LAURA MARIE: “21 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening”

Spiritual Awakening

At this time, many things are changing in the world. We live a time of awakening and desire to change, never seen before. A lot of people become more conscious and aware of issues and practices that have lasted for too long and that must change. Many people now want to take their lives back into their own hands and escape the model imposed by society in order to really know happiness and live the life they truly want to live – not one dictated by television, magazines, movies, social identifications and all kinds of meaningless clichés many now want to get away from.

The world also awakens in terms of nutrition. More and more documentaries now denounce our current food scandals (from animal genocide and cruelty in the food industry to the high toxicity of today’s chemical food, and to the destruction of our planet’s vital resources). More and more independent scientists, newspapers, bogs, and individuals, create their own groups and support of information, to spread the awareness about the truth of the various industries we’re living amongst, and offer new inspiring models. They all contribute, to their way, to a growing awareness in the world.

On the other side, many people are ready to hear those truths, and to become themselves, the change they wish to see in the world. Their consciousness grows, their interests evolve, the meaning of life changes for them, and they have new aspirations and inspirations, coupled with the desire to change themselves in order to also for many, change the world. Do you recognize yourself in that? I’ve decided to reunite in this article 21 symptoms that show that you are experimenting / that you experimented a spiritual awakening; in other words, a raise in your level of consciousness about yourself and about the world.

21 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

1) The feeling that something has changed inside of you

You can’t explain it but you feel different. You even have the sensation to have become a new person, which has nothing to do with the one you were before. You may even have already been different persons, but it continues. Each time you have the feeling that you are getting closer to your truth. This feeling fills you with deep happiness, as you get closer and closer to who you want to be (or should I say, who you really are). At the same time, it scares you, as you have escaped from your comfort zone, and escaped the cage in which society had put on, and sometimes you even think it was easier before, in the « known ». But now that you have escape the « illusion », that you have dropped the « mask », and that your blinders are gone forever, you feel you can see everything much clearer. You even wonder how you could live « like this » for so long. The world has now a new color and a new taste, simply because you now look at it with new eyes…

2) Awareness of your old negative habits

You become aware of everything that was not right in your « old life », in your old you. You realize all the things you used to do and don’t want to do anymore, and all the thinking patterns you don’t wish to keep. You are ready for a big change and you never want to go back, being so happy about what you have discovered. You feel a feeling of deep fulfillment and happiness, from getting closer to your truth, and deep joy to feel this new momentum and feeling of hope.

3) To not feel good with your old entourage anymore and to feel the need to be alone or with new people, more alignment with who you have become

Evolving spiritually can be a painful process, as not everyone around you will evolve at the same speed. Very often, we grow ourselves following a certain event or certain encounters, but it is not necessarily the case for our family and friends, that stay the same. We start, little by little, to feel « weird » to think all those things we think, and even guilty for not wanting to spend as much time with them as before. We certainly wish we could, but the « gap » we feel, between them and us, has become too big. Our vibration became higher, and as result, when we see them, we feel a feeling of discomfort, and the need to recharge our batteries after seeing them (we feel drained). Therefore, we then prefer solitude than being drained by negative people. We look for new people, more in alignment with who we really are and our new energy. Naturally, we are attracted to these new people, who make us feel good and energized. We connect with them directly, even virtually, as we are on the same « wave-length ». We often feel better with them than our own family or friends that we have known for 10 years. That’s because this time the connection is from soul to soul. You « see » each other, and you are of the same vibration. It’s a heart and soul connection which is less likely to be ruled by the ego.

4) To not stand superficiality and everything that is not authentic

Lots of places or people that you were used to go or see before will not interest you anymore, or even make you feel depressed. You have become allergic to anything superficial and not « real », not authentic: people, places, activities, TV shows (if you even keep watching it). You are on a quest to authenticity, simplicity, real things, that would make your heart sing. You may think you have become antisocial, or « too difficult », but « it is no sign of health to be well adjusted to a sick society », always remember this. Always follow your heart. If your mind and your ego can dupe you and make you sink, your heart can never lie to you. The more you will grow spiritually, vibrationally, the more you will be attracted to authenticity and the less you will be attracted to lie, illusion, hypocrisy and sham.

5) Deep sadness / compassion about the suffering in the world

A spiritual awakening is not always the best feeling in the world. It can often be accompanied by strong feelings of despair and sadness when becoming more and more aware of all the suffering in the world, even depression for some people. Like I said in my previous article « How to be Happy When we are Aware of all the Suffering in the World?« , once we know, we can’t go back, and we suddenly feel responsible. What you feel is completely normal. You have to go through it. Don’t think you have a problem or that you are too weak. Once we suddenly « see » and « understand » things, it can sometimes be a shock. For example, when I discovered the horror of animal cruelty in the food industry and slaughterhouses and when I then decided to really investigate it for weeks and now months, I went through a depression for a few weeks, not wanting to see anybody and do anything, just cry all the tears of my heart. I let it pass, and as I explain it in the article, I then decided to act about it. Today, I don’t regret to know what I know, it makes me a stronger and an even more responsible person.

6) Feeling the need to make this world a better place

Taking care of your own well-being is not enough for you. You want to also help others and have a positive impact on the world. You don’t understand the people that do nothing and that are selfish. You don’t understand how it is possible to hurt somebody or an animal. You feel more and more compassion and empathy for others and for animals. Your life only has a meaning when you do something for others. Even if you have impacted only one person or one animal, it makes you incredibly happy and makes you feel as if you didn’t come on earth for nothing. You can’t imagine yourself dying without having impacted this world positively. The only thought of it would make you sick. You feel « called » to make something bigger. You can’t go back, and if you sometimes find it hard to be « awaken », you would never want to be « asleep » again.

7) A deep yearning for meaning in your life

A lot of things that you used to do before, are of no interest to you anymore. Old places or friends that you used to go or see, have not the same taste. You need meaning in your life now, otherwise you get bored, and that affects you psychologically (you can even get depressed). Like I explained in previous points, you simply can not find any interest anymore in doing anything that is not authentic and that doesn’t match your current values. You need to have a purpose, a goal when you wake up. You also need to do a job that is meaningful. You can’t imagine yourself doing a job that wouldn’t contribute to the well being of the world.

8) Hypersensitivity

In addition to your 5 physical senses (Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch, and Smell) that become more and more developed, your spiritual senses also increase (intuition, emotions, imagination, conscience and inspiration) to a high speed. Your intuitions guide you more and more and you learn to listen to them. You understand more and more that your emotions are the « compass » your soul uses to guide you and indicate you the direction to take (negative emotion: wrong direction / wrong way of thinking; positive emotion: good direction / good way of thinking).

9) Creativity and increased inspiration, need to realize your dreams

You are bombarded with ideas all the time. You are receiving images, ideas, music, and other creative inspirations at an often overwhelming rate. A fire burns in your stomach when you think about doing some things that you want to accomplish, and your enthusiasm is on fire when you think about creating. You like to be inspired by people you admire. In your head, it’s like a computer with 30 open tabs at the same time. Life takes another meaning when you create, you feel alive. You feel called to realize your dreams and your mission on earth. It’s simply because your soul can finally express through your physical body, what she came here to do.

10) Willingness to know who you truly are and to be finally be yourself

You don’t want to be defined by society or others anymore. You are tired of wearing this mask you have been wearing for too long, in order to be what others expect from you. You finally want to know who you really are. You ask yourself questions about yourself, life’s purpose, the universe, and why not even other planets and civilizations. You don’t want to see through the filter of the illusion of society anymore, but through the filter of the heart and of the soul. You want to finally be who you really are, be happy, free, light in your heart and never again live for others’ expectations of you.

11) Increased intuitions and desire to reconnect with yourself

Like we just talked about, your desire to reconnect with who you really are is stronger and stronger. You have understood that you and only you can know your answers. Even if you can ask for help and be inspired by others, only you and your higher self, your higher consciousness, who you really are, can give you the answers you are waiting for. You need to spend more time with yourself, and strongly desire to always trust your intuitions.

12) Increase in « coincidences » and in « synchronicities » in your life

The more you grow spiritually, the more your energy increases, and the more you will understand how perfectly everything is orchestrated. You meet « by chance » the right people, you find yourself « by coincidence » at the right place at the right time, you desire something and this thing happens. What’s happening? Your energy, your vibrational state is higher. The more positive your energy is (high vibration), the more you will attract positive circumstances in your life. Also, the more you are connected with your higher consciousness, the more you will receive messages from your spirit guides, through repetitive numbers (1111, 2222 etc), and through signs and increased inspiration in your everyday life that will definitely catch your attention.

13) More awareness and attention to the food you eat

You notice that you are more attracted towards certain food and naturally reject others. You want to take care of your body, more than ever, and for the good reasons. The industrial cookies you used to love won’t be appealing to you anymore. Same for the steak that you liked « rare ». Each type of food has its own energy and when we raise our vibration, we are then attracted to different types of food, more aligned with our current vibration. That is the reason why many spiritual people can’t eat animals and animal products anymore, specially when they are the result of cruelty and suffering like it is the case today (and very toxic for consumption now). Some people don’t resonate anymore with products that include gluten neither, as well as aspartame, chemicals and refined flours. We naturally don’t want to eat it anymore, and if we do, our body reacts strongly to it (may even develop new allergies and food intolerances). We are drawn to high energy food, such as a vegan diet with a good proportion of raw fruits and vegetables.

14) Changing sleep patterns

You need more sleep than before, you feel tired when waking up. Periods of lethargy and fatigue. This is a time of integration, so give into it. You can also wake up many times during the night, or experience panic attacks when you wake up. At other times, you can also on the contrary experience episodes of intense energy which make you want to leap out of bed and into action.

15) Loss of interest in worrying – Actions based on Love and not Fear

You now understand your emotions’ purpose: to indicate you which vibration you hold. A negative emotion is the indicator of a negative vibration. You have understood that living in fear, in worry, is the worst thing to do as we create our reality based on our thoughts and we attract that which we give our attention to.  You now want to make your decisions based on love and trust, and to be in gratitude and joy.

16) Loss of interest in all forms of conflict

Your inner peace has become sacred. All types of conflicts make you feel terribly uncomfortable as you now feel every energy change in your body. Your friends’s dramas or TV dramas don’t interest you. You want inner peace and deep serenity. You may even have, for this purpose, lost any interest in « being right » at all cost, in order to avoid conflict.

17) Loss of interest towards any type of judgment towards others or yourself

As you feel more and more that we are all connected and all more than our physical appearance, you have lost interest in judging others, and also want to apply it on yourself. You want to be lighter with yourself and others, as well as bringing more peace, love, compassion for others and in your life.

18) Increased willingness to love and give without expectations

Your heart and your soul only feel fulfilled when you are of service to the world. You don’t look for gratification for what you do or getting  anything back, you just want to give and love for free.

19) Feeling of being connected to everything and everyone (humans, animals, nature, planet, universe)

This connection gets stronger and stronger. You feel you are one with all living beings and nature. You understand the impact of each and every one of your words, thoughts, and actions, on the rest of the world, and you feel deeply responsible for it. You now want to use your impact to the most positive way, having understood that you are part of this « oneness ».

20) Strong connection to animals and nature

You don’t see animals as non-sensitive and non-intelligent beings. You have understood that they have feelings and consciousness, just as plants too. You feel a strong connection to them and for some of you, you can even communicate with them (animals, trees, plants). Like I said in point N°13, it will become more and more difficult for you to keep eating animals. You will no longer be willing to participate in their massacre and torture by billions like it is the case today in our industrial countries. You now even want to raise the awareness about animals and the benefits of being vegan.

21) Feeling of Bliss

All of this, makes you feel a deep feeling of bliss. You feel a burn in your chest, of love towards life, of gratitude, of joy, of enthusiasm for no reason. You feel like you couldn’t be happier than you are now, knowing what you now know. You get delighted by « nothing » (in the eyes of most people) but to you, it is extraordinary (the perfection of an animal fur, its colors, traits, the perfection of the human body, of plants, flowers, the sun, the ocean…)

You have awakened and it is the start of your new life.

With all my love,







TAMARA PEARSON: “13 Reasons Why We Hate Television”


It’s not very meaningful

Television won’t bring you any of the change you want in your life or in the world. The Alternative Daily CEO Jake Carney commented that when he started this website, he didn’t turn a TV on for two years.

It promotes lazy thought

Television shows and advertising are aimed at the lowest common denominator. They recycle tired plot formulas that oversimplify characters, problems and the big issues. They promote easy and quick happiness (just buy a thing, just propose in a really clichéd way in public) and they rarely challenge viewers to think, criticize or question. Alternative Daily writer Megan Winkler commented that “most series really love characters who are self-destructive in one sense or the other. That’s a bummer. I’d like to see people recycling aluminum and plastic the way some writers recycle the same tired tropes again and again.”

It makes you eat unhealthy food

People tend to snack on unhealthy food while watching television. A professor of health sociology, Steve Gortmaker, noted that the advertising also “tends to increase intake of a range of unhealthy food products.”

It creates a world for you

“I hate the fact that I am being fed something by some Hollywood producer that probably makes a ton of money off me sitting on my ass, mouth wide open. Create your own world, create your own adventure instead,” Carney adds. When people watch television, they aren’t being mindful of themselves and their surroundings. Instead, they are attached to the story, visuals and sounds of the screen in front of them, he points out.

It promotes a sedentary lifestyle

According to author Bonny Rockette-Wagner, research indicates that we move even less while watching TV compared with other sedentary activities, like sitting at work. People watching television may not stand up for several hours, but even standing up for a minute every 20 minutes can help your body regulate important substances such as glucose and the hormone insulin.

It causes unrealistic expectations in relationships (and in most aspects of life)

The way television shows portray emergency rooms, police, romances, friendships and even weight-loss is unrealistic and can lead people to have false expectations in their own lives. “The more you believe in popular portrayals of romance on television, the less committed you may be to your real relationship,” the Huffington Post noted, based on research from the journal Mass Communication and Society.

It literally makes you dumber

People who watch more than three hours of TV per day over a period of 25 years were found to be more likely to perform poorly on various cognitive tests, researchers of another study found. Further, children under the age of two who watch television are likely to have decreased language development, according to David Hill, chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Communications and Media. 

It promotes stereotypes and discrimination

From dating shows that objectify women to news shows with almost exclusively white male news anchors or young while blond female ones, to law and order shows where the criminals are destructive stereotypes of Latino and black criminals, television tends to reinforce racial and gender stereotypes, give voice to those who already have a disproportionate say in the world and ignore poverty and the working class altogether, instead of promoting human diversity. Even outside of the United States, American programming can dominate airtime, leaving little space for local identity, culture and issues.

It’s isolating

A few hours watching a movie with a partner or friends can be really nice, and even a bit of alone time with one’s favorite characters can be relaxing. But binge-watching can be a harmful addiction, an avoidance and distraction technique that is socially isolating.

There isn’t a lot of choice

There may be a lot of channels to choose from, but apart from the occasional good documentary or engaging historical drama, most of what airs on television is low quality, under-researched, badly written rubbish, leaving viewers with a false choice of many slightly varied types of crap.

It leaves you with less time for life

Everyone at The Alternative Daily agreed that too much television is a waste of time. A writer for The New York Times wrote in 1939, “TV will never be a serious competitor for radio because people must sit and keep their eyes glued on a screen; the average American family hasn’t time for it.”

How wrong they were! And I have to admit, I don’t understand how people who work one to two full-time jobs manage to squeeze in that average five hours a day of television. But they do, and while it makes sense that people who are exhausted find television an easier leisure activity than a trip to the park or cooking, moderation is key. Most of those five hours a day could be spent doing something much more rewarding, useful or truly relaxing.

It’s expensive

Americans spend more than $6 billion per year just paying for the electricity alone to power their television sets, according to Becoming Minimalist. And around $73 billion is spent on advertising every year in the United States. That’s more than the whole economies of many countries, just spent on manipulating people into buying stuff they don’t need and often things that objectively are bad for them.

It sets the bar low for who we look up to

Rather than admiring teachers, firefighters or other people dedicating their lives to helping others and to justice, a lot of people look up to the actors and actresses on television — the “celeb” culture. Idolizing these overpaid people for the most superficial reasons (who really knows them?) can be harmful to one’s self-esteem, with teenage girls in particular aiming to look like someone whose hair was professionally styled every 30 minutes.

We all need down time, time to relax and recharge and to process our day and our troubles. But you’re not processing much when you watch television, and there are lots of alternatives, such as a walk in the park, listening to or playing music, having a daydream (something that’s actually very creative), dancing, taking a bath or shower, getting a massage or having a cuddle, reading a book, taking part in a sport, walking a pet, having a chat over a hot chocolate and simple playing (yep, adults should do it too — it promotes curiosity). Mucking around with your photos, doing some craft or adult coloring, even finger-painting can be both good for your mind and relaxing.

—Tamara Pearson


SABRINA REBER: “High Vibrational Bodies and The Dogma of Belief Around Food”


 I am having a direct experience – through my own attention to healing my own body – of all the absolute untruths surrounding beliefs about what is actually healthy for the human body. People like to lump everyone in one category, one belief system, one way of being and then they judge, belittle and even shame those who don’t eat exactly the way they do.

In the spiritual circuits if you eat animal protein you are labeled “not highly evolved” or “low vibration”. Then if you go vegetarian – that’s not good enough for the Vegans. Vegans feel we should not eat any animal products which means no dairy, no eggs, no honey, no sea vegetables (because they are full of tiny animal life forms such as plankton and tiny crustaceans). Then if you go vegan that’s not good enough for the “Raw Foodies” because everything must be raw, uncooked, unpasteurized. Then if you are “super special” you can work really hard to go against the design of the human body and become a “breatharian” where you eat no food and oftentimes no water solely living on prana or life force – this is an extreme lifestyle indeed.

The truth is that everyone is different. No two bodies are the same, just like no two souls are the same. If you want to attain truth, you must find it “within yourself” and that means silencing all the egoic, dogmatic beliefs that have been projected onto you from others, which creates great confusion within your being to tune into YOUR own body to see what is healthy and appropriate for YOU.

The body speaks. We just don’t listen until we get sick and have to start paying attention to what our bodies need. By that time illness has manifested so strongly within us it will take extreme dedication and perseverance to heal ourselves – and that will require major lifestyle changes. The biggest issue many of us will face is releasing our beliefs about food and self denial. Ignorance and denial about our unhealthy lifestyles and refusing to create change leads to a slow suicide and it is also a reflection of our own lack of self love.

A high vibrational body is a body that is thriving. But lets not forget that we also have an emotional body, a mental body, a soul body and a spiritual body and it is the cumulation of these bodies that are a direct reflection of our vibrational frequencies. Our vibrational frequencies will be extremely low if we are eating an all raw food diet but we are allergic and unable to properly digest the raw foods we are eating – not to mention we are absolutely miserable with our new way of eating. In addition, if you are a raw foodie or vegan and you elevate yourself above others, pass judgment, belittle and project angry outburst towards others because they are eating foods you do not approve of – you are fully in your egoic consciousness. Your ego is trying to control others and you are not honoring other people’s free will to listen to “their” body to decide for themselves which foods are nourishing and life affirming for their souls journey while in a physical body.

These kind of egoic, controlling behaviors – forced upon others – will clog up our chakras and send us into a deep emotional and mental energetic tornado that will keep us from being able to access the love and wisdom from our souls and spiritual bodies. In addition, all the negativity we have created within ourselves will attract negative thought form energies to us that will feed off of our negative energies circulating in our energy fields. We live in a very parasitic, energetic, multidimensional environment – so it would behoove us to be very cautious of the kind of emotional and mental energies we are releasing and “feeding” to those energy forms externally of ourselves who love to stir up drama, chaos and arguments between humans so they can get fed. A very important question to ask ourselves is not “what are other people eating” but “WHAT AM I FEEDING IN THE ASTRAL REALMS OF MY BEING?”

Unless we are a doctor, teacher, nutritionist, health coach, healer or naturopath – who has clients coming to us asking for guidance – we should not be interfering in other people’s food choices outside of our own homes. Food and all the toxic things we ingest are wonderful learning tools and they provide very profound experiences for us to discover what supports our bodies or destroys them. What another person chooses to ingest and experience is none of our business!

As the planet increases in vibrational frequency, our bodies are becoming highly sensitive. We are being asked to really connect with our bodies and ground ourselves fully into the physical dimension so we can heal ourselves. If we are ungrounded, our root chakras will be unbalanced and we will have health problems. The root chakra is our foundational chakra and it needs our support. Ingesting healthy foods, connecting with our bodies and being fully present in the NOW moment of what is going on within our bodies will help us nurture our root chakras. If we are out of body all the time – not grounded  into the present moment – we will be unconscious and completely unaware of the core sensations our bodies are sending us and we will also be unconscious of the foods and substances we ingest that are making us sick.

We are being called forth to purify, cleanse and only interact with those things that support our ascension journeys. We are being called to release old addictions, toxic foods, negative behavioral patterns and all things that do not enhance our LIGHT. Go within and really connect with your body. Start talking to it. Let your body know you are ready to support its ascension process and ask your body to send messages to you when you have ingested something it does not agree with. Every one of us – due to the modernization of our diets – have food/substance intolerances and sensitivities that need to be addressed. Begin the process of gaining food wisdom – not food dogma. The way is within – you are the key. Healer heal thyself.


  1. Eat as many living, raw, organic life force filled foods as you can. Educate yourself about GMO’s and the benefits of eating organic. Organic is the best choice because it is not a GMO food, nor does it have chemicals sprayed on them. GMO free labeled foods would be the next best option- but they most likely have been sprayed with excessive chemicals. Consider growing your own garden for the freshest safest foods.
  2. Purchase a water filter that you can afford. Put loving words on your water bottles to infuse the water with positive vibrations. Bless it and drink lots of water. Water is the best detoxifier.
  3. Have blood work done to check for parasites, candida overgrowth, hormone imbalances, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, liver and kidney function, cholesterol levels, inflammation levels etc… Also see what your blood type is and eat right for your blood type. Not everyone is meant to be a vegetarian and some people should not eat animal proteins. Eat right for your blood type – this IS a genetic factor. People who are born into a Hindu family have the genetics of a Hindu and therefore do best on a vegan diet.
  4. Work with someone who can assist you with an herbal total body cleanse. This is a journey and could take many months to complete. Recommended cleanses: Liver, Kidney, Colon, Heavy Metal, Parasite (trust me you have parasites!), candida etc…
  5. Get educated about juicing. The pasteurized juice we purchase in the store is not healthy for anyone. Purchase a juicer and make your own juice that is full of life force energy, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. All natural juice – consumed immediately after it has been prepared – is very healing and regenerative when you juice what is appropriate for your body. Juicing foods that your body has a reaction to is UNHEALTHY as it will create inflammation in your body.
  6. Learn about food allergies and histamine levels in food. Currently, many people are having problems with their thyroid, fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, anxiety, depression, inability to sleep, histamine intolerance etc. These problems stem from naturally occurring chemicals in foods being released into our bodies that our bodies do not have appropriate enzyme production to break down – most likely from leaky gut syndrome due to a build up of toxic foods/GMO’s/toxic chemicals etc. A lot of the foods people are having reactions to are “healthy vegetarian foods” such as beans, soy, nuts, strawberries, pineapple, spinach, avocado, grains, eggplant, tomatoes, fermented foods including alcohol etc… Just because a food is healthy does not mean it is healthy for you.
  7. Check with your doctor first and periodically engage in fasting. If you have major health problems perhaps a 7-day all raw food cleanse, a soup cleanse or a 3- day all natural juice cleanse would benefit you. If you are healthy, a 3 – day water fast or more is incredibly healing. Tune into yourself and do some research to see what would work best for you.
  8. Chew your food. Chew until it becomes liquid, your body will spend less time trying to digest food and will have more energy to heal and repair other things in the body instead of spending all of its time digesting unchewed food. This is much harder than you think. Try it and see how often you have to force your throat to not swallow unchewed food. This is a very common, unhealthy behavioral pattern most people are unaware of that will require great effort and self awareness to correct.
  9. Consider practicing “12 hour fasting” or “intermittent fasting.” When you wake up in the morning, count how many hours you slept and were without food. Perhaps 8? Then add 4 more hours onto that time period to make a 12 hour period where you have fasted and have only had water to drink. Then for the remaining 12 hours eat a healthy diet that is appropriate for you. 12 hours of fasting and 12 hours of healthy eating. This gives your body 12 hours everyday to spend its time healing, regenerating and repairing itself instead of digesting food.
  10. Become aware of everything you put on and in your body. Eliminate as many toxic items as you can. Consider soaps, shampoos, lotions, sunscreen, toothpaste, makeup, deodorant, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, cleaning materials, pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, sugars, salts, spices, caffeine, alcohol. Obviously, some things are easier to release than others. Sometimes a good cleaner is better than the natural ones but eliminate as many toxic items from your being as possible and use them in moderation if at all.
  11. Become conscious of radiation from cell phones, computers, t.v.’s, microwaves, etc….we can’t escape these electromagnetic waves but we can reduce them. Baking Soda baths periodically are helpful at removing excess radiation from our bodies. Add 1 Cup of baking soda to your bath water.
  12. Dry Brushing: Get a soft body brush and brush your skin towards your heart. This will remove dead cells from the body that clog our pores and block us from releasing toxins in our skin. Also, sit in a sauna several times a week to purge the skin of excessive histamine, toxins and fluid.
  13. Don’t forget about your other bodies!

– EMOTIONAL BODY: Take care of your emotional body – process through your old pain and stop interacting with anything that generates an “unnecessary” negative emotional response in you. That might mean you need to limit or release Facebook, Twitter, T.V., News, Horror movies, people and places that don’t support you and your growth. Human egos and human shadows are everywhere and these aspects of ourselves have energies attached to them that need to get fed. These external energies that are attached to our egos will purposefully stir up drama….they are hungry and need food. If you do not have control over your emotional body it is best to stay away from these “carefully designed triggers” that will create vulnerability in you. Work on your own ego/shadow consciousness – allow others to be themselves so you can set yourself and them free. Stay focused on your own healing and release the need to get involved in human drama that is very prevalent in social media/tv etc.

– MENTAL BODY: Remain in control of your thoughts. Keep them focused on what you want. Don’t get absorbed about thinking about others and their problems – they are divine beings who are learning through their own soul lessons. Your point of power is in the here and now focused on your ability to do good in the world. Focus on your own shadows, growth, healing and transformation that you need to work on – the ego will try to distract you and get you to focus on others. This is a waste of your precious life force energy and will greatly distort your mental body – because in reality you can not change others. You can only change your self.

SOUL BODY: Meditate. Spend time with your soul. Strengthen your relationship with your inner being. Call back your soul fragments. A high vibrational being is one who is in their power. If you have soul fragments that have broken off due to trauma or because you have been misbehaving and living in your ego – your soul has not wanted to experience that so portions of your soul will break away or fragment from your being. You need to retrieve your soul fragments so you can be whole and happy. Soul loss = lost power and lost energy. It also leaves holes in the aura where other energies can come in and take up residence. Soul retrieval is very important. You can go to a healer who can retrieve your soul parts and bring them back to you or you can start living a life in alignment with your soul and your soul fragments will slowly return to you when they feel safe. Everyday you can state: ” Creator, I ask for any soul fragments that I may have left somewhere else to please be removed from where they are – returned to your light for purification – and returned to me. I also ask for any soul fragments that are not mine that are in my energy fields to please be removed from me – returned to your light to be purified – and returned to who they belong to. Thank you, it is done.” This request must come from your heart and you also need to be doing your best to live from your soul and not from your ego.

SPIRITUAL BODY: The only thing your spiritual body needs from you is for you to allow it to merge with your lower bodies – physical, emotional and mental – so these bodies can be purified and raise in vibrational frequency. This will require you to get real with yourself – to face the self and to have the desire to truly know the self. That means you must pull yourself out of denial. As we face God, we face the self. The ego will do everything it can to keep you from facing the self – so much so – it will have you completely consumed with other people’s lives and what they are doing. This is a distraction and it will keep you from focusing on the the things within your self that need to be healed because you are too busy focusing your attention externally of your self.

So as you can see – what we eat is just a portion of what creates good health and a high vibration. I don’t focus on what people should eat because that is a highly cultural, genetic and free will choice that is up to each soul to decide what is appropriate for their unique body and their unique living environments. Some of the most grounded, spiritually connected,  animal loving, profoundly healing people in the world are the Reindeer people in Siberia. They are way beyond us in vibrational frequency and live totally aligned with nature and the spiritual dimensions. They raise, herd, live with and eat reindeers…they use all of the animal with great respect and appreciation in order to sustain themselves in the blistering cold climates they live in. They would most likely laugh at the ridiculous dogmatic beliefs us “modern people” have created such as “you must be a vegetarian or a vegan in order to be a high vibrational spiritual being” or “you don’t love animals if you eat them” (I guess that means people who eat plants don’t love trees, plants, the Earth or flowers either?) If we are open, we can learn a lot from the reindeer shamans. They deeply respect all life including their own needs for survival and they do not go against the laws of creation – they work with them. They listen to their own intuition and that of Spirit to guide them and they eat what they need in order to sustain their lives. -Sabrina

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