LISA RENEE on “Entities and Possessions Will Tell You Anything to Make You Forget They Are There Sucking on Your Energy Field — and Direct the Person to Something External to Keep Them Fixated Away from the Source of the Problem — Which Is the Entity Attachment Itself.”

“Since late 2012, the human body is much more vulnerable to being used as a potential Dark Portal of invasion by outer Dark Forces. While others are undergoing forms of spiritual Spiritual Possession as the individual becomes Consubstantial to the collective unconsciousness forces that make up the predator mind. Possession and Entity attachment make us feel miserable, it’s an Energy Parasite sucking off your body and doing everything it can to manipulate you so it can stay there feasting away at your expense. And the traumatized person that is being spiritually tortured by these entities, is unable to discern who is who and what is what. They become a mind controlled puppet that is chained to this dark entity’s whims, through the incredible pain and devastation they feel from whatever happened to them in the past. During the times the human is in-between states of consciousness is when the spiritual-energetic bodies of that person are in some kind of transitional state between dimensions. These moments of energetic transition are windows where the aura is more easily attached to or infiltrated. Pay special attention and amplify the use your 12D shield, command personal space. This can be remedied through the intention to connect with the inner spirit and loving heart through consistent Meditation, Prayer and self-inquiry to remain in the present time as the conscious observer or compassionate witness to outer events. It is important to comprehend the stronger your auric field and the more awareness you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks. The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness. 3D Humans that have not developed strong Impulse Control and have not cleared negative ego automatic thoughts are at higher risk for being used as a dark portal, especially when they go unconscious and allow anger, rage and hostility to be expressed as violent impulses reverberating throughout their mind and body. This negative ego distortion is used to hijack unaware human beings into further states of mental body fragmentation. The Satanic entity gains access to a human body in this way, by intentionally using the hole in the aura created from the deep, painful trauma event. This is called a Dark Portal, which is a person whose aura has severe holes in it, so severe it disconnected the layers between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Disconnection between these layers of the consciousness bodies is also called fragmentation. When a person is fragmented their consciousness body is effectively in pieces, and these holes allow dark forces to easily pop in and out of the body. This is a Partial Possession, when an entity cannot sustain itself entirely in its host, but comes in and out when the person is being emotionally triggered into destructive emotions or behaviors. They are so confused and disconnected from reality, they cannot discern what is accurate and what is deception, especially because in the astral plane where this happens is all Mirrors of Delusion. In partial possession, one will experience a person ‘grow a head’ all of the sudden, where the personality changes and they blurt out something emotionally charged or hostile, so that the offending parasite can latch on and get access to the person’s consciousness body and carry out its machinations for a variety of reasons. One reason is to get the dark portal person to attack and intimidate any other person that reveals information to the public about the NAA, SRA, Pedophilia or the multidimensional nature of reality. When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul. If we persist in needing to use control or manipulation methods in our daily life, we will experience the Cause and Effect Backlash, or the karmic return of mental bondage to the old destructive patterns of egoic behavior. This is confusing for many people on the earth receiving the Cause and Effect backlash now, because they are being returned to the energy that they have repeatedly created with their false identity, in the planetary field. The more a person has deliberately deceived others, the more energies of self-deception and confusion they will face in the external. The methods that used to work very well for them in the material world, when they were rewarded with lots of money or power, are not working for them anymore in the new timeline. They do not realize the Laws in this reality are changing to be based on the forces of love, therefore the beliefs, behaviors and actions must become more transparent and honest to accommodate this change. The backlash of receiving negative energy that a person has sent out into the field is happening with greater intensity and quicker timing. Dark Entities jump on that negative energy as its generated and amplify it into the collective fields, as large as they can. This intensifies the impact of the negative energy, which can be seen as the manifested forces of chaos, confusion and insanity, as it is being returned to its causality in the collective field. From the collective field, those people resonating with those negative forces become individual conduits or vessels of chaotic expression. Because they do not know what to do with the incredible amount of negativity building up inside of them, they are confused, lost and acting out in self-destructive ways. During the vulnerability of experiencing deep emotional pain, the imposter entity points a finger at another and whispers in their ear, ‘Your pain is that person’s fault’. The standard dark manipulation mind control is something like ‘That person over there is the source of evil and all the tortuous pain you have endured at their hands. Go take them down, they are evil incarnate’. Entities and possessions will tell you anything to make you forget they are there sucking on your energy field, and direct the person to something external in order to keep them fixated away from the source of the problem, which is the Entity Attachment itself.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Dark Force Manipulation Methods / Dark Portal / Dark Portal Bodies

QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Is It Possible that We Are Not Always in Agreement or Contract to Experience Suffering or Struggle?”


“Is it possible that we are not always in agreement or contract to that which we experience as suffering or struggle?”


“That is a complex and deep question. In my experience, the answer is yes. There were many of us from star nations that came to incarnate into human biology to bring resurrection codes and to host a species into it’s higher evolution. It’s no secret there are energies not in alignment to giving that higher knowledge freely to the human race and so there are those of us here that endeavor to hold that energetic space and ascending code to be made available for others. As more people awaken, more people have the possibility of understanding their liberation in terms of being liberated from Suffering and Fear on this planet. It’s possible that when we have struggle, many of us have not been trained in Psychic Self Defense and there are resistance energies or targeting energies that will create obstacles in that person’s spiritual growth. Personally, I have witnessed the superimposition of karmic burdens on the back of human beings that is done purposely because the extradimensional being/entity doing so, feels it is elite and superior. When this happens it is done through deception and trickery in the astral planes, such as through complex technology and alien implants. When a being is being Deceived, Implanted, Controlled and used to work in Servitude for another, and it is repeatedly used with the Karmic loads that the ‘higher’ dimensional being controls, this does not appear to be consensual, but a blatant abuse of Natural Laws. The natural laws (Organic light source) are which that allow and protect the right of each being to contact its own direct inner Creator energies. This does not happen freely on the earth.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE on “Archontic Deception Strategies to Orchestrate Complete Mind Control Enslavement of Humanity for the Colonization of Planet Earth as Their Conquered Territory and Slave Farm”

“The Negative Alien Agenda [NAA] is to force the planet to serve another multiple species Controller agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as Holographic Inserts, AI and Mind Control, namely created under genetic reptilian-insectoid Archon extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under human domain. Much of the NAA is veiled behind the shadow levels of the ET and human military industrial complex, the primarily takeover access is the naval forces and in the underground bases on the earth. It appears the earth was invaded several times by hostile Negative Aliens with a major shift occurring 26,000 years ago during the Luciferian Rebellion, Atlantian Cataclysm and leading to the latest events in the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. Upon the invasion of the planet that transpired in stages since the Luciferian Rebellion, the Negative Alien Agenda NAA was formed by the intruders to prepare the inhabitants of the planet to worship False Alien Gods, such as Yahweh and Jehovah. Both of these are collectives that feed into Negative Aliens group of Archons that feed on the planetary fields through those humans that pray, give offerings, and worship these alien entities through the creation of their Violent Religions. These are sophisticated Mind Control matrices that run the religious software programs through False White Light webbing that is designed to capture the human soul in Consciousness Traps. These are called Eye of Yahweh and Eye of Jehovah, they operate as refraction lenses that bend light into artificial holograms and synthetic timelines. To enforce their Patriarchal domination in human culture, some False Father archetypes were hand selected by the NAA and showcased as Patriarchal Prophets for their violent religions. Through brainwashing methods employing militarization strategy with technological Mind Control, the predator mind and their religions were downloaded into the planetary mind. When the planetary mind was invaded, the collective race mind of humanity was forever changed. Over generations of religious programming, the truth of the NAA invasion was forgotten through the consistent consciousness wiping and recycling of the collective Soul body of the earth. This allowed the NAA ideology of killing, warring, persecuting and torturing humans to run rampant on earth, and for humans to believe they are bound to a variety of insane ‘religious’ rituals. Repeated rituals are emphasized in orthodox religion to mind control people into strict dogmatic beliefs mixed with an obsessive level of anxiety. Mind control implants are used to activate anxiety in the person if the ritual, prayer or offering is not prepared to exact specifications. This is a form of indoctrination into their symbolism and religious interpretation. One may notice that in the religious zealot implant, or in Satanic Ritual, the person’s fear and anxiety feeds the vampiric entity. The entity then stimulates the binding to religious or ritual addiction to continue to generate energy from them. When a human mind is dogmatic, obsessive and ritualistic, it shuts down and loses access to free and open thinking. Jehovian Grids runs off parallel Earth and operates on D 7-9-11 reverse current, creating a reverse spin to the planet. It can send subsonic pulses to precise targets and be used as a weapon, as can the Falcon and Phoenix. The Dove Grid has, additionally, seven Crucifixion Implants or Jehovian seals which are huge pylon selenite rods seeded into the Earth’s grids at selected points down the East coast of America, corresponding to seven of the twelve stargate seals (which open the stargates during ascension). These crucifixion implants are referred to as hyperdimensional cones, which are standing wave conical scalar wave clusters, manifesting in the rods. Jehovian Grids use ‘trumpet’ pulse technology and connects Earth via these hyperdimensional rods to the Phantom Matrix. This was not fully operational until the creation of the Phoenix Grid wormhole in 10,500 BC. The effects of these pylons is to create ‘cracks’ and rip tears in the time wall between Earth and Phantom, producing seven siphoning channels, and can be used as ultra low-frequency transmitters. This can transmit whole objects, people, etc. through a hyperdimensional field to the Phantom matrix. The ARMAGEDDON software programs, such as War, Pestilence and Cataclysm fears, or many other fear programs which can be interchanged as they are similar bio-warfare Mind Control programs used on the earth to suppress human consciousness. This is a Psycho-Spiritual Warfare strategy used against humanity by the Negative Aliens through their False Gods and False Father Satanic religions to use SRA to repeatedly kill and torture humans through war. The Armageddon Software is the companion Mind Control system which is activated through the Crucifixion Implants as a Holographic Insert in the planetary body and human body. The Jehovian Grids and the Jehovah religions are used to power up these NAA Violent Religions to increase fear, terror and wars over of God. When these False Alien Gods waged their Luciferian Rebellion and subsequent invasion strategies of conquering planet Earth, these self-anointed Gods got to work on devising the various Alien Hybridization programs filled with genetic experimentation, Social Engineering and religious mind control methods to generate consciousness slaves on Earth. The primary life designer for the Belial Group, Sa’am-Enki began the first of many genetic experiments for cloning and hybridization breeding programs from the large elongated skulls of his future Sirian Annunaki progeny of Nephilim with red hair, to the earlier seeding of Neanderthals, which are remnants of his previous Enki life designs for seeding Anti-Christ species. The main purpose to seed Anti-Christ species on the planet is to design them to be the natural enemies of the already existing indigenous population, namely the Essene Christos races, in which they would constantly be manipulated to instigate war and genocidal hatred in order to finally destroy all remnants of Diamond Sun DNA existing within the Earth population. Sa’am‘s mission was to create a massive antichrist army, Enki’s Army, in order to colonize the planet Earth with hybridized Belial Sun Sirian Annunaki genetics which was originally set into motion at the behest of his prime creator, his reptilian father. Father Dragon Anu presents as the ancient patriarch of what eventually became the major factions of Sirian Annunaki Belial Suns that encompass the current Thothian Luciferian gestalt consciousness, and his cloned offspring Sa’am-Enki and Enlil. Collectively referred to as the TEE entities, they first formed into the unholy alliance of reptile-insectoid spiritually fractured criminal minds, digressing into psychopathic terrorists running their human slavery enterprises in the solar system where they elevated themselves as the most important key figures behind organized religion as the False Alien Gods. The Belial group collective entity run by the cruel warring patriarch and misogynist Father Anu packaged himself as Yahweh, while another cloned brother Enlil was masquerading as Jehovah, and together the duo demanded they be worshipped by earthlings under penalty of fire and brimstone. These agendas are still in effect today and impact all human and earthly life as a enforced enslavement on a Prison Planet, being harvested for a variety of resources to send back to off planet Controllers, such as harvesting the energetic quanta of the human life force and earthly minerals. The Black Suns consider earth their territory and believe that surface earth people are criminal prisoners, which extends to them the right to abduct humans for an assortment of working slave colonies. These are the underground and off planet bases like Ceres, coming to light as whistleblowers remember their experiences as Milabs and being recruited into the Secret Space Programs, that are both involved in galactic Human Trafficking. The system of debt based currency used as the current global monetary system was originally brought to the earth by the Alpha Draconis Orion Group. These entities have organized themselves on the earth in what is called the Black Sun Agenda. Some of these Black Sun factions decided to use the earth as a Prison Planet for trapping and containing all undesirables, including those entities that were not compliant to their authoritarian militarized rule were straight out criminals and degenerate perverts. Thus, the earth and the Solar System became known in the Black Sun Orion Group as the prison colony, as they would not let anyone out of the earth’s reincarnation cycles via technological frequency fences and soul harvesting structures. The Draco Reptilians of the Orion Group view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and believe that earth humans have descended from their biological seeding processes, from multiple planets they have conquered. Therefore they believe humans, as well as the earth, are their personal property and have instituted the global slavery system via the indoctrination of debt-based currency. One should be aware that on many other planets, monetary systems do not exist, and all inhabitants born onto the planet are considered free citizens with equal rights to flourish in the global society that is organized by that planet’s system of government. A planetary system ruled by debt currency in which one has to pay for their basic shelter, food and healthcare from birth is considered a Prison Planet. Thus, they ushered in the ongoing archontic deception strategies intending to orchestrate the complete Mind Control enslavement of humanity, along with the well thought out plan for the colonization of planet Earth as their conquered territory and slave farm.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Prison Planet / Jehovah

LISA RENEE on “Those Who Are Controlled by the Yahweh System Will Be Agitated and Activated to Play Out Mind-Controlled Biblical Dramas”

“The Paliadorian eternal light beings created the entire original blueprint and instruction set for all of the 12 human tribes, which when all combined together, comprises the human Tribal Shield records in all of the planetary evolutionary rounds. The Tribal Shield is the entire morphogenetic field comprising all the variations of specific frequency arrangement for all of the 12 Tribes of the Human DNA template. During this cycle through the rise of the Paliadorians, this is activating the human Tribal Shield to become freed of the blood covenants and Alien Hybridization coding imposed upon angelic humans. The restoration of the human Tribal Shield generates the conduit between our current incarnation and simultaneous stations of identity that exist in other timelines, activating an internal interdimensional portal or Inner Stargate System. As a result of the Paliadorian Activation and Aquaferion recoding, the Tribal Shield and the coded DNA information is removing alien hybrid genetic codes, AI codes and an assortment of Blood Covenants used as Consciousness Traps. The Paliadorian Activation contains all of these specific frequencies, DNA Fire Letters and coding that are required for lightbody assembly, in order to access the Transharmonic time cycles of creation, the God worlds, where the trinity wave of unified god consciousness has never separated into a bi-wave form, which further descended into the AI worlds. Thus, the Vertical Channel and Staff configuration in our head, crown, heart and solar star is shifting alignment to receive more step-down frequencies of the Cosmic Heart Mother Blue Ray through the Aquaferion Host network, through which we may experience intense to surreal Lightbody upgrades. Thus, we have entered a cycle in which the mechanical properties of matter are shifting into new Mesomorphic States, through a cascade of transitions involving new phases, as solids become less dense, more fluid and even liquefied. From deep within the Crystal Core of the planetary body, new instruction sets are being transmitted from the Planetary Staff into the earth’s crystalline grid, which is in a process of releasing a tremendous amount of crystalline current and non-polarized current throughout the Planetary Grid Network. With the planetary initiation brought on by the reclamation of Solar Gates by the Paliadorians, these plasmic frequencies are rapidly elevating frequency patterns and restructuring our cellular body, consciousness and life direction. As this intense initiation occurs, it brings the karmic imprints that form into the pain body and shadow selves to rapidly burst out onto the surface reality, so these frequency patterns can be released so the new frequency sets being transmitted can embody. As we become aware of the releases of karmic imprints or shadow energies, we can intend to transmute those energies through the Solar Logos, seeing the Christ consciousness as a Sun image, merging the combined shadow energies with the Solar light, to bring them into synchronization with the highest possible harmony and outcome. Recent Paliadorian Activations have comprised Guardian Yeshua’s 8D Rod and Staff holder configurations being transmitted into the Metagalactic Core, which has had major impacts to support the correction of Metatronic distortions and the extraction of Metatronic Bodies produced in demon seed ratios. Many genetic Clones of the original Yeshua J12 that were produced as imposters from Demon Seed Ratios have been identified, collected and have begun to be transited out into the Arc Zone, reclaiming the organic consciousness parts to be restored to proper Krist coding. The Metatronic constructs expand into many complex layers of alien technologies that have been used to clone holograms of the Avatar families, that serve in the lower dimensions as the Krystal Guardian Christos leadership. This event appears to support another level of revealing the authentic identities versus the artificially generated False Identities, that were created by the NAA to confuse and derail the Christos Mission. This Galactic activation holds an assortment of liquid rainbow plasma frequency sets and new elemental patterns and geometric blueprints to override Metatronic Reversal coding. In many cases, for the first time Guardians have been able to access pre-fall and pre-invasion templates of the planetary schematics in multiple harmonic universes, for correcting the architecture in this present timeline. This has also included massive shifts in the architecture in the Galactic Plane, as well as sweeping changes in the eighth and ninth dimensional layers in the Metagalactic Core of the Milky Way system. All of the spectrums of dimensional frequencies throughout the Universal Time Matrix have begun to weave together from within a Guardian hosted portal system. This works like an aperture lens that has been opening into the Metagalactic Core in order to combine, synthesize and integrate the new elemental consciousness and their geometric patterns in order to form into the highest dimensional layers of spinning Metagalactic Merkaba Fields. The current theme during the Paliadorian Activations is the clearing of the Yahweh Matrix and its Blood Covenant bindings out of the Human 12 Tribes genetic records, with the transmissions and support of the Blue Feathers of Aquaferion. This also may result in levels of Spiritual Warfare instigated from the Yahweh system entities to regain control or access to your Lightbody or block the systematic purge of Black Cube Matrix and layers of the Yahweh architecture and its AI Signal from being extracted out of your lightbody. As a result of dismantling this Blood Covenant network, those who are controlled by the Yahweh system will be agitated and activated to play out these mind controlled Biblical dramas.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

STEPHANIE LUCAS: “4 Fast Ways to Banish Negative Energies and Shield your Spaces”

negative energies

Moving into a new home or office space can be a stressful, yet joyful time – so, you want to get off to a solid footing and be sure that you’re not channeling into someone else’s old energies as you move in. Perhaps you’ve been in your space for awhile and are ready to cleanse the past from your space. If you’re looking for a few ways to clear negative energies and protect your area from psychic invaders, here are a few ideas.

1. Burning and Smudging with Sage: Negative Energy Cleansing

If you’re not familiar with this process, take a peek at this video, Burning Sage to Cleanse Negative Energies. While I’m not the expert Alexa is, I’d suggest smudging with sage before moving anything into your new space to promote good vibes during the move in and renovation process. However, even your possessions – as forms of energy – can carry negativity, so burning sage after moving in can’t hurt.

2. Surreptitious Shielding: Placing Affirmations on Walls

A good friend of mine just bought her first home, and being one who lives in gratitude, she had the clever idea of writing affirmations on the walls before tackling repainting with stimulating, soothing, and healing colors. Sealing the affirmations behind paint ensures they are always there in the shadows… resonating good vibes, protecting, and manifesting desires for her fresh start. It’s certainly a clever, fun way to ‘break in’ a new space with good intentions.

Of course, your chosen affirmations can be any proclamations that you may aspire for, including single words or phrases like ‘Peace, Love & Joy,” “We are One,” etc. Here are two favorite affirmations from Rich Work’s ‘Proclamations of the Soul.’

Affirmation for Clearing Entities/Negative Energies

From the Divine Love that flows through my Being: Whatever is in my home that is impeding the flow of positive energy, Whether here with or without my permission, I command in the name of the Creator and from the Divine Love That flows through my Being in love and Peace, That it now go to the nucleus of its being in Peace So be it!

Prosperity Affirmation

From the Divine Love that flows through my Being:
I call forth my abundance and prosperity
In all forms that will bring me happiness and joy.
So be it!

3. Protection Stones and Crystal Grids

Using protection stones and crystals to fend of negative energies is extremely important for those who are highly empathic people and especially for those living or working in connected structures such as condos, strip centers, or hi-rises. Typically, placing aligned crystals or stones in each corner of a space will offer shielding; however in the case of common walls you may want to create additional protections such as crystal grids.

Clear quartz is the most commonly used stone to facilitate the energy transfer between stones and minerals within a grid. It is this energy that connects transfer that increases the focusing abilities of the crystal grids points. There are no restrictions on gridding’s purposes or intentions; however, alignment of the stone pattern is the key to maximizing their efficacy in addition to choosing the right stones. Learn more about crystal grids and explore Popular Crystal Gridding Templates here.

negative energies

4. Create Sacred Spaces

A sacred space is simply an area you create and designate as ‘sacred’ to you. It may be a small space with a few items of importance to you or a large, private space with an ‘altar’ laden with dozens of goodies you hold dear. My sacred space includes shells, stones, crystals, musical instruments, candles, sand, pictures, posters, and a special pillow to name a few items. Consider this your little ‘happy zone’ where you come to rebalance and center…an area that you keep off limits to others, which ensures it stays clear of negative energies.

Because when it boils down to it, you can cleanse your home or office in a dozen ways, but if your mind, body, and spirit aren’t clear of negative energies, to what end does it serve to protect beyond that?




©Universal Copyright 2014 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Fight the Good Fight – Battle Negative Energies and Reclaim Your Soul”

Negative Energies

Do ever just feel like you aren’t YOU anymore? Do you find yourself thinking thoughts and saying things that just aren’t who you are deep in your soul? Or as though you have lost control of your very essence and are literally being controlled by some dark, covert, 4th-dimensional force? I certainly have felt that way – yet I wasn’t aware AT ALL what what happening to me at that time, nor was anyone around me.

Some called it moodiness, bipolar, depression, anger issues, and sometimes it was labeled down-right bitchiness… loved ones attempted to ‘help’ me with therapy and drugs and other ‘treatments’ that did nothing but further open me up to what was possessing my body, my soul, and my spirit – what I now understand and can acknowledge were negative entities.

Negative sentients can haunt one for years, seeping in through ‘blind spots’ and hiding within those ‘gray’ areas most often caused by fears, hurts, anger, unhealthy relationships, depression, and drug and alcohol use. Recognizing their presence is the first step to healing and freeing the spirit; however, there is no ‘quick fix’ for removal, rather it’s a process…

All You Need to Win the War is Within You

You can battle entities by seeing a spiritual healer of sorts; however, these ‘removals’ typically provide only temporary reprieves. Until you work out the issues you are harboring in the the core of your soul, you will remain a vulnerable target for negative sentients of all sorts. The darker and deeper your core issues are, the darker and more malevolent that sentient may be.

Similar to the way people take a religious sacrament or undergo a ritual to be ‘saved’ you can indeed save yourself in a similar fashion. Joining a religion calls for one to ‘surrender all’ to their savior or deities… and in this realm, all one must do is simply surrender to the power of the universe while embracing their own.

Once you relinquish all fears, doubts, insecurities, and internal conflicts within yourself, you raise your vibrations, activate the chakras, and strengthen your shielding aura, which can render negative entities powerless to feed off your energies. Healing and empowering the self is the only way to permanently remove negative entities and prevent further attacks.

Negative Energies

Further Steps to Shield Against and Remove Negative Entities

~Keep your mind body and spirit in top form through eating organic foods and consuming purified water.

~Ensure you are wholly mineralized with a supplement like calcium montmorillonite clay, which is also a gentle daily detox to help cleanse the body of toxins.

~Release old relationship bonds, addictions, controlling tendencies, and all conceived self-limitations.

~Get ample exercise… a strong body provides a powerful shield.

~Avoid mind-numbing prescription and recreational drugs and alcohol. Use extreme caution with hallucinogenics, as entities love sneaking in the back door when one is between realms and are drawn to such states of mind.

~Carry protection stones and crystals on your person. Create crystal grids in areas where you feel most vulnerable to psychic attacks.

~Consider saging your home, cleansing your crystals, and recharging your home environment.

~Reduce your exposure to even artificial negative energies by limiting time spent on the Internet, watching television, or playing video games.

~Be mindful of your energy and leave any scenario in which you feel your energy being drained.
Stay joyful, happy, and do and say everything with pure love – this leaves the entity nothing left to feed on.

~Embrace the support of like-minded individuals and empaths, who can help illuminate negative sentients being harbored in your field.

~Meditate daily and create a protective shield around your aura. Proclaim your freedom from negative entities AND negative energies.

Last but not least – one of the most powerful tools you have is your own voice! Set daily intentions, affirmations, and proclamations in addition to shielding. Consider including phrases such as:


“Anything interfering with my free will choice, whether placed in my being with or without my permission, remove it now and I choose to be whole…and reconnected and aligned in Divine Perfection…”
“At this time I ask that any Souls or darkness attached to my Soul be called forth. I free you with love and honor and acknowledge this darkness as a part of my journey. I choose not to replace that darkness with unconditional love and pure light as I progress in my journey…”

As you can see – there’s no all-in-one, quick-fix solution. However, the tools are already within you to reclaim your power and keep negative sentients at bay. The key is to work on your own ‘stuff’ – to let go of attachment to trapped emotions, and most of all – be patient, kind, and loving to yourself.

©Universal Copyright 2015 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

LISA RENEE: “Psychic Self Defense: Parasites” (Part 8/8)



Suppressor Parasite Entity (SPE) Removal

There is a battle between the forces of darkness and light for control of this planet and the human consciousness.  As we are provided dispensations that allow us to embody divine energy in physical form and  move the planetary awareness toward the light, the survival and force of darkness on this planet is threatened.

During this time of shift into a higher consciousness and the resultant need to create new paradigms, there are new multi-dimensional challenges for those humans that are taking a conscious, pro-active and leading role in their own evolution and the evolution of the planet.  These challenges come in many forms including psychic attack, negative implants, tags and entities that diminish the quality of your energetic resources, physical vitality and optimum functioning by harvesting and utilizing your precious resources. Hence suppressing your ability to perceive greater realities of truth and live your maximum soul’s potential of experiencing joy, bliss and freedom on the Earth Plane.
During the evolutionary process of one’s awakening and remembrance of the soul’s blueprint and contracts, the more conscious and ascended beings take back their sovereignty and live in accordance with the laws of the Creator rather than man-made laws, thereby transcending darkness and living in light.   As a result of living in the light, these humans, through their actions, influence and guide others to the light, thereby exponentially increasing the power of the light and diminishing the force of the darkness.

Those awakening to remember themselves as light-beings and becoming a part of the collective light-worker or star seed grid network on this Planet tend to be the targets for dark forces   The energy of a highly conscious human being creates a frequency signal that activates “the radar screen” of awareness at the center of dark consciousness.  Once on the radar screen of darkness, darkness places a “tag” on the enlightened being to track them and determine if they are a threat to the survival of the “I am”, ego and self awareness of darkness.

If the enlightened being is deemed a threat to darkness, a Suppressor Parasite Entities (“SPE’s”) is sent to be surreptitiously implanted in the physical mental and emotional bodies of such enlightened beings (“targets”).   These targets tend to be lightworkers, healers, spiritual leaders and other highly powerful and/or influential people whose authentic purpose and mission is to bring about positive global transformation, raise consciousness, heal and bring back our divine inheritance.

SPE’s are sent as a parasitic energy operating in a unified group consciousness to cleave onto a particular corded trauma, event or negative thought form held within the physical and/or energy bodies. The dark forces use SPE’s to suppress consciousness, the experience of higher emotion and the realization of enlightenment of their targets.

SPE’s predominantly use implants, negative energies and entities that grossly emphasize and exacerbate the psycho-emotional-spiritual imbalances in the human body by a variety of multi-dimensional tactics. The goal  is to create a parasitic energetic effect draining the host of  its valuable resources such as physical vitality, emotional balance, mental clarity and ultimately self-sovereignty as a powerful God Being.

SPE’s act as multi-rooted parasites (much like cancer or crabgrass) that rob the host’s power and energy thereby perpetuating lower emotional levels of the implants, thereby draining their host and creating obstacles that block the host from finding and/or achieving the host’s higher authentic purpose, raising consciousness or furthering spiritual ascension.  SPE’s unify existing low level emotional implants that promote fear, pity, apathy, greed, guilt and shame.  Examples of these implants include limiting emotions and belief patters resulting from societal programming through mass media and education, the expectations of family and friends and our need for their love and approval, giving up of our personal power, and other non-empowering limitations and perceived obligations.  SPE’s also have been witnessed to block connection to the Creator, angels, guides and the light, as well as higher level emotions such as love, joy, serenity, passion and compassion.

As a result of SPE’s, we have recently witnessed the rapid spread of a negative and/or painful physical effect on implanted hosts. This will be sensed or felt in the human body as a pain, stiffness, soreness, “brain foggy-ness”, headaches, throbbing, disconnection, dizziness, lack of focus, depression, irrational fear, distraction from authentic purpose, and blocked or low energy. This creates a distortion in the bodies energy, therefore creating a distortion from the perfect blueprint body and creating pain or blockage in the physical body. Ultimately this is a distraction technique – by placing the host in pain and/or lower emotional states , their awareness is least likely to be focused on their goals or the soul’s purpose.

SPE’s appear to have a special immunity to love light and require a spiritual warrior approach.  It is not love light that will effect these entities, but rather the power of light itself taking over the force of darkness.  Since power overcomes force, it is this application of power that is critical.  There was a differentiation between Love-Light and Light-Power, as there is a braid of both in Liquid light, it was the Light Power that worked best to vanquish the SPE’s.

The removal of SPE’s can be accomplished by being in one’s own power consciously while holding higher emotional states (ecstasy, love, joy).  Start by focusing on God’s Light-Power and One’s Will and Might while and bringing abundant light of the Creator through the crown chakra to the power/solar plexus chakra.  This is accomplished by utilizing the chakra with visualization and breathing in great amounts of divinity to expand the Light –Power to neutralize the negativity of the SPE.

The power of light is then directed from the power chakra at the SPE’s in a spiritual to-the-death battle.   The battle entails the host, as a spiritual warrior, utilizing the Light Power and the host’s “Warrior Will” to infiltrate the SPE’s at their nucleus and at their roots.  As the power of Light Power fills these entities they begin to weaken and die.

So long as the host is totally within their power and will not partake in lower emotional states and feels only higher emotional states, the host will prevail over the SPE’s as power triumphs over force

Toning using the notes E and B is also very effective to increase both power and light during the session.   You can download a sonic piece composed for SPE Removal at

Getting rid of SPE’s is not easy.  The SPE’s are intelligent and resourceful and will try to deceive, frighten, threaten, plead, cajole, use guilt and create pain in order to remain attached to their host.   Communicating with the energy/entity may be informative, however will usually not be effective in expediting the process as they have been purposed with their selfish motives and are parasitic in nature, not symbiotic to the organism upon which it is feeding. They simply are not willing to release the host with rationale as they are programmed to provide this purpose from a greater authority of whom they serve.

If the host is not strong enough in their power and will, there is assistance available in the form of guided power meditation and power healing that exorcises SPE’s from the hosts body, mind and emotions.  Because SPE’s tend to “root-in” deeply, removal is sometimes a painful process.  However, the pain is temporary versus the ongoing pain of playing host to SPE’s.

The process of SPE removal involves locating the SPE through intuitive feel.  These SPE’s are sensed as throbbing, pulsing low-level energy masses that manifest physically in the form of a very deep and many times hidden or buried muscle spasm.  The SPE can be brought to the surface through deep trigger point work and percussion techniques.   Once the SPE has brought to the surface and revealed itself, the hands and fingers are used to gather the SPE energy mass and pull the energy mass into one concentrated area and  continue slowly gathering and pulling the SPE down an intuited natural line of release through the body’s own meridian line system through an extremity (hand, foot, top of the head, point of the chin).

We have found that a dual protocol using male and female energy has proven effective in removal and reduction in the pain associate with the removal process. Generally, the male energy is focused on the exorcism and removal of the SPE, while the female energy focuses on supporting the host  – giving power, love and light to the host while removing pain through the female nurturing and soothing energy.

Certainly balanced integrated spiritualized beings claiming their own God Power and setting the appropriate shields and filters against negative energies not serving the highest good is the best defense mechanism available. Being aware of your individual energetic field, your aura and multi-dimensional bodies becomes a must when you have attained these levels as its necessary  to perform regular spiritual house-cleaning for maintenance to  feel balanced and healthy while integrating higher spiritual currents and balancing the demands of 3rd dimensional daily life.

LISA RENEE: “Psychic Self Defense: Attachment Cords” (Part 4/8)



Dear Family,

The Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the topic of Attachment Cords between ourselves and others, what are they, why do they exist? Also known as “etheric” or karmic cords most energy healers/intuitives are acutely aware of these cords existing in a myriad of patterns in the human energy field. Some of them are sourced in a present incarnation while others exist in parallel dimensions, apparently a strong enough emotional cord will permeate through any time and space! Truly our emotional body and the chemistry that is our emotions is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe and one of the gifts we have received from God Source. It is worthwhile to understand the impact and incredible force of power that is our emotions and direct this power wisely. Let us investigate cording….

Attachment Cords

Etheric attachment cords (energetic ties) commonly form between people, places, timelines and objects, especially when the connections are deeply emotional in nature. These attachments clairvoyantly appear as long thin stringy cords, like great long etheric telephone wires. When these attachments remain between people they can become a conduit for draining energy from the filled to the empty. Generally this is usually from the person who has made the effort consciously or unconsciously to energize the one who is an energetic vampire. These cords can also send and receive pain, guilt, fear and any number of thoughts and feelings that may not even be yours. Also traumas experienced at various times in one’s life may create cording and fracture your energy to split off and be depleted into the past at the source event. Hence the importance of being present in the eternal “now” moment as one has available all energetic resources when the consciousness is aware in present time. Much illness and imbalance is caused from depleted energy resources meant for the present moment use, however, the mental body is whirring in obsession over pain from the past experience leaving the body severely depleted.

It is possible many times these cords drain away energy gridwork from your etheric body where the attachment is attached, depleting the area of chi and leading to imbalance or disease. Often these problems can be perceived as a psychic attack when strong emotions flare up. You can muscle test or utilize a pendulum/guidance to be clear whether what you are feeling is in fact an attachment and then take steps to clear and release.

The more attachments you carry, the more conduits for potential problems and loss of energy and gridwork in your field. This will also slow your vibrational increase in one’s efforts to evolve as your light body is trying to build more gridwork to maintain that energy level and vibration. Releasing attachments with forgiveness and acceptance goes hand in hand with spiritual growth.

Attachments that form may be imbalanced or conflicted emotions that we are carrying in our beliefs and/or connections to others. Lacking awareness of our personal boundaries we give away pieces of ourselves energetically due to guilt, conditional love and allow our power to be drained when we conform to another’s expectations of us without allowing acceptance for who we are at the authentic levels. To fully release cordings one must be able to identify and do an honest inventory of personal emotional behavior and habits. Any conflicting emotions should be separated out. If one is confusing love with support into co-dependence, or taking responsibility for others happiness then you are opening yourself up to invasion by others, the ambiguities of these inter-relationships may prevent you from fully cutting the cords. Examining one’s true self in comparison to the subtle abuses we are exposed to from external sources, such as our upbringing, religion, societal expectations and other programming is important to gain clarity towards regaining our autonomy.

As a practitioner in energetic healing it has been clear for me that emotional conflicts left unresolved from the past will create sympathetic response in organs, tissues, areas of the body where the trauma may be “projected” and stored energetically within all layers of the body and its field. That particular event of perceived trauma or suffering will be lodged as a “dark” clump of negative goo or tar like energy, sometimes with multi-cords, layers of attachments to various other life experiences that triggered the same response sourced at the original event of trauma. This compounds the original trauma with even more accumulated debris and to my inner vision appears something like a dark clumpy octopus with tentacles sourced at various timelines and events that trigger the source dark clump of energy to activate the emotional body to experience further pain sensations. Commonly I experience with clients the perception of a sensation of a deep wound of trauma, let’s say as example, established as a very young child. The trauma timeline at the age of the child gets splintered, a piece of the soul’s spirit fragments off from the pain of the experience and shuts down various energy functions that develop into psycho-spiritual wounds later as an adult.
Deep wounds left unresolved make a pathway from the energy bodies to the physical body and lodge and store the trauma patterns cellularly and the physical body starts to create imbalance unique to the incarnates genetics, ancestral/karmic patterns and other factors. Emotional release, soul retrieval and additional physical bodywork, as in neuromuscular re-structuring, is needed when the wounds are deep and held for a long period of time.

Also I will add in my personal experience I have witnessed an energetic entity, spirit attachments, multiple personalities or just a dark being latched on to this “wound” and manipulating the emotional response to that of its desire rather than to its unaware subject. This is why clearly it is important to break outside the 3D box we have been conditioned as our absolute reality and understand these dynamics and not allow anything uninvited in your energy field. The simple antidote to this phenomena is maintaining your personal power with the built in god-awareness you have in you, your intuitive faculties, and stating your command. You will need to be responsible for your healing for it to be permanent. Many times your inner child or sub-personalities will be sabotaging you from emotionally repressed and built up fears.

One interesting factor to note is the energetic and physical act of sexuality and its implications on the energy field. The sharing of fluids between two people creates a spiritual bond or cord of energy that cannot be broken energetically, unless made aware of, cleared of conflict and transmuted. So psychological bonds may be broken once a serious relationship has ended, however the spiritual energetic cord still continues to exist. Amazing! These cords are like electrical wires with energy passing back and forth through them, the power based on the depth and intensity of the connection. It is also important to understand that the thoughts and emotions held or the state of consciousness you are holding when you are having sex is what you are implanting into your partner. Naturally being in love, holding loving thoughts with the desire to serve your partner is the goal when you are blending at this level with another being. The incredible emotional impact of love as a force shared and blended in a soul union can burn off karma and even contribute an amazing force of transformation for others. Understanding these karmic bonds you create with people every time you have a sexual interaction surely creates more discernment in one’s choices for a partner.

Below, I have included a “Cord Cutting Visualization” as a guideline for your working with releasing and healing these attachment cords.

Cord Cutting Visualization

Find a quiet uninterrupted space to let yourself relax and take three deep cleansing breaths. Imagine yourself standing within a beautiful peaceful place, a meadow, lakeside, or a sea shore. Take a few moments to feel the surrounding nature with your imagination. Ask your higher self to blend with you or be present. Create a larger flat area in your peaceful place and draw a circle of light around you, the circle delineates your protected space. Call in the higher self of the person you wish to release attachment cords with. Draw another circle of light (not touching your circle) around them as you visualize them standing in front of you. Explain to them why you are doing this exercise, that you wish to be free of old emotional conditioning and psychic bonds that have built up in the past or from expectations of the future. That you intend to keep unconditional love flowing between you and be released of mutual expectations for the highest good. Look and see if you notice the cords symbolically and how they manifest themselves. As you sense them, snip them off with giant golden scissors, first from yourself , snipping and removing them and healing and sealing the places with light, then removing them from the other person. Make sure you get snipped all the cords you sense, even looking around the backs of both of you. The snipped cords can be piled aside or left aside. Where possible, let unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance as an energy of intention flow everywhere, every cell and pore through you and the other person. Then see the person in their circle of light in a space separated from yours. Gather all the cords and see them in a violet flame bonfire being transmuted and burned away. ( Or you can call in the 7th Ray Violet flame of Transmutation and ask all the cords be transmuted into purity of God perfection) Take a moment to feel the sensation of the bonfire Violet Flame energizing, warming and healing your body as you watch the fire destroy all cords and simultaneously revitalize you. Wrap yourself in a tube or bubble of light encasing your entire being. Bring your attention back into your room and allow a few moments to readjust and breathe in. Use your grounding technique or envision your feet grounding vines of energy deeply into the center of the earth.

Until next time… Big Blessings, keep yourselves balanced in between the vertical and horizontal worlds and Happy Cord cutting!

Lisa Renee

Suggested Reference Material:

Understanding the Chemistry and Mechanics of Emotions and the Subconscious helps you to “dis-identify” with them as “you” and begin to respond and create your life free from subconscious reactive or destructive emotions.

Molecules of Emotions , by Dr. Candace Pert
Soul Psychology , by Dr David Joshua Stone
David Deida Books

Books on CD:
Sedona Method, by Lester Levenson

Liberated Life and the Pain Body, by Eckart Tolle

What the Bleep Do We Know


LISA RENEE: “Psychic Self Defense Class Three” (Part 3/8)



Thoughtforms and Entities:

On psychological and spiritual levels one has to deal with the negative thoughts, feelings, emotions and energies of other people.  The 3D world has basically institutionalized negative ego behaviors and lower self consciousness as it permeates through every aspect of our society.

If you are not strong in your energy field, awareness and personal power to ward off these energies it can absorb into your subconscious, drain your energy and leave you feeling heavy.

Negative elementals, thought forms or disassociated thought forms latch onto your aura causing dark energy spots causing drain and psychological imbalances. Just as a disease is contagious to the human body, negative thoughts are contagious to the mental body. The mental body is a part of your energy field that generates on a plane of its own, all substance that is your “thoughts”. We have a mental plane basically separated in two main areas, with lower areas for basic functioning and as we gain mastery over our creations, a higher mental plane area to access higher expression of thoughts. Mind is the builder of form, and so it is a plane where all thought substance is created and interacted with to begin the thought form to manifest into physical form.
When words are spoken or thoughts are thought, a ‘thought form’ is projected out. It might just stay in your field, float around randomly, or it may be directed at or about another person. Every time you watch television, a movie or read a book you generate thought forms. There are no neutral thoughts, they are either positive or negatively charged. Many thought forms are as mindless as the subject matter, some are loving and others may be nasty or violent. When you live or work in close proximity to other people you are subject to not only the thought forms you generate but those you come into contact with.

So as there are parasites in the physical body, the etheric body will be carrying debris or hangers-on as well. Just as you shower to clean your physical body each day, you should also develop self-awareness and make an effort to cleanse and clear your etheric body too. Otherwise all the lower vibration muck, such as these negative thought forms and other energetic debris may create blockages in areas of the etheric body, the energetic gridwork, the chakras and meridians from receiving vital force and eventually affect the physical body from healthy functioning.

So what can you do to prevent this? It is important to be aware of the thought forms you are generating, about yourself, about other people, the sort of entertainment you watch and read. Intend to clear from your field all thought forms that are not your own and visualize a barrier to keep negative thought forms impenetrable from your field. The 12 D Shield and Platinum Net technique is a good daily practice to clear and protect your field. Working with your personal Evolution Support Teams in energy balancing and clearing your field is also superb. I have become aware of a dispensation of a lattice work of light, called the “Core Fear” matrix removal program that does work to release and remove implanted emotional response and trauma patterns. This has definitely improved emotional charge and re-patterned a neutral association to many key emotional themes in my life and that of my clients.

The advantage of clearing your field of dark thoughts is that you do not attract more and compound the problem, which brings us to the next topic of entities. When you become weakened physically, psychologically or spiritually this leaves you open to psychic attack from the lower astral plane, (most commonly) and possibly other planetary or dimensional source. In cases where energy is severely depleted entity possessions and spirit attachments may form. Further obsessive thoughts, addiction, deep inner turmoil or personality disorder imbalances result in attracting lower energies and entities.

Earth bound spirits (discarnates) are attracted to those who resonate with lower emotional states, such as addiction, anger, etc. that they themselves have not worked through in their own incarnation when alive on the planet. Interesting to note that karmic residue and remains cannot be cleared outside of a physical form, hence the tendency for lost souls to find a human body energy field to attach to. Many times there are those persons whom are fighting off addiction and addictive tendencies only to have these urges, cravings and messages from the subconscious to be manipulated through an entity attachment or other negative energetic influences. These symptoms are greatly reduced when an entity attachment is removed. However if the person continues to indulge unhealthful habits, live in imbalance or does not take responsibility to clear conflicts, the entities will reattach to the “damaged” spot in the energy field, until it has been cleared emotionally and resolved completely.

Like attracts like, and if your field is full of dark thought forms it may attract dark little entities that come in to enjoy the space you’ve provided. They also attach themselves at times when your resistance is low such as during illness, grief or stress.

Most entities that attach to us are not evil, they are just lost little souls or fractured pieces of soul. Sometimes we will have people hanging around who have passed over but not sure where they are – especially if they have led very physical lives without much spirituality, or if you are still keeping cords of attachment to them. Spirits who died with addictions will also hang around live addicts trying to satisfy cravings. The variation of entities in the etheric is wide and varied.

The first thing to decide is whether or not you want these entities with you or not. Even though they are draining your energy and will cause physical problems, some people are not ready to let them go. They may have become familiar and comfortable at some level to the ego’s sense of structure and fear will surface at the thought of releasing old patterns of behavior attached by entities. It is best to remember that they only stay with your permission, and all of them have their proper time and space to return to where they should already have gone. If you want them to leave you must be firm. Bear in mind that some health problems, energy blockages and spiritual growth will not improve as long as they stay in your energy field.

With practice you can see these energetic forms, like entities, as you scan your field regularly with your inner vision. If you have trouble visualizing them, learning muscle testing, asking for guidance and spiritual help is very effective and powerful. Cultivating your particular higher sensory perception will be unique and individual to you. Some people are more clairaudient, clairsentient and lastly clairvoyant. With practice and your intention to bring your intuitive gifts to the surface it will transpire very quickly. The challenge is learning to trust your intuition and the guidance when revealed to you. This is what takes the most time, to build the confidence and trust in the messages and discerning the ego self from the higher self guidance. Your intention to remove any of these items while visualizing running light through your field, between your grid work and out of your chakras and into the Earth will help immensely. When finished create around yourself a protective bubble sealed around and through your aura before venturing out into the world.

Allowing more light into your field and performing spiritual house cleaning will assist in your spiritual growth, inner peace and connection. However, after you become more proficient, when your field is clean you will feel the constant pressure of the negative thought forms coming from the other people around you. Thought forms can create residue in spaces, rooms and places that may make an energetic sensitive person very uncomfortable. This too, may give the impression of psychic attack as you feel pressurized by the density of its substance.

However learning boundaries by maintaining your personal power and understanding the energy dynamics you share between people and things makes it incredibly easy to remedy as you progress.

Next we will be discussing – Attachment cords between yourself and another, the etheric energetic cording that exists between our relationships with people, places and things. Until then, have a smooth flowing week aligning to the divine will and light of your unique path.

Blessings and love to my family!
Lisa Renee