LISA RENEE: Shifting Timelines ~ “Aries Solar Alchemy”

“During the move into Aries Solar Alchemy which represents a new solar year and new beginnings, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can reflect and meditate upon the natural elements of Aries to catalyze the highest spiritual potentials. All things are created from a state of mind, a quality of thought and that which has been co-created within a system of energy, such as a planetary consciousness. Everything that we observe in the manifested worlds are the result of a mental state, a belief system that has preceded it. The old 3D paradigm and its control narratives are sinking fast, which means an incredible amount of data dumps filled with much more difficult disclosure related information will continue to explode into the surface view for more people to see. During this transition, those already awakened will find themselves being put into positions of giving reinforcement and moral support to others when they come to realize what is actually happening. For those that have been awake for a while, we now better understand how our fellow humans during World War II allowed the loading up of families onto the train boxcars, the single cue lines headed for the gas chambers, or the one-shot bullet used to kill several at once when they were told to stand in a line so as to not waste any ammunition. The painful gut churning result of what we are living through at this time is seeing up close and personal the belief system indoctrination in the 3D paradigm along with the hidden sinister motivations that have infected the collapsing segments of society. Further, some of us have been horrified observing the pathological negative ego’s justification in certain people that find the conditions in which it is made acceptable to destroy families and long-term relationships, using rhetoric in which soft kill methods or the outright murdering of fellow humans is somehow defensible, through not belonging to the same classification group or having the same belief systems. Conveniently, the assigned labels of jabbed versus unjabbed fits the totalitarian model of divide and conquer perfectly. The pawns of the Controllers are being rewarded to regurgitate the propaganda that is required to remain loyal to the objectives of that larger elite group’s totalitarian agenda, the global health mafia, which is intentionally shaping the acceptable belief systems of the approved narratives and captured media talking points. This is the brutal phase of global awakening where we must see the evil being perpetuated in the name of assorted indoctrinated belief systems and ideologies that are supposedly rooted in virtuous actions or social justice. One day soon these illusions and deceptions will come crashing down and the actual truth behind the motivations of these ideologies will finally be seen and known. This includes the revelation of the many crimes made against humanity that have been purposely orchestrated behind an incredibly well-planned and heavily funded agenda for carrying out global human genocide. The tipping point within the collective consciousness is awakening with the clear evidence of many shocking abuses of power that have been carried out by those in authority or in public view that were being directed by the hidden hands controlling global power. This will be a difficult time for many humans to mentally and emotionally process this ongoing rabbit hole of painful disclosure information revealing the brutal facts of those who have orchestrated these crimes and those who accepted the bribes to go along with the anti-human agenda. Thus, every individual will be forced to look inside at themselves, at the part they have played in these tragic conditions to hurt others or help others, as this examination of inner motivations and outer belief systems is happening within families, communities, organizations and within the entirety of the human race. Welcome to the introduction stage of the solar spiritual initiation cycle that is represented in the constellation of Aries. It is wise to remember thoughts are things, they are the seeds from which our garden grows and in order to change the harvest we must first plant new seeds.”

~Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Welcome to the introduction stage of the solar spiritual initiation cycle that is represented in the constellation of Aries. With recent events shifting timelines from the Lunar to Solar Zodiac Imprints, and with the planet evolving into the solar based clockshield of the Sun-Star Networks connected into the Emerald Order Timekeeper functions, we are living in an exceptionally unique time of Zodiac Alteration. The corrected Solar Calendar Positions generated a morphogenetic blueprint barrier between first density creations in the third dimension running on the Lunar Matrix Zodiac and its Artificial Timelines, and the second density creations in the fifth dimension running on the Solar Matrix Zodiac and the organic timelines. Thus, for many this bifurcation split from Lunar Calendar to Solar Calendar in the timelines has generated a new position within the timelines, shifting the zodiac imprints from incarnation and igniting intense solar activations and miasmatic purging of foreign materials or alien hybrid overlays.

During the move into Aries Solar Alchemy which represents a new solar year and new beginnings, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can reflect and meditate upon the natural elements of Aries to catalyze the highest spiritual potentials.

  • Stage 1 Aries, April 19 to May 13 (approx.)
  • Alchemical Theme: Purification, Calcination
  • Element: Fire, Malleable
  • Elemental Form: Tetrahedron
  • Alchemical Metal: Iron
  • Primary Planetary Correlation: Mars
  • Primary Embodied Correlations: Incarnate Identity Matrix, Chakra 1 Root-Muladhara, pertains to the silver seed center, the first 8 cells of the coccyx as well as birth canal programming.
  • Aries rules: brain, cerebral hemispheres, cranium, eyes, face, upper jaw, internal carotid arteries, thalamus, adrenals.

This is the beginning of the alchemical purification of one’s consciousness through the process of sequential exposures to the fire elements, along with the application of intense heat through energetic activations ignited within the fetal cells located in the tailbone. The process of heating the body and aura to a higher temperature, causing loss of moisture, reduction or oxidation, and breaking down into simpler substances to prepare to move out energetic blockages, astral debris and parasites. This is the activation process of the inner kundalini fire traveling up the spine for the spiritual purification of the flesh, bone and blood. The kundalini is activated in the tailbone and begins to travel upward in the central vertical channel and spread throughout the chakra lightbody systems, eventually moving up and out of the crown. This reoccurs many times during the spiritual initiation stages of the ascension cycle as the individual begins the journey of consciousness development towards enlightenment, but the consciousness activation stages always follow the alchemical principles to conclusion.

Law of Mentalism

  • Astrological Correspondence: Aries – Mars – Fire
  • Chakra and Sphere 1, Subconscious Mind of Ego-Personality

The Universal Law of Mentalism correlates to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of Unity above it, in that all things share a connection with the Universal Mind and therefore are subjected to the Law of Structure that creates all things. Whether it is referred to as the mind of God or the mind of All One, this is the pure consciousness of infinite intelligence that expresses its principle through natural laws, the spiritual laws that govern our creation. All things are made of intelligent energy that are expressed through the energetic substance, frequency-vibration, blueprint and an active power of motion, which takes direction from the instruction sets set forth and created from the mind. All things are created from a state of mind, a quality of thought and that which has been co-created within a system of energy, such as a planetary consciousness. Everything that we observe in the manifested worlds are the result of a mental state, a belief system that has preceded it.

When an individual observes the interaction of thoughts within thoughts and neutrally observes all thoughts and actions, this law begins to be understood and applied to personal wellbeing and spiritual growth. It is critical to master this law first in order to influence all other Natural Laws, as the mental plane has the ability to influence what happens in multiple dimensional planes all simultaneously. Our thoughts influence multiple planes within our own lightbody and in the outer realities. They have an energetic effect, as well as a spiritual effect which we may not see with our visible eyes, but takes place in the subtle forces around us, permeating into multiple stations of identities and realities.

Comprehending this principle allows the spiritual seeker to apply their mental body functions to serve their highest expression which influences all other Natural Laws and allows us to interact and interconnect with many other layers of intelligent energy. These are the consciousness aspects of other selves that exist in other dimensions such as Soul, Monad and Avatar, as well as the intelligence aspects that exist within our physical body, heart and emotional layers. It is wise to remember thoughts are things, they are the seeds from which our garden grows and in order to change the harvest we must first plant new seeds.

In honor of the shift into Aries Solar Alchemy which governs the Law of Mentalism, our offering is to revisit the previous newsletter themes of Examining Beliefs.

Examining Beliefs

As more of humanity awakens, the range of societal problems that are purposely generating devastating harm and destruction connected to authoritarian power abuses and monstrous crimes against humanity have become increasingly evident. How can it be that so many reasonable, intelligent and good-hearted humans have become grossly enmeshed in the controlled narrative and unable to discern egregious lies and gaslighting tactics used to perpetuate and accept these many global crimes being made against humanity? The old 3D paradigm and its control narratives are sinking fast, which means an incredible amount of data dumps filled with much more difficult disclosure related information will continue to explode into the surface view for more people to see. This will be a difficult time for many humans to mentally and emotionally process this ongoing rabbit hole of painful disclosure information revealing the brutal facts of those who have orchestrated these crimes and those who accepted the bribes to go along with the anti-human agenda. During this transition, those already awakened will find themselves being put into positions of giving reinforcement and moral support to others when they come to realize what is actually happening.

For those that have been awake for a while, we now better understand how our fellow humans during World War II allowed the loading up of families onto the train boxcars, the single cue lines headed for the gas chambers, or the one-shot bullet used to kill several at once when they were told to stand in a line so as to not waste any ammunition. The painful gut churning result of what we are living through at this time is seeing up close and personal the belief system indoctrination in the 3D paradigm along with the hidden sinister motivations that have infected the collapsing segments of society. Further, some of us have been horrified observing the pathological negative ego’s justification in certain people that find the conditions in which it is made acceptable to destroy families and long-term relationships, using rhetoric in which soft kill methods or the outright murdering of fellow humans is somehow defensible, through not belonging to the same classification group or having the same belief systems. This is the incredibly painful knowledge that indeed, belief systems can inform ideology to permeate mob mentality which further engenders purely evil agendas that are carried out through the plight of dark egoic ignorance, denial and fear. Those that remain unaware of their fear-based actions as they carry out these anti-human agendas are being motivated by their hidden subconscious desires to remain connected to the larger group classifications, which deep down they consider themselves intrinsically a part.

All of humanity is observing a stark lesson of unethical actions being taken via the harmful beliefs that have infected many minds. People who are not inherently evil can be used to commit evil actions through the belief system indoctrination they have been exposed to within authoritative group settings, which in the Marxist to communist totalitarian model, specifies that classifications be made to label smaller groups. Conveniently, the assigned labels of jabbed versus unjabbed fits the totalitarian model of divide and conquer perfectly. The pawns of the Controllers are being rewarded to regurgitate the propaganda that is required to remain loyal to the objectives of that larger elite group’s totalitarian agenda, the global health mafia, which is intentionally shaping the acceptable belief systems of the approved narratives and captured media talking points.

Buried deep in the dark subconscious of humanity every individual wants to belong somewhere, to be considered a part of the group they most identify with. Thus, unaware people can be easily manipulated and threatened by others in supposed authoritative positions in order to shape their belief systems into something inherently evil and immoral. Effectively, their subconscious fears will remain buried in denial, which prevents them from taking a courageous moral stand in order to avoid being ostracized and persecuted by others. The trauma behind the persecution complex combined with physical threats are powerful methods used by the Controllers to gain compliance, as we’ve seen in the countless examples of those carrying out genocidal programs via the western medical belief systems.

Thus, we are observing evil being committed every day by those who are darkly ignorant while insisting that they are justified and virtuous people, as they are committing their evil actions against others, when the majority of them are being explicitly groomed, rewarded or monetized by some segment of the anti-human controller system. How much money, social status, fame, power or promotion does it take for the negative ego in the 3D ideological belief system to justify itself to take destructive and harmful actions that are inherently evil, immoral and anti-human? The Controllers are essentially the international bankers which have unlimited financial resources to bribe, blackmail and intimidate the majority of those put into positions of authoritarian power, who are the cronies being used to carry out these crimes. The Global health mafia became the top-down enforcer of aggressive human genocidal agendas being run methodically and efficiently across the world. We can see in real time who has complied with the evil agendas through the indoctrinated belief systems spread by the propaganda machine spewing out the controlled narrative, along with the constant seeding of divisive language for the intended classification of groups of people into ever smaller labels that are being used for perpetuating victimizer mind control. Those that have lost their humanity and empathy may now consider those with different belief systems or those who choose to be unjabbed, as a direct threat to them or even their enemy. Thus, we will see who is who in the final spiritual battle as those individuals and groups that have demonstrated their willingness to lead their fellow humans into the slaughterhouse for money, power, greed, fear and 3D ideology will be recognizable.

This is the brutal phase of global awakening where we must see the evil being perpetuated in the name of assorted indoctrinated belief systems and ideologies that are supposedly rooted in virtuous actions or social justice. One day soon these illusions and deceptions will come crashing down and the actual truth behind the motivations of these ideologies will finally be seen and known. The oceanic waves of pure consciousness are turning the tide against those who have been perpetuating horrible lies and as the larger truth is revealed to more of the masses, the ones at the top orchestrating these agendas are desperately scrambling to save their own skin.

Thus, every individual will be forced to look inside at themselves, at the part they have played in these tragic conditions to hurt others or help others, as this examination of inner motivations and outer belief systems is happening within families, communities, organizations and within the entirety of the human race. Those acting in dark ignorance must face the immense betrayals of being led by the egoic self and others deceptive propaganda to unwittingly commit evil agendas orchestrated through the hidden plotting of organized criminals, perpetual liars and the authoritarian establishments that they had gained control over.

Does the majority of the medical community understand that through its complicity it has betrayed the trust of humanity at global levels, that doctors, nurses, medical professionals, hospitals and senior care homes have been used as indoctrinated killing machines?  There will be no way for the medical industry to reclaim that trust from the public again, when so many medical professionals did not stand up for their fellow humans and advocate for their patient’s bodily autonomy or protect their right to choose their own methods to pursue personal health and wellbeing. Harshly and grotesquely many of our elderly died painful deaths in total isolation from loved ones or without a decent standard of care, where many appear to be victims of incentivized genocide.  Many medical professionals are complicit in carrying out the most vile and evil agenda for perpetuating global human genocide and incentivized murder for hire that we’ve ever lived through at this worldwide scale.

Due to the current events in the globalscape, our offering is to help support the clear understanding that during this stage each individual will be responsible to examine their own personal belief systems and ideologies for ethical conduct and moral alignment, which will spur on the conscious participation to release 3D ego and 3D paradigm related attachments. As mentioned above, it is our unexamined belief systems which can instigate unconscious fears and evil actions, which are used to perpetuate mass harm in total dark ignorance, when we are not aware that we are being groomed by manipulating liars to carry out such devastating harm. Our beliefs, behaviors and attitudes will be placed on the altar before the natural laws of our spiritual creation, in which we will be forced to look at the moral standing of our personal motivations, perceptions and ideological systems. Without moral alignment which is coherent with the natural laws of God, the existing constructs, structures, and related systems will collapse.

It is highly possible that many of us will come to observe some people around us becoming emotionally and mentally disturbed as a result of these ugly and painful levels of the truth surfacing, along with indisputable evidence of crimes, in which they may descend into fractured stages of psychotic break. Life-styles and personal paradigms which people used to make sense of their lives will become increasingly upended, throwing people that are fully vested in the 3D paradigm into states of confusion and despair. It will become a parade of public people, celebrities and those professionals that we were taught to trust in their expert advice, being revealed as participants in the grotesque deceptions of paid for spokespeople for the deep state Controller agendas, which will instigate painful feelings of deep emotional betrayal when this is recognized.

Being connected to the truther and spiritual communities, it is important to recognize why this is happening, how this is happening and to gather the context, tools and helpful information that can be used to best help our family and friends to make it through this painful transition. Many people will be in shock when exposed to the ongoing saturation of data dumps and disclosure information.

From the intergalactic spiritual perspective, the planet’s architecture underwent a series of bifurcation events that greatly amplified polarities which lent to an aggressive level of spiritual warfare in the form of global trauma-based mind control. Thus, what we can see happening in the outerscape is the result of collective consciousness indoctrinated belief systems that formed into the destructive ideologies of the anti-human culture that has been ruthlessly enforced in the Controller Pillars of Society.

As humanity awakens, each individual will be required to examine their learned personal belief systems in order to transition into the shifting architecture of the consciousness rebirth required in the new ascending world. We are living through the Planetary Emancipation Cycle, which will push all of the subconscious and conscious belief systems into the surface view for detailed examination. We must determine if these beliefs and ideologies are destructive and harmful to the human race, and if so, we must stop feeding the anti-human control agendas or personally suffer the consequences of our own actions. 

Planetary Emancipation Cycle

At the end of 2017, the planetary body began shifting into the higher frequency bands that are located in the next Harmonic Universe which began the Planetary Emancipation Cycle. Then another major milestone for planetary ascension occurred on December 21, 2020 with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn which resulted in the reconfiguration of the 6D-7D morphogenetic fields with the new Gold Sun DNA angelic human blueprint. This blueprint is the Angelic Human Gold Sun Solar body which acts as the ascending vehicle for all of humanity on the Earth.

These events are connected to the five-year cycle of Planetary Emancipation that initiated a series of ongoing Paliadorian plasma activations to fulfill the ancient agreements of the Paliadorian Covenant. These Christos Starseed solar body activations were to further ensure the Return of the Emerald Order to override the artificial intelligence realities formed by the NAA that were the result of hijacking the authentic Emerald Sun DNA and Azurite identities. The planetary body is moving into another stage of timeline completion to prepare for the global consciousness rebirth cycle beginning approximately March 2022. The tipping point within the collective consciousness is awakening with the clear evidence of many shocking abuses of power that have been carried out by those in authority or in public view that were being directed by the hidden hands controlling global power. This includes the revelation of the many crimes made against humanity that have been purposely orchestrated behind an incredibly well-planned and heavily funded agenda for carrying out global human genocide.

During this phase humanity is enduring an intensely emotional bifurcation and painful consciousness rebirth cycle, to prepare for the shifts happening within the planetary coordinates and planetary timelines, thus changing where the planetary consciousness is actually located in Universal space-time. The pinnacle of the Ascension Cycle marks the end of the 3D collective timelines on the Earth, which means the crumbling of the controlled narrative as our planet is evolving beyond the old systems of mind control and human slavery. As the planet is moving into higher frequencies that are located in a future time-space, it is shifting the planetary consciousness into a future dimensional octave. This skips the entire planetary consciousness field into future timelines that resonate with much higher dimensional frequencies.

This means that the lower three-dimensional frequency bands will cease to exist in the planet as they did previously, which contributes to the collapsing of 3D systems. Thus, many will feel the intensely squeezing pressure to transform rapidly through the alchemical theme of polarity synthesis, which helps to bring completion to these old karmic patterns from the past, if we are willing to surrender and let them go. This purging process will add or subtract the required blueprint patterns that we may need to meet these new coordinates in the earth grid, and to help clear out the unstable or dark force influence in our lives.

We are being purged deeply of obsolete 3D belief systems and the remaining content is being processed into higher light and consciousness, to be stabilized and synthesized into the physical body in order to improve energetic coherence and spiritual strength. Our responsibility now is to practice unconditional love to all that we see, and to see everything and everyone around us as connected to the unified whole. We are one species; we are one human race. At the same time we make clear intentions of where we place our consent in alignment with our higher spiritual authority. This loving intention and compassionate practice will keep our heart open and aligned to the source field and will make the challenging transition humanity is enduring much more comfortable to emotionally process.

Ending the Death Culture

This stage of planetary shifting signifies the end of the belief systems that formed into the anti-human death culture by systematically removing those alien hybrid bloodlines in power who have been enforcing human slavery and refuse to further adapt, evolve or change. This means that humanity must expand consciousness in order to accept the fundamental truth of the Law of One through the acceptance of the principles of Unity Consciousness, which begins through genuinely focusing upon and gathering resources that truly serve humanitarian objectives. Simply put, the Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One which acknowledges the interconnection, value and interdependence of the spiritual consciousness energy that animates all things.

Thus, a significant part of what is required during this phase of global awakening is the necessity to align personal thoughts, beliefs and consciousness with the fundamental energetic principles of the ascending Earth, moving beyond the 3D paradigm. This will require that each individual release an incredible amount of psycho-emotional energy that the three layers of ego have attached to the 3D way of life, including the belief systems of the 3D culture, by releasing the emotional attachments that have been connected to the beliefs formed around material possessions and the false histories that we have learned.

During the Dark Aeon, humanity has endured extensive levels of mind control to condition the collective consciousness to accept anti-human belief systems that formed into the death culture, which were designed by the invading races that wanted to enslave the planet. During this phase we will be heavily tested against our personal belief systems and our cultural identity, in order for us to perceive that they are illusions that have been formed by non-physical energy attachments. Belief systems are made of our personal consciousness energy that have formed psycho-emotional attachments within the learned culture and social order that are believed to be the accurate nature of reality, thus they are considered to be real. Every culture has a way of life which has been formed on behalf of that societies organized belief systems, thus it includes a learned language, religion, rituals, art, dress, institutions and a set of moral codes.

Thus, those from different learned cultures will have vastly different meanings assigned to the belief systems that are connected to their specific ancestral memories and personal value systems, learned through their cultural system. What is considered important in your value system can have an entirely different meaning or even be nonexistent to someone else that came from another culture.  The belief systems that form into a specific learned culture only exist because the collective consciousness energy continues to support and accept them as true and accurate beliefs within that particular culture.

Belief Systems and Cultural Energy Transference

Every individual human being transfers their consciousness energy to a given set of belief systems that have been formed from a learned part of their culture. Therefore, this means that each individual has assigned levels of significance and importance to those particular belief systems formed in the culture that they have been exposed to. Humanity has been groomed to accept the 3D controlled narratives being enforced by nonhuman entities, thus these negative beliefs have accumulated energetic distortions within the three levels of ego, with emphasis on dead energy blockages formed within the solar plexus area. Blockages in the consciousness layers are formed through negative energy transference and dark force manipulation, this means the individual is unaware of the damaging impacts that 3D beliefs and 3D attachments have upon the consciousness and lightbody functions. Cords and energy attachments form in the consciousness layers and physical body which are generated from the negative ego belief systems that have been groomed by any particular 3D culture, which has an assortment of anti-human or anti-soul belief systems.

Individuals are often manipulated by dark forces in the reality in order to constantly feed their consciousness energy into the controlled narrative 3D belief systems, which are the mind control programs running in the collective consciousness. The sum total of the collective consciousness energy that is being manipulated to power up those 3D belief systems is what keeps it active and working within that culture. When people refuse to assign importance or significance to a particular belief system, they withdraw their consciousness energy from the social conditions that feed into that particular belief system, then the belief system begins to wither and die out in that culture. The more that humanity begins to detach their consciousness energy from supporting harmful or negative belief systems, the less that belief system will remain rooted in that culture.

The 3D world structures hold a lower vibration that is energetically associated with the preoccupation and quest for all experiences related to maintaining power and control over others, including the perpetuation of consciousness enslavement. Assorted methods of mind control have been used against humanity to manipulate the collective consciousness towards Service to Self orientation, by driving unconscious desires and consciousness energy towards maintaining the 3D death culture and through implanting negative beliefs, emotions and attitudes in order to form physical attachments. The solar plexus is the conscious mind, and so the personality ego’s unresolved fears and negative beliefs will form corded attachments to material things, as well as form into energy blockages within the lightbody.  These energy blockages and egoic 3D attachments are used to manipulate the individual’s shadow body and energy signature, so the uncleared negative ego parts along with attachments formed to 3D belief systems continue to manipulate our outer perceptions through subconscious blind spots and ego defense mechanisms.

The ego personality is preoccupied with selfishness and making decisions for personal gain with the 3D belief system that money, status or self-interests are the main priority in life, while disregarding the genuine social and ethical concerns for the welfare of others.  The 3D personality ego is the survival consciousness energy stream of humanity that has invested in the belief systems perpetuated by the 3D Controller structures that have formed into energetic exchanges of physical attachments. These attachments formed by 3D beliefs keep the consciousness and lightbody bound and enmeshed with an assortment of material and physical things, which hold significance or symbolism for that individual, such as the meaning of one’s personal security or warding off perceived threats. Attachments are energy cords that are vibrational in nature, and in order to awaken beyond the 3D reality each person must free themselves from these strong emotional attachments which bind and block access from experiencing higher spiritual consciousness.

Attachments and bindings are generally formed from previous uncleared trauma or fear, which generally forms a strong energetic resistance to change or a refusal to adapt to a new lifestyle or thought process. The negative ego entraps the emotional body with the sensation that the individual cannot survive in the world without conditional attachments to those things that are found in the 3D landscape, material or otherwise, which ultimately stunt emotional and spiritual growth. During the spiritual ascension and awakening growth phases, every individual will be pushed to transform beyond attachments and fear-based belief systems, to remove and clear the attachments formed that keep that person bound to the 3D timelines and its low frequency lifestyle.

Thus, all Controller Pillars of Society that are pre-occupied with 3D egoic concepts of power and control over others driven by materialism, domination and greed will begin to dismantle throughout the societal systems and cease to exist in the same way. It is helpful to prepare yourself now to know what it means to examine belief systems and clear out energy attachments to the 3D reality, as this preparation will make the transition to the disclosure timeline much easier to handle.

Releasing Ego Attachments to 3D Paradigm

As we move into the next phases of crumbling 3D paradigms, a major task for each individual is to release or surrender the emotional energy that the ego-personality has attached to material possessions and the necessity of living in the 3D social structures (Controller Pillars).  Humanity will be moving towards an increase in true humanitarian objectives which include a conscious orientation towards being in service to others as a primary lifestyle. This begins with the inner consciousness shift in which we are willing to release and clear obsolete 3D patterns of thought and embrace a lifestyle in which we dedicate ourselves to be in service to others.  The first practice of the natural law is unity consciousness and when we reflect on this law as a personal value system in our lifestyle, the miracles of God appear to help us achieve our objectives, which are the byproduct of our spiritual alignment.

The goal is not to create hardships or abandon everything in our lifestyle, but to examine personal belief systems and determine what is no longer necessary, to remove physical attachments so that you can be neutral whether you have something or do not have something. Paying attention to the things that the ego has generated strong attachments to is a gradual exercise of detaching mental and emotional dependence upon the 3D structures, cultural beliefs, materialism and the obsolete way of doing things in the 3D paradigm.

As we set conscious intention to release 3D attachments, reflect upon the things you need to clear from your life and that which your consciousness energy should stop supporting because its obsolete, wasteful or harmful. Be willing to identify and feel emotional connections made with egoic attachments and be willing to refocus and detach from the need to have those things, placing trust in your material needs being met and being grateful for what you do have in the moment. Basic tasks such as simplifying your lifestyle, refusing to engage with draining relationships, and clearing out clutter also supports releasing energy attachments connected to physical things.

This is the time to give some deeper contemplation and reflection upon what 3D belief systems you may have and how that influences personal value systems that inform how you orient yourself in the world. This will also be a helpful process which you can guide others through when their belief systems and lifestyle are being dismantled.

  • What are your personal beliefs around the Controller Pillars of 3D Society – Power Elite, Celebrity, Military, Governmental, Financial, Medical, Academic, Religious and Media?
  • How have these 3D systems perpetuated crimes against humanity, avoided any accountability and continually promoted survival consciousness and consumptive modeling?
  • What are your personal beliefs regarding Christmas, Passover, Halloween, Thanksgiving or other holidays celebrated in the culture you live in?
  • What are your personal beliefs regarding pornography, sexual consent, drinking, smoking, gambling, legalized addictions and harmful recreations that are normalized in 3D society?
  • What does it mean to hold reverence for all living things on the Earth, to stand up and protect human rights through free speech, individual expression, personal autonomy and self-sovereignty for all human beings?
  • Can individualism and unique soul expression be made possible within a Service to Others humanitarian culture that supports the entire collective human race?
  • Do you hold beliefs that give certain individuals or groups status rank or superiority over others? Why is that dangerous?
  • Are you prepared to release 3D ego attachments to the 3D paradigm and be willing to live without certain beliefs, people, groups or societal institutions?
  • What current belief systems exist in the human culture that could easily transition to become fully congruent with unity consciousness and world humanism?
  • As you consider the belief systems connecting you to the 3D paradigm, think how you would feel if suddenly that 3D system or pillar of society just did not exist any longer. How you would feel about that? Are you able to get into neutral and let all of it go, as the divinity existing inside you would have it be?

To more deeply meditate on releasing egoic attachments and resetting them back to neutral, we would hold the contrast of comprehending what it would feel like if you stopped a certain belief system or pattern in your lifestyle, by thinking about how much that would change your life. As you imagine your life and the world without that belief system or institution, feel how much energy you may have connected or attached to that belief system, the 3D cultural aspects and the organization it may represent. Such as what would life be like if my family and I did not go to the hospital or doctor any longer as a standard of medical or health care? Can I let that go knowing that I can be healthy with natural immunity and learn alternative methods to take good care of myself?

The goal on examining personal beliefs is to help your mental and emotional body release strong attachments based on fear or wrong thinking, and instead find inner spiritual connection and neutral association that allows a surrendering release to what it is to be without the need to exert control over anything. When you unplug from the 3D paradigm your personality no longer needs that belief system and the energy around that system ceases to have control over you.

The shifting architecture will continue to increase energetic support for building organizations for truly ethical humanitarian objectives and being in service to others, while systematically dismantling belief systems and the 3D institutions which generate division, inequality and rank based on elitism, fame, social status, physical attributes and classifications which infer superiority over others.  Every individual has the right to exist and no person has the right to take the life of another, or force others to damage the energetic integrity of their physical being or damage their right to live as they see fit when it does not harm others.  

Embodying Divinity

For those of us on the ascension path for many years, the time is coming for us to practically demonstrate all we have learned and developed in order to practice our divinity and Krystic principles with others. This means to behave in and emanate the attributes of unconditional love, compassion and empathy in all aspects of our lives, and be able to help others through this painful transition without judging them. This challenging phase of awakening and disclosure will stretch our compassionate communication skills and test our personal mastery in expressing our divinity by how we choose to interact with difficult people, argumentative people, people in great pain or illness, and those that may say hurtful things.

As we choose to be the embodiment of our innate divinity, we demonstrate heart-based qualities of compassion, loving kindness and the ethical virtues of the spirits of Christos. With all that is coming to be revealed, is it possible to not react emotionally and avoid judging or criticizing others for their beliefs or the choices they made which will be known to have created grave harm? Many will realize the mistakes they have made and be grappling with immense emotional pain as the result of consequences to their actions. The highest possible state of unconditional love, compassion and empathy is desperately needed to help humanity heal, and it will be many of us in the spiritual community that will help guide many broken hearts through very troubling times.

Developing the qualities of self-love and reverence for life are more important than ever, as it directly reflects how much of a loving force we can be in this world. A world that needs love so desperately in order to spiritually heal. Please consider that despite the mind control used to carry out incredibly harmful actions that are made in dark ignorance, that all beings have an intrinsic worth and value. The current conditions in which we find ourselves in global crisis will not be solved through the same consciousness levels that form judgmental perceptions in the state of 3D negative ego. May we cultivate self-love so that we can increase our reverence for all living things which are a part of this creation to help heal this world and protect the innocent life, the children on this planet. Have compassion, love and honor to respect your inner spirit, the divinity which lives inside of you, and be true to your divine purpose on the path of awakening while allowing the truth to reveal itself. As you increase self-love and self-respect, you will increase the capacity for sending a loving kindness transmission to all those who are suffering and need to experience this situation in order to awaken and remember the true love that is God.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and to each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart,

Lisa Renee

~via EnergeticSynthesis.comShifting Timelines Newsletter – April 20, 2024

PAUL A. PHILIPS: “10 Signs of Our Global Awakening!”

Empowerment, planetary awakening, self help, mass consciousness, enlightenment, new paradigm, Ascension, Paul A Philips, the shift, truth vibrations

Since time immemorial, under the ruling thumb of the world’s dark overlords, humanity has been hacked, stymied, suppressed and coerced into submission through mind controlling, soul destroying atrocity…

-Those unable to see that just about every subject under the sun is a deception and how their family and friends are affected don’t realize the extent to which the dark overlords have us snugly stitched up.

However, alternative media sources tell us that people are awakening exponentially to the realization that they’re being stitched up and in the swathe of these awakened souls more and more are playing their dutiful part in enlightening others.

So here are 10 signs of our global mass awakening.

1. Monsanto’s earnings plummeted by 34%

The earnings drop in the biotech company’s 1st fiscal quarter suggests a growing public disdain for their GM seeds as more and more people realize the dangers of GMO and its glyphosate herbicide.

Marches against Monsanto have intensified and don’t look like cooling down… More and more realize that Monsanto are out to patent, own and control every seed in the world. This threatens the destruction and diversity of every natural God-given seed…

2. Increasing health awareness

Although still very popular people’s awareness of the dangers of fast food has increased, as indicated by recent erratic share prices in some of the major fast food corporations who’ve had to pull out all marketing stops to claw back on fallen share prices…

In line with 1, reports indicate that last year people have shown more interest than ever in organic non-GMO healthier food options. Besides how these choices affect health, people’s increased interest and awareness has extended into concerns over the environment, animals and the workers involved in food production.

3. More Americans break away from the Republican-Democrat 2-party system

In recent years more and more people have turned away from identifying themselves with the Democrat-or-Republican duopoly. A recent Gallop poll showed that last year only 29% claimed to be Democrats while 26% were Republicans with a 42% break away from the 2-party system calling themselves ‘independents.’

Another Gallop poll also reflecting recent years showed that exasperation with their government was the number 1 grievance pressing the US populace. A concern about the ubiquitous economy was at the top of the list…

The 2016 election campaigning ramps up but only with a lukewarm response for the Republican-Democrat 2-party system… Could the 42% ‘silent majority’ independents produce the beginning of a paradigm shift in US politics with their votes?

Perhaps the ‘silent majority’ see right through the voting deception knowing that choosing Republican or Democrat not only changes nothing but also means casting a vote for the New World Order totalitarian agenda.

4. The fall and further fall of the mainstream media   

The world’s dark overlords controlling the mainstream media to manipulate our consensus reality is breaking down as more of us become distrusting, no longer buying into its spin. A number of reports confirm a continuing slump in sales threatening the very existence of some large mainstream media outlets. –Well, good riddance to these dinosaurs I say!

5. Increasing recognition of disinformation

People are increasingly seeing right through those various media sources with their dogmatic unhealthy sceptics, shills, trolls, pseudo-debunkers, controlled opposition agents, biasing, filtering and in-your-face lies…  intended to sell you the spin of disinformation to keep you ignorant, deceived and helplessly anesthetized in the matrix controlling system…

6. Increasing support for alternative/independent and social media

The explosive interest in alternative/independent and social media outlet has not only changed our views but also continues to redefine journalism and how news is presented. How this is redefining media is subject for another piece. -Simple to say we’re in a golden age of alternative/independent and social media which has indeed contributed greatly to our global awakening.


7. Changing viewpoint towards the ‘Conspiracy theorist’

Another blatant indicator confirming our awakening is a change in how the term ‘Conspiracy theorist’ is now generally viewed.

Used frequently over the years in mainstream media the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was invented in the 60’s by the CIA (Crooks In Action). It has been used as a cover up; to discredit those aware of the facts on how the dark overlords and their associates’ have been involved in criminal activity…

No longer generally viewed as a label to slap on crazy kooks believing Richard Nixon was a werewolf… etc… Conspiracy theory has become more generally viewed as either conspiracy fact or at least something worth investigating rather than flatly dismissing.


8. Increasing attempts to shut us up

Our global mass awakening has got the dark overlords greatly concerned as they question the effectiveness of their control systems over us. How can they deal with our awakening in growing overwhelming numbers?

Desperately, in cahoots with their associates, they’re throwing everything at us ranging from the grossly suppressive, the extremely petty, the violent and the ridiculous.., to try to shut us up and deny our self-expression, keep us mentally, spiritually and physically enslaved in the matrix controlling system.


9. Awakening through unknown/unforeseen processes

Our awakening goes beyond the specific and measurable: We cannot simply quantify our awakening: There are circumstances occurring on a spiritual level that go beyond our limited understanding. Such as, for example, claims have been made recently of energetic emissions from our galactic centre that could affect our spirituality and transform us…

10. Rise in meet local up groups

As already mentioned, the internet and social media has indeed been great for exchanging information to wake people up but what if these set ups become censored?

Further, large groups, virtual or real, run the risk of infiltration for dumbing down and deliberate disinformation. So the solution lies in the forming of local community based in-person groups to cultivate the resistance and humanity…

-This has been recognised as a solution and local meet up groups are growing. 

In conclusion

Will our mass awakening produce a turnaround, a world that makes a difference for everyone? A world where there’s no predators, no victims, no controlling hierarchical tree with just a few blood-sucking vampiric enslavers at the top ruling the numerous enslaved at the bottom… No more fight for self-sufficiency because that’s been achieved in the communities… etc

-It is up to us all to play our part







JEFF STREET (Divine Cosmos): “Moving Beyond Awakening Shock Syndrome”


One of the things that I’ve noticed that seems to happen to many people early in their spiritual awakening is they become hyper-aware of all the lies, manipulation, and control that’s been going on in our world, and they are shocked and appalled — and rightfully so.  Some people get so fixated on these unsettling revelations, so obsessively focused on them, that get themselves stuck in a state that is very counter-productive that I’ve dubbed “Awakening Shock Syndrome”.  Although awareness is good, fixation is not — here’s why and how we can move beyond it.

Disturbing Truths

There’s plenty of disturbing truths to get obsessed over — “conspiracy” theories abound on the internet and in our collective consciousness;  the Illuminati control agenda, 9/11 was an inside job, manufactured terrorism, chem-trails, the UFO/ET cover-up, and more.

And there appears to be more than a little truth to much of this.  It seems that a few very dark and self-serving people within our governments, banks, and corporations have been deceiving and manipulating us for their own economic and political gain for quite a while.  The truth of much of these so called “theories” appears to be fairly well supported if you are willing to keep an open mind and follow the trail of evidence presented by those who have studied it.

Of course, you won’t find much about this in the mainstream media because these channels are largely owned by the very people that are the perpetrators of said deceptions and manipulations.

Shocked and Angered

It’s a perfectly normal reaction to be deeply disturbed by these facts, even shocked and angered.  And many of us go through a phase of intently focusing on these injustices, spending a significant amount of time reading books and articles on these topics and passionately discussing them with our friends and family.

Our focus on this seems to be encouraged by more than a few websites that routinely feature somewhat sensational articles about these issues that encourage us to remain hyper-focused on them.  While these websites may be well intentioned, there may also be a bit of “fear sells” motivation going on here.

Fortunately, most of us move beyond this phase relatively quickly, choosing instead to focus on changing ourselves and envisioning and contributing to building a better world.

Sadly, others get stuck in this phase — a malady that I’ve dubbed, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, “Awakening Shock Syndrome”.  These people let themselves fester on the injustice of it all and often let their imagination carry them away with thoughts of how the controlling ones might be plotting further dastardly deeds, and worry about dire events coming to pass.

They’ll often talk incessantly and emphatically about these subjects, feeling compelled by the need to warn us.  They tend to focus on fighting and stopping all the bad things that are happening in the world, yet they often have very little constructive or positive to say.  They seem to like to complain and blame and are hyper-focused on the evil doers and their evil ways.

Don’t get me wrong;  it’s good that we are waking up and becoming aware of the all the injustice running rampant in our world — but getting fixated on it isn’t good — or productive.  It’s distracting us from putting our full attention on envisioning and creating a better world.

Moving Beyond Focusing on the Problem

The people that get stuck in this phase lack the wisdom to realize that focusing on what’s wrong is, at best, an ineffective way to create change.  Focusing on problems rather than solutions and fighting the old rather than building the new is a well-known trap of thinking.

Anyone who understands and embraces the metaphysical laws and mechanics of reality creation — the Law of Attraction and more — know that what you focus on you attract and what you resist persists.  The very focus on the problem and the resistance against it potentially sustains the problem and takes focus and energy away from creating what we want — a better world.

This is why it is essential that we move beyond our shock and fixation on these disturbing truths and start envisioning the better world that we all know can exist.

We are creators and we attract the essence of our most predominant thoughts into our reality — that’s why one of the golden rules of manifestation is Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.

Sadly, there are some who are aware of the law of attraction and yet they still remain fixated on the problems of the world and their fears.

Transcending Victim Mentality

One of the things that keeps many anchored and fixated on the injustices that have been perpetrated on us is victim mentality.

Understand that nothing can come into your experience that you do not invite with your thoughts — this is the Law of Attraction.  Deeply understanding this means that you fully accept that you are RESPONSIBLE for everything that comes into your life whether you understand the reasons or not.

If we have been deceived and manipulated, we have ALLOWED it.  We allowed it by not being engaged in our political process, by not paying attention to what was important, and by not exercising discernment.  When you fully embrace your creatorship you take full responsibility for everything that comes into your life — no more blaming, no more complaining, no more focusing on the problem, no more focusing on what you don’t want — no more disempowering victim mentality!

By understanding your responsibility for everything that comes into your life you free yourself from the “blame game” and allow yourself to step into your true power and sovereignty.

Focusing on the Solution

“Focus on solutions, not problems” is a timeless pearl of wisdom and is true regardless of whether you believe in the strictly rational view of the nature of reality, or you embrace the idea that reality is a creation of our thoughts.

The fact that we are awakening and becoming aware of the many injustices in our world is good because only with awareness is change possible.  And there’s nothing wrong with being disturbed by these things, but instead of getting fixated on them let’s use our awareness to motivate us to create a clear vision of the world as we would like it to be.  Let’s use our understanding of what has happened in the PAST to help us formulate our vision of the FUTURE — and then let’s focus on that with all our hearts and minds.

Let’s envision a wonderful future and think about it, talk about it, and do whatever we can to contribute to building it.  Do anything, however small.  It might only be sharing your vision with others, or it might be donating money or volunteering time to your favorite humanitarian or progressive projects and organizations.  Learn about, share information about, and get involved in the new paradigms of the future;  sharing economy, conscious capitalism, food independence, contribtionism, the clean/green energy movement, and so many more. Do whatever you can and whatever interests you!

The path to a better world has little to do with worrying about the injustices of the past or fighting the old and it’s all about inner spiritual growth and focusing on envisioning and building the new.

Focusing on Solutions but Still Holding a Grudge

Many move beyond the “awakening shock” phase and begin to focus on envisioning and creating a better world.  Yet few let go of the need to fear and condemn the dark ones that have strived to control us for their own gain.

A few enlightened people choose to change their perspective and see the dark ones not as evil or bad but merely as LOST SOULS, and they completely release their judgments towards them.  They understand that, on the long and winding journey of our souls, we’ve all been lost to varying degrees, and we’ve all explored the dark side at one time or another in our many lives.  They understand that we all find our way back to light eventually, and so they chose to send unconditional forgiveness and love to the lost ones and invite them to join us in the light and in creating a wonderful new world for all.

And this doesn’t just apply to the few dark ones who have tried to dominate us.  It also applies to all those who have gotten caught up in the fear and darkness — just more LOST SOULS on the long and winding road back to the light.

Unconditionally Forgiving and Loving the Lost Ones

It is very challenging for some to embrace unconditional forgiveness and love.  For many the idea of unconditional forgiveness and love makes no rational sense at all and seems like a recipe to get taken advantage of.  And from the purely rational perspective, this is a very reasonable response.

But our rational perspective was formulated based on our observations of the surface layers of the grand illusion that we are a part of, and in ignorance of the wider and deeper reality.

Remember, that the dark ones have souls just like us.  We all joined the earth game to experience separation from our divine source, to see what that would be like and what it could teach us.  The dark ones are merely lost souls — souls that have lost the connection with their divine source and cannot feel the love and light that is deep within them. We have all been lost in the game for some time now and to varying degrees.  Holding fear or resentment towards others serves no useful purpose — in fact, it is counter-productive.

Holding on to fear, resentment, and condemnation is an energy that does not serve the highest good for yourself or anyone else. It also delays you from taking full responsibility for your experiences and fully stepping into your power and sovereignty.  Releasing our resentments and unconditionally forgiving and loving everyone has the power to transform our world if we’d only give it a chance.

A Prayer for the Dark Ones

Here’s a prayer that I use to help me release any resentment or judgement of the dark ones and to extend love and light to them in the hope that they will join us as we move forward in creating a wonderful new era of humanity.

To all those on Earth that have been playing the domination game, I say Bravo! You have played your game with skill and cunning.  You nearly controlled our entire world. You have demonstrated your prowess at deception, manipulation, and control, and I salute you!

But now your game is over, and it is time to play a new game — the “cooperation” game.  This game is far more challenging and rewarding than your domination game, and its goal is not to create wealth and power for a few but to create abundance, prosperity, and happiness for all.

We invite you to come play this new game with us.  All we ask is that you open your hearts and embrace all the love and light the we are sending you.  It is in this spirit that we welcome you with open arms to join us in the challenge and the rewards of creating “Heaven on Earth” — a world where EVERYONE is prosperous and happy.

And to those that have played this domination game so deftly I say “thank you.”  Thank you for teaching us a great lesson that we will never forget.  An invaluable lesson about trusting ourselves, about being discerning, and about not giving away our power. And perhaps the greatest gift that this experience has provided us is the complete clarity that we now have about what we want to be, and the kind of world we want to live in and intend to create.

Love and light,


Jeff “El Jefe”

PHILLIP J. WATT: “A Test To See How Brainwashed You Are”

Sunthetic Brain AI Robot

This test will ascertain if you’re one of the many people who are perfectly designed robots of the system.

Unfortunately, most individuals have no clue about how reality works and are instead engaged in fruitless fighting against each other. How are we meant to wake these people up to the actual reality they live in before we sink into complete totalitarianism?

The first step is to encourage ourselves and others to ask the following questions. If you answer yes to them, you’ve been brainwashed by the status quo. Don’t believe me though; get your serious research on by, you know, reading books, watching documentaries and following the plethora of brilliant social commentators in the alternative media who are handing the people their freedom on a silver platter.

So, do you believe that:

1. Conspiracies are bullshit and that there’s no way information is being hidden from you?

2. Those at the tippy top of the power pyramid have your best interests and the earth’s best interests at heart?

3. Politicians are at the tip of this power structure?

4. Our governments are operating independently of this shadow structure?

5. Free trade agreements such as the TPP and TTIP are in the best interests of the people and not corporations?

6. Law equals ethics?

7. Personal freedom is fundamental to our legal systems?

8. Democracy is in a healthy state and therefore there’s no need for electoral and legal reform?

9. Politicians, academics, journalists and scientists are not compartmentalized and therefore can see the big picture of how the system works?

10. The mainstream media provides cutting edge information in an unbiased way that will reflect to you the truth about what’s happening in our world?

11. You’re going to find the absolute, no holds barred truth, via the TV?

12. The system is the way it is because that’s the only way it could work?

13. Pre-existing money is loaned by banks, not freshly created by them out of thin air?

14. We need private banking organizations to make money out of nothing for us and make squillions of dollars for the privilege?

15. A genuine people’s central bank will create hyperinflation and initiate the end of the world?

16. Money will always be necessary and that it is not a tool of enslavement?

17. The widespread suffering across our planet is not the result of the economic system, but the result of natural forces?

18. Adding toxins to our food, water, air and medicine is good for our health?

19. The pharmaceutical-medico complex truly wants to create cures, not customers?

20. They’re not using the same tactics as the tobacco industry once did?

21. They’re trying really hard to find cures for diseases, such as cancer, and that there’s absolutely no way they would suppress any such cures?

22. When near bottomless pits of money is involved in scientific ‘research’, results are not skewed to advantage the corporations funding it?

23 Natural therapies – such as meditation, herbal medicines and basic nutrition – are pseudoscience woo-woo?

24. Reality is only made of ‘matter’, consciousness is its byproduct, and you are not a powerful mind of interconnected consciousness who is comprised of both magic and madness?

25. The war-on-drugs has been intelligent and ethical, as well as successful?

26. This policy has not resulted with massively adverse impacts on society, such as increased addiction, imprisonment and criminal activity, as well as been appropriately respectful towards our natural right to explore our own consciousness?

27. The education system is genuinely designed to create little creatures of self-discovery, health, civil service and personal freedom?

28. The wars in our world have not been purposely orchestrated for more power and money?

29. Your enemy is someone in the 99.9%?

30. Or do you believe that you need to unite with your fellow man, no matter the small or large differences you may have, and work together to undermine the self-serving sickos and the system they’ve purposely designed at our collective expense?

If you answered yes to the last question, you get two thumbs up! If you’re still overwhelmed by answering yes to the previous questions, then you’ve got some study to do. If so, you know that ‘crazy’ friend that you’ve got on Facebook who keeps sharing stuff that you think is ‘crazy’?

Yeah, you might want to contact them to ask what the fuck is going on.

Much love, Phil.

About the Author

Phillip J. Watt lives in Australia. His written work deals with topics from ideology to society, as well as self-development. Follow him on Facebook or visit his website.


ZACHARY K HUBBARD: “PSYOP – Dallas Police Shooting Hoax Decoded: Micah X, Hughes Bros, Joe Walsh & President Obama”

Published on Jul 9, 2016

“This video shows how the Dallas police shooting is a psychological operations, waged by the U.S. Government, U.S. Military and Dallas Police Department, in cooperation with Mayor Mike Rawlings & the Governor’s office. Learn more about this manufactured propaganda event, made for agenda purposes, by reading and watching the links below. Thank you for your likes, shares and subscriptions.” ~Zachary K Hubbard

Psychological Operations Program-…
Rep Joe Walsh and the ’44’ Coe-…
How ‘Micah X’ was created-…
‘This is not just a black issue’-…
Beyonce and the ‘Race War’-…
August 22, 2016-…
August 22, 2016 and Illuminati Card Game-…
Hughes Brothers-…
St. Louis and Georgia Police Shootings-…
5 VicSim Officers-…

Jeff Young’s Music Without Boundaries-…

Watch earlier YOUTUBE videos here:
How to Gematria-…
Race War PsyOp shootings, Summer of 2016-…


ZACHARY K HUBBARD: “July 7, 2016 Dallas Protest Shooting Hoax”

Published on Jul 8, 2016

“This video proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mayor Mike Rawlings and his Freemason cohorts are responsible for the July 7, 2016 shooting in Dallas, Texas as reported in the mainstream media.” ~Zachary K Hubbard

Mike Rawlings email:…
Mayor Mike Rawlings, 49 & the Dallas Shooting:…
Propaganda Coverage of the Dallas, TX Shooting Hoax, July 7:…
Louisiana Governor and Alton Sterling Shooting Hoax:…
Mark Dayton, Governor of Minnesota, and the Philando Castiel shooting hoax of July 6, 2016:…

YouTube, How to Gematria:…
Summer 2016 Shooting Hoaxes:…

CATHERINE FROMPOVICH: “Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?”

Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?

Ever since I began studying nutrition and holistic health sciences in the 1970s, I’ve been concerned about the irresponsible ways certain elements on the Periodic Table are used by science, technology, agriculture, food processing, and even medicine.

Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?

Recent revelations of toxic heavy metals, e.g., lead in Flint, Michigan’s municipal water supply [1]—and others [2]; chemicals such as PFOAs and PFOSs in municipal and private wells polluted by the U.S. Naval Air Station in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania [3] and the chemical industry also contaminating numerous localities’ [9] underground water aquifers; plus exorbitant amounts of aluminum in Mount Shasta, California rain water [4] must be taken seriously by everyone, but most of all, by those responsible for manufacturing and spreading toxic pollution; by the ‘paper tiger’ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency—whom does EPA protect—polluters?; and, particularly, the do-nothing, heavily-lobbied U.S. Congress.

Most of the toxic heavy metal contamination usually and inadvertently occurs as a result of some technological ‘gift’ to humankind, or as an ingenious cost-cutting idea to balance a budget line item.

Flint’s water crisis came about from changing water systems to save money [5]! The U.S. Naval Air Station at Willow Grove sprayed firefighting foam [6]. Mount Shasta, California rain water contamination is the result from the federal government’s Solar Radiation Management project to deal with global warming aka “chemtrails” [7].

Incidentally, more underground wells and surface water contamination is yet to be found and/or scientifically identified from all the glyphosate and glufosinate spraying used in growing genetically engineered crops since the 1990s, or as pre-harvest crop “staging” [17] and desiccant processes several days before harvesting grains and legumes—yet another reason for eating an organically-grown, plant-based diet.

The bar chart below shows all deregulated crops, sized by the number of genetic varieties approved for each.

Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?

[Note that GMO Rapeseed also can be GMO canola!]

Another equally devastating contamination of water supplies is the hydraulic fracturing process to extract energy from shale sands commonly called “fracking” [8].  According to Wikipedia, Fracturing

Fluid is typically a slurry of water, proppant, and chemical additives. Additionally, gels, foams, and compressed gases, including nitrogen, carbon dioxide and air can be injected. Typically, 90% of the fluid is water and 9.5% is sand with chemical additives accounting to about 0.5%. However, fracturing fluids have been developed using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and propane in which water is unnecessary.  [8]

One of the ‘byproducts’ of fracking is water that burns!  How can you drink, cook and bathe in “fire” water?

Winter weather de-icing chemicals add their “two cents worth” to the contamination of the second-most-important and precious commodity of life, water!  Most commonly used ice melting chemicals are sodium chloride, calcium chloride and magnesium chloride, which pollute streams that run into rivers that feed municipal water supplies.

The foremost “life-giver” is air with oxygen and other gases [18], now so terribly horribly contaminated that it’s not fit to breathe by man, mouse, or any mammal!  Whom do we have to thank for that?  Technology?

If that’s not enough, consider all the heavy duty, caustic chemicals we pour down the kitchen sink and other drains to unclog them.  In most cases, humans downstream from sewage processing plants or rivers drink those polluted waters, which are “treated” further by municipal water treatment plants [10] with flocking agents like aluminum, etc. and other chemicals (including fluoride) to “clean”—or shall I say—add more chemicals to deliver ‘potable’ water!


How about all the prescription drugs that are disposed of by flushing down the toilet? [11] Inadvertently, consumers drink more prescription drugs in their municipal water than we may realize! [12, 13]

On top of all the above, we must include innumerable herbicides we spray on our lovely green lawns! Where do those chemicals go?  Answer: Into the earth to ‘feed’ grass roots, but also finally wind up in underground aquifers [14].

It reminds me of the line from the poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: “Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop [fit] to drink.” [20]

There probably are some sources of water contamination I omitted, but let’s move on to other contaminants such as toxic metals in pharmaceuticals, especially vaccines: aluminum [19, 20] in four formulations, ethylmercury in the form of Thimerosal, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 and a laundry list of toxic chemicals [15] including colors and dyes, antibiotics, detergent, foreign DNA, animal products, mycoplasmas, and human diploid cells (aborted fetal cell lines).  Here’s a short crash course video on what mycoplasmas do in the human body.

Many cosmetics and ‘beauty’ products like lipstick contain lead [16]!

Many cosmetics and ‘beauty’ products like lipstick contain lead


How about all the toxic chemicals, additives, preservatives, food colors, and other unknown ingredients like nanoparticles [16] that we don’t even know we eat!  Titanium dioxide!

Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?


All the above contribute to what I for many years have called “toxic body syndrome” that I discuss in my new book Eat to Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities, which will be available on within the next couple of weeks.

Instead of technology creating more health hazards, toxins and chemicals, shouldn’t technology, business and industry get their acts together and devise means and methods to clean up the mess they made of Planet Earth rather than trying to colonize Mars, which technology-savvy earthlings probably will contaminate too?



Image Credit

About the author: Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo: What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer: Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA: A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss: An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich coming in Summer 2016







ActivistPost ~via

DEJAN DAVCHEVSKI: “6 Secrets ‘They’ Don’t Want You to Know”


Even the dumbest person knows that the world is controlled by certain individuals. Some say they are the richest families, some say secret organizations with members posing as a president’s right hand, some even say aliens in disguise.

The truth is, no matter who, the 99% is controlled by the 1% and there are things that the 1% would be happy if the 99% never find out of. But, be that as it may, the Murphy ’s Law still stands even for those individuals who steer the wheel and as the law says “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”.

People with humanity still in their hearts leaked some information, people who see things as they really are revealed conspiracies, and some with a little logic still in the head discovered the truth hidden from the 99%. Here are some of the greatest secrets “They” don’t want you to know of:

6. They Control the Earth’s Environment

You have probably heard about the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). It is a project funded by The US Navy and The US Air Force and its cover is technology that can allow US military to communicate with its fleet of submarines through very long distances.

How this works? There is an instrument in HAARP called “Ionospheric Research Instrument” which is a facility that transmits high-power radio frequency directly into a limited area of the Ionosphere.

This instrument manipulates the Ionosphere, the place where free electrons exist, and has a potential to create radio waves that will manipulate the earth’s magnetic field. You get yourself a control of the earth’s magnetic field and you control the earth.

Even more frightening is the fact that HAARP has a potential to control emotions through wave frequencies and manipulate human minds. Who knows, maybe they are responsible for our sudden mood swings. Project HAARP was shut down in May 2013 — or was it?

5. Tap Water Makes You Poor

There is absolutely no need for fluoride in tap water, well for us, but for the ones who want to control the world and make sure no one rises above them, fluoride in tap water is essential element. Why? Let me explain a little bit.

Fluoridation was recommended by Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud. Mind manipulation is written all over their foreheads.

Fluoride is a chemical that has an effect on the Pineal Gland of our brain, some call it “The Third Eye”. This gland is responsible for majority of our emotions, as well as our serotonin and melatonin level.

Fluoride damages this gland and promotes apathy, depression, and low vibrations. This results in lack of motivation, bad health and boredom. To survive in the world today we must earn money to buy the necessary things like food, water, shelter, medicine.

Instead of following our dream and escaping the system, we are depressed and unmotivated which forces us to work for someone just so we can survive. These 2 forces, the survival instinct and apathy, limit us to follow the system and never rise above it.

We are scared for our survival but unmotivated to go our own way, so we let others lead our whiny ass to safety. Their safety. Just like sheep in the herd.

4. Chemtrails Spray Us With Fluoride

When you look up in the sky and say look a con trail you may be wrong, it may be a chemtrail. Don’t worry, it’s nothing, it’s just some guys spraying you with Aluminum, Arsenic, Barium, Boron, and yes Fluoride. Why? Because you ask too much. Now shut up and keep doing what “They” tell you.

Fluoride is now also being added to almost every food product made with water. Fluoride is also in insecticides and other poison products, toothpaste, mouthwash, and many psychotropic medicines, and if we are good we may even get houses made of fluoride, yay!

3. GMOs Are Destroying All Humanity

Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology. This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.

In other words GMO is taking God’s dice in our own hands. It is the greatest disbalance nature has ever seen.

The Universe has one divine rule and that is that whatever happens it must always keep balance, every action has its own opposite reaction. We make disbalance to nature, but as we know The Universe will always find balance, so our action will result in conflict between us and nature.

The dumbest man knows that we come from Nature and the conflict will be between ourselves resulting in us becoming something else that is not Nature or our extinction, because let’s face it, we cannot go on the opposite side of the scale with such force and expect balance.

2. Sacred Geometry is The Language of The Universe and Beauty

What is Beauty? Victoria’s Secret Angels, I know, but what is the definition of beauty? The combination of elements like shape, color, size that pleases the sense of sight. But, we know that music has a beauty too, smell also, so if you ask me I would say that beauty is a harmony between elements and forces.

Sacred geometry is found where elements meet The Golden Ratio (1.618033989…) and it exists through all The Universe between gravity of planets, Nature, design of flowers, shape of animals, proportions of land, crop circles, it also exists in many manmade objects or famous arts like the works of Leonardo DaVinci, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, Greek and Roman architecture…

Almost everything we find harmonious, beautiful, and with that x-factor we cannot explain has The Golden Ratio shinning through it.

Why is this kept a secret? Well, it’s like a magic show. We find magic in things with The Golden Ratio but we don’t know why or how. The magician knows the trick and in order to manipulate the audience nobody else is allowed to know how it’s done.

1. Music Makes You Competitive

Do you know that in 1955 the International Standardization Organization made 440 Hz a general tuning standard for musical pitch? Before that was 432 Hz.

As you may know sounds have the biggest impact in our thinking. 432 Hz makes the sound of music more harmonious, calm, promotes happiness and deep understanding, passion. 440 Hz is more energetic, faster, it is almost like racing.

It is more competitive and focusing on the details, the understanding of the things we can see. So why would someone and most importantly how, decides that 440 Hz is better than 432 Hz?

Because music touches us where nothing else can, where the essence of our Emotional Being is, and if you control what emotions/thoughts the music promotes, than your work of controlling the world is 99% done.

“They” don’t want people to understand Our True Nature and Our Higher Self. They want us to be in a hurry, to believe only what we see and be competitive about material things.

This way the 99% will live in the reality the 1% will create for them. This whole article is about that, the purpose of the 1% is to shape the reality of the 99% and through various of things “They” have accomplished that, and “They” are damn good in keeping the control.

Dejan Davchevski is an International Marketing Manager, though his passion is sharing a way of living that he calls ‘The Code Of Life.’ He discovered ‘the code’ while he was in a dark period of his life and it helped him recover. You can contact Dejan on his Facebook page or website.


KEE ZODI: “The Power of the Pineal Gland and How It’s Being Suppressed”


The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.

The Secret : What they don’t want you to KNOW!

Every human being’s Pineal Gland or The third eye can be activated to spiritual world frequencies and enables you to have the sense of all knowing, godlike euphoria and oneness all around you. A pineal gland once tuned into to proper frequencies with help of meditation, yoga or various esoteric, occult methods, enables a person to travel into other dimensions, popularly known as astral travel or astral projection or remote viewing.

With more advance practice and ancient methods it is also possible to control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world. Yes, it is bizarre, but the United States, former Soviet Union governments and various shadow organization have been doing this type of research for ages and have succeed far beyond our imagination.

Pineal Gland is represented in Catholicism in Rome; they depict the pineal as a pine cone in art. The ancient societies like the Egyptians and the Romans knew the benefits and exemplified this in their vast symbologies with a symbol of an eye.

Pineal Gland reference is also in back of the U.S. dollar bill with what is called the ‘all seeing eye’, which is a reference to the ability of an individual (or group of individuals) to use this gland and go to the other side (spiritual world) and possibly control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world by knowing what they are thinking at all times in our physical world.

Various research being conducted so far confirms that there are certain periods in the night, between the hours of one and four in the morning where chemicals are released in the brain that bring about feelings of connectedness to one’s higher source.

The Conspiracy : How they are Killing your Pineal Gland

In the late 90′s, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke carries out the first study the effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. The pineal gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body, even bones.

Pineal gland is like a magnet to sodium fluoride. This calcifies the gland and makes it no longer effective in balancing the entire hormonal processes through the body.


Various Researches every since have proved Sodium Fluoride goes to the most important gland in the brain? It’s the only thing that attacks the most important center of our gland in the brain. It’s prevalent in foods, beverages and in our bath and drinking water. Sodium Fluoride is put in 90% of the United States water supply. Water filters you buy in supermarkets do not take the fluoride out. Only reverse osmosis or water distillation. The cheapest way is to buy a water distiller.

Sodium Fluoride is in our water supply, food, Pepsi, Coke, to dumb down the masses, literally!.  The fluoride was introduced into the water by the Nazis and the Russians in their concentration camps to make the camp population docile and do not question authority.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I believe that if you take away the seat of the soul, this disconnects our oneness with our god and power of our source our spirituality and turn us into a mundane slave of secret societies, shadow organizations and the control freak corporate world.




VOICE OF REASON: “Top Scientist Confirms Aluminum Poisoning Via Chemtrails Is Real”

Chem Trail

A renowned nuclear scientist has published a paper confirming that humans are being poisoned by traces of aluminum via chemtrails.

Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD says that there is evidence of a secret government geoengineering program, injecting stratospheric particles/aero soles into the atmosphere – endangering human health.

Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD., a nuclear chemist, geochemist, and cosmochemist – most noted for deducing the composition of the inner core of Earth as being nickel silicide, not partially crystallized nickel-iron metal – has published a groundbreaking paper in the peer-reviewed journal Current Science (Indian Academy of Sciences) titled “Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity: implications for India.” 

The paper goes on to discuss and cite publications which have detected heavy metals like aluminum, barium, strontium, and more in rainwater, fly ash, and more. For example, during the period between July 2011 and November 2012, 73 rainwater samples were collected and analyzed for aluminum and barium; 71 were collected from 60 different locations in Germany, 1 from France, and 1 from Austria.

Aluminum was detected in 77% of the rainwater samples, there was also a very high barium concentration and a very high Strontium concentration.

It also discusses how these concentrations of metals are not the result of natural phenomenon, like volcanic explosions, for example.

Chem Trail Real

Truth is, there seems to be a tremendous amount of information suggesting that these programs are indeed operational. Whether their intent is to modify the climate to combat the effects of global warming, or to further some other type of agenda, is still not clear.


Evidence Suggestng That These Programs Are Already Operational

Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD, couldn’t be any more correct if tried to be! There is no question that the government is involved in various forms of Geo-Engineering, and we know that, because different agencies have admitted as much. Unfortunately, in controversial matters like this, the United States Government can be compared to an iceberg of sorts. If they admit to doing one thing, then chances are that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what they’re REALLY into. So, it’s almost a certainty that there is a MUCH bigger,and more nefarious operation of some kind going on as well, they just haven’t been caught for that one… YET.

Newly surfaced documents add to an already sizable pile of evidence that the U.S. government has been manipulating the weather for many decades.

Just under 750 pages, the document from May of 1978 illustrates just how large the geoengineering, weather-modification cover-up really is.

The beginning of the document reads as follows:

Chem Trails

“The Federal Government has been involved for over 30 years in a number of aspects of weather modification, through activities of both the Congress and the executive branch.

“Since 1947, weather modification bills pertaining to research support, operations, policy studies, regulations, liabilities, activity reporting, establishment of panels and committees, and international concerns have been introduced in the Congress. 

“There have been hearings on many of these proposed measures, and oversight hearings have also been conducted on pertinent ongoing programs.”

Although the document clearly states that the Federal Government has been involved in activities that involve weather modification, the general public is still largely unaware that this is even going on. Many still adamantly oppose the idea that this is even possible.

If Congress has known about this since at least 1978, why is the public still so clueless about weather modification?

Beginning with his 1905 United States patent number 787,412, Nikola Tesla pioneered the use of a certain type of electromagnetic energy called extremely-low frequency (ELF). This is a specific type of energy known to be used in the New Manhattan Project; the other being very-low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic energy. If you’ve read the following three articles already, then you’ll know all about the nefarious nature of where this is all leading…


There is no question that the U.S. government is presently involved in various forms of Geo-Engineering around the world, and we know that because at different times, various government agencies have admitted to doing as much, contrary to what every pilot you know [less ONE maybe – You know who you are! BK] has to say on the issue of Chemtrails. How many times have you heard, “Well I’m a pilot, and I know for a fact there is no such thing as Chemtrails, only contrails, and you people are a bunch of tin foil hat wearing conspiracy loons…”



You don’t have to be a pilot to recognize whether a trail in the sky is or is not a Chemtrail any more than you need to be an ant to determine if a little grey pile of sand between sidewalk blocks with ants pouring out of it is an anthill. With all that said, unfortunately for “We the People,” is the fact that the United States government has a very lousy track record of being honest, so, whatever the government admits to doing, multiply that number times several factors of 10 to get the magnitude of what is really going on, and as for the motives, prepare to be horrified.


Other New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Agendas Revealed (Videos)

NASA Caught Red Handed On Tape Admitting To ChemTrails

The Chem Trail Conspiracy Is Very Real, and May Finally Kill Us All

ChemTrail Cover-Up Revealed in Lost 1978 Government Report

Chemtrails Exposed and Then Some on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

CIA Now Tampering With Earth’s Atmosphere

Chemtrail Poisons are Ruining Your Health from Above

Nanosized Aluminum Being Sprayed in the Atmosphere

Geoengineering (chemtrails) Shredding Ozone Layer Daily

Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-Manipulation



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Prepare to be Microchipped. This is Not a “Request”

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