Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Brian reports on the Promise Junior School in Uganda, and Kathleen from the US explores a Healing Art Exhibit. In New Earth News: we are learning about Putting Labels on Kids; and much more! In World News: London Hospital Cyber Attack; Nigeria Strike Update; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian! Topics discussed: Fake BRICS coins / Fake Ripple / Fake Russian ships, false flag for WW3 / Rothschilds still want to crash dollar / False flags in the Middle East / Government switches / Trump heart attack / Jesuits lost phone line and funds / Abraxas program X / Deep State still fighting for power… and more.

Special report highlights:

“Now… other governments that are talking about ‘a big switcheroo’ are operatives here in the United States… Uh, there has been a lot of chatter in the last 3 or 4 days about claiming, in the mainstream media, that ‘president Trump’ is going to have— or has had— a ‘heart attack’. They are building a funeral, of epic proportions for this person that will rival the Elvis funeral. So got those of you that were alive way back when… I was pretty young… I do remember it because it was on every TV channel, and lots of ‘pomp-n-‘stance’ when Elvis passed away back in the late Seventies. Uh, this funeral is going to have a band, and there’s gonna be a lot of ‘pomp-n-‘stance’ far greater than any former ‘president’ funeral (or current ‘president’ funeral) that has ever happened in the United States. And it’s loud, and it’s obnoxious— just like the ‘Duck Dynasty’ operatives that run that show. The only catch here is I hear that this is supposed to take place between June 17 and June 22– which ‘coincidentally’— coincides with the solstice. Number one and number 2— they’re floating around a number of five billion dollars to orchestrate this affair in the mainstream news— Will they get 5 billion dollars? That’s the question. And who is promising them this 5 billion dollars? Well, it appears they’re being promised this five billion dollars from the Pallavicini family. And I know this, because there was a long conversation, and has been several long conversations over the last few days on the Jesuit communication line. Yes, the Order of the Jesuits has— or had— its own private communication line which they feel is super-secret, that nobody will hear what they’re talking about and nobody will hear their operations that they’re planning on running. Today as they were having a conversation, earlier today— I decided to tell them that is not the case. And How I did that was I talked to a particular person that I know is deeply involved with the Jesuit Order, ah, and I was texting them on an app program called Signal— at the same exact time they were having a conversation. Okay, and have you ever heard of a system called “X”?— and we’ll get to that in a minute. And I was texting them, word-for-word, about what they were talking about: “Hey, have you ever heard about this?” And “Wow, did you hear something about a Trump campaign, and that they’re gonna, you know, say that he’s passed away and there’s gonna be a big funeral, and the cost of this is 5 billion dollars? Wow.” You know, and I’m texting them all of this information. Meanwhile, they must have gotten wind of this fairly quickly, because they went into a panic— and had another impromptu meeting on a ‘secret line’. And, um, I said: “How do I know all of this? Well, I know all of this stuff because I HAVE the key intelligence and military system that will go into any ‘secret’ quote unquote ‘secret communication line’ and give me all of the data that I need to know. So there you go, Pallavicini family— that’s how I know. That’s how I knew about the Iraqi helicopter going down. That’s how we knew ALL of this stuff. So, uh— it was confirmed actually— by YOU. So thank you very much for having that phone conversation that I could listen to! Greatly appreciated.”

Kimberly Goguen, June 12, 2024 ~via The World Situation Report

“Here you are, Deep State. I guess you won’t be needing this dummy anymore…”

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~via United Network News

LISA RENEE on “We Are Being Lied To And We Must Grow Up To Recognize And Realize That Fact”

“The Media has an important role in spinning disinformation and targeting humanity in a mass Mind Control Operation. Through data collection and surveillance, they begin to formulate the schematic of the majority of the mass consciousness perception on a variety of topics that they can use in the media to weaponize narratives. They seek to get people to tune into certain Reality Bubbles that they set up as a social experiment, that lead into a type of consciousness trap, in which the holographic insert would broadcast the mind control reality that creates a cover narrative. The narrative is the illusion generated for its outer appearance, an inverted reality that is distorted and energetically opposite of what it actually appears to be. Thus, specific attention is being paid to the perception of reality that groups of people have in a reality bubble, while being exposed to a variety of scenarios combined with the group’s emotional reaction patterns to the various mass media content that is being spread. These are social experiments and psychological operations in which they measure ranges of perceptual ability that exists in varying sections of the public that generate these reality bubbles. They are attempting to find a baseline of consensus reality which appeals to the majority of current consciousness levels, seeking to manipulate the main reality bubbles that can be controlled through ranges of perception that they desire the public to follow. They want to mislead the majority of the population into a feedline of spoon-fed information that will continue to reinforce the culling of the said reality bubble. They seek to brainwash the masses into distraction from connecting the dots and perceiving the much larger picture of world events, disclosure and planetary ascension. Unfortunately, as we are being inundated with all forms of media, there are many unscrupulous tactics to use subtle and not so subtle ways to target people with sophisticated webs of deceptions and mind control. How desperate we are for hearing and seeing the truth during these end times. How demoralized we feel when everything that is being blasted at us through full spectrum AI driven algorithmic propaganda has flooded the zones of everything we once enjoyed as the simple pleasures of life— feeling the sinister encroachment of mind control lies poisoning everything it touches. Mind Control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems, which direct thoughts that are in contradiction to each other, like war and killing for peace. As long as the planet is at war with itself, and humanity thinks we are at war with each other, we feed into the mind control system of the NAA, which allows them to continue the vampirism of planetary resources, and enforce the genocide of the people. Therefore, we must reeducate ourselves to learn how the media is used as a directed psychological and emotional operation that is used against the public, in order to get the desired results as premeditated and orchestrated by those who are behind spoon feeding and controlling how these messages are being presented. It is critical we learn how news outlets are actually sponsored commercials that are being used to promote a series of harmful agendas, and how these messages can entrain our brains to feel certain emotions toward products and even commercial or political candidates. Please be aware that for a great many years, the NAA have continued to use clone warfare to confuse the public so they are unable to tell who is a deceptive fraud acting as a falsified identity through clone warfare. Further, these mind control programs are implanted into the spiritually blind and morally corrupt, the hopelessly brainwashed through these abominations that appear as black hole entities of the Beast Machine. Christos Starseeds are able to track and view artificial intelligence structures and false holograms being used to clone their image, projects and grid work, in attempts to stop the progression of tri-wave architecture in the planetary field. For some gridworkers it is a way of life and we know it is the standard NAA playbook to form dark resistance to our service and mission. However, these tactics with inserts are used to scare or intimidate those groups who are newly awakening, and are not yet aware of the predictable bullying antics of the NAA. This is how they engineer divide and conquer scenarios and incite confusion. In this way they use the frequency fence or artificial technology algorithm to block out the range of higher frequencies, of knowledge and information that does not fall into the average range of perception, that is manifesting in the majority of the collective consciousness. As an example, we can say that there is a reality bubble deliberately culling the masses into the belief of governmental party lines as good or bad, and that voting Republican or Democrat matters. These are methods of Divide and Conquer played out in the Inverted System, to keep the masses polarized on matters that are insignificant, feeding into the deception. Many adults are unable to discern, comprehend or synthesize the information they are reading, and thus rely on the televised propaganda churned out by the Controllers’ mainstream media broadcasts of CIA-owned news anchors. To be better informed we must stop knee jerk reactions and losing impulse control from reacting to the media as if we believe its content is truthful or accurate. It is not. We are being lied to, and we must grow up to recognize and realize that fact.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Reality Bubbles / Seek the Kingdom of God

Read related article:

LISA RENEE on “Televised Propaganda Churned Out by the Controllers’ Mainstream Media Broadcasts of CIA-Owned News Anchors”

Images courtesy of Ascension Avatar

KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: June 10, 2024 World Situation Report

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! From Uganda, Nabirye Annet demonstrates her homemade Juice Making process, and Namusis Janati shows us how she makes tea from Herbs & Spices. In New Earth News: we are learning about Leaving Religious Doctrine; and much more! In World News: Meta AI Training; Brazil Wetland Fires; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian! Topics discussed: Deep State battle continues. Global asset control / Still try to collapse dollar and hacking, but can’t access money / Martial law reinstated / BRICS won’t work / Governments can still collapse / Possibility they will use a loop-hole scenario to get fake Trump[s] “let off” because they will need a “cash cow” source of funding / Peace agreement / Still much to do to go forward with finance.

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News


By Nick Ciccone

The world’s worst-kept secret may be that Donald Trump has repeatedly espoused sexual comments and observations about his daughter, Ivanka. I’m not talking about innocuous pride for his daughter’s personal attributes or accomplishments. These 8 Trump quotes about Ivanka are uncomfortable as hell because they mostly describe her in a sexual context.

After his “Grab ‘em by the pussy” comments as recorded on the infamous Access Hollywood tape from 2005 became public, it’s not exactly surprising to hear of Trump’s history of alleged misconduct with women. Here’s what we know for sure: Trump has publicly made plenty of sexually-charged comments about Ivanka.

1. There was that time on ‘The View’ Trump said he’d be interested in dating Ivanka if she wasn’t his daughter.

In a 2006 appearance on The View, the Trumps were promoting The Celebrity Apprentice when Donald decided to ogle his daughter on national TV. The hosts asked Trump if he’d mind if Ivanka posed for Playboy, and Trump replied,

“I don’t think Ivanka would do that inside the magazine, although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

Joy Behar recoiled in her chair and said, “Oh, it’s so weird!” and joked “Who are you, Woody Allen?” The other hosts seemed perturbed by his comments as well.

2. He once asked a columnist if it was wrong to be more sexually attracted to your daughter than your wife.

Columist Richard Cohen claimed in a draft for a Washington Post op-ed published in November 2016 that Donald Trump once asked him, “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

The line was reportedly edited out and never published, but was allegedly in reference to Ivanka, who was 13 at the time. In a statement sent to BuzzFeed News, The Washington Post’s editorial page editor Fred Hiatt said,

We at the Washington Post Writers Group edit every column to try to make it as good as it can be … We don’t think it would be fair to our writers to discuss the editing process, and don’t see what is to be gained by talking about things that are not published — there are countless drafts that never see the light of day.

3. Trump joked on Wendy Williams’ talk show about how he and his daughter both liked sex.

Wendy Williams on YouTube

In 2013, talk show host Wendy Williams played a game with Donald and Ivanka, asking them what favorite activities they had in common. Ivanka said, “Either real estate or golf.” Donald grinned and said, “Well, I was going to say sex, but I can’t relate that,” prompting groans from the audience.

4. Trump allegedly compared two mistresses to Ivanka.

In a resurfaced interview, which was conducted in 2011 but was not published until 2018, Stormy Daniels recalled that Trump allegedly compared her to his daughter. “He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful and smart just like his daughter,’’ Daniels told In Touch. It was presumably referring to Ivanka, since Tiffany was only about 13 in 2006, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Trump and the White House have denied that Daniels and Trump had an affair.

In a March 22 CNN interview with Anderson Cooper, former Playboy model Karen McDougal discussed an affair she allegedly had with Trump over a decade ago. McDougal alleged that Trump said McDougal was “beautiful like HER,” referring to Ivanka.

Similarly to Daniels’ allegation, Trump and the White House have denied that Trump and McDougal had an affair.

5. Trump has said that Ivanka is a “great beauty with a great body.”

In a 2004 in-depth interview with New York Magazine, Trump again remarked on Ivanka’s appearance — something he almost never fails to mention when he’s talking about his family’s successes, and an indicator that he links being conventionally attractive with merit.

“Let me tell you one thing: Ivanka is a great beauty with a great body,” Trump told New York in a wide-ranging interview. “Every guy in the country wants to go out with my daughter.” She was 23 at the time.

Sigh. There’s more.

6. Trump once told Howard Stern it was OK to refer to Ivanka as “a piece of ass.”

In a 2004 interview with Howard Stern, Trump acknowledged that it was fine for Stern to call Ivanka “a piece of ass.”

In another clip discovered by CNN, from 2006, Stern asks Trump, “Did your daughter get breast implants?”

Trump says “No, she didn’t. I mean, I would know if she did. The answer is no. Why? Does she look a little more stacked?”

“She looks more voluptuous than ever,” Stern replied.

“No, she didn’t get them,” Trump said. “She’s actually always been very voluptuous … She’s tall, she’s almost 6 feet tall and she’s been, she’s an amazing beauty.”

7. Trump said he likes it when Ivanka calls him “Daddy.”

FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube

At a rally in North Dakota in September 2017, Trump brought Ivanka on stage and announced that he likes it when his daughter, a senior White House adviser, calls him “Daddy.”

“Come on up, honey!” the president said to his 36-year-old daughter before adding that it was her idea to join him at the rally.

“She said, ‘Daddy, can I go with you!'” Trump said. “She actually said, ‘Daddy, can I go with you?’ I like that! ‘Daddy, can I go with you…’ I said, ‘Yes, you can!'”

8. “If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father … “

Trump made yet another suggestive comment to Rolling Stone reporter Paul Solotaroff in a September 2015 story about Ivanka’s beauty.

“Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one… If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father… ,” Trump said.

Solotaroff said, “No, I don’t know. Why don’t you elaborate?”

Trump awkwardly touched Ivanka’s hips at the Republican National Convention in 2016.

This one isn’t a quote, per se, but it’s very much in line with Trump’s brand of creepy. Ivanka introduced her father at the 2016 Republican National Convention (RNC), and when he came on stage, he awkwardly kissed and touched her. Twitter took notice.


~via Forward

LISA RENEE on “Who Is Benefiting from Having Sex with Our Children?”

“We have to ask— ‘Who is benefiting from having sex with our Children?’ It’s not Human. This cannot be inoculated until people are willing to understand the Negative Alien Agenda. It is extremely important that any adult with a functioning brain that cares about the welfare of human children, be made aware of this most disturbing Archontic Deception Strategy, which is to specifically Target Human Children for a range of NAA related bio-warfare strategies, such as inflicting trauma based Mind Control, Vaccinations for genetic degradation, compromised immunity and Bio-Neurological hijack, to create life long pharma-drug dependencies and Addiction while in childhood, to culturally shape their minds to accept Anti-Soul and Anti-Life Agendas like Transhumanism, rampant sexualization and promiscuity in child to adulthood, mass Child Trafficking for Sexual Slavery, child sodomy/rape in group settings, and Satanic Ritual Abuse and Blood Sacrifice. One may see these patterns carry over with child sexual abuse, which is an Archontic NAA Strategy developed to traumatize humanity, while reinforcing these children to carry out these same agendas in their adulthood, in order to replay out the vicious cycle of Victim-Victimizer programming, Sexual Misery and slavery of the earth in every way imaginable. These people and entities actually value the killing of children and believe in the necessity of Child Abuse and Sacrifice killings if they can get away with it without prosecution. Their most sick mind believes that the blood of a child is the most pure, and can extract vital essence and power from the Blood Sacrifice. When they want ‘more power’ for material success or something to gain, or there is something to ‘cleanse’, they believe to cleanse it with a child’s blood. This is the most unbelievable to the sane mind and loving heart, yet, we must know this exists in huge numbers to begin to protect the children of the earth from this sickness. Child Genital Mutilation, child sex slavery, child porn, live sex with children on the internet is a billion dollar booming business. This is highly disturbing as we can see no one in government gives a care about this global issue. The only way this will stop is if people like us realize what is happening, are willing to face this pain and we build solidarity together in numbers to stop this, while recognizing it is directly sourcing from non human agendas. Disclosure is much needed to help people see how far this goes and how humongous it is. Any person that thinks a mere few humans will go to jail for this crime, and that these smaller groups are actually in power behind the global pedo rings, is not aware of the larger off planet agenda. The police force, the FBI, the government agencies WILL NOT PROTECT our children. We all must understand the larger agenda in order to be effective, as all of the news outlets and surface organizations will DO NOTHING. They all reach a threshold of no access/top secret compartmentalization to their pay grade. It is up to us to protect our children and to be aware of this heinous crime, and to not allow any person we do not trust near our kids or exert control over our kids, in every way you can. If you decide to have children, it is up to you to protect them, period. This planet is filled to the brim with sexual predators that get away with this many times, even if they are caught, nothing is done to rehab these people. A child who is sexually abused, grows into an adult who abuses children.”

LISA RENEE on “Factual Evidence of Horrific Crimes Against Children Perpetrated with Appalling Levels by Those in the Top-Most Positions in High Governmental Offices”

~via Child Sexual Abuse


There Are Multiple Other Similar [Court-Sealed] Child Rape Lawsuits/ Criminal Charges filed against Donald Trump in which His Victims and their Families were Paid-Off to be Silenced through Trump’s Lawyer/Fixer Michael Cohen.

Before You Place Any Public Figure You Do Not Know Personally onto a Pedestal and Blindly Worship Them— Get the Facts First before You Presume Them to Be a ‘Hero’. Sadly, Many ‘Public Heroes’ Were ‘Placed There’ and Are Criminal Psychopaths Such as the Former [Now-Deceased] ‘Illuminati King’ Donald Trump. These Luciferian/ Satanic Bloodline Families Are Bred to Be Just This Way— Criminal Psychopaths and Child Rapists. Think, People, and Re-Think Your ‘Heroes’. Would It Finally Matter Enough to You if One of These Victims Just Happened to Be Your Own Child?

LISA RENEE on “Factual Evidence of Horrific Crimes Against Children Perpetrated with Appalling Levels by Those in the Top-Most Positions in High Governmental Offices”


By Laura E. Adkins

June 28, 2023

This article was originally published on Dec. 16, 2016, and has been routinely updated to include new incidents.

When I first wrote this article, I had no idea what it — and Donald Trump’s presidency — would become.

The original list of creepy things was hastily compiled after Donald Trump had been elected to the nation’s office but before his inauguration as the president. Over the years, it has been regularly updated, widely read, and has taken on a life of its own.

Forwarding the News

Thoughtful, balanced reporting from the Forward and around the web, bringing you updated news and analysis of the crisis each day. 

None of the incidents were ever particularly funny. But new allegations from the former president’s staff, which now take the #1 spot on this list, are on a whole other level.

And yet, veteran Trump-watchers know it’s far from the first time that our mercurial mogul-turned-leader of the free world has discussed his older daughter in highly offensive ways. Here are some of the Donald’s most icky Ivanka moments over the decades:

#8 Chatty foreplay with Stormy

The anecdote that Daniels offered up to Anderson Cooper was new to some. But she was basically repeating what she told InTouchmagazine in 2011.

“Daniels told a magazine six years ago that she had an affair with Donald Trump starting right after his wife Melania gave birth to their son, Barron…He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful and smart just like his daughter,” Daniels said.

#7 I like golf. We both like sex

During a Feb. 27, 2013, interview on The Wendy Williams Show, Trump was asked what he and his daughter both consider their favorite things. Trump answered, “I was going to say sex, but I can relate to, golf and real estate.” (The clip has since been removed from The Wendy Williams Show’s page on YouTube. Below is an archived version retrieved by the Forward.)

#6: ‘If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her’

During a March 6, 2006 episode of The View, Donald Trump made a casual remark that really made my skin crawl. When a host asks how Donald Trump would feel about his daughter posing for Playboy, he says that “Ivanka posing for Playboy would be really disappointing… not really. But it would depend on what was inside the magazine … I don’t think Ivanka would do a nude shoot inside the magazine. Although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” (The clip has since been removed from Fusion’s page on YouTube. Below is an archived version retrieved by the Forward.)

#5: ‘She has the ‘best body’ — and I created her’

On The Howard Stern Show, way back in 2003, Donald Trump had this to say about his daughter Ivanka: “You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body.”

#4: Who needs the First Lady when you have a First Daughter

In 2016, there were reports that Ivanka Trump might be taking over the White House office space traditionally reserved for the First Lady.

Journalist Julia Ioffe tweeted, “Either Trump is ****ing his daughter or he’s shirking nepotism laws. Which is worse?” The tweet linked to a report in The Hill expanding on the claim.

(Later that same evening, Ioffe posted a series of messages on her personal account, apologizing for what she had written. Her Politico contract was terminated during the presidential transition, but she later landed a new gig at The Atlantic.)

#3: ‘If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father’

During a 2015 interview with Donald Trump for Rolling Stone, reporter Paul Solotaroff praised Ivanka Trump. The soon-to-be president’s response? “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father…

#2: ‘Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife’?

Courtesy of a 2016 Buzzfeed News scoop, the (second) creepiest incident of them all.

In an early draft of a piece by Washington Postcolumnist Richard Cohen, he purportedly wrote that “President-elect Donald Trump once asked, ‘Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?’ — but the quote was quietly removed before the syndicated column was published.”

Yes, it’s wrong, Donald.

#1: The absolute worst of them all (and it’s NSFW)

According to a soon-to-be-published book, Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy From the Next Trump, the former president “regularly made lewd comments about his daughter Ivanka and fantasized about what it would be like to have sex with her.”

According to The New Republic, “’Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led former Chief of Staff John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,’ Taylor, who served as a Department of Homeland Security chief of staff under Trump, wrote in his book.”

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go throw up.


Laura E. Adkins

Laura E. Atkins

~via Forward


MORE ‘DEAD TRUMP SOCIETY’ PIPE DREAMS, SHENANIGANS & FAILURES ~ Kim Goguen & Sunny Gault: June 5, 2024 World Situation Report

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Brian reports on the Promise Junior School in Uganda, and Kathleen from the US explores a Healing Art Exhibit. In New Earth News: we are learning about Putting Labels on Kids; and much more! In World News: London Hospital Cyber Attack; Nigeria Strike Update; and more! Plus, a Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

Kim on how 3-years-dead Trump is still an asset to the Deep State in controlling the narrative and making dirty deals— just as they all did while he was alive:

“Again— this is the whole Trump team, the Kushner people, whatever THAT is now these days, who KNOWS what that is, and everybody ELSE wearing a mask over there on that side. So a lot of this stuff is being set up behind the scenes by the organization. Like I said— ‘money trails’. Money talks you know, and when you figure out where all the money is and where it’s going, where you sent it, you can now figure out how you’re setting yourselves up. Because they said, once they’ve been ‘successful’ — THEN they will actually ‘officially’ announce that Trump is no longer here.”

~Kim Goguen, June 5, 2024

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 36:55 mark.

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~via United Network News

“DISMANTLING THE MATRIX” ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: May 27, 2024 World Situation Report

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Toni from Italy covers the Florence Artisan Fair, and Dianne from Uganda interviews Designer Aseneta about her work. In New Earth News: we are learning about Detoxification Protection; and much more! In World News: Global Pandemic Treaty; Canada Online News Act Study; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 36:40 mark.

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News