LISA RENEE on “Entities and Possessions Will Tell You Anything to Make You Forget They Are There Sucking on Your Energy Field — and Direct the Person to Something External to Keep Them Fixated Away from the Source of the Problem — Which Is the Entity Attachment Itself.”

“Since late 2012, the human body is much more vulnerable to being used as a potential Dark Portal of invasion by outer Dark Forces. While others are undergoing forms of spiritual Spiritual Possession as the individual becomes Consubstantial to the collective unconsciousness forces that make up the predator mind. Possession and Entity attachment make us feel miserable, it’s an Energy Parasite sucking off your body and doing everything it can to manipulate you so it can stay there feasting away at your expense. And the traumatized person that is being spiritually tortured by these entities, is unable to discern who is who and what is what. They become a mind controlled puppet that is chained to this dark entity’s whims, through the incredible pain and devastation they feel from whatever happened to them in the past. During the times the human is in-between states of consciousness is when the spiritual-energetic bodies of that person are in some kind of transitional state between dimensions. These moments of energetic transition are windows where the aura is more easily attached to or infiltrated. Pay special attention and amplify the use your 12D shield, command personal space. This can be remedied through the intention to connect with the inner spirit and loving heart through consistent Meditation, Prayer and self-inquiry to remain in the present time as the conscious observer or compassionate witness to outer events. It is important to comprehend the stronger your auric field and the more awareness you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks. The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness. 3D Humans that have not developed strong Impulse Control and have not cleared negative ego automatic thoughts are at higher risk for being used as a dark portal, especially when they go unconscious and allow anger, rage and hostility to be expressed as violent impulses reverberating throughout their mind and body. This negative ego distortion is used to hijack unaware human beings into further states of mental body fragmentation. The Satanic entity gains access to a human body in this way, by intentionally using the hole in the aura created from the deep, painful trauma event. This is called a Dark Portal, which is a person whose aura has severe holes in it, so severe it disconnected the layers between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Disconnection between these layers of the consciousness bodies is also called fragmentation. When a person is fragmented their consciousness body is effectively in pieces, and these holes allow dark forces to easily pop in and out of the body. This is a Partial Possession, when an entity cannot sustain itself entirely in its host, but comes in and out when the person is being emotionally triggered into destructive emotions or behaviors. They are so confused and disconnected from reality, they cannot discern what is accurate and what is deception, especially because in the astral plane where this happens is all Mirrors of Delusion. In partial possession, one will experience a person ‘grow a head’ all of the sudden, where the personality changes and they blurt out something emotionally charged or hostile, so that the offending parasite can latch on and get access to the person’s consciousness body and carry out its machinations for a variety of reasons. One reason is to get the dark portal person to attack and intimidate any other person that reveals information to the public about the NAA, SRA, Pedophilia or the multidimensional nature of reality. When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul. If we persist in needing to use control or manipulation methods in our daily life, we will experience the Cause and Effect Backlash, or the karmic return of mental bondage to the old destructive patterns of egoic behavior. This is confusing for many people on the earth receiving the Cause and Effect backlash now, because they are being returned to the energy that they have repeatedly created with their false identity, in the planetary field. The more a person has deliberately deceived others, the more energies of self-deception and confusion they will face in the external. The methods that used to work very well for them in the material world, when they were rewarded with lots of money or power, are not working for them anymore in the new timeline. They do not realize the Laws in this reality are changing to be based on the forces of love, therefore the beliefs, behaviors and actions must become more transparent and honest to accommodate this change. The backlash of receiving negative energy that a person has sent out into the field is happening with greater intensity and quicker timing. Dark Entities jump on that negative energy as its generated and amplify it into the collective fields, as large as they can. This intensifies the impact of the negative energy, which can be seen as the manifested forces of chaos, confusion and insanity, as it is being returned to its causality in the collective field. From the collective field, those people resonating with those negative forces become individual conduits or vessels of chaotic expression. Because they do not know what to do with the incredible amount of negativity building up inside of them, they are confused, lost and acting out in self-destructive ways. During the vulnerability of experiencing deep emotional pain, the imposter entity points a finger at another and whispers in their ear, ‘Your pain is that person’s fault’. The standard dark manipulation mind control is something like ‘That person over there is the source of evil and all the tortuous pain you have endured at their hands. Go take them down, they are evil incarnate’. Entities and possessions will tell you anything to make you forget they are there sucking on your energy field, and direct the person to something external in order to keep them fixated away from the source of the problem, which is the Entity Attachment itself.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Dark Force Manipulation Methods / Dark Portal / Dark Portal Bodies

LISA RENEE on “Archontic Deception Strategies to Orchestrate Complete Mind Control Enslavement of Humanity for the Colonization of Planet Earth as Their Conquered Territory and Slave Farm”

“The Negative Alien Agenda [NAA] is to force the planet to serve another multiple species Controller agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as Holographic Inserts, AI and Mind Control, namely created under genetic reptilian-insectoid Archon extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under human domain. Much of the NAA is veiled behind the shadow levels of the ET and human military industrial complex, the primarily takeover access is the naval forces and in the underground bases on the earth. It appears the earth was invaded several times by hostile Negative Aliens with a major shift occurring 26,000 years ago during the Luciferian Rebellion, Atlantian Cataclysm and leading to the latest events in the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. Upon the invasion of the planet that transpired in stages since the Luciferian Rebellion, the Negative Alien Agenda NAA was formed by the intruders to prepare the inhabitants of the planet to worship False Alien Gods, such as Yahweh and Jehovah. Both of these are collectives that feed into Negative Aliens group of Archons that feed on the planetary fields through those humans that pray, give offerings, and worship these alien entities through the creation of their Violent Religions. These are sophisticated Mind Control matrices that run the religious software programs through False White Light webbing that is designed to capture the human soul in Consciousness Traps. These are called Eye of Yahweh and Eye of Jehovah, they operate as refraction lenses that bend light into artificial holograms and synthetic timelines. To enforce their Patriarchal domination in human culture, some False Father archetypes were hand selected by the NAA and showcased as Patriarchal Prophets for their violent religions. Through brainwashing methods employing militarization strategy with technological Mind Control, the predator mind and their religions were downloaded into the planetary mind. When the planetary mind was invaded, the collective race mind of humanity was forever changed. Over generations of religious programming, the truth of the NAA invasion was forgotten through the consistent consciousness wiping and recycling of the collective Soul body of the earth. This allowed the NAA ideology of killing, warring, persecuting and torturing humans to run rampant on earth, and for humans to believe they are bound to a variety of insane ‘religious’ rituals. Repeated rituals are emphasized in orthodox religion to mind control people into strict dogmatic beliefs mixed with an obsessive level of anxiety. Mind control implants are used to activate anxiety in the person if the ritual, prayer or offering is not prepared to exact specifications. This is a form of indoctrination into their symbolism and religious interpretation. One may notice that in the religious zealot implant, or in Satanic Ritual, the person’s fear and anxiety feeds the vampiric entity. The entity then stimulates the binding to religious or ritual addiction to continue to generate energy from them. When a human mind is dogmatic, obsessive and ritualistic, it shuts down and loses access to free and open thinking. Jehovian Grids runs off parallel Earth and operates on D 7-9-11 reverse current, creating a reverse spin to the planet. It can send subsonic pulses to precise targets and be used as a weapon, as can the Falcon and Phoenix. The Dove Grid has, additionally, seven Crucifixion Implants or Jehovian seals which are huge pylon selenite rods seeded into the Earth’s grids at selected points down the East coast of America, corresponding to seven of the twelve stargate seals (which open the stargates during ascension). These crucifixion implants are referred to as hyperdimensional cones, which are standing wave conical scalar wave clusters, manifesting in the rods. Jehovian Grids use ‘trumpet’ pulse technology and connects Earth via these hyperdimensional rods to the Phantom Matrix. This was not fully operational until the creation of the Phoenix Grid wormhole in 10,500 BC. The effects of these pylons is to create ‘cracks’ and rip tears in the time wall between Earth and Phantom, producing seven siphoning channels, and can be used as ultra low-frequency transmitters. This can transmit whole objects, people, etc. through a hyperdimensional field to the Phantom matrix. The ARMAGEDDON software programs, such as War, Pestilence and Cataclysm fears, or many other fear programs which can be interchanged as they are similar bio-warfare Mind Control programs used on the earth to suppress human consciousness. This is a Psycho-Spiritual Warfare strategy used against humanity by the Negative Aliens through their False Gods and False Father Satanic religions to use SRA to repeatedly kill and torture humans through war. The Armageddon Software is the companion Mind Control system which is activated through the Crucifixion Implants as a Holographic Insert in the planetary body and human body. The Jehovian Grids and the Jehovah religions are used to power up these NAA Violent Religions to increase fear, terror and wars over of God. When these False Alien Gods waged their Luciferian Rebellion and subsequent invasion strategies of conquering planet Earth, these self-anointed Gods got to work on devising the various Alien Hybridization programs filled with genetic experimentation, Social Engineering and religious mind control methods to generate consciousness slaves on Earth. The primary life designer for the Belial Group, Sa’am-Enki began the first of many genetic experiments for cloning and hybridization breeding programs from the large elongated skulls of his future Sirian Annunaki progeny of Nephilim with red hair, to the earlier seeding of Neanderthals, which are remnants of his previous Enki life designs for seeding Anti-Christ species. The main purpose to seed Anti-Christ species on the planet is to design them to be the natural enemies of the already existing indigenous population, namely the Essene Christos races, in which they would constantly be manipulated to instigate war and genocidal hatred in order to finally destroy all remnants of Diamond Sun DNA existing within the Earth population. Sa’am‘s mission was to create a massive antichrist army, Enki’s Army, in order to colonize the planet Earth with hybridized Belial Sun Sirian Annunaki genetics which was originally set into motion at the behest of his prime creator, his reptilian father. Father Dragon Anu presents as the ancient patriarch of what eventually became the major factions of Sirian Annunaki Belial Suns that encompass the current Thothian Luciferian gestalt consciousness, and his cloned offspring Sa’am-Enki and Enlil. Collectively referred to as the TEE entities, they first formed into the unholy alliance of reptile-insectoid spiritually fractured criminal minds, digressing into psychopathic terrorists running their human slavery enterprises in the solar system where they elevated themselves as the most important key figures behind organized religion as the False Alien Gods. The Belial group collective entity run by the cruel warring patriarch and misogynist Father Anu packaged himself as Yahweh, while another cloned brother Enlil was masquerading as Jehovah, and together the duo demanded they be worshipped by earthlings under penalty of fire and brimstone. These agendas are still in effect today and impact all human and earthly life as a enforced enslavement on a Prison Planet, being harvested for a variety of resources to send back to off planet Controllers, such as harvesting the energetic quanta of the human life force and earthly minerals. The Black Suns consider earth their territory and believe that surface earth people are criminal prisoners, which extends to them the right to abduct humans for an assortment of working slave colonies. These are the underground and off planet bases like Ceres, coming to light as whistleblowers remember their experiences as Milabs and being recruited into the Secret Space Programs, that are both involved in galactic Human Trafficking. The system of debt based currency used as the current global monetary system was originally brought to the earth by the Alpha Draconis Orion Group. These entities have organized themselves on the earth in what is called the Black Sun Agenda. Some of these Black Sun factions decided to use the earth as a Prison Planet for trapping and containing all undesirables, including those entities that were not compliant to their authoritarian militarized rule were straight out criminals and degenerate perverts. Thus, the earth and the Solar System became known in the Black Sun Orion Group as the prison colony, as they would not let anyone out of the earth’s reincarnation cycles via technological frequency fences and soul harvesting structures. The Draco Reptilians of the Orion Group view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and believe that earth humans have descended from their biological seeding processes, from multiple planets they have conquered. Therefore they believe humans, as well as the earth, are their personal property and have instituted the global slavery system via the indoctrination of debt-based currency. One should be aware that on many other planets, monetary systems do not exist, and all inhabitants born onto the planet are considered free citizens with equal rights to flourish in the global society that is organized by that planet’s system of government. A planetary system ruled by debt currency in which one has to pay for their basic shelter, food and healthcare from birth is considered a Prison Planet. Thus, they ushered in the ongoing archontic deception strategies intending to orchestrate the complete Mind Control enslavement of humanity, along with the well thought out plan for the colonization of planet Earth as their conquered territory and slave farm.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Prison Planet / Jehovah

LISA RENEE on “Warfare as a Result of the Major World Governments Making Contact with Negative Aliens”

“During World War II, there was a major revolution in the Militarization and approach to warfare as a result of the major world governments making contact with Negative Aliens, who introduced them to an array of advanced technologies in exchange for access to human genetics, breeding programs and earth resources. During this phase of setting up covert military programs to experiment with these alien based advanced technologies, it became common knowledge in the secret intelligence factions that human brain waves and behavior could be influenced or controlled through exposures to light and sound or electromagnetic frequencies. These exposures were covertly tested out on human beings for many purposes, through the development of various electromagnetic frequency Implants. Since the Majestic 12 and Zeta Grey Alien Trade Agreements were made about 85 years ago, earth inhabitants have been aggressively experimented upon with hidden technologies used to Implant Thoughts as one of the many prongs of social engineering programs. Military Grey Alien Technology has been artificially written into the various reversal field grid networks, as well as have manifested independent harm from their technologies of military weapons, genetic experiments, timeline programs, Artificial Intelligence, Holographic Inserts and astral mirages, human abductions, tagging/tracking and Astral Plane manipulation. One particular distortion we’d like to bring to your attention is the Zeta Seal, because these implants have been more active in the general 3D population during this time of transition to the next harmonic universe, which is bringing much higher frequencies to be exposed to the masses. Electrical impulses are generated from the lightbody via the Nadial Structure, which is a spiritual body part. It is made up of a webbing of energetic receivers and energetic transmitters that are intrinsic to the interconnected messaging functions in the human Soul-Spirit consciousness layers. The Zeta Seal is located in the Astral Plane layers of the heart complex to block activation of the 4th DNA strand which blocks access to the higher intelligence of the Mentor Fields, the first layer of the Higher Self self mind in the 5th dimension. It is designed to interfere with the Nadial Structure which instructs the human nervous system and communicates with the circuitry of the human heart. Recently, events have opened up timelines related to Zeta Seals and 4D implants that block the heart organ for its capability to access its multidimensional layers in the heart complex and the etheric nadis — which is the blueprint for the CNS and brain receiver. Zeta Seals are also related to the military industrial complex timelines, these seals are on the first layer of the heart chakra which puts a barrier between the heart and the mental body transmission — it is a type of Splitter Tech that scrambles the communication between the heart transmission and the brain receiver. When this is implanted, the person cannot feel much as ‘energy’ in the environment, and it appears to be reinforced or strengthened when entering military service. This Grey technology is sprayed/injected in many military related areas, ceremonies or any kind of military exposure. There is a lot of this splitter tech and the Zeta Seal still operating in the 3D public. The most aggressive and violent of the Zeta groups are those that come from the star system Rigel, and thus are called Rigelians or Zeta-Drakonian Rigelians. This particular group was involved in military testing projects known as the Montauk Project, in which they set up the participants to fail, whereby ripping open holes into the space time field in the earth body in which the Zeta gained more access levels into the earth grid. This allowed for easier access to continue human abduction experiments for genetic engineering and testing, in order to create and evolve an assortment of human Clones and human hybrids that are engineered to carry out workloads or for fulfilling certain purposes. Infiltration of pregnant human mothers occurred through the abduction scenarios in which the unborn child would be injected with Zeta-Drakonian genetics and monitored after birth and into adulthood. By infusing genetic material into the child, the child grows into an adult in which can be controlled through the manipulation of DNA Signals whereby hijacking the Bio-Neurological System. Guardian teams assist in these matters by cleansing out the genetic material of these patterns in order to free these individuals from Zeta Hive Mind Control.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Zeta Alien Surveillance, Abduction and Breeding / Zeta Seal

LISA RENEE on “Those Who Are Controlled by the Yahweh System Will Be Agitated and Activated to Play Out Mind-Controlled Biblical Dramas”

“The Paliadorian eternal light beings created the entire original blueprint and instruction set for all of the 12 human tribes, which when all combined together, comprises the human Tribal Shield records in all of the planetary evolutionary rounds. The Tribal Shield is the entire morphogenetic field comprising all the variations of specific frequency arrangement for all of the 12 Tribes of the Human DNA template. During this cycle through the rise of the Paliadorians, this is activating the human Tribal Shield to become freed of the blood covenants and Alien Hybridization coding imposed upon angelic humans. The restoration of the human Tribal Shield generates the conduit between our current incarnation and simultaneous stations of identity that exist in other timelines, activating an internal interdimensional portal or Inner Stargate System. As a result of the Paliadorian Activation and Aquaferion recoding, the Tribal Shield and the coded DNA information is removing alien hybrid genetic codes, AI codes and an assortment of Blood Covenants used as Consciousness Traps. The Paliadorian Activation contains all of these specific frequencies, DNA Fire Letters and coding that are required for lightbody assembly, in order to access the Transharmonic time cycles of creation, the God worlds, where the trinity wave of unified god consciousness has never separated into a bi-wave form, which further descended into the AI worlds. Thus, the Vertical Channel and Staff configuration in our head, crown, heart and solar star is shifting alignment to receive more step-down frequencies of the Cosmic Heart Mother Blue Ray through the Aquaferion Host network, through which we may experience intense to surreal Lightbody upgrades. Thus, we have entered a cycle in which the mechanical properties of matter are shifting into new Mesomorphic States, through a cascade of transitions involving new phases, as solids become less dense, more fluid and even liquefied. From deep within the Crystal Core of the planetary body, new instruction sets are being transmitted from the Planetary Staff into the earth’s crystalline grid, which is in a process of releasing a tremendous amount of crystalline current and non-polarized current throughout the Planetary Grid Network. With the planetary initiation brought on by the reclamation of Solar Gates by the Paliadorians, these plasmic frequencies are rapidly elevating frequency patterns and restructuring our cellular body, consciousness and life direction. As this intense initiation occurs, it brings the karmic imprints that form into the pain body and shadow selves to rapidly burst out onto the surface reality, so these frequency patterns can be released so the new frequency sets being transmitted can embody. As we become aware of the releases of karmic imprints or shadow energies, we can intend to transmute those energies through the Solar Logos, seeing the Christ consciousness as a Sun image, merging the combined shadow energies with the Solar light, to bring them into synchronization with the highest possible harmony and outcome. Recent Paliadorian Activations have comprised Guardian Yeshua’s 8D Rod and Staff holder configurations being transmitted into the Metagalactic Core, which has had major impacts to support the correction of Metatronic distortions and the extraction of Metatronic Bodies produced in demon seed ratios. Many genetic Clones of the original Yeshua J12 that were produced as imposters from Demon Seed Ratios have been identified, collected and have begun to be transited out into the Arc Zone, reclaiming the organic consciousness parts to be restored to proper Krist coding. The Metatronic constructs expand into many complex layers of alien technologies that have been used to clone holograms of the Avatar families, that serve in the lower dimensions as the Krystal Guardian Christos leadership. This event appears to support another level of revealing the authentic identities versus the artificially generated False Identities, that were created by the NAA to confuse and derail the Christos Mission. This Galactic activation holds an assortment of liquid rainbow plasma frequency sets and new elemental patterns and geometric blueprints to override Metatronic Reversal coding. In many cases, for the first time Guardians have been able to access pre-fall and pre-invasion templates of the planetary schematics in multiple harmonic universes, for correcting the architecture in this present timeline. This has also included massive shifts in the architecture in the Galactic Plane, as well as sweeping changes in the eighth and ninth dimensional layers in the Metagalactic Core of the Milky Way system. All of the spectrums of dimensional frequencies throughout the Universal Time Matrix have begun to weave together from within a Guardian hosted portal system. This works like an aperture lens that has been opening into the Metagalactic Core in order to combine, synthesize and integrate the new elemental consciousness and their geometric patterns in order to form into the highest dimensional layers of spinning Metagalactic Merkaba Fields. The current theme during the Paliadorian Activations is the clearing of the Yahweh Matrix and its Blood Covenant bindings out of the Human 12 Tribes genetic records, with the transmissions and support of the Blue Feathers of Aquaferion. This also may result in levels of Spiritual Warfare instigated from the Yahweh system entities to regain control or access to your Lightbody or block the systematic purge of Black Cube Matrix and layers of the Yahweh architecture and its AI Signal from being extracted out of your lightbody. As a result of dismantling this Blood Covenant network, those who are controlled by the Yahweh system will be agitated and activated to play out these mind controlled Biblical dramas.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Annunaki”


Source: Ascension Glossary – 


From Ancient scriptures these are a race of extraterrestrials from a planet called Nibiru; they are being depicted as gods or deities in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. From our energetic work we can see them as part of the Negative Alien forces that have manipulated the human race for the last thousands of years and are still working on their negative agendas for human enslavement through Mind Control. They have their main control center in the UK and are controlling many Planetary Grid Networks on earth including the NRG. The Annunaki are a Root Race that formed from the Sirian constellation evolution cycles and are a result of the Reptilian hybridization with the Sirians, as such, Sirians have a genetic history and Karmic relationship to the Anu and many feel a responsibility to heal the Annunaki manipulation and False King of Tyranny control over the earth.

Annunaki are majorly involved with the Dracs (Orion Group) in the cooperative control over earthly affairs, and their respective groups have made agreements on their jurisdiction and the demographic areas of where they exert control over the earth grid system. Jehovian Annunaki are responsible for promoting and transmitting fundamental religious mind control through Armageddon Software, and use SRA methods to reinforce religious violence, Patriarchal Domination and Misogyny throughout the human masses.

Belial Suns

Annunaki Human Hybrids including the Nephilim. Originally from Sirian, Pleiadian Constellation then became wanderers. Have 9-10-11 DNA strands. This created planetary DNA mutations, and wars over genetics. Control hub is in the UK. Agenda – enslave humans. Are Luciferian forces.

Sumerian Invasion

When the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion began, this event unplugged human DNA and scrambled the Fire Letters and the geometric codes in the planetary Morphogenetic Fields which blocked Higher Sensory Perception and thus, blocked multidimensional perception of other Timelines and extradimensional races. The Stargate Takeover in Egypt form the Luciferian Rebellion allowed the Annunaki and NAA groups to erase the collective human race memory in the Astral Plane and Soul Matrix layers, of which they created the False Ascension Matrix as an enslavement for repeated human reincarnation for recycling souls. For those with their genetic preference or under Mind Control to serve the NAA on earth, they gave the real Atlantian Cataclysm history and the ability to have Higher Sensory Perception. They gradually infiltrated the ruling monarch classes and bloodlines and collected life force through SRA methods to give to those to remain in Controller power with the NAA program to continue to enslave the asleep, amnesiac humans.

Negative Aliens

Negative Aliens – These are beings that have lost their connection to god source and are utilizing human and other beings as their food source to live thousands of years. They do not have emotions as humans have but are highly intelligent as they are working on mind principles. These beings have been manipulating human world through Mind Control for thousands and thousands of years for their own purposes. These are inter-dimensional and extra dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelics in ancient history and they use many manipulation methods to manipulate human race. See Dark Force Manipulation Methods


NRG is the Nephilim Reversal Grids.The headquarter hub in Stonehenge area acts as a final collection point by directing huge amounts of power through massive amounts of collected (stolen) life force from multiple subsidiaries all over the planetary globe and the planetary grid lines….Known subsidiary networks exist at every Planetary Gates or Stargate, Michael Mary Reversal in Calgary, The Cathar Grid lines (S. France), False Dragon/Snake Networks in Asia. All are collected and returned to UK for distribution off planet to the Orion Group and Annunaki contingents.

Fallen Angelics

Created by the Fallen Angelics to counteract and destroy the Christiac Human Guardian Race for control and domination of this Time Vector in this Universal Time Matrix.

Forced Breeding Programs

During the Eieyani Essenes Massacre the female high council members and females that had higher DNA codes were taken to Nibiru by Thoth and Annunaki for forced breeding. This was the time Thoth broke the emerald covenant agreement with the Guardians and stole one of the cd plates; he translated the cd plate and wrote the well known (distorted) emerald tablet.

See Also

Breeding Programs

False King of Tyranny

Archontic Deception Behavior




LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Timelines Shift”





Dear Ascending Family,

We are nearing a time of more visible and tangible changes for the planet and for the collective consciousness of humanity.  For those of us who are able to participate consciously in this process, these changes are very encouraging, even as the workload feels like it is increasing. For those who are not able to consciously participate, they will be participating none-the-less.  As planet Earth shifts her station of identity and moves into her soul embodiment, all those who keep their bodies will make this transition with her.  We may soon witness a collective Dark Night of the Soul, as humanity unknowingly moves onto a higher frequency platform, causing all that has been unseen, unhealed, and unintegrated to bubble to the surface.  As chaotic as this may appear in the outer scape, the pressures being applied are essentially supportive. In this newsletter we will delve deeper into the mechanics of this unfolding process, in order to better understand how we might best participate with these changes at both micro and macro levels.

There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world. This has shifted the way the original human race blueprint relays its intelligent information into the collective consciousness fields of earth. When the collective fields shift in this way, it means there has been a frequency shift in the collective agreement that impacts the overall consciousness evolution on the planet, therefore, the Timelines Shift.

As current Timelines Shift, this also shifts the coordinate location and energetic contents of the past and future timelines existing on the earth plane, all at the same time. There are powerful infusions of plasmic light and new time codes that are filtering onto the earth, as we pass through the Silver Gate. An intersection point exists between two circuit paths, the path of the Sun and Galactic Equator, which opens a gateway in-between the Taurus and Gemini constellations. As the Sun transits through Gemini, the transmission of its zodiac principle greatly influences the earth body, and therefore influences the behavior in the collective consciousness of humanity. Currently, the pressures are high to synthesize the pairs of opposite that exist in the world of forces, to evolve beyond the lower density black substance that has been buried in the collective consciousness fields of the earth. A lot of that black substance has been manifested into timelines from embedded alien architecture, which imitate the Mother’s creation principle, and is what the dark entities tend to hijack. The building up of pressure in between these opposing forces and groups is reaching its peak, which is bifurcating or splitting apart timelines. This is greatly amplified in the collective fields, especially during the Summer Solstice through mid-July, as planetary Timelines Shift.

The new timelines are to transcend the previous histories of alien hybridization and the destructive victimizer programming that has been installed in the lower collective consciousness. These new timelines are similar to an airplane runway that is designed to help bridge the current reality of the earth (that is the result of the accumulated energies of the past destructive histories with NAA), to connect with the higher reality potentials of the divine human on the future earth. We are on the runway that leads to our higher reality potentials in the future timeline now. Not everyone is on the same timeline. Try to remember this fact to help bring greater comfort, when experiencing intense, sudden and spontaneous life altering changes that are more likely to occur during this time.

Corrections are being made to the current collective human DNA imprint that is reconnecting new future memories, therefore, new timelines into the various planetary regions and within the crystal caverns. These areas hold the histories of the seedings on the earth, along with the entire genetic record and the history with the planetary 12 Tribes. The planet’s lower dimensional frequency bands and their energy vortices are rolling up and dissolving into the Grail points, which changes the species memory records. As Timelines Shift, it changes previous trigger events recorded throughout history, and thus, has a chain reaction that changes future memories in the ancestral and genetic code of the planetary tribal identities. The planetary architecture is transmitting the ancient history of humanities true origins from the Ancient Builder Races, as the original instruction set is transmitted from the awakening Albion body. Our species memory goes much further back before the seedings of the planetary tribal identities. This informs the collective consciousness field and other nonhuman species, that humanity did not come from the Annunaki or other off planet races, or those races that were involved in genetically modifying and cloning the human genome in the past. The Albion and Cathar body hold the Holy Father and Holy Mother Principles in the earth. As these bodies gradually unify, they are releasing more original coding into the collective consciousness fields, which contain the true identity of the Ancient Builder Races or the Guardian Host. This event directly changes many of the histories and timelines that are recorded upon the earth.

Immortal vs Eternal Being

As the Albion body awakens, the genetic code of the human body’s history throughout the timelines reveals alien hybridization and DNA unplugging, as a temporary earth experiment required to rehabilitate or transit immortal regressive entities at the end of the Ascension cycle. This dark history spun out the false timelines and AI programs, and the phantom matrix areas that are the result of the accumulated species memories of the regressive races. The NAA races downloaded their predator mind into the 3D earth in order to take over the collective consciousness (Global Brain), and then gradually take over human bodies that have eternal coding imprints. During the Ascension Cycle, we had the window of opportunity to track the AI infiltration in the groups of immortal regressive entities, to its point of origination and causal event in the timelines. Most all of these regressive entities in the NAA are at some point in their timelines, AI infected and assimilated. This reverse engineering planetary grid project had to take place on the 3D earth plane, in order for this corruption to be inoculated and finally eradicated in the future timelines, and to stop this infection from fully spreading in the Universal Time Grid. The genetic experiment attempted to genetically bond with over twenty immortal extraterrestrial races DNA code (Alien Implants), with the original eternal human DNA code. Observation to track the genetic experiment reveals how the war over timelines has impacted multiple species, to choose as a collective race to be immortal, rather than choose the path of evolution to become eternal.

We are remembering how to return to living in our true form as an authentic human, as an ancient, eternal and infinite God source being. Our eternal source Diamond Sun body, ultimately overrides all hybridized extraterrestrial (or other species) DNA code, when it is resurrected during the Ascension Cycle.  To resurrect our divine and eternal source body, we must obey the natural laws of the Universe, the Law of One. The override of alien implants and their genetic modification that created the regressive hybrids, as well as damaged the time cycles, has begun. This rehabilitation is made available through the return of the Mother Arc principle, the blue plasma pulsing into the earth from the Aqualine Sun.

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

The pinnacle of the Ascension cycle marks the end of the 3D collective timelines on the earth. As the planet is moving into higher frequencies that are located in a future time-space, it is shifting the planetary consciousness into a future dimensional octave. This skips the entire planetary consciousness field, therefore the collective human consciousness, into future timelines that resonate with much higher dimensional frequencies. Many of us on the ascension timeline have already transcended these lower dimensional timelines. What is important to discern is that this is a planetary event that is impacting everyone on the earth and beyond.

At the end of 2017, the planetary body is shifting into the higher frequency band that is located in the next Harmonic Universe. This event will change the planetary coordinates, planetary timelines, thus changing where the planet is actually located in Universal space-time.  The collective consciousness in the planet has been shifting through dimensional frequency bands quite regularly, during the Ascension Cycle. However, what portends this will be a major collective consciousness shift, is that the planet is rolling up the lowest three frequency bands, 1D, 2D and 3D, into the higher frequency bands in the next Harmonic Universe. This means that the lower three dimensional frequency bands will cease to exist in the planet. All that will remain is the frequency accumulation that the collective inhabitants generate in their own consciousness, which are the energies that form from their own mental beliefs, behaviors and actions. The people that remain in the 3rd dimensional consciousness after this shift will find themselves increasingly uncomfortable, extremely pressurized and unhappy. Thus, many will feel the squeezing pressure to transform rapidly through the alchemical theme of polarity synthesis, which helps to bring completion to these old karmic patterns from the past, if we are willing to let them go. This purging process will add or subtract the required blueprint patterns that we may need to meet these new coordinates in the earth grid, and to help clear out the unstable or dark force influence in our lives.  We are being purged deeply and the remaining content is processed into higher light and consciousness, to be stabilized and synthesized into the body, in order to improve energetic coherence and spiritual strength. Our responsibility now is to practice unconditional love to all that we see, and to see everything and everyone around us as connected to the unified whole. At the same time, we make clear intentions of where we place our consent, in higher authority. This loving intention and compassionate practice will keep our heart open and aligned to the source field, and will make the transition much more comfortable.

The deep reconfiguration that is transpiring within the planet’s holographic geography is effecting the operation of Stargates, Power Vortices, Ley Lines, and Ray force transmissions. As a result, this trickles down into the collective consciousness of the human race, directly impacting the consciousness functions of the human lightbody, spiritual identity and timelines. The macrocosm architecture is undergoing a radical shift, and this in turn manifests a chain reaction that profoundly alters the configuration of the human energy field and lightbody. Events that profoundly alter our energy field, produce radical changes in our life style and relationships.

Timelines for Transcendence

These recent transmissions have set up new future time vectors that impact locations and coordinates recorded throughout time, and thus, it shifts the individual and group consciousness timelines. Some of the group consciousness timelines undergoing radical shifts are connected to the planetary tribal affiliations, refugee races, and the Fallen Melchizedek infiltrations in the Hibiru and Essene tribe hosting history. The Fallen Melchizedeks were being run by Luciferian Imposter Spirits through the victimizer archetypes, used to control others through the False King of Tyranny belief systems.  Some of these tribes or races have to make amends with the earth people, as a result of their participation, which resulted in the genocide and blood sacrifice of earth groups, and subjecting them to the servitude of Fallen Angelics.

We are being transported through timelines, as the opportunity is given to us to transcend our limitations by seeing our unhealed issues that keep us tethered to the lower energies in the 3D timelines. As we are being pushed rapidly through old timelines, it can feel that we are being pummeled with the dark energies of past obstacles, but it is important to recognize why this is happening, and to not give up. Many of these dark obstacles are held in place by Fallen Angelics. We have to face them and see their painful emotional theme, in order to ask of our heart what we may have bargained away, in an effort to not see the larger truth. If we can get to that deeper theme of truth, we will see the causation and dissolve the energy, which then ceases to be an obstacle. Now we can reach higher points of transcendence, elevating us to rise above these dark obstacles that previously manifested as blockages in our highest expression and purpose. In order to access the resources available to help transcend old timelines in limiting situations, we must be willing to put forth the effort and time to heal ourselves, see the core of the truth in the matter, and forgive the past patterns in order to release them.  As we reaffirm our spiritual connection and dedication to practicing unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness, we are able to transcend many of the obstacles and miasma that accumulated between lifetimes, directing healing and transcendent energy to other identities, while healing aspects that may be trapped in other timelines.  

Dissolving Lower Dimensional Layers

The process of dissolving the lower-dimensional energy layers within the consciousness field and transmuting their particle content into the next dimensional band of frequency, is a part of the mechanics of Ascension. As the planetary body or human body evolves through these multiple levels of bands of frequency, the energetic layers within the aura progressively undergo transmutation of form. Once a personal energy field has accreted most of the frequency bands from the dimensions that compose one Harmonic Universe, the energy layers that correspond to these lower dimensions begin to dissolve. The particles contained within the dissolving auric layers open into the auric layers of the next highest dimensions, which are in the next Harmonic Universe up. These are the Ascension dynamics by which humanity and consciousness progressively evolve, from one dimensional span of experience to the next. The frequency activations are a natural part of the light accretion and consciousness evolution process, and occur as the pulsation rate of particles in the lower dimensions speeds up into the rhythms of the next dimensional frequency bands.

Some of us have noted for many years now our lower energy centers were shifting, and chakra membranes were dissolving. The main energy centers are still present, yet are newly circuited to run vital forces throughout the body’s entire system of glands, organs and meridians more effectively. The chakra cones eventually become absorbed into the higher consciousness aspects of the body and reconfigured within the auric energies completely. This same transmutation process has become visible in the outer fields as it’s occurring in the planetary body, as these lower energy centers are dissolving in the collective fields. The planetary body is transmuting its 3D form in order to prepare for the upcoming alignment in the next time cycle.

Transmutation of the 3D forms

This amplifies all of the energetic polarities on the globe, so for some this shift amplifies the inner darkness, while for many others, it greatly amplifies the inner light and spiritual support. This changes the atmospheric layer of the planet’s magnetic field, as well as the magnetic tone resonance that emanates from the inner core of our planet. This changes the magnetic resonances that are related to the collective consciousness thoughtforms and archetypes that are held in the global brain. This also means the core foundation of the principles of matter are also being altered and changed now, which can radically shift our experiences and memories in matter, altering memories as they were recorded in time and space. Things that we have known or have remembered as our memories from the past, may start to alter themselves and feel differently, as if they were another emotional experience entirely. As we shift into the new timelines, we also shift the focus of our consciousness, which directly impacts our identity evolution throughout all timelines. This may shift the alignment or embodiment process we undergo with our higher spiritual identity. It is possible for earth inhabitants to reconnect with the stage of consciousness development that is connected to one of their spiritual identities in future time. At each stage of consciousness evolution, depending on the pieces that have been reconnected, they may identify with their soul identity, monadic identity, or avatar Christ identity, which allows the eternal self to fully govern the body on the earth with divine will. When we intend to evolve into the infinite and eternal self as our true identity, we become harmonized and aligned with the ascending GSF timelines of the Cosmic Sovereign Law.

Preparing for 2017

Many of us have been preparing for the planetary alignment into the next Harmonic Universe at the end of 2017, which has required many planetary gridworkers to clear out multiple timelines, devices and implant structures that are recorded in the collective consciousness fields, either from the accumulated past miasmatic energies, or that were created with artificial intelligence. This five-year window is very important in meeting the mission upgrade deadline, for the planetary anchoring into the new collective consciousness timelines at the end of 2017. In order to meet this deadline, the planet is required to have an increase in the base threshold of frequency that is held within the consciousness of the people that make up the collective consciousness agreements on the planet.

At the end of 2017, the planet undergoes a precise measurement of the quantum field, which directly impacts the future evolution timelines for all of the inhabitants when they move through the Consciousness Corridor. Effectively, the earth body will be anchored into new time and space vectors in the future dimension, that is located within the 5D frequency band timelines. This shift in location will directly impact the collective consciousness agreement, although many of the population will be unaware consciously, that this major shift has occurred.

During the bifurcation cycle, the planetary body has gradually undergone subatomic shifting in the lower fields of the particle structure, which forces collapse in lower dimensions and rolls them up, as the entities are transited out and the leftover energies merge with the next octave of higher harmonic frequencies. As a result, the point in time and space where the planetary body is located, and the time continuum in which we exist as a collective consciousness, is being moved into the next harmonic universe. Therefore, the collective consciousness will be subjected to the laws governing the energetic fields in that new space-time.

Those of us on the ascending path have already made this consciousness shift beforehand, while we are coexisting on the planet with many people that are still maintaining the lower energies that descend with the third dimensional timelines. So the split in the timelines and frequency schism are existing in parallel to each other, yet each person that represents either the upward or downward momentum of the energetic spiral, is actually located at a different point in the timeline. Their station of identity is located at a different point in the time space continuum.

The collective fields of planet are scheduled to move into the soul timelines of the fourth, fifth and six dimensional fields of the next Harmonic Universe. For people on the earth that have not yet evolved to the point where they have dissolved their chakra membranes, the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensional wave spectrum will gradually replace, and become connected into the lower energy centers where the first, second and third chakra previously existed. The position of the Soul matrix will fully embody in the core of the human body, eliminating the barriers between the solar plexus and heart. Many of us don’t have the lower chakra configurations anymore, while we are existing on the earth plane. This planetary event changes the chakra energy center configuration in the earth and in individual people, based upon their spiritual integration and unique genetic arrangement.

Collapsing 3D Timelines

In the creational structure of Harmonic Universes there are two timelines per dimensional frequency band. As the planet is moving into the next scale of the higher harmonic structure, the six timelines that existed within the lower three dimensions, are rolling up into the next harmonic, so they cease to exist in the same frequency band. This poses a variety of new consciousness experiences for people on earth that will impact memories, other identity lifetimes, and other historical recordings that were made to the past or future timelines.

As many different people on the earth are existing at different levels on the scale of spiritual evolution, where their base frequency stabilizes in their lightbody, determines their timeline and future spiritual direction, whether they are consciously involved in that decision or not. People who are not yet on the ascension path, but are in spiritual agreement with the collective consciousness shift, if they stay incarnated on the earth, the move into the next harmonic universe will deepen their soul bond within their physical body, therefore, placing them on their soul timeline. This will be true for the majority of the current collective consciousness field. However, the metamorphosis that occurs at the earliest soul initiation to open the heart, when there is unresolved pain recorded there, can be very confusing for people that do not have emotional healing tools or spiritual ascension context. This will thrust many earth inhabitants into experiencing the Dark Night of the Soul, and the planetary landscape in the earlier stages of this shift, may feel quite chaotic and dark. As many people will be unexpectedly plunged into communing with the higher frequencies, in order to purify themselves of painful lower vibrations.

For those people that are already soul integrated, the new foundation to draw upon, will allow much easier access into higher monadic frequencies, making it much easier to accomplish. The move will deepen the monadic bond within their physical body, therefore placing them on their monadic identity timeline. At the time of full monadic body integration, the chakra membranes dissolve, and the lightbody structure begins to change into an orb body that accretes the source field or plasma waves.

When we energetically evolve and move up in dimensional frequency bands, we are exposed to more dimensional octaves, therefore more potential timelines. However, in the range of polarities that may exist as potential consciousness experiences, there is only one timeline that is the highest expression of our spiritual identity and that manifests the fulfillment of our heroic probability. Within the future timelines are stations of identity, commonly called soul, monad, and Christos self.  These spiritual identities comprise lightbody parts or whole spiritual bodies of our forgotten future selves. These are spiritual energetic bodies that hold our consciousness intelligence matrices, our mind matrices and that make up our spiritual identity.  We are designed to reclaim these spiritual-energetic pieces during the Ascension cycle. This is why those on the spiritual ascension path continually experience their energetic healing by meeting the cellular memories that surface for compassionate witnessing, at different stages of evolution in the multiple timelines.

As we move through the series of timelines in each dimensional octave, we reclaim our spiritual identity, while recoding and changing the artificial or false reality from interfering with our continued consciousness expansion. We connect with our lost aspects to merge with these timelines, which allow us to reclaim and re-collect our spiritual bodies, clear negative forms, clones, and artificial intelligence. As we clear false identities and inorganic architecture from suppressing and impairing our consciousness, we are extracting the alien enslavement programming and clearing implants, in order to embody our true inner Christos spirit.

Collective Consciousness Processing

Many Starseeds and Indigos are experiencing collective consciousness processing or planetary miasma clearing more than usual, because most of the collective consciousness on earth has been stuck on the lower dimensional timelines. These areas must shift in order to meet the planetary alignment at the end of 2017. As many of us are aware, these areas that make up the 3D lower dimensional wave spectrum direct the primary frequencies of mind control and alien implants, into the collective unconsciousness fields. This intersects with the future timelines, potentially corrupting them. These alien distortions are being plucked out of the field, and this extraction can abruptly change the timelines probable future direction. We still have many human beings that are reliant on false alien architecture that create false ego identities. This mind control architecture has compromised their lower energy centers, making it hard for these groups to raise their internal vibration.

Those groups of people that have been implanted with ET Agendas, that have been working to corrupt these future timelines, are undergoing review by Emerald Guardians. Certain rehabilitation and hosting agreements for these refugee races, who still refuse to cooperate to undergo shifting in 2017, are currently being terminated. Entities that have been hitchhiking on the backs of Starseed and Indigo people, are systematically getting called upon for review of actions and consequences. This results in the removal of hosting agreements with a variety of off planet races, which manifests into abrupt terminations of working collaborations that were made between human and nonhuman groups. This apparently is required to help raise the overall frequency of the collective consciousness grids, and to help the groups of Star people that have a high internal frequency, but have been saddled with energetic burdens of hosting regressive rehabilitation in the lower earth fields. The way the Starseed and Indigo groups help to rehabilitate corrupt coding on the earth grid, is shifting. It appears many of these off planet ET groups will undergo transiting, to force them to abandon the time continuum they had been promoting here, moving them out of this system entirely.  These timelines are fallen and dissolving, which is necessary due to the damage they manifest to the overall consciousness system.  This is upsetting to these off planet groups, because when their timeline is lost, their genetic code is lost. However, eventually since these groups have been involved in biological hacking, that timeline has nowhere to evolve and they are assimilated with AI in the future. They lose their bodies, in the way that they have been formed from hybridizing with the DNA of cloned humans, which is what they used to create their temporary forms in order to hold up their timeline of existence. Without a form body, to move around in the space-time, they become totally dependent on the mercy of the Guardian Host to find them new bodies to inhabit.

As we are being shifted into a different time space continuum, as we move into that relative balance of a higher expression of frequency, of light and plasma, we have the meeting point of the polarities existing within that field of energy. Some of the polarities we must meet are in the forms of alien architecture or ET groups. When that new frequency light meets in that dimensional band where that timeline is located, we must clear the obstacles or dark energies, including entities that have existed there. Some of these entities are attached to us, feel they own or can claim us, for whatever reasons. Thus, a tremendous amount of effort to heal the collective consciousness distortions in the 3D timelines that are corrupted by alien architecture, has been heightened over these past months. As the collective consciousness timelines are moving into the fifth dimensional soul timelines, it has required many gridworkers to help clean up the five and ten base coding used to power up the Satanic architecture and Dark Mother on the planet. This coding is used to reverse electrons, such as Metatronic code, Reversal 55 coding, and writing reversal code in the black magic grids. Metatronic coding uses five and ten based math that is used to manipulate black magic grids, which is where these dark entities and extraterrestrials have gathered much of their energetic power. These black substance fields are used by human and nonhuman black magicians to conjure subtle energetic forces and direct dark forces like curses, hexes, entities and negativity towards people. When this kind of negativity is being directed to a human, it is because they want to steal something of value from our consciousness body, usually it is a body part, life force or sampling of our DNA.

As we move into the higher dimensional fields on the planet, we all know the standard plan of psychic attack from the negative hierarchical forces and imposter spirit forces. There’s a lot of smash and grab, thuggery and mafia like behavior happening with these hierarchies on the grid, at this time, on their way out. They are losing control over key people that they had on their payroll. Thus, their ability to control is waning in the overall planetary consciousness architecture, so they focus on hijacking weak and traumatized individuals to carry out destructive events, like blood sacrifice killings. As we are undergoing that shift into that next platform, it requires witnessing and clearing a certain level of fifth dimensional code distortion that was existing in reversal networks. The reversal networks act as the dark link made between the 3D timelines carrying over corruption into the next Harmonic Universe timelines.

Reversal Networks

A Reversal Network is collecting life force from the collective fields of all earth inhabitants, and creating more black force and miasm in the planet by sending energetic currents into reversal patterns on the planetary grid network. We can refer to that reversal pattern as an anti-life pattern, which also means the anti-Christ pattern. When collective life force is moving in the reversal patterns, it creates blockages that disconnect that person from the organic supply of eternal energy that is accessed within their own spiritual body. Instead, that life force energy is being collected and harvested for certain preferred groups on the earth, generally for those who keep the reversal networks running for the NAA. As an example, the NRG grid is a harvesting station of global life force that exists in the center of the United Kingdom. As the Albion body awakens, it starts to disrupt the function of this specific reversal network and it gradually collapses sections of its operational structure. Additionally, there are many Black Heart Reversal Networks scattered in the main cities, generally the bigger cities on the planet throughout the earth. Black Heart Reversal Networks feed into other types of alien architecture designed to oppress the collective consciousness, such as holding planetary crucifixion implants in a geometry pattern called the Rosy Cross. Reversal Networks are held on the planetary grid by bi-wave geometry systems, that run on the low frequency energies that are generated in the masses.

In our planet today, we have levels of geometric architecture that are based on bi-wave geometry, that have been installed in the planetary brain to create static nets and reversal fields. The artificial intelligence architecture collects energy, harvests it, and sends it to off-planet sources, or to their preferred people here on planet Earth that are carrying out their control agenda. So those energies are collected and basically given, with preference, to humans or nonhumans that serve the control and enslavement agenda. As Reversal Networks are gradually taken offline, the feedline of the parasitized energy throughout the food chain stops, essentially starving them by denying them access to the collective human power source. Although this is very positive for the planet and the collective human consciousness, it escalates the forces of chaos in the field from desperate entities.

Clearing Personal Timelines

Although time does not exist and is a construct located within the layers of dimensional bands of frequency that make up the Universal Time Matrix, our accumulated memories are recorded in our mental bodies, and that content functions in space as timelines. Therefore, our accumulated consciousness memories are holographic light images that appear in the dimensional frequency band our identity is located in, and are recalled in a linear sequence like watching a movie. The constructs of timelines throughout our stream of consciousness, are organized in these holographic images that record memories. The images of our memories will be unique to the way we each experience them, relative to our feelings, sensations and perceptions of that moment in time. Thus, timelines are extremely relative to understanding that the causal events recorded in our memories, can either trigger expansion or contraction of our consciousness bodies, which can alter or change the timeline we are on.

The earth has a problem with dark entities implanting false memories in people’s timelines, in order to exert control over the person’s belief systems, and to emotionally manipulate that person. We call this phenomena of implanting false memories and false images, a holographic insert. These inserts can be cleared easily from ones consciousness record, when they are identified and understood as falsified records.

We move through the series of timelines in each dimensional octave to reclaim our consciousness identity, while recoding and changing the painful, obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth. If we do not clear the past issues recorded as memories in our timeline, we will repeat the same patterns until we learn the spiritual lesson, or clear the trauma of the original causal event. Everything repeats itself in the person’s timeline until the spirit of the person resolves the energetic conflict, issue or trauma that is recorded in their consciousness memories. We must communicate and work with our higher spiritual consciousness in order to achieve clearing of personal timelines. This is not a skill of the ego, but a function of the higher spiritual selves. When we clear and thus change the past timeline memory, while in the present moment, we change the current timeline that we have been traveling. This allows for the creation of a new timeline and an improved future direction to travel upon, for the consciousness life stream. When we clear the past memories, we move outside of the accumulation of a past trauma timeline, and this changes the person’s future timeline in the present moment, in order to align to a much higher reality of spiritual expression.

A timeline is a linear sequence through which, all consciousness activity has been accumulated into potentials for probable realities and future expressions. On this planet, when we’re dealing with the construct of timelines, we are dealing with the horizontal mental fields that control what we experience as time moving forward, and that give the illusion of moving from point A to point B.  For each person and each group body, there are a series of recorded trigger events, which build up in the linear timeline of multiple consciousness experiences in space. These all conjoin to formulate into the probable outcomes or realities that can exist in a person’s timeline. If we recognize a trigger event in our personal timeline, such as a personal trauma that impacted us negatively, we can go back to that trigger event in time, with the intent to clear out and heal the event and the trauma. This clearing simultaneously changes the present and future timeline into a more positive reality outcome. This is similar to understanding that we have the power to edit our own memories in our personal holographic movie.

To understand the clearing of personal timelines, think of the accumulated emotional experiences that our consciousness has recorded throughout our spiritual blueprint body that translates into our current expression of identity and life experience. All of the accumulated memories that are made up from the consciousness experiences that we have had in space, are then organized into linear sequences of time, and these make up the sum total of our personal timeline and personal identity. What we experience in current time, is the result of all of our accumulated memories throughout space, and that gives form to everything that we are experiencing in this moment.

Although all consciousness memories from all identities are already recorded throughout the Universal timelines in our personal blueprint, when we are in the present moment of awareness, we can change any event or trigger in the personal timelines, by erasing their negative impact upon our consciousness. This changes our blueprint by erasing the negative event in our memories. A negative impact is caused when we have been fractured from pain and soul damage, and we must find and reintegrate our spiritual body pieces that were scattered in that timeline, in order to heal. These spiritual pieces are found and reclaimed during emotional healing by applying unconditional love and forgiveness. In every moment of now, we have the power to change any of our memories recorded throughout time, from the past, present and future.  In order to erase the negative impacts, we have to see the truth of what actually caused the trigger event of pain, fear or trauma, and then see how this impacted our thoughts and behaviors in the present time.

When we can see the truth of what really happened (witnessing), then we can truly forgive the events. Through forgiveness of ourselves and others, we reclaim our fractured pieces, and then we can let go of the pain completely. With extreme trauma, it may take several applications of revisiting the trigger event in layers of the trauma, in order to heal a spiritual fracture that finally allows the shift in the personal timeline.  Sometimes, this may mean we cast our burden to God, to extract out the areas of the pain, blockage or attachment. When the extraction of layers of negativity occur, we open a new space in our energy field to be filled with our inner spiritual light, thus healing the areas which experienced the hurt and pain.

Throughout the personal timeline, there are different events that have happened in time that impacted our past, present and future versions of probable reality experience. Many of these events have triggered changes of direction in our life. Many times we will need to revisit the event where the pain, trauma and fear based emotions were created in our timeline that negatively impacted our future. Many times these will reveal themselves to be major events that are recorded in the collective consciousness timelines that have impacted the entire human race. Thus, all of humanity shares that same pain that you have experienced in the planet’s recorded memories.

Human beings are actually Time Travelers, and once we develop our meditation skills and mental focus, we can actually influence and shape time and collective consciousness.  We can return back into the timelines to clear out the destructive records or negative impacts of certain events and identities. We may transit entities that we may find are stuck at that particular position in time, along with the parts of ourselves that we have recollected to be reclaimed by the source light. When that negativity is removed, when that pain is erased from the past, it changes the future time and direction for that person or group. When many people in a group are clearing personal timelines, it impacts the collective consciousness timelines recorded in history.

Once we are clear and confident with that understanding, we have the inner knowing that as we dedicate ourselves to serve our highest consciousness, we are able to make influential changes for the highest good of all people. What is truly healing for ourselves, is truly healing for other people. They may not always see that yet, as many times we may be forced to see where darkness has hidden inside of us, in order to come into greater embodiments of light. As we commit to the spiritual path of unity, we are taught how to properly balance that growing energetic power within ourselves, so that we do not abuse that spiritual power. We are constantly being tested in our moral integrity, and then we are given more spiritual power. The power over others that shows itself in the form of manipulation, abuse and brute force on the earth, is not spiritual power. Once we go through processes of spiritual initiation, we are led to develop levels of self-mastery, and as the result, we earn certain morals and spiritual ethics, which become an integrated part of us. These virtues and ethical qualities become inseparable from the way we direct our energies throughout the timelines of our consciousness experience. Sometimes, we may get to a certain stage in which we need to learn a spiritual lesson, to develop a higher ethic, or to develop a higher skill-set of self-mastery, in order to continue growing on the path of shifting timelines.

Much of the context and terms found in this newsletter can be further explored in the Ascension Glossary pages, and in previous newsletters. These resources are freely accessed by the public from the website. (Please see ES newsletters: The Golden Gate 12-2014, Awakening Albion 5-2015, and Plasma 4-2016)

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker.

I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa




 – Time Shift Blog – July 2016

LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Hyperborean Albion Timeline”


The Albion is the androgynous human template created from the twelve spheres of the Tree of Life which, during the fall of humankind, became buried in the lower dimensional fields of the earth, waiting to be awakened. This elemental structure of the primordial human template is located in the earth body, and is made from the Original Cosmic Blueprint. This original blueprint records the divine plan for humanities ascension to the diamond sun body, and holds the celestial records of humankind’s evolution throughout the Solar System. The Awakening Albion occurs in progressive stages, and the recent constellation transmissions are intelligently designed to stimulate the higher mind activation throughout the Albion body in the earth. This gently accelerates the shift in the mental body of the earth to reflect the higher mind consciousness which is reflected in the sequential stages of Awakening Albion.Recent transmissions that have activated in the planetary body open to communicate with the Silver Gate, the intersection gateway located in-between the Taurus and Gemini constellations. The states of evolution are related to the Universal Laws of Alchemy, which are transmitted from the Galactic Zodiac constellations. These transmissions move through the Sun to earth, as we move through the annual ecliptic. The stages in the Galactic Zodiac represent moving human consciousness evolution through the process of Spiritual Ascension, the process of humanity undergoing the spiritualization of the matter world. As we expand consciousness, we are connected to the Albion body, which acts as the consciousness representative of the entire human species, healing and integrating the 12 Tribes. As we awaken to our spiritual nature and oneness, we are contributing to the collective Awakening of Albion.

The Krystic Avatars come to the earth through the Sirius B portal, and these Ancient Builder Races were the original engineers of many of the planetary grid networks, stone megaliths, dolmens, and many other geomantic structures found on the earth. Many of these geomantic structures exist in the parallel earth or in the higher realms of the future earth, such as 7D Gaia. We are in the process of descending many of these higher timelines, and the future architecture and instruction sets into the earth plane during this time. This is to activate previously dormant or inactive geomantic structures to be able to run and exchange living life current. and run the blue plasma fields. These are called chalice formations in the planetary grid. Chalice formations bring support to the earth and the local inhabitants, who can be replenished with this quality of blue plasma and vital life force.

The Templar

The planetary grid network is a living consciousness matrix that is encoded with the blueprint or original instruction set for the divine plan of humanities spiritual evolution. Much of our mission as Starseeds is to extract the alien machinery and fallen entities which obstruct, siphon or damage the energies in the planetary grid system. Deeply hidden in the organic matrix of our planet is the mirror image of the cosmic projection of our Galaxy of Stars, which is the multidimensional hologram of the Cosmos. When we are describing planetary grid work, we are describing the consciousness body (holographic geography) which is representing the map of the Galaxy on earth. When we consciously understand this interplay, we can help support consciousness evolution by dedicating ourselves as conduits to express the divine plan for planet earth. We currently refer to this level of participation or conduit, as a planetary gridworker. Over the ages the spiritual science of gridworking has also been referred to as the “Templar”. Templar defines a person who comprehends planetary architecture, and the math behind the geometries of earth consciousness that is built in the geomantic structures. Templars can sense how the spiritual-energy current moves in the earth and how to create or work with the geomantic structures to help increase or direct that energy for the greater good of the whole planet.

Hyperborean Albion

The Hyperboreans are the Root Races from 7th dimensional Earth known as Gaia. Hyperboreans are important, because this was the timeline of the original trauma of the “fall” that happened to the human race. This is where the split in time occurred and this is when the Moon was brought to the planet, as its companion satellite to manage the gravitational field. As a result, many of us on the earth will feel the pain of the separation created during the timeline of the fall from divinity, that marked the begininng of the dark age for humanity. The Hyperborean period on Gaia was humanities Golden Age. This level of monadic identity was fully connected and fully embodied in Christ Consciousness. When the electric wars happened to the Hyperboreans, they were split apart from their higher spiritual counterparts in Polaris. On the 7D Gaian body, which is the monadic body of the planet Earth, the Hyperboreans existed as a part of the history of seedings in the human root race cycles.  Currently that consciousness memory from the Hyperborean timelnes has an access point made in the earth timelines, in the northern part of our planet in the United Kingdom. When these timelines open and bleed through into this reality, they interfere with the reversal networks that are running in that ley line system.

With the latest transmission of Galactic Law, the planet is intersecting with the Hyperboreans timelines in the 7th dimension, which are the original histories of humanities fall from the Edenic state. The current Aeonic Pairs (hierogamic unions) are being taken out of the dimensional door of Transtime continuum (TTC) to experience the infinite space of God Worlds, in order to bring back that specific future timeline memory to this density of earth. The Albion body contains the collective memory record of the human experience in the 7D timelines on Gaia. The divine plan is to find and locate the pieces of the Albion body, which awaken the World Soul through the Galactic Zodiac and star transmissions. Ultimately, this integrates all the broken mirrors of consciousness back into the Albion body which then unites with the Cathar Body of Mother. This is the Alchemical Wedding of the masculine and feminine principle, which is the marriage of spirit and matter on the earth in this ascending timeline.

As we expand our consciousness, our spiritual mission is to facilitate the preparations for this sacred union of the Albion and Cathar bodies, as we bring our witness to the ceremony that takes place during the Alchemical Wedding. The Alchemical Wedding is also called Hieros Gamos or hierogamy.

The Albion body has consciousness centers that make up entire sections of his body which represent principles recorded in the earth to expand solar consciousness and beyond. When the Albion body is asleep, it exists in states of unconsciousness and generates darkness, understood as the dead light of the Luciferian consciousness. To Awaken Albion is also to rehabilitate the unconsciousness of the Luciferian forces (Fallen Angelics) on earth, to the self-realized higher consciousness of the Krystic Self in the Diamond Sun DNA that recognizes it is one with all things.

Albion Code and Cathar Code

The Albion is in the planetary body as a sphere and it is the exact replica of an original 12 strand DNA human, the first expression of a human being that is recorded within the planetary body. The Albion is comprised of the architecture of the Universal Law of Structure that manifests as the divine human body in the Universal Tree of Life. The Albion is within the core manifestation template of the human body, and the actual shape of that body is referred to as the Albion. The Albion is masculine in its principle, although it is genderless, it is a manifestation of the Law of Structure governed by the Cosmic Logos. The Albion exists as a cell in the body of the Solar Logos. Each of us exist as a cell in the planetary body. The planetary body is made in the image of the Albion, as it is connected to the 12 Strand DNA silicate matrix body. Each of the twelve spheres in the Tree of Life represents a part of the consciousness of the auric egg that makes up the Lightbody. The auric egg contains color waves within the spheres and these are known as the Cathar, which is the feminine principle. The Albion and the Cathar, represent the Holy Father and Holy Mother Principle united, as the Hieros Gamos, or the risen Christos-Sophia made manifest through the corrected or resurrected Albion.

The Cathar is the mother principle of the sound, tone, music, and colors that fill in the Albion spherical architecture. The Cathar is the Holy Mother’s body which is the color tonal wave spectrum, and the living life code of the breathing Holy Spirit. The Cathar is Mother’s creation code, as the Albion is Father’s creation code, and both have to interact and interconnect in sacred marriage to birth the Christos-Sophia. As they unite in hierogamic union, Mother’s sound tones and Holy Spirit can bring color waves into the base template of the Albion architecture. This sacred union generates new balanced creations throughout the matter worlds, as matter becomes spiritualized through the animating force of the Holy Spirit.








~via – Time Shift Blog – June 5, 2016


LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Negative Discarnates”


What are Negative Disincarnates or Negative Spirits?

All of what we can see with our eyes in the physical realm has a spiritual or energetic component, or type of consciousness, that exists in the same space or another dimension of time. All of what we cannot see wth our physical eyes reveals a vast system of interconnected spiritual energetic components that also co-exist with us in the material world. Spirits do not need to be incarnated into a human body or any kind of physical body, in order to co-exist with us right here in this realm. For most people, they exist outside the visible light spectrum, and we must develop our Higher Sensory Perception, or Soul feeling body, in order to perceive and feel their energy signature in the environment. During the Ascension Cycle, humanity is co-exisitng with many more different kinds of spirits that exist in the world of subtle forces. There are spirits that are benevolent, loving, and truthful and there are spirits that are harmful, hateful and deceptive. There are also many spirits that exist somewhere in between love and hate. It is important for us to know the difference, without judgment. We will need to recognize which frequency is love and which frequency is hate, as this is incredibly important to us on the ascending or awakening path.  Deceiving spirits will represent themselves as light and truth spirits when they are not. They are called Imposter Spirits for this reason. Imposters are Negative Spirits that seek to create delusions and deceptions in people’s unconscious mind in order to manipulate them to create more pain and misery, or to serve something that benefits themselves. Like a very selfish and uncaring person, negative spirits are also very selfish and do not care about the harm or destruction they help to create. Many of them became devoid of love and soul, from being the same kind of selfish person while they were alive on the earth. When they passed onto the spiritual realms, they were left disembodied with the same kind of mental or emotional conflicts they had on earth, and they may exist in servitude to more powerful Dark Forces.

There is nothing to fear about the spirit world, however, we must proceed into spiritual knowledge with love, respect, courage and humility. When we make the spiritual commitment to expand our consciousness and develop personal clarity, we will be exposed to many different kinds of spiritual forces. Most people that are being manipulated by Negative Spirits on the earth, actually do not believe they exist or do not understand their nature. Others do believe in them and are terrified of them. We must find the moderate path in understanding that Negative Spirits do exist, inside and outside of a body, not seeking them out, not fearing them, but acknowledging their nature of existence.  If we have staunch belief systems that refuse to budge from mental rigidity, our eyes will only see what we confirm through our bias and personal fears. If we are terrorized by the thought of spirits, they will be able to manipulate our fears and actions very easily. When we sense them, we can identify what they are, and this is critical knowledge in so to not become manipulated by them, unconsciously, through your own fears.

People that depart from the physical body without any semblance of developing heart based qualities, or do not have a Lightbody or have not made spiritual connections with their Soul, or they lived on earth with an extremely selfish, negative perspective of life, based only on the material realm, are generally, at death of their body, brought under the hierarchy of control of Negative Disincarnates, also called Imposter Spirits, or Fallen Angelics. Higher level negative energies control lower level negative energies, in the afterlife. This is a form of the Consciousness Traps that are set in the lifetime of that person to prepare them for servitude in the afterlife, as many disincarnates are not even aware that they are being controlled by dark forces, while living or when passed on. They are set up to be put in servitude to dark forces, when their spirit body fragments or vibrates to exist in the phantom realm.

There are hierarchies of Negative Disincarnates or Negative Spirits in phantom or hell realms that use their spiritual energies or their Consciousness to be directed for the sole purpose of feeding Satanic or Demonic energies and entities, many times with the explicit intention of gathering negative energies towards harming a person or harming humanity in general. Many times this harm is generated in order to claim that person at the death process. The extent of harm they are capable to direct to a person or humanity, is relative to their black force spiritual strength, the underworld or phantom dimensions from which they exist, and that life force which has been accumulated from the binding or killing of the weaker groups of entities or souls. Negative Spirits as it is their nature, will reveal themselves to behave in all ways that are parasitic, vampiric, manipulators and thieves, they deceive and steal in order to cord, attach and gain energy from their host or target. Their ability to parasitize and control the minds, emotions, soul or physical body of human beings is heavily dependent on whether their target is spiritually strong and developed, and how pure and energetically balanced their spiritual Lightbody has been built to communicate with the higher self and God forces. A strong, balanced and clear aura or neutral energy field, is the ultimate protection from these dark force attacks.

Interfering with Spiritual Practices

This is why as a Lightworker, Starseed or Indigo it is important to understand that the first place these Negative Spirits will attack or manipulate is to interfere with your personal spiritual practice and spiritual devotion. They will try to interfere with all means of direct spiritual communication with ones higher self. Satanic spirits are capable to reverse connections in the neurology to brain receivers to accept pain, abuse and distortion as familiar and acceptable energies. These dark forces will do anything they can to thwart, deceive or stop the human from accessing any kind of spiritual practice which increases their personal light source, builds their Lightbody, teaches personal sovereignty, and opens direct communication with ones higher self, Avatar Christos self, and the eternal light of the God Forces. All gridworkers and those on the earth that represent and support the Christos-Sophia reclamation, support humanitarian issues and God Forces to help heal the earth and humanity, will be targeted by high level sorcery and Black Magicians in order to stop that person or groups spiritual mission. This is why in every case, we must never give up our spiritual practices, dedication to serve God STO, or defer our authority or will to any Negative SpiritsArchontic Deception Strategy or Black Magician. Pray, meditate and communicate with your Higher Self or God forces to help strengthen your spiritual power, as much as possible, until you are always in direct contact.

Lower Disincarnates that may also be considered ghost entities, or earthbound spirits that were humans from another timeline, are the most common spirit Attachments for most people, and they are usually generated from that persons ancestral line and ancestral history. Sometimes the ancestor spirit is under the control and servitude of Fallen Angelics or Black Magicians and is being forced to cause negativity into the lives of their descendants. Demons will use that person’s own ancestors to create harm, or that ancestor has digressed into a demonic state from his/her own negative choices that harmed many other people, living or passed on. The main reason a person, such as an ancestor has become a Negative Spirit or Demon is that their consciousness was made up of a primary negative quality and negative vibration at the time of their death from this world, thus, they were absorbed into the demonic stream of consciousness. For this and many other reasons, it is important to apply Spiritual Housekeeping and energetic clearing on behalf of your ancestors, as this issue of genetic pathcutting for our ancestors, the Mother and Father lineages, will show up repeatedly throughout the Ascension process and Expanding Consciousness.

Directing Harm and Negativity

How dark forces can impact a person, relates to that individuals development of spiritual strength and spiritual devotion in order to deflect and neutralize these kinds of psychic attacks, negative energies, curses or Negative Forms or repel the lower hierarchy of negative spirits that are sent to harass or weaken that person when they are targeted. The method of spiritual devotion and practice does not matter, what matters is that a person develop a true, genuine, loving connection with the Spirits of God. The primary way that Negative Spirits gather strong amounts of black force that they use to fuel their Black Magic that is directed to harm people, is through influencing Archontic Deception Behaviors of producing self hatred and self abuse, and then, with even more harmful methods of Blood SacrificeSatanic Ritual Abuse, which is the intended torture, binding, raping or killing of another life. They use forms of tortuous abuse to capture aspects of the soul into negative spiritual Attachments and bindings of servitude, for the purpose of gaining more black force strength in order to project or cast Black Magic to have control over others. Thus, it is true that Curses, hexes, symbols exist and are used very commonly on the earth. Black Magicians exist as living entities or disincarnates on other dimensional planes, they are human and non human, and they desire to exert complete control over others and ultimately, to completely enslave other realms of beings. These realms of which they attempt to enslave or bind through various means is not only human, it exists in every realm, such as in the elemental, animal, plant and the nature kingdoms of the earth.

Negative Disincarnates direct harm and negative energy to accomplish their goals through an dark hierarchy of power that is organized like the mafia. Because on earth, humans have been mind controlled to feel that they are crazy to believe in such things as Negative Spirits, and few people have developed their Higher Sensory Perception in order to perceive them, these dark entities go unnoticed and unchallenged. Consistent and dedicated spiritual practice is the only way to protect oneself from the many dark forces that exist in the spirit worlds.

Some of these dark hierarchies of Negative Spirits include the most common of disincarnated Ghosts, Demons or Fallen Angelics, Naga Serpents, Goblin or Golums, Shadow Creatures, Witch or Warlock, and Sorcerer types or Black MagicianBlack Magician or Sorcerer levels use shapeshifting and conjuring methods in order to form any kind of dark entity which is formed from the black force substance in order to harness subtle energy forces in the environment. These are the Dark Masters are the Black Gurus of the realm they inhabit, many are hard core terrorists that work diligently to spread fear, war, killing and hate in humanity. Essentially, they gather and steal energy and power from all living things in order to wield control through terrorism. These dark forces impact the general human population in vast amounts, especially now during the Ascension Cycle, as our ascending planet undergoes the war over consciousness that impacts all living things.

Black Magicians and Sorcerer types can shapeshift to take many forms depending on what their objective may be. Lower negative spirits tend to take generic forms that make up the collective mind of humanity, it is easier to steal a form that is believed in by many people, then to create a lesser known form or a totally new form. As an example, many astral Negative Spirits can easily project Jesus, Mary, Angels or other well known religious icons to the minds of people. Many of them are tricksters and their nature is to trick, deceive and manipulate in order to create harm or confusion, which pleases their dark masters.

Obsessions, Intense Desires and Cravings

Negative Disincarnates and the array of dark spirits in the environment are many times responsible for extremely amplified obsessions, dark depressions or addictive thoughts, that produce intense desires, cravings or addictions. These issues can also be sourced problems that are genetic weakness that are generated as physiological and psychological problems in nature, but these weakness will also be exploited in the energetic realms by Dark Forces. Intense desires, obsessions or addictions are energetic weaknesses that will make it easy for the dark force to gain control over their victim. When being harassed by Negative Spirits, that person will experience extreme levels of energetic density, heaviness, gloom and doom, depression, sadness, addictions, and this may lead to hearing voices and strange noises, smelling odd or unpleasant odors, and finally, schizophrenic symptoms and other mental disturbances.

The most common forms of manifesting obsessions into addictions, is with the intent to gain control over that persons, mind and body by amplifying the personal weakness that person has not resolved, healed or cleared. Once the Dark force has control over the persons mind and body, it gains access to the soul or spiritual forces. At this point binding, attachments, artifacts like satanic insignia are placed upon that person’s energy field and Possessions are made possible. Negative Spirits and Black Magicians operate in the black substance realms, also the lunar forces, and will attempt to shift a person that is holding light energy in their Lightbody, to be drained of their light source (sucking the Soul) and to become black force generators. A human becomes a black force generator when they are consumed inside by the black force, this is manifested as self-hatred, and many different negative emotional states.

As a result of Sexual Misery and Victim-Victimizer mind control programming, many people are harassed with an variety of addictions, such as commonly producing intense sexual desires, in order to pervert and steal their sexual energies while exploiting their emotions into feeling guilt and shame. Intense Sexual thoughts are commonly used to disrupt or interfere with the development of purity and dedication in spiritual practices, as lustful desires block the spiritual seekers path from gaining higher access levels to the God Force. Lower sexual energies must be channeled upwards or expressed in positive, creative and loving ways through the heart, if they remain stuck as addictions in the sacral center, they can be a source of negative spirit attachment and servitude. If a person is severely weakened in holding appropriate sexual boundaries, has low self respect, is not in control of their personal sexual energies, (such as a person that has been raped, abused or molested as a child), astral rape and manipulation of the sexual energies from Negative Spirits may continue into adulthood.

Soul Disconnection

Recognizing Deviant Behavior as Soul Disconnection : The more fragmented and damaged a person’s energetic body is operating (or not operating at all) the more distorted the thoughts and behaviors become. These deviations are manifested as Addictions, perversions and a wide array of damaging disorders that can be well observed in the individual as destructive to the self and destructive to others. When one is continually destructive to the self, or others, eventually the soul layers fragment and split. When a human being is soul split, they will exhibit tendencies that are called, schizophrenia, dissociative personality, sociopathy (Lack of Empathy), and an array of psychological distortions that lead to insanity. Insanity is a description of the existence of hell realms, and is how to easily recognize possession through satanic (anti-life) behaviors that are controlled by the possessing entity or thought-form possession. (The possessing entity can also be hijacking the negative alien body also.) The alien body’s hive mind is controlled by the Satanic “spirit” who is trolling for bodies to experience certain realities or to provide energy resources for Alien Machinery. Entities both human and non-human that possess others bodies are referred to as satanic or anti–life forces Imposter Spirit, as no other type of light being will choose to possess the body and control the free will of another being. A Christos (life force) being never will take over another’s body or attempt to control any person to propagate destructive acts. However, the Christos being is the only truth being that can deliver any entity from its satanic bondage back into the heart of the God Source creator, if it is so divinely orchestrated.
 – Time Shift Blog – June 2016

LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Fearing Spiritual Knowledge”


Humanity was largely conditioned to accept violent religion and forms of brainwashing by corrupted religious and governmental authorities to prepare human beings to submit to alien false gods and dark forces. Through the use of enforcing bullying, threats and intimidation over many generations, humans came to accept violence and blood sacrifice as directed by Gods will. Humanity also accepted stupefying levels of persecution, degradation, and discrimination through being shamed, humiliated and beaten down, to believe they are not worthy of receiving spiritual knowledge or truth, and required an appointed holy intermediary. This appointed intermediary is the controlled by the alien false father god, which hijacked the direct relationship to the creative forces and elemental spirits of the earth, as well as interfered with the inner spirit and evolution of the human being.

This is why most all spiritual knowledge on this earth is demonized as the work of Satan, and is filled with rumors and malicious gossip in order to further manipulate fear and confusion in the masses. As long as humans are being terrorized by the concept of gaining spiritual knowledge and truth, they will continue to flee in fear from accessing that knowledge. Knowledge is power and is why the NAA [Negative Alien Agenda] prevents knowledge from being made available to all people. All levels of accessing open source information, knowledge and education in the global population is under direct attack to keep it suppressed or under control on the planet. This is the NAA directing this from their top-down chain of command into their human Power Elite representatives. This is why we must make an effort to educate ourselves about the larger control agendas playing out on the earth at this time.

Satanic forces have spread aggressively on the earth through the Archontic Deception Strategy and through this, they have commandeered control over many of the earthly material structures. This has happened largely because this agenda to suppress knowledge of what is happening remains hidden through many deceptions and lies, and humans are unaware that they have been allowing it to happen. It is important to remember that Satanic and Luciferian forces and their hierarchies are nothing more than parasites. They need this creation to exist and they exalt themselves in their parasitism with their attempts to control and possess humanity and the earth. These Imposters inherently hate humans and desire to spread agony and misery, as they feed on human pain. As we free our mind from fear based mind control and stop giving our power away to alien gods, we must remember this important point as a part of developing our spiritual strength and inner purity. As spiritually mature humans, we have to rise from the invaders terrorist ideology of human persecution and fear, to come to know that we are divine humans connected to eternal truth and eternal light through the God self within.

Humanity holds the power of that truth spirit of God inside each of us. Each person must claim this truth and never let it go or give it up to anything or anyone. The truth spirit has the power to liberate these Fallen Angelics, earthly forces, and Imposter forces from their bondage to the prison wardens, the Satanist and Luciferian forces. 

The earthly elements and their symbols have been demonized and abused as a part of the persecution of human beings, to live in terror of retribution from their false Alien Gods, who will torment them for accessing spiritual knowledge. This is a tactic to keep human beings terrorized to prevent them from accessing spiritual knowledge about their own spiritual bodies, which prevents people from expanding their consciousness and evolving. Well-meaning people start spouting judgments designed to self-enforce ignorance such as; this symbol is dark, this element is corrupt, this content is satanic, this person is evil. Many people have not the foggiest clue what they are actually speaking about and may be repeating something they heard without researching the facts. Some dark force has fed it into their ego mind to repeat verbatim, which is the alien religion script for mind control and keeping people in the cycle of dark ignorance.  The dark forces want to create as many martyrs and victims on the earth as possible. It’s the mind slide that tells a human “you are not worthy to access this spiritual knowledge, you peon, so stay away from that spiritual information, you must submit to my tyranny of ignorance and authority without questioning.”

We must dispel these grave inaccuracies and dispel the dark ignorance of fear that is spread by well meaning, yet spiritually uninformed or fear based egoic people. One will never assess wisdom and clarity with accuracy, until they are free of fear and fully committed to their spiritual truth, while allowing others at the same time to live in their spiritual truth. Spiritual Truth is ultimately fearless and harmless. One can always speak the truth without repercussion or harm, to a person who is really living in the truth.

Since late 2012, the human body is more vulnerable to being used as a potential dark portal, as the person becomes consubstantial to the collective human forces of negative ego, represented by the Satanic or dark forces of those hierarchies. Additionally, this is exacerbated from alterations in the magnetic and gravitational fields of the earth, which result in dissolution of certain dimensional membranes. Essentially, what used to be several separated fish tanks have consolidated into one vast fish tank, where all the contents are now shared and swimming together freely. This has both positive impacts and negative impacts to those unprepared to deal with the new varieties of subtle forces entering into their personal reality from the earth realms.

If a person fixates on certain qualities of the houses of ego and they succumb to the obsessions that feed into those negative forces, they are easily possessed by that primary thought form. Later on, the negative thought form may progress to the level of possession, specific to the fallen angelic or the spiritual hierarchy it represents. These are the main qualities of the Negative Ego that are used for dark portal possession by these Fallen Angelic and Dark Force Hierarchies:

  • Anger/Wrath
  • Pride/Entitlement
  • Envy/Jealousy/Covet
  • Liar/Corrupt
  • Greed/Avarice
  • Lust/Addiction
  • Gluttony/Waste
  • Laziness/Discouragement

Avoid playing out these negative emotions and behaviors, do whatever you can to clear and cure yourself of indulging in obsessing in any of these spiritually abusive behaviors. Fallen Angelics are a part of the Imposter Spirits that comprise these collective forces into its energetic theme. They may have been either human or non-human, can comprise those separated from their souls, or discarnate spirits which have never inhabited a human body. Demons may be regarded as material corporeal beings, as they are lower spirit beings, which are not inspirited by the breath of God, and cannot exist in the higher celestial realms. Humans and nonhumans can conjure these earthly spirits and then become possessed by them and their material or negative nature, especially if they are not mentally clear, emotionally balanced or coherent.  If these dark forces are not evicted or corrected for their access to manipulate your body, mind and consciousness, they eventually bring confusion, agony and misery to the human being.

Humans that have not developed strong impulse control and have not cleared negative ego automatic thoughts are at higher risk for being used as a dark portal, when they go unconscious. This can be remedied through consistent meditation, prayer and self-inquiry to remain in present time as the conscious observer or witness to events. As extensions of the Cosmic Christ spiritual hierarchy, we hope to emphasize clearly the vulnerabilities and weakness that exist in adults and children so we can help to inform others, when we are asked for help.

How do dark forces and fallen entities attach to or infiltrate the human body as a dark portal?

  • First, when we are reckless and careless with our body and indulge in the Houses of Ego (especially fear, guilt and shame) or engage with negative emotional theatrics continually, go unconscious and automatic reactions without disciplined self-awareness, we are a Stage One Risk.
  • Second, when we are in automaton states with obsessive mental looping, paranoia, angry or violent, hypnogogic, trance states (without 12D shielding), addicted to having cellphone or technology on our body and near our head 24/7, disrupting our electromagnetic field, we are a Stage Two Risk.
  • Third, when we indulge in addictive states, either with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gluttony, hospitalizations, or take any psychoactive or psychotropic drugs that change brain function, we are a Stage Three Risk.
  • Fourth, when we indulge in promiscuous sexual activity, have sexual addiction, sexual shame, play seduction games, and use regular forms of pornography, sex clubs, and prostitutes or engage in group sex, we are a Stage Four Risk.
  • Fifth, is the class of deviance and sexual perversion, which is completely controlled through possessing entities. Behaviors such as pedophilia, sadism, bizarre sexual fetishes, or any kind of agressive violence, where pleasure and pain receptors are reversed in the Soul Matrix. A person with reversed pleasure centers (receives pleasure from inflicting pain or violent actions) is under the control of satanic forces.

It is important to comprehend the stronger and more coherent one’s auric field and the more self-awareness that you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks to negative energy. The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body, and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness.

For purposes relating to taking back control over one’s own mind, body and spiritual consciousness, from those humans and negative forces who have abused the Law of Structure on this planetary body, we are discussing the foundation of the Law of One to be of Service to Others, and it’s critical importance for increasing spiritual strength and energetic protection in chaotic fields.

What we hold as our intention in our personal thoughts, is what we hold as our Consent towards that thought-form and its vibrational quality and force, as well as the energetic consequence of the thought-form substance we have created which impacts the self and others. What we think is what we create through our Intent, Consent and Structure. If we learn to reframe our thoughts to Service to Others and devote ourselves to developing Law of One behaviors and actions in our life, we will become aligned to the authority of Christ Consciousness, which will protect us from dark force infiltration. The Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. Thus, one who practices this understanding of the Law of One acts and makes decisions based upon his or her awareness that every action has a consequence to the self and to others. Furthermore, one who exemplifies the Law of One understands that when one person suffers, all people suffer (whether they realize it or not). As the One Self-God Self, to be in “Compassion in Action” towards others is then to be in harmony and right relationship to Self, which is the ultimate spiritual strength as one holds peace with all things.

The Basic principles of Service to Others include:

• Individuals perceive the connection of love in all things and give unconditional love and compassion towards others,

• Individuals are dedicated to their spiritual Consciousness growth and to help others with their spiritual development,

• Individuals are dedicated to transforming Negative Ego thoughts through developing GSF Behavior modeling,

• Individuals share information and knowledge with others as open source in unified cooperation,

• Individuals have a complete lack of concern for satisfying their materialistic ego needs or satisfying drives of the houses of ego,

• Individuals acknowledge that every person is a spiritual being on their own personal path of spiritual growth and discovery,

• Individuals are committed to experiencing a shared positive reality of World Humanism with others on the Earth.

It is very clear to most of us that we are a part of something humongous happening on planet Earth. The Ascension impacts everyone and has personal implications that hold different meanings that are very intimate to each person. Connecting with your Soul, connecting with God Source is very personal. As a part of the human race we all know what it means to suffer horribly in pain and feel completely alone in the darkness. As we endure this Ascension Cycle, remember, it is about Kindness Above All. Honor where you are at in your growth process, take the time that you need, and allow yourself the space to heal and find the kindness for yourself. As you strengthen your core and can expand your sphere of influence, then practice random acts of kindness towards others. One second of criticism, sarcasm, belittling, or hateful words can mar and scar a child or any person for life. One second of kindness can elevate that child or person to accomplish greatness that allows them to find and connect with their soul. The Soul is Kind and Loving. God is Kind and Loving.


LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Transforming Dark Mother”


At this time, many Starseeds and Indigos are undergoing a tremendous amount of Ancestral Clearing in the genetic records of their family line, soul or higher spiritual families, that have destructive causal events in the Galactic records that manifested as the Dark Mother on the earth. Intergalactic plasma transmissions and astrological configurations in the Galactic Zodiac have begun to open these records in a window of opportunity for higher consciousness review,  to be able to clear out and heal certain destructive events from continuing to impact the historical timelines. Primarily, this acts as the reconciliation of blood covenants or clearing of satanic artifacts that people have been marked with, such as family curses, those who have been claimed by satanic forces on and off planet, during the time of Ascension. Many of these satanic artifacts, sigils or reversal codes were placed in the blood records to exert claim upon certain family lines, bloodlines, family names, and all descendants of those people who had been marked by these artifacts. Many family lines were marked for claiming by satanic forces, during the timeline that was the result of the destruction of the feminine principle on the earth. We have just completed a cycle of Holy Days for Satanic worshipers, which adds to the recent intensity of the black magic forces we have been fielding during the end of April leading to the final Beltaine ritual on May 1st.

One such important ancient timeline on the earth where this marking of the bloodlines occurred, was during the end of the reign of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut in Egypt. This area has been highly problematic as these conflicts have surfaced for those that have the spiritual connection to help heal the events of Hatshepsut, that still mark the satanic control of her Stargate today.  Many family lines have been hijacked or usurped by satanic forces at some point in their ancestral record, without the comprehension that this hijack of the group soul’s energy has taken place. Satanic ritual abuse is rampant on the earth, but most people are not aware of how common these practices are used to maintain power and control over materialism, the astral plane and other people. There are fragments or aspects of satanic forces that are being transited or moved out from continuing to manipulate these destructive timelines in order to exert claims of control over family lines. Satanic forces draw energy from extremely destructive causal events that are sourced from the galactic histories or galactic timelines, but these histories have been hidden from the people of the earth. Specifically, this event is described as when the Sophianic or Mother principle was utterly destroyed from manifesting organically in the material realm, and she was replaced by an Imposter Spirit. These satanic forces have stolen and raped the female principle and have cloaked themselves as the Dark Mother consciousness. The Dark Mother is another way to describe the Fallen Goddess consciousness on the earth, that perpetuates the enslaved consciousness of the abused female archetype. This manifests as misogyny and hatred generated towards the feminine principle and this is a mind control program spread to influence the collective consciousness in the planetary holographic architecture. Both men and women are gravely impacted and suffer from the influence of self-hatred generated towards the inner female. The Dark Mother is the alchemical force, the faux Azoth, that is generated to give power to the manifestation of the False King of Tyranny control structures on the earth.  These forces are collected to manifest power for the black magic grids that feed the satanic and moon chain hierarchies, and the many Power Elite who use these black magic grids to control the resources of the earth. This is the drawing source of the Satanic forces that currently distort and even reverse, the female principle energy inside men and women on the planet today. In advanced Satanic control of a person, these black forces reverse the inner female principle, and as a result, the neurological responses in the autonomic nervous system are reversed to receive pleasure when that person is in pain and suffering, or to receive pleasure from purposely generating pain and suffering in others. When observing a person with this personality defect, it is clear that they are under satanic possession.

During the destruction of Tiamat the planet, the Sophianic body was split into many Negative Forms of itself to which these forms were captured and used by the lower material forces of Satanism and Luciferianism. Her fallen body parts were used to impregnate her with grotesque creations, such as the Archon parasites, and lower satanic hierarchies that are in servitude and control of the higher dark spirits, such as the NAA [Negative Alien Agenda]. The black substance anomalies were made as a part of her fragmented consciousness and lunar forces but to which she had no control over their use, direction or evolution. When these splits in her consciousness body occurred, she fragmented into the earth elemental matter and lost her Christos Diamond Sun body. Hence, her aspect was fallen and trapped in matter, disconnected from her true form, sacred union, and direct relationship with the God Source. It is for this reason, the Christos principle repeatedly returns to the earth to help to reclaim Sophia’s body parts which when made whole again, will allow her to return to the Godhead. The healed Sophianic principle manifests in the microcosm as the higher evolution of consciousness for the human race and this also directly impacts the macrocosm, rippling all the way out to the Universal consciousness fields. Together, when Christos-Sophia are reunited, this manifests as the integrated and whole hierogamic union of Krystal consciousness, which is the Holy Mother and Holy Father Universal principle restored in matter.

Hence, we are being required to reconcile ancestral timelines in the Galactic planes that relate to the fallen aspects of Sophianic consciousness, or our true female principle, in so that we can recollect and integrate many of our identities and spiritual pieces form these timelines of destruction. This may feel like a very difficult and chaotic time, however, we are given an opportunity to heal massively large aspects of ourselves that relate to clearing the dead or black energy records of the Satanic forces that pretended to be our Mother. We have the greater ability to see the satanic force masking itself in the way it has reflected itself through all of our relationships with the feminine principle, and this can appear in our personal life in all female related roles and archetypes. We will be reviewing, observing and interacting with all the female roles, such as mother, sister, girlfriend, wife, etc.

All human beings that are incarnated into this earth as babies being born have the consciousness memories of their ancestors recorded in the cells of their body. In the cycles of seven years, the ancestral trauma of the past is brought through the offspring and repeated with each seven year cycle throughout the human being’s lifetime, until the trauma pattern is resolved, cleared and healed permanently. The Soul acts as the repository of accumulated memories from the physical or external experiences that are translated into the internal energetic reality of the consciousness of the being. These many lifetimes of experiences are recorded into the soul body which translates into memories that are embedded into the cellular matrix of our body. These memories are passed through the future generations into the offspring which will hold these accumulated records of memories in their body. When these accumulated memories include trauma, dysfunction, addiction and abusive relationships, these memories store aberrant emotions and belief systems generated from that original and subsequent related trauma. The energetic result is a range of potential negative effects on the consciousness of the person if this trauma remains uncleared. These negative effects include subconscious trauma behaviors that shape belief systems into Three Layers of Ego, Miasma, Dead Energy, Negative Forms, and Spirit Attachments that connect Ancestral Spirits and/or Fallen Angelics.

On the path of Kundalini awakening or Spiritual Ascension, the first stages for spiritual healing and ongoing will include emotional and mental body clearing of these accumulated Soul memories that are recorded from both the patriarchal and matriarchal lineages of the persons Family of Origin. When we are observing trauma events and behaviors from past Timelines that we carry from our Parents and Ancestors, we can choose to heal these patterns through unconditional love and forgiveness. The Ascension Cycle will take us through many stages of emotional clearing in order to heal these cellular memories in our body and remove the blockages and negative effects they create. The process of active conscious participation with this emotional, mental and spiritual clearing at any phase is called Genetic Pathcutting.

Once a Starseed or Indigo has reached a certain threshold of personal Soul body and Monad body healing of the Ancestral Spirits and Families of Origin recorded in their genetic lines and DNA, they can progress to larger bodies of clearing. This group is able to clear cellular memories recorded in the planetary body, solar body, galactic body and ultimately the Universal body. This is why this Starseed group is referred to as Genetic Pathcutters, they will be the first groups that are clearing off planet records, such as Galactic timelines, as they are doing now.

A Genetic Pathcutter is an incarnated soul with a specific contract to work with various levels of clearing and releasing old cellular patterns held in the human DNA and, consequently, the planetary grids. One must be in a human body to do this particular work for the greater good of the planet, and the collective human consciousness, which is incredibly important at this time of Ascension. There are many levels to this contract and it is unique to each soul’s energetic signature and family of origin. However, there is one level of patterning that many lightworkers are aggressively working with at this time. This is within the levels of planetary microbial balance that is particular to the ancestral distortions that manifested as viral, bacterial, yeast and heavy metal toxicity patterns. These disease patterns are from the result of the energetic imbalances and dead energy created during the destructive Galactic history timelines, and these disease patterns are recorded in the cells of the human biology. These are the collective consciousness race miasmas embedded in our genetic history, that effect all humans.