By Nick Ciccone

The world’s worst-kept secret may be that Donald Trump has repeatedly espoused sexual comments and observations about his daughter, Ivanka. I’m not talking about innocuous pride for his daughter’s personal attributes or accomplishments. These 8 Trump quotes about Ivanka are uncomfortable as hell because they mostly describe her in a sexual context.

After his “Grab ‘em by the pussy” comments as recorded on the infamous Access Hollywood tape from 2005 became public, it’s not exactly surprising to hear of Trump’s history of alleged misconduct with women. Here’s what we know for sure: Trump has publicly made plenty of sexually-charged comments about Ivanka.

1. There was that time on ‘The View’ Trump said he’d be interested in dating Ivanka if she wasn’t his daughter.

In a 2006 appearance on The View, the Trumps were promoting The Celebrity Apprentice when Donald decided to ogle his daughter on national TV. The hosts asked Trump if he’d mind if Ivanka posed for Playboy, and Trump replied,

“I don’t think Ivanka would do that inside the magazine, although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

Joy Behar recoiled in her chair and said, “Oh, it’s so weird!” and joked “Who are you, Woody Allen?” The other hosts seemed perturbed by his comments as well.

2. He once asked a columnist if it was wrong to be more sexually attracted to your daughter than your wife.

Columist Richard Cohen claimed in a draft for a Washington Post op-ed published in November 2016 that Donald Trump once asked him, “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

The line was reportedly edited out and never published, but was allegedly in reference to Ivanka, who was 13 at the time. In a statement sent to BuzzFeed News, The Washington Post’s editorial page editor Fred Hiatt said,

We at the Washington Post Writers Group edit every column to try to make it as good as it can be … We don’t think it would be fair to our writers to discuss the editing process, and don’t see what is to be gained by talking about things that are not published — there are countless drafts that never see the light of day.

3. Trump joked on Wendy Williams’ talk show about how he and his daughter both liked sex.

Wendy Williams on YouTube

In 2013, talk show host Wendy Williams played a game with Donald and Ivanka, asking them what favorite activities they had in common. Ivanka said, “Either real estate or golf.” Donald grinned and said, “Well, I was going to say sex, but I can’t relate that,” prompting groans from the audience.

4. Trump allegedly compared two mistresses to Ivanka.

In a resurfaced interview, which was conducted in 2011 but was not published until 2018, Stormy Daniels recalled that Trump allegedly compared her to his daughter. “He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful and smart just like his daughter,’’ Daniels told In Touch. It was presumably referring to Ivanka, since Tiffany was only about 13 in 2006, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Trump and the White House have denied that Daniels and Trump had an affair.

In a March 22 CNN interview with Anderson Cooper, former Playboy model Karen McDougal discussed an affair she allegedly had with Trump over a decade ago. McDougal alleged that Trump said McDougal was “beautiful like HER,” referring to Ivanka.

Similarly to Daniels’ allegation, Trump and the White House have denied that Trump and McDougal had an affair.

5. Trump has said that Ivanka is a “great beauty with a great body.”

In a 2004 in-depth interview with New York Magazine, Trump again remarked on Ivanka’s appearance — something he almost never fails to mention when he’s talking about his family’s successes, and an indicator that he links being conventionally attractive with merit.

“Let me tell you one thing: Ivanka is a great beauty with a great body,” Trump told New York in a wide-ranging interview. “Every guy in the country wants to go out with my daughter.” She was 23 at the time.

Sigh. There’s more.

6. Trump once told Howard Stern it was OK to refer to Ivanka as “a piece of ass.”

In a 2004 interview with Howard Stern, Trump acknowledged that it was fine for Stern to call Ivanka “a piece of ass.”

In another clip discovered by CNN, from 2006, Stern asks Trump, “Did your daughter get breast implants?”

Trump says “No, she didn’t. I mean, I would know if she did. The answer is no. Why? Does she look a little more stacked?”

“She looks more voluptuous than ever,” Stern replied.

“No, she didn’t get them,” Trump said. “She’s actually always been very voluptuous … She’s tall, she’s almost 6 feet tall and she’s been, she’s an amazing beauty.”

7. Trump said he likes it when Ivanka calls him “Daddy.”

FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube

At a rally in North Dakota in September 2017, Trump brought Ivanka on stage and announced that he likes it when his daughter, a senior White House adviser, calls him “Daddy.”

“Come on up, honey!” the president said to his 36-year-old daughter before adding that it was her idea to join him at the rally.

“She said, ‘Daddy, can I go with you!'” Trump said. “She actually said, ‘Daddy, can I go with you?’ I like that! ‘Daddy, can I go with you…’ I said, ‘Yes, you can!'”

8. “If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father … “

Trump made yet another suggestive comment to Rolling Stone reporter Paul Solotaroff in a September 2015 story about Ivanka’s beauty.

“Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one… If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father… ,” Trump said.

Solotaroff said, “No, I don’t know. Why don’t you elaborate?”

Trump awkwardly touched Ivanka’s hips at the Republican National Convention in 2016.

This one isn’t a quote, per se, but it’s very much in line with Trump’s brand of creepy. Ivanka introduced her father at the 2016 Republican National Convention (RNC), and when he came on stage, he awkwardly kissed and touched her. Twitter took notice.


~via Forward


By Laura E. Adkins

June 28, 2023

This article was originally published on Dec. 16, 2016, and has been routinely updated to include new incidents.

When I first wrote this article, I had no idea what it — and Donald Trump’s presidency — would become.

The original list of creepy things was hastily compiled after Donald Trump had been elected to the nation’s office but before his inauguration as the president. Over the years, it has been regularly updated, widely read, and has taken on a life of its own.

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None of the incidents were ever particularly funny. But new allegations from the former president’s staff, which now take the #1 spot on this list, are on a whole other level.

And yet, veteran Trump-watchers know it’s far from the first time that our mercurial mogul-turned-leader of the free world has discussed his older daughter in highly offensive ways. Here are some of the Donald’s most icky Ivanka moments over the decades:

#8 Chatty foreplay with Stormy

The anecdote that Daniels offered up to Anderson Cooper was new to some. But she was basically repeating what she told InTouchmagazine in 2011.

“Daniels told a magazine six years ago that she had an affair with Donald Trump starting right after his wife Melania gave birth to their son, Barron…He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful and smart just like his daughter,” Daniels said.

#7 I like golf. We both like sex

During a Feb. 27, 2013, interview on The Wendy Williams Show, Trump was asked what he and his daughter both consider their favorite things. Trump answered, “I was going to say sex, but I can relate to, golf and real estate.” (The clip has since been removed from The Wendy Williams Show’s page on YouTube. Below is an archived version retrieved by the Forward.)

#6: ‘If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her’

During a March 6, 2006 episode of The View, Donald Trump made a casual remark that really made my skin crawl. When a host asks how Donald Trump would feel about his daughter posing for Playboy, he says that “Ivanka posing for Playboy would be really disappointing… not really. But it would depend on what was inside the magazine … I don’t think Ivanka would do a nude shoot inside the magazine. Although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” (The clip has since been removed from Fusion’s page on YouTube. Below is an archived version retrieved by the Forward.)

#5: ‘She has the ‘best body’ — and I created her’

On The Howard Stern Show, way back in 2003, Donald Trump had this to say about his daughter Ivanka: “You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body.”

#4: Who needs the First Lady when you have a First Daughter

In 2016, there were reports that Ivanka Trump might be taking over the White House office space traditionally reserved for the First Lady.

Journalist Julia Ioffe tweeted, “Either Trump is ****ing his daughter or he’s shirking nepotism laws. Which is worse?” The tweet linked to a report in The Hill expanding on the claim.

(Later that same evening, Ioffe posted a series of messages on her personal account, apologizing for what she had written. Her Politico contract was terminated during the presidential transition, but she later landed a new gig at The Atlantic.)

#3: ‘If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father’

During a 2015 interview with Donald Trump for Rolling Stone, reporter Paul Solotaroff praised Ivanka Trump. The soon-to-be president’s response? “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father…

#2: ‘Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife’?

Courtesy of a 2016 Buzzfeed News scoop, the (second) creepiest incident of them all.

In an early draft of a piece by Washington Postcolumnist Richard Cohen, he purportedly wrote that “President-elect Donald Trump once asked, ‘Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?’ — but the quote was quietly removed before the syndicated column was published.”

Yes, it’s wrong, Donald.

#1: The absolute worst of them all (and it’s NSFW)

According to a soon-to-be-published book, Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy From the Next Trump, the former president “regularly made lewd comments about his daughter Ivanka and fantasized about what it would be like to have sex with her.”

According to The New Republic, “’Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led former Chief of Staff John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,’ Taylor, who served as a Department of Homeland Security chief of staff under Trump, wrote in his book.”

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go throw up.


Laura E. Adkins

Laura E. Atkins

~via Forward