TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “Intuitive Astrology: August New Moon 2016”

astrology august new moon 2016

On August 2, 2016 the New Moon will fall in the heart-centred, courageous sign of Leo.

We are all in a need of an energy boost, and this Leo New Moon is going to energise our soul and our heart centre so we can move forward with courage, grace and ease.

The theme of this New Moon is fun and creativity, which is very different from all the heavy releasing work that the previous months have had in store for us.

Creativity isn’t just limited to artists. We all have the potential to create, and therefore we all have the potential for creativity.

With the help of this Leo New Moon, anything that we want to create for ourselves is now possible.

In fact, by putting some conscious effort into an area of your life that you want to revamp or revitalise, you will start to shape and create the tone for the rest of August.

New Moon’s signify a time of new beginnings and if you tune into the hum of your soul, you will be able to intuit where this new beginning is going to lead you.

With a lot of heavy cleansing work now in the past and this new wave of creative, fun energy entering our lives, there really is nothing that we can’t do.

Leo is the sign of courage, entertainment and leadership. It is also a fiery sign that craves stability, routine and order.

By combining these energies, you can help pave the way and set an intention for an area of your life that you would like to have more courage in.

Where do you desire to be the king of your jungle? Where could you use more courage? Where could you use more fun in your life?

Planting seeds in these areas is going to be easy with the help of this New Moon and also Mars.

Mars has been a crucial planet for 2016 because of his retrograde pattern that started in April.

By the end of August, Mars is going to be returning back to his usual speed and form, however during this New Moon we are going to get a taste of optimism from Mars.

Mars is the planet of action and energy. If you have been feeling sluggish, unmotivated or perhaps even lethargic about making plans or taking action in your life, this energy is about to come to a swift end.

Around the time of the New Moon, Mars is going to shift out of Scorpio, where it has been doing a lot of transformation and cleansing, and shift into the positive, upbeat sign of Sagittarius.

This is a very welcome change of energy and is going to help you to think more positively and open-mindedly about the future.

On a deeper level, you are also going to feel empowered by any obstacles in your life and more optimistic about any challenges that have been sent your way.

You may even channel your inner lion or lioness and feel more trusting and fearless about your path, purpose and destiny. 

Leo energy also rules over the heart and heart chakra. Matters of love may also be stirred around this New Moon and perhaps you may feel more magnetic or attracted to people than usual.

You may also receive a burst of courage to introduce yourself to someone new or to follow your heart when it comes to love and romance.

Heart energy is going to be amplified on this New Moon, which may also bring about a wonderful and positive time for healing.

If you have been mending a broken heart or feeling heavy or blocked in the heart chakra area for whatever reason, this New Moon is going to help clear and release anything that is no longer serving you.

For this to happen, you will have to be open to releasing and tuning into the wisdom of your heart. This will not be hard to do thanks to the wonderful beams of energy sent by this New Moon. 

Overall, this New Moon is very positive and is going to help you bring more fun, love, creativity and courage into your life.

Stay open to this energy, and watch where it may lead you, for August is set to be a wonderful, high-energy month of opportunity.

~via ForeverConscious.com

LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Torsion”


Apparently, as the planet is being exposed to massive streams and influxes of Intergalactic Plasma fields, this is increasing the rotational spin of electromagnetic fields and this changes the axis point of these spinning fields. Torsion or spinning fields are inherent in the function of many planetary systems of portals, including our Sun, which is also a portal. A torsion or rotational field is an energy field in which the quantum spin of particles can be used to cause discharges, to carry information through a vacuum faster than the speed of light. The torsion field, is a spinning field and in effect, it acts as a pump, that can project and direct energy out from its center point. That pump action is what discharges and distributes the zero point energy field through other energetic systems, that are running specific wave lengths of energetic current. When torsion fields are changing rotational spin, this impacts all portals, stargates and wormholes because they are essentially torsion fields that also inherently interact with all forms of rotating fields.

Torsion fields are linked to antigravity, and the rate of spin can alter matter, they propagate at superluminal speeds into the future time, as well as impacting past timelines or records,. They can be used to alter consciousness states, such as matching the spinning rate with the human beings brain waves. This amplifies those the spinning fields, and this alters our consciousness state. In the human brain, we receive and transmit electromagnetic signals or information in our brain receiver in torsion fields or spinning fields. Essentially, torsion fields are carrier waves for consciousness. In particle physics, the doughnut shape, known as a torus, provides the best environment within which to accelerate particles as it can hold and route the plasma discharges. This would be a torus field in torsion. These Torus fields of electromagnetic energy create anti-gravity effects and also release an abundance of zero point energy. If a particle absorbs or emits electromagnetic energy (for example, photons), its gravitational mass is changed. The gravity, is proportional to the gravitational mass; so, gravity is also altered, and this relates to creating the forces of anti-gravity.

So the point is to bring this information into our greater awareness, as we are being exposed to intergalactic and cosmic sources of plasma, and this directly changes the planetary, solar and other levels of portal systems that we are being exposed to at this time. This is changing the rate of spin of the rotational or torsion fields in our local and nonlocal environment, and this opens up our consciousness to access other dimensions of timelines, moving us into future time or into past time. When we go into the past timelines we can change and heal destructive elements which had impacted our future direction. Or we can go into past timelines and play out the same old or harmful behaviors as a result of poor self awareness and remaining unconscious to these patterns.  Now, it is possible to even potentially slide across timelines or straddle multiple timelines at once. Thus, this changes the core blueprint of our geometric structure in our personal lightbody and greatly shifts our consciousness experiences to perceive multiple dimensions of time. The greater awareness of plasmas relationship to stimulating or creating new forces to impact torsion fields, seems to be preparing us for some radical changes in this new cycle. Certainly, to become aware of the next measurement point being taken on the earth, at the end of 2017.

Collectively during this cycle, we are being exposed to changes in rotational speed and axis of these many varieties of torsion fields, and this alters our physical and consciousness location coordinates, while in time and space. This produces mathematical changes that shift the geometric values of morphogenetic fields, which means that the instruction set that governs the movement of energy and consciousness in time and space is being radically altered. Further, this generates a bifurcation in the overall structure of time and space on planet, and this is very relevant to us now. We have splits occurring between timelines which have governed consciousness (energy) expression on the earth plane in 3D, and we are accessing the laws governing the higher dimensions, as some of us are moving or ascending into future time. Ascending waves of people are gradually being adjusted to phase into the next harmonic universe wave spectrum via their consciousness bodies, and this is altering perceptions of time, as it elevates their consciousness, while in the physical body, to be perceiving the material reality from the higher octave of the earth. The first phase of dimensional shifting into the next harmonic universe is noticing that the etheric body of 3D humans are now being perceived from the higher dimensional plane, and as such, one will start to see more orb bodies, spheres of light or spheres of plasma in the environment.

For many years, the sequential phase of gradually increasing the frequency sets on the earth is the byproduct of Stellar and Solar Activations transmitting frequency to the planet (and humanity) during the Ascension Cycle. The accumulation of progressively increasing frequency being integrated into the overall planetary field is what shifts us into higher frequency dimensions. When the movement into higher dimensions of frequency occurs in the next higher octave level, it creates a great impact in the overall fundamental (base) frequency on earth. The overall fundamental frequency or “base” is also the coordinate location of a fixed point in a time and space field. So when the base frequency changes, so does time and space. This base frequency is comprised from the lowest frequency strings which are resonating in any kind of energy field, whether it is a human aura (think root chakra red as the lowest base frequency), or a group aura, organizational energy field or the multiple layers of energy within the unified planetary field. All of those combined fields of resonating energy are potentially averaged into an overall base frequency. Where the base frequency is resonating is the location at a fixed point in time, which is the value that determines the range of possibilities of that energy field (as a person, place or thing) in the momentum of forces which direct future timelines. Ascending people are experiencing a base frequency change, which shifts their consciousness body coordinates to be located above the morphogenetic fields that manifest 3D timelines.

Previously, our general world perception; world views and values were constructed upon the overall collective consciousness base frequency that is comprised from every human being on the planet. As we ascend towards the higher harmonic octave of reality, we gain more freedom and autonomy from the impacts of the collective human race consciousness field, and ascending people will start to experience being freed from layers of being controlled by human race miasma. The quality of the frequency in the collective race energy field directly impact the coordinate location in time and space that an individual consciousness body has anchored. Currently, we can observe the lowest base collective energy on earth, which reflects the fragmented chaos and severe disconnection that currently dominates the worldscape. Unless humanity breaks away from the Archontic Deception and changes its world view and starts to make different choices, the overall quality of frequency in that collective human race field remains stagnant, recycled and unchanged. However, in ascending groups of people, the individual that has made that choice to transcend ego and Archontic strategies, are able to finally experience autonomy from the previous 3D laws, which had been governed by the collective human race choices. The Bifurcation of Time is forcing directions which will accelerate volatile change and transformation in areas (as well as inside people) that have not made spiritual progress, because for whatever reasons, they have remained emotionally stunted, energetically stagnant or are playing out regressive behaviors. This change that has occurred in the future timelines pushes all humans to transform and elevate their personal choices that had been formed from the 3D world view perception and its lower level of consciousness energies. Thus, the choices being made are between the negative ego layers and belief systems or sourcing from the spiritualized higher self, and this choice is established on which alternate identity has taken control over the overall consciousness body, and therefore has taken control over the physical body at this time.

~Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – April 26, 2016









LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Surrendering”


We have multiple planets in the Solar System moving into a retrograde position, which adds to the intensified sensations of the amplified polarities that are surging in the collective consciousness fields of the planet, during this cycle. Many of us that are sensitive to the collective miasma rising can feel this purge of imbalanced energies surfacing as a type of energetic pressure that gains its chaotic momentum in the environment. These accumulated misqualified or imbalanced energies in the collective consciousness have to find a point of release in order to clear out from the planetary grid.   We may have noticed over the past few days several strong earthquakes and volcanoes have erupted in the Pacific Ring of Fire, a direct result of tectonic plate shifting through the massive amounts of accumulated collective energies, both natural and unnatural,  attempting to find pressure points to release.  When there are multiple planets in retrograde simultaneously, there is a tendency in the planetary field to generate intersections between multiple timelines where people, places and things of the past, present and future, energetically bleed through into the current moment of reality. This can bring surreal and unexpected circumstances that may feel disorienting and strange, where things feel out of whack and we feel that we are out of sync with our daily schedule in life.

With all of the retrograde influx of multiple planets in reversal energies, it can feel frustrating, as it may seem we keep bumping up against roadblocks or knocking on closed doors which are not opening to allow us any progressive forward movement. Retrogrades at this level of intensity will force us to slow down, and change our schedule or routines, it will make us take careful, deliberate and well thought out steps before we commit to anything in the future direction of our life. If there are circumstances that are not moving with us in the next new cycle, they tend to fall apart, breakdown and be completely dismantled. As challenging as this can be, it gives us more opportunities to resolve karmic issues where we have been stuck in a loop or we have felt stuck in a pattern through the imposing nature of things operating in our periphery.

When we undergo such prolific and rapid change, our energy body (lightbody) and our emotional state can be more vulnerable to feeling weaker and more exposed to negative emotions. We may feel that negative emotional state in other people, and catch the low vibration which amplifies the voices of our own inner fears. Thus, it is essential to maintain spiritual center and energetic balance as possible, taking very good care of our emotional body, as we undergo a series of rapid, life altering transformations. This is the time to discipline and observe our thoughts, while being especially careful of where we place our mental focus and invest ourselves emotionally. We will have challenges to meet inside ourselves, while the people and things around us will reflect back to us, the same kinds of mental and emotional challenges for us to master. This is the inner to outer, and outer to inner challenge of seeing the collective consciousness mirror and maintaining grace while under pressure!

When we undergo such intense and rapid changes, it may also mean that we will experience both endings and beginnings in many areas of our life. When involved in these types of intense changes, we will want to know that we can create a sense of personal freedom while enduring rapid growth, and simultaneously, decrease any entanglements, dramas, and the forces of chaos that tend to be generated in the dismantling phases. The art of Surrender is especially useful when enduring these chaotic phases of transformational growth, where it may seem that things are backfiring and going in the wrong direction. The art of Surrender requires increasing degrees of trust and self-reliance that we develop inside ourselves, and it is the process of learning to let go in order to reach beyond our limitations. We cannot be codependent or involved in circumstances that are harmful to our emotional and spiritual growth, and this will be transformed into situations that involve greater self-reliance in order to develop inner strength. We get constantly stretched beyond the parameter of our inner resistances, that are based on our unresolved fears. As we surrender to the process of transformation and let go, we learn how to trust ourselves more, in order to confidently navigate in these new circumstances.

Surrender does not mean being passive, helpless or powerless when being confronted with conflict. It is about discerning the correct balance needed between action and non-action, and surrendering the end result or outcome to your highest purpose and highest self, even if you cannot fathom what that looks like right now. Growing compassion for ourselves helps us to surrender to accept these changes with composure, centering and level headedness. We remove the negative self-talk and stop mentally torturing ourselves with the anxiety and fear of not knowing what’s coming next. The power inherent in Surrendering will help you to let go and accept that not knowing what will happen is just fine.  Sometimes, it gives us the opportunity to re-examine strong inner desires we have had in manifesting something, and coming to the deeper realization that this was just not meant to be. This is a testing of the contents of our heart, to deeply discern the difference between personality or instinctual desires versus the deeper motivations and prompting that comes directly from our inner spirit. When we surrender to the process of intense or rapid transformation, it helps us to attune to the natural flow, the synchronistic alignment of energies. When we are feeling into the natural flow, and we are listening to follow the energetic synchronicities, we are honoring divine right timing and divine right order.  There is no way to think our way towards Surrendering to the natural flow, we must feel into it.  Surrender cultivates the power of the heart, develops higher sensory perception, and helps us to find and listen to the inner stillness. All of these practices will strengthen the energetic harmonizing effects in every area of your life, which will guide you to the highest outcome and choice that is designed for your personal spiritual growth and ultimately, fulfilling your highest expression.

Applying the intuitive art of Surrendering to all aspects of ourselves will support restoring energetic balance and thus, increasing harmony in all areas of our life.

Physical Surrender: Every day feel into our physical self and sense our current physical wellness, while regularly moving our body intermittently throughout the day, helps to release stored tension and blockages. We can also apply breathwork, in short breaks in the day, to refocus our mind to help release mental and emotional tension stored in the body. As you keep your body as relaxed as possible throughout the day, it increases the surrender potential of the body to let go of held tensions immediately, when exposed to different stressors. We do not want the body to hold onto stress or tension.

Emotional Surrender: Observe feelings and when you clench or tighten up from instinctual reactions. Work on resolving emotional conflicts that lead to resentments, blaming or generating unloving thoughts towards yourself. Recognize when you are emotionally carrying tension or feeling upset, and work on letting that go, in that moment, do what you can to find peace, acceptance and tranquility with whatever had been bothering you.

Mental Surrender: Most of the time our ego mind wants to understand the end result or outcome of events, and will try to control the outcome to our favor. On the spiritual path, one learns that this controlling behavior will backfire and many times creates obsessive looping thoughts. Refocusing our mind to maintain peace, and asserting that it is not up to you to know everything, helps to let it go and give the circumstances to flow with higher purpose.  Mindful meditation, and the ability to still the mind, can shift obsessive thoughts, and allow the mental body to surrender to the natural flow. This is deferring personal will to divine will, in knowing there is a blueprint and plan for all things in our life.

Spiritual Surrender: When we surrender to spirit, we are giving over control to the God forces, while we release ourselves from the need to exert control. We realize that we are not alone, and that this burden is not ours to carry by ourselves. We have the love, power and compassion from Gods spirit to guide us, and as we trust in the divine right order, we become more comfortable with life’s uncertainty. Developing trust with our inner spirit and relationship with God, makes letting go much easier.

Take good care of yourself at this time, give yourself plenty of loving kindness, and patience as you are learning the art of Surrender.




~Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – April 19, 2016


JAMYE PRICE: “March Ascension Energies – 2016”


“March Ascension Energies – 2016”

February Review

February had a fast pace to it, with an odd feeling of stillness mixed within it. This is a perfect setup for getting used to change and being peaceful, even while you are within action. That is the difference between doing and being—when you are conscious, even as you are doing something, you are connected and in a state of “being.”

February felt like a lot going on under the hood that wasn’t as obvious. This is the change within the subtle aspects of self that are helping to shift you into wholeness with the internal and external.

February’s energy of Conscious Coherence is prepping us for more unification of the heart and mind, a unified energy field, the being and doing—harmonizing the human self with the higher self. February was great preparation for the energies of March…

March Energies

Overall the energy of March is about Mental Clarity. Areon is calling 2016 the Year of Clarity. In January we focused on opening and clearing the heart. February brought an overview of becoming more conscious and unified from within. In March, there will be more energy around perceptions, perspectives, how we are shaping our experience with our minds, and how we can open the mind so that it follows the heart.

We have eclipses in March (Pisces and Libra), so the water and air signs will be bringing emphasis to the emotions and thoughts. Eclipses offering a reset of energy, a potential for a new path. Observe how your thoughts are stirring emotion. When you have a negative emotional charge on something, that is indicating that you have a resonant energy within you, a resistance, or a past trauma that is calling for resolution. When you feel balanced emotionally, you have a strong internal foundation of Love presiding. Love allows. Love understands. Love sees potential. Love will say no when that best serves evolution.

Set an intention to work with the eclipses to reset your mental and emotional balance for your highest good. You are a powerful being. As you are balanced emotionally, open mentally, and consciously interacting with Life, change happens. This year is about refining your energetic nature so that you are a powerful force in your life, offering hope, possibility and new potential to anchor here on Earth. It’s why you came from the stars!

Mental Clarity

A powerful side effect of this month can be more trust in yourself and in the flow of life. We’ve learned enough about thinking positively to know that it is important, but it needs to be grounded in reality to serve you here. If positive thinking is an avoidance pattern or a punishment pattern (i.e. “my life isn’t perfect, so I failed at thinking positively enough” etc.), then it is not helping you. When you deal with reality and have a powerful flow of Love that supports your capability, you are a powerful electromagnetic force of new creation forming in the subtle realms, then forming in the physical realm. First you’ll notice synchronicities occurring. Take note of them because they indicate that you are aligning and they help you experience more trust in life and trust in yourself.

Observing your thoughts and feelings is necessary for clarifying how you can allow more Love to flow within you. Forgive easily. Practice finding new perspectives that you believe, even if you don’t have all the answers as to “how.” Use your imagination and combine it with your feelings (imagine yourself happy and feel it – even though you’re imagining and not figuring out “how”) so that you are blending your heart/mind interaction. As you practice these, you are bringing unconscious information into your awareness, you are releasing discordant vibration, and you are amplifying your vibration of Love. It’s more powerful than you often get to see in the moment. (Yay synchronicity!)

March Summary

This is a powerful time to observe your thoughts and feelings. Use that eclipse energy to reset yourself into a new balance of all is well and all is changing. Don’t be concerned when you encounter a negative thought or feeling within yourself. Be courageous enough to transform it into a strength that is emerging from a vulnerability. You are harmonizing yourself into a powerful flow of new energy. Change is inevitable, and Life is supporting your growth. Time Marches on!
