QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Are There Purposes for Particular Countries to Bring the Ascension Process?”


“Are there purposes for particular countries as a whole to bring the ascension process? A lot of info comes out of a limited amount of countries, especially the USA. Are there particular tribes, masters, guides focused on one country?”


“In terms of particular countries, the Guardians have said that about the USA at this time, that the torch is being given to the north American continent. As this is all the divine plan of splitting the reality structures, the splitting of frequencies, and what is happening to us in USA, both economically and politically — is that splitting apart. This is the amplification of polarities. Political lines are also drawn in ancient genetic lines at this time. We are watching a part of our ascension process that is working on a karmic level between the history of bloodlines and genetic lineages. Many of us are here as Guardians of the earth to incarnate to bring 12D pillar frequencies and build portals and set them up in certain spaces that we are called to be, all over the planet. Being on that level to bring ascension energies in here first, there are vortices around the planet and key power spots. Kauai is a 12D portal access and power spot. This stabilizes areas of the planet that are chaotic in the field. Energetic upheavals, weather and climatic anomalies also appear in weaker gridlines of the planetary body, when naturally occurring, and when being manipulated by outside technology. Around key power spots there are Indigo beings genetically encoded with that particular energetic lineage to support that area of the earth. Where areas are energetically stabilized they are also stabilized politically, economically and socially.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

Photo by Ascension Avatar

QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Where Are All These People Supposedly Being Awakened?”


“Where are all these people supposedly being awakened? I don’t see them anywhere. Supposedly there’s thousands, millions even, of us ‘ascending’ people, us Starseeds and Indigos; sure, but where? I’ve been looking into this for a long freaking time. I’ve been searching. I’ve been asking. I was looking for support for a very long time and then I gave up. You supposed experts on this crazy sh** that’s happening to me, are f******g nowhere to be found. You live on the goddamn internet and you don’t exist anywhere else. Elusive, secretive, cryptic, coded bullsh**. I believed in this journey until everybody who agreed with me ended up spouting the same recycled crap every time they opened their mouths, including this site. Saying the same sh** as everyone else. Nothing new, nothing interesting, no updates, no information, no how-to, no actual help. Just a little, ‘You’re not alone.’ Hypotheticals and blanket statements. Not being alone is only good for the first month. After that, maybe let us know what the f*** we’re supposed to do now. Give us some freaking hope for the world or put your platform away. I’m usually much more zen and articulate. I’ve been angry about this lately; everyone wants to keep saying the shift is coming, everybody says soon. We get it. Soon. NOW WHAT. Quit it with the baby steps bullsh** and give the seekers some f******g meat. Help us for gods sakes!


Dear Ascending Community, This is a good time to publically answer the many different emails that I receive from nonmembers all over the world, such as the above email I received today. They share the same common threads that many awakening people or Starseed people experience on the earth. That common thread and theme is experiencing a sense of deep isolation from other people that leads to feelings of frustration, depression, loneliness and sometimes anger. This isolation, is also the desire to become socially isolated from the accepted standards of insanity and barbarism that make up the current social engineering tactics that are used to maintain the mind control structures on the earth. In order to attempt to meet this need of supporting a sense of deeper connection to the purpose of spiritual ascension and to support the awakening community, so this group can openly discuss and find spiritual tools for the many varieties of issues that we deal with, and to help remove these feelings of isolation, is the primary reason that the ES online community was created. It was the only way that I could reach out to the Starseeds that existed worldwide, that would be able to find the energetic space for advocacy, to be in a safe place of which to be understood and accepted, to study and learn among those who are on the same path, and to be able to share many multidimensional experiences. As Starseeds, our surreal multidimensional experiences are that which commonly lead us to the experiences of isolation, even deep loneliness for being unseen, while being on the earth during these timelines, when there is a hidden war happening to suppress and steal the consciousness of the people. First and foremost, when addressing those groups of awakening people that are feeling very frustrated, angry and at their wits end, dealing with the dark forces, the people on the planet, in the chaotic state that it exists today, I hope to remind you of an important reality check. We did not come to the earth to party on vacations and drink Margaritas on the beach. We did not come here to make millions of dollars and play out fleshly fantasy games of the Luciferian elite. We did not come here to get lost and taken off spiritual direction in the many delusions of self-importance that are played out with the reptilian version of the negative ego mind. We came to the planet during the timelines of Ascension, we came from the future into the past, when we could make a massive difference in the fields to shift the future direction. We came when the Universal Gates were opening, while the war over the earth was raging in the higher dimensions, and battling was occurring in the lower hidden planes of which most of the humans here cannot sense or see. We came here to do the spiritual work and to make the effort to work together in group consciousness, to be of service to others, to honor Universal Laws, that help take this planet into the higher frequencies and to reach spiritual liberation in the future timelines.The only way we can do that is to do the negative ego dismantling, and emotional pain clearing, that would extract the falsity and make room to allow our higher spiritual self to embody while on the earth. For that purpose of ultimate spiritual embodiment, we make it our life priority to do the Ascension clearing and healing inside ourselves, every day. We cannot help ourselves, or the planet if we refuse to look at our own responsibility in the awakening process, which requires we do the inner emotional clearing work, that we change the way we think and perceive, as we are the microcosm that reflects into the macrocosm. It all starts from within us. Let me remind you, we are in a consciousness war over the earth. Do you hear me? Can you understand the implication of what that means for all of us and the entire planet? What are you going to do about this? Are you going to cry, point fingers at other people, have a tantrum and complain about it, or are you going to get serious and take care of your own inner spirit and personal business? What do you think we do over here in this community, drink tea all day? We’re working very hard to keep this information available online, and as much for free access, as possible. There is a lot that I cannot share publically because of what I will have to deal with if it goes outside borders of where I have a structure to hold that information for those who ask for it in the community area. I must conserve energy to serve a group that works hard with the community objectives, and not a person who is demanding help, but will not help themselves. We all have to roll up our sleeves and get to work. DO THE CLEARING WORK. If you do not know how, then join the community and you will learn how. If you want to learn how to do gridwork, you can learn it here, but it will require 100% spiritual dedication to learn how. There are many people in the community who work very hard to learn, work very hard to understand and work hard to participate with this process of clearing and healing themselves and the earth, and it is through the spiritual dedication of the entire group, that this content and service is made available to the public. Without the dedication of the group to be of service and take responsibility for their own healing, this would not exist. As sensitive and caring people, we all have been at the point of incredible frustration and feeling despair about the state of unconsciousness that plagues the earth. We’ve had the exact same feelings of frustration at what we see operating in the worldscape today, the hatred, the wars, the blood sacrifice, the continual torturing of the men, women and children of this earth. We deeply cry out, when will this war matrix of world torture end? All of us who are incarnated to help the earth become liberated from the dark oppressors are harassed, stripped of resources, and attacked again and again, when we rise to help the earth and its people be released from the planes of bondage and servitude. None of us get away from that harassment, all of us endure some kind of forms of dark attack or spiritual oppression when we do serious clearing. You are not alone in that, we all share this burden together. That’s why we must learn how it works in this mind control matrix, because once we see how it works, we can work around the attacks, we can work around the mind control system, but we must study it to comprehend it, and do the clearing of our negative ego, in order to be successful so that we can truly actualize our purpose of service. This is the key to attaining inner peace, comfort and spiritual fulfillment while we co-exist in the fields of insanity and chaos. When we awaken into an higher awareness of our surroundings and we gain more accurate perceptions of what is actually behind the upside-down state of the world today, we can observe and feel the energetic contents of the collective unconscious spill out into the environment of the earth surface. Then we can discern who is who and what is behind the facade. When we gain clarity and sensitivity through heightened states of consciousness, many of us can feel the state of the pain and depravity that is circulating in the world, and as a result, awakening people feel isolated. Many will choose to isolate themselves out of necessity, because our society does not support awakening or higher consciousness, in fact the culture persecutes people like us. Isolating is a coping mechanism for our continued sanity, to stay low on the radar, and to restore energetic balance to our body from our ability to self-source. Most of my life, I was isolated and very alone, with little help. I received attack, after attack, trying to take me out just when creating this online community for Starseeds. Are you aware how many obstacles we have to get through, how much we have to master in the world of forces and how much we devote our life stream to serve the God force, to get this far? It is very difficult for us when we gain clarity and connection, as we awaken our hearts, awaken our minds, awaken our higher sensory ability and then to be met with an onslaught of dark forces projecting negativity and very low frequency into the environment designed to suppress mass awakening. Many Starseeds are fully capable to feel the massive amount of people and entities writhing in agony, as it is presently in the collective consciousness, seeing how dark forces have created agony so that it operates in the people and world at large. Thus, Starseeds have to master these forces as they exist within themselves, in order to actualize their true spiritual purpose and to build spiritual power while on this earth. If you do not do the inner clearing work, you will not have spiritual power, and you will circle in circles, chasing tails, until you really figure this out. There is no way to get out from taking responsibility for yourself, taking responsibility for the quality of your life, and removing blame from other people and how they may impact you. We came to this earth to be of service, build group consciousness, and totally give every ounce of our being to surrender to the higher plan of God, while we endure the war over consciousness on earth.To dedicate ourselves to the higher purpose, it is critical that we change the way we think, the way we behave, and our motivations and perceptions of life on the earth. Otherwise, if you do not change the way you think, you will be slowly driven crazy from the intense pressure that the higher frequencies and purging of the dark forces create on the earth.The light and plasma force of Cosmic Christ is beginning to run current and embody here, and it is waiting for you to wake up so that you are spiritually strong enough to actually embody its massive force of God’s spirit. If you have negative ego outbursts and pain is running you, it cannot embody, you must purify yourself of these traits. As many of you, I have been on this awakening path for what feels to be a very long time, and have endured obstacle after obstacle, dark attack after dark attack, running through the 3D maze like a laboratory rat, and the whole time wondering where the rest of us on this path are, who are REALLY doing the work. I established the online community nine years ago, while I was homeless, using every last dime I had to make it a reality, working on it day and night while I was getting attacked and intentionally humiliated by others repeatedly. In order to set up the ES structure to be able to exist, it has to set up in many layers of field architecture in so to protect it. I cannot advertise, I cannot market, I cannot superimpose, I cannot do random youtubes and facebooking, I have zero social media presence and there are critical reasons for that. I cannot come to you, and I cannot collaborate with any structure or person that does not have the same GSF alignment that I have worked many years to embody. I have a responsibility to serve the entire field of the community container, and this Ascension content, and I am sorry that I am not personally available to you. I cannot answer every plea for help, as much as I wish I could. I have a very large workload already. What I ask is that you do the investigation, do the study, look at what is on this site in every nook and cranny, talk to God every moment and ask for help and direction from God all the time, and dedicate your life to your highest expression of embodiment on the earth. You must never give up, you must never give your power away to the dark forces or other people, even when everything looks really grim and depressing. I must stress you cannot be lazy, you must face fears, you must get out there and face things you do not want to face, build strength in facing the darkness, no matter what it dishes out. You are a warrior of the light, serving freedom and liberation for all beings, and we are in a war over consciousness, travelling together. I may not be able to answer your emails, but I feel you and I know you are out there, and I am deeply sorry you are in pain. If you cannot be here with us right now to learn and study, then do the best you can to find your aligned path and get to it. Do the work, use our free tools every day. If you do not resonate with our tools or community, then find something that you can work with, or create as your own. If I did this from nothing, so can you. We need you to pull out every last drop of pure heart and spirit, the massive strength within your spirit, in order to make it happen. I am right here working by your side, in the trenches, cheering you on, but you must do the work yourself, no one else can do it for you. Search for tools here, and take them, make them your own, and use them every single day. Things can change, and I am living proof that massive obstacles can be overcome with 100% dedication to serve God. The Christ forces are here, but you must purify your body to commune, embody and speak with them directly. I Love you and We are in this together.

~Lisa Renee, GSF Steward

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE on “Archontic Deception Strategies to Orchestrate Complete Mind Control Enslavement of Humanity for the Colonization of Planet Earth as Their Conquered Territory and Slave Farm”

“The Negative Alien Agenda [NAA] is to force the planet to serve another multiple species Controller agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as Holographic Inserts, AI and Mind Control, namely created under genetic reptilian-insectoid Archon extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under human domain. Much of the NAA is veiled behind the shadow levels of the ET and human military industrial complex, the primarily takeover access is the naval forces and in the underground bases on the earth. It appears the earth was invaded several times by hostile Negative Aliens with a major shift occurring 26,000 years ago during the Luciferian Rebellion, Atlantian Cataclysm and leading to the latest events in the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. Upon the invasion of the planet that transpired in stages since the Luciferian Rebellion, the Negative Alien Agenda NAA was formed by the intruders to prepare the inhabitants of the planet to worship False Alien Gods, such as Yahweh and Jehovah. Both of these are collectives that feed into Negative Aliens group of Archons that feed on the planetary fields through those humans that pray, give offerings, and worship these alien entities through the creation of their Violent Religions. These are sophisticated Mind Control matrices that run the religious software programs through False White Light webbing that is designed to capture the human soul in Consciousness Traps. These are called Eye of Yahweh and Eye of Jehovah, they operate as refraction lenses that bend light into artificial holograms and synthetic timelines. To enforce their Patriarchal domination in human culture, some False Father archetypes were hand selected by the NAA and showcased as Patriarchal Prophets for their violent religions. Through brainwashing methods employing militarization strategy with technological Mind Control, the predator mind and their religions were downloaded into the planetary mind. When the planetary mind was invaded, the collective race mind of humanity was forever changed. Over generations of religious programming, the truth of the NAA invasion was forgotten through the consistent consciousness wiping and recycling of the collective Soul body of the earth. This allowed the NAA ideology of killing, warring, persecuting and torturing humans to run rampant on earth, and for humans to believe they are bound to a variety of insane ‘religious’ rituals. Repeated rituals are emphasized in orthodox religion to mind control people into strict dogmatic beliefs mixed with an obsessive level of anxiety. Mind control implants are used to activate anxiety in the person if the ritual, prayer or offering is not prepared to exact specifications. This is a form of indoctrination into their symbolism and religious interpretation. One may notice that in the religious zealot implant, or in Satanic Ritual, the person’s fear and anxiety feeds the vampiric entity. The entity then stimulates the binding to religious or ritual addiction to continue to generate energy from them. When a human mind is dogmatic, obsessive and ritualistic, it shuts down and loses access to free and open thinking. Jehovian Grids runs off parallel Earth and operates on D 7-9-11 reverse current, creating a reverse spin to the planet. It can send subsonic pulses to precise targets and be used as a weapon, as can the Falcon and Phoenix. The Dove Grid has, additionally, seven Crucifixion Implants or Jehovian seals which are huge pylon selenite rods seeded into the Earth’s grids at selected points down the East coast of America, corresponding to seven of the twelve stargate seals (which open the stargates during ascension). These crucifixion implants are referred to as hyperdimensional cones, which are standing wave conical scalar wave clusters, manifesting in the rods. Jehovian Grids use ‘trumpet’ pulse technology and connects Earth via these hyperdimensional rods to the Phantom Matrix. This was not fully operational until the creation of the Phoenix Grid wormhole in 10,500 BC. The effects of these pylons is to create ‘cracks’ and rip tears in the time wall between Earth and Phantom, producing seven siphoning channels, and can be used as ultra low-frequency transmitters. This can transmit whole objects, people, etc. through a hyperdimensional field to the Phantom matrix. The ARMAGEDDON software programs, such as War, Pestilence and Cataclysm fears, or many other fear programs which can be interchanged as they are similar bio-warfare Mind Control programs used on the earth to suppress human consciousness. This is a Psycho-Spiritual Warfare strategy used against humanity by the Negative Aliens through their False Gods and False Father Satanic religions to use SRA to repeatedly kill and torture humans through war. The Armageddon Software is the companion Mind Control system which is activated through the Crucifixion Implants as a Holographic Insert in the planetary body and human body. The Jehovian Grids and the Jehovah religions are used to power up these NAA Violent Religions to increase fear, terror and wars over of God. When these False Alien Gods waged their Luciferian Rebellion and subsequent invasion strategies of conquering planet Earth, these self-anointed Gods got to work on devising the various Alien Hybridization programs filled with genetic experimentation, Social Engineering and religious mind control methods to generate consciousness slaves on Earth. The primary life designer for the Belial Group, Sa’am-Enki began the first of many genetic experiments for cloning and hybridization breeding programs from the large elongated skulls of his future Sirian Annunaki progeny of Nephilim with red hair, to the earlier seeding of Neanderthals, which are remnants of his previous Enki life designs for seeding Anti-Christ species. The main purpose to seed Anti-Christ species on the planet is to design them to be the natural enemies of the already existing indigenous population, namely the Essene Christos races, in which they would constantly be manipulated to instigate war and genocidal hatred in order to finally destroy all remnants of Diamond Sun DNA existing within the Earth population. Sa’am‘s mission was to create a massive antichrist army, Enki’s Army, in order to colonize the planet Earth with hybridized Belial Sun Sirian Annunaki genetics which was originally set into motion at the behest of his prime creator, his reptilian father. Father Dragon Anu presents as the ancient patriarch of what eventually became the major factions of Sirian Annunaki Belial Suns that encompass the current Thothian Luciferian gestalt consciousness, and his cloned offspring Sa’am-Enki and Enlil. Collectively referred to as the TEE entities, they first formed into the unholy alliance of reptile-insectoid spiritually fractured criminal minds, digressing into psychopathic terrorists running their human slavery enterprises in the solar system where they elevated themselves as the most important key figures behind organized religion as the False Alien Gods. The Belial group collective entity run by the cruel warring patriarch and misogynist Father Anu packaged himself as Yahweh, while another cloned brother Enlil was masquerading as Jehovah, and together the duo demanded they be worshipped by earthlings under penalty of fire and brimstone. These agendas are still in effect today and impact all human and earthly life as a enforced enslavement on a Prison Planet, being harvested for a variety of resources to send back to off planet Controllers, such as harvesting the energetic quanta of the human life force and earthly minerals. The Black Suns consider earth their territory and believe that surface earth people are criminal prisoners, which extends to them the right to abduct humans for an assortment of working slave colonies. These are the underground and off planet bases like Ceres, coming to light as whistleblowers remember their experiences as Milabs and being recruited into the Secret Space Programs, that are both involved in galactic Human Trafficking. The system of debt based currency used as the current global monetary system was originally brought to the earth by the Alpha Draconis Orion Group. These entities have organized themselves on the earth in what is called the Black Sun Agenda. Some of these Black Sun factions decided to use the earth as a Prison Planet for trapping and containing all undesirables, including those entities that were not compliant to their authoritarian militarized rule were straight out criminals and degenerate perverts. Thus, the earth and the Solar System became known in the Black Sun Orion Group as the prison colony, as they would not let anyone out of the earth’s reincarnation cycles via technological frequency fences and soul harvesting structures. The Draco Reptilians of the Orion Group view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and believe that earth humans have descended from their biological seeding processes, from multiple planets they have conquered. Therefore they believe humans, as well as the earth, are their personal property and have instituted the global slavery system via the indoctrination of debt-based currency. One should be aware that on many other planets, monetary systems do not exist, and all inhabitants born onto the planet are considered free citizens with equal rights to flourish in the global society that is organized by that planet’s system of government. A planetary system ruled by debt currency in which one has to pay for their basic shelter, food and healthcare from birth is considered a Prison Planet. Thus, they ushered in the ongoing archontic deception strategies intending to orchestrate the complete Mind Control enslavement of humanity, along with the well thought out plan for the colonization of planet Earth as their conquered territory and slave farm.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Prison Planet / Jehovah

LISA RENEE on “Those Who Are Controlled by the Yahweh System Will Be Agitated and Activated to Play Out Mind-Controlled Biblical Dramas”

“The Paliadorian eternal light beings created the entire original blueprint and instruction set for all of the 12 human tribes, which when all combined together, comprises the human Tribal Shield records in all of the planetary evolutionary rounds. The Tribal Shield is the entire morphogenetic field comprising all the variations of specific frequency arrangement for all of the 12 Tribes of the Human DNA template. During this cycle through the rise of the Paliadorians, this is activating the human Tribal Shield to become freed of the blood covenants and Alien Hybridization coding imposed upon angelic humans. The restoration of the human Tribal Shield generates the conduit between our current incarnation and simultaneous stations of identity that exist in other timelines, activating an internal interdimensional portal or Inner Stargate System. As a result of the Paliadorian Activation and Aquaferion recoding, the Tribal Shield and the coded DNA information is removing alien hybrid genetic codes, AI codes and an assortment of Blood Covenants used as Consciousness Traps. The Paliadorian Activation contains all of these specific frequencies, DNA Fire Letters and coding that are required for lightbody assembly, in order to access the Transharmonic time cycles of creation, the God worlds, where the trinity wave of unified god consciousness has never separated into a bi-wave form, which further descended into the AI worlds. Thus, the Vertical Channel and Staff configuration in our head, crown, heart and solar star is shifting alignment to receive more step-down frequencies of the Cosmic Heart Mother Blue Ray through the Aquaferion Host network, through which we may experience intense to surreal Lightbody upgrades. Thus, we have entered a cycle in which the mechanical properties of matter are shifting into new Mesomorphic States, through a cascade of transitions involving new phases, as solids become less dense, more fluid and even liquefied. From deep within the Crystal Core of the planetary body, new instruction sets are being transmitted from the Planetary Staff into the earth’s crystalline grid, which is in a process of releasing a tremendous amount of crystalline current and non-polarized current throughout the Planetary Grid Network. With the planetary initiation brought on by the reclamation of Solar Gates by the Paliadorians, these plasmic frequencies are rapidly elevating frequency patterns and restructuring our cellular body, consciousness and life direction. As this intense initiation occurs, it brings the karmic imprints that form into the pain body and shadow selves to rapidly burst out onto the surface reality, so these frequency patterns can be released so the new frequency sets being transmitted can embody. As we become aware of the releases of karmic imprints or shadow energies, we can intend to transmute those energies through the Solar Logos, seeing the Christ consciousness as a Sun image, merging the combined shadow energies with the Solar light, to bring them into synchronization with the highest possible harmony and outcome. Recent Paliadorian Activations have comprised Guardian Yeshua’s 8D Rod and Staff holder configurations being transmitted into the Metagalactic Core, which has had major impacts to support the correction of Metatronic distortions and the extraction of Metatronic Bodies produced in demon seed ratios. Many genetic Clones of the original Yeshua J12 that were produced as imposters from Demon Seed Ratios have been identified, collected and have begun to be transited out into the Arc Zone, reclaiming the organic consciousness parts to be restored to proper Krist coding. The Metatronic constructs expand into many complex layers of alien technologies that have been used to clone holograms of the Avatar families, that serve in the lower dimensions as the Krystal Guardian Christos leadership. This event appears to support another level of revealing the authentic identities versus the artificially generated False Identities, that were created by the NAA to confuse and derail the Christos Mission. This Galactic activation holds an assortment of liquid rainbow plasma frequency sets and new elemental patterns and geometric blueprints to override Metatronic Reversal coding. In many cases, for the first time Guardians have been able to access pre-fall and pre-invasion templates of the planetary schematics in multiple harmonic universes, for correcting the architecture in this present timeline. This has also included massive shifts in the architecture in the Galactic Plane, as well as sweeping changes in the eighth and ninth dimensional layers in the Metagalactic Core of the Milky Way system. All of the spectrums of dimensional frequencies throughout the Universal Time Matrix have begun to weave together from within a Guardian hosted portal system. This works like an aperture lens that has been opening into the Metagalactic Core in order to combine, synthesize and integrate the new elemental consciousness and their geometric patterns in order to form into the highest dimensional layers of spinning Metagalactic Merkaba Fields. The current theme during the Paliadorian Activations is the clearing of the Yahweh Matrix and its Blood Covenant bindings out of the Human 12 Tribes genetic records, with the transmissions and support of the Blue Feathers of Aquaferion. This also may result in levels of Spiritual Warfare instigated from the Yahweh system entities to regain control or access to your Lightbody or block the systematic purge of Black Cube Matrix and layers of the Yahweh architecture and its AI Signal from being extracted out of your lightbody. As a result of dismantling this Blood Covenant network, those who are controlled by the Yahweh system will be agitated and activated to play out these mind controlled Biblical dramas.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

STEPHANIE LUCAS: “4 Fast Ways to Banish Negative Energies and Shield your Spaces”

negative energies

Moving into a new home or office space can be a stressful, yet joyful time – so, you want to get off to a solid footing and be sure that you’re not channeling into someone else’s old energies as you move in. Perhaps you’ve been in your space for awhile and are ready to cleanse the past from your space. If you’re looking for a few ways to clear negative energies and protect your area from psychic invaders, here are a few ideas.

1. Burning and Smudging with Sage: Negative Energy Cleansing

If you’re not familiar with this process, take a peek at this video, Burning Sage to Cleanse Negative Energies. While I’m not the expert Alexa is, I’d suggest smudging with sage before moving anything into your new space to promote good vibes during the move in and renovation process. However, even your possessions – as forms of energy – can carry negativity, so burning sage after moving in can’t hurt.

2. Surreptitious Shielding: Placing Affirmations on Walls

A good friend of mine just bought her first home, and being one who lives in gratitude, she had the clever idea of writing affirmations on the walls before tackling repainting with stimulating, soothing, and healing colors. Sealing the affirmations behind paint ensures they are always there in the shadows… resonating good vibes, protecting, and manifesting desires for her fresh start. It’s certainly a clever, fun way to ‘break in’ a new space with good intentions.

Of course, your chosen affirmations can be any proclamations that you may aspire for, including single words or phrases like ‘Peace, Love & Joy,” “We are One,” etc. Here are two favorite affirmations from Rich Work’s ‘Proclamations of the Soul.’

Affirmation for Clearing Entities/Negative Energies

From the Divine Love that flows through my Being: Whatever is in my home that is impeding the flow of positive energy, Whether here with or without my permission, I command in the name of the Creator and from the Divine Love That flows through my Being in love and Peace, That it now go to the nucleus of its being in Peace So be it!

Prosperity Affirmation

From the Divine Love that flows through my Being:
I call forth my abundance and prosperity
In all forms that will bring me happiness and joy.
So be it!

3. Protection Stones and Crystal Grids

Using protection stones and crystals to fend of negative energies is extremely important for those who are highly empathic people and especially for those living or working in connected structures such as condos, strip centers, or hi-rises. Typically, placing aligned crystals or stones in each corner of a space will offer shielding; however in the case of common walls you may want to create additional protections such as crystal grids.

Clear quartz is the most commonly used stone to facilitate the energy transfer between stones and minerals within a grid. It is this energy that connects transfer that increases the focusing abilities of the crystal grids points. There are no restrictions on gridding’s purposes or intentions; however, alignment of the stone pattern is the key to maximizing their efficacy in addition to choosing the right stones. Learn more about crystal grids and explore Popular Crystal Gridding Templates here.

negative energies

4. Create Sacred Spaces

A sacred space is simply an area you create and designate as ‘sacred’ to you. It may be a small space with a few items of importance to you or a large, private space with an ‘altar’ laden with dozens of goodies you hold dear. My sacred space includes shells, stones, crystals, musical instruments, candles, sand, pictures, posters, and a special pillow to name a few items. Consider this your little ‘happy zone’ where you come to rebalance and center…an area that you keep off limits to others, which ensures it stays clear of negative energies.

Because when it boils down to it, you can cleanse your home or office in a dozen ways, but if your mind, body, and spirit aren’t clear of negative energies, to what end does it serve to protect beyond that?




©Universal Copyright 2014 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

ALBERT MILLIGAN: “Gemstones – Mother Nature’s Natural Healers”

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Ancient healers used precious and semi-precious gemstones for healing. Today’s alternative and holistic healers continue to use gemstones to treat the mind, body, and spirit. Following are descriptions of the unique healing properties held by many of Mother Nature’s natural healers.Amethyst – Healers value amethysts for their power to focus energy and treat blood and breathing disorders. Often, healers wear several pieces of amethyst jewelry while treating others. An amethyst has many other uses, including:

  • Fighting off insomnia and bringing pleasant dreams if placed under a pillow.
  • Headache relief if rubbed across one’s forehead.
  • Protection against spiritual and emotional negativity if placed in clusters in a window that lets in lots of sunlight.

Emerald – As the sacred stone of Venus, the emerald preserves love and has become a symbol of hope. As a result, many healers use it to help heal the heart. Some healers believe it brings reason and wisdom to those who wear it and helps calm a troubled mind. A few ancient cultures placed an emerald in a vessel of water overnight and then poured the water over the eyes of those suffering from eye diseases.

Turquoise – Turquoise is a teaching stone that helps with meditation. Healers use it to treat spiritual negativity. Placing the stone at one’s feet or wearing it inside a sock draws the negative vibrations from the body back into the ground. Healers believe that this is the path to staying connected and emotionally attached to family and other loved ones.

Copper – Copper enhances the healing power of many other stones including:

  • Azurite
  • Malachite
  • Turquoise

It also enhances the healing energy of gold and silver. Copper heals many physical ailments including arthritis, rheumatism, and blood and metabolic disorders.

Lodestone – Crystal healers use lodestone, a form of magnetite, to realign the body’s energy flows. It balances:

  • Intellect with inner emotions.
  • Male-female polarity.
  • Physical-spiritual polarity.
  • Left brain-right brain polarity.

Healers use lodestone to treat asthma, muscle strains, cramps, and nose bleeds. They also believe it’s beneficial for one’s skin, hair, blood, and the circulatory system.

Moonstone – Although moonstone generally benefits women, healers encourage men to use it as a channel for opening up their inner selves. Healers use it to stimulate the pineal gland function and balance internal hormone cycles with nature. Folklore tells that giving a moonstone necklace to a lover brings lasting, passionate love. Many value this gemstone for this reason and because they believe it:

  • Brings good fortune.
  • Enhances intuition.
  • Promotes inspiration.
  • Protects those with a sensitive nature.

As its name suggests, moonstone’s power is at its greatest during the full moon.

Quartz crystal – Healers use the quartz crystal to amplify the energy of other healing gemstones. In addition to its benefit as an amplifier, crystal also has cooling and romantic powers. Quartz crystal’s vibration is very similar to human vibration. Therefore, crystal helps people know themselves. This special property makes quartz crystal an excellent stone with which to meditate.

People might want to consider working with a professional when using gemstones for physical healing. If people choose to use the healing stones without consulting an experienced healer, they should:

  • Go slowly and use them with caution.
  • Keep written treatment records.
  • Record the exact placement of the stone on or near their body.
  • Record how long the stone was on or near their body.

People should also keep written records when using gemstones for spiritual and emotional healing. Finally, people may need to do some research and experimentation to decide which of these natural healers works best for them.



STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Balancing the Crown Chakra as the Universal Connector Center”

Crown Chakra

Considered intrinsic to accessing one’s highest potential of dynamic thought, energy, spirituality, and enlightenment, the Crown Chakra is the center of the cosmic consciousness. It guides the inward flow of wisdom and enlightenment on both conscious and unconscious levels and is where one is said to connect with the cosmos and the Divine – it’s the gateway to the higher self.

Metaphysically speaking, the Crown Chakra is naturally believed to be located at the top of the head, with an ‘invisible cord’ that spans from the top of the skull to the tailbone, where your Base Chakra is located. Because it is the universal connector center, any blockages or imbalances within the chakra system can source imbalances in the Crown Chakra and impede your spiritual enlightenment and goals for ascension.

Symptoms of Crown Chakra Blockages

The state of balance within the Crown, or 7th Chakra is believed to have an affect on the pineal gland, central nervous system and the brain. Side effects of imbalances or a blocked Crown Chakra may include:

  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Blurred Vision/ Eyestrain
  • Poor Balance and Coordination
  • Lack of Joy
  • Experience Frustration or Self-destructive Thoughts
  • Depression and/or Isolation
  • Lack of Interest in Spirituality or Exploration

Crown ChakraHealing Stones for Balancing the Crown Chakra

When in balance, the 7th Chakra lights up, signifying illumination as your awareness of the Divine expands on both individual and universal levels. Achieving balance in this chakra is truly the way to experience and promote your path to ascension in higher universal planes! Many auric healers use the healing powers of crystals and stones to cleanse, balance, and enhance the psychic powers that lie within the Crown Chakra. The most commonly used stones include Clear Quartz Crystal and Amethyst.

Amethyst stones and crystals are considered Stones of Spiritual Growth, with darker tones symbolizing high spiritual attainment and paler lilacs representing consciousness and love for humankind. Violet is the primary color associated with the Crown Chakra, and is a magnificent stone for transformation.

Clear quartz is considered The Stone of Ultimate Power and works well to balance several chakras and to align the Seven Subtle Bodies. This crystal works well to enhance the power of other healing stones, making it the most widely used stone in the metaphysical healing realm.

Beyond the Crown Chakra

You’ll likely discover your healing stones to be useful in raising your vibrations, warding off negative energies and harmful electromagnetic frequencies, and elevating you to a greater level of cosmic consciousness. What are your experiences with the Crown Chakra and healing stones and crystals? Share your story!

©Universal Copyright 2014 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

ALEXA PELLEGRINI: “Eliminate Negative Energy with Pink Himalayan Salt”


As a powerful crystal for both psychic protection and cleansing dark energy, Pink Himalayan Salt is an affordable and easy-to-use solution for getting rid of heavy energy that’s weighing you down. In this exercise with Pink Himalayan Salt, I demonstrate how you can use the magnetic qualities of this stone to draw harmful energy from within your heart chakra so you can relax and detox after a hard day.

Most of us aren’t even conscious to how much psychic waste we absorb from the atmosphere throughout the day, including the negative energy of our friends, family members, coworkers and everyone else we encounter. Carrying a piece of Pink Himalayan Salt is a simple and highly effective way to stay grounded and psychically shield yourself from taking on the energy of others, especially those who are negative! This stone’s soft rosy color is also excellent for restoring balance in the heart chakra and promoting a sense of inner calm and self-love.


©Universal Copyright 2016 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Alexa Pellegrini and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

IN5D: “Now That I Have My Crystals, What Do I Do With Them?”

Now That I Have My Crystals, What Do I Do With Them?


There will be times when you need to purchase a crystal, and given the great abundance of healing stones now available, it can be useful to have a system for choosing your crystals. You do not need to know the exact properties of every stone in order to buy one, although this may help.

Below is a list of possible ways you could go about choosing a crystal. Remember, just because a crystal is beautiful, and the nicest one of a bunch, doesn’t mean that it is the best crystal for you. It is more important to be receptive and allow yourself to be drawn to a stone that will have meaning for you.


Often when you first see a range of crystals, one stone will catch your eye, and continue to draw your attention. This is likely to be a stone that will be beneficial to you. At this point you may like to trust your intuition and purchase the crystal.

However, if you are overwhelmed by choice, or are unsure of what crystal it was that first grabbed you, try standing quietly for a few moments with your eyes closed, and remember the reason that you needed to purchase a crystal. When you open your eyes choose the crystal you feel most drawn to. This will be the stone for you.

quartz crystal chakra 1111


One of the suggested methods of buying a crystal requires that you look at a crystal and see if it “vibrates” with you. All crystals vibrate at their own frequency and some people are sensitive enough to feel these vibrations. Holding or placing your hand on a large piece of clear quartz crystal is a good way to develop your sensitivity to these vibrations. Sometimes a quartz may give off a regular pulse of energy; you may feel others as being very cold in your hand, or even warm. Some crystals may produce a tingling sensation on your skin. Generally a crystal that will be beneficial to you will feel right to you even though you may not be able to describe the sensations it creates. Look through a large number of them until you find just the right one. This works fine as long as you wide variety to select from.


This is a simple way to seek answers from your subconscious mind. You can hold a pendulum over the top of a crystal and ask “will this crystal be beneficial to me?”. Another way to use the pendulum, if you are considering a large choice of crystals, is to pass it over the top, and look for any circular motion in the pendulum above a particular crystal. If you do find the pendulum reacting over a particular stone, hold it over the stone directly, and ask a question.


Crystals given as a gift are a precious experience, and as you start to use crystals more, you may begin to find crystals, or rather, they find you! It is not uncommon for these crystals to be just what you need at that given moment. It is also not uncommon to lose crystals, and although this can be upsetting when your favourite goes missing, it is usually an indication that the crystal has served its purpose in that situation and is no longer required. This is particularly so with “Record Keepers” and “Window” crystals.


Another method to purchase a crystal is buying whatever crystal that is available to you. You may also get one as a gift. In either of these cases, you will be “bonding” with the crystal and that provides the “tuning” of the crystal to your “vibration“. So it isn’t all that critical that you find the “perfect” crystal when buying one.


When choosing a crystal from an internet site it is not possible to touch the crystal, so you need to take your intuition one stage further. Browse through the pictures and note which most appeals to you. You may find yourself excited by the picture of a particular crystal, with a powerful urge to touch and feel it and a sense of frustration that you cannot. If you feel that you very much want that crystal to be a part of your life, it is likely that on some level it has something to offer you.


Don’t worry. As with all purchases relating to spiritual growth intent is crucial, and you may need to acknowledge that the time isn’t right. If nothing strongly appeals to you, accept that the time is not right and come back on another day when perhaps a crystal will plead with you to take it home. Beware of buying crystals purely because that is what you set out to do as this could result in a collection of crystals unsuited to your needs and lacking meaning.


Expect the Unexpected – I often set out to buy a specific crystal and end up purchasing something completely different. Be prepared to have your unconscious lead you to a different crystal. The unconscious or higher self doesn’t get involved with life’s day-to-day clutter and thus can get straight down to the business of selecting the most appropriate crystal for you. This is why the best approach to choosing a crystal is to quieten your mind and simply do what feels right.

Clearing Your Crystals

Crystals can collect various forms of energy from emotions, thought, touch, and many other sources. When other people handle your crystal, they leave their energy imprint on the crystal. This isn’t “bad” however, in order to make your crystal truly yours, we suggest that you remove the stored vibration. This is known as clearing the crystal.

It is a good idea to clear your crystal when you first get it, after you use it for any healing work, or whenever you feel that the crystal lacks light, luster, and energy.

Sea Salt Method

(Please note: many feel this method is too harsh. They prefer some of the other, more gentle methods listed below.)

Bury the crystal in sea salt overnight, preferably in a ceramic or glass container. You can purchase sea salt in most health food stores and in some supermarkets. You may also put your crystal in a container of water and sea salt. Use your intuition to determine how much salt you need and how long you want to leave the crystal in the solution (usually one to three days). Wash all salt off the crystals after clearing them. (We recommend filtered water for this.)


Smudging 1111

A wonderful Native American method of clearing is to burn cedar and sage leaves and pass your crystal through the smoke. Cedar and sage may be purchased in most shops that specialize in herbs. You can also use a smudge stick, which combines cedar, sage, and often other herbs. This method is excellent for clearing your crystal as well as yourself and your environment. We prefer it for clearing jewelry.


Hold the crystal in your dominant hand, or if it is large, in both your hands. Focus your thoughts on the crystal with the intention that it will become free of all negative energy. As you hold this thought, inhale through your nose and exhale forcefully through your mouth. Your breath carries your intention to clear your crystal.

Remember to use your intuition to determine when your crystal needs clearing. Whenever you sense a decrease in its energy, a cloudiness or stickiness, it’s time to clear.


To charge a crystal is to revitalize it. Think of what kind of energy you want to store in your crystal. We have tried charging our crystals with many different energies.

Use your imagination and experiment by putting your crystal in direct sunlight or moonlight, on a large crystal cluster, under a pyramid, buried in the snow, or in the earth.

Also see: Purifying Your Crystals

Type of Energy Where (or When) to Place

  • Cleansing, purifying stream
  • Vitality, energy sea at high tide
  • Restful, relaxing sea at low tide
  • Optimism, hope new moon
  • Abundance, love full moon
  • Introspection dark of moon
  • Harvesting dreams fall equinox
  • Rebirth, renewal winter solstice
  • Growth spring equinox
  • Passion, joy summer solstice

Working With Crystals: Passive Use of Crystal

Even if all you do with your crystal is keep it near you, you will begin to notice subtle changes in yourself. Crystals amplify and balance even the most subtle mental energy. Just having crystals in your environment can improve the quality of your life.

Active Use of Crystal

When we consciously work with crystal we can accomplish anything that the mind can imagine. Crystals have been helpful in improving memory, helping plants to grow, healing animals, contacting spirit guides, and in communicating with the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms.

One particularly powerful way to work with crystals is through the use of affirmations.


Affirmations are one of the most powerful methods we can use to change the quality of our lives and to create the things we want. An affirmation is a declaration or a thought which creates a desired result. To affirm means to make firm.” What we think or believe about ourselves and the world becomes our reality.

Pay attention to your affirmations, not only to avoid rote-like repetitions, but to actually hear what you’re saying. Joyce once realized that her affirmation, “I have an unlimited number of valuable ideas” had turned into “I have an unlimited number of limiting ideas.” This was a valuable, if depressing, discovery.

We have been giving ourselves affirmations all our lives – only we weren’t aware of it. Anything we say or think to ourselves is an affirmation. Anything anyone else says to us is an affirmation if we accept it and believe it. When we’re not aware of the process and the power of that which we think and believe about ourselves and our world we affirm a lot of things which don’t serve us well.

We are all carrying around basic core beliefs. Some of them are non-supportive things that we learned early in childhood from parents, teachers and friends.

Some unconscious affirmations:

  • If I look at food I gain weight
  • Life is nothing but suffering
  • The universe is against me
  • I am doomed to die without ever having been appreciated
  • Metaphysics works for everyone but me

Discovering Negative Beliefs

Becoming aware of these unconscious affirmations is the first step to dissolving them. Be conscious of your negative thoughts. One way to do this is to create a positive affirmations for example, “Abundance comes to me easily.” Your helpful mind will quickly come up with a list of reasons why this isn’t going to happen.

  • It never did before.
  • Some people aren’t meant to have money.
  • Why should I get my hopes up?

Another way is take the situation you want to change, and list the benefits of the negative situation. The benefits of not being prosperous might be:

  • No one will ever ask you for money.
  • You’ll never have to worry about suddenly losing your fortune.
  • You won’t have to feel guilty that others have less.

Whatever your issue is find out what its benefits are. Be careful not to censor yourself in the process, i.e., don’t tell yourself, “If I had a lot of money and someone needed help I’d be a terrible person not to give it to them.” Self-condemnation will not encourage your beliefs to surface; honesty will.

Work on each belief, identifying the emotion connected to it. Would you give money to people who needed it? Do you feel ungenerous? Are you afraid of acquiring money, only to lose it? Is this fear part of your life? Does guilt have a lot to do with how you relate to other people?

We strongly recommend the use of flower essences for deeply-held emotions.

Related: If There Were No Such Thing As Money

The Three Aspects of Affirmations

When we consciously create affirmations we choose words which exactly express the reality we desire to create.

Another important aspect is the visual image we create to accompany the words. If we want to create a vacation in Hawaii we visualize palm trees, beaches, blue skies, warmth, etc. (It can be very helpful to look at the pictures in a travel brochure, and some people like to make a “wishboard” with an arrangement of photographs which represent whatever they’re creating).

A third (and perhaps most important) aspect is to create the way we feel when our special dream comes true. For a Hawaiian vacation you may feel relaxed or excited and stimulated to be in a new place. If you’re with someone you love you may feel increased closeness or a heightened sense of romance. If you have difficulty in visualizing or feeling the reality of your affirmation go back to the section on discovering negative beliefs.

Programming Your Crystal

Your thoughts, visualizations, and feelings have an energetic charge; when you program a crystal to assist you in manifesting your desires and dreams you put that energetic charge into your crystal.

Although quartz crystals are usually the preferred crystals for programming, we’ve used many others: citrine for abundance, rose quartz for a situation which calls for love, aquamarine or turquoise for creativity, aventurine for physical health.

Below is one method of programming.


  1. Hold the crystal in both hands and gaze into it, making contact with the crystal.
  2. Start breathing with deep long breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling forcefully through your mouth.
  3. Concentrate on what you want to program into the crystal„ a new job, good health, a better relationship, etc. As you inhale, see a visual image of what you want; imagine how it feels to have it, and repeat an affirmation to yourself.
  4. With each exhale send your desire into the crystal.
  5. Your intention has now been programmed into the crystal. This vibration is stored in the crystal until you clear it and replace it with a new intention.

Written Affirmations

One of the most powerful methods of programming that we’ve discovered is to write your intention on a piece of paper and, after using the above method, place your crystal on the written note and leave it there. We did this when we were searching for the perfect spot for Crystal Gardens. We placed a programmed quartz cluster on a map of Greenwich Village along with a note requesting the size and rent we wanted. It worked!

Basic Meditation

We prefer to meditate with crystals and describe this further along in the article. For those who are unfamiliar with principles and practices of meditation, though, we provide a basic introduction.

Meditation gives us a chance to relax, and to heal our bodies. It provides periods of mental stillness, an opportunity to silence the mundane chatter which so often fills our minds, time and space for us to focus our thoughts, to concentrate on the solving of a problem, to visualize the accomplishment of a particular goal.

As we become more skilled at quieting our busy minds, we discover that meditation helps to focus our attention on the here and now. When we give ourselves the gift of time in which we are neither regretting the past nor worrying about the future, we are able to appreciate the present.

Seth, the entity channeled by the late Jane Roberts, often said that he had only one rule for changing one’s life. That was: The point of power is in the present. When we concentrate on the present, we experience our aliveness, the strength of the energy which flows through us. We learn to recognize that energy as power, the raw material with which we create ourselves and our worlds.

(Very) Active Meditation

Some forms of exercise, such as hatha yoga and tai chi ch’uan, which consist of particular patterns of movement, are recognized as forms of meditation. We believe that any form of physical activity can be meditational. The key is to be totally focused on what you’re doing.

When you’re exercising concentrate on the smooth, easy movement of your muscles, your breathing. If you swim, be aware of the feeling of the water. In hiking or walking, focus on the ground beneath your feet.

Sometimes, while swimming or walking, we silently repeat affirmations. To do this, repeat each affirmation three or more times, focusing on the instructions you’re giving your mind, visualizing that you are prosperous, or thin, or loved. We recommend physical exercise not only for its own meditative values, but because it discharges excess energy, the kind that creates worries and anxieties which can prevent us from being relaxed and at peace when we want to practice passive meditation.

(Not Very) Passive Meditation

Passive meditation generally involves sitting or lying down. Create a time during which you’ll be undisturbed. Take the phone off the hook. Go into a room where you’ll be alone. Create this as a special time for yourself.

You may want to start off with a guided meditation tape. This will help direct your mind into appropriate channels. You can also direct passive meditation by silently repeating affirmations. When you feel comfortable with these forms of meditation you can begin to guide your meditations.

We like to listen to meditation music (which can be any kind of music which makes you feel relaxed and calm) on a mp3-type device. This is especially helpful when garbage is being collected, fire engines are blaring, or strangers have entered your life by having a fight outside your window.

Concentrate on your breathing, following each inhale and exhale, feeling energy flowing from your feet to your head and back. Do this for as long as you can. If you find yourself wondering whether you’ve paid the rent, or thinking about what you’ll have to eat when you’re finished meditating, let those thoughts drift away.

It may help for you to imagine that you have a feather duster with which to brush them out of your mind. You’ll find that your ability to meditate improves with practice. In passive meditation, you’re developing psychic and mental muscles. As you learn to silence distracting thoughts, you’ll begin to receive messages from your intuitive mind: new ideas, creative solutions to problems.

You may want to ask specific questions of your intuitive mind. Don’t worry if the answer doesn’t come right away. It may occur to you a few minutes or a few days later.

Crystal Concentration

We have noticed that the quality of our meditations improved immeasurably when we started making crystals part of our meditation. Crystals help to focus our energy, and thus our thoughts. They raise our vibrations and energy level and help to turn our attention from everyday concerns to our greater purposes in being alive.

The simplest way to introduce crystals into your meditation is to hold a clear quartz in one or both of your hands. To receive light and energy, hold the quartz with point facing you. To project your wishes into the universe (as when you’re repeating affirmations), face the points away from you.

Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing

For stress reduction and overall energizing, place quartz points (they may be very small) at the base of the spine, just above the pubic bone, on the navel, heart, throat, 3rd eye (between the eyebrows), and at the top of your head.

These seven chakra points can be further activated by slowly rotating a quartz point over them. If you find that, despite your best efforts, you’re still worrying when you want to be meditating, place an amethyst on the third eye. If you’re feeling extremely depressed or spaced out, hold a smoky quartz. Before long you’ll discover that you intuitively know what stones you want to be with on a particular day.

We believe that your intuition will generally be opened if you begin the practice of daily meditation. It is a discipline, and there will be times when you’d rather read the newspaper or call a friend, or do anything in the world except meditate. Persevere. You’ll be glad you did.

Chakras, Color & Gemstones

There is no homogeneous system for classification of the chakras, either by body location or by color. We have found that the system used by Katrina Raphaell, author of Crystal Enlightenment, Crystal Healing, and The Crystalline Transmission gives us the best results.

After working with crystals and the ideas presented in this article, you may notice that you are developing a new consciousness, a new belief system which stretches the limits in which you were living before. There is a new inner freedom in which anything becomes possible as long it is in harmony with your deep heart’s core. This is the gift crystals give us.


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