lunar forces but to which she had no control over their use, direction or evolution. When these splits in her consciousness body occurred, she fragmented into the earth elemental matter and lost her Christos Diamond Sun body. Hence, her aspect was fallen and trapped in matter, disconnected from her true form, sacred union, and direct relationship with the God Source. It is for this reason, the Christos principle repeatedly returns to the earth to help to reclaim Sophia’s body parts which when made whole again, will allow her to return to the Godhead. The healed Sophianic principle manifests in the microcosm as the higher evolution of consciousness for the human race and this also directly impacts the macrocosm, rippling all the way out to the Universal consciousness fields. Together, when Christos-Sophia are reunited, this manifests as the integrated and whole hierogamic union of Krystal consciousness, which is the Holy Mother and Holy Father Universal principle restored in matter.

Hence, we are being required to reconcile ancestral timelines in the Galactic planes that relate to the fallen aspects of Sophianic consciousness, or our true female principle, in so that we can recollect and integrate many of our identities and spiritual pieces form these timelines of destruction. This may feel like a very difficult and chaotic time, however, we are given an opportunity to heal massively large aspects of ourselves that relate to clearing the dead or black energy records of the Satanic forces that pretended to be our Mother. We have the greater ability to see the satanic force masking itself in the way it has reflected itself through all of our relationships with the feminine principle, and this can appear in our personal life in all female related roles and archetypes. We will be reviewing, observing and interacting with all the female roles, such as mother, sister, girlfriend, wife, etc.

All human beings that are incarnated into this earth as babies being born have the consciousness memories of their ancestors recorded in the cells of their body. In the cycles of seven years, the ancestral trauma of the past is brought through the offspring and repeated with each seven year cycle throughout the human being’s lifetime, until the trauma pattern is resolved, cleared and healed permanently. The Soul acts as the repository of accumulated memories from the physical or external experiences that are translated into the internal energetic reality of the consciousness of the being. These many lifetimes of experiences are recorded into the soul body which translates into memories that are embedded into the cellular matrix of our body. These memories are passed through the future generations into the offspring which will hold these accumulated records of memories in their body. When these accumulated memories include trauma, dysfunction, addiction and abusive relationships, these memories store aberrant emotions and belief systems generated from that original and subsequent related trauma. The energetic result is a range of potential negative effects on the consciousness of the person if this trauma remains uncleared. These negative effects include subconscious trauma behaviors that shape belief systems into Three Layers of Ego, Miasma, Dead Energy, Negative Forms, and Spirit Attachments that connect Ancestral Spirits and/or Fallen Angelics.

On the path of Kundalini awakening or Spiritual Ascension, the first stages for spiritual healing and ongoing will include emotional and mental body clearing of these accumulated Soul memories that are recorded from both the patriarchal and matriarchal lineages of the persons Family of Origin. When we are observing trauma events and behaviors from past Timelines that we carry from our Parents and Ancestors, we can choose to heal these patterns through unconditional love and forgiveness. The Ascension Cycle will take us through many stages of emotional clearing in order to heal these cellular memories in our body and remove the blockages and negative effects they create. The process of active conscious participation with this emotional, mental and spiritual clearing at any phase is called Genetic Pathcutting.

Once a Starseed or Indigo has reached a certain threshold of personal Soul body and Monad body healing of the Ancestral Spirits and Families of Origin recorded in their genetic lines and DNA, they can progress to larger bodies of clearing. This group is able to clear cellular memories recorded in the planetary body, solar body, galactic body and ultimately the Universal body. This is why this Starseed group is referred to as Genetic Pathcutters, they will be the first groups that are clearing off planet records, such as Galactic timelines, as they are doing now.

A Genetic Pathcutter is an incarnated soul with a specific contract to work with various levels of clearing and releasing old cellular patterns held in the human DNA and, consequently, the planetary grids. One must be in a human body to do this particular work for the greater good of the planet, and the collective human consciousness, which is incredibly important at this time of Ascension. There are many levels to this contract and it is unique to each soul’s energetic signature and family of origin. However, there is one level of patterning that many lightworkers are aggressively working with at this time. This is within the levels of planetary microbial balance that is particular to the ancestral distortions that manifested as viral, bacterial, yeast and heavy metal toxicity patterns. These disease patterns are from the result of the energetic imbalances and dead energy created during the destructive Galactic history timelines, and these disease patterns are recorded in the cells of the human biology. These are the collective consciousness race miasmas embedded in our genetic history, that effect all humans.

KIM HUTCHINSON: “2016 Ascension Forecast: Three Waves”

2016 Ascension Forecast.png

February 8, 2016  –

Much has changed for humanity in the past year even though, superficially, things look basically the same. If you were hoping for a visible change in the world by now, you might be disappointed; however, there are plenty of reasons to be happy. When looking for proof that things are changing for the better, it’s helpful to understand that ascension is an ongoing process rather than a singular event. Certainly, at some point, we may experience a game-changing event or two, but that’s just the tip of the ascension iceberg.

The Majority Has Awakened

Consciousness is expanding and so all life everywhere is ascending. This is both an individual and collective process. As we awaken individually to the truth of our divine origins, we do so in stages. Our personal awakening affects those around us, just as we are affected by planetary, solar and universal forces. These shifts in consciousness come in great waves and affect huge numbers of people.

In the wake of the great shifts of 2015, we are now witnessing the awakening of the Second Wave of humanity. The First and Second Waves combined represent roughly two-thirds of humanity. That means the ascension momentum is gaining speed rapidly, and has such momentum behind it that the awakening can no longer be hijacked or derailed. This is indeed reason to be excited!

First Wave: Ascension Pioneers and 5D Anchors

The First Wave of ascension is comprised of people who are farther along the awakening and ascension process, and who are blazing a trail for their sisters and brothers. Many of these spiritual pioneers have successfully elevated their vibration by undergoing intensive spiritual cleansing processes such as the Dark Night of the Soul. As they healed their karma, cleared their fear-based ego restrictions, and shifted their awareness from head to heart, their consciousness expanded to encompass multiple dimensions. Many are now able to sustain fifth dimensional consciousness while still existing in 3D/4D.
The fifth dimension is the level of unity consciousness where like attracts like. Rather than forcing light and dark live cheek-to-jowl, 5D beings are vibrationally clustered with like-hearted souls. The lack of dissension lets the light shine brighter and the love to pour forth more freely and purely. First Wavers are grounded to a higher vibrational Earth, and through this interdimensional connection, they are helping to anchor 5D Love and Light in the lower two dimensions.

2016 Outlook: Walking on Sunshine!

The outlook for this year is a continued acceleration of the ascension process, coupled with tangible changes and benefits. Many on the leading edge of this cosmic awakening are finally starting reap the rewards for their efforts. Numerically speaking, 2016 is a year of completion. Much of what is being completed was launched in 2008, which is when the ascension process began to intensify for many in this group. That means this year could bring relief to those who have been working through intense ascension symptoms for the past 8 years.


-Sustained happiness and inner peace

-Increase in spiritual business due to the awakening of the Second Wavers i.e. more clients; more income

-Increase in 5D abilities i.e. (nearly) instantaneous manifestation

-Spiritual reunion and partnership with Source consciousness

Second Wave: The Majority

As a result of autumn’s much anticipated electromagnetic frequency called Wave-X, huge energetic shifts are occurring, all of which are helping to raise the consciousness of this planet. Everyone benefited from the incoming light frequency upgrades, but it was the Second Wave who perhaps felt it most strongly. Those Galactic light codes, coupled with Gaia’s accelerating Schumann Resonance (frequency / heartbeat), and the elevating consciousness of the First Wave, is adding fuel to the spiritual awakening that is blazing through the Second Wave. This second group is the largest, and its awakening has really tipped the balance in favor of ascension.

2016 Forecast: What a Healing!

Second Wavers will continue to expand through 4D, a dimension mostly inhabited by service-to-self beings, while still anchoring 3D awareness. Both the third and fourth dimensions are rooted in polarity, so externally we see what basically amounts to a tug-of-war between the light and the dark. Being in 3D/4D, though unsettling, is actually beneficial in drawing to the surface the darkness that needs to come to Light. This includes intense personal healing as well as societal. The process can feel like an out-of-control roller coaster ride, but every step of this intense process is both necessary and beneficial. This is how one purges lifetimes of fear and pain; breaks soul controls, vows and other limitations, and ultimately breaks free of the control Matrix.

Expect to see big changes in politics, economy, religion, the media and so on. On the lighter side, this intense journey will be facilitated and eased by the First Wavers who, having gone through everything recently, know exactly how to help, heal and guide the recently awakened.


-Shedding lifetimes of fear, pain and suffering (a.k.a. Dark Night of the Soul)

-Ascension ‘flu’ and awakening symptoms (products of becoming crystalline)

-Awakening to the truth / shattering illusions / changing the world

-Moving rapidly through the awakening process

LISA RENEE: “The Cosmic Egg”


Energetic Synthesis –  Time Shift Blog – February 2, 2016

On the path of Ascension, we evolve through many stages of evolution, which help us to reach increasing mystical levels of higher knowing. This is not a linear process and cannot be explained or proven through the methods acceptable to mainstream scientists. The functions of our Soul-Spirit activation, is accessed through inner cellular knowing and higher sensory perception, which stems from the deep and powerful feelings in the initiated consciousness. Once spiritually initiated, we have knowing and we cannot go back to not knowing. This fact of knowing, having self-knowledge, changes our consent. When we are conscious and aware of the forces we are interacting with, we must make choices about what we are doing in our life. If we have knowing and we continue to make choices based on fear, we will suffer. The choices we make when operating from the internal knowing of an initiate, change everything we have ever known as an identity. We are catapulted to place ourselves on the altar of faith and trust in the highest expression of what we may call God, Source, the All-One, Universe, or Christ Consciousness. While we move into the realms of the unknown and uncertainty, this forces us into facing our moral, ethical and spiritual dilemmas.

This is psycho-spiritual crisis, or the Dark Night of the Soul. Now, we are being pushed to know things that were previously hidden from view, and to see things as they really are. This is the invitation to spiritual initiation for some, and for other initiates, it will mean going from the frying pan into the fire. As we see things as they really are, it forces us to make hard decisions and potentially, undergo many life altering changes. We have to be rid of attachments, or negative habits that we may have used as a coping mechanism or crutch in life. We clear those things and people which may act as crutch to keep us in denial, fearing change, and take steps in creating new ways of liberating ourselves with healthy spiritual behaviors. This allows us to prepare the groundwork for the next levels of self-knowledge, consciousness expansion and for gaining more clarity in our future spiritual mission.

Transfiguration corresponds to the element of Solar Fire, which is the alchemical process which burns away the shadow forms in the lower chakra energy centers. The lunar forces are connected to the Dark Mother, and these lower shadow forms start to rise in our body to be consumed in the transfiguring Solar Fire. The new levels of intracellular light illuminate the lower shadow body reflections, and we are able to sense them, when we could not sense them before. Transfiguration defines many different gradations of the ascension experience, where there is shadow and lunar forms, these will rise from the cellular memory in the body to be seen. Generally, we will perceive the shadow rising into the area of the body where the memory is attached; either physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.  We witness the shadow rising and all of the negative emotions and pain that are associated with it in our memories, identities and timelines. The shadow is something to learn how to embrace and not fear, as it rises to surface awareness, it is showing us exactly where we need to heal. The shadow highlights weakness in our Lightbody that needs to be strengthened through spiritual dedication and devoted meditation with the inner light presence.

Transfiguration has many cumulative stages throughout our Ascension process, which bring profound moments of clarity and intimate knowledge to the initiate in some form. It allows the body to serve as a vessel for embodied light, and to facilitate intelligent transmission of light into the environment or to others in some capacity. This internal light informs the initiates’ mind of the direct existence of Christ Consciousness, even if that state has not been fully attained. Transfiguration brings knowledge that can never be undone. What the person does with that new knowledge will remain their choice. As we stand at the crossroads in the realm of the unknown, the current knowledge we have been given is undergoing integration with our cellular body. We will come to realize in the future that this was a major milestone that was required for our continuing ability to expand the Christ Consciousness.

When we allow our ego/personality to be shattered and fully withdraw its control over us, we are released into our true spiritual nature. The human body is designed as a replica of the Universe, and we are asleep in the microcosmic egg until we wake up and begin to unite with the macrocosmic egg of the Universe.  The human body is embedded in multiple dimensions of invisible worlds that make up our microcosmic egg or auric body shell. Our microcosmic egg enters conjunction with the macrocosmic egg when we spiritually awaken into the later parts of Monadic activation. It is during the Monadic spiritual initiation that the invisible worlds, incredibly, start to be made visible to that person.  As the ego body is rejected and slayed, we begin to break through the layers of our auric shell into the Cosmic Egg. When this connection is made with our True Holy God Parents, we are blessed with their hierogamic union or sacred marriage, which births the Solar Egg and Golden Embryo within our aura.

The Golden Embryo is birthed inside our human body and the seed germinates within our hara complex to recreate our identity in Cosmic Christ Consciousness. This has also been referred to as the Solar Sacrum, which purges the Lunar principle of the dark feminine. This Solar Egg holds the Golden Embryo in the aura that gradually births the Golden Child of Christ Consciousness within a human body.

When the Golden Embryo is seeded in the Solar Egg, the Lunar reflected light and its many shadow forms will start to gather into what’s called the Buddhic Egg. This is a spherical body repository for the accumulated Moon Chain Lineages and a variety of Lunar forms that have been a part of our Monadic family. Because in the lower creation realms, the Mother of God was experienced as a lunar force, this heralds the transfiguration of the Mother principle into the Solar feminine within. The Solar feminine aspect of the Mother of God in her Christos body is her daughter, Sophia.

Indigenous cultures have known the sophianic consciousness represented as the Solar Feminine by other names as well, such as Saint Brigid, who is the Fire Goddess of Ireland. In Celtic polytheism and Irish mythology, Brigid (exalted one) is the daughter of the Dagda and one of the Tuatha Dé Danann.  As is often the case with Celtic deities who are described as threefold, she is seen as three sisters, all named Brigid, who perform various functions in society, such as healing, poetry and metal working. Brigid Day marks the beginning of spring, most commonly it is held on 1st of February, or about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.

When we are birthing the Golden Child in our lower energy centers, the Solar Fire consumes our shadow parts existing in the Buddhic Egg. These shadow parts contain negative forms, false ego identities and their memories, which exist within the root, sacral and solar plexus. The entire core structure of our body and our previous ego identity may feel like it is being decimated by a wrecking ball. During the current stage of the Galactic Law of Alchemy transmission (Capricorn, principles of fermentation to multiplication), the destruction of the old internal structure is especially potent. The etheric cords, magnetic structures, imprints and mind control machinery from the lunar forces are being severed from manipulating the lower chakras.

The Mother’s female principle and instinctual-emotional body within us must be reconfigured and filled with the radiant light of the Solar Fire. The main energy centers impacted by these levels of mind control transmission are the ego/personality centers, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras. So as these levels of lunar cords are cleared, or consumed in the transfiguration flame, this shifts the entire platform of our core identity.  The purpose is to discern what it is, to call it out and know it as the Imposter Spirit, and to know the difference between the Eternal Light of God and the Forces of Darkness and Shadow. During this phase of transfiguration, many of us will face the inner demons of despair, the demons of addiction, fear and agony.  Some of us will face these same demons on the earth plane, and provide deliverance for these creations to be released from their bindings and returned to the heart of Holy Mother.

Through the transmogrification of the Dark Mother’s lunar forces being amalgamated into the Solar Fire, (through the unification with the Cosmic Egg), the previous consciousness intelligence of the Universe activates consciousness memory from before the separation. The Cosmic Egg holds the record of the original times of creation before the “fall of humankind” into material incarnation. When we break through the Cosmic Egg, we experience the unification of all creation before the separation that occurred from the wall in time. The fall is the forgetfulness of humanities divine spiritual nature, forgetting our direct relationship to the Universe, the planet and our interconnection with all of life.