LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Mount Hermon”


Mount Hermon  (“Mountain of the Chief”, coordinates: 33°24′58″N 35°51′27″E)  is a mountain cluster constituting the southern end of the Anti-Lebanon mountain range. Its highest peak is 9230 feet and the highest point inside Israel’s borders today is Mizpe Shelagim at 7295 feet. The southern slopes of Mount Hermon have been in Israeli control since the Six-Day War in 1967. This part of the mountain, as well as the Golan Heights, was unilaterally annexed by Israel in 1981. Its summit straddles the border between Syria and Lebanon and, at 2,814 m (9,232 ft) above sea level, is the highest point in Syria. On the top, in the United Nations buffer zone between Syria and Israeli-occupied territory, is the highest permanently manned UN position in the world, known as “Hermon Hotel”. The southern slopes of Mount Hermon extend to the Israeli-occupied portion of the Golan Heights, where the Mount Hermon ski resort is located. Mount Hermon is also called the “snowy mountain,” the “gray-haired mountain”, and the “mountain of snow”. It is also called “the eyes of the nation” in Israel because its elevation makes it Israel’s primary strategic early warning system.

According to the synoptic gospels, Mount Hermon is the location of the transfiguration of Jesus, an event in which Jesus was transformed into a radiant, altered state and was seen to be conversing with Moses and the prophet Elijah. In the occult science of numerology, the number 33 represents the ultimate attainment of higher consciousness. Mount Hermon is located at the 33rd parallel north, which is a latitude 33 degrees north of the earth’s equator. Tracing the 33rd parallel to the exact opposite side of the globe directly points to the site of the most famous alleged UFO encounter in modern history, Roswell, New Mexico. On the 33rd parallel lines, there are artificially placed structures used to harvest, alter or direct the planetary current and electromagnetic forces to influence trigger events or alter the timelines which direct future time probabilities. Planetary gridworkers, help to deconstruct these artificial machines in order to help support the raising of higher consciousness in humanity and to help to provide more available energy to the inhabitants of the earth.

In the Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the 200 of the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth. They swear upon the mountain that they would take wives among the daughters of men and take mutual imprecation for their sin of interbreeding with earth women (Enoch 6). The mountain or summit is referred to as Saphon in Ugaritic texts, where the palace of Baal is located in a myth about Attar. The Book of Chronicles also mentions Mount Hermon as a place where Epher, Ishi, Eliel, Azrael, Jeremiah, Hodaviah and Jahdiel were the heads of their families. Canaan settled in the area of Mount Hermon and southward into the territory that was to become Abraham’s Promised Land. This is why the Promised Land was called Canaan in the days of Moses. The tribe of Dan moved to this area during the days of the Judges, and adopted the Canaanite worship of these fallen angels. Baal and Ashtaroth were Canaanite deities, whose origin was from the settlements in Mount Hermon. Mount Hermon, has three peaks, the tallest of which is 9,166 feet above the Mediterranean Sea, the mountain was venerated in connection with the worship of Baal entities. Baal worship was the leading religion of Canaan. On most of the high peaks of the country were shrines known as high places, the higher the holier. Here groves were planted and shrines were erected for worship. Since Mount Hermon towered above all the other mountains in the region, it was the chief high place, the shrine of shrines. Canaanites looked to Mount Hermon very similarly as the Muslims face Mecca when they pray.

The Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish religious work, ascribed by tradition to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, although modern scholars estimate the older sections (mainly in the Book of the Watchers) to date from about 300 BC, and the latest part (Book of Parables) probably to the first century BC. It is not part of the biblical canon as used by Jews, apart from Beta Israel. Most Christian denominations and traditions may accept the Books of Enoch as having some historical or theological interest or significance, but they generally regard the Books of Enoch as non-canonical or non-inspired. By the 4th century, the Book of Enoch was mostly excluded from Christian canons, and it is now regarded as scripture by only the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Eritrean Orthodox Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) does not consider 1 Enoch to be part of its standard canon, though it believes that the original Book of Enoch was an inspired book. The Book of Moses, found within the scriptural canon of the LDS Church, has several similarities to 1 Enoch, including names that have been found in some versions of 1 Enoch, and is believed by the Church to contain extracts from “the ministry, teachings, and visions of Enoch”. The authors of the New Testament were familiar with the content of the story and influenced by it. The text was also utilized by the community that originally collected the Dead Sea Scrolls. The first part of the Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers, the Fallen Angels (i.e. extraterrestrials) who descended to earth and fathered the races of the Nephilim. The remainder of the book describes Enoch’s visits to heaven in the form of travels, visions and dreams, and his revelations.

1 Enoch gives an account of the fall of the Angels from heaven. Chapter 6 talks of how the angels saw and lusted after the daughters of men.

“In those days, when the children of man had multiplied, it happened that there were born unto them handsome and beautiful daughters. And the angels, the children of heaven , saw them and desired them; and they said to one another, ’Come, let us choose wives for ourselves from among the daughters of man and beget us children.’ And Semjaza, being their leader, said unto them, ’I fear that perhaps you will not consent that this deed should be done, and I alone will become (responsible) for this great sin.’ But they all responded to him, ’Let us all swear an oath and bind everyone among us by a curse not to abandon this suggestion but to do the deed.’ Then they all swore together and bound one another by (the curse) And they were altogether two hundred;” – 1 Enoch 6:1-7

The angels descended on Mount Hermon during the days of Jared. There were 19 leaders mentioned in 1 Enoch, who were also called the chiefs of ten.

Once they reached the earth; “they took wives unto themselves, and everyone (respectively) chose one woman for himself, and they began to go unto them. And they taught them magical medicine, incantations, the cutting of roots, and taught them (about) plants. And the women became pregnant and gave birth to great giants whose heights were three hundred cubits. These (giants) consumed the produce of all the people until the people detested feeding them. So the giants turned against (the people) in order to eat them.”

The race of giants or Nephilim, produced from this union gave way to a brood of evil spirits in many layers of the earthly dimensions, creating levels of hierarchy. The many dark spirits most likely are the remnants, negative forms and essences of the departed spirits of the giants, themselves. These spirits are not material or corporeal beings, but they torment mankind through pain, suffering and misery, because they have been partially proceeded directly from them. According to 1 Enoch, these spirits will not be punished (made accountable) until the day of judgment or the better word to use in this context, the completion of the precessional cycle, in contrast to the Watchers, who are punished both before and on the day of judgment (completion of the time cycle).

“But now the giants who are born from the (union of) the spirits and the flesh shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, because their dwelling shall be upon the earth and inside the earth. Evil spirits have come out of their bodies. Because from the day that they were created from the holy ones they became the Watchers; their first origin is the spiritual foundation. They will become evil upon the earth and shall be called evil spirits. The dwelling of the spiritual beings of heaven is heaven; but the dwelling of the spirits of the earth, which are born upon the earth, is in the earth. The spirits of the giants oppress each other, they will corrupt, fall, be excited, and fall upon the earth, and cause sorrow. They eat no food, nor become thirsty, nor find obstacles. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of the people and against the women, because they have proceeded forth (from them). – 1 Enoch 15

1 Enoch 19 also gives a variation to the origin of demons. It implies that demons were already in existence during the time of the fall of the angels. According to 1 Enoch 10-16, the demons are the spirits which go forth and are created from these Fallen Angels and these forces are spread onto the earth.

“Here shall stand in many different appearances the spirits of the angels which have united themselves with women. They have defiled the people and will lead them into error so that they will offer blood sacrifices to the demons as unto Gods, until the great day of judgment in which they shall be judged till they are finished.”

2 Enoch also mentions a group of angels called the Grigori, who are similar to the Watchers. Their prince is called Satanail. A difference in this account as compared with the two previous accounts is that only three Fallen Angels came down to earth to take wives, breed with them and produce giants. These are the Grigori, who with their prince Satanail rejected the Lord of light, and after them are those who are held in great darkness on the second heaven, and three of them went down on earth to the place Hermon, and broke through their vows on the shoulder of the hill Hermon and saw the daughters of men how good they are, and took to themselves wives, and befouled the earth with their deeds, who in all times of their age made lawlessness and mixing, and giants are born and marvelous big men and great enmity. – 2 Enoch 18:3-4

Various Temples of Mount Hermon can be found in villages on the slopes. There is a sacred building made of hewn blocks of stone on the summit of Mount Hermon. Known as Qasr Antar, it is the highest temple of the ancient world and was documented by Sir Charles Warren in 1869. An inscription on a limestone stele recovered by Warren from Qasr Antar was translated by George Nickelsburg to read “According to the command of the greatest Holy God, those who take an oath (proceed) from here.” Nickelsburg connected the inscription with oath taken by the watcher angels under their leader, Semjaza, who took an oath together, bound by a curse in order to take wives in the Book of Enoch (1 Enoch 6:6). The name of God was supposed to be a Hellenized version of Baʿal or Hadad. It has been related to the Arabic term al-haram, which means “sacred or forbidden enclosure”. Another Greek inscription found in a large temple at Deir El Aachayer on the northern slopes notes the year that a bench was installed in the year 242, under Beeliabos, also called Diototos, son of Abedanos, high priest of the gods of Kiboreia.

(Source: Mount Hermon: Gate of the Fallen Angels (JR Church), Book of Enoch at and Mount Hermon, Book of Enoch,Tribe of Dan – Wikipedia and Ascension Glossary)

Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – April 5, 2016


False Ascended-Masters

“Our focus now is to clear the seraphim relationship, the archangelic relationship and their hierarchies, to false ascension material. These are known as the fallen angelics.  ‘Archangels’ are entities that are solar-consciousness directed, to arc and move ray structure energies into different patterns of form and energy. They are governed by the ‘Seven Rays’ — and the beings directing those rays. We are now going to move to the same process of looking and clearing for ‘Chohan’ programs. A Chohan is in the ascended master material, using the name, ‘Ascended Master’. They are not Ascended Masters. An Ascended Master is a fully ascended, transfigured Christos — which is ascended — out of time.” ~Lisa Renee   

“False Ascended Master and 7 Ray Clearing” (Guided by Lisa Renee):


LISA RENEE: “What is Miasma?”


Miasma is a psycho-spiritual inherited distortion created by trauma, abuse, toxins, fear based belief systems and soul fragmentation which, over time, was genetically encoded in human DNA, and has resulted in various forms of dis-ease and energetic imbalance. These dis-ease patterns are energetic blockages in our body and are encoded and passed down in negative ego behaviors or flawed DNA code design from generation to generation. When miasma patterns accumulate and grow larger in the collective consciousness of humanity, they take on energetic form like an entity, and they can exist within energetic bodies that have some form of intelligence. Thus, miasma in energetic form, can be influenced or possessed by larger entity bodies, such as Fallen Angelics or NAA [Negative Alien Agenda]. The miasma pattern is interconnected to the vibrational theme of that particular entity, and when interaction with that vibration occurs, the miasma pattern can be passed on to the person through vibrational resonance.

Genetic alteration to the human DNA code creates inherited diseases and negative behaviors such as the addiction matrix, which are aggressively promoted by the NAA influence on earth. Levels of the distorted behavioral patterns passed down, toxic exposures and flawed DNA are recorded in the cells as the miasma pattern, which may result in a dissipation of the original form of the disease through each generation of offspring. The manifested dis-ease energy and its physical body pattern sometimes skip generations and can show themselves in another form, but are still sourced from the original disease pattern inherited as the miasma from the ancestor. The dissipated energetic pattern is recorded in the cellular memories from the ancestry or Family of Origin at the source, including when the original disease pattern materialized. This record of miasma continues to manifest in the future generations in lesser ways or mutates into hybridized forms of accumulated new miasma that can create new disease patterns. Pathologies do not all present or progress the same way in all people. The miasma pattern, trauma issues and unique soul blueprint are all intimately connected to form the state of the progression of the imbalanced pattern that produces miasma.  This is true whether it started in the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual bodies. This is why taking the time to make deep inquiries into understanding one’s self at these levels is critically important to spiritual healing.

Family of Origin Miasma

When accumulated miasma patterns are inherited from both patriarchal and matriarchal lines, it can also create new mutations of diseases in the offspring. We may notice in current times, with massive amounts of accumulated miasma remaining uncleared in the planet, that many new mutations and diseases are manifesting that the medical system cannot diagnose, or comprehend the source of.

In the beginning Ascension Stages, as an initiate for Soul Accretion, the person will start to notice the energetic connections of ancestral lines inherited through our biological family lines. When we can recognize these patterns we are seeing the genetic miasma that sources directly from the histories of the bloodline and family of origin. As we become more conscious on the ascending path, we experience and become aware of how miasma has direct influences upon our person. It impacts everything in our life, and influences what manifests in our holographic reality, until we become aware of it and choose to clear and transcend its influences. We call the spiritual path of conscious participation with clearing Family of Origin miasma, Genetic Pathcutting.

When we awaken, we will then need to decide what we want to energetically wear as our personal responsibility, as everything we inherit in our family (and the collective human race) does not have to become a part of our self-defined identity. As we observe and take responsibility for what we are inhabiting (this is recorded in the cells of our fleshly body) and are accountable to the current life circumstances, then we can participate with healing our genetic and miasmatic relationships that reside as energetic memory in our flesh. In most cases if you pay attention to the various patterns (attitudes, ideals, emotional intelligence) in your current Bio-Family dynamic, you will know these archetypal patterns extend to other lifetimes, as well as hold relevant information and clues to what you agreed to heal (types of collective human miasma), while you incarnated on planet earth during the Ascension Cycle.

Planetary Miasma

Miasma is synonymous with black, frozen or dead light, which is generated in damaged morphogenetic fields that acts as distorted blueprints.  These distorted blueprints then manifest more dead energy and energetic waste products, like toxins, pathogenic microorganisms or feces to be circulated. Damaged architecture in the planetary field cannot run enough life force current or the proper frequency tone keys, and that damages the earth body further, creating dead wiring and dead spaces. Dead energy spaces are useful to the NAA as they can be programmed with artificial intelligence technology, which they control, and is why they have an agenda to create phantom and dead spaces. These dead spaces cannot transmit or exchange with living intelligent energy fields and ultimately that harms earth inhabitants by creating digressive mutations such as harmful miasma and disease.

Miasma can also be manipulated through technology and it is manipulated in a variety of ways, continually, by the Negatives to serve their agenda. Miasma patterns can be installed as a software program to run frequencies, recorded specifically to alter DNA/RNA to generate a specific function or block a specific function, when exposed to those same frequencies. If not corrected through observation and clearing, the dead waste product creates disease, sickness and deterioration of the DNA and its frequency tone keys. If planetary miasma is not cleared and repaired, it infects the brain and nervous system of the Planetary Grid Network (the grid system), all of the planetary kingdoms DNA, as well as infecting human beings DNA. For these reasons and many more, this planet received several quarantines to limit the waste product from infecting the outer rims of nearby dimensions and other planetary worlds, through their potential resonating dimensional key tones. As we undergo this shift into higher density, these quarantines are being lifted. We are accessing higher densities, and this requires a threshold of clearing to our personal inherited miasma, in order to pass through these quarantine fields. We can do this by holding the highest vibration in our body, mind and spirit, and keeping focused on Loving Kindness, Compassion and Empathy. Additionally, during this time it is helpful to become aware of the oldest, largest and most prevalent source of miasma pattern generated on the earth, the Psora Miasm.

Psora Miasm

The Psora Miasm is the most ancient and highly devastating accumulative miasma pattern recorded in the DNA of the collective race of humanity. In Greek, the word Psora means itch or scabies, referring to a contagious infestation of the skin. Dr. Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, describes Psora as one of the oldest diseases in existence. He also referred to Psora as the mother of all disease. All human diseases are stemming from the Psora miasm. Psora causes a vulnerability of tissue, undermines the tissues resistance to foreign invasion, and lessens the germ-destroying property or immunity possessed by certain cells. Thus, in the macrocosm of the collective consciousness of humanity, the Psora Miasm goes back to the timeline and the subsequent result of the NAA invasion of earth.

Psora Miasm is connected to the timeline of the fall of humankind which further resulted in the genetic block that manifested the Curse of Yahweh. The Curse of Yahweh is humanities Fallen Angelic curse of the 666 seal and the energetic result which greatly increased satanic forces in the earth. This genetic block forced the Soul to reincarnate over and over again on the 3D earth plane while experiencing a biological form that ages, is susceptible to diseases and dies.

The Psora Miasm, through the Curse of Yahweh, is also related to the sextant matrix, the alien construct used to unplug DNA, which keeps consciousness trapped in low frequency in time while shortening the human life span. The Sextant Matrix distorts the biological and metabolic time clock to kill the body with aging disease, which leads to bodily decay and other energy blockages in vital organs and glands. The Sextant Matrix infection is very important in the original timeline of the human body elemental corruption (via unplugging human DNA to be controlled by telluric current and compacted into carbon matter) that relates directly to the collective race Psora Miasm. The Sextant Matrix functions to degrade the elementals in our body and to encode its corruption into the mitochondria of our cells and DNA template, as Psoric miasmatic patterns.

The Sextant Matrix is a part of the advanced biological clock function of the human Lightbody system, which has been tampered with and damaged through Metatronic Reversal. The Sextant matrix runs Metatronic Reversal frequencies in our Lightbody which compact our consciousness and harm the body, putting the body on the biological time clock of death. Metatronic Reversal is the result of electron fields descending into heavily reversed and distorted patterns, such as using proton and electron smashing technologies that split energetic bodies apart. Metatronic Reversal technologies are used on the earth for mind control and creating black holes, which split apart the mental bodies and fragment them into an assortment of diseased states in matter. The assorted combined miasma in matter, is able to be sourced directly to the original Psora miasm.

Psora Miasm further evolved in the human race to sexually related disease miasma, further developing in time into cancer miasma. Sexually related diseases and their miasma are referred to as the sexual misery programing, which involve an artificial mind control program that connects to fallen entities that harvest the collective sexual energetic body of humanity. Also, the sextant matrix is a Fallen Angelic construct designed as a genetic block that is recorded in our bones, tissue and skin matrix, which is sourced to the Psora Miasm. These areas of the body will be greatly impacted by the shift in density happening to the planet now. This is the time to pay attention to help clear miasma and consciously participate with your body shifting. Psora related miasm patterns will become extremely prevalent, as planetary Ascension symptoms begin to surface in the masses.

Psoric Miasm Symptoms

The mind, emotions, body and spirit work together as a whole functioning system and the miasma patterns are energetic disturbances that are expressed in all four layers of the body. The conditions that modify the way the miasm materializes are subjected to many factors such as; environmental exposure and stimulus, climate, toxins and parasites, mental belief systems, motivations of behavior, consciousness, excessive or extreme habits, abuses in life, diet, and various customs or cultural influences. All of these factors along with the spiritual blueprint, will determine the progression of the pattern of miasm into the physical world, and some patterns may remain dormant until activated. This is why it is a good time to be self-aware and to pay attention to the patterns showing up in your body, as they will lead you to heal the Psora Miasm. Usually, a miasma pattern becomes activated through the weak genetic link present in the person’s ancestral pattern that is recorded in their family of origin. Miasma patterns surface during serious life changing events such as; accidents, death of loved ones, spiritual or existential crisis, diagnosis from medical system, moving residence, bankruptcy, etc. For people not aware of their energetic body or miasma as the source of healing their disease pattern, they may choose to exit. The shift to next density activates the miasma record, which exacerbates disease issues materializing in people that are remaining stuck in the lower frequency of telluric matter.

The most common characteristic symptoms of Psora are hypersensitivity (experiencing more sensitivity) and experiencing the sensation of lack (a deficiency or absence of something). As the Psora miasm surfaces, we will notice increased sensitivity in the reactivity of the body when exposed to environmental stimulus, to ones surroundings, like noise, light, and odors. The body may react to produce functional disturbances like headache, nausea, and feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, or sensations of general discomfort.

Detoxification of Psora Miasm

Starting with a deficiency in the function of the primary organs for and routes of digestion and elimination, Psora expresses itself externally with all types of skin conditions. When improving the elimination pathways of the body, the skin condition and Psora miasm will improve. The main primary elimination channels are the bowels, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, and the skin. So the first step is to improve every elimination channel in the body to help with detoxification. The body will produce energetic and metabolic waste that translates into physical levels of detoxification that need to move through the elimination channels. When the elimination channels are overloaded, they become inefficient and congested. The toxins are forced into the bloodstream and settle into those organs and tissues which have the least resistance to the toxic waste material.

With the need to detoxify, the skin incurs scaly types of rashes or eruptions and may feel dirty, dry and itchy. The Psora miasm externalizes toxins, and if suppressed topically, it may lead to the manifestation of a serious internal ailment. This is why it is important to try not to suppress external symptoms, as suppression blocks the body’s natural attempt to purge toxins out of the skin. Suppression methods may have a direct physiological or toxic effect, but no true healing action.  In every chronic disease pattern there are fundamental pathological factors energetically recorded as miasma in the body, mind, emotions or spirit. Unless the root cause of the disease pattern is addressed in the deep miasma of the bodies and treated as an energetic blockage, it will never be healed.

Sulphur homeopathy is one of the leading remedies in the treatment of Psoric conditions. It addresses various chronic conditions that rise from Psora Miasm. The centrifugal action of the sulphur remedy brings diseases buried deep in the body’s internal system to rise to the surface.  Sulphur also holds an important role for spiritual alchemy to occur within our body and spiritual consciousness. The natural salt and sulphur mix is deep in the earth, which holds the symbolism of our physical body to unify with the solar plasma light for transfiguration into the eternal Gold Body. In order to do so we must prepare our body to be purified with the inner water, inner salt-sulphur, and blood, through communion with Mother’s Holy Spirit and Father’s Solar Fire. The alchemy of our higher consciousness dissolves the lower shadow bodies, and impurities such as toxins from the Psora Miasm, which are consumed and healed in the powerful plasma light.

Psora Miasma Property

The main cause of disease is toxins or parasites creating energetic blockages in our body and consciousness. These toxins upset the equilibrium of the vital force energies and disturb the way vital forces function to circulate life force into the body. When we experience illness, our inner vital force energies attempt to bring our entire body back into balance. Once the body’s immune system is stimulated, it has the resources to combat the foreign invader with much more power. Therefore, the homeopathic cure is attributed to an increase in the body’s defense against the disease and the defense against the toxins and parasites that helped to create it. Our higher consciousness can also neutralize foreign invasion, however, at times it is productive to help support the physical body’s strength, by increasing immunity and immune functions. Researching homeopathic remedies and consulting with a trained homeopath (on the ascension path) to address miasma may be extremely helpful during this time to help prepare the body in shifting to the next density.

In getting to the deeper source of how the miasmatic properties manifest in our life, here are some general characteristics of the Psora Miasm:

Characteristic: Psora produces irritation, inflammation, and hypersensitivity.

Physical constitution: Psora tends to make the organism toxic, the skin unhealthy, and perverts the functions of the digestive and eliminative organs.

Temperament: Psoric temperament is full of philosophical, pseudo-scientific, political, and religious ideas. They may exhibit negative ego traits of self-deception, narcissism, and impractical or unrealistic goals.

Pain: Psora may bring itchy, crawling, tickling, and burning sensations.

Skin: Psora is dry, rough, and unhealthy. Every small injury is infected, and its lesions may produce itchy discharges or scanty pus.
Thank you to all who are actively participating with these consciousness shifts to the next density.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker.

I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law Made Manifest. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

~”Separation of Worlds” –  Shifting Timelines – September 2015

LISA RENEE: “Fallen Angelics”


Through the fall of our experience, the Seraphim also fell in their own experience and were polarized in their own negative form, of which, shadow elements of themselves came to be distorted creations of their perfection. This is what is known as the Fallen Angelics which also interconnect with multiple hierarchies down into the Demonic Races and the Watchers. What they are showing us here today is that the Fallen Angelics became distorted Negative Forms of the mind and Consciousness of the original perfection of the Seraphim.

Demons or Fallen Angelics are a part of the human and nonhuman collective consciousness on the earth and exist as energetic interplay between human beings that were designed to manifest the required polarities that are necessary for manifestation in the material realms. In this density of the earth counterbalance points were required for the evolutionary process of “synthesis of these main polarities” through the three main sets of forces. However, many of these forces have been abused through the hidden NAA invasion histories and have created severe schisms and destruction.

Fallen Angelic History

Now during the Atlantian Cataclysm and what is known as the Luciferian Rebellion about 26,000-30,000 years ago, this is when the planetary star gates, the planetary grids Ley Lines became controlled by the NAA [Negative Alien Agenda] Controlling races such as the Reptilians, the Annunaki, the Alpha Draconis/Orion Group Draconians. And this Golden Eagle Grid grid became, during this time, under the control of these beings who used these collective consciousness grids for reversed purposes of malintent designed for the NAA and the False Gods which was the opposite from their original purpose.
So, in the last 26,000 years, the Golden Eagle Grid became controlled and was primarily used as a mind control broadcast station, literally, that would send out false information or manipulated information to the mass human population. One purpose in the Iran Gate is to send out False King of Tyranny patriarchal domination mind control through the ArchAngel Michael Matrix collective. It was sending out information that was about the program that the Annunaki to continue to plummet humanity into false Timelines of which is one of darkness, enslavement and separation using software called the Armageddon Software, Metatronic Reversal and Victim-Victimizer. The Golden Eagle Grid literally became like a mind control weapon because that is what they have been using it for. It had been reclaimed back a few years ago in terms of the Guardian Founder Races who are working to rehabilitate the places of the fallen consciousness grids Fallen Angelic mind matrix and override the patriarchal mind control through the Solomon Shield and activation of the Mother Arc Hubs.

Fallen Ones Became Dead Light

Because these Entities, whether they are sourced as Satanic or Luciferian spirit force or embodied as Negative Aliens, all of these groups believe themselves to be Superior as a “God”, using or creating inferior beings to run energetic waste is their inherent design. (We see these beliefs superimposed upon the human pawns that are in positions of power to rule this plane and have lost their identity as a true human). These Entities became a false albeit perceived “Supreme God” of their own replicated worlds, and energetically enslaved others to serve their continued existence and “rule” in Artificial Machinery. Toxic with the ultimate delusion of the Supreme Ego Arrogance as a self proclaimed “God-King” these entities became the “Fallen Ones”. See False Gods and Fallen Angelics and the 666 Seal.

NAA Invasion

When our Planetary Logos was invaded and corrupted by the Reptilian Controllers (Archons) of the NAA, the planet and our race were impacted dramatically. It meant we were no longer free to create and evolve as per the original Blueprint of our intended creation, and we had no memory of what had happened to us. We were recycled through continual reincarnation on the Astral Plane with no memory of the past lives, who we really are, where we are going, or what our real relationship is to God and what humanities “purpose” actually is. Over time most of us lost our feeling connection to our Soul Matrix and we became numb to the pain in order to survive in anti-human based structures. What has happened to our planet is not human, it is “alien” to the true nature of humanity.

Nephilim Wars

Many of the Nephilim were destroyed on the earth during the Nephilim Wars and their fragmented consciousness become enmeshed with the lower demonic spirits of the dense levels of earth matter. Some of these entities bound to the earth became known as the Watchers, and comprise of both combinations of Nephilim and Fallen Angelic fragments such as Belial and Baal entities. Over time these fragments evolved into many lower spirit hierarchies of entities, trapped within the earth fields unable to evolve or heal.