KEE ZODI: “Fluoride: The Silent Killer!”


Fluoride, how bad could it possibly be?

We have all since a young age been told to brush our teeth twice a day to prevent things like gum disease and tooth decay. But is that really the case? Are we sure it’s not just pure business? Wouldn’t be a surprise considering the pharmaceutical industry is guilty of this. Let’s just take a closer look into what Fluoride is and what it really does to OUR bodies.

If you like the truth please read on:)


Fluoride’s dark history

Fluoride was used by the Nazis in concentration camps to keep the inmates passive.  The poison serves to decrease resistance to authority.  Alcoa Aluminum, which produced fluoride as a manufacturing byproduct, combined forces with I. G. Farben, the Nazi-era conglomerate, which utilized fluoride in creative, profitable ways, including deadly nerve gas.  After the war, with decades of effective propaganda from Alcoa, most U.S. municipalities came to fluoridate their water.

The key justification was and is that fluoride is good for teeth and is harmless, although the dental benefit is consistently unsubstantiated when tested.  But a toddler can die from eating too much toothpaste with fluoride, and the effect of fluoride on teeth is to harden them to the point of making them brittle.  The bone cancer rate is six times higher among young males in fluoridated communities.

Apart from the ongoing benefit to the aluminum industry and other industries which do not have to dispose of toxic fluoride waste — instead, putting it into the water — the control of the populace via fluoride may be a consideration for ongoing overexposure.  After all, there is a lot riding on the public’s acceptance of everything from corrupt politics and elections, destruction of nature for profit, and commercial domination of daily living.

It is not only fluoridated water systems giving people fluoride; the pollutant is emitted into the air and water from factories and mines, and ends up in food, drinks and toothpaste.  Babies that get fluoridated water added to their food or formula get several times the safe level of exposure.  Levels of exposure and accumulation in older children and adults are on average several times what is safe, according to many studies (see references).  Yet, despite fluoride’s demonstrable dangers, industry influence has won so far.  Has the population succumbed to dumbness via chemicals, or is it pervasive propaganda?  The answer is both.

Not surprisingly, today’s research dominated by corporate interests and an academia propping up the status quo does not over-investigate sources of pollution and health damage from industry.  It is too much to expect corporate-supported experts to pursue the issue of how our brains are affected, and what this means for our lives as controlled citizens herded by institutions, laws, and the domesticated, paved landscape.

This report deals with only two pollutants which are produced willfully and in great quantities without the informed consent of those affected.  How efficient: control one society with two chemicals.  No doubt other chemicals are involved.  To also take into account the plethora of approved, but untested chemicals provided by Dupont, oil companies and others, and estimate the impact on our health and behavior, is extremely hard to do.  The “precautionary principle” has been thrown out the window, as demonstrated by the U.S. Congress’s Delaney Clause (barring carcinogenic substances) being tossed by the Clinton/Gore Environmental Protection Agency.

Improving on nature is a common explanation of the excesses of corporations, industries and government policies.  But to enforce the so-called improvement on nature there has to be a passive public.  Combining fluoride with carbon monoxide and other chemicals (that synergize with unpredictable results) with the massive propagandizing assaulting the public through media and public “education,” it is easy keep the public out of the decision process.  The answer to this state of affairs lies is local action and taking local, responsible control.  Washington would eventually follow if it wants to.

The public health crisis is not an honest mistake by hard-working people trying to do good jobs, when decade after decade the public trust is betrayed by corrupt politicians and officials.  Nor is this a matter of electing the right president:  Aside from the consideration of anyone being elected having to be approved by the powers that be whose interests will be protected, the greater issue is our consuming habits as practiced by the most materialistic, wasteful culture ever seen.  When massive chemical production and energy use are tantamount to progress (even though this is unsustainable and harmful to life on our delicate planet) we are faced with nothing less than a breakdown of civilization.  The crisis has implications for social relations at all levels, including how much a brain-pollutant is allowed on the market.

Instead of raising hell and taking a stand, the embattled consumer wishes most often for a little more relief and distraction.  When disaster strikes, it may be seen as unreal as a television show, even as the body gives out and the spirit goes out with barely a whimper.  The American victim sees relatives and friends struggling and succumbing to the rising epidemic of cancer, but the daily routine goes on without question: make more money, pay off the rising debts, and don’t take any action on global warming or the war on Iraq.

We are suggesting there are explanations for inaction beyond what is commonly suggested.  With  more complete understanding, some individualized health purification, and old-fashioned indignation, solutions are more easily forthcoming — if people work together.

Effects of fluoride on the Pineal Gland.


Sometimes great things come in small packages. The pineal gland, so-named because of its likeness to a pine cone (Latin pinea), is about the size of a grain of rice. Yet, science has barely discovered the fullness of its uses in the body or its  connection to the mind/soul.


The parasympathetic nervous system incites our “rest and digest, feed and breed” activities; the endocrine system produces hormones, communicating signals such as hunger, satiation, sexual desire, wakefulness or sleepiness. The pineal gland is vital for converting signals from the parasympathetic to the endocrine system.


The pineal gland is also responsible for the production of melatonin from tryptophan. Melatonin helps to regulate circadian rhythm and plays a role in the timing of puberty. Deficiency in melatonin is linked with premature sexual development, insomnia, cancer, Alzheimer’s and mental disorders such as bipolar.


The pineal gland has been tagged the “third eye” because of its resemblance to the human retina and its function as a light receptor. Light enters the body through the retina of the eyes and is sent to the brain, which then sends it to the gland.



Some have also linked the function of the pineal gland to extrasensory abilities naming among them intuition, discernment, psychic awareness and expanded mind capacity.

The gland’s semblance to the human eye and its location in the brain make it appear to be, quite literally, the mind’s eye.
Practically speaking, the desires of our heart direct our eyes to and from that which we do and don’t want. The eyes then receive light into the body, send it to the brain, which transports it to the pineal gland. The light stimulus activates the gland.

It happens that our mind’s eye receives constant and massive blood supply, ever taking in nourishment from the blood life force. As a result, any “death” in the blood, aka toxicity, easily accumulates in the pineal gland.

For this crucial piece of the brain, one of the most prevalent dangers today is the accumulation of fluoride and other toxins in the blood, causing a protective measure over the pineal gland known as calcification.


Artificial foods and ingredients; toxic levels of hormones from treated animal foods; poor nutrition; weak immunity; and sodium fluoride are largely blamed for the rampant calcification of the pineal gland worldwide. Some experts suggest that exposure to radiation via cell phones is another contributor.


A blocked pineal gland is associated with several disorders as well as inhibited enzyme function. Resulting effects include:

  • weight gain or obesity
  • slow thyroid
  • digestive disorders
  • kidney trouble
  • poor circulation
  • confusion
  • loss of sense of direction
  • mood or mental disorders
  • lack of vision
  • lowered IQ


A healthy gland is said to enhance: overall health, healthy nervous system function, hormonal balance, sleep, focus, cognition, dreaming, imagination,


C R Bayliss, N L Bishop, and R C Fowler. “Pineal gland calcification and defective sense of direction.” (1985) ]Natural News: Mainstream media pushes malicious fluoride lie: Fluoride-free bottled water is harming children, they claim!

Municipal water in the USA has been treated with a toxic form of fluoride for more than half a century. Many people have accumulated sodium fluoride in the pineal gland. To reverse this, get rid of fluoride, and you can start with your drinking water. Purchase a reverse osmosis or other fluoride water filter or get well or spring water if you can.


If you haven’t already, eliminate sodium fluoride by getting rid of conventional toothpastes. You can easily make a homemade teeth cleaning and whitening, mouth cleansing paste out of coconut oil, baking soda and a dab of peppermint or cinnamon oil. You can also buy fluoride free herbal toothpaste.


The problem is not simply fluoride; it’s also the accumulation of calcium deposits as the body’s immune response to toxins. Pesticides, artificial ingredients, hormones, other contaminants enter from bad food into the blood stream and flow directly to the pineal gland. Calcification occurs as a protective guard against these harmful chemicals. Switching to organic fruits, veggies and animal products will help to stop the flooding of chemicals into the bloodstream and throughout the body; thus reducing immune responses like inflammation and calcification.


Sunlight activates the pineal gland and stimulates decalcifying. Get 20 minutes of sunshine every day for a healthy dose. Go hatless so that the sunrays will also be received through your skin and go straight to the brain. Do this consistently and you should notice excellent activity in the gland when night falls, producing a goodly measure of melatonin for sound sleep.

To take it a step further, try safe sun gazing. The famous HiraRatanManek pioneered the sun gazing practice in the West and claims to have enlarged his pineal gland.


Eat citrus fruits or drink the raw juice of lemons each morning. The acid helps to break down calcium deposits and gently detoxes.


Iodine has been shown to assist the body in releasing fluoride through the urine, and is essential for the healthy function of the thyroid gland. Enjoy dried seaweed, such as kelp, navy beans, tuna and eggs. Kelp supplements are also available.


Boron is a mineral found in food. It’s used to build strong bones and muscles, promote good muscle coordination and healthy testosterone levels, and to enhance cognition. It’s also known as an effective fluoride remover. Boron is found naturally in raisins, dates, chick peas, red kidney beans, hazel nuts, walnuts, lentils and peanut butter.

Borax is the common supplement form for Boron, but note that concentrated supplementation is controversial.

Other foods that cleanse and nourish the pineal gland include coconut oil; superfoods chlorella, blue-green algae, and wheatgrass; along with herbs and spices cilantro, parsley, turmeric and cayenne. Many also swear by zeolite, which remove metals and toxins from water and from within the body, and raw apple cider vinegar.

Exciting things are happening to protect the future of our pineal glands from poisonous fluoride.


Published by: Kee Zodi

World Peace activist. Truth Seeker. Question everything. Facebook – Kearon White Twitter – @Cryptickee Instagram – @Kee_zodi