THE SPIRIT SCIENCE: “Spiritual Loneliness: What To Do When No One Understands You”



If you are spiritually – minded person, it is not a rare thing to feel a little disconnected from other people at times. Experiencing loneliness is a byproduct of spiritual awakening. Living in a modern world where materialism, consumerism and negativity are considered as supreme, you might feel a little displaced, so you need to connect to your inner guidance system. If you are going through an awakening process, or if you already have, then you will certainly know what it feels like to be rejected by the herd.

Here are some helpful ways to cope with spiritual loneliness:

Reality itself is just a play in consciousness. It’s all a dream.

You can say that you are dreaming now, not in a sense of sleeping but in a sense that when you die you will wake up in another dimension. You will realize that all this journey through life was meant for you to evolve as a soul. Looking from this perspective on your life can help you to deal with loneliness because it allows us to remember that our life is a manifestation of our consciousness and projection of our creativity.

Don’t take things too seriously! Learn from the dream, listen to the dream, and explore the dream. But don’t let the contents of the dream hold you up.

Operate from love rather than fear

Don’t you ever let negative thoughts that brings you down and make you feel lonely and unloved dominate your consciousness. Often, if we use fear as a motivator we push the things that we want away from us. Being afraid of loneliness, we attract more of it into our lives. No one is attracted to an energy field of fear and self – pity.

Letting love dominate your life, will overcome fear and the universe will step into greatness.

Go with the flow

Often society can be hard on us. We feel like we need to hold ourselves up to expectation that society puts forward on us. But the truth is a bit different. You don’t need to impress anybody. You don’t need to rush to win this death race. You don’t need big group of friends that you will meet only on weekends, and you don’t need to force a perfect relationship. What you need is to relax, let go of the things and create a happy life for yourself.

Follow your intuition and do the things that come naturally to you. Life is about the journey. Work with the universe, follow your heart, and be open to possibilities.

Seek others out

Although you haven’t found them, there are many spiritually – minded people out there. Take action in your lifestyle and meet the universe halfway so that it can create synchronicities for you. Keep the doors open. Take a yoga or a meditation class. Join a spiritual community online. Hangout at places you haven’t before.

If you are a person with different views, beliefs and ideas, it is normal to feel alone or excluded in our society. It is useless to feel bad about yourself. Actually, you should feel proud for being unique, for having the courage to be yourself in a world where individuality is suppressed. And you are not alone at this; millions of others feel the same way too.

When you feel “spiritually lonely” try to change your perspective, be proud of who you are, love others and yourself and believe that the universe will provide you with the support system you need if you are willing to take a step outside your comfort zone to make those connections happen.

JAMYE PRICE: “Knowing Well”

Life Nourishes You by Jamye Price


Blessed Being, how do you find your truth?  At times, it is cloaked in emotions and thoughts that focus you on inner pain.  At times, it is a truth that is vague or undefined to you.  At times, it has the momentum of an “ah ha,” the recognition of the breath of your heart pulsing you forward in Love.

This exciting time is somewhat of a stillpoint.  When you breathe, this moment is like the resting point, the recognition of sustainment.  It is Life continuing, the support that has come from a blending of external and internal.  It is the courage of the Self to breathe Life in deeply and Life feeding you with the invisible strength of itself.  The One, the All.

The separation of Life mixes into connection within you with every breath.

This in-breath represents your choice to take Life in, to receive its nourishing flow so that you can continue expanding into more of yourself and more of Life.  It is natural to you, easy, and invisible.  This is the stillpoint of this time—the recognition of the invisible support and Flow that is available to you.  As you Know Well that Life is supporting you, you are interacting from a place of empowerment.  The unknown, the invisible becomes manageable.  These interactions change the human species. It begins within you.

Knowing Well is a state of being that causes a flow of information that supports your creativity.  As the farmer Knows Well the cycles and needs of the seed, it nurtures that seed, and the fruit nourishes back.  There is not a guarantee; there is a knowing, an understanding, that supports confident and loving interactions.  This farmer is interacting with potential, and choosing actions that emanate from a deep trust of the self and trust of Life.

Knowing Well is an open and connected state of trusting the Self and Trusting Life, even if the path isn’t visible in the moment.  At the perfect moment there will come a breath that pulses you forward in Love.  Ease into Life more.  Relax into action more.

Knowing Well that each breath is Life in-forming within you.

As we sit to Blast Knowing Well, we are pausing to hear the quiet voice of the heart and igniting it into the flame of passion.  We are trusting the self more, because we are nourished by Life at each turn and supported through change at each choice.  We are remembering the True Self and letting that shine into this world easily, holding our power of Love boldly and letting the easy flow of internal and external meet.  We are free within, strong within, and Love within; calling forth the best of Life into form. Blast on!




~Weekly Lightblast – May 26, 2016 –

KARRY B: “Energy Flows Where Attention Goes”

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After a dinner with friends, we wandered a bit. Suddenly these sleeping sheep noticed that the clouds look so strange. I told them that these were chemical clouds. They did not believe me. I taught their view of the airplanes that just sprayed new strip. I gave them instructions to gather information on the Internet about chemtrails and Geoengeneering. What amazes me that so many blind sheep have never noticed this Venomshroud previously. This can only be due to the low oscillating perceptions of people block this realization. There is also no use, like a carnival barker, harass with “conspiracy” each. Only when they realize it themselves, wake up straight. Then you can give conscious tips to them. “Energy flows where attention goes” learned I from a dear wise mentor. If I always point to the war and the injustices that take me and my environment also this energy pattern to. So begins in spirit with my intention right thinking and acting! ✌  ~Karry B




Photo credit: Karry B – Copyright 2016.  All rights reserved.