LISA RENEE on “Entities and Possessions Will Tell You Anything to Make You Forget They Are There Sucking on Your Energy Field — and Direct the Person to Something External to Keep Them Fixated Away from the Source of the Problem — Which Is the Entity Attachment Itself.”

“Since late 2012, the human body is much more vulnerable to being used as a potential Dark Portal of invasion by outer Dark Forces. While others are undergoing forms of spiritual Spiritual Possession as the individual becomes Consubstantial to the collective unconsciousness forces that make up the predator mind. Possession and Entity attachment make us feel miserable, it’s an Energy Parasite sucking off your body and doing everything it can to manipulate you so it can stay there feasting away at your expense. And the traumatized person that is being spiritually tortured by these entities, is unable to discern who is who and what is what. They become a mind controlled puppet that is chained to this dark entity’s whims, through the incredible pain and devastation they feel from whatever happened to them in the past. During the times the human is in-between states of consciousness is when the spiritual-energetic bodies of that person are in some kind of transitional state between dimensions. These moments of energetic transition are windows where the aura is more easily attached to or infiltrated. Pay special attention and amplify the use your 12D shield, command personal space. This can be remedied through the intention to connect with the inner spirit and loving heart through consistent Meditation, Prayer and self-inquiry to remain in the present time as the conscious observer or compassionate witness to outer events. It is important to comprehend the stronger your auric field and the more awareness you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks. The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness. 3D Humans that have not developed strong Impulse Control and have not cleared negative ego automatic thoughts are at higher risk for being used as a dark portal, especially when they go unconscious and allow anger, rage and hostility to be expressed as violent impulses reverberating throughout their mind and body. This negative ego distortion is used to hijack unaware human beings into further states of mental body fragmentation. The Satanic entity gains access to a human body in this way, by intentionally using the hole in the aura created from the deep, painful trauma event. This is called a Dark Portal, which is a person whose aura has severe holes in it, so severe it disconnected the layers between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Disconnection between these layers of the consciousness bodies is also called fragmentation. When a person is fragmented their consciousness body is effectively in pieces, and these holes allow dark forces to easily pop in and out of the body. This is a Partial Possession, when an entity cannot sustain itself entirely in its host, but comes in and out when the person is being emotionally triggered into destructive emotions or behaviors. They are so confused and disconnected from reality, they cannot discern what is accurate and what is deception, especially because in the astral plane where this happens is all Mirrors of Delusion. In partial possession, one will experience a person ‘grow a head’ all of the sudden, where the personality changes and they blurt out something emotionally charged or hostile, so that the offending parasite can latch on and get access to the person’s consciousness body and carry out its machinations for a variety of reasons. One reason is to get the dark portal person to attack and intimidate any other person that reveals information to the public about the NAA, SRA, Pedophilia or the multidimensional nature of reality. When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul. If we persist in needing to use control or manipulation methods in our daily life, we will experience the Cause and Effect Backlash, or the karmic return of mental bondage to the old destructive patterns of egoic behavior. This is confusing for many people on the earth receiving the Cause and Effect backlash now, because they are being returned to the energy that they have repeatedly created with their false identity, in the planetary field. The more a person has deliberately deceived others, the more energies of self-deception and confusion they will face in the external. The methods that used to work very well for them in the material world, when they were rewarded with lots of money or power, are not working for them anymore in the new timeline. They do not realize the Laws in this reality are changing to be based on the forces of love, therefore the beliefs, behaviors and actions must become more transparent and honest to accommodate this change. The backlash of receiving negative energy that a person has sent out into the field is happening with greater intensity and quicker timing. Dark Entities jump on that negative energy as its generated and amplify it into the collective fields, as large as they can. This intensifies the impact of the negative energy, which can be seen as the manifested forces of chaos, confusion and insanity, as it is being returned to its causality in the collective field. From the collective field, those people resonating with those negative forces become individual conduits or vessels of chaotic expression. Because they do not know what to do with the incredible amount of negativity building up inside of them, they are confused, lost and acting out in self-destructive ways. During the vulnerability of experiencing deep emotional pain, the imposter entity points a finger at another and whispers in their ear, ‘Your pain is that person’s fault’. The standard dark manipulation mind control is something like ‘That person over there is the source of evil and all the tortuous pain you have endured at their hands. Go take them down, they are evil incarnate’. Entities and possessions will tell you anything to make you forget they are there sucking on your energy field, and direct the person to something external in order to keep them fixated away from the source of the problem, which is the Entity Attachment itself.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Dark Force Manipulation Methods / Dark Portal / Dark Portal Bodies

MAX AND LANA: “Do I Have Angels Or Entities Around Me?”

Interesting article, though I wouldn’t glamorize ‘angels’ and ‘entities’. Connect with your Highest Self. Do it often, do it daily. You have friends in high places. When you’re connected, they’re with you. Don’t call upon ‘ascended masters’ and ‘archangels’. They aren’t who they say they are. They are 4th dimensional parasitic, negative ETs (archons) to steal your energy… to distort your energy field… and distort the earth’s energy grid. Don’t believe me? Go ahead… call upon them and notice how you are feeling… Then see what happens… It might not be right away… Just be aware… : D

Do I Have Angels Or Entities Around Me?

by Max and Lana,
Guest writers for

Numerous studies using frequency, hypnotherapy, psychic gifts and the gift of discernment are demonstrating that angels, aliens, or entities are constantly around certain people– and frequently step in to help the rest of us as well, in order to preserve a timeline, energy, or larger picture. Many of us in the metaphysical field believe that each human is capable, important, and an integral piece of our energetic universe. Apparently, the entities agree and are here to help.

With that said, evidence suggests that certain people, regardless of their social status, education, interests, ethnicity, or even “spiritual development,” do have entities around them nonstop. Ironically, it’s often the individuals who suffer terribly in this human life—and the ones who frequently wonder why their lives are so difficult and why they feel so different or lonely in this world. So, if you have been noticing “strange” things and wondering whether you have “someone” or something around you all of the time, here is a list of attributes that are common to people who have been shown to have entities around them at all times:

  1. You have survived one or more accidents, incidents, and/or illnesses that technically should have killed you and may have even killed others involved.
  2. Although you likely go through some extremely difficult, hurtful, and/or trying times, you come out better than anyone would ever expect—“smelling like a rose.”
  3. You consistently feel as though you are being watched or are not alone, even though you often feel lonely.
  4. Cats, dogs, and small children are drawn to you, but seem to fixate their gazes just behind you or over your shoulder, though nothing appears to be there to the naked eye.
  5. You often see apparitions, distinct shadows, balls or blips of light, or even figures in your peripheral vision.
  6. You sometimes wake up from a sound sleep to find something that appears or tries to communicate with you.
  7. You have vivid visions, dreams, or astral travel—which often involve star systems and night skies that don’t resemble ours on earth.
  8. You have a deep knowing about various aspects of our energetic universe, even if you haven’t studied them or haven’t read extensively.
  9. You are extremely empathic, possibly with heightened intuition or healing gifts, as a result of your genetics and bloodline that have been passed down through many generations of healers, shamans, etc.
  10. You love your family of origin, but never felt completely connected, truly related, or that your relatives “get you.”
  11. Your days are filled with uncanny signs, synchronicities, and connections—especially when you telepathically ask for them from yourself or from the universe.
  12. Despite the fact that you enjoy your solitude and can be quite mysterious, people flock to you for advice and innate wisdom that just seems to flow naturally from you.
  13. You or your child exhibits attributes of an Indigo or Crystal.
  14. You hear buzzing in your ear, also known as the “downloading” of necessary information and “DNA upgrading” meant to prepare you for the times ahead.
  15. Mysterious cuts or marks appear on your body.
  16. Your body heals fast and/or differently than other people do.
  17. You feel that earth is not your home and that you are an “older” soul.
  18. You have found your true twin flame connection and/or numerous soul mates whom you seem to “know” from other times and incarnations.
  19. You consciously or unconsciously remember times in this life when an entity visited you in the comforting form of a deceased loved one, a religious figure, or other pleasant being.
  20.  You have extreme highs and lows in your moods and experiences, with almost no middle ground. You have experienced more in your years than most humans do.
  21. Your trials, tribulations, and/or loneliness seem to have occurred so that you can genuinely relate to others and effectively help other people when they experience devastation, confusion, or need especially in our uncertain world.
  22. As we head into the shift of consciousness, you feel even more connected to the energy around you, and an intense desire to help humans and our planet move forward—so that you may eventually return “home.”


If many or all of the characteristics listed above apply to you, then you are likely surrounded by one or more entities at all times. While they may not help you win the big lottery, they are here to protect you and ensure that you are here to serve your purpose. Your presence on this planet right now may not be the most comfortable for you, but your frequency, insights, and role in your family and community are crucial to helping humans evolve in the coming years. So, if you don’t already, we encourage you to talk to your guides, thank them, and keep asking for signs that you seek. You are not alone in what you are experiencing, and you are likely not alone ever!

If you find that you and/or your loved ones don’t have the attributes listed above, please do not despair! We are ALL connected to and are part of the Divine energy and are equally valuable and important to the bigger picture! So, you will have the help, guidance, and protection you need to fulfill your personal destiny. You have access to the energy you want at all times, and entities are there when you need them most. “Miracles” will continue to happen for you, especially at pivotal times. Your life experience is likely to be rich, fulfilling, and profound in a fantastic number of ways.






LISA RENEE: “Psychic Self Defense Class Three” (Part 3/8)



Thoughtforms and Entities:

On psychological and spiritual levels one has to deal with the negative thoughts, feelings, emotions and energies of other people.  The 3D world has basically institutionalized negative ego behaviors and lower self consciousness as it permeates through every aspect of our society.

If you are not strong in your energy field, awareness and personal power to ward off these energies it can absorb into your subconscious, drain your energy and leave you feeling heavy.

Negative elementals, thought forms or disassociated thought forms latch onto your aura causing dark energy spots causing drain and psychological imbalances. Just as a disease is contagious to the human body, negative thoughts are contagious to the mental body. The mental body is a part of your energy field that generates on a plane of its own, all substance that is your “thoughts”. We have a mental plane basically separated in two main areas, with lower areas for basic functioning and as we gain mastery over our creations, a higher mental plane area to access higher expression of thoughts. Mind is the builder of form, and so it is a plane where all thought substance is created and interacted with to begin the thought form to manifest into physical form.
When words are spoken or thoughts are thought, a ‘thought form’ is projected out. It might just stay in your field, float around randomly, or it may be directed at or about another person. Every time you watch television, a movie or read a book you generate thought forms. There are no neutral thoughts, they are either positive or negatively charged. Many thought forms are as mindless as the subject matter, some are loving and others may be nasty or violent. When you live or work in close proximity to other people you are subject to not only the thought forms you generate but those you come into contact with.

So as there are parasites in the physical body, the etheric body will be carrying debris or hangers-on as well. Just as you shower to clean your physical body each day, you should also develop self-awareness and make an effort to cleanse and clear your etheric body too. Otherwise all the lower vibration muck, such as these negative thought forms and other energetic debris may create blockages in areas of the etheric body, the energetic gridwork, the chakras and meridians from receiving vital force and eventually affect the physical body from healthy functioning.

So what can you do to prevent this? It is important to be aware of the thought forms you are generating, about yourself, about other people, the sort of entertainment you watch and read. Intend to clear from your field all thought forms that are not your own and visualize a barrier to keep negative thought forms impenetrable from your field. The 12 D Shield and Platinum Net technique is a good daily practice to clear and protect your field. Working with your personal Evolution Support Teams in energy balancing and clearing your field is also superb. I have become aware of a dispensation of a lattice work of light, called the “Core Fear” matrix removal program that does work to release and remove implanted emotional response and trauma patterns. This has definitely improved emotional charge and re-patterned a neutral association to many key emotional themes in my life and that of my clients.

The advantage of clearing your field of dark thoughts is that you do not attract more and compound the problem, which brings us to the next topic of entities. When you become weakened physically, psychologically or spiritually this leaves you open to psychic attack from the lower astral plane, (most commonly) and possibly other planetary or dimensional source. In cases where energy is severely depleted entity possessions and spirit attachments may form. Further obsessive thoughts, addiction, deep inner turmoil or personality disorder imbalances result in attracting lower energies and entities.

Earth bound spirits (discarnates) are attracted to those who resonate with lower emotional states, such as addiction, anger, etc. that they themselves have not worked through in their own incarnation when alive on the planet. Interesting to note that karmic residue and remains cannot be cleared outside of a physical form, hence the tendency for lost souls to find a human body energy field to attach to. Many times there are those persons whom are fighting off addiction and addictive tendencies only to have these urges, cravings and messages from the subconscious to be manipulated through an entity attachment or other negative energetic influences. These symptoms are greatly reduced when an entity attachment is removed. However if the person continues to indulge unhealthful habits, live in imbalance or does not take responsibility to clear conflicts, the entities will reattach to the “damaged” spot in the energy field, until it has been cleared emotionally and resolved completely.

Like attracts like, and if your field is full of dark thought forms it may attract dark little entities that come in to enjoy the space you’ve provided. They also attach themselves at times when your resistance is low such as during illness, grief or stress.

Most entities that attach to us are not evil, they are just lost little souls or fractured pieces of soul. Sometimes we will have people hanging around who have passed over but not sure where they are – especially if they have led very physical lives without much spirituality, or if you are still keeping cords of attachment to them. Spirits who died with addictions will also hang around live addicts trying to satisfy cravings. The variation of entities in the etheric is wide and varied.

The first thing to decide is whether or not you want these entities with you or not. Even though they are draining your energy and will cause physical problems, some people are not ready to let them go. They may have become familiar and comfortable at some level to the ego’s sense of structure and fear will surface at the thought of releasing old patterns of behavior attached by entities. It is best to remember that they only stay with your permission, and all of them have their proper time and space to return to where they should already have gone. If you want them to leave you must be firm. Bear in mind that some health problems, energy blockages and spiritual growth will not improve as long as they stay in your energy field.

With practice you can see these energetic forms, like entities, as you scan your field regularly with your inner vision. If you have trouble visualizing them, learning muscle testing, asking for guidance and spiritual help is very effective and powerful. Cultivating your particular higher sensory perception will be unique and individual to you. Some people are more clairaudient, clairsentient and lastly clairvoyant. With practice and your intention to bring your intuitive gifts to the surface it will transpire very quickly. The challenge is learning to trust your intuition and the guidance when revealed to you. This is what takes the most time, to build the confidence and trust in the messages and discerning the ego self from the higher self guidance. Your intention to remove any of these items while visualizing running light through your field, between your grid work and out of your chakras and into the Earth will help immensely. When finished create around yourself a protective bubble sealed around and through your aura before venturing out into the world.

Allowing more light into your field and performing spiritual house cleaning will assist in your spiritual growth, inner peace and connection. However, after you become more proficient, when your field is clean you will feel the constant pressure of the negative thought forms coming from the other people around you. Thought forms can create residue in spaces, rooms and places that may make an energetic sensitive person very uncomfortable. This too, may give the impression of psychic attack as you feel pressurized by the density of its substance.

However learning boundaries by maintaining your personal power and understanding the energy dynamics you share between people and things makes it incredibly easy to remedy as you progress.

Next we will be discussing – Attachment cords between yourself and another, the etheric energetic cording that exists between our relationships with people, places and things. Until then, have a smooth flowing week aligning to the divine will and light of your unique path.

Blessings and love to my family!
Lisa Renee